Download - Website: June 5 and 6 , 2021

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+ Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Francis M. Vivona, S.T.M., J.C.L., 1943-2017 – Founding Pastor + Parish established on January 29, 1993 – Church blessed on October 4, 2007


2120 Lindell Road, Las Vegas, NV 89146 – (702) 873-5101 Website:

June 5th

and 6th

, 2021


Reverend Milan Kasperek, Pastor

Rose Watkins, Christodoulah

Toni Ritchey, Secretary

Claire Lynott, Finance Officer

Mary Albert, ECF Coordinator

William St. George, Prayer Line: [email protected]


Saturday, 5:00 PM – Vesper Divine Liturgy – Livestream

Sunday, 10:00 AM Third Hour

10:30 AM – Divine Liturgy


Saint Onuphrius

Our Lady of Wisdom Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster a Catholic and Godly renewal with worship through the awe-inspiring Liturgy of the Byzantine Catholic Church; in order to bring the message of the Living Lord to the faithful and seekers of truth.

Parish Membership The Family of Our Lady of Wisdom is open to any Catholic, and to anyone:

- who is interested in seeking the Lord Jesus Christ through His Word and Sacred Mysteries (Sacraments)

- who accepts the teachings of the Catholic Church

- who will help us form a community based on the Lord’s love

- who is willing to grow as a Christian within the legitimate traditions of the Byzantine Catholic Church

- who acknowledges the authority of the Pope, Bishop and Pastor

- who will attend Liturgical Services on Saturday or Sunday, and on the Great Holy Days

- who is willing to support the growth of the Church by sharing their Time, Talent and Treasure (financial support)

- who will participate in the yearly Bishop’s Appeal

For registration information, please contact the Parish Office.

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Saturday, June 5th – St. Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre

5:00pm – Vesper Divine Liturgy – Livestream

Intention: +Rev Francis White by Steve and Patty Drechsler Readings: Rom 3:19-26; Mt 7:1-8

Sunday, June 6th – Second Sunday after Pentecost

10:00am – Third Hour

10:30am – Divine Liturgy Intention: People of Our Lady of Wisdom

Readings: Rom 2:10-16; Mt 4:18-23

Monday, June 7th – St. Theodotus, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Ancyra

No Divine Liturgy

Readings: Rom 7:1-13; Mt 9:36-10:8

Tuesday, June 8th – Translation of Relics, St. Theodore, Great Martyr

No Divine Liturgy

Readings: Rom 7:14-8:2; Mt 10:9-15

Wednesday, June 9th – Holy Father Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

No Divine Liturgy

Readings: Rom 8:2-13; Mt 10:16-22

Thursday, June 10th – St. Timothy, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Prusia

No Divine Liturgy

Readings: Rom 8:22-27; Mt 10:23-31

Friday, June 11th – SS. Bartholomew and Barnabas, Apostles

No Divine Liturgy

Readings: Acts 11:19-26.29-30; Lk 10:16-21

Readings for the Day: Rom 9:6-19; Mat 10:32-36;11:1

Saturday, June 12th – Our Venerable Father, Onuphrius the Great

5:00pm – Vesper Divine Liturgy – Livestream

Intention: Joseph Caprio

Readings: Rom 3:28-4:3; Mt 7:24-8:4

Readings for the Saint: Gal 5:22-6:2; Mt 11:27-30

Sunday, June 13th – 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

10:00am – Third Hour

10:30am – Divine Liturgy Intention: People of Our Lady of Wisdom

Readings: Rom 5:1-10; Mt 6:22-34

Glory to Jesus Christ!

5th – St. Dorotheus, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Tyre, suffered

banishment under Julian the Apostate A.D. 362, being 107 years of


6th – Our Venerable Father, Bessarion, Wonderworker.

Because of his virtues and miracles, the Greek writers compare

him with Moses, Elias, and others of the Prophets. He is thought to

have died before A.D. 400. — Venerable Hilarion, the “Newer,”

monk in Dalmatia. He suffered exile for his resistance to the

Iconoclasts. He died A.D. 864.

7th – St. Theodotus, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Ancyra.

“Wonderworker” was cruelly tortured to death for the Faith.

8th – Translation of the Relics of St. Theodore the Great

Martyr. (For the other Feast of this Saint, see the 8th day of

February) — Our Holy Father, Ephrem, Patriarch of Antioch.

9th – Our Holy Father Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria. (For

the other Feast of this Saint, see the 18th day of January) — SS.

Thecla, Martha, and Mary, Martyrs, suffered in Persia A.D.

315, in the reign of the Emperor Constantine.

10th – St. Timothy, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Prusia in Bithynia

(Asia Minor), suffered death in the persecution under Julian the

Apostate, A.D. 362. — Alexander and Antonina, Martyrs.

