Download -  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

Page 1:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

152Many wild creatures are decreasing in number around the world. Choose one such creature and explain why it needs to be saved. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

The bald eagle is decreasing rapidly in number around the world, especially in North America. The bald eagle eats other predators, such as the sea gull, so it indirectly protects the animals which the sea gull eats. If the bald eagle were to be extinct, the number of sea gulls would increase, and the fish which sea gulls eat would decrease in number, and then be extinct. Therefore, there would be no more food sea gulls can eat, so the sea gull would be also extinct. In this way, because each animal is in the food chain, an extinction of a certain animal can lead other animals to be extinct. That’s why each animal should be saved. (117words)

The bald eagle is decreasing rapidly in number around the world, especially in North America. The bald eagle eats other predators, such as the sea gull, so it indirectly protects the animals which the sea gull eats. If the bald eagle were to be become extinct, the number of sea gulls would increase, and the fish which sea gulls eat would decrease in number, and then be extinct. Therefore, there would be no more food sea gulls can eat, so the sea gull would be also and they would also become extinct. In this way, because each animal is in the food chain, an extinction of a certain animal can lead to other animals' extinction other animals to be extinct (文法的には正しくても awkward). That’s why each animal should be saved.

Forests are the resource that is needed to be saved now. Every year, forests disappear from the earth at surprising speed. Loss of forests affects our world in many ways. For example, loss of forests would lead to natural disasters such as floods or landslides. Many animals live in the forests, so loss of forests would deprive them of their home. Global warming is a big problem all over the world now, and the loss of forests is one of the causes of global warming. In other words, we can save many important things by saving forests. So, we should try

Page 2:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

to save forests now. (105 words)

Forests are the resource that is needed to be saved now. Every year, forests disappear from the surface of the (こちらの方が良く使われる。)earth at a surprising speed. Loss of forests affects our world in many ways. For example, loss of forests would lead to natural disasters such as floods or landslides. Many animals live in the forests, so loss of forests would deprive them of their homes (普通はどちらが良く使われるかと言うだけの問題。勿論、home には抽象的というか集合的と言うか、uncountable な用法も有る。). Global warming is a big problem all over the world now, and the loss of forests is one of the causes of global warming. In other words, we can save many important things by saving forests. So, we should try to save the forests now.

I think I have to save “Iriomote Cat”. These creatures inhabit Iriomote Island which belongs to Okinawa in Japan. This creature is seriously decreasing, so it is listed “endangered species”. Moreover, these cats live only in the island, so we can’t see them except there. Therefore, they belong to an ecosystem peculiar to the island. Imagine they might vanish in the future. This means that the other species will be affected and perhaps end up disappearing from this world, because Iriomote Cat and the other species live together and effect on each other. In order to save the unique ecosystem, I have to consider some solutions to this problem. (109words)

I think I have to save “Iriomote CatWildcat”. These creatures inhabit Iriomote Island which belongs to Okinawa in Japan. This creature's population has reached a seriously low level is seriously decreasing (rapidly decreasing は良いが、seriously decreasingはおかしい。但し、rapidly decreasing だけでは、急激に減っているだけで 、 未 だ 数 は 十 分 に 多 い 可 能 性 も 有 る 。 ), so it is listed as an “endangered species”. Moreover, these cats live only in on the island, so we can’t see them except there. Therefore, they belong to an 寧 ろ the ecosystem peculiar to the island. Imagine they might vanish in the future. This means that the other species will be

Page 3:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

affected and perhaps end up disappearing from this world, because Iriomote Cat and the other species live together and effect are dependent on each other. In order to save the unique ecosystem, I 普通は we have to consider find (consider は例えば、解決策が既に有って、その良し悪しを検討する場合等。) some 普通は a solutions 普通は単数 to this problem.

I think we need to save whales.The main reason is that whales are taking an essential role in the ocean ecosystem. They eat a large amount of fish, plankton and other things, so if they disappeared, the damage to the ecosystem could be serious. Saving whales means saving the ocean.Besides, whales are important in the academic way. There are many things we don't know yet about whales, and I think it is very useful to understand why they are so smart. To continue studying, we have to save them.Whales are precious not only for the earth, but also for us. (103 words)

I think we need to save the whales.The main reason is that whales are taking playing an essential role in the ocean's ecosystem. They eat a large amount of fish, plankton and other things, so if they disappeared, the damage to the ecosystem could be serious. Saving whales means saving the ocean.Besides, whales are important for academic research in the academic way. There are many things we don't know yet about whales, and I think it is very useful to understand why they are so smart. To continue studying, we have to save them.Whales are precious not only for the earth, but also for us.

