Download - WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    WiMAX Forum Indonesia Chapter:


    merg ng


    Fri, 26 Nov 2010, Jakarta IndonesiaIntel Corporation, South-East Asia.

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    To ics

    Broadband and GDP rowth

    Key Drivers for BB Voice ARPU declining

    Data demand

    Snapshot WiMAXDeployment in Asia

    Indonesia BB status and challen es its facin

    Intel The technology ingredient company

    Technology to address the challenges


  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    The Economics Benefit of Broadband


    LowLow andMiddleandMiddleIncomeIncome


    ountr esountr es

    0.730.730.810.81 0.770.77



    Fixed TelephonyFixed Telephony MobileTelephonyMobileTelephony InternetInternet BroadbandBroadband


    6 Booz & Company, Digital Highways: The Role of Government In

    21st-Century Infrastructure, 2009, p. 5Qiang, Christine Z., 2009. Telecommunications and Economic Growth.Unpublished paper. World Bank, Washington, D.C.


  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    Broadband and Services

    Providing the Next Rev Growth

    Voice for All ce o



    While Voice Revenues Continue Decline.....UPDATE 4-Reuters Thu Nov11, 2010 - Telecom Egypt's profit dips, eyes data growth

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    1.4 billion Internet users>150 million websites1.5B web searches daily

    1 billion IM users10 billion videos viewed every month100000 blo s created dail of a trillion dollars online sales worldwide3 million Twitter messages sent every day

    Status. .Indonesia: 40M Internet/ 1.0M broadband users in 09

    Vietnam: 22M Internet/ 2.9M broadband users in 09Philippines: 26M internet/ 1.0M broadband users in 09

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    BB penetration in some SEA countries

    AAPOPPOP (1)(1) (m):(m): 240240 2727 9898 8989 6868

    ouse o mouse o m 6060 66 2020 3030 1818

    MobileMobile (2)(2) :: 59%59% 99 %99 % 55.1 %55.1 % 73 %73 % 81 %81 %

    InternetInternet (1)(1) :: 17%17% 45 %45 % 26 %26 % 24 %24 % 13 %13 %

    BroadbandBroadband (3)(3) %%POPs:POPs:

    0.4%0.4% 5.0 %5.0 % 1.0 %1.0 % 3.0 %3.0 % 2.5 %2.5 %



    HH:HH: .. .. .. ..

    TARGET 50%TARGET 50% 20102010 TARGET 30%TARGET 30%2010/20112010/2011

    Source: Internet World Stats (2H 09), (2) ABI Research (2H 09), (3) ITU (June 09), * Mr Toh MCMC Nov10 WF-SEA

    - Indonesia has one of the lowest broadband penetration in the region even Indonesia has one of the lowest broadband penetration in the region evenwhen compared to countries with lower GDP-per-capita such as Vietnam and Philippines-Big discrepancy between internet and broadband penetration rate (12.5% vs 0.1%) shows potential users for broadband connections once they areavailable.

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    Indonesia At a Glance240250


    Key Penetration in mill ions









    0POP Cellular Internet Broadband

    pop, ouse o , u ony . users

    Large Gap Between Internet User and Broadband AvailabilitySignify The Need and Opportunity

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    Terabytes/Month: demands data-focused

    100,000,000Source: TechWorld, November 27, 2008


    , ,

    WiMax Roaming Solves3G Capacity Crunch


    , , , -


    , The problem with 3G is in the air and the backhaul.The network was built for narrow band and now

    users are downloading video on iPlayer, on what is

    essentially a voice network. In London my calls


    phone drops between cells.

    Source: Caspian Networks and Cisco Estimates


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    Which Technology..?

    AT&T's iPhone MessThe iPhone has swam ed AT&T's data

    KDDI Confirms LTE Migration Plan

    But Will Use WiMAX and WIFI too

    network and sparked a consumer



    TeleGeography Comms

    Cover Story Feb 3,



    Wed, 17 Nov 2010

    Handle High Numbers of Mobile Internet UsersHandle High Numbers of Mobile Internet Users

    huge data demands so we also need to usehuge data demands so we also need to use

    other technologies such asother technologies such as WiMAXWiMAX and Wiand Wi--Fi,Fi,

    Traffic Equivalents*Traffic Equivalents*1 La to = 15 Smart hones = 450 Voice1 La to = 15 Smart hones = 450 Voice

