Download - What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Page 1: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm Join us as we come together to celebrate all of our blessings.

Please join us for a special Thanksgiving service on the evening before Thanksgiving.

Following the service, there will be a Pie Social. Bring a pie to share!

If any ladies would like to help in the afternoon at 3:00 p.m. to set up for this, we could use your help. This is a great way to start the holiday weekend. See you there!

Also, remember that the Church will be closed for Thanksgiving and the day after.

What’s Inside

All Saints Sunday page 3

Adult Educationpage 5

How To Helppage 7

Craft Fair page 8

Giving Tree page 10

Neighborhood Gatheringpage 11 & 12

Bethesda Lutheran Evangel NOVEMBER 2017


At 2am on Sunday, November 5 (or the night before!), set your clocks back an hour! Otherwise you will arrive too early for church!

Page 2: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

From Your Pastoral Team


Bethesda Lutheran Church

October 31, 2017, marked the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the church door in Wittenburg, Germany. We are in the middle of a sermon series that is exploring the five “solas” of the reformation:

Prior Sundays: Solus Christus “Christ alone”: Jesus Christ alone is our Lord and Savior and…

Sola fide “faith alone”: We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.

November 5: Sola gratia “Grace alone”: We are saved by the grace of God alone.

November 12: Sola scriptura “Word alone”: The Bible alone is our highest authority.

November 19: Soli Deo gloria “to the Glory of God alone”: We live for the glory of God alone.

On November 26, which is the last Sunday of the church year known as “Christ the King” or “Reign of Christ” Sunday, we will return to the theme of Solus Christus “Christ alone”. Each week, our worship includes celebrating Holy Communion, which was the norm during Luther’s time. Our hope is that this focus on these tenets of the

Reformation will continue to shape our faith in the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation in our world today as well, in ways that the Holy Spirit will lead us.

The rose imagery is also being used as a guide to prayer, expressing our thanks, hopes, and hurts.

Prayer sheets are available in worship. If placed in the offering plate, your prayers will be lifted up at staff meeting on Tuesdays and at prayer group on Thursdays.

Our thanks to the Worship Arts Team for their assistance in planning this series.

Come and join in this historic celebration!

(Left: We want to thank Dick Brown for the beautiful Luther’s Rose that he built to accompany our Reformation Celebration. This is the completed picture but it is actually in 5 pieces that get added each week.)

Page 3: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


All Saints SundayREMEMBRANCE OF THE SAINTS November 5, 2017 Blessed be the holy Trinity, ☩ one God, the fountain of living water, the rock who gave us birth, our light and our salvation. Amen.

Joined to Christ in the waters of baptism, we are clothed with God's mercy and forgiveness.

Let us give thanks for the gift of baptism and especially for those baptized this past year:

Fawn ChozinskyNevaeh Gray Sadie Haworth Vanessa JacksonMagnus Klein Nora Klein Barrett SatherDestiny Parker Karleigh ParkerAllison Parker

We give you thanks, O God, that through water and the Holy Spirit you give us new birth, cleanse us from sin, and raise us to eternal life. Stir up in your people the gift of your Holy Spirit: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence both now and forever. Amen. When we were baptized in Christ Jesus, we were baptized into his death. We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death,so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live a new life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we

shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

Let us remember all the saints before God and especially those who died this past year:

We praise and bless you, O holy Trinity. You have taught your church that it is an ageless communion of saints. We thank you for gathering those who faithfully waited in hope for the redemption you promised, and now for adding us who celebrate the love of your Christ for the redemption of the world. Prepare a place for us among those who are already with you. Help us remember them as an encouragement to saintly living, exciting us to love, in anticipation of an eternal reunion.

Christ says, Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

And you will find rest for your souls. Amen.