Polar bears are among such creatures which are decreasing in number. The last year, polar bears were identified as threatened by the federal government of the U.S. This was partly because of the climate change. By rising temperatures, the ice in the Arctic sea has been melting. Of course, polar bears need the ice to survive. Human activities are to blame for the climate change. I think it is unacceptable that other creatures are threatened by human activities. Such kind of things has humanitarian problems. Moreover, if polar bears should disappear from the world, the ecological system might be changed. Then, humans themselves would also be affected. From these reasons, I think polar bears need to be protected. (118 words)

Page 4:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

Polar bears are among such creatures which are decreasing in number. The last Last year, polar bears were identified as threatened by the federal government of the U.S. This was partly because of the climate change. By Due to rising temperatures, the ice in the Arctic sea has been melting. Of course, polar bears need the ice to survive. Human activities are to blame for the climate change. I think it is unacceptable that many other creatures are also threatened by human activities. Such kind of things has humanitarian problems These problems are inhumane to say the least. (こう書くと、次への繋がり方としては、「少なくとも残酷・無慈悲・非人道的だし、人間にも影響が生じ得る」となる。) Moreover, if polar bears should disappear from the world, the ecological system might be changed. Then, humans themselves would also be affected. From For these reasons, I think polar bears need to be protected.

I think white bears should be saved. This is because white bears are cute. In addition, their children are much cuter than their parents. Because of global warming, many creatures which managed to live have to migrate. But white bears can’t live in anywhere except in the Arctic. If their houses melt, white bears will drown. If they die out, we won’t be able to see them any more. You should consider global warming. If you don’t take practical measures to stop it, the king of the Arctic will disappear. Surely, you can see them in some zoos. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to save white bears living in the Arctic. (114 words)

I think white bears should be saved. This is because white bears are cute. In addition, their children are much cuter than their parents. Because of global warming, many creatures had to migrate to survive which managed to live have to migrate. But white bears can’t live in anywhere except in the Arctic. If their habitat melts away their houses melt, white bears will drown. If they die out, we won’t be able to see them any more. You should consider take global warming seriously (真面目に、しっかり考えるニュアンス。). If you don’t take practical 特に要らない。measures to stop it, the king of the Arctic will disappear. Surely, you can see them in some zoos. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to save white bears living in the Arctic.

The number of fishes which inhabit the Sea of Japan has decreased in recent years. That is because the population of China is explosively increasing and many fishes in the Japan Sea are caught to satisfy huge appetites of vast people in China. If this circumstance continues, fishes in the Japan Sea may be extinguished by egoistic human beings, and we will be unable to get fishes at a low price like now. This is a serious matter for Japan because Japanese people have a traditional custom of eating many

Page 5:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

kinds of fish ordinarily. There was not a culture to eat meat in Japan originally. So, fishes in the Sea of Japanese need to be saved. (116 words)

The number of fishes which inhabit the Sea of Japan has decreased in recent years. That is because the population of China is explosively increasing, and many fishes in the Japan Sea are caught to satisfy the huge appetite of the vast Chinese population huge appetites of vast people in China. If this circumstance (circumstance は、周囲の環境等の状況。現在の状態ではない。 ) situation continues, all fishes in the Japan Sea may be extinguished caught by egoistic human beings, and we will be unable to get fishes at a low price like now. This is a serious matter for Japan because Japanese people have a traditional custom of eating many kinds of fish ordinarily regularly. There was not a culture to eat meat in Japan originally Originally, it was not a part of Japanese culture to eat meat(この方が多分より自然。). So, fishes in the Sea of Japanese need to be saved.数を言う場合には単に fish が複数形。種類を言うなら fishes。それが分って書いているのならこれで OK です。