    HandsetsHandsets* Source: Cisco, 2009Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    WiMAX Momentum in Asia is increasing

    Malaysia: P1 W1MAX Celebrates OneYear Anniversary with 100,000Subscribers

    Aug09: We are 1 yr into our mission to provide broadbandtechnology that reaches out to everyone in Malaysia. As one of

    Augere Bangla DeshOCT 2009Augere launches first WiMax for DhakaInitially, the Qubeeservice is available for businesses and residential customers

    the forerunners in the world for large scale 802.16e 2.3GHzcommercial WiMAX deployment, were very proud of what weve

    achieved today from ground zero. Michael Lai CEO P1

    , , , .be available across Bangladesh soon.

    "UQ WiMAX" Business

    On February 26, 2009, UQ Communications started UQ WiMAXService. This is a global-standard "future broadband" service,enablin faster mobile data transmissions usin Mobile WiMAX

    June 11, 2009: Intel is delighted to take part in the launchof Globe Telecoms WiMAX services in the Philippines, saidNavin Shenoy, Intel Corporation Vice President and APAC

    WiMAX passes 30Ksubs in August.

    General Manager.

    Malaysia: YTL CommunicationsRETHINK RESEARCH Wed 13 Oct 2010


    Communications Sdn Bhd today launched theworld's first fully converged 4G mobile Internetservice with voice offering the industry'slowest rates at nine sen a minute, per SMS orper 3MB of data through its pay-as-you-go

    expan s serv ce , -and Wi-Fi, across Korea By March, KT says itwill be the first carrier in the world to offernationwide Mobile WiMAX service, covering 82cities across Korea, or 85% of the population.

    10 All DeploymentsAll Deployments areare 802.16e802.16e

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    WiMAX Direct Impact on Broadband Modem Pricing

    Wireless Notebook Modem ASP Trajectory

    $150 Since Intelcame out with

    2.5-3G Cellular

    WiMAX 16e - Echo


    Single Chip.11N+.16E**

    p . +.

    WiFi .11ABG

    WiFi .11N


    *ABI Research, Q307 preliminary

    ** Intel Estimates

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    n egra on ec no og es on egra on ec no og es o oo n scre e o u onsn scre e o u onsDependent Upon Cost and Power TargetsDependent Upon Cost and Power Targets

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    Intel a Technology Ingredient Company

    Intel has been for sometime committed to expand our silicon offerings to includeadditional communications silicon in addition to Wi-Fi and 4G

    e uure o newor s w no e a snge ec noogy sou on, u ra er ervce

    Providers will rely on multiple technologies deployed that client devices will need to beready to take advantage of and move between networks.

    ur communcatons pro uct port o o ncu es - , , an soon an .We are a Multi-CommTechnology Company.

    TDD-LTE solutions are still a few years away and most LTE networks will take severalyears to reach the level of maturity of current WiMAXnetworks.

    Intel will deliver solutions as we believe the market need develops.

    rema ns our pre erre so u on or o ay, ue o sTTM (Time To Market), cost and performance advantages.

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    Mature WiMAX Technology

    USB Dongles Pricing dropped from $70 (2009) to $40 (2010)

    Dongles continue to come-down to $30 or lower in 2011 Embedded module cost $50 in 2009, now less than $30 in 2010, and

    continue going down to $20 in 2011 and lower in 2012

    Embedded WiMAXmake it possible to support various devices ie., , , , -

  • 8/8/2019 WFIC - WiMAX and Emerging Economies WS281110


    Key Take-Away

    Increasing broadband penetration is a matter of crucial National and Economic Interestfor Indonesia.

    ue o c a enges n wre - roa an epoymen an m a on, e coun ry mus

    deploy the latest, matured, wireless broadband technology available today Two wireless technology officially included in IMT-Advanced as 4G

    One is and has been here for many years with mature ecosystems - WiMAX

    The other one is just entering the marketing hype-stage, with NO mature ecosystemset LTE.

    WiMAXis a mature technology and available now

    Indonesia have several WiMAX16e manufacturers compliant to TKDN requirement

    . Each month of delayed deployment means hampering the growth of the Countrys


    A Waiting Game is a Losing Game

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    WiMAX Forum Indonesia Chapter:

    WiMAX inEmerging


    Werner SutantoWed, 26 Nov 2010, Jakarta Indonesia

    Intel Corporation, South-East Asia.