Download - Website: €¦ · 10 December 2015 Dear Councillor I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Whitwick Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at St

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To: The Chairman and Members of Whitwick Parish Council 10 December 2015 Dear Councillor I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Whitwick Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at St John the Baptist C of E School, Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick for the purpose of transacting the following items of business. Yours faithfully Clerk to the Council AGENDA Apologies for Absence Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of interests in respect of items on the agenda. Members are reminded that they must declare whether the interest is a ‘disclosable pecuniary interest’ (in which case you must leave the meeting while that item is under discussion) or a ‘disclosable non-pecuniary interest’ (where you may remain in the meeting, vote and speak on the matter unless to do so would compromise your impartiality or other obligations set out in the Code of Conduct). 1. PUBLIC QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION 2. MINUTES To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 5 November 2015 (copy attached).


Clerk to the Council: Lorraine Ellis BA(Hons), 16A Foan Hill, Swannington, Coalville, Leics LE67 8RD (tel: 07787 588760)(e.mail:[email protected])

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This is an opportunity for your local beat PC/PCSOs to have a dialogue with the

Parish Council.


To receive notes of a meeting held on 4 December attended by the Chairman and

Vice-Chairman (copy attached). Members are reminded that part of the site

(adjoining the Severn Trent access drive) is a King George V Field.


Jason Knight, NWLDC’s Leisure Services Team Manager, will be in attendance at

the meeting to present his report (copy attached) and to answer questions.

Members are reminded that under the terms of the Parish Creation Order, the Parish

is committed to NWLDC performing this task on a rechargeable basis in the next

financial year though there is an option to give notice by 31 March 2016 to make

alternative arrangements from 1 April 2017. NWLDC have confirmed there will be no

TUPE obligations should the Parish Council give notice.




A report detailing applications received and decided is attached.


Events attended: NWLDC Parish Liaison meeting, 2 December


(a) To consider the report of the Clerk (copy attached)

(b) Community Hall - To consider the report of the Clerk (copy attached)

(c) Community Office - To consider the report of the Clerk (copy attached)


To consider the report of the Clerk (copy attached)


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The Clerk to submit report together with a list of matters which have previously been

considered by the Council where action is not yet completed (copy attached)


To approve the following payments:

HMRC – Tax and NI, Q3 - £ to follow

The Royal British Legion – poppy wreath - £17.00

Mrs L Ellis – petty cash, postage, travel, etc - £85.87

John Merison (BMC) Ltd – unblock guttering at Railway Station - £86.40

Auth SMPT – email account annual renewal - £30.00


(a) Person Specification

Further to Minute No 84, to review the previously approved Person Specification

prior to advertisement with a view to relaxing the ‘essential’ requirements to

encourage more applicants. Copies of the original specification together with a

working draft taking in suggested amendments are attached.

(b) Advertising

At the request of Councillor Colledge, to consider placing the job advertisement in

additional media.

The Council has already agreed to re-advertise in East Midlands Shared Services at

a cost of £200; also via website and Leics, Notts and Derbys Associations of Local

Councils and a news item in Close Knit. Some other options are Society of Local

Council Clerks website (from £90 for one week to £300 for four weeks), Jobsgopublic

(from £800), Voluntary Action Leicester (no charge), Linkedin (no charge?) and local

newspapers. Members are reminded that the sum of £200 was included in the

budget for recruitment advertising and this has already been spent.

Members are requested to consider the following item in confidential as it involves

the financial affairs of named individuals


To receive the report of the Clerk (attached).

Date of next meeting: 7 January 2016 (Draft Budget)

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature


NOVEMBER 2015 at the St John the Baptist C of E School, Parsonwood Hill,


Present: Councillor R Woodward (Chairman) (In the Chair)

Cllrs A Barker, S Colledge, D Everitt, T Gillard, D Howe, P Moult, T Pulford and J


In Attendance: Mrs L Ellis, Clerk and Mr P Ellis Assistant Clerk

No members of the public

An Apology for Absence was received from Cllr L Spence

Declarations of Interest

Councillors S Colledge and J Straw declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute No

76(d) (Planning Matters – Local Plan) as members of Whitwick Action Group


There were no members of the public present to ask questions.

72. MINUTES Resolved: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 1 October 2015 be

approved as a correct record


The Chairman welcomed PCSO 6387 Matt Suffolk to the meeting. He reported the

local crime statistics for October which were one domestic burglary, one non-

domestic burglary, three instances of criminal damage to motor vehicles, one

criminal damage to property and two thefts from motor vehicles.

Special attention had been paid to Whitwick Park in the light of vandalism and anti-

social behaviour problems in the summer but there had been no repetition and their

problem solving plan would be closed following consultation with NWLDC's parks


Plans currently being formulated for the crime prevention bus to tour communities

including Whitwick were welcomed.

Resolved: That the report be received

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature


Councillors Gillard and Everitt expressed their support for the revised Draft Local

Plan with particular reference to protection of the Green Wedge.


No report had been received from Councillor Spence


(a) Applications

The Council had been consulted by NWLDC on the following applications:

15/00853/FUL - Erection of single storey side extension to existing restaurant for use

as an A1 retail unit and installation of external cladding - 135 Thornborough Road,


15/00962/FUL - Erection of first floor side extension - 18 Valley Way, Whitwick

15/00998/FUL - Rear dormer extension and alterations to roof to allow for converted

roof space. 108 Talbot Street, Thringstone

Resolved: That no objections be made to these applications

(b) Decisions

NWLDC had now approved the following applications:

15/00786/FUL – two storey side extension – 32 Carterdale, Whitwick

15/00821/TPO – Felling of 3 no trees and replacement planting (trees protected by

TPO T113) – The White House, 1 Loughborough Road, Whitwick

15/00832/FUL – Single storey front extension – 4 Knights Garth, Whitwick

15/00838/FUL – Single storey rear extension to form kitchen/dining area, granny

annex and utility room – 95 Leicester Road, Whitwick

15/00932/FUL – Single storey detached garage – 50 Peterfield Road, Whitwick

The following application had been refused:

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature

14/00916/FULM – Erection of 28 dwellings together with public open space, National

Forest planting, landscaping, drainage, infrastructure and vehicular access off

Loughborough Road at land adjacent to 86 Loughborough Road, Whitwick

A member reported that further to the consultation regarding 'Changing Landscapes',

the National Forest had apparently taken a decision to proceed in July though the

Parish Council had not been informed despite having submitted a response to the

consultation. This had only come to light as works on site were now underway. The

Clerk agreed to obtain details of the final scheme.