Paul LauchHillary Kaldahl MaryEvelyn Kaldahl Carl Aage Jensen Don Gunderson Mary Vaughan Birgit SandHelena Kaldahl Betty LauchJoshua TellezDorothy Jean Turner Elsie Langford Joey PartainAshlynn MeltabargerLucille CrowellRoxanne Mead Edward SatherBarbara PalmerEdmond “Powell” Carpenter

Karyn PedersenAngelica Jolley Edith JonesDonna Ambrose Carolyn Hartman Scott Mortlock Karyl JensenNoble Powell Kurt Corey Gina Johnson Karen Peterson

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Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone4

11/4 Craft Fair benefiting Bethel Boutique 11/5 All Saints Day (Fall Back) 11/8 Worship at Solvang 11/11 Food Pantry 11/11 Reformation Book Club 11/11 Men’s Breakfast 11/12 Fair Trade Items Available 11/12 Return Operation Christmas Child Boxes 11/15 Mission Sewing Circle 11/16 Thursday Night Quilt Group 11/16 Lunch at Solvang with Pastor Sarah 11/17 Thanksgiving Feast & Music Neighborhood Gathering 11/18 Food Pantry 11/22 Thanksgiving Eve Service & Pie


PRESCHOOL UPDATE The month when we focus on counting our blessings is upon us and here at preschool we find our blessings to be numerous!

We are thankful for our 80 students who arrive cheerfully and full of sunshine each day. We are thankful for our staff of 6 beloved teachers who spend countless hours planning and implementing lessons meant to teach not only academics, but important life skills and building of character as well. We are thankful for our building which houses our school with lights that turn on and heat that warms us. We are thankful for “Mr. Bill” who keeps our classrooms shiny as well as our grounds safe. We are thankful for the front desk volunteers who answer the phones and field questions about preschool. We are most thankful for our Jesus and our faith which sustains, encourages, and never leaves us.

This month we will have a feast day in the parish hall when we will eat some Thanksgiving foods with friends from other classes and Pastor Tom will lead our prayer.

I pray your harvest this month is as rich as ours.

Many blessings,

Elizabeth Tigue, Director

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 7Calendar of Events - Get Full Calendar Online!

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Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone 5

Music & Martin Luther Sundays Upstairs at 9:45am A new adult education class is here.

What is music anyway? Who invented it? How has it evolved? How has it been used in worship over the centuries? How was Martin Luther exposed to music and then what was its impact on him and the Reformation church?

Let’s look at Luther as a composer. How has liturgy evolved from Biblical times to today? We will explore all these topics.

There will be lots of music, both recorded and live, provided by CD, DVD, The Bethmen and YOU (among others.)

Daytimers Thursdays at 11am Pastor Tom continues a class on “The Acts of the Apostles” sequel to the Gospel of Luke.

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone

Thurs. Spiritual Growth Night Through November 16, 6:30-8:00pm, upstairs. We are offering two options: ✴ Pastor Sarah is leading a DVD series, “Animate:

Bible” that explores the Bible in both introductory and eye-opening ways. Instead of “talking heads,” each video features a noted speaker with animated line-drawings that flesh out the content in creative and helpful ways.

✴ Pastor Tom is leading a Bible study on Leadership, looking at ways in which all of God’s people are called to lives of service and influence, and exploring biblical principles for leading faithfully.

Reformation Book Club Second Saturday at 9am in Pastor Tom’s office upstairs. For our Nov. 11 meeting, we will be reading through ch. 3 of “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Books are available from Pastor Tom for $10.

Church Planning Council Notes October, 2017

• CPC was unable to meet in October

• The next CPC meeting will be Tuesday, November 21 at 6:30pm in the Creation Room. Please contact President Laurel Horton by November 14 to add agenda items.

• The CPC has open seats for at-large members. Perhaps God is calling you to a new leadership role at Bethesda?


Page 6: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

How Luther Sparked the Reformation We have been celebrating the 500th anniversary of Luther’s posting of the 95 theses on the Wittenberg church door, October 31, 1517. At the time, Luther had no idea this would be the spark to light the reformation of the church. April 18, 1521 was a day of greater personal impact for Luther. At the Imperial Diet (assembly) in the city of Worms (“The Diet of Worms” makes for an easy joke with confirmation students!), Luther refused to go against Holy Scripture and conscience when asked to recant of his controversial writings. The following dialogue contains the climax of Luther’s witness before the emperor and papal representatives.

