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Page 1: What is a Vox Pop?

@ d o m c u s h n an




Page 2: What is a Vox Pop?

@ d o m c u s h n an

A vox pop, or “voice of the people/public,” is a tool used in many forms of media and is basically a series of “man-on-the-street” interviews strung together to give listeners a sample of public opinion or mood.

Random subjects are asked to give their views on a particular topic and their responses are presented to the viewer or reader as a reflection of popular opinion.

These people will be new to interviews and will often be nervous, flustered, giggly, etc. It's therefore important to make them feel comfortable and relaxed.

What is a Vox Pop?

Page 3: What is a Vox Pop?

@ d o m c u s h n an

When asking people to participate, fast is best - don't give them time to worry about how they look or what their friends will think.

Use a short, sharp standard question such as "Would you mind answering a couple of quick questions about genetically modified food for TV3 news tonight?".

As always, ask open-ended questions and avoid leading questions. At the same time, you must be specific enough to obtain brief answers.

Your question

Page 4: What is a Vox Pop?

@ d o m c u s h n an

> DO ask an open-ended question. You want to get your interviewee to explain a bit about their perspective.

> DONʼT ask a yes or no question.

> DO ask “why,” so your interviewee won't just stick with a one word response.

> DONʼT be afraid to ask follow up questions. Interesting audio stems from interesting questions and your interviewee may give you great insight after a second or third follow up.

Your question

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@ d o m c u s h n an


You: “If you could only watch John Stewart or Stephen Colbert on late-night

TV, who would you choose?”

Source: John Stewart.

Adding the “why” makes all of the difference

You: “If you could only watch Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert on late-night TV,

who would you choose and why?”

Source: “Well, Steven Colbert is funnier at the top of the show, but he makes

me uncomfortable when he stays in character for the interview. So Iʼd have to

tune in to Jon Stewart”

Your question

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@ d o m c u s h n an

Ask them if they have a second to quickly answer a question about entertainment (or whatever it is) for a news story. Tell them who you're reporting for.

It pays to ensure that an accurate mix of genders and races are represented, appropriate to the population being surveyed.

Walk up topeople you’ve never met

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@ d o m c u s h n an

If they say no thank you, don't worry, many others will say yes. People love to share their opinions, and vox pops are usually fun for everyone.

What if the strangersays, “No Thanks?”

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@ d o m c u s h n an

You are off to a good start, but don't jump right in with the question! Test your recording volume, “levels.” Ask your interviewee a ”test” question on mic. “What did you have for breakfast this morning?,” works well.

Chat with them about that as you make sure your source is recording peak (loudest volume) is registering somewhere between 12 and 3 on your volume meter. (This casual test question also will relax the person you are interviewing too!)

What if the strangersays, “Sure!”

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@ d o m c u s h n an

Not that you would just go and ask friends to make things up so you could relay a certain perspective, but having first and last names shows listeners that you actively strive to be accountable for everything you put on the air.

Ask for first and last names

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@ d o m c u s h n an

Every time. Mic yourself closely too.

Then move the mic quickly back to your source for the answer. (Do not let your source hold the mic. If they try to hold it, just politely tell them they don't have to worry about it and you will hold it for them.)

You MUST hold it 1-3 inches from your source’s mouth.

Ask your question on mic

Page 11: What is a Vox Pop?

@ d o m c u s h n an

A vox pop runs about 2-3 minutes.

So interview 5-8 people and choose your best three.

You need to include AT LEAST THREE different sources in a vox pop.

The key is making your respondent feel at ease. Contracting at the beginning makes sure that the respondent understands the rules of what you’re doing

When done, thank your respondent and let them leave, sometimes, they’ll want to have a quick chat but allow that to be their decision.
