Download - WHAT’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE · 2019-05-21 · What is a Christian supposed to look like? One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew

Page 1: WHAT’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE · 2019-05-21 · What is a Christian supposed to look like? One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew


May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

Have you ever asked yourself what a Christian is supposed to look like? Is there even a standard? Is there a

uniform look for born-again people? If you ask a thousand people what a Christian is supposed to look like

you will get a thousand different answers.

I looked online, some said a Christian looks a bit nerdy, judgmental, kind of pushy, and is always talking about

their church. Others said that Christians were kind, loving, and forgiving, and were made in the image of God.

When asked about what he thought about Christianity, Gandhi said, “I like your Christ; I don’t like your

Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” His main exposure to Christians were the British and

British missionaries who ruled his country for a time. He didn’t see the Christians living like the Christ that he

read about in the Gospels.

So, what’s a Christian supposed to look like?

I asked that question to an older gentleman sporting a tasteful toupee, and he said, “I hate what Christianity

has turned into. I hate the specialty coffee, loud guitars, T-shirt wearing preachers strutting around a stage

like motivational speakers with their fancy headset microphones; their giant face plastered all over the big

screen TV’s.” The man went from calm to 60 miles per hour. His face turned red, spittle was flying, and then

he said, “Don’t even get me started about the hands waving around in the air.” As fast as he heated up, he

calmed down; looked at his shoes and quietly said that he wanted church to, “Go back to the way it was in

the Bible.” I asked what that meant. He said, “You know, with colorfully robed choirs singing traditional

hymns behind a pastor who stands in one damn place.”

I smiled and asked myself, “Is that what Christianity looked like in the Bible?” I don’t think so.

What is a Christian supposed to look like?

One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew something amazing was coming and

that they craved to just get a glimpse. They searched the Scriptures diligently to find out more about what

would be available to us (1 Pet 1:9-11).

Peter even went as far as writing that God’s powerful angels have a longing desire for us to grasp the

significance of the Word and the gift of holy spirit God placed within each of us (1 Pet 1:12). These angels

want nothing more than to see us walk with spiritual power. They are well acquainted with the power of God.

They’re angels; they know and they know what Christ came to do and make available to us.

Page 2: WHAT’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE · 2019-05-21 · What is a Christian supposed to look like? One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew


May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

The look of Christianity has changed over the years and varies with cultures. It can be as different as a hulking

Neanderthal stalking the saber-tooth cat in the Neander Valley and a willowy fashion model cat-walking the

runway in Milan. They’re not at all the same.

What’s a Christian supposed to look like? Good question.

New Style Human

Over many thousands of years humans of varying genetic looks and capacities had covered much of the

planet and adapted to their surroundings in looks and hair and skin tone. After a few hundred thousand years

of very slow change, God thought it was time for an upgrade. He wanted to set up the sapiens for long-term


God wanted His new style human to dominate his own life and surroundings and not be dominated by them.

The Creator also wanted this new style human to have easy access to Him; a deep communication with Him.

It wasn’t happening before.

God did this by designing a whole new style of human. It was to look similar to the old, carry the same

genetic material, but was to be upgraded with one special feature. This new style human would be built on a

platform of spirit. Human life would now begin with the spiritual. I’ll explain this in a minute.

The first ingredient of God’s new style human was spirit, not body and soul. Spirit was the chassis from which

the rest of this new style human was to be built. The addition of spirit was the greatest design change since

opposable thumbs and walking upright.

Genesis 1:26-27 26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over

the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over

every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created

he them.

I love how the first thing God rolled down the assembly line; the foundation of man on which everything else

was to be built, is spirit. Our bodies, our minds, our genetics are attached to, added to that spirit, that “image

of God.”

This image, this likeness to God is spiritual, not physical. God is spirit (Jn 4:24).

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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

Here is an interesting note -- according to verse 27, the terms male and female are introduced before this

new breed of humans has a body. They are also told to replenish, subdue, and have dominion before they

even have a body and soul. So, what is this spirit? It was something that had never been in a human form

ever before. It was new. The body and soul aren’t included in this new style human until the next chapter.

Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and

subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every

living thing that moveth upon the earth.

What this is saying is with the spirit of God, we can do it. When you dominate with your mind and your body,

then we usually mess things up. Man has made quite a difference on earth, good and bad.