Resolved: That the report be received

(c) Application Withdrawn

The following application had been withdrawn by the applicant:

15/00862/TPO - Works to 1 no. Sycamore tree (Protected by TPO T81) - 7A

Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick

Resolved: That the report be received

(d) Local Plan

Consideration was given to the report of the Clerk (copy previously circulated and

attached as an appendix to the official copy of the minutes).

Members welcomed the Draft Local Plan which was considered to be good news for

Whitwick having regard to the provisions for the area of separation, countryside

designations and continuing protection for Charnwood Forest.


(a) That the report be received

(b) That the Council respond to the consultation agreeing to the suggested

approaches on countryside, affordable housing, house types and mix and

Charnwood Forest.

(c) That the Council respond to the consultation agreeing to the suggested

approach on Policy En5 Areas of Separation subject to the word 'significantly'

being deleted from the draft policy that "development will not be permitted

which, either individually or cumulatively, would significantly adversely affect

or diminish the present open and undeveloped character of the area"

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature


Councillor Colledge reported that 'Woodstock in Whitwick' had raised another £1000

at its presentation evening and had donated £1000 towards a community defibrillator

for Whitwick. The Chairman congratulated Councillor Colledge and her Woodstock

colleagues on their achievements.


The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from NWLDC giving an update on their policy

(copy previously circulated and attached as an appendix to the official copy of the


Resolved: That the report be received


The Clerk reported that at a Parish Liaison meeting early in 2014, it had been raised

that the existing Parish Charter was out of date and therefore it had been agreed that

a working group would be set up to review the 2004 charter. The working group,

which she had attended, had been made up of town and parish Clerks who offered

to be involved in the review of some of the key topics and themes that should be

included in the Joint Charter; the aim being to make the Charter specific to North

West Leicestershire and meet the aspirations and aims of the clerks for the benefit of

local communities.

A final draft of the revised Joint Charter had been developed (copy previously

circulated and attached as an appendix to the official copy of the minutes) and

comments were invited. The aim was for the Joint Charter to be signed by NWLDC

and each parish/town council (by the clerk or chair) at the next Parish Liaison

meeting to be held on 2 December.

Resolved: That the Joint Charter be approved for signature on behalf of the

Parish Council at the Parish Liaison event


Consideration was given to the report of the Clerk (copy previously circulated and

attached as an appendix to the official copy of the minutes).

The Clerk pointed out that on completion of the building works, other issues would

need to be addressed at the new office such as fire extinguishers, burglar alarm,

equipment & furnishings and telephone & internet connections before it became


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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature

The health and safety report for the Community Hall might require works to the fire

doors prior to opening but was still awaited.

Any expenditure requirements arising out of the independent inspection of play

equipment which was not covered in the Management Agreement with NWLDC

would be reported back to a future meeting.

Resolved: That the report be received


Consideration was given to the report of the Clerk together with a list of matters

outstanding which had previously been considered by the Council where action was

not yet completed (copies previously circulated and attached as an appendix to the

official copy of the minutes)

With regard to the Post Office relocation, a reply from Post Office Ltd had been

received and circulated to members prior to the meeting. A member expressed

concern that the proposals for disabled access were inappropriate, undignified and

degrading and were also in breach of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.

These issues could be addressed by opening a new door with a ramp at the side of

the premises. Other members felt that the priority was to retain a post office in the

village and that in the absence of any alternative premises, the issue of disabled

access could be reviewed in the light of experience.

Due to the closing date for objections falling before the next meeting, the Clerk also

reported an additional item. Leicestershire County Council were proposing to make a

Traffic Regulation Order which would have the effect of revoking the existing ‘no

loading at any time’ on the following lengths of road:

Dumps Road, Whitwick - the north-west side from its junction with Talbot

Street in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 6 metres

Talbot Street, Whitwick - the north-east side from its junction with Dumps

Road in a north-westerly direction for a distance of 12 metres

These were just 2 of a number of variations proposed across the District intended to

simplify waiting restrictions by reducing the number of variations and, where

identified, remove restrictions which were felt to be no longer appropriate.

The proposals were out to public advertisement with a closing date for objections of

20 November 2015.

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature


(a) That the report be received

(b) That no objection be made to the suggested new street name 'Rock View



The Clerk submitted an update of the Councils accounts (copies previously

circulated and attached as an appendix to the official copy of the minutes).

The Receipts and Payments Summary for the second quarter had been scrutinised

and approved by the Chairman in accordance with the Council’s internal financial

control procedures.

Resolved: That the report be received


Members were requested to approve the following payments:

Mrs L Ellis – misc expenses: postage, consumables, travel, etc - £131.78

NWLDC – grounds maintenance Q2 (to 30/9) - £42,569.10

Ellis Whittam – health and safety year 1 of 5 - £2,220.00

Ellis Whittam – insurance - £6.00

British Gas – electricity supply to park and pavilion (02/04 – 05/05) - £242.09

Office Depot – stationery and consumables - £39.04

Office Depot – supplies for youth club building - £63.70

Office Depot – consumables - £5.98

Land Registry – search fees - £12.00

Buildbase – plasterboard and supplies - £585.48

Commercial & Avon Fire Protection Services – fire extinguisher servicing –


LRALC – Chairman’s Training - £35.00

Whitwick Community Enterprises – Close Knit page, Winter edition - £100.00

Coalville Signs - Office sign- £79.20

Buildbase – plaster mix and tape - £88.80

Buildbase – door handles and locks - £121.20

Harlows – timber - £111.36

Leics CC - 2 new salt bins - £650.00

Resolved: That the above payments be approved

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature


Consideration was given to the minutes of the meeting held on 19 October 2015 and

the recommendations contained therein (copy previously circulated and attached as

an appendix to the official copy of the minutes).

A member pointed out that an earlier meeting of the Committee had been unable to

proceed in the absence of a quorum.

The Clerk pointed out that the suggested 7 hours per week for an assistant would

not provide office cover for the Manager at times of holiday and sickness and so

additional costs would need to be built into the budget for the next financial year for

additional hours in these circumstances.