The tiger is the wild creature which is decreasing and needs to be saved. It is often used as a symbol of strength. If it became extinct, it would no longer remain a symbol of strength, which can ruin our history and cultures. For example, the tank which was made by the Nazis was named “Tiger”. And there are many Japanese proverbs which relate to the tiger. They would lose persuasiveness if it became extinct. The Tigers, which is a very popular Japanese baseball team, will also receive serious damage. If the Tigers got less popular, Japanese economy would suffer. The extinction of the tiger can have effects on our daily life. So, the tiger needs to be saved. (119 words)

The tiger is the a wild creature which whose population is decreasing and which needs to be saved (実際には構文が不細工なので、The tiger is a wild creature which needs to be saved with rapidly decreasing wild population.等とすべき。). It is often used as a symbol of strength. If it became extinct, it would no longer remain a symbol of strength, which can ruin our history and cultures. For example, the a tank which was made by the Nazis was named “Tiger”. And there are many Japanese proverbs which relate to the tiger. They would lose persuasiveness if it became extinct. The Tigers, which is who are (日本語の感覚とは大分違いますが、who are が一番多

Page 6:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

く、時には which are です。何れにせよ、複数扱い。他の例としてオリンピック等も有ります。The Olympics are in August.とか複数形です。) a very popular Japanese baseball team, will also receive a serious damage. If the Tigers got less popular, Japanese economy would suffer. The extinction Extinction of the tiger can have serious effects on our daily life. So, the tiger needs to be saved.

I think tigers need to be saved. Tigers have had a strong relationship with human beings since ancient times. For example, there are many artworks which have written a variety of tigers. Tigers are also used for symbols of companies, stores or baseball teams. You perhaps believe that tigers don’t have to be protected by human beings because tigers are strong enough to live by themselves. But, in fact, tigers are in the verge of extinction because humans have killed many tigers. Therefore, in order to keep our traditional relationship with tigers, we should realize that tigers will die out without our protection. (103 words)

I think tigers need to be saved. Tigers have had a strong relationship with human beings since the ancient times. For example, there are many artworks which have written featured a variety of tigers. Tigers are also used for as symbols of companies, stores, or baseball teams. You perhaps believe that tigers don’t have to be protected by human beings because tigers are strong enough to live by themselves. But, in fact, tigers are in on the verge of extinction because humans have killed many tigers. Therefore, in order to keep our traditional relationship with tigers, we should realize that tigers will die out without our protection.

I think that Iriomote Cats need to be saved. This is because a lot of researchers pay attention to their special behavior. Unlike ordinary wild cats, Iriomote Cats do not fear water and get food underwater. Moreover, their features look different from ordinary wild cats. Of course, preserving them costs a lot and a lot of people have to make an effort, but if they become extinct, researchers will not research them. Their research

Page 7:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

may be useful. For example, wild Crested ibis (toki in Japanese) in Japan became extinct because of reckless hunting. We should save them in order not to make Iriomote Cats become extinct. (106 words)

I think that Iriomote Cats Wildcats need to be saved. This is because a lot of researchers pay attention to are interested in/study their special behavior. Unlike ordinary wild cats wildcats, Iriomote Cats do not fear water and get food underwater. Moreover, their features look different from those of ordinary wild cats. Of course, preserving them costs a lot and a lot of people have to make an effort, but if they become extinct, researchers will not be able to research them. Their research may be useful. For example, wild Crested ibis (toki in Japanese) in Japan became extinct because of reckless hunting. We should save them in order not to make Iriomote Cats become extinct.(save は not to make them become extinct と同意なのでおか し い 。 更 に 、 Iriomote Wildcats と them の 出 る 順 が 逆 。 )   We should protect Iriomote Wildcats in order not to make them extinct.

Killifishes is one of the most famous creatures in Japan and their name is used in a Japanese children's song, Medaka No Gakkou (School Of Killifish). The killifish is on the Red List of endangered species. It means that killifishes are decreasing in number drastically. So I think that killifishes should be saved.Moreover, saving them would get people noticing that a lot of familiar creatures are decreasing in number. So this would lead people to protect other familiar creatures near them. We should start with protecting our familiar creatures because Japanese are not very interested in saving them. This would lead other creatures to survive. (106 words)

Killifishes is one of the most famous creatures in Japan and their name is used in a Japanese children's song, Medaka No Gakkou (School Of Killifish). The killifish is on the Red List of endangered species. It means that killifishes are decreasing in number drastically. So I think that killifishes should be saved.Moreover, saving them would get people noticing to notice that a lot of familiar creatures are decreasing in number. So this would lead people to protect other familiar creatures near around them. We