God is showing us that spirit is to be the essence, the core, the heart of this new style of human. Walking by

the spirit allows us to dominate any lack and any attack.

The entire earth was designed to enhance our lives by supplying everything that we need. God made sure of

this. Learning to utilize this spiritual connection to God is how we were designed to harvest our abundance,

maintain our health, and find true fulfillment in life.

There were no Christians yet but this new style human, integrated with a spiritual connection, had access to

the wisdom and abundance of God. I would say this is not a bad upgrade.

That is potentially what a Christian can look like.

Jesus’ Choice

Jesus handpicked twelve men who would soon be the very first Christians, the first ones to test-drive this

new upcoming human upgrade. There was one way back in Genesis. Now there was going to be another

upgrade here. He knew that very soon, there was going to be an improvement to the spiritual upgrade of

Genesis. He knew that because of his life, death, and resurrection, humanity was finally ready. Believing in his

resurrection makes people ready for this upgrade.

I’ll bet that these twelve men would not have been your first choice on who you’d want in your church, in

your fellowship, and maybe not even in your house.

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May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

I love how the churches try to sanitize these famous 12 Apostles. They have pictures of them. We see shiny

halos, somber stares, with a tilted head, and not a few sensibly balding heads. They seem so perfect and holy

and pious in Christian art and literature.

But in reality, Jesus’ choice for who would help him carry on his work into this special age of Grace would not

have been your ministry’s choice for leadership. I guarantee it. Probably, we wouldn’t have even let Jesus’

choices inside of our homes or fellowships or churches once we saw who they were and where they came


We’ll start with Peter. I’m not going to go through all 12 Apostles, but I’m going to name a few of the spicier


Peter was a powerful, headstrong, work-hardened, faithful and sometimes dangerous man.

Peter once grabbed Jesus, pulled him aside, and sternly reproved him for saying that he was going to die at

the hands of the Judean leaders and was going to rise again. To Peter, this was crazy talk.

Jesus got in Peter’s face and said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing

things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” (Mat 16:22-23)

Peter also denied he even knew Jesus a time-or-six (Companion Bible, appendix 160 if you want to look back

over that). When a young lady recognized Peter after Jesus had been captured and recognized him as a

follower of Jesus, he threw out a string of cuss-words that would make a pirate blush (Matthew 26:74).

Peter once cut off a temple guard’s ear with a knife while he was in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus healed

that guy. So, this was Peter. A bit unpredictable, very rough, and potentially violent.

Is Peter what a Christian is supposed to look like? Maybe. Jesus thought so. This was a guy who was going to

lead this new thing that we now call Christianity after he died.

A couple of other of Jesus’ chosen ones were the brothers James and John. They were the business partners

of Peter in the fishing business. Jesus gave these two bold siblings the nickname “Sons of thunder” (Mar


Like not knowing exactly when the boom of thunder will hit after a lightning strike, calling someone

“thunder” would typically describe someone loud, powerful, unpredictable, and maybe a little violent.

Thunder is like a sledge hammer on a metal roof. Bam!

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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

These two chosen ones, James and John, would not have passed today’s anger management seminars.

Maybe you know some Christians like that too. For example, remember the time John forcibly tried to stop

someone from casting out a devil spirit because the man was not a follower of Jesus. Jesus corrected his

brashness and told him, “If he is not against us, he is for us” (Lk 9:49-50).

There was another time John and James, the Sons of Thunder, were tasked by Jesus with finding a place for

the group to stay for the night. They were in this Samaritan area, the area of Samaria. Nobody would rent

them a room because the Samaritans hated the Judeans or the people who lived in Jerusalem and they knew

they were heading there so you ain’t going to stop here. They were not welcome, persona non grata.

Super pissed, these Sons of Thunder came back and asked Jesus if they could call down fire from heaven and

“nuke” the entire city like the prophet Elijah had done to the prophets of Baal (Jn 9:52; 1 Kings 18). Jesus

quenched their white-hot anger with love. He said we are here to save life, not destroy it.

Would you have wanted those guys to lead your church? Would you have wanted those guys to be in your

fellowship? Would you have wanted those guys to be in your ministry? They acted more like bouncers or

mafia goombahs than ministers. Jesus saw the heart behind the bluster.

The final two characters I will highlight, to help us elevate our vision of who Jesus raised up to be the first

Christians, are Simon the “Zealot” and Matthew the tax collector.