(a) That the post be re-advertised using the same media as previously plus the Jobcentre Plus and included as a news item in the next edition of Close Knit (b) That no change be made to the salary offered (c) That the criteria in the person specification be reviewed by the Council at its next meeting with a view to relaxing the essential requirements to encourage more applicants (d) That the post continue to be advertised on the basis of 30 hours per week with the caveat that this is negotiable should the successful candidate prefer to work less hours and have more staff support (e) That subject to the agreement of the candidate, the application which met the criteria be kept on file to be considered again in the light of any further applications (f) That a revised timetable be set as follows:

advertise from Monday 4 January

closing date Sunday 31 January

Staffing Committee short listing Monday 8 February

meet and greet/tour Saturday 20 February

interviews Monday 22 February

(g) That in the meantime, the existing employment of the Clerk and Assistant Clerk be extended on a month by month basis as necessary expiring not later than 31 March 2016

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...........................Chairman’s Initials/Signature

(h) That the initial hours for opening the Community Office to the public be set at 1pm to 4pm on Wednesday afternoons and 10am to 1pm on Thursday and Friday mornings to be reviewed on a permanent appointment (i) That the applicant who did not meet all essential criteria be thanked for his interest

Before closing the meeting, the Chairman reminded members of the Remembrance

Day Parade and Service to be held on Sunday 8 November.

Councillor Gillard left the meeting at 7.35pm during debate on Minute No 81 (Clerk's


Councillor D Howe left the meeting at 7.52pm during debate on Minute No 84

(Staffing Committee)

The meeting terminated at 8.12pm

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Notes Of A Meeting Concerning Problems Linked To Parking Of Vehicles By Parents Of Children Attending St John’s C of E Primary School, Parsonwood Hill, Whitwick.

The meeting was held at 3.30pm on Friday 4th December 2015.

In attendance were Police Sergeant Christine Huss, Christine Killip Headteacher, St John’s C of E Primary School, Ray Woodward, Chairman of Whitwick Parish Council, Anthony Barker, Vice Chairman of Whitwick Parish Council and Peter Staveley, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator for Parsonwood Hill, Parsonwood Paddock & The Hockley, Whitwick.

County Councillor Leon Spence had also been invited to the meeting but was not in attendance.

Sergeant Huss asked Peter Staveley to give a summary of the problems that local residents had been experiencing, and he explained that as everyone knew, parking by parents of their cars in the vicinity of the school at the start and finish of the school day was an ongoing problem. The problems related to indiscriminate double parking of vehicles on Parsonwood Hill; obstruction of residents’ drives by parents’ cars and parking throughout the day by large numbers of cars on Loughborough Road (an arterial road into Whitwick) effectively reducing considerable stretches of this road to one lane only. Verbal abuse of residents by parents parking their vehicles was also an increasing area of concern.

Peter explained that matters had come to a head in recent weeks because of several altercations involving (in one case) an accident on Parsonwood Hill between what has been described as a school minibus and a parked vehicle, where the driver of the parked vehicle had tried to physically pull the driver of the minibus out of her vehicle after the collision. The second case was an incident involving a local resident trying to make her way to work in her car and who had been unable to get through an area of double parked vehicles on Parsonwood Hill in the vicinity of the school. An altercation had taken place between this resident and the parent driver of one vehicle, and all traffic had been brought to a standstill.

Peter produced a photograph to show the problem of parked cars on Loughborough Road during the school day. (He has subsequently sent further photographs of this particular area together with photographs of double parking and obstruction of residents’ drives on Parsonwood Hill to those in attendance at the meeting). He was concerned that it was only a matter of time before there was an accident: more than likely involving a child.

A discussion then ensued, with Sergeant Huss explaining that as result of the recent incidents, her officers had been patrolling the area when available and had noted vehicle registration numbers of cars causing obstructions. She added that several drivers had also been spoken to. It was agreed that this action coupled with the letter that Christine Killip had sent to parents had improved the situation. However, as previous experience amply demonstrated, it would only be a matter of time before matters returned to the status quo unless parents were aware that continuing ad hoc police patrols (with the prospect of enforcement of road traffic legislation) would be taking place.

Ray Woodward and Anthony Barker endorsed what Peter had said about long-stay ‘nose to tail’ parking on Loughborough Road, and the problems that this caused for traffic trying to negotiate its way either up or down Loughborough Road.

Mrs Killip explained that as a result of the most recent incidents, she had written to all parents asking for their cooperation in trying to reduce the problem. She added that the School Council was preparing a school campaign to try and persuade more children to walk to school, and she was raising the issue with the School Partnership. She said that the school’s own car park was filled to capacity, and that she was aware that some part-time staff had resorted to parking on (for example) Loughborough Road. This was because if they parked in the school car park, when it came for them to leave at, say, lunchtime, they typically found that their cars were blocked in by other staff members’ vehicles.

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Mrs Killip was concerned about the narrowness of Parsonwood Hill which meant that large vehicles making deliveries to the school had difficulties in turning into the school access drive. This had resulted recently in damage by a delivery vehicle to one of the brick supports to the school entrance gate, and this was not the first time that such damage had occurred.

The question of allowing parents to park their cars in the car parks at the Hare and Hounds and Man Within the Compass pub car parks when delivering or collecting their children from school was discussed. Mrs Killip said that both pubs had initially agreed to allow this, but unfortunately it had been abused by parents, a number of whom had left their cars parked at the pubs for long periods, resulting (in the case of the Hare and Hounds pub) in difficulties for the dray vehicle in making deliveries.

Points for action• It was agreed that the question of extending the double yellow line ‘visibility splays’ on

Loughborough Road at its junction with Parsonwood Hill should be taken up with the County Highways Department;

• The possibility of providing additional parking on Parsonwood Hill recreation ground by a section of a parallel ‘pull in’ parking area would be considered by the Parish Council as custodians of the recreation ground as soon as practicable. This would have the double benefit of allowing additional parking by parents as well as a wider section of road to allow access and egress by vehicles making deliveries to the school. Funding support by sponsors for the provision of this parallel pull in parking area would be sought, and mention was made of possible sponsorship funding by Severn Trent Water and Bardon Aggregates. Sergeant Huss said that she had a contact at Bardon Aggregates, and she would speak to that individual;

• In conjunction with the possibility of the aforementioned additional parking area, and in a bid to stop double parking, consideration would need to be given to the placing of single yellow lines on the road between 75 and 95 Parsonwood Hill. The idea would be to prohibit parking by vehicles at peak school opening and closing times;

• In a bid to reduce the problem of nose to tail parking on Loughborough Road throughout the school day, the Highways Department of the county council needed to be approached about the strategic placing of double yellow lines at intervals on Loughborough Road, to provide a series of ‘refuges’ for through traffic using the road;

• Mrs Killip would obtain a list of staff regularly using Loughborough Road to park their vehicles to see if it would be possible for them to park elsewhere;

• With the aim of obtaining their cooperation to minimise the current parking problems, the police would arrange for a consultative questionnaire about the problem to be sent to parents, staff and residents;

• Sergeant Huss and Christine Killip are to look at the possible use of Section 547 of the Education Act 1996 with regard to recent instances of abusive behaviour by individuals;

• Sergeant Huss said that patrolling by her officers would continue on an ad hoc basis.

