Download - Western · Western Athletics Newsletter December 2014 Important Dates December 7th – Sussan’s Women's

Page 1: Western · Western Athletics Newsletter December 2014 Important Dates December 7th – Sussan’s Women's

Western Athletics Newsletter December 2014

Important Dates December 7th – Sussan’s Women's Fun Run December 16th- Christmas gift December 27th – January 4th – Falls Creek Training Camp April 11th – Presentation Night: Italian Social Club September 12th – 20 year Anniversary

Phillip 3rd

On competition days, know your Call Room time (as well as where it is located) Alida Weitsz

It has been a very busy month: Bunnings BBQ, Parkrun BBQ, Round 5 of shield at our venue, State relays, Victoria All Schools, Gift Givers Fundraising night, 20 year celebration meeting, 1st milers meet, Masters Pac Pacific games, Jack racing at Ekiden, 40+ pole vault clinic , Reclink run, our first zone v zone, 20 year singlets…wow I hope I didn’t miss anything. Thanks to everyone who has helped at all these events. I bet you are all ready for a break over Christmas, ready to return for the new year. Also thanks to Ben Mudie for offering to take over the newsletter from next year. I am sure you will find less spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes as Ben will proof read the newsletter. Thanks Aimee

1st Cameron Atchinson 2nd Adora Arch 2nd Courtney Utber 8th Alana Leonard 13th Ian Dunne 14th Chiara Dickins 17th John Camilleri 19th Jack Rayner 21st Ayrton Redmore 22nd Bailey Sharp 23rd Alexie Barlow 26th Julius Weitsz 30TH Heather Kennedy

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If you would like to donate items for the raffle please see Brenda Cashin or Janice Hodgart

If you would like to bring a salad or dessert please let Brenda Cashin know, so we don't have too many double ups

KRIS KRINGLE: If you would like to be apart of this years KK please contact Janice RSVP: Tuesday 2nd December

When: Tuesday 16th December Where: VU athletics Track

Time: 5:30 Events: 120m Handicap

100m invitation handicap 1000m handicap

1000m invitation handicap Cost: $6 per person

BBQ and Raffle

BYO: Drinks, Nibbles and Chairs

To assist in the smooth running of the night, if you have a 100m, 800m or 1500m time please email Aimee Lane , at least 1 week before the event, to assist in handicapping

RSVP: Friday 12th December

[email protected] or 0401 281 410 [email protected]

[email protected]

Exciting addition to the Christmas Gift. This year we have decided to add a shot put handicap event. If you are keen to have a go please let Brenda Cashin or Fernando Canepa know your shot put PB. Everyone will be allowed one attempt on the night. Thank you to Aaliyah Canepa and Rebecca Sutton for offering to help organise this along with Fernando Canepa Shot put will start at 5:30.

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State Relays -29th November

We had 13 Men’s and 5 Women’s Teams competed in the Sate relay championships on the weekend. Western Athletics came away with 5 medals: 50+ Women 4x100m - Gold 40+ Women 4x1500m – Bronze 40+ Men 4x1500m – Bronze 40+ Men 4x100m - Bronze Open Men Distance Medley – Bronze It was a great weekend where we had some outstanding efforts. A special mention to Carolyn Huell who finished the last 600m of her 1500m with a strained calf, ending up in a wheelchair. Also to Adora Arch who at 11 years old stepped up into the open women's 4x400m. Also a big thankyou to Phil Dunston and Brenda Cashin for being team managers.

Photos thanks to Tania Shanahan

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Reclink Run

Ekiden Relay

Shield – Round 5

Gift Givers: Fundraising night

Congratulatiosn to Jack Rayor representing Australia in The 2014 Chiba Ekiden Relay, running the 10km leg. It is exciting that our very own Ekiden Relay will return next cross country season at Anglesea. This is always a great run and weekend away

20 year Anniversary

The 1st 20 year anniversary meeting has been held. Anyone keen to help organise this special occasion please contact Mechelle Lane : 0411 140 561

Thankyou Volunteers

It is great to see some new faces putting their hand up to volunteer at shield, help at BBQ’s and taking on other roles at the club. Without your assistance we would not be able to run our club so efficiently.

Western Athletics held its second and final round of shield competition at our home track on November 15th. We finished packing up as the rain started to poor down. Hopefully we can hold more shield rounds at our track in the future. A big thankyou to those who got there early to help set up and a special mention to John Alchin and Phil Dunston for getting all the equipment ready for the day

Attention Coaches

Do you need some new or different athletics or training equipment??? If so please contact Phil Dunston to let him know what you would like purchased. Sorry Fernando we cant get a new mechanical operated discus cage

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Reclink run. Western Ath’s raised almost $200 for this very worthy charity organisation!

