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very Chinese mle between the ges of 15 nd 50 ws ordered to report to registrtion points throughout the islnd for screening, where they would be closely questioned to determine their loylties nd politicl inclintions. Those who pssed the tests were stmped on their fce, rms, or clothing with the word exmined. Those who filed the testscommunists, ntionlists, secret society members, English spekers, civil servnts, techers, veterns, nd criminlswere tken to holding res. For mny, simply hving decortive tttoo ws enough to be brnded s member of n nti-Jpnese secret society.For two weeks fter the screening, those mrked s undesirble were tken to be executed t plnttions or costl res like Chngi bech, Ponggol foreshore, nd Tnh Merh Besr bech, where the bodies would be wshed out to se. Methods of execution vried ccording to the whims of four section commnders. Some were mrched into the se nd then mchine-gunned, while others were tied together before being shot, byoneted, or decpitted. t lter wr crimes trils, the Jpnese climed tht there were round 5,000 victims, while locl estimtes rnge from 20,000 to 50,000.Following the msscre, the Kempeiti mintined rule of terror nd torture, including form of punishment in which victim ws forced to ingest wter by fire hose nd then kicked in the stomch. One dministrtor, Shinozki Mmoru, ws so horrified by the torture tht he issued thousnds of good citizen nd sfe pssge psses, which were usully intended only for those collborting with the Jpnese. He issued lmost 30,000 of them, sving mny Chinese lives, much to the fury of the Kempeiti. He is remembered tody s Singpores Schindler.8 Sndkn Deth Mrches