Page 8:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

should start with protecting our familiar creatures because we /the/most (何かが無いとおかしい。) Japanese are not very interested in saving them. This would lead help other creatures to survive. (文法は正しいが、慣用ではない。)

I watched on a TV program which says that the number of white bears is decreasing because of global warming.  I mean, the result of the rise of global temperature is that the area of the Atlantic Continent gets small.  And this cause white bears not to have enough space for all of them to live.  The reason why I choose the case of white bears is that saving white bears means that we deal with the problem of global warming.  I want the problem to be solved.  So, paradoxically speaking, white bears need to be saved in order to solve the problem. (103 words)

I watched on a TV program which says said that the number of white bears is decreasing because of global warming.  I mean, the result of the global rise of global temperature is that the area of the Atlantic Continent ?? gets has gotten/is getting small.  [And this caused/s white bears not to have enough space for all of them to live.] (And, this leads/has led to a shortage of space for all white bears to live there.等とすべき。)  The reason why I choose the case of white bears is that saving white bears means that we deal with the problem of global warming.  I want the problem to be solved.  So, paradoxically speaking, (頭使え、ドアホ!日本語でもおかしいやろ!) 全部無い方が良い。white bears need to be saved in order to solve the problem.

I choose Okinawa rails, yanbarukuina as wild creatures decreasing in number. The reason why they need to be saved is that they are going extinct. Now there are only about thousand Okinawa rails in the world. They live on only one island and they can’t fly. So they are not good at escaping from enemies or changes of the environment. In spite of that, people changed the environment and destroyed habitats for Okinawa rails. So Okinawa rails are decreasing very rapidly. They are very rare animals and we can see them only in Okinawa. I think that they are treasures of Japan. So we have to preserve them. (108 words)

Page 9:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

I choose Okinawa rails, yanbarukuina, as wild creature decreasing in number. The reason why they need to be saved is that they are going extinct. Now there are only about one thousand Okinawa rails in the world. They live on only one island, and they can’t fly. So they are not good at escaping from the enemies or coping with the changes of the environment. In spite of that, people changed the environment and destroyed the habitats for of Okinawa rails. So Okinawa rails are decreasing in number very rapidly. They are very rare animals, and we can see them only in Okinawa. I think that they are treasures of Japan. So we have to preserve them.

I think coral reefs need to be saved.Many fishes live in coral reefs because coral reefs protect the small fishes from their enemies like big fishes. Therefore, many small fishes would also die if coral reefs died. This is a serious problem for human beings because we often eat fish now and we would not be able to eat them if coral reefs died out. Coral reefs are dying because of global warming and sea pollution. Once they completely die, it is impossible to restore them. Therefore, we have to save them even if we have to make a lot of efforts to do it. (106 words)

I think coral reefs need to be saved.Many fishes live in coral reefs because coral reefs protect the small fishes from their enemies like big fishes. Therefore, many small fishes would also die if coral reefs died. This is a serious problem for human beings because we often eat fish now and we would not be able to eat them if coral reefs died out. Coral reefs are dying because of global warming and sea pollution. Once they completely die, it is impossible to restore them. Therefore, we have to save them even if we have to make a lot of efforts to do it. even if it takes a lot of effort (to do so)と書くと、we have to を繰り返さなくて済む。 良く出来て居ます!


ここから先は Reading 用、清書版********************************************************************************************************************************************大事な注:これで完璧では有りません。これに就いては、

Page 10:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.にて詳しく説明済み。

Polar bears are among such creatures which are decreasing in number. Last year, polar bears were identified as threatened by the federal government of the U.S. This was partly because of the climate change. Due to rising temperatures, the ice in the Arctic sea has been melting. Of course, polar bears need the ice to survive. Human activities are to blame for the climate change. I think it is unacceptable that many other creatures are also threatened by human activities. These problems are inhumane to say the least. Moreover, if polar bears should disappear from the world, the ecological system might be changed. Then, humans themselves would also be affected. For these reasons, I think polar bears need to be protected.

I think white bears should be saved. This is because white bears are cute. In addition, their children are much cuter than their parents. Because of global warming, many creatures had to migrate to survive. But white bears can’t live anywhere except in the Arctic. If their habitat melts away, white bears will drown. If they die out, we won’t be able to see them any more. You should take global warming seriously. If you don’t take measures to stop it, the king of the Arctic will disappear. Surely, you can see them in some zoos. But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to save white bears living in the Arctic.