Johann Eck, general secretary of the bishop of Trier and speaker for the emperor: “Martin, you have answered more impudently than befits your person, and not to the point either…If you had recanted those [writings] which contain a large portion of your errors, no doubt his imperial majesty, in his innate clemency, would not have tolerated a persecution of the rest which are good. But now you revive those [errors] which the general Council of Constance, composed of the whole German nation, has condemned, and you wish to be refuted by means of Scripture. In this you are completely mad. For what purpose does it serve to raise a new dispute about matters condemned through so many centuries by church and council? Unless perhaps a reason must be given to just anyone about anything whatsoever. But if it were granted that whoever contradicts the councils and the common understanding of the church must be overcome by Scripture passages, we will have nothing in Christianity that is certain or decided. And for this reason his imperial majesty seeks from you an answer, simple and straightforward, either a no or a yes: Do you wish to regard all your works as catholic? Or do you wish to retract anything from them?”

Martin Luther: “Since then your serene majesty and your lordships seek a simple answer, I will give it in this manner, neither horned nor toothed: Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me, Amen.”

The following day, an imperial decree was read: “Our ancestors who were also Christian princes, were nevertheless obedient to the Roman church which Dr. Martin now attacks. And because he is determined to move not even a hair’s breadth from his errors, we are not able with propriety to depart from the example of our ancestors in defending the ancient faith, and giving aid to the Roman see. Therefore, we shall pursue Martin himself and his adherents with excommunication, and use other methods available for their liquidation.”

Martin Luther lived the remaining 25 years of his life as an outlaw of the empire, under penalty of death. Under the protection of some of the German nobility, Luther was able to continue to preach and write prolifically and to lead the burgeoning reformation of Christ’s church. Only their opponents referred to them as “Lutherans.”

Bethesda Lutheran Church


Page 7: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Food for Lane County We need volunteers to set-up and distribute food two times a month. Here is the fall schedule:

November 11 & 18

Set up is the day before at 12:00pm and distribution begins at 9:30am.

Pray For Our Missionaries Tim & Naomi Cowley, in Portland; Keith & Laura Jensen, overseas; Jerry & Kathy Liebersbach, Stateside & planning; Aaron, Liz and Mia Kalms, in Germany; Scot & Vicki McCracken, in Portland.

NOTE: The Jensens need clarity about their future as their cafe was shut down by the government.

Operation Christmas Child Pick up your box on Sunday.

Grab a friend, family member, or coworker and fill a box. Bring your filled boxes back by November 12th.

For questions or more details, contact Yvette Jernberg.

Coffee Hour If we ALL take a turn, it runs smoothly. If you aren't able to set up, serve and clean up, you can bring items to serve such as fruit, muffins, various breads, cheese & crackers etc. as they are always welcome. WE NEED YOU!

Feeding Hungry Children Our Little Sprouts program would welcome any size donation, so that the children in our area could focus more on being a kid, rather than worrying about where their next meal is coming from. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for this vital community ministry. If you have any questions, please talk to Kay Kirkpatrick or Pastor Sarah.

Need Plastic Bags We need clean plastic bags to use for Food for Lane County. We ALWAYS need these! Thank you.

Bethesda Cook Book We are creating a cook book of your favorite recipes as a fundraiser for Little Sprouts and Neighborhood Gatherings. Please submit your favorite dishes to the Office or email them to [email protected].

(Our first submission is on page 18!)

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


Page 8: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

120 pairs of shoes, 840 pairs of socks, and 840 underpants have walked out the door with children since the Bethel Boutique opened in August. Undy Sunday, Socktober, and the many bags of new and gently used clothing have generated a lot of smiles, hugs, and sincere thank you's from the 120 children we've served in the Bethel School District.

Immediate Needs:

• All sizes of Men's Boxer Briefs (no white)

• All sizes of Men's sweatshirts

• Boys (size 6-18) and Mens (S-XXL) knit sweat (jogging) pants.


Saturday, November 4 from 10am-3pm! This is a benefit for the Bethel Boutique!

15 vendors are busy creating handmade autumn decor, jewelry, “junk" journals, cards, knit hats, placemats, table runners, stained glass, seat belt covers, dog accessories, and much more! There will also be Pebernødder (spice cookies), Rugbrød (rye bread), and pecan pies. Baker Tom will be serving Maple Pecan Rolls and Almond Coffee Cake (which Paul Jorgensen has given a resounding thumbs up for both).

Questions? Contact Diana Renn.