It was agreed that another meeting should take place after Christmas to review progress

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As requested, we’ve pulled together a number of options for consideration with

regards to the delivery of the Grounds Maintenance service within Whitwick for

2016/17.....and potentially subsequent years as well.

As you’ll be aware, the total cost of service provision for 2015/16 was £141,897

which was an all inclusive contract, ie, it included all facility management, the

provision of repairs and sundry items up to a certain level, emergency responses,

and officer involvement at meetings and with projects. The service can effectively be

split into 4 areas-:

1. Provision of the Grounds Maintenance service, including wardens

2. Maintenance of Clarke Close play area which is Leicestershire County

Council land

3. The management of the allotments

4. The management of the bowls green

We’ve based the options on a number of elements-:

A 1 year or 3 year contract

Inclusion or exclusion of points 2-4 above

Inclusion or exclusion of the all inclusive element

Inclusion or exclusion of facility management elements

For clarity, the cost of the areas highlighted above for 2016/17 would be-:

Clarke Close - £1,088

Allotments - £3,631

Bowls - £1,177

All the proposals below include these elements, but you can reduce costs by

removing some or all of them if you so wish.

Please note that the following gives an overview of what each element below


Inclusive with Repairs

This includes;

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Emergency repairs or rectification works at no cost and without prior


Minor works to buildings, fences, trees, on-street furniture, and play


Provision of sundry items

Officer involvement with third parties on issues such as ASB

Officer attendance at meetings

Officer support on projects

Emergency response

Out of hours response

Facility Management (does not include the youth club)

This includes-:

PAT testing

Water monitoring risk assessment

Annual building assessment surveys

Hard wiring electrical testing

Emergency lighting testing

Fire fighting equipment servicing

The options are-:

Option 1 (£144,735)

12 month contract inclusive with repairs and facility management (as is currently


Option 2 (£136,735)

12 month contract without repairs but including facility management

Option 3 (£135,735)

12 month contract without repairs and without facility management

Option 4 (Yr 1 - £138,317, Yr 2 - £139,751, Yr 3 - £141,198)

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3 year contract inclusive with repairs and facility management (as is currently


Option 5 (Yr 1 - £130,212, Yr 2 - £131,673, Yr 3 - £133,148)

3 year contract without repairs but including facility management

Option 6 (Yr 1 - £129,317, Yr 2 - £130,751, Yr 3 - £132,198)

3 year contract without repairs and without facility management

Hopefully this gives you all the info you need to be able to make an informed

decision. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jason Knight

NWLDC Leisure Services Team Manager

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(a) Applications

The Council has been consulted by NWLDC on the following applications:

15/01131/VCUM Variation of condition 2 of

15/00236/VCUM in order to allow for the

demolition of existing buildings and

erection of 12 dwellings with revised

design of dwellings and alterations to the

boundary treatments (including removal of

conifer hedge to most site boundaries)

Former Coal Yard Premises ,

Land To The Rear Of 61 - 65

Gracedieu Road, Whitwick

(b) Decisions

NWLDC has now approved the following applications:

15/00827/FUL Two storey side extension, single storey

rear extension and front porch

61 Rosslyn Road,


15/00840/FUL Proposed agricultural/forestry building Turry Log, Carr Hill Road,


15/00916/FUL Proposed rear extension to provide for an

extended roof terrace

193 Leicester Road,


15/00962/FUL Erection of first floor side extension 18 Valley Way, Whitwick

(c) Tree Preservation Order

In the absence of any objections, the North West Leicestershire District Council Whitwick

(Parsonwood Paddock) Tree Preservation Order 2015 was confirmed without modification

on 11 November 2015.

Lorraine Ellis

Parish Clerk

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1. Asset ID WPC.014 Land at King Richards Hill/Crusader Close

Ownership of this plot was transferred to the Parish Council as part of the package of

sites which came over from NWLDC. The Council has previously considered selling

it to adjoining occupiers though no progress was made following initial interest.

It has now come to light that this land is adopted as highway. This was discovered

when County Highways workmen were found to be felling trees on the site and this

was queried with County Hall.

Leicestershire County Council hold a record of the section 40 agreement covering

this plot. The land had been dedicated by a local housing authority and subsequently

adopted as publically maintained highway by Coalville Urban District Council. In due

course responsibility for the plot was passed to LCC as the current highway

authority. Ownership of the plot does not preclude there being highway rights over

the surface and there is no record of any other orders which might change the status

of the plot e.g. extinguishing or stopping up of highway rights.

LCC’s Forestry & Arboriculture Officer has pointed out that with regard to the two

Norway maples which have been felled, generally any assets located within the

highway are considered part of the highway and the responsibility of the highway

authority. One of the maples was found to be causing damage to property owned by

a third party; the other tree was of limited value which would arguably be further

downgraded by the removal of its more dominant neighbour. These were the primary

reasons for removing the trees.

Decision required: Members are asked to consider whether the County Council

should be requested to take over maintenance of the site (including grass cutting) or

whether it should be included in the licence to cultivate which is currently pending.

2. King Richard’s Hill Public Open Space – Historically Maintained by NWLDC

This site is also highway land included in the same section 40 agreement as

WPC.014 above

Decision required: Members are asked to consider whether the County Council

should be requested to take over maintenance of the site or whether it should be

included in the licence to cultivate which is currently pending.

3. Railway Station Building

Further to the previous meeting, Merisons have cleared the guttering. However, the

Historical Group report that rain off the roof is falling between the roof and the

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guttering itself. This is at the front of the new canopy, over the front door. Merisons

have been asked to take another look at this.

4. George Street Allotments

NWLDC have received numerous complaints concerning rubbish, weeds and soil,

etc that have been cleared from and accumulated along the back edge of the

allotments. Tenants have also asked that they be permitted to have bonfires or that

skips to be placed on site periodically so they can clear weeds and rubbish. The

current tenancy agreement does not allow bonfires so the agreement would need to

be changed. Consent for bonfires has also been requested by Thornborough Road


The cost for NWLDC to undertake a one-off clean at the George Street site would be

in addition to the annual grounds maintenance charge. It would involve the use of a

digger on site and several loads would be taken away and, as it is mixed rubbish,

tipping charges will be incurred. Their cost, including the tipping charge is £600 (exc


NWLDC suggest that if it were agreed to provide a skip to deal with future waste, it

should be locked and carefully managed otherwise it is likely to be used by anyone

and everyone. The cost to hire a large skip is around £170.

