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Wesley Stromberg Go! Go now! Run!That was all that Keaton could register. Wesley was pushing at his brother to run. The two boys were on the beach outside the Miami Beach, FL beach house of Simon Cowells. Keaton took off in a beat, some how he knew the dangers. Wesley knew that as soon as his brother was out of danger he would try to confront the man. Keaton got nearly 50 feet away from Wesley when he confronted the man. Why are you here Michael?!The man; Michael didnt respond. He just kept heading towards Wesley. Keaton stopped and turned, to see Michael and Wesley. He could see his brother shouting at Michael. He was too far away to hear anything that they were arguing about. It was only a few minutes that Keaton was away from Wesley. After Keaton turned around he saw Michael pull a gun from his waist and point it at Wesley. NO!! Shouted Keaton, and started running to Wesley. Keaton couldnt get to Wesley before Michael pulled the trigger. The loud bang rang in Keatons ears. Wesley fell to the sand as Michael fled the beach. It felt like a life time for Keaton to get to Wesley. When he got to Wesley he could see the blood oozing into the sand. Keaton kneeled down beside Wesley. Keaton could tell that Wes was pist when he said,I told you to run!Keaton just said, I know. I know.Keaton grabbed Wesleys arm and pulled him up from the sand. Keaton knew that if they went to a hospital that something bad would happen, that Michael would find out and kill Wesley. Keaton basically had to drag Wesley because he could barely stand. Keaton took Wes up to the beach house that he and Drew were staying at while they were at the Judges houses. Keaton had to sneak Wes into one of the side doors so that no one would see him. Keaton took Wes up to the room that he and Drew shared with his brother. Keaton and Wes shared a bed and Drew got the other one in the room. Keaton took Wes into the bathroom that was attached to their room. Keaton said to Wesley, Come on Wesley, dont close your eyes. Dont go out on me.Keaton set Wesley down on the bathroom floor and grabbed some towels out of the cabinet. Keaton pulled his brothers shirt open and wrapped the towel around his chest. Keaton leaned Wesley forward and looked at his back. Keaton was sort of relieved when he saw that there was an exit wound coming out of Wes back. Wesleys breathing was erratic and Keaton wasnt sure what was going on in his head. At the house everything was white which Keaton thought was kind of silly. Keaton tied two towels around Wes chest and took him out to the bed that they shared. Keaton helped Wes into the bed, went back into the bathroom and got another towel. When he came out of the bathroom he put the towel under Wesleys chest. Wesley said to Keaton, What happens now?Keaton had never seen his brother so scared. Keaton knew that he was probably afraid that Michael would come back, thats all. Keaton said to his brother as he rebuttoned his shirt, You rest. Im gonna go get something to eat. Then Keaton asked, Do you want anything? Wes said, No Im fine.Wes closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep as he heard his brother leave the room and shut the door. Keaton went down to the kitchen and tried to wash his hands; he still had Wesleys blood on his hands. Keaton got as much as he could off of his hands. Then he went over to the fridge and grabbed the ham and mustard. He made himself a sandwich and sat down at the kitchen table. Keaton had just taken a bite when Drew came into the kitchen.Drew said to Keaton, Where have you been?! Simon wanted us at his studio like a half hour ago.Keaton wasnt really fazed by this. He didnt really care about the contest, their singing career or anything right now. He really only cared about his brother. Keaton just shrugged his shoulders at Drew and took another bite of his sandwich. Drew said to Keaton,Whats with you man? Then Drew saw Keatons hands. There was blood still on his hands. Drew asked, Whos blood is that??Keaton looked down at his hands when Drew asked him this. Keaton didnt really want to tell anyone what had happened to Wesley. Even though Drew was bound to find out because they shared the room together, and he would see Wesley. Keaton said, Wes. Thats all that he said. Keaton didnt try to explain or tell Drew that Wesley was alright. For all that Drew knew Wesley could be dead. Drew said shocked,Wesleys blood? Where is he, is he alright? Did you take him to a hospital? Keaton