FOUND MONEY Andrew Jackson’s face peeks at me through the fallen leaves. The $20 bill must have fallen out of someone’s pocket. On this dark, rainy morning, I was hesitant to pick it up because it wasn’t mine. But how could I find the rightful owner with no one else in the park? So I decided to pick it up and take it with me to church and donate it to the Bethel Boutique.

An hour later standing in the main entryway at church, Marjorie Jensen hands me $25 cash. Another Andrew Jackson and now Abraham Lincoln. Marjorie explained that this is her and Carl’s "Found Money." Money they find on the ground, or in the laundry or lying around the house, goes into their Found Money jar. They donate it to a worthy cause rather than keeping it for themselves. Pretty cool idea.

Twenty minutes later, Pastor Steve’s sermon on gratitude in giving got me thinking differently about loose change. Instead of complaining about these silly coins weighing down my coin purse, why not add them to the thank offering box I got from the Advent Breakfast? It’s been setting there all year and it’s not very full. So now when I see a coin on the sidewalk or a quarter on the floor of my car, I make sure to drop it in the box. Found Money to help someone else in need. Pretty cool!

Blessings, Diana Renn


Bethesda Lutheran Church

Page 9: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Give A Ride? Recognizing the need among us, we are looking into beginning a give-a-ride type program for those who are homebound in our Bethesda community.

This might include rides to doctors’ appointments, church or someplace similar. It would probably take an hour or two of your time and include some wonderful conversation with the wisest among us.

If you are feeling called to this type of ministry, please talk to Pastor Sarah. If there is enough interest, we will start making connections; thank you for considering this call!

Fair Trade Be sure to come sample our newest Fair Trade coffee - Sisters’ Blend. This Full City blend features beans from Nicaragua and Peru, and honors the work of women coffee farmers who are active in their cooperatives. Drip grind only.

Sisters’ Blend would make a great gift for the Bold Women in your lives!

All chocolate bars are back in stock. Stop by our display on Sunday, November 12 in the main entryway.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I wish we could have a Sunday for everyone. A time for you to feel loved and special; a time for you to hear words of kindness and gifts of encouragement. A time which makes the difficult moments more bearable and covers the painful ones with grace.

I simply cannot thank you all enough for all the gifts of prayers and compassion and appreciation. I’ve written your words on my heart to remind me when I forget and to strengthen me when doubts arise.

Thank you, my friends. Thank you. It is truly a joy and an honor to walk through this life with each and every one of you. Thank you.

In Grace, Sarah

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


Page 10: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Giving Tree This month, we’ll put up the giving tree and all of the tags for the 20 families we plan to sponsor. Here’s a list of what we’ll need so you can get a head start. Feel free to bring items by the church and mark them for the giving tree. Here’s what we need:

• Money earmarked for Giving Tree or sponsor a Vanco donation!

• Large family containers of:

• applesauce • chicken noodle soup and soda crackers • chili or stew • cold cereal • spaghetti and spaghetti sauce • pancake mix and syrup • jelly and peanut butter • flour and sugar • tuna and tuna helper • shampoo and conditioner • dish soap • hand soap • paper towels • toilet paper • toothbrushes and toothpaste.

• Gift cards for $100 to Winco

You can sponsor a family, we will do the shopping for you. Every family gets: presents for each child, a $100 gift card to Winco, and a huge box of food and hygiene products (plus a Christmas tree). The approximate cost for each family that has 2 children is $300.

If you can sponsor a family, we will leave them off the tree and purchase all the gifts for you. If you decide to do this, please write a card to the family and include your name if you wish.

Merry Christmas!

“Thank you so so much. I could not give my kids a Christmas without your help. I lost my job recently and have no support system. God Bless you for the generosity you’ve shown us. We will one day pass the same generosity on to others.”

Middle School Confirmation meets Wednesdays, 5:30 (optional fast food dinner), 6:30-8:00 class in Duck-Beaver Room.

Confirmation will not meet on November 22. You are encouraged to worship at our Thanksgiving Eve service at 7pm, followed by a pie social.

Sunday School meets at 9:45 in the Narnia room with Pastor Sarah.

High School Youth group meets Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 in Duck-Beaver Room.

Sunday School meets at 9:45 in the Duck-Beaver room with Doug and Susan Detels.

