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Page 1: Weight Loss and How to Really Commit to It

Weight Loss and How to Really Commit to It

Page 2: Weight Loss and How to Really Commit to It

Millions of people all over the world want to lose weight, but only few ever really

succeed with it. Many folks struggle to shed those extra fats because they always

opt for the quickest fix—and when it doesn’t work, they just give up on it. Then

after a while, they try and give up again and again and again. It’s a vicious cycle

that never ends until you fully understand how to really commit to your weight

loss goal.

And so it is absolutely crucial to commit yourself from the very beginning. Go

ahead and read these five practical weight loss commitment tips below to get a

better understanding on how to lose weight and really follow through with it.

1. Make a Realistic Goal

First and foremost, you’ll need to figure out how many pounds you want to shed.

Having a specific goal is important so you’ll be more determined to achieve it.

However, be sure it’s a number you can realistically achieve so you don’t end up

blaming and overwhelming yourself.

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2. Don’t Stick to a Deadline

You’ll only be pressured and frustrated if you set a time frame. How long it takes

to lose weight isn’t really important; what matters is your ability to maintain the

new weight you’ve worked hard for. Don’t worry about the length of the process;

just focus on the end goal and you’ll eventually get there.

3. Commit to Losing Weight

Losing weight naturally is not an overnight process; it’ll take some real effort and

patience from you. So if you’re truly determined to lose weight, you have to make

time for it in your daily schedule. Start eating the right foods, drink plenty of

water, get enough sleep, work out every day, avoid stress, adapt a positive

mindset and make no excuses. You really have to discipline yourself in order to

see the results you want.

4. Evaluate Your Eating Habits

List all the foods you normally eat. Most people have no idea just how much junk

they consume every day, so writing a list will help you realize what foods you

should start avoiding and what you should change in your diet in order to lose

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weight. It’s also good to have a log of your daily food intake from now on so you

can easily monitor your new diet.

5. Change Your Diet Gradually

Switch to a natural weight loss diet gradually rather than immediately. If you

change drastically while your body is still used to unhealthy foods, you’ll only

crave more for those junk foods and you’ll think you might not be able to make it.

What you should do instead is gradually reduce your junk food consumption by

10% until it’s completely out of your new diet. If you want to cut the amount of

food you eat, do it 10% at a time as well.

Remember that losing weight isn’t always easy, but it is definitely doable. It’s not

a weekend project that you can start and stop anytime you want to; it begins the

moment you decide to lead a healthier lifestyle and ends after you’ve followed

through with your plan every step of the way. It’ll take a lot of time, patience and

discipline for sure, but most of all, commitment. You need the will to make it all

the way through before you can make way for the new you.