just shook his head. Drew couldnt really get anything from him right now. So Drew went running up the stairs of the house where all of the bedrooms were, he went up to their room and hoped that Wes wasnt in there, but some how he knew that he was and that he was hurt. Drew went into the room that they all shared. There were two beds one by the window and another right next to it. Wesley? Drew said horrified at what he saw. He saw Keatons brother lying on the bed with a bloody towel wrapped around his chest. No signs of him being awake, no signs of life. That scared Drew, and nothing scared Drew so this was saying something. Keaton had followed Drew up to the room.What in the hell happened!!? Drew shouted at Keaton.Keaton didnt really know how to explain this to Drew. Let alone if he really wanted to explain Michael. Keaton just said to Drew,Wes was shot. On the beach earlier today.Drew was shocked, What?! He was shot. Why in the hell is he here, why didnt you take him to a hospital!?Keaton said, Because hell find us and kill Wesley. This was the safest option I could come up with. It was the only option.The bullet went through his chest. The bullets not in him which is good. And if I were to take him to a hospital; believe me hes my brother and I wouldnt want to see him like this, Michael would kill him. He would make sure that Wes was dead.Keaton had let it slip that he knew of the person who shot his brother by calling him by name. Drew asked Keaton, Michael? You knew the shooter? Keaton had gone over to the bed and was sitting on the edge. He was holding his brothers hand. Keaton said to Drew, Yeah, I know the shooter. Wes knew the shooter. We all know him, hes my dads old friend, Michael.Keaton was stroking Wes hair, he felt bad that he could never stop Michael. That he shot his brother. Keaton was holding onto a secret that he knew that Wes would never tell anyone. Keaton knew that Wes didnt even know that Keaton knew. Wesley stayed asleep for almost the whole day, Keaton stayed in the room with him until he woke up. Keaton was starting to feel guilty that he couldnt stop Michael. He should have been able to protect Wesley from him. Although he knew that Wesley would say to him that it wasnt his responsibility for Keaton to look out for him. Hey, hey. Keaton said to his brother when he saw his eyes open. Wesley was weak, he barely remembered why he was in this room let alone how hed gotten there. Wesley tried to pull himself up but failed in the process. Take it easy Wes. Youre fine. Keaton said to his stubborn brother.Keaton was afraid that Wesley could bleed out. Im fine. You dont have to baby me like mom. Im not babying you, Keaton said, I just want you to be alright. Do you remember anything that happened Wes? Wesley didnt know really how hed gotten here or why, he just had a horrible pain in his chest right now. Wesley said to his brother,I dont remember much of anything. I remember being on the beach. Thats really all. I dont know, what happened?Keaton said to his brother,Do you remember if anyone was with you on the beach?Wesley started to get the feeling that something bad happened, because his brother wouldnt tell him right off what had happened. Wesley said to Keaton,There was a man there, I recognize him, somehow. But I cant really come to a name.Keaton said to Wes,It was Michael, who was on the beach with us. Do you remember Michael?Wesley defiantly remembered who Michael was, he didnt really want to admit it though. Wesley just shook his head in acknowledgment that he knew who Michael was. Yeah, I remember Michael.Keaton said to his brother, Do do you remember what happened on the beach Wes?Wesley shouted at Keaton,I said I didnt remember.Wesley was hiding something from his brother and Keaton could tell now. By the way he was opposing him when he just mentioned Michael. You were shot on the beach, Wesley. By Michael. Thats why I wanted to know if you remembered him. Thats all.Keaton was surprised at how annoyed Wesley was right now. Normally he was calm, hyper not pisted off like he was now. Keaton said to Wes, You know you talk in your sleep.When Keaton said this Wes heart sank, he thought that he had been made. That all of his secrets had been exposed. But Wes didnt really know that Keaton was bluffing. Yes Wesley had started to talk; more like mumbling, in his sleep but Keaton didnt have anything to blackmail Wes with. It was a bluff that Keaton hoped that he could get away with. Wesley said to his brother, How much did you