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Elm and Birch - Year 6 Home learning - Week 4



English MathsReading GPS Mental Maths

10-Minute Reading

Read the next chapter of your book or log onto Newsround and read

some positive news.

This week we are looking at words that belong in the same

word family ‘gram’.Task: Look, say, write, cover

programme, telegram,

hologram, diagram, grammar

grammatical, parallelogram

monogram, program


SATs style questions

1. 39 + 673

2. 2 x 45

3. 838 ÷ 1

4. 99 ÷ 11

Vipers Writing White Rose MathsThe Drea m Asylum

L.O To use a range a reading skills to answer questions about a text.

Day 1 – Vocabulary

Find and copy a word that suggest the building was an unwelcome sight.

(VIPERS text below)

Anywhere Island!

L.O. To design and annotate a sketch of my own island

• I can describe the geograph-ical location of my island• I can sketch my island design• I can annotate geographical features

Task: Whilst out exploring, you have found an uninhabited, undiscovered island, which you can now claim as your own kingdom!

L.O. To solve missing angles in special quadrilaterals.

• I know that internal angles in any quadrilateral add up to360°• I can subtract know angles from 360 to find missing angles• I know that opposite angles are equal homelearning/year-6/

(Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)

EnglishSo where were you sailing when you made this astonishing discovery?Where in the world would you like your island to be?Which sea or ocean does your island lay in?Is it in the Southern or Northern Hemisphere?Which countries and other islands are closest to it?Which continent may claim it?

Now is your chance to design your island.What will it be called? What geographical features will it have?Look at these maps for some inspiration…

Elm and Birch - Year 6 Home learning - Week 4



English MathsReading GPS Mental Maths

10-Minute Reading

Try to double your reading time today!

This week we are looking at words that belong in the same word

family ‘gram’.

Task: Write a list of other words from the same word family.

SATs style questions

1. 5 x 4 x 10 =

2. 7,064 − 502 =

3. 6²+ 10 =

4. 56.38 + 24.7 =

Vipers Writing White Rose MathsThe Dream Asylum

Day 2– Inference

The author states ‘similar people had claimed the Titanic was the 'unsinkable ship' why might they make this comparison?

(VIPERS text below)

Anywhere Island!

L.O. To use a variety of ways to start my sentences, including -ed, -ing and -ly phrases, similes and -ed openers.

• I can write consistently in the first person • I can write consistently in the present tense• I can use a range of ambitious vocabulary for effect

Task: You are approaching your new kingdom for the first time. You dock the boat and set foot onto the shore. Use your senses to describe your experience. Turn your ideas into a passage of descriptive writing about your first impressions of your island.I specifically would like you to vary the way in which you open your sentences – use my Top Tips for ideas.

L.O. To investigate and find missing angles in polygons.

• I can partition shapes into triangles to find the sum of angles• I can investigate patterns of the angles in different polygons• I can use my knowledge of angles on a straight line to calculate exterior angles homelearning/year-6/ (Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)

Top TipsEnglishWhen collecting your initial ideas, consider what you can see around you; what you can smell; what you can hear; what you can feel, with your fingers, under your feet or against your cheeks; and how you feel.

How could you open your sentences? Here are some ideas...Upon first glance..., Everywhere I looked..., Above my head..., Mysteriously..., With complete jubilation..., Beneath my feet..., As I came into dock...,

Elm and Birch - Year 6 Home learning - Week 4




English MathsReading GPS Mental Maths

10-Minute daily reading

Read out loud to an older sibling or adult.

Ask them to ask you questions about the chapter you have

just read.

This week we are looking at words that belong in the same word

family ‘gram’.

Task: Word family crossword

Each activity is at the end of this document.

SATs style questions

1. 28% of 650 =

2. 10 − 5.4 =

3. 5,400 ÷ 9 =

4. 56.38 + 24.7 =

Vipers Writing White Rose Maths The Dream Asylum

Day 3 – Prediction

Suggest ways the story could develop - write a synopsis or summary for a story based around ‘The Dream Asylum’.

(VIPERS text below)

Anywhere Island!

L.O. To create a poster which details the rules and laws to be set on my island.

• I can use appropriate formal language• I can use the passive voice to create a formal tone

Task: If your island is going to start to have inhabitants who live there, you need to set some laws for them to live by!

L.O. To solve problems involving a range of mathematics skills.

• I can use the bar model to represent a problem• I can use division to find unit fractions of amounts homelearning/year-6/ (Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)

If you’re finding these problems too tricky, there are some other problems to try further down the document!

Top TipsEnglishThere are many reasons why countries need laws. These include:

To prevent anti-social and unacceptable behaviour. To identify who should rightfully own items and property. To regulate family and personal relationships e.g. getting married, inheritance etc. To provide a means for citizens to resolve disputes with other citizens.

Which rules and laws will be set on your island?Will there be age restrictions on doing certain activities?Will children be required to go to school?Will there be age restrictions on doing certain activities?Will people be allowed to own weapons?How will people be punished for breaking the law?

Elm and Birch - Year 6

Home learning - Week 4Th



English MathsReading GPS Mental Maths

10-Minute daily reading

Read a different text type – Magazine



This week we are looking at words that belong in the same word

family ‘gram’.

Task: Practise your cursive script handwriting. Write each word from the poster out 5 times.

SATs style questions

1.57 +


2. 23 x 785

3. 60 ÷ 15 =

4. 8704 - 4063

Vipers Writing White Rose MathsThe Dream Asylum

Day 4 – Explanation

Why has the author chosen to write ‘the treatment’ using quotation marks around it?