11th – SS. Bartholomew and Barnabas, Apostles. Bartholomew

is thought by many to be Nathaniel the “Israelite without guile” of

St. John’s Gospel. He suffered death in Greater Armenia. His relics

are enshrined in his church in Rome (Confer August 25). Barnabas

was one of the SS. Seventy disciples. He labored with St. Paul of

Antioch., Seleucia, etc., and is said to have been stoned to death by

the Jews on the Isle of Cyprus.

12th – Our Venerable Father, Onuphrius the Great, Hermit,

lived alone for 60 years in the desert of Thebes. He died about

A.D. 345, in the reign of Constantius. — Our Venerable Father,

Peter of Athos.

13th – St. Aquilina, Martyr, suffered death A.D. 117, under the

Emperor Trajan. — St. Trephillus, Bishop of Levkusia in

Cyprus, suffered at the hands of the Arians, especially because of

his loyalty to St. Athanasius. He died about A.D. 370.

Due to the Coronavirus and Directives from our Bishop and Eparchy, Services will be

livestream according to the bulletin. Please go to our website for the Livestream links

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UPCOMING INPORTANT EVENTS: Mark your calendars and watch for further information:

LIVESTREAMING – Beginning June 1, 2021, only the Saturday 5:00pm Liturgy will be


CLERGY DAYS – Fr. Milan will be attending the Clergy Days Conference, June 7-11, in

Phoenix, Arizona.

HIS GRACE, BISHOP JOHN PAZAK, CsCR – Please welcome Bishop John, who will be

serving Vesper Divine Liturgy on Saturday, June 12th


COFFEE SOCIAL – Big Surprise for little ones after coffee social on Sunday, June 13th


FATHER’S DAY POTLUCK – Sunday, June 20th

. Please bring a dish to share with the parish


MYRRH-BEARERS RETREAT JUNE 26 for Byzantine Catholic Women; see flyers back in

the church

EPARICHAL APPEAL – Thank you to all those who have participated in the Eparchial

Appeal. Currently, we have only 29 families that have completed their pledges $13,945.00.

Please remember that each registered parishioner is required to participate.

ST. ONUFRIUS LITURGY AND BLESSING OF PETS will be on Saturday, June 12th

, after

the 5:00pm Liturgy.

NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL – Mount Carmel Devotions are July 8th

through July 16th

with devotions, teaching and/or Liturgy daily. All weekday Liturgies are at

7:00pm. Please come and pray with us!

EPARCHIAL APPEAL 2021 – Our annual Eparchial Appeal goal for this year is $24,651.55. This is based on our

annual tithing income and then averaged out. We really need to prayerfully sacrifice for Our Lady of Wisdom and make

every effort to increase our participation in this year's appeal and in the monthly support of our parish’s financial

obligations, with our time, talent, and treasure. God blesses us in so many ways, we must always remember to give back.

Tithing, like praying, is part of our response to our relationship with God.

SANCTUARY AND TRIPTYCHS LAMPS — The Sanctuary and Triptychs Lamps are very special candles that

remain perpetually lit to honor Our Lord Jesus’ Eucharistic and Mystical Presence. If you are interested in sponsoring a

vigil candle, the usual donation is $10.00. Forms are in the back of the church. Please fill them out and, along with your

donation, place in the collection basket or see Fr. Milan.


Nativity Triptych Joseph:

Resurrection Triptych John, Baptist:

Nativity Triptych Our Lady:

Resurrection Triptych Apostles:

Prodigal Son:

Saint John the Baptist, Forerunner:

Jesus Christ:

Theotokos: +Margaret Lynott by Danielle Arnot

St. Nicholas:

Good Shepard:

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In Loving Memory


Our Papas

Fr. Francis Vivona

Founding Pastor of

Our Lady of Wisdom

Italo-Greek BCC

Memoria Eterna

In Loving Memory of

Fr. Stephen Casmus

Karen Casmus

Alicia Casmus

Memoria Eterna

In Loving Memory of

First Matriarch

Vita Vivona

George & Margie


Eternal Memory

In Loving Memory of

His Grace, Bishop

Gerald Dino

Memoria Eterna

Servant of God

Robert Handcox

Eternal Memory

In Loving Memory of

Mary Marlene

Eternal Memory

In Loving Memory of

Ben and Helen


Memoria Eterna

In Loving Memory of

Lorraine Plank

Eternal Memory

In Loving Memory


Dolores, Howard,

Michael and

Jamie St. George

In Loving Memory




Eternal Memory

In Loving Memory of

Cecilia Eliades

Harry & Anna Eliades

Michael & Marie

Della Iacono

Memoria Eterna

In Loving Memory of

John and Margaret Lynott


Jacqueline Purches


In Loving Memory of



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