The number of fishes which inhabit the Sea of Japan has decreased in recentyears. That is because the population of China is explosively increasing, and manyfishes in the Japan Sea are caught to satisfy the huge appetite of the vastChinese population. If this situation continues, all fishes in the Japan Seamay be caught by egoistic human beings, and we will be unable to get fishesat a low price like now. This is a serious matter for Japan because Japanesepeople have a traditional custom of eating many kinds of fish regularly.Originally, it was not a part of Japanese culture to eat meat. So, fishes inthe Sea of Japanese need to be saved.

Page 11:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

Killifishes are one of the most famous creatures in Japan and their name is used in a Japanese children's song, Medaka No Gakkou (School Of Killifish). The killifish is on the Red List of endangered species. It means that killifishes are decreasing in number drastically. So I think that killifishes should be saved.Moreover, saving them would get people to notice that a lot of familiar creatures are decreasing in number. So this would lead people to protect other familiar creatures around them. We should start with protecting familiar creatures because most Japanese are not very interested in saving them. This would help other creatures to survive.

I think that Iriomote Wildcats need to be saved. This is because a lot of researchers are interested in their special behavior. Unlike ordinary wildcats, Iriomote Cats do not fear water and get food underwater. Moreover, their features look different from those of ordinary wild cats. Of course, preserving them costs a lot and a lot of people have to make an effort, but if they become extinct, researchers will not be able to research them. Their research may be useful. For example, wild Crested ibis (toki in Japanese) in Japan became extinct because of reckless hunting. We should protect Iriomote Wildcats in order not to make them extinct.

The tiger is a wild creature which needs to be saved with its rapidly decreasing wild population. It is often used as a symbol of strength. If it became extinct, it would no longer remain a symbol of strength, which can ruin our history and cultures. For example, a tank which was made by the Nazis was named “Tiger”. And there are many Japanese proverbs which relate to the tiger. They would lose persuasiveness if it became extinct. The Tigers, who are a very popular Japanese baseball team, will also receive a serious damage. If the Tigers got less popular, Japanese economy would suffer. Extinction of the tiger can have serious effects on our daily life. So, the tiger needs to be saved.

I think tigers need to be saved. Tigers have had a strong relationship with human beings since the ancient times. For example, there are many artworks which have featured a variety of tigers. Tigers are also used as symbols of companies, stores, or baseball teams. You perhaps believe that tigers don’t have to be protected by human beings because tigers are strong enough to live by themselves.

Page 12:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

But, in fact, tigers are on the verge of extinction because humans have killed many tigers. Therefore, in order to keep our traditional relationship with tigers, we should realize that tigers will die out without our protection.

Forests are the resource that is needed to be saved now. Every year, forests disappear from the surface of the earth at a surprising speed. Loss of forests affects our world in many ways. For example, loss of forests would lead to natural disasters such as floods or landslides. Many animals live in the forests, so loss of forests would deprive them of their homes. Global warming is a big problem all over the world now, and the loss of forests is one of the causes of global warming. In other words, we can save many important things by saving forests. So, we should try to save the forests now.

The bald eagle is decreasing rapidly in number around the world, especially in North America. The bald eagle eats other predators, such as the sea gull, so it indirectly protects the animals which the sea gull eats. If the bald eagle were to become extinct, the number of sea gulls would increase, and the fish which sea gulls eat would decrease in number, and then be extinct. Therefore, there would be no more food sea gulls can eat, and they would also become extinct. In this way, because each animal is in the food chain, extinction of a certain animal can lead to other animals' extinction. That’s why each animal should be saved.

I think I have to save “Iriomote Wildcat”. These creatures inhabit Iriomote Island which belongs to Okinawa in Japan. This creature’s population has reached a seriously low level, so it is listed as an “endangered species”. Moreover, these cats live only on the island, so we can’t see them except there. Therefore, they belong to the ecosystem peculiar to the island. Imagine they might vanish in the future. This means that the other species will be affected and perhaps end up disappearing from this world, because Iriomote Wildcat and the other species live together and are dependent on each other. In order to save the unique ecosystem, we have to find a solution to this

Page 13:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.