hear? Keaton said, You said some crazy stuff, so I really dont know what all to believe. Keaton was still bluffing. He was just trying to dig for information. Wesley fell for the bluff. Wesley said to his brother, You dont know what Michael would do. Mom and Dad entrusted him with us, and hed do that crap. I hated him for what would happen. Wesley had sat up in the bed. Keaton was sitting on the side in front of his brother. Come on Wesley, tell me what happened. Wesley realized that his brother had lied that he really didnt know of what Michael had done. He hadnt talked in his sleep or at least he hadnt said anything about what his secret was. Wesley was furious with his brother for lying to him almost as furious as he was with Michael for doing all of that stuff. You ass! You dont know what happened. I didnt say it in my sleep. If you knew youd be freaking out. Why the hell did you lie to me to try and trick me into telling you what my secret is!Keaton said to Wesley,Come on! Tell me whats going on! Whats going on Wesley and what does it have to do with Michael! You can trust me! Please Wes, trust me!Keaton kept nagging at Wes until Wes screamed at Keaton,He raped me!That defiantly shut Keaton up. What? I thought he would just beat you.Wesley said to his brother,You knew about what would go on!? Why the hell would you not tell anyone? Even if you thought he was just beating me! At least then Dad would have had some type of suspicions, he wouldnt have dropped us over there!Keaton stammered, I .. I didnt, I didnt know. I didnt think it was that bad. Youve gotta tell Dad! Michael cant get away with this!Wesley said,He already has! Dont you see that. Theres nothing that can be done.Keaton told his brother to get some rest, as he left the room. Wesley actually did go to sleep, the nightmares came quickly but he tried to ignore them. Keaton went down to the living room in the house, he was sitting on the couch when Ally came into the living room. Keaton was kind of lost, he was trying to figure out how Michael could have done something so horrible to his brother. Also he was trying to figure out why it never happened to him. Ally came over to Keaton and sat down beside him on the couch. Thats really when Keaton first noticed that she had come into the room. Hey, he said to her. Ally said to Keaton,Where were you at? You looked lost.Keaton responded,Just thinking.Keaton and Allys short lived conversation was interrupted by Drew coming into the living room. Drew said to Keaton,Simon wants to see us, and he said that Wes has to come.Keaton didnt really know what to say,What? He can barley stay awake let alone walk! How are we going to get him to Simons office? Drew didnt know. He just knew what Simon had said.Ally interjected,How is that he can barely move?Drew was ready to tell her what happened but Keaton stopped him. No. Wes will kill you if you let it all spill. So all of this, all thats happened stays between us, you me and Wes. Thats all no one else.Drew said to Keaton, Just help me go get your brother, ok. I wont let anything spill. But how are we going to explain to Simon why we have to carry Wes?Keaton said, Fine!Keaton and Drew both went upstairs and went into the room. When Drew and Keaton went into the room, the room was empty. You could tell that Wes had been in the bed, because of the blood stain that went through the towel but he wasnt in the bed anymore. Keaton said, mainly to himself,Wheres my brother?Keaton went to the bathroom and looked to see if he was in there but he wasnt. He could barely move! Where the hell is he?!Keaton ran back down stairs and Drew followed him. Most of the contestants were in the living room now, watching a movie. Keaton ran through the living room and outside freaking out some of the others. Drew was following him but he never got outside before Keaton came back in. Drew could tell that something was wrong. Drew asked Keaton,What is wrong!Keaton said, Everything! Wes was shot! Now he trying to kill himself.Drew said shocked,What?!This surprised the others that were in the room. Drew, followed by the boys of Playback and girls of Fifth Harmony, went out the door and out to the front lawn to see Wes sitting up on the roof.Drew said to Keaton,How the hell did he get up there! Josh shouted up at Wesley,Wes get down! Keaton didnt really know what to say to get Wes to get down, but he knew how to wing it.Keaton shouted up to his brother,You know he can just shoot you down.That got Wes attention but also the others in