Download - Whatsnew in-perl

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Perl’s Modern Features

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Dave Oswald

● Conferences Committee Chairman

● Software Engineer

● Platform & Infrastructure Engineering Manager

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A brief history of time...

Perl 1: December 1987Perl 2: June 1988Perl 3: October 1989Perl 4: March 1991Perl 5: October 1994

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Perl 5 vs Perl 6

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Perl 5 and Perl 6 are different languages with similar design philosophies.

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Perl 5 development and innovation will continue as Perl 5.x for the foreseeable future.

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Perl 5 Versions

● Ancient History– 5.001 (1995)

– 5.002 (1996)

– 5.003 (1996)

– 5.004 (1997)

– 5.005 (1998)

● Middle History– 5.6 (2000)

– 5.8 (2002)

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Stagnation in the Perl 5.8 era

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Perl 5 Versions

● Modern Perl– 5.10 (2007)

● 2008● 2009

– 5.12 (2010)

– 5.14 (2011)

– 5.16 (2012)

– 5.18 (2013)

● Middle (Dark) Ages– 5.6 (2000)

– 5.8 (2002)● 2003

● 2004

● 2005

● 2006

● 2007

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Annual Release Cycles Since 2010(Perl 5.12)

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Perl 5.26(2017)

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Filling in of the core ecosystem

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Core comparison

● Perl 5.000

– Core: 1MB (53 files)

– Libs: 250KB (76 files)

– Exts: 216KB (38 files)

– Tests: 154KB (92 files)

– Docs: 536KB (62 files)

– Total: 2.2MB (321 files)

● Perl 5.26.0

– Core: 9MB (121 files)

– Libs: 24MB (1200 files)

– Exts: 40MB (3017 files)

– Tests: 10MB (2614 files)

– Docs: 8MB (211 files)

– Total: 91MB (7163 files)

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Perl 5.6.x (2000)

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open FH, ‘>foo.txt’;

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open my $fh, ‘>’, ‘foo.txt’

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{ open my $fh, ‘<’, ‘foo.txt’; my @input = <$fh>;}

# $fh falls out of scope, filehandle closed.

Lexical Filehandles

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Three arg open

● Two-argument open exposes the shell.

open my $fh, “>$foo”

$foo = “/tmp/foo; rm -rf /”

● Three-argument open does not expose the shell.

open my $fh, ‘>’, $foo

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5.8.x (2002-2007)

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open my $fh, ‘>:utf8’, $file;

open my $fh, ‘<+’, \$memory;

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5.8.7(The minimum version anyone should ever use)

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Set up a for all of your perlbrew, plenv, and


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6 years

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5.10 (2007)

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The Renaissance of Perl

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This is the stuff you might have missed

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New Operators:


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$foo = $bar if ! $foo;

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$foo ||= $bar

$foo = $bar if ! $foo;

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$foo = $bar if ! defined $foo;

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$foo //= $bar;

$foo = $bar if ! defined $foo;

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$foo = ($bar) ? $bar : $baz;

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$foo = $bar || $baz;

$foo = ($bar) ? $bar : $baz;

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$foo = (defined $bar) ? $bar : $baz;

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$foo = $bar // $baz;

$foo = (defined $bar) ? $bar : $baz;

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(Too) Smartmatch


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print “Yes!” if 42 ~~ @array;

print “Yes” if grep {m/^42$/} @array

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Nearly all Perl operators are monomorphic, while data-types are polymorphic.

Smartmatch is polymorphic.

Combining polymorphic operators with polymorphic data is madness.

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23 Rules

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Smartmatch is deprecated in its current form.

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given / when

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given ($foo) {when (/^abc/) { $abc = 1; }when (/^def/) { $def = 1; }when (/^xyz/) { $xyz = 1; }default { $nothing = 1; }


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Perl’s version of a switch statement

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given / when uses smartmatch semantics

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We just said that smartmatch is madness.

...and that it’s deprecated.

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Perl doesn’t really need a switch statement

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given / when are deprecated in their current form

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print “Hello world\n”;

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say “Hello world”;

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use feature ‘say’;

say “Hello world”;

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perl -e ‘print “Hello world\n”’

perl -E ‘say “Hello world”;’

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use feature qw(say state);

feature Pragma

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feature Pragma

● say● state● switch● unicode_strings● unicode_eval● current_sub● array_base

● lexical_subs● postderef● postderef_qq● signatures● refaliasing● bitwise● declared_refs

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my $foo = 1;

sub count {

return $foo++;



say count(); # 1

say count(); # 2

say count(); # 3

sub count {

state $foo = 1;

return $foo++;


say count(); # 1

say count(); # 2

say count(); # 3

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Named Capture Buffers

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$string =~ m/a(b)c/;

say $1; # “b” if $string matched.

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$string =~ m/a(?<foo>b)c/;

say $+{foo}; # “b” if $string matched.

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Perl 5.12.x (2010)

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delete local

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our $foo = 10;{ local $foo = 20; say $foo; # 20}say $foo; # 10

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my %hash = (foo => 1, bar => 2);

{ local $hash{foo} = 4; say $hash{foo}; # 4}

say $hash{foo}; # 1

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my %hash = (foo => 1, bar => 2);

{ my $bar = delete local $hash{foo}; say $bar; # 1; say $hash{foo}; # undef}

say $hash{foo}; # 1

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● package Foo::Bar;

our $VERSION = 1.23;

● package Foo::Bar 1.23;

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Perl 5.14 (2011)

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/d, /l, /u, /a regexp flags

● Modifiers to alter regex Unicode vs ASCII semantics.