November 14 is mentor night! Bring your mentor! Don’t have one? Ask Pastor Tom for suggestions.

Pre-K and Elementary Ages Sunday School meets at 9:45 and is divided by grade.



Page 11: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Monthly Neighborhood Gathering November 17th, 2017 Our church has been FILLED every month for over a year with neighborhood families and friends. We have welcomed so many from our community and fed them and given them a night of safe family fun. Our volunteers have been Jesus to each of them. We have become a warm, welcoming place to families in our area and beyond.

Join us this month as we give thanks for the opportunity to serve in this way, for the opportunity to love on each other. Join us for tables filled with grateful faces in return. We will be serving turkeys and all the trimmings to hundreds!

Tommy Parker is once again putting together a concert for us. It will be fantastic!

We’ll start cooking & decorating early and start the feast at 6pm. Volunteer (on our website or talk to Stephanie in the church office) to help cook, serve, decorate, greet, assist kids with crafts, and love on our neighbors.

Please bring any of the following before that date that we can use:

• Stuffing fixings, Potatoes, Canned Yams • Cranberries (canned) and Green Beans • Rolls we can put in freezer and then bake • Money. We know how to spend it!

We will also need lots of cooked turkeys on the 17th! If you can donate one, let us know. And then of course we need lots of: PIE!!!!!!! and other treats that day. Fun right? You’re coming, right? You know we need you. Let’s do this!

A Story of Outreach This is a story of how “outreach” in our community can make a big difference. My mailman, Tom was on my route for about 20 years. We would chat often at my mailbox.

One day, I went out to greet him and I asked how he was doing! He said fine, then after some hesitation, Tom said, he wasn’t really doing good. He explained that his son, who was in his twenties, had brain cancer.

I asked if our prayer chain could pray for him. He said yes. The treatment worked but some years later, the cancer was back. Again, our church prayed and with more extensive treatment, he was fine.

Tom and his family were very grateful for our prayers. Then, about 3 or 4 years later, Tom told me they still had the yellow prayer sheet that said BLC was praying for their family on their refrigerator!!

This is what Christian Outreach can do!!

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


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Page 15: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Advent Brunch On December 2nd, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. our annual ADVENT BRUNCH will be happening and we want you to be involved. The theme for this year is “Share the Light of Christ”.

We will have about 15 tables to decorate so sign up for a table with a couple friends to carry out this theme. Just think how beautiful each table will be, glowing with candles, lights and your own ideas.

Table service will be provided and also table clothes. A sign-up sheet will be in the entry way starting November 5th so take a table and let's carry God's LIGHT in our hearts and pass it on to others!

Tickets go on sale in November.

Cooking Series Coming Soon! Want to learn to make Italian classics like Saffron Risotto, Homemade Butternut Squash Ravioli, or Decadent Tiramisu?

Or take a tour to Southeast Asia and learn traditional cooking methods of Thailand, Cambodia or Vietnam?

How about exploring the endless possibilities of Plant-Based, Whole Food cooking?

Dive in to Artisan Bread baking!

Join Chef Shelley Pappel on a culinary journey featuring delicious dishes that you can learn to make at home.

Beginners and home chefs alike will enjoy creating tasty meals and learning new skills.

If you are interested in attending a hands-on cooking class here in the Bethesda kitchen, please sign up in the entryway.

If there is enough interest we'll make it happen!

If you'd like to schedule a cooking class in your home for a ladies' night or a birthday party, call Chef Shelley at 541.579.0555. Minimum of 8 people.

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


Page 16: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

THANK YOU For making spooky treats.

For serving 800 pieces of pizza.

For organizing awesome events.

For being there at every funeral.

For organizing such important services to our community.

For shopping.

For donating.

For packing shoeboxes.

For praying.

For donating.

For volunteering.

For encouraging.

For leading.

For being Jesus to so many.

And then doing it again.

New Liturgy “Come and gather beneath the tree of life. Come and gather beneath the tree of life—root of wisdom, branch of peace, fruit of healing and release. Come and gather beneath the tree of life.”—Tree of Life by Marty Haugen Music is an important part of worship. The music can come from hymns, liturgy, or contemporary worship songs. I enjoy leading new music and I like to push myself to learn new music.