the group.Wes shouted down to Keaton, Do you really think hed put another bullet in me?The others heard Wes say another bullet and woundered what was going on between the boys. Keaton shouted,Yes. He wont stop until youre dead. You know that; I know that, now get down!Wes jumped down from the roof, Well maybe I dont want this anymore! Maybe I wish that hed killed me on the beach.Keaton was surprised at what he was hearing. So were the boys of Playback and the Fifth Harmony girls.Austin said to Keaton,What happened on the beach? Keaton ignored Austins question. Keaton said to his brother,Come on man, you dont mean that.Wes shouted at his brother,Yeah I do. After all that he did to me. I wish it was all over. That means either I die or Michael does. And at this rate its going to be me, because he somehow knows how to lay low. Keaton said to Wes,You know who he is, if youd just turn him in it could all go away. Wes said to Keaton, You dont get it. Hes never going to leave it all alone. Do you really think that that was the only time! That this was the first time seeing him since we were kids! Cause it wasnt. Hes been doing that for years.Keaton was surprised,What! How could you not tell anyone! Wes said,Really? Thats your question. Why in the world would I want to tell anyone that! That Michael was a sick bastard! I barely wanted to tell you; my brother. So why did you think that I would tell anyone else. Wesleys wound hadnt completely healed, and all the stress that he was in right now, it was bad for the wound. The others noticed the red spot fading in on his shirt. The others gasp at this. Johnny said to the others,Whats with his chest.Wesley just looked down at his chest. Wesley mumbled,Shit.Wes figured that the others would want to take him to a hospital. He knew that he was dead if he went to a hospital. That everything that had happened would be exposed. Wesley knew that he couldnt let this happen. Wes went over to his brother, and locked heads with him and said quietly,Dont let him kill you. I love you.Wesley backed away and ran from the house. Keaton was shocked at what Wes had said. He couldnt really react. He stood stunned in the place where Wes was. The others were shocked at what happened. Owen went over to Keaton and asked him,What did he say to you?Keaton just let it spill, he was too much in shock to really bottle everything.He said goodbye.Hes going to kill him.Keaton took off running after his brother. He didnt say anything to the others. Keaton didnt really know of where his brother would go. After all they were all the way on the other side of the country. (in Florida, E3 is from Cali.) When Keaton found Wes he looked bad. His wound hadnt healed and the front of his t-shirt was covered in his own blood now. Wesley was sweating and breathing heavily. Wesley was trying to keep control but his chest was in so much pain. Keaton was frantic seeing his brother like this, he was normally so strong and calm. He wasn't now, Keaton could tell that Wes was barley holding it together. "I didn't want you to follow me!" Wesley said to his brother."Do you really think I'd let you just say goodbye!?" Keaton said, "I'm not going to let you die on me Wesley." Wes said, "You're choice isn't really a factor right now. You know that and I know that we all do. Just get used to it. That Michael is going to kill me for telling you what he did to me. Okay; I know that, I realize that, so get it through your head Keaton. Michael isn't going to stop until I'm dead."Keaton said out of the blue, "How long?" Wesley didn't say anything. He knew of what Keaton was referring to but he didn't want to say.Keaton demanded from his brother,"How long has Michael done that to you?"The others went after Keaton when he ran. Austin, Josh, Johnny, Owen and Brandon came upon the scene where Wes and Keaton was. The heard the end of their conversation. Wesley said quietly, "Over ten years."Keaton said surprised, "You let that happen for over ten years! Why didn't you tell dad or mom! Even if you thought that Michael would kill you, they could have made it stop. So basically he's been doing that since you were 8 years old!"Wesley just muttered, "Yes." "Do you really think that I could have told anyone what he did and have anyone believe me! I was 8 years old! No one would have believed me."Keaton helped his brother up. Wesley said to Keaton,"Even if I could have told anyone, Michael would have killed me right then and there."Keaton said,"Well newsflash he's trying to kill you