I think we need to save the whales.The main reason is that whales are playing an essential role in the ocean's ecosystem. They eat a large amount of fish, plankton and other things, so if they disappeared, the damage to the ecosystem could be serious. Saving whales means saving the ocean.Besides, whales are important for academic research. There are many things we don't know yet about whales, and I think it is very useful to understand why they are so smart. To continue studying, we have to save them.Whales are precious not only for the earth, but also for us.


ここから先は Native Speakers の直し********************************************************************************************************************************************大事な注:決して間違いを全部直して居る訳では有りません。最低一つの直しを、以下の優先順位でやって貰って居ます。

1. 冠詞2. 前置詞3. 単数形・複数形4. その他

こう言う物を見続ける事で、又そうする事によってのみ、native 的な言語感覚が育って来ます。

Native speakers と雖も、うっかりミス等は散見されます。売り物ではないので、そこまでしっかりとは見て居ません。

I choose the Giant Panda. It is native in to the bamboo forest in China. Recently, because of the decreasing decrease of bamboo forests, it is in danger of extinction.It looks very cute, and people feel happy when they see it in the zoo. It is also the symbol of the friendship between China and Japan. In the 1970s, two pandas came to The Ueno zoo from China. That

Page 14:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

event makes made Japanese people exiting excited at that the time. Their names are Kankan and Ranran. Therefore the Japanese especially like pandas and there are many characters using panda (it is not clear what kind of characters - cartoon characters?). The Ppanda is a very similar (familiar?) creature for the Japanese. That is one of the reasons why we have to save it. (109words) 

I will choose elephant tortoises in the Galapagos Islands asdecreasing creatures decreasing in number (creatures cannot "decrease"; use "decrease" for numbers) around the world. Because C. Darwin thought abouthis theory of evolution in the Galapagos Islands, the living creatures (You don't really need "living" because "creatures" already means something alive. You can use "the creatures living", however) inthe Galapagos Islands are valuable for human beings. Whether histheory is correct or not, I believe that it is still important in twoaspects, namely the culture and the history of science. Furthermore,every species has the possibility of extinction. But the cause of thecrisis of elephant tortoises is human beings. Because human beingscaught them as for foods during the voyage, the number of elephanttortoises decreased rapidly. Thus we are responsible for theirrecovery.  (108 words)

In my opinion, toki should be saved. First, this species is one of Japanese Japan's symbols as the name because of its scientific name “Nipponia Nippon.” There are lots of fans in Japan. If the species completely disappeared, they would be very disappointed. Second, distinction extinction of this species does not would not have a good influence on the relationship between Japan and China. The Chinese government gave a small number of toki to Japan. If the Japanese failed to save the birds, Chinese people might get angry or express sorrow for distinction its extinction. People of both countries would lose a symbol of friendly diplomatic ties. Thus, among a lot of dangerous endangered species to rescue, toki should be rescued by a priority. (106 words)

Page 15:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

I think that Medaka, Japanese killifish in English,

needs to be saved. It is a kind

of Japanese famous Japanese fish. We used to be

able to see it in our nearby river. But these days, we

can hardly see it in the river and it is  chosen as a

kind of creature which is in danger of extinction in

Japan. It is  getting less and less decreasing in

number because our rivers are polluted and it

cannot live anymore. To protect it from extinction,

we have to improve our environment. I think we

can get this is a good chance to

think (realize?) how much we pollute our

environment through protecting it from extinction.

I will choose the giant panda as an example. I think giant pandas are preserved because they are very cute. Many people around the world get shocked to see cute giant pandas suffer from food shortage and send them money. Since there are many people who want to protect giant pandas, they need to be saved, which may be just egotism on the part of humans. However, through by (I think both "through" and "by" are grammatically correct, but I find "by" more natural here) protecting giant pandas and

Page 16:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

attracting people, they can tell them that there are many other animals which are decreasing in number around the world. Then, some of them may give money to the other animals too. Endangered species should be saved to keep the ecosystem (stable? from collapsing?). In order to protect the whole ecosystem, giant pandas should be protected.