We raise $240 at the Gift Givers fundraising night. Great shopping ladies

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Point Cook Park run 20 year singlets

We are excited that every Western Athletics member will be receiving a free 20 year anniversary singlet . We would like to thank our sponsors: Ray McCormack, Symmetry, Absolute Pilates and Exercise Studio, EcoSmart Plumbing and drainage and Exhealth Rehabiliation services for making this special offor possible. We would also like to thank all those who helped at the bunnings BBQ’s this year and attended the Gift Givers fundraising night as funds from these events have helped in the purchase on the singlets. Finally to John Henery “the pros coach”, for organising a great price for us and helping design and order the singlets. These are helping to celebrate the very special occasion next year and we hope you wear the singlets with pride to help promote our great and developing club.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped at parkrun today. A special mention to Declan Macaulay for representing the throwers, by cutting and squeezing lemons, then handing out pancakes all morning. Also a special mention to Krysti Jemmett and Emily Downie, for being tail runners, even though they are not western aths members, they happily helped out. Thanks to everyone who made the mixture (plenty of left overs for tomorrow), and those who stood behind the BBQ and cooked up a storm. Great job to all those who volunteered as parkrun helpers, and not to forget those who wore their western aths top and jogged or handed out flyers. This was a great opportunity to promote the club and was a massive success.

Congratulations to Cookie, Stan & Mark on their results over the 3 days of competition at the Pan Pacific Masters Games. Stan collected 6 medals, 4 gold in Discus, Shot Put, javelin & throws pentathlon. Bronze in hammer & weight throw. Cookie 3 medals, 2 Gold, 800m, 1500m. Silver 400m. Mark bronze in 800m and ran in 400m final. All up 10 medals were won representing the Western Athletics Club.

Pan Pacific Masters Games

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PLEASE no more warm ups or cool down on track. Just getting too crowded over summer. Drills and run throughs all ok on track but please always be aware of other users

Track etiquette Social Committee

We are still in need of members to help on the social committee. Please contact Brenda if you can help. We have a meeting once a month and organise all the fun things. It is a good committee for some of the younger athletes to join as we spend a lot of time making flyers and wrapping raffle prizes

Marketing Group

If order to help the continual development of Western Athletics, Chelsea Morley has started forming a marketing plan, which will help with the future growth of Western Athletics. We are looking for members to help in the continual development and execution of the marketing plan.

It is vital that we plan for the future to help ensure Western Athletics continues to be a great club

Please contact Aimee Lane if you are keen to be involved.

To all of the female runners and/or the mums, wives and partners attached to Western Aths.

This is probably the biggest women's only event in Melbourne and I think many of you MAY like to race or participate in this event? The Sussan Women's race has a STRONG link with Breast Cancer and as you can see below they are offering a discount of $5 if you use the code (westerna).

When: Sunday 7th December

Costs: 5k (adults $50 & U18 $40) // 10k (adult $60) and the HM was $85.

When you enter there is an option for Group, please use Western Aths

Sussan Womens Fun Run

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Athlete Profile: Luke Stevens


Western Athletics is seeking sponsors for the 2014/15 season. If you may be interested or know someone who may be able to sponsor the club. Please contact Aimee Lane on 0401 281 410. There are a range of sponsorship options available


Ray McCormack Auto

King’s Sport Store

Chelsea Morley: 0412 472 959 Sue Rebesco: 8742 7574

Absoulte Pilates and Exercise Studio

When did you start athletics? Stated little athletics u10s in 2004 When did you join western athletics? Joined western athletics in 2013 after coming across from footy and tennis What do you like most about Western Athletics? What I like about being a member of western athletics is I have the privilege of representing the western region and also been a valued member of the club as I thoroughly enjoy competing alongside my fellow teammates not only from my squad but have the honour of being around such a enthusiastic community What is your best athletics achievement/memorable moment? My most memorable moments in athletics so far include a bronze at the Victorian state championships in the 100m, representing Victoria at the Australian athletic national championships and also having success in the Victorian athletic league winning 11 races What is your biggest fear? My biggest fear is failure by not performing to my potential Do you have a training tip? My training tip is to allow as much time to prepare for a race and having a sufficient warm up and cool down Have you had any athletics injuries? How did you keep motivated? haven't had any athletic injuries yet, but I keep motivated by always continuing to improve myself in every aspect and striving to be the best as well has having a 'never say die' attitude What do you eat on race day? I consume a sufficient amount of water and I tend to eat a lot of sour lollies and jelly beans Favourite Summer v winter summer Subway or McDonalds subway Vegemite or peanut butter: vegemite AFL v Cricket: AFL