– enough said.

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Perl 5.16.x (2012)

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sub factorial { my ($x) = @_; return 1 if $x == 1; return($x * factorial($x - 1));};

say factorial(5);

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my $factorial = sub { my ($x) = @_; return 1 if $x == 1; return($x * __SUB__->($x - 1));};

say $factorial->(5);

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Perl 5.18.x (2013)

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Extended Bracketed Character Classes

(Set operations on character classes)

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/(?[ \p{Thai} & \p{Digit} ])/

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Lexical Subroutines

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sub foo { say “Goodbye world!” }

{ my sub foo { say “Hello world!” } foo(); # Hello world!}

foo(); # Goodbye world!

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perl 5.20.x (2014)

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**** Subroutine Signatures ****

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sub add { die "Too many arguments for subroutine" unless @_ <= 2; die "Too few arguments for subroutine" unless @_ >= 2;

my ($x, $y) = @_;

return $x + $y;}

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sub add ($x, $y) { return $x + $y;}

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sub greet ($name = ‘World’) { say “Hello $name!”;}

hello(); # Hello World!

hello(‘Dave’); # Hello Dave!

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sub greet { die "Too many arguments for subroutine" unless @_ <= 1; my $name = $_[0] // ‘World’;

say “Hello $name!”;}

greet(); # Hello World!

greet(‘Dave’); # Hello Dave!

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postfix dereferencing

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my @values = @{$args->{foo}->[0]}

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my @values = @{$args->{foo}->[0]}

my @values = $args->{foo}->[0]->@*

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my @values = $args->{foo}->[0]->@*

my @values = $args->{foo}[0]->@*

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(Non-destructive substitution)

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my $string = “Hello world!”;my $copy = $string;$copy =~ s/world/David/;

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my $string = “Hello world!”;

(my $copy = $string) =~ s/world/David/;

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my $string = “Hello world!”;

my $copy = $string =~ s/world/David/r;

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my $translaterated = $string =~ tr/a-f/A-F/r

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Perl 5.22 (2015)

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Double Diamond Operator

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while(<>) { chomp; say $_ * 2;}

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while(<<>>) { chomp; say $_ * 2;}

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./myscript ‘|rm -rf’

Diamond operator implicitly opens files named in @ARGV.

<> is like 2-arg open: Exposes the shell.

<<>> is like 3-arg open. Doesn’t expose the shell.

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perl 5.24.x (2016)

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perl 5.26.x (2017)

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Indented HERE docs

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sub foo { print <<’HERE’;Hello world.This is pretty ugly code formatting.HERE}

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sub foo { print <<~’HERE’; Hello world. This is much nicer formatting. HERE}

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m/ ([+-]) ([\da-f]+)/x

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m/ ([+-]) ([ \d a-f ]+)/xx

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. removed from @INC

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What’s the problem?

● Different versions of a module can load based on where a script is run from.

● The script’s behavior changes based on where we run it from.– From ~/ it may skip an optional dependency.

– From ~/scripts may find an optional dependency in @INC and load it.

● User-writable directories such as /tmp were unsafe as a working directory for running any script.

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As long as . is in @INC you cannot ever be sure when you run a script from a path that is writable

by anyone aside from yourself.

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You cannot ever be sure modules you are using don’t have optional dependencies.

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Steps to protect yourself

● Use Perl 5.26

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Perl 5.26 is the minimum Perl version anyone should ever use

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Impractical advice.

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Steps to protect yourself

● Use Perl 5.26● Set up a

– System, perlbrew, plenv, containers

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Steps to protect yourself

● Use Perl 5.26● Set up a

– System, perlbrew, plenv, containers

– Perl must be built with -Dusesitecustomize

– Check state usingperl -MConfig -E ‘say $Config{usesitecustomize}’

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Set up if your distribution doesn’t have one


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That’s all that has happened since Perl 5.6 in 2000?

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Hundreds... thousands of bug fixes, performance improvements, documentation enhancements,

and other features we don’t have time to discuss.

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Thousands of...

● Security Patches / Enhancements● Bug fixes● Performance Enhancements● Documentation Enhancements● New features● Unicode improvements● Etc.

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● Improved integer performance● Better hash key order randomization to inhibit

DOS attacks.● Many Unicode upgrades and improvements● fc (fold case)

● More module improvements than you can shake a stick at.

● Thousands of pages of added documentation.

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How do I know when feature X was added to Perl?

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How do I know when feature X was added to Perl?

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How do I know when feature X was added to Perl?

grep -rin 'signatures' $(find $(perl -E 'say for @INC') -name '*delta.pod')

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Encourage upgrades to modern Perl versions.

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Rather than upgrading “system Perl” use perlbrew or plenv.

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Object Orientation

package Foo

sub new {

my $class = shift;

return bless {@_}, $class;


sub name {

return $_[0]->{‘name’};


use Moo;

has name => (is => ro);

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Many wonderful Modules

● Try::Tiny

● Capture::Tiny

● List::MoreUtils

● Mojolicious

● Moose or Moo

● CPAN has over 20000 distributions.

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A concept is only valid in Perl if it can be expressed as a one-liner

$ perl -Mojo -E 'say g("")->dom("h1")->map("text")->join("\n")'

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Perl development is alive and well.

(Rumors to the contrary are grossly exaggerated)

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Modern Perl

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perldoc perldelta

perldoc perlhist