now!"Wesley said, "Just because I told you of what happened."Keaton said, "Before when we were on the beach, you hadn't told me. So why did he shoot you then?" Wesley didn't say anything at first. But then he admited to his brother,"Like I said that wasn't the only time."Keaton shouted at his brother,"Come on! Stop being so criptic! What do you mean!"Wesley shout back at Keaton,"It hasn't been the only time he's gotten to me! Ok! Is that what you want to hear. That I'm weak, cause after all of the shit he's done to me that's how I feel!" The others were hearing all of this and were confused on exactly what was going on. Keaton said to his brother,"He's gotten to you here? How many times? How could you never tell anyone what he did! Even now. You can stop him, you're strong enough to stop him."Wesley said, "You don't understand!"Keaton said,"Then help me understand!"Wesley said, "Do you really think that I would want to LET him do that to me? Do you really think that I had any choice in that. I would lock up. What would you do if that happened to you? Would you be able to fight him? Would you prevale?"Keaton said, "Then why didn't you tell anyone when you got older? When you could have fought him off."Wesley wasn't really proud of this part. Wesley looked down,"He would drug me, when I was older. So I couldn't fight him, so I couldn't get away from him." Wesley said quietly to his brother,"He would drug me so he could rape me quietly."Keaton said, "What?" Keaton didn't really know what to do, what to say to make the feeling in the air go away right now. Keaton grabbed his brother and hugged him. Keaton didn't care if Wes didn't want to hug him, Keaton needed it. "I'm sorry that he did that."Keaton couldn't really process all that was going on. With the wound bleeding, the reviel of Wesley's secret. Keaton said,"Come on."And he and Wesley started walking up to the house. Wes said as they were walking,"You know I can't go to a hospital. He'll find me and kill me."Keaton said to Wes,"I know that's why I didn't take you to one in the first place."Wesley said to Keaton,"Do you think that Simon is going to find out?"Keaton said, "What that you were shot, or that ..."Wesley said,"That I was shot."Keaton said, "Adventually. I don't know. The others might tell him. I won't if you don't want me to.""But somehow he is going to find out, this is going to get out. Wes I'm sorry but you should realize that this isn't always going to be a secret."Wesley said,"I know." As he looked back at Austin, Josh, and the others that were following them. After a semlessly calm moment between the boys chaos broke out. Shooting came out of nowhere. Wesley reacted out of reflex and pushed his brother out of the way. They ran up to where there was cover near the house. Wesley shouted at his brother, "I told you he was going to find me and kill me!"Josh yelled at Wesley when he got to cover, "What the hell have you gotten yourself into!! Why the hell is he shooting at you."Wesley said to Keaton, "You know we have to finish this once and for all. You know what that means Keaton. Right?"Keaton shook his head a little. "But you can't just give up to him."Wes said to Keaton, "I know, but I die or he dies. And at the rate we're at right now. Michael is going to kill me. Tell Mom I love her."Wesley patted Keaton on the back and headed out of cover and around the house. Josh was weirded out by how "matter of fact" Wes was about him dying. Like it was inevitable for this to happen. Keaton stopped talking about Wesley after this moment. Drew and Keaton tried to keep the band together but they just went different ways. Keaton never could get out of his head the question of why? Why did Michael have to do this. Wesley's ultimatum that he posed did come true. But Keaton wasn't so happy with the ending. Keaton went back to his mom and dad's house in Huntington Beach, and continued to go to school. Drew on the other hand really didn't have anything to go back to. Keaton didn't hear from Drew for a few years after Wesley's death. Keaton didn't know of how bad it'd effected him. Wesley and Drew had been best friends since in the 6th grade, they were like brothers. ([GROUPS:] Playback: Austin Corini, Josh Metzler, Johnny Maxwell, Owen Sturat, Brandon Hassan; Fifth Harmony: Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Lauren Michelle Jauregui, Camila Cabello, Dinah Jane Hansen; LYRIC 145: Julien Joseph, Melee Joseph, Bianca Barnes; Sister C: Cirby Ryan, Carli Rayne, Celbi Rheygan Manchaca)