During the month of November, we will begin to learn a “new to us” liturgy for the 8:30 worship service. The liturgy is called “Tree of Life” and it was written by Marty Haugen (who also wrote Holden Evening Prayer) and Susan Briehl (who served as campus pastor at PLU and served as a co-director at Holden Village). As we have done in the past, we will introduce the liturgy slowly over several weeks until we finally have all of the liturgical pieces in place.

I remember back to the interviews with the call committee five years ago when we were considering a call to Bethesda and I remember being asked about liturgy and worship. And I remember “warning” the committee that we would learn new liturgies. The truth is that I get bored with singing the same liturgy over and over

again. A change helps me to focus back in on why we worship, who we worship, and how the liturgy shapes us as God’s people. This will be the fourth liturgy that we have learned over the last five years. And moving forward, we will be able to move between liturgies with the seasons of the church year.

I hope that you are excited as I am to learn a new liturgy in the coming month’s.

~ Pastor Steve


Bethesda Lutheran Church

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On Call If your name appears here, you may be called to volunteer during November. Bob & Jenny Zimmerman, (541) 543-0066

John & Pam Alf, (503) 989-9433

Alice Allen, (541) 654-0630

Dave & Glenda Andersen, (541) 344-9587

Jack & Carol Anderson, (541) 554-3707

Mark & Cindy Armstrong, (541) 688-3902

Katelyn Armstrong, (541) 913-1260

Carl & JoAnn Axling, (541) 689-0055

Don & Mim Baker, (541) 461-1685

Eli Barnes, (541) 461-3775

Ardith Behnke, (541) 729-8977

Recent Member Deaths A funeral service for Karen Peterson, who died on October 29th, will be held November 13th at 11am (10am viewing in Sanctuary).

Financials for September

Carl & JoAnn Axling 11/01/80

Casey & Lisa Mask 11/27/93

Arlinda & Matthew Painter 11/28/92

Doug & Hazel Wade 11/28/64

Marion Nelson 11/17

Dee Wandrus 11/20

Alfred Coburn 11/22

Doris Boylan 11/23

Louise Hanson 11/23

80 and Over Birthdays

Happy Anniversary

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping Anyone


Page 18: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Recipe: Wild Rice Chicken Casserole Prepare chicken. Rather than boiling it, put it in the oven with basil, oregano, and Italian seasoning then pour chicken broth over it. Bake until tender and dice.  

Prepare 1 package of Uncle Ben’s Wild Rice according to package. 

While it is cooking:  Saute 1/3 cup onion in 1/4 cup butter

Stir in:   1/3 c flour 1 cup half and half cream 1 cup chicken broth Salt and Pepper 

Stir until thickened. Optional: For color, add chopped pimento and parsley.

Add 2 cups diced cooked chicken and slivered almonds that have been toasted.

Put in a greased casserole and top with Panko crumbs.  

This can be made the day before and kept in refrigerator. It also freezes well.  

Bake at 400 for 30 minutes uncovered.


Bethesda Lutheran Church







Nov5,2017 Nov12,2017 Nov19,2017 Nov26,2017DaveAndersen(SoundTech) MilesBounds(FellowshipHosts) DaveDover(SoundTech) MaxineCoburn(PewStaighteners)

HeidiAnderson(PewStaighteners) JohnHenley(SoundTech) JanGibson(FellowshipHosts) PaulDammen(SoundTech)

DonBaker(CommunionAssistants) BarbaraHerzberg(WelcomeCommittee) GregHenley(HelpingHands,Ushers) JohanForrer(Ushers)

MaryCurran(FellowshipHosts) JerryHerzberg(WelcomeCommittee) SandiHenley(Ushers) ReneeForrer(Ushers)

GregHenley(HelpingHands,Ushers) MaryOberman(PewStaighteners) CarolLodl(FellowshipHosts) DonnaMiller(WelcomeCommittee)

SandiHenley(Ushers) MikeOberman(PewStaighteners) GalenNess(WelcomeCommittee) DaleRoxberg(WelcomeCommittee)

BarbaraHerzberg(WelcomeCommittee) DanetteOlsen(Ushers) KathyNess(WelcomeCommittee) CarlSexton(Ushers)