This is such an unlikely pairing of Apostles that only God through the heart of Jesus Christ could have set this

thing up. Nobody else would have put these guys together. Peter, James and John you can see together; they

worked together; they’re used to each other. But how these two got along was a miracle; it’s a miracle to me.

Why Jesus put these two on his team is a mystery.

Speaking of mystery, all the Apostles were necessary to help usher in “the” Great Mystery (Col 1:26-27)

which is the Age of Grace that we now enjoy. It took these guys to bring this in, to bring the new birth to us.

This is the people he chose.

Now Matthew. Matthew’s profession was a tax collector for the Romans. The tax collectors got paid by

collecting more tax from the Judeans than the Romans asked for and skimming off the top for themselves.

Like the Mafia guys of the 70’s doing business in New Jersey, “Hey, I just needs a little taste; I needs a little

something more to dip my beak into.”

This was Matthew. Matthew stole from his own people. That’s what a tax collector did.

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Tax collectors were HATED by the Judeans. Remember how Zacchaeus was? They hated him. Once Jesus

went to that guy’s house for dinner, a lot of his followers stopped following him at that point because they

knew who he was.

Matthew was also a tax collector.

They were Jews who basically stole from their own people to support the Roman military machine; the

Roman political machine.

Imagine if somebody was in your country, had overpowered it, taken it over, and took taxes from them but

one of your friends was one of those people who took taxes from your own people, from your own family, to

support the people who had taken over your country. That’s Matthew.

Basically, they were thought of as not having a heart. They were people without a conscience.

Why would Jesus have chosen a guy like this?

Is this what a Christian is supposed to look like? Is this our designer human of today? Matthew?

Jesus saw the deeper person inside of Matthew, the one, who with a little training, would emerge. I’ll bet

some of you changed a lot when you got born-again. Jesus saw the heart instead of the shell. Matthew, by

utilizing the spirit of God, went on to write the Gospel of Matthew. How many people wrote Gospels? Four!

Four guys.

Diametrically opposed to Matthew, the dreaded Roman tax collector, was Simon the “Zealot.” Now a zealot is

not somebody who is really hyper, has a lot of zeal, a fun guy. Let’s just say, they would not have sat next to

each other at a campfire at first.

Simon was a badass. Where John and James and Peter were usually mostly loud talk, Simon the Zealot was all


A zealot was someone who didn’t just complain about the Romans, a zealot was somebody who hated the

Romans to the point of murder and insurrection.

Simon was a guy who the Roman soldiers would today think of as a Jewish jihadist. He would have been a

man of deep seething emotion, aggressive, swaying others to his mindset, and if necessary, use violence. His

face might be on a deck of cards or on a watch list or a no-fly list.

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May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

Before Jesus called Matthew and Simon to be on the same team, if these two had met, there probably would

be a crime scene and a body-bag. That was Simon the Zealot.

Jesus picked the most unlikely heroes to move the Word with him; men who on the outside seemed

unacceptable but on the inside were golden. These were exactly the men that Jesus needed to be on his team

to usher in what would be someday called Christianity. But most people would have not accepted these in

their church.

These twelve, minus Judas, were the men who singlehandedly took Jesus’ ministry to the next level. They

grew, they morphed, they changed, and they did it with panache and style that was totally their own; that

only they had.

Actually, as a I look around, they’re just like you. They’re just like you. You’ve got your own style. You’ve got

your own panache, your own flair.

Are they what a Christian is supposed to look like? Yes, for some of us.

Greater Works

Jesus tried to help his followers see themselves doing exploits, doing the miraculous. He knew that if you

have the spiritual ability, and if you can envision yourself using it, you can do it. He knew that.

He said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he

do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12) Jesus’ Apostles went on to do those greater works. Just read

the book of Acts.

And me knowing many of you, you have too. You, too, do greater works than even Jesus could have done

because he went to his Father.

The Christ also said, “If ye have faith, and doubt not…ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and

be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall

receive.” (Mat 21:21-22)

A mover of mountains and doing even greater works than Jesus did is what a Christian could look like.

They look a little bit like you.

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The Sound of Early Christianity

What should a Christian sound like? What should they look like? I’m not talking about talking religious.

The very first act of Christianity, the very first thing any of the very first Christians did, the 12 Apostles minus

Judas, was they spoke in tongues. I know that speaking in tongues is not popular in most Christian circles

except for fringe groups, yet it was the first thing any Christian ever did. It may be more important or useful

than most Christians think.