Currently, the tenancy agreement makes tenants responsible for removing their own

waste. NWLDC encourage tenants to compost all green waste, ask them to remove

other items from site but accept that burning on site in a controlled manner may

alleviate some of these issues. However, the National Allotment Society’s leaflet

Compost, bonfires and waste disposal advises that “bonfires can be a real nuisance

so many landlords are now banning them from allotment sites ... and [there is a need

to] be aware of the local byelaws that cover public nuisances (including smoke)”.

The leaflet also suggests that material that cannot be composted should be added to

the individual tenant’s council refuse collection or taken by them directly to the local

tip/recycling centre.

Members will be aware of the proximity of residential properties at both allotment

sites. NWLDC has issued advice on bonfires which can be found at:

The advice concludes that “a smoky bonfire could be actionable under the

Environmental Protection Act 1990. If we believe a situation prejudicial to health or a

nuisance has occurred, even though it has temporarily ceased but is likely to recur,

we could service an Abatement Notice on the person responsible”.

Decisions Required:

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(a) Whether to approve the £600 + VAT charge to clear and tidy the George

Street allotment site

(b) Whether to amend the tenancy agreement for both sites to allow bonfires and,

if so, what controls should be in place

(c) Whether to hire skip(s) to enable tenants to clear their rubbish

Lorraine Ellis

Parish Clerk

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1 Stephenson College Community Project The refurbishment works to the Hall by Stephenson College are provisionally scheduled to complete on 10 December. An update will be reported verbally to the meeting.

2 Budget Update Members will recall that the former youth club trustees transferred the sum of £3,100 to the Council to be used for the benefit of the premises. To date, £755 (excl VAT) has been spent on materials for the college leaving a balance of £2,345 available from the ear-marked fund. No other provision was made in the 2015/16 budget for this project.

3 Health and Safety Report The Council’s Health and Safety consultants, Ellis Whittam, have issued a 32 page General Risk Assessment Report on the Hall. Key issues identified include: (a) The need to carry out or commission a specific fire risk assessment. (b) The fire exit in the main hall is unsuitable as it can be locked, which

would prevent escape in an emergency. It is also a double door, which cannot be opened with a single action. This door should be replaced. (It was indicated verbally that this may need to be a metal door, not PVC. This will be specified in the fire risk assessment.)

(c) The main entrance door is damaged and requires repair. Given the

number of keys that have been handed out in the past, this leaves the building vulnerable so it is suggested that the lock be replaced at the same time. A guide price is £290 + VAT.

Quotations have been received for carrying out a fire risk assessment as follows:

Ellis Whittam - £990 + VAT including annual review at no additional cost

LABC - £473 + VAT

Bob Williams, Fire Safety Ltd/Commercial and Avon Fire Protection Services - £275 (or £400 if the Community Office is included. (Note: Commercial and Avon have serviced the building since its opening.)


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to commission Bob Williams Fire Safety Ltd to carry out a fire risk assessment

to make arrangements to repair the main entrance door and replace the lock

4 Additional Works The Land and Property Committee have previously recommended that a shutter be fitted to the kitchen counter. This would enable the kitchen to be charged as an ‘extra’ to the main hall. A guide price for this is £960 + VAT DECISION REQUIRED: whether or not a shutter should be provided before the reopening of the premises


6 Furniture Folding tables and stacking chairs will be an essential purchase. The number will be determined by the maximum capacity of the Hall which in turn will be determined by the fire risk assessment. RECOMMENDED: THAT THE CLERK BE AUTHORISED TO APPLY FOR AN NWLDC ‘GREEN GRANT’ FOR PURCHASE OF AN APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF NEW FOLDING TABLES AND STACKING CHAIRS MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS TO MEET THE MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF THE HALL WHEN THIS IS KNOWN

7 Additional Furniture and Equipment The following items have previously been identified as desirable. All figures quoted are estimates:

Electric urn to boil water – £300 for an auto-fill unit + fitting charges or a stand alone unit (£60)

Additional lockable kitchen base units (for Youth Cafe) – £300 + fitting

Drop-down baby changer in disabled toilet (subject to waste disposal arrangements being in place) – £200

Microwave – £50

Kitchen equipment (eg, crockery and cutlery) - £100

Replace existing fridge for an energy efficient model

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Cleaning equipment and materials - £500

Perspex box/cover over the sewer controls in the kitchen if the college can’t carry out the work - £350 + VAT

Fitting charges to replace broken door handles if the college can’t carry out the work

DECISION REQUIRED: whether to approve any or all of these items

8 VAT Hiring out of the Hall may constitute a ‘business activity’ and a ‘taxable supply’ for the purposes of Value Added Tax - see the separate report on VAT.

9 Hire Charges From a survey of other existing premises in North West Leicestershire (list attached as an appendix to this report), it would appear that the ‘market rate’ for the hiring of the Community Hall should be in the range £7 to £10 per hour (including VAT if appropriate). For example, £7 per hour + £1.40 VAT = £8.40; £8 per hour + VAT = £9.60 As a new enterprise, it is difficult to forecast how many bookings the Hall will attract, particularly in the initial launch period. Should members wish to stay within the £5000 VAT income ceiling, at least for the coming financial year, this equates to the following maximum usage per annum:

500 hours at a charge of £10 per hour (average of 9.5 hours use per week)

555 hours at a charge of £9 per hour (average of 10.5 hours use per week)

625 hours at a charge of £8 per hour (average of 12 hours use per week)

714 hours at a charge of £7 per hour (average of 13.5 hours use per week) 1000 hours at a charge of £5 per hour (average of 19 hours use per week)

Members are also requested to consider (a) whether a discount should be allowed for not-for-profit community groups based within or serving the people of the Parish and, if so, what this should be. A discount would have the effect of increasing the number of hours for which the Hall could be used without exceeding the VAT ceiling but this cannot be quantified being dependant on the ratio of full price uses to discounted uses. (b) whether to specify a minimum amount per booking DECISIONS REQUIRED:

to set an hourly rate for hire of the hall (and any addition for the kitchen if a shutter is provided) and the office

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to decide whether a discount should be allowed for community/not for profit groups

to decide whether to specify a minimum amount per booking

10 Staffing The Land and Property Committee have previously expressed support for a similar arrangement to that in place at Barwell Parish Council where two caretakers are employed on an alternate week basis on a one hour per week contract in addition to which they are paid for one hour in respect of each booking to cover opening and closing and any setting up/clearing up which may be required. This would have the advantage of cover in the event of holidays and sickness. Staff should be in place before the building opens to ensure that it is clean and to allow time for training to meet health and safety obligations. The minimum one hour could be extended to cover cleaning of the Community Office. RECOMMENDED:



11 Estimated Running Costs It is difficult to estimate running costs of the building, but an initial estimate is attached.

