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Page 1:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

Unit 4 - Early Republic Study Guide - KEY

1. Presidents – Using the lists below: order the first 5 presidents, then classify the events with the appropriate president.

PRESIDENTS WORD BANKThomas Jefferson George Washington James Monroe James Madison John Adams


Order Who was 1st?George Washington

Who was 2nd? John Adams

Who was 3rd?Thomas Jefferson

Who was 4th?James Madison

Who was 5th? James Monroe

Important events that took place during presidency

Stopped Whiskey Rebellion

Set many precedents

Started Judicial Branch

Alien Act

Sedition Act

XYZ Affair

Passed Embargo Act

Louisiana Purchase

Marbury v. Madison

Lewis and Clark

War of 1812 Gibbons v. Ogden

Monroe Doctrine

Era of Good Feelings

Define – civic virtue: doing something for the good of everyone, not yourself

Alien Act Monroe Doctrine Louisiana Purchase

Marbury v. Madison

Passed Embargo Act

Stopped Whiskey Rebellion

Set many precedents

Started Judicial Branch

Sedition Act War of 1812 XYZ Affair Lewis and Clark Gibbons v. Ogden Era of Good


Page 2:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

2. Whiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskeya. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked and was stronger

than the AOC.

b. How did GW put a stop to it? Washington used his presidential power to call troops and stop the rebellion.

c. Circle goal listed in the Preamble to the Constitution did this event break? Form a More Perfect Union Establish Justice Ensure Domestic Tranquility

Provide for the Common Defense Promote the General Welfare

Secure the Blessing of Liberty

3. George Washingtona. Define precedent. an action or decision that can be used as an example for

future generations.

b. What 3 precedents did he set? 2 terms as president

Forming a cabinet

Being called “Mr. President”

President gives “Farewell Address” before leaving office

c. Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 – What did act create? Judicial Branch

d. What 3 things did Washington warn about in his Farewell Address? NO political parties

Do NOT go into debt

Do NOT make permanent, foreign alliances

Page 3:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

4. National Bank – a. What is the “necessary & proper clause” also known as? Elastic Clause

b. Why? Because it can bend and stretch (to do whatever Congress needed) like elastic.

c. Why did we need a national bank? Constitution gave Congress power to collect taxes…That tax money needed to be kept some where, so banks were created.

d. Who came up with the idea to create a national bank? Alexander Hamilton

e. What cabinet position did he hold? Secretary of Treasury

5. Political Parties - Federalists vs. Dem. Republicans – Circle the correct answerFederalists Dem. Republicans

Leader Alexander Hamilton OR Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton OR Thomas Jefferson

Type of person to lead

Poor farmers, average people OR

Rich, business men

Poor farmers, average people OR

Rich, business men

Interpretation of Constitution

Strict OR Loose Strict OR Loose

Strength of Nat’l Gov’t

Very strong – to keep orderOR

Limit powers – let people enjoy their freedoms

Very strong – to keep orderOR

Limit powers – let people enjoy their freedoms

View of National Bank

Supported OR Opposed Supported OR Opposed

Economy – How US

should make its $

Farming and agricultureOR

Business, Trade, and Manufacturing

Farming and agricultureOR

Business, Trade, and Manufacturing

Country supported

Great Britain OR France Great Britain OR France

6. XYZ Affair – a. Which two countries were involved? US and France

b. Why were US diplomats sent? to get France to stop impressing US sailors

c. What did 3 French agents ask for? money (bribe) to stop impressing sailors

d. What was Adams’ response to this event? US stood up and refused to be bullied, did NOT pay bribe – “Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute.”

Page 4:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

7. Louisiana Purchase - a. Year – 1803

b. How much did the US pay for this acquisition? $15 million

c. Why is it important? ? More than doubled the size of the United States. Eliminated France as a threat to the United States, access to Mississippi River

d. Why did people support? More land to expand west

e. Why were people opposed? Constitution did NOT give president power to buy land

f. Shade in the area on the map.

8. Marbury v. Madison – a. What was it about? Supreme Court case about Judicial Review. Should

Jefferson and Sec.of State, Madison be forced to give Marbury his judicial appointment.

b. What right did the Supreme Court gain b/c of this case? Judicial Review

c. Who was the Chief Justice that made this decision? John Marshall

d. Who was the President during this decision? Thomas Jefferson

e. What are midnight judges? Judges were put in place in the final hours of President Adams’ presidency. Adams wanted to keep the Federalist in charge of the Judicial Branch, so he appointed Federalist judges.

9. Free Enterprise – a. What is it? An economic policy which allows businesses to make money however

they want without government interference.

b. What impact does it have on trade and business? It allows businesses to make money free of government controls.

Page 5:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

c. What events prior to and during the War of 1812 would have impacted free enterprise? CIRCLE all that apply.

Creating a cabinet Embargo Act Non-Intercourse Act Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 England’s blockade on U.S.

10. Embargo Act – a. What was it? A law which banned imports and exports to ALL foreign countries

b. What impact did it have on free enterprise in the US? Hurt the economic policy of free enterprise in the US.

c. What did it do to American foreign policy? Hurt our businesses tremendously, b/c we couldn’t trade with our top trade partner = England

11. War of 1812 – a. Who fought in it? England vs. US.

b. Who won? US

c. Identify each as either a cause or effect of the War of 1812 and then classify as either political, economic, or social.

Event Causes or Effect Political, Economic or Social

Increased Patriotism Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

British interference with American shipping – naval blockade

Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

Impressment (kidnapping) of American sailors

Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

Western members of the House of Representatives called, “War Hawks”

wanted to expand into Canada

Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

Believed British were arming Native Americans

Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

Growth in U.S. manufacturing Cause or Effect Political, Economic or Social

a. What impact did the blockade have on the US economy? B/c of the English blockade, the US was forced to become economically independent. US started producing more goods at home.

b. Connect to Francis Scott Key? Wrote the Star-Spangled Banner which became our national anthem.

Page 6:  · Web viewWhiskey Rebellion – Farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelling over tax on whiskey. Why was it important? Showed that the US Constitution worked

c. Which treaty ended the war? Treaty of Ghent

12. James Monroe Monroe Doctrine

a. What did it state? Warned European countries that the Americas (North and South America) were closed to recolonization. If they tried to colonize here, then US would put up a fight

b. Supported whose policy of neutrality? George Washington

c. Circle the area on the map the document protected. Place an “X” on the area of the map the document was directed towards.

Gibbons v. Ogdena. The case was over the issue of “commerce”. Commerce is another word for: trade

b. Who did the Supreme Court rule should regulate commerce? State OR National Government