The only reason most people don’t do it is they don’t know about it or they’re just afraid to try because

anybody can do it. I’ve helped hundreds and thousands of people do it.

Paul said that we should all speak in tongues (1 Cor 14:5). Christians spoke in tongues all throughout the first

40 years of Book of Acts. So, there may be something to it. If you don’t want to do it, what are you going to

do? If you want to do it, then do it.

Christianity became more mainstream, more commercialized after the Emperor Constantine spread it around

the Roman Empire and made people conform to his version of Christianity, then they stopped speaking in

tongues so much. But that’s a whole other story, whole other teaching, whole other time.

We will get more into this over the next few weeks this manifestation thing or speaking in tongues thing.

So, what was a Christian supposed to sound like? What were they supposed to look like?

Fruit and Manifestation of the Spirit

I’ve combined them because I’m not going to go too deep into either one.

Two things that can be seen or noticed are the fruit and the manifestation of the Spirit (Gal 5 and 1 Cor 12).

These should be a noticeable look for any spiritually well-groomed Christian. You want to look good? Here’s

something that you do; this will make you look good.

Concerning fruit of the spirit: Most of us can recognize the different types of fruit we see in the grocery store

or in a market or hanging off a tree. An apple is red, green, or golden. An orange is usually round and orange.

A banana is long and yellow or sometimes green. This is what a Christian should look like. There should be

variety in Christianity. We’re not all going to look the same.

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May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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The fruit of the spirit is what shows up in our lives when a Christian is living up to their calling. This is what a

Christian should look like:

1. Love – agape love, a love that requires no reciprocation. You just love because you love to love. You don’t need it returned;

2. Joy – gladness or delight in self and others. Now I’m going to ask you now not to look at all these things spiritually. Just look at them as you see people. Okay? You know what love is when you see love, right? You know when you have joy inside of you don’t you? You know it.

3. Peace – tranquility, harmony, living above the ravages of hate and war. People can be at war or in a fight and still have peace.

4. Longsuffering – patience, endurance, or it’s being constant, it’s focus; 5. Gentleness – moral goodness. You’re just good. You just decide to be good; 6. Goodness – kindness, having a good heart, you’re kind; 7. Faith – (faith is a really weird word and people get this mixed up); it’s conviction, it’s ownership, it’s

identity, it’s belief or believing. When you identify with something you are that thing. You are that thing. A lot of people’s names represent a trade, right? At some point they’re ancestors identified with that trade, a smith, that kind of thing;

8. Meekness – ready to receive. It doesn’t mean a weak person. It means you’re ready to receive, you’re open to receive;

9. Temperance – self-control or mastery of self. This is really important.

I once thought that these fruits of the spirit are only seen when someone was manifesting spiritual power.

Now, I think there is more to it. All it takes is reading the context of Galatians 5 and you’ll see what I’m talking

about. It is a mind set and a heart set and a spiritual mind set. The context of Galatians 5 is deciding to not

wallow in the “works of the flesh,” which it talks about before that, but to live above ground by enjoying both

the manifestation and the “fruit of the spirit.”

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit” (Gal 5:25). So, there are two things there. To live in the

spirit and to walk in the spirit. They are two separate things. That means that if we are trying to live by the

spirit we will need to walk, or to march, or to keep step with those nine fruits listed. That is something that

we have to do. It’s not something that is done for us. It takes willpower and spiritual power.

To walk in step with anything, you have to decide to do it. We have to decide not to walk by the lust of the

flesh. We have to decide to walk this other way. The spirit of God helps you do that.

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May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

The manifestation of the spirit is different than the fruit. 1 Corinthians 12 tells of nine aspects, nine things

God gave each of us. I will not go into detail here as we will be hitting these in another teaching.

1. Word of wisdom 2. Word of knowledge 3. Faith 4. Gifts of healing 5. Working of miracles 6. Prophesy 7. Discerning of spirits 8. Kinds of tongues 9. Interpretation of tongues

All but three of them were available to any prophet back in the Old Testament. The only three that are

different here are speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and prophesy. Those were new. That was

an upgraded upgrade to humans. That’s the only thing really different except for the fact that the spirit that

we have now is incorruptible. It can never be lost.

We have the choice to operate these or to not operate them (1 Cor 12:11).