12 Youth Cafe A representative has indicated that apart from lockable storage for non-perishable food items, they will be able to access funding for any equipment they require. This is likely to include a folding pool table which will need storage. There is a fridge in the kitchen but it is very old. The representative asked that hire charges are in place at an early date to enable them to submit funding bids. The Cafe does not propose to use the kitchen as such but rather as a tuck shop.

13 Signage To agree the name of the building and arrange for the display of signage. Guide Price - £100

14 Future Actions

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To give detailed consideration to the health and safety report

Arrange the boiler service and repairs before the onset of winter weather

To determine Conditions of Use

Whether car parking arrangements need to be reviewed for busy times

Conclusion: Opening for Hire: Bearing in mind the various matters referred to above, it seems unlikely that the reopening of the Hall for public hire will be able to happen before March at the earliest.

Lorraine Ellis

Parish Clerk

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Appleby Magna, St Michael & All Angels Church Hall - £10 per hour

Battram Access Centre - £7 per hour

Beaumont Social Centre, Coleorton - £10 per hour

Castle Donington Village Hall - £9.50 per hour daytime

Disworth Village Hall - £7 per hour (£20 minimum)

Hugglescote Community Centre (second hall) - £30 for 4 hours

Ibstock Community Shop - £10

Kegworth Parish Church Hall – £9 per hour

Long Whatton Community Centre - £14 per hour (4 hour minimum)

Moira Wesleyan Reform Chapel Hall - £10 per hour

Packington Memorial Hall – Second Hall - £5/£7 (£6/£8 with kitchen) (Discounted

prices apply to village users)

Ravenstone Pavilion - £7 per hour

Swannington Village Hall – £10 per hour main hall, £5 per hour second hall

Swepstone Village Hall - £5 per hour

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Electricity 800

Council tax 750

General repairs and maintenance 500

Fire extinguisher servicing 50

PAT / electrical testing 30

Consumables & cleaning materials 500

Electrical certification 50

Boiler servicing 100

Training to meet H&S obligations 1000

Caretaker salary 400 Minimum. Based on one hour per week, but

will increase with pro-rata with bookings


TOTAL £4,180

NOTE: This is an initial estimate subject to revision in the light of further information.

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The following update on the building work being undertaken by Merison Builders was

given on 7 December: all the windows installed, guttering repaired making the

building wind and water tight. The sub floor construction is complete, internal

insulation is complete and we have started to board in preparation for plastering. Our

aim for this week is to complete the boarding, and first fix electrics, in preparation for

this. Next week, following the plastering, the floor will be screeded to bring level, all

walls will be misted out, the suspended ceiling will be going in, along with second fix

electrics, leaving the run up to Christmas to undertake second fix joinery and

decoration, as well as fitting the carpet.

Electricity, water and sewer connection fees and charges came in well below the

budget. An allowance of £5,488 had been made with the actual cost being £1,822,

meaning a saving of £3,666. If necessary, this can be used to offset any other

unforeseen items or should budgeted items come in over budget. The electricity

supply is now connected and the contract start date was 15 November.

As mentioned at the previous meeting, a number of other matters remain to be dealt

with prior to the office being opened to the public:

1. Health and Safety Inspection – this will be undertaken by our consultants Ellis


2. Fire Risk Assessment - Bob Williams Fire Safety Ltd/Commercial & Avon Fire

Protection Services (who is recommended to do this for the Community Hall)

have quoted an additional £125 to report on the office. This is significantly less

than 2 other quotes obtained.

3. Fire Extinguishers – these will need to be provided depending on the results of

the fire risk assessment

4. Intruder alarm/panic button/internal CCTV – quotes and recommendations will

be obtained once the building is available for viewing. The project budget has

made allowances of £500 for an alarm system and £750 for CCTV.

5. Telephone and Internet connections – Virgin Media Business have indicated

that their cable runs outside the building and their installation cost will be around

£50. This is subject to confirmation.

6. Furniture and equipment – the suitability of the surplus office furniture donated

by NWLDC will have to be assessed on site. At least some furniture such as

office chairs and window blinds will need to be purchased. The budget has made

provision for £500 for equipment. The Council has already approved the

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purchase of a fireproof safe or cabinet and a replacement laptop. The project

budget has made provision for £1850 for two computers. If other equipment is

required, provision has been made for a £2,000 project contingency fund.





Lorraine Ellis

Clerk to the Council

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I attended an LRALC Introduction to VAT training course in July 2015. This note is

an outline of the course as it relates to Whitwick. To date, the Parish Council has not

had any significant financial transactions that are subject to VAT. However, this may

not be the case when the community hall is operational.

1. VAT rules are complex and this report is not intended to be comprehensive. It is

very much an outline of the key concepts as they apply to Parish Councils

highlighting issues relevant to Whitwick Parish Council in particular.

2. Section 33 of the VAT Act 1994 means Parish Councils can reclaim VAT on ‘non-

business activities’ when acting as a public authority providing services under a

statutory duty (eg, allotments) or exempt services. There is no limit to the amount of

VAT which can be recovered.

3. However, VAT is chargeable on ‘taxable supplies’ in the course of a Parish

Council’s ‘business’ (eg, hiring the bowling green and community hall lettings) or if

VAT is of a ‘negligible scale’ (see (7) below).

4. A taxable supply is “a supply of goods and services in the UK, other than an

exempt supply” (Section 4(2) VAT Act 1994). Business activities are defined as

making supplies in return for payment which could be provided by the private sector

(eg, hire of premises). The default position is that VAT is charged at a standard rate

(20%). However, some taxable supplies are zero rated, reduced rate and exempt.

5. Section 33 recovery of non-business VAT does not apply to charities unless the

Council is sole managing trustee. In the case of Whitwick Park, the Parish Council is

sole trustee of the King George Field but the charity status does not include the

former youth club building/community hall even though it stands in Whitwick Park.

6. Section 33 recovery of non-business VAT does not apply to village hall

committees if separate from the Parish Council. Currently our Community Hall is

managed directly by the Parish Council so Section 33 can apply if other criteria are

met (see (8) below).

7. Parish Councils need to register for VAT if they make any taxable supplies, not

including non-business activities (including zero rated) in the course of a business.

However, this is only enforced if the output tax (VAT charged to customers) exceeds

£1,000 pa. Previously, Whitwick’s only sources of income have been insignificant,

non-business or exempt. This may no longer be the case once the community hall is

up and running.

