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What is Genetic Engineering?Altering the genes in a living organism to

produce a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) with a new genotype.

Also known as: Recombinant (re-combine) DNA technology

Three types of Recombined DNA:1. A foreign gene is inserted from one species into another, forming a transgenic organism.Ex. Flounder “antifreeze” gene inserted into a tomato.

2. altering an existing gene so that its product is changed; Ex. Bacteria can make human insulin

Three types of Recombined DNA continued:

Three types of Recombined DNA continued

3. changing gene expression so that it is translated more often or not at all.

Ex. Gene for hair growth can be suppressed in rats or increased

How Do They Do That?!

1. Scientists are able to cut a section of DNA from one organism and insert it into another organism’s DNA.They do this using little chemical “scissors” called restriction enzymes (R.E.)

Not like this…..yet!

How Do They Do That?!

2. Then they insert the gene (or piece of DNA) into a VECTOR (a vehicle for delivering genetic material such as DNA to a cell)A common vector is special piece of bacterial DNA called a plasmid.

How Do They Do That?!

3. Then they put the vector into a cell.The cell with the new piece of DNA will replicate (clone itself).

Transgenic Organisms-organisms made up with the DNA of two or

more different species.


Genetically Engineered (Modified) FoodsAre they safe?

Others say “NO”

What are the advantages of GM foods?

1. Pest resistance: no more need for pesticides that can poison the water supply and cause harm to the environment. 2. Disease resistance 3. Cold tolerance5 . Drought tolerance/salinity tolerance: 6. Nutrition : Add vitamins to foods common in third world countries where impoverished peoples rely on a single crop such as rice for the main staple of their diet.

What are some of the advantages of GM foods? continued

7. Pharmaceuticals: edible vaccines available in tomatoes and potatoes. These vaccines will be much easier to ship, store and administer than traditional injectable vaccines.

8. Phytoremediation: Plants such as poplar trees have been genetically engineered to clean up heavy metal pollution from contaminated soil and to absorb more CO2.

People that are against GMF, often call it “Frankenfood”

What are some of the criticisms against GM foods?

1. Unintended harm to other organisms (invasive species)

2. Reduced effectiveness of pesticides 3. Gene transfer to non-target species 4. Human health risks:

a. Allergenicity b. Unknown effects on human


How has the world reacted?Japanese supermarkets are offering both

GM foods and unmodified foods India is very supportive of transgenic plant

research.Some states in Brazil have banned GM

crops entirely, and the Brazilian Institute for the Defense of Consumers, in collaboration with Greenpeace, has filed suit to prevent the importation of GM crops.

Europe now requires mandatory food labeling of GM foods in stores .

In the US, a permit must be obtained to grow G.M. plants.

Australia and New Zealand must labeled GMF

Some Foods/Crops are Labeled

Most Are Not

Which would you chose?