Most Christians operated some of these without even being aware. I’m going to say that again. Most

Christians that you know on earth or have ever known have operated one or more of this manifestation of

the spirit and they didn’t even know what they’re doing. That’s how closely the spirit of God is integrated into

our lives. Every Christian operates the spirit of God. Most of them don’t even know it.

Except, have you ever heard a Christian not talk about miracles? I’ve never heard a Christian not talk about

miracles. Have you ever heard a Christian not expecting God to heal them? Most people do, right? They want

you to pray with them. They want you to believe for a miracle of healing for them.

Most of them believe that God directs them, right? God showed me this and God showed me that and I

missed an accident by going a different way. Have you ever heard Christians talk like that? We all have stories

like that. Isn’t that word of knowledge and word of wisdom? Wouldn’t that be operating the manifestation?


It seems that most of us get that eerie feeling when we are in a bad place or around bad people. What would

you call that? Discerning of spirits, right?

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A Christian is going to operate these things. A Christian who is trying to live the Word is going to walk with

the fruit of the spirit. They’re going to.

A Christian looks as delicious as they are powerful.

Other Looks of a Christian

What are some other looks of a Christian?

We are lights in a dark and warped world (Php 2:15)

We were raised when Christ was raised and we are seated with him in heavenly places (Eph 2:6)

We take on hard things like a soldier, we discipline our minds and bodies in the competition of life like athletes, and we work to the point of fatigue like hardworking farmers (2 Tim 2:3)

We may even entertain angels as Christians without knowing it at times (Heb 13:2)

We are sons of God (Rom 8:14,19; Gal 4:6; Php 2:15)

We share fully with and are joint heirs with Christ (Rom 8:17)

Together, we are all unique members of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:18)

We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength

Not only do we have incorruptible seed (1 Pet 1:23), which means we cannot lose our position as sons of God even if we lose our way. Have you ever known a Christian who said he was no longer a Christian? They turned to Judaism or became a Buddhist or Hindu or whatever; it doesn’t matter. They’re still Christians. They’re still born again whether they say they are or say they aren’t. It’s incorruptible seed. How big is that? That’s what a Christian looks like.

We too will beat death, and will, like Jesus Christ, be made forever incorruptible (1 Cor 15:52). You will bel together with Christ and forever incorruptible. That’s what a Christian is going to look like forever.

Remember me sharing about Psalm 22 a few weeks ago? David talked about this new seed that’s going to be so different from Israel. Jesus saw that mind picture as well when he was hanging there. It was written.

So, what I’m telling you, is I like the way you look!

Freedom in Christ

There are many places in the Word of God that God reminds us that we are free and have much freedom in

Christ. We will look at one unique verse here or a couple of verses. I think you’ll enjoy this.

The first Epistle ever written wasn’t by Paul, it wasn’t 1 Thessalonians like a lot of you were taught. It was

James. This was probably 15 years before Thessalonians was written; at least ten years.

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James was the half-brother of Jesus. James did not believe in his brother being the Christ until after the day

of Pentecost. Jesus appeared to him at some point. Then he changed.

Also, the book of Jude, was Jesus’ other half-brother. He also wrote an Epistle. So, you had Jesus, James and

Jude all men who did incredible things.

James, the half-brother of Jesus, spoke tongue-in-cheek, painting a word picture with some wordplay called

oxymoron. He used it to describe the beauty and diversity of our freedom in Christ (Gal 5:3).

He saw the Christians who were raised under the Judean law try to force their version of Christianity upon

the ones who weren’t raised the same way. Maybe you were part of a ministry that tried to make you

conform. And if you didn’t conform, they wanted you to leave. It happens in most tribal type groups. If you

don’t fit, leave.

James saw how spiritual abilities were limited as people tried to conform to a set of manmade laws.

James 2:12 (NIV)

Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom.

Notice the words “law that gives freedom?” KJV terms it the “law of liberty.” Did you know that “law” and

“liberty” are polar opposites? They shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence. They’re totally different.

They mean totally different things.

The word “law” in both the Hebrew and the Greek means to parcel out, like hand feeding an animal what you

think it needs. It’s like pouring one or two scoops of kibble into a bowl for your dog because you know exactly

how much that dog needs to eat so it doesn’t get fat, right? That’s what the word law means. It means to

parcel out, to give them what you think they need; that’s law. Because you know, of course, what’s best for

your best friend, right?! Your dog left to its own device, what would it do? It would eat everything, right?