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8. If the amount of VAT incurred (input tax) on purchases for exempt business

activities is more than £625 a month on average, or more than 5% of the total VAT

incurred on all purchases, then the Council must register with HMRC.

9. Some examples relevant to Whitwick:

Type of supply/service

Business or Non-business?

Taxable Rate

Maintenance of council-owned public land, freely available to the public, paid from the precept

Non-business No Outside scope

Maintenance of Whitwick Park, the King George charity field (see below for income)

Non-business as the PC is sole trustee

No Outside scope

Allotment tenancy annual fee

Non-business No Outside scope

Individually booked sports facilities (eg, individual bowls sessions at the Park. (£50 income in 2014, nil in 2015)

Business Taxable Standard rate.

Hire of sports pitch/pavilion for sports group (eg, bowls club based at the Park) for a continuous period of more than 24 hours with exclusive use, or a series of 10 or more lets (provided a single invoice is issued). (£1000 income in 2015.)

Business Taxable Exempt.

Licence fee for annual use of land (£200 in 2015)


No Outside scope

Community Hall hire fees (where the hirer has exclusive use of a clearly defined area) (Projected income unknown but likely to be below £7,500 in 2016/17. Outgoings difficult to project but likely to be over £7,500)

Business Taxable Exempt. However, input tax cannot be reclaimed.

Granting the public a right of entry to a village hall or event (eg, fete, theatre, etc) where one person does not have exclusive rights (No current proposals)

Business Taxable Standard rate

Annual fee (£1.00) for the Railway Station building’s lease

Non-business No Outside scope


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As can be seen from the table above, any income from the community hall and

individual sports sessions are classed as business use for VAT purposes. My

understanding is that currently the Parish Council cannot reclaim input VAT on

purchases relating to the community hall unless the VAT involved is less than

£7,500. If more than £7,500, there is an ‘Option to Tax’ on a specific building where

VAT is charged on all supplies – the Council should register for VAT and comply with

the administrative procedures involved but could then reclaim input tax. Clearly the

balance between the savings available by being able to claim input tax and charging

its customers VAT needs to be weighed up but income and expenditure is difficult to


NALC takes the view that the advantage of charging VAT outweigh the

disadvantages and its general advice recommends that councils opt to charge VAT

on rents and licences where expenditure on repairs or improvements can expect to

be incurred. NALC does however issue a warning that VAT is a very complicated

subject and they recommend a Council should seek advice before taking decisions,

particularly when contemplating the ‘Option to Tax’ as this is not reversible.

The Option to Tax the community hall, if taken, cannot be reversed. Therefore,

Opting to Tax now may be premature. Members may wish to keep this matter under

review at least annually.

Lorraine Ellis

Clerk to the Council

Disclaimer: This note is not intended to be an exhaustive briefing note.

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8 November – Remembrance Parade

9 November – Meeting with organiser of the youth cafe

16 November – LCC ‘Promoting Independence, Supporting Communities’ event


Changing Landscapes Scheme – Stephenson Way to Green Lane (Rear Of Hermitage


Further to the question raised at the previous meeting, the National Forest have replied that

the proposed planting has been “held back an additional distance along the back of the

adjacent properties in recognition of residents concerns.” A copy of the revised application

and maps has previously been circulated by email for information.


I reported to the October meeting that County Highways had received complaints regarding

an existing salt bin outside No. 89 St Bernard’s Road which was damaged with salt spilling

into the ground and having an adverse effect on an adjoining tree. The location fell outside

the current criteria so the bin was removed.

Following an approach from a local resident, County Highways have now indicated that they

would be prepared to replace the bin in exactly the same position if the Parish Council

agrees to bear the cost of £325.

The Council allowed the sum of £2500 in the budget for Community Initiatives. £650 has

already been spent on 2 new salt bins.

Members’ instructions are requested.


The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published draft

recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for Leicestershire County Council

(copy previously circulated to all members by email). The public consultation runs to 11

January 2016.

The recommendation for Whitwick is “This division comprises the parishes of Charley and

Whitwick together with the borough (sic) council ward of Thringstone and that part of the

Broom Leys ward lying to the north of Meadow Lane.”

This recommendation mirrors the submission made by the Parish Council in respect of

Whitwick, Thringstone and part of Broom Leys but with the addition of Charley.

Lorraine Ellis

Parish Clerk

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ACTION LIST/MATTERS PENDING Updated: 8 December 2015

Min or Ref No

Priority 1Parish office/community hub. Cllr

Moult, lead cllrOngoing. Construction underway.

Neighbour: arrange Licence

Arrange phone/internet connection, quotes for security

system, signage, risk assessment, furnishings, etc

Priority 2 Workout in Whitwick Delivered

Priority 3Youth Club/community hall

Cllr Barker, lead cllrStephenson College - refurb/redecorate.

Health & safety review will determine additional works

andfurnishings required

For future: options for mgmt, conditions of use, etc.

Agreed: to operate youth cafe via IMPACT team when


Grounds maintenance Negotiate costings. Mtg with NWLDC held 7/10

Annual play eqpt inspection - report received 23/10

requires review

Staff pension arrangements

Staging date: 01/03/2016. Check and comply with AE

process. People's Pension agreed. Payroll software

required. Assess individual staff

Prop Cttee's recs and actions

following site visit and agreed by

PC, namely:

WPC007 Stinson Way, check responsibility for laurel

WPC.008 check if NWLDC maintain laurel hedge along


WPC.009 Briers Way (at park gate). Ask to be included

in next agreement

WPC.010 Green Lane/Herm Rd offer licences to

residents who have access onto land; review litter/dog

bin provision

WPC.011 Holly Hayes play eqpt needs future

renovation; clarify if LCC responsible for footbridge

WPC.012 Hilary Cres play eqpt needs renovation, clean

up corner; replace dog bin with litter bin; check

wayleave; replace notice cover; check responsibility for


WPC.017 Swannymote woodland - offer for sale to adj


WPC.023 The Elms. Consult residents on

removing/replacing child seat and replace bark with


WPC.025 Parsonwood Hill. Ask Severn Trent to provide

lockable cover; offer licences to residents who have

access onto site

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WPC.026 King Richards Hill. Check land registry re

ownership. Consider compulsory purchase

WPC.028 North St. Check land reg re ownership.

Consider compulsory purchase

WPC.033 winding wheel. Include hardstanding and

shrubbery in pending LCC licence.