JerryHerzberg(WelcomeCommittee) MikeOlsen(Ushers) SuePainter(PewStaighteners) CarolSexton(Ushers)

KathyLiebersbach(CommunionAssistants) DaleRoxberg(HelpingHands,Ushers)





Nov5,2017 Nov12,2017 Nov19,2017 Nov26,2017CorrinaBilderback(Reader) JerettChozinski(WorshipTeam) JerettChozinski(WorshipTeam) JerettChozinski(WorshipTeam)

EstellaBitney(WorshipTeam) MarilynCooper(Ushers) VickiCoble(WorshipTeam) VickiCoble(WorshipTeam)

JerettChozinski(WorshipTeam) RonCooper(Ushers) DonnaDeForest(WelcomeCommittee) JanGibson(Greeters)

DougDetels(Ushers) EdEmberlin(WorshipTeam) DebiFarr(WorshipTeam) JohnGibson(Ushers)

SusanDetels(Ushers) JanGibson(Ushers) WendyGangwer(Ushers) KristaGoodrie(Ushers)

AngieLamie(WorshipTeam) JohnGibson(Ushers) BillGangwer(Ushers) AngieLamie(WorshipTeam)

CindyLittrell(CommunionAssistants) AngieLamie(WorshipTeam) AngieLamie(WorshipTeam) AnnetteMunger(SoundTech)

JanMorin(CommunionAssistants,SoundTech) CarolLodl(CommunionAssistants) TommyParker(WorshipTeam) TommyParker(WorshipTeam)

MaryOberman(Greeters) TerriMikkelsen(Greeters) DestinyParker(WorshipTeam) DestinyParker(WorshipTeam)

MikeOberman(Greeters) JanMorin(WelcomeCommittee) DannyParker(WorshipTeam) DannyParker(WorshipTeam)

CandiOutka(Ushers) AnnetteMunger(SoundTech) SteveSilver(WorshipTeam) DianeStuhr(WelcomeCommittee)

MikeOutka(Ushers) MaryOberman(CommunionAssistants) BethTassan(SoundTech) NolanSundberg(Ushers)

TommyParker(WorshipTeam) TommyParker(WorshipTeam)

DestinyParker(WorshipTeam) DestinyParker(WorshipTeam)

DannyParker(WorshipTeam) DannyParker(WorshipTeam)

KarenRaymond(CommunionAssistants) DianaRenn(CommunionAssistants,Reader)

DianeStuhr(WelcomeCommittee) SteveSilver(WorshipTeam)


Page 19: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation

Following the Risen One, Something for Everyone, Helping AnyoneN

ovember 2017






8:30 AM Traditional W

or-ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM




5:30 AM Step Cardio - Ex-

ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

110:00 AM

Naomi Circle

10:00 AM Rebekah Circle

10:00 AM Lydia Circle

5:30 PM Confirm

ation Din-ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



25:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study6:30 PM

Animate: Bible

Class (Pr. Sarah)6:30 PM

Leadership Class (Pr. Tom


39:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class

4BB Craft Fair

9:00 AM Bethel Boutique


58:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



69:30 AM

Ruth Circle7

5:30 AM Step Cardio - Ex-

ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

84:00 PM

Worship at

Solvang5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



95:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Alzheimer Care-

giver Support Group10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study6:30 PM

Leadership Class (Pr. Tom

)6:30 PM

Animate: Bible

109:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class12:00 PM

Food Pantry Set-Up

118:00 AM

Men's Breakfast

9:00 AM Reform

ation Book Club9:30 AM

Food Pantry Dis-tribution

128:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:30 AM

Fair Trade Items

Available9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



1310:00 AM

Karen Peterson Viewing11:00 AM

Karen Peterson Funeral Service12:00 PM

Karen Peterson Reception1:00 PM


en's Bible Study

145:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

1512:30 PM

Mission Sewing

Circle5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



165:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study1:00 PM

Solvang Lunch 3:00 PM


en's Ministry

6:30 PM Thursday Night

6:30 PM Anim

ate: Bible 6:30 PM

Leadership Class

179:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class12:00 PM

Food Pantry Set Up

189:30 AM

Food Pantry Dis-tribution

198:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



201:30 PM

Cooking for Hosea House

215:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:00 AM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group6:30 PM