(VIPERS text below)

Anywhere Island!

L.O. To create a fact-file for a new species of animal that has been discovered on my island.

• I can refer to the same person, event or place in a variety of different ways• I can use a range of organisational and presentational devices• I can expand my noun phrases

Task: STOP THE PRESS!David Attenborough and his Natural World film crew are on their way to your island… a new species of animal has just been found there! Describe what has been found.

L.O. To solve problems involving a range of mathematics skills. homelearning/year-6/ (Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April) If you’re finding these problems too tricky, there are some other problems to try further down the document! J

Top TipsEnglish

Some questions to prompt your thinking...

What is your new species called? What are its main characteristics? Which animal group does it belong to? What does its diet consist of? What are its predators? What is its natural habitat? What makes it unique? What does it look like?

Elm and Birch - Year 6 Home learning - Week 4



English MathsReading GPS Mental Maths

10-Minute daily reading

Relax and enjoy reading the next chapter of your book.

Task: Ask an older sibling to test you on words from the word family ‘gram.


Try to write down as many words in the word family as you can in 2 minutes.

SATs style questions

1. = 5,776 – 855

2. ¾ of 1000

3. 875 x 25

4. 5674 x 100

Vipers Writing White Rose Maths The Dream Asylum

Day 5 –Retrieval

What did mothers say to their children in order to frighten their children?

Summarise - Draw a picture of the Dream Asylum based on the description in the text.

(VIPERS text below)

Anywhere Island!

L.O. To persuade people to visit my island

• I can use imagery • I can use exciting/emotive language• I can use rhetorical questions• I can use directive language

Task: Now you’ve created your own island, you need people to visit in order to bring money in. This is called developing a ‘tourism industry’. Create a persuasive holiday brochure to encourage visitors to your island.

L.O. To solve problems involving a range of mathematics skills. homelearning/year-6/ (Summer Term – Week 2 (w/c 27th April)

If you’re finding these problems too tricky, there are some other problems to try further down the document!

Top TipsEnglish

Why would tourists want to visit your island?What unique features does it have?What sights could they see?What activities could they participate in?

Wider Curriculum Choice GridAs well as completing a daily maths, English, spelling and reading task, we have put together a selection of different topic activities for you to complete at your leisure. We realise this is a busy time and so most of these do not require written work but instead are discussion and interaction based.

Let’s Get Physical!(PE)


If you have a ball and a hoop at home practise shooting the ball through the hoop

with accuracy.

I can shoot a ball through a basketball hoop with accuracy

when under pressure.  

Let’s stay safe online(Computing )

Create a poster explaining what you should do to kepp safe online, ohw can we help

each other to do this?.

I understand my role in keeping myself and my peers safe


Let’s Experiment!(Science)

Working scienfiticlaly - Conduct the ‘weather

balloon’ scientific enquiry.

I can ask scientific questions following

an enquiry.

Mental Challenge

Work out the value of each symbol.

Let’s get creative!(Art)

Create a piece of art work that reflects how you feel.

To use colour to create hue, tint, tone, shade and mood.

To use colour to reflect emotion.

Let’s Cook!(DT)

Design and make your own savoury rainbow pizza.

I can prepare and cook a savoury dish.


The Dream Asylum

The Dream Asylum was not a nice place. It was a tall, concrete building that occasionally oozed a sinister blue light and never had the same number of floors as before. There were hardly any windows and they often changed position. It was almost as if the entire building rearranged itself when no one was looking, a playful child intent on making the adults doubt their sanity.

The whole Asylum was built for one purpose: giving the 'treatment'. The 'treatment' was a brilliantly clever idea, so well thought out and planned that nothing could ever go wrong. Of course, similar people had claimed the Titanic was the 'unsinkable ship'.

In principle, it was perfect. You'd have a bad dream, the horrifying type that harasses you night after night, and simply sell it to the Asylum. Your dream is gone, never to return, and you get paid for it. Perfect, right? Or, that was the idea. In reality, people began selling good dreams, (as those are worth far more) for a little extra cash. Or they began scoffing cheese before they went to bed, hoping for a nightmare they could part with.

Of course, an idea so perfect and wonderful simply had to go wrong at some point. People who had sold their dreams began getting side effects, ones they hadn't been warned about, ones that made their thoughts dangerous and terrifying. Soon, the Asylum even began taking dreams you didn't want to sell; your family holiday at the beach or when you learnt to ride a bike. The Asylum became its own person; a building that suddenly didn't need staff to operate the machines anymore.Then, it wasn't just taking dreams; it was taking memories too. People left the building with a wad of cash and no idea who they were or how they came to be there. The worst part about the Dream Asylum, though, was that no one realised how dangerous it had become until it was too late. The damage was done; thousands of people wandering around without a clue as to who they were or what had happened to them.It was shut down, supposedly. The plan was to knock the building down, pave over the foundations. But somehow, the planning always got delayed, until suddenly it was as if the planning was never there to begin with. The

building remained, oozing its new blue light.As time went on, it became part of the landscape, just another building in the background. Occasionally mothers used it to scare their children; 'If you don't behave, the Dream Asylum will reopen and gobble you up!'People soon forgot the horrors the Asylum caused; it was easier than remembering.

Wednesday – GPS

Science – Let’s Experiment!

Maths Problems: Wed - FriIf you’re finding things a little tricky…

Monday Maths

Tuesday Maths

Wednesday Maths

Thursday Maths

Friday Maths