You’d have a 900-pound dog sliding across a linoleum floor!

“Liberty” means total freedom, unrestrained to live and move with freedom of thought and actions. Freedom

or liberty is like the wolf; no fences, no scoops, no bowls, no limits.

At first blush, James 2:12 tells of a Christian who was sentenced in a court of law to live a life of utter and

fruitful freedom.

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Imagine going to court. I sentence you to a life… of total freedom! That’s what he’s saying here. You’re

sentenced to a life of pure and utter freedom.

It’s one who was commanded to live totally above judgement. You’re judged to live with no judgement.

That’s what he’s saying here. It’s a pretty cool play on words. To me, that sounds like you.

Other people may try to force their plan on you, their plan of salvation on you like the guy I was talking about

and how he thought Christianity was in the Bible.

But God’s has made you free to move through life and free to live into eternity.

The other day I met another Christian who runs a church here in town. She’s attached to a church. She

handed me her business card. On it, it talked about ministering and prayer for the healing and tarot card

reader. She feeds the homeless once a week about 400 people or so. She does a lot of good stuff. Then she

does some other stuff that to me is a little questionable. But she’s doing something. She’s doing more than

most people do (both ways).

Other people may try to force their plan on you, but God has made you free to move through life and free to

live into eternity.

Now I chose not to try to correct this woman and get her to change her business cards. It’s not my business

to do that. She doesn’t come to my house. But she is my business client. It’s okay. It’s wild.

You’re free to live not just now but throughout all eternity.

A Christian should look and act absolutely free. Now we know we don’t use our freedom as an occasion to

the flesh. Go back to the early verses of Galatians 5.

But man, the freedom we can have walking with the spirit of God and walking with the fruit of that spirit, holy

moly; doing signs, miracles, and wonders like Jesus did; doing greater works than he did; moving mountains

seeing the prosperity that he’s laid out for us; having health and prosperity, why not?

A Christian should be totally and absolutely free.

Page 14: WHAT’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE · 2019-05-21 · What is a Christian supposed to look like? One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew


May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

In Conclusion

So, what is a Christian supposed to look like? Is there even a standard? We know now there isn’t one; there

is, but there isn’t. Is there a uniform look that born-again person should acquiesce to? A thousand people will

give you a thousand different answers, right? Christians kill each other over this question.

I once had a woman -- I was talking about the absolute freedom in Christ, I mean total freedom. This

woman looked like a Christian with Christian hair and Christian dress and Christian books and

Christian music and Christian meal that she was serving me because I was doing work at her house. I

was talking about the freedom in Christ and I thought everybody believed that. She goes, “On that

point, I disagree.” She believed Christians should be controlled by their churches. She really believed


Maybe you were part of a ministry that thought you should be controlled by that church, by that ministry, by

that group, or your family might have.

Some say a Christian looks a bit nerdy, judgmental, kind of pushy, while others say that Christians are kind,

loving, forgiving, and look like the image of God, they represent Christ, they’re ambassadors for Christ.

But we will be able to see the beauty of the fruit and the power of manifestation of that spirit at times, even

if they don’t realize they have the ability. Christians should show the fruit and they should show these

manifestations. They will at times.

A Christian may not look or talk or move like your idealized version of a believer, they may have calloused

hands and rough language. They may be plain looking and plain acting, or they might even wave their soft

hands in the air, who cares? It is not our job to judge or to control those people. Heart is the key. Look at the

people Jesus chose. They were totally out of the box.

A Christian may or may not seem to fit in your church or group or fellowship or maybe not even your house.

But every one of us will play a different part, a different role that will change as we age and as the decades


What we see today is nothing like we read about in the Book of Acts. The Christian we see today is nothing

like Acts. It can’t be. It’s a different culture, different mindset, different people, different families. It’s

different and that’s okay. Just do the best you can.

Page 15: WHAT’S A CHRISTIAN SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE · 2019-05-21 · What is a Christian supposed to look like? One of Jesus’ closest Apostles, Peter, said that the prophets of old knew


May 19, 2019 Mark Wallace


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Copyright © Mark Wallace. All rights reserved.

One thing is for certain, a Christian will look free.

So, what’s a Christian supposed to look like?

Well, a Christian looks just like you!

God bless!