Church Planning 7:00 PM

Bethesda Lutheran

229:00 AM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast1:00 PM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:30 PM



235:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible


249:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class


268:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



271:00 PM


en's Bible Study

285:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group6:30 PM

Church Planning Council

2910:00 AM

Altar Guild5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



305:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible


19:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class

29:00 AM

Bethel Boutique Open

298:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM




5:30 AM Step Cardio - Ex-

ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

110:00 AM

Naomi Circle

10:00 AM Rebekah Circle

10:00 AM Lydia Circle

5:30 PM Confirm

ation Din-ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



25:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study6:30 PM

Animate: Bible

Class (Pr. Sarah)6:30 PM

Leadership Class (Pr. Tom


39:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class

4BB Craft Fair

9:00 AM Bethel Boutique


58:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



69:30 AM

Ruth Circle7

5:30 AM Step Cardio - Ex-

ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

84:00 PM

Worship at

Solvang5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



95:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Alzheimer Care-

giver Support Group10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study6:30 PM

Leadership Class (Pr. Tom

)6:30 PM

Animate: Bible

109:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class12:00 PM

Food Pantry Set-Up

118:00 AM

Men's Breakfast

9:00 AM Reform

ation Book Club9:30 AM

Food Pantry Dis-tribution

128:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:30 AM

Fair Trade Items

Available9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



1310:00 AM

Karen Peterson Viewing11:00 AM

Karen Peterson Funeral Service12:00 PM

Karen Peterson Reception1:00 PM


en's Bible Study

145:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group

1512:30 PM

Mission Sewing

Circle5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



165:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible

Study1:00 PM

Solvang Lunch 3:00 PM


en's Ministry

6:30 PM Thursday Night

6:30 PM Anim

ate: Bible 6:30 PM

Leadership Class

179:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class12:00 PM

Food Pantry Set Up

189:30 AM

Food Pantry Dis-tribution

198:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



201:30 PM

Cooking for Hosea House

215:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:00 AM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group6:30 PM

Church Planning 7:00 PM

Bethesda Lutheran

229:00 AM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast1:00 PM

Preschool - Thanksgiving Feast5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:30 PM



235:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible


249:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class


268:30 AM

Traditional Wor-

ship9:30 AM

Fellowship9:45 AM

Sunday School for All Ages11:00 AM



271:00 PM


en's Bible Study

285:30 AM

Step Cardio - Ex-ercise Class9:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class6:30 PM

High School Youth Group6:30 PM

Church Planning Council

2910:00 AM

Altar Guild5:30 PM

Confirmation Din-

ner6:15 PM

Choir Practice6:30 PM



305:30 AM


Strength - Exercise Class10:00 AM

Prayer Group11:00 AM

Daytimers Bible


19:15 AM

Stretch/Balance - Exercise Class

29:00 AM

Bethel Boutique Open

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Page 20: What’s Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie...Thanksgiving Eve Service + Pie Join us Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7pm ... the years to come but that they may also bring forth reformation


Bethesda Lutheran Church

“Marked with the Cross of Christ forever, we are claimed, gathered and sent for the sake of the world.”

~Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Bethesda Evangel 4445 Royal Avenue, Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: 541.688.9085 Fax: 541.689.3667 Pastoral Emergency: 541.357.8253 (leave message if no answer) [email protected] [email protected]

Office Hours 9am to 3pm, Monday-Friday

Pastors & Staff Pastor Steve Dow [email protected] Pastor Sarah Schaffner [email protected] Pastor Tom Welch [email protected] Stephanie Kinnaman, Administrative Coordinator [email protected] Elizabeth Tigue, Preschool Director [email protected] Tommy Parker, Contemporary [email protected] Maxine Coburn, Traditional Music [email protected] Bill Vaughan, Custodian [email protected] Deanna Rivera, Communications Coordinator [email protected]

Worship Arts Team UPDATE Worship is central to who we are as followers of Jesus; it binds us as a community, opens us up to the stirrings of the Spirit, forms us as Christians, and sends us out into the world to share the good news. This kind of worship deserves to be shaped, not only by us, but by your voices and gifts.

We have been working on our plan for celebrating the Reformation.

If you have any questions, please speak with any of your pastors. We’d love to help you discern your calling to this ministry.