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Website Never Sleeps


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The word “Website “became more familiar these days to

everyone. All we know is to chat, share images, videos etc

but we have huge scope to develop our business, share our

ideas, help people, get valuable information and many more.

We have conducted a survey to know how many know “the

importance of website and the revenue generation module

in it”. Most of them said websites are only used to pro-ject

our company information, but the truth is beyond our expec-


In developed countries everyone is habituated to websites,

whatever may be the requirement they will surf for websites

and get it done. For example tuitions online, groceries as

home delivery, book tickets online, doctor appointments

online etc.

Many of us have very less interest to start a online shop or

making their presence online, For those who wants to know

more about the website, here we are unveiling the impor-

tance of having a website and its benefits

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The frequent questions posed by the clients which we came across in this 2 years:

1) What is the need for us to make our business to go online?

2) We don’t know how to use it technology?

3) Though we are following traditional ways of marketing we are not able to generate business how can we expect busi-ness through online presence?

4) We don’t have time!!!

5) May be costly?

6) Why to go online?

7) I don’t have trust on online transactions!

8) Fear of hidden charges.

9) People may download the important information of mine.

10) Fear of hacking.

11) Do people visit my website?

12) My Target market is Niche how can we reach the local market?

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Website Never Sleeps:

Though your marketing team may sleep but your website

never sleeps. Most of the people wish to visit stores in the

evenings or late nights but turn up feeling disappointed for

various reasons like the stores being closed due to vacation

or environmental conditions or any issues, for such people

who want to shop online can visit website which runs 365

days 24/7 .Hence customer can visit at anytime, anywhere

with any device which is got internet accessibility.

Trust builder:

Website unveils genuineness of the company and about their

presence in the market .Now a days, even the job seeker who

wants to apply for a position will Google companies official

website to know about that specific company and their ser-



Branding builds customer loyalty. It is the only way to differ-

entiate your products from your competitor .The content

speaks about your business and builds confidence in cus-

tomer's mind which intern creates word of mouth marketing.

Branding helps to differentiate products, services and com-pany from its competitors.

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Promote your products:

Website helps to showcase your products where everyone

can view and can compare with other products which are

present in your website. For product you can give rating, Dis-

counts on particular occasions, description of the product

which helps the customer to know in detail and even cus-

tomer review will build a trust/good will.

Promote your services:

In real world to display or pro-ject your service it will be

major hurdle. Wherein website, you can acquaint all the ser-

vices your company provides to a wide range of people. Also,

you can estimate the outcome of the services rendered and

their benefits as well.

Share your ideas:

A website can be a powerful source of sharing ideas, and to

build the following of like-minded people. Also, we can write

online journals, blogs to ventilate some of your thoughts and

concerns. It also allows easy explanation of things by adding

audio, video or animation to your website, like having your

own radio or TV station.

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Show analytics:

Website will help you track the insights of the no. of visitors

visiting your page. Where you can differentiate the gender,

age group, city and countries. Based on these reports you

can change the business structure or the process that you

are following. One important feature is that you can com-

pare the status of your competitor with your website and can

give a prefect competition to achieve or win the lead.

Compare the products:

In real practise the customer visit stores for example a

gadget show room, where customer will look all the prod-

ucts and compare with similar product which is in that show-

room. In the same way website will give a platform for the

customer to compare the products with other products and

choose the right one of his choice.

Offer Effective Customer Service 365 days 24/7 :

Website gives a space for the customer to post their queries,

problems and to seek product related information .It helps

build loyal customers and even change the suspect customer

to a prospect.

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Save Costs:

Compared to the traditional marketing methods, the cost or

the investment required for the website is very low and is a

onetime investment where customer only needs a renewal

their domain name and hosting. By integrating systems and

automating certain tasks, we may actually save costs. For in-

stance, by integrating your e-commerce website into your in-

ventory and accounting systems. Build extranets to connect

with suppliers and clients alike. You can provide download-

able documents within the website rather than emailing

them. Opportunities are never endless with the websites.

Contact Us:Sanjay Samuel.Y