Recruitment On-going

Salt bins2 site applns pending, note new LCC policy and

increased charges

Health & Safety / Risk Assessments

Ongoing: Ellis Whittam appointed to undertake review

of sites and policies. This will lead into essential works

req'd at the community hall

55(f) Community Orchard plantingGeorge St and Thornborough Rd allotments, subject to

Wyggeston Charity agreement

WPC.014 King Richards Hill/Crusader Close


Report to future meeting when position regarding

highway designation known. LCC felled two large trees

at neighbours request

WPC.016 Dumps Road woodland

Sealed bids received 23/4/15. Conveyance in progress.

23/4/15 NWLDC appointed as WPC's legal rep, query

regarding Easement with sols to reword

515 Proposed relocation of Post OfficeFurther comments forwarded 05/10/15, reply received,

keep under review

519(d) LCC Boundary Review Objection lodged 27/4/15. Interim report published

Gap in hedge, Hermitage Rd play


To be replanted autumn 2015? Check if any funding

streams become available or as part of Nat Forest CLS

Drainage problems, Rosslyn Rd Enquiry with LCC, ack rec'd 3/3/15, chased July

WPC.012 Annual licence - adj 51 Hilary Cres

Licence not renewed 03/15 since boundary line to be

reinstated. Further site visit needed when fence


442 Land Review

Assets WPC.004/011 & 012 - include in SHLAA. NWLDC

to be reminded of request in their Call for sites,

underway 7/12/15 - 18/1/16

441 Bowling green/pavilionBowls Club to investigate funding possibilities to

replace edging

LCC Licences (Winding wheel and

street planters)Application for Licence to LCC pending, chased

Thornborough Rd Allotment Set up tenants meeting re devolved mgmt

George St AllotmentsSet up tenants meeting re devolved mgmt. Request for

water and communal building pending consideration

425 HR adviceAgreed to retain Personnel Advice & Solutions from 1

April 2015, but deferred

425 Office equipmentAgreed to purchase fireproof cabinet and replacement


419 Community assets Nominations to be considered as required

Nominate Thornborough Rd allotments as community


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417 Community Defibrillator

Co-op agreed to provide power point at new store. Cllr

Spence agreed to lead fund-raising (note Woodstock


397(e) Railway Station Graffiti - liaise with school and WHG, pending

Front canopy - repairs completed

Make arrangements for annual building condition

survey. Obtain costs to report to PC

Guttering blocked - Merisons completed. Keep leak

under review

397(c) Byelaws

Draft sent to DCLG, NWLDC need to revoke their

byelaws before WPC make new. NWLDC to address in

2016. Review in light of new NALC briefing paper

403(i)District services

(cemetery and car parks)Identified as long term aspiration

391(c)Flower planting and hanging


Summer and winter planting agreed. Obtain Licence

from LCC (Response pending)

324 Whitwick entrance sign at Hall LaneLCC requested to include this site in Licence, for

planters (reply pending)

397(m)Clarke Close and other highway

land 'historically maintained'Regularise position with LCC. Licence from LCC awaited

391(j) Christmas tree location Keep under review.

243 Quality Parish Council scheme Review when time available

203 Parish notice board Consider provision of a 2nd board for community office

Community Survey

/Neighbourhood Plan / Directory of

local services

Included in Job Description for permanent Clerk:

consider future community initiatives (which will also

drive financial forward plan)

Local Plan On-going. Consultation underway

Forward Plan:

514(f) Provide artificial grass / all weather matting to Park goal posts

trim trail at Park

Holly Hayes play equipment refurbishment

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Essential Desirable

Educational qualifications

A good general level of education to at least NVQ Level 3 and/or ‘A’ level standard with a minimum of GCSEs in Maths and English at Grade C or above. Certificate in Local Council Administration OR a commitment to obtain within 12 months of appointment

A recognised qualification in local government administration A recognised qualification in Information and Communications Technology

Previous work

At least 3 years’ experience working in an administrative capacity Experience of taking minutes and servicing meetings. Experience of dealing with the public Experience of working in a financial setting, budget planning, keeping accounts and generating financial reports

Experience of public sector administration Previous local government experience Experience of dealing with the public, elected representatives and staff Experience of office management Current experience of working as a Parish Manager/Clerk

Skills and knowledge

Ability to understand the legal framework in which the Parish Council operates. Able to produce reports on a range of subjects including financial information Experience of setting and managing budgets IT skills enabling use of internet, office e-mail, word processing, financial records and website development. Ability to problem solve

Understanding of parish council meetings practices and procedures. Understanding of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Understanding of current issues facing parish councils Presentational skills Experience of procurement and letting contracts Experience of Health and Safety procedures Experience of payroll, including income tax calculations and NI contributions

Page 38: Website: €¦ · 10 December 2015 Dear Councillor I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Whitwick Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at St

Personal Qualities

Methodical and thorough approach to tasks Self reliant and self motivated. Good interpersonal skills. Able to deal with a wide range of people in an impartial, diplomatic and professional manner Good written and verbal communication Political awareness and sensitivity. Commitment to continuing professional development


Able to work flexibly as required to attend evening meetings, weekend surgeries and other events. Willingness to undertake relevant training to enhance the role of Parish Manager

Access to or use of a car

Page 39: Website: €¦ · 10 December 2015 Dear Councillor I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Whitwick Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at St



Essential Desirable

Educational qualifications

A good general level of education to at least Level 2 in Maths and English at Grade C or above. Certificate in Local Council Administration OR a commitment to obtain within 12 months of appointment

A recognised qualification in administration or management A recognised qualification in Information and Communications Technology

Previous work

At least 2 years’ experience working in an administrative capacity Experience of dealing with the public Experience of keeping accounts and generating financial reports

Experience of public sector administration Previous local government experience Experience of taking minutes and servicing meetings. Experience of dealing with elected representatives and staff Experience of office management Current experience of working as a Parish Manager/Clerk

Skills and knowledge

Ability to understand the legal framework in which the Parish Council operates. Able to produce reports on a range of subjects Experience of setting and managing budgets IT skills enabling use of internet, office email, word processing, financial records and website content management Ability to problem solve

An understanding of parish council meetings practices and procedures. Understanding of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Understanding of current issues facing parish councils Presentation skills Experience of procurement and letting contracts Experience of Health and Safety procedures Experience of payroll, including income tax calculations and NI contributions

Page 40: Website: €¦ · 10 December 2015 Dear Councillor I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Whitwick Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 17 December 2015 at St

Personal Qualities

Methodical and thorough approach to tasks Self reliant and self motivated. Good interpersonal skills. Able to deal with a wide range of people in an impartial, diplomatic and professional manner Commitment to continuing professional development

Political awareness and sensitivity.


Able to work flexibly as required to attend evening meetings, weekend surgeries and other events.

Access to or use of a car or alternative transport