Download - Wedding gifts can i ask for cash

Page 1: Wedding gifts   can i ask for cash

Wedding Gifts - Can I Ask for Cash?

With many couples getting married later in life it becomes more complicated to decide what to give the bride and groom for a wedding gift. With the average marriage age rising, people are more established and feel they do not need more items to accumulate in their homes. In fact, more couples are asking whether or not it is rude to request money rather than wedding gifts? Who can blame them when you think about the cost of a wedding, honeymoon and buying a new home. Not to mention that most couples are paying for these expenses on their own. More couples are asking the question "Is it polite to ask for cash as a Maggie Sottero Jd1381 gift in lieu of gifts?"

Page 2: Wedding gifts   can i ask for cash

Yes, there is no polite way to ask for cash. Word of mouth may be the best way to do so if you feel this is necessary. Normally, people ask the bridal party or immediate family members where the bride and groom are registered. A perfect way for them to respond is "They are registered at a XYZ; however, they are also saving to buy a new home or pay for their honeymoon." The truth is most people are sophisticated enough to know most couples would prefer cash and the chances are they will receive a mixture of cash and wedding gifts. Furthermore, many people feel it is tacky to ask people for cash. They feel that the couple should be appreciative of whatever Maggie Sottero Jd1386 gifts they receive.

Page 3: Wedding gifts   can i ask for cash

However, times have changed and companies are now offering various services to accommodate the bride and groom who are looking for cash as opposed to Maggie Sottero Jd1389 gifts. For example, banks are now offering a bridal registry where your guest can contribute to the down payment on a home for the bride and groom. Other companies are also offering a bridal registry where your guests can deposit the money in an account and they can use the cash for whatever they decide. Talk about instant gratification. The question still arises is this any different than asking for cash? In my opinion, these alternatives are an indirect way for the bride and groom to ask for cash. Perhaps, as time passes and more people ask for cash and more companies offer these services it will no longer be considered in bad taste to ask for money in lieu of wedding gifts.