> If I choose were to choose one creature which is in danger, I will would choose a the coral. As corals can live in a limited place which is clean, warm, and calm, they are easily influenced bychange of changes in environment (or: "environmental changes") easily. So, we can knowgetting worse of environment if the environment gets worse by observing corals directly, and protecting corals leads to protecting our nature. And I think loss of corals influences our lives seriously. Corals are habitats of many marine organisms, and loss of corals will cause extinction of them. Moreover, corals play very important roles in our lives. There are many islands or houses which are made of corals.

I choose the Japanese macaque. Japanese

macaques are familiar to Japanese people as “red

hips.” They are also known in Nagano as a species

that share shares a hot springs with humans.

However, this species is decreasing in number

because male monkeys which came from other

countries marry female Japanese macaques and less

male macaques can marry females. Japanese

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macaques are smaller than the exotic monkeys, so it

is difficult for them to win a female from the

outsiders. The outsiders were introduced to Japan as

pets, but some masters owners released them,

and they have come to live in nature in the

wild in Japan. Therefore, we are responsible for the

problem, so we should take some measures to

protect Japanese macaques.

I think giant pandas need to be saved. Actually, it is difficult for me to explain why many wild creaturesʼ decreasing in number is bad, but I believe that people arenʼt allowed to force wild creatures to vanish, so I think we must save such animals. For that reason, we need symbolic animals. Giant pandas are very famous and popular, and they are endangered by humanʼs activity. Thatʼs why saving giant pandas leads to save saving other animals. However, it is true that saving giant pandas is so emphasized that other animals are neglected by contraries (this phrase is obsolete) in the end. We must remember that saving giant pandas isnʼt the only goal.

I think fireflies should be saved. In my town, there are a lot of clean rivers and streams. So I

have seen a lot of fireflies since I was a small child. Yesterday I also saw them. They are very 

beautiful. I think they are one some of the world's most wonderful creatures. They

can only live in only a clean places. However, today very much trash is thrown away into the

rivers. I often see cans thrown in many places. Of course, it is not a good thing. In addition to,

the absurd behavior can be improved by thinking much more of nature and its creatures.

Hence, whether fireflies can survive or not depends on our minds. 

Page 18:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

I choose the tiger as an endangered species. I think some people say they should save the tiger

because they feel they are unkind to the species. That’s because many rich people want tiger

furs and the tiger population decreased sharply. So they may think they are responsible for

saving tigers. Incidentally, I don’t think that many people are really interested in this problem.

And the tiger being valuable to us, many people think they should save them. I think   that we try

to save the tiger mainly because of that reason. In conclusion, the reason why the tiger needs to

be saved is because our consciences trouble us and tigers are worthy of protection.

> The number of polar bears is now decreasing because of the global warming. A > continental glacier of near the North Pole melts is melting in accordance with rising the the rising> temperature (or: is melting as the earth's temperature rises). Therefore the living area for them is on the decrease decreasing (usually we say [a phenomenon] or [a statistic] is on the decrease - ex. burglaries are on the decrease). > Furthermore, the number of seals is decreasing. The seals are the food of > polar bears. So, it's difficult for them to get their food. Moreover, baby > polar bears die by drowning because they can't swim well. The gGlobal warming > is caused by humans. We are emitting massive amounts of carbon dioxide. We must change > our attitude toward the environment and think more carefully about it more deeply. > Otherwise not only polar bears but also many other wild lives (animals?) will die out.> 

I think elephants should be saved. Because of too much hunting, the number of them is decreasing. People hunt them just because they want their tusks, or ivory. They are processed into seals or parts of musical instruments. They are so rare and so

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valuable that some people poach them though it is banned. It is nothing but egoism of mankind. They have no fault They are innocent (or: They have done no harm), so I think they need to be saved. However, they are being poached now. I would like to insist that the police should crack down on the poachers. We must make their lives comfortable, and coexist with them. It must be possible.  Many wild creatures are decreasing in number around the world, and it there is no doubt (or: it is obvious) that their existence is crucial for human being’s the future of human beings.> > Take the panda as a typical instance example, the number is extremely limited in the whole world. We should make every effort to protect the species. First and foremost, it is a representative of history and civilization,; its existence stands for the evolution in this harmonious world through thousands of years.> > In addition, every species has a specific genetic code which is a substantial point we need in order to interpret the history of creatures and to anticipate their future.> > In conclusion, protecting the variety of species is a fundamental task critical for generations to come.

>I hear that the number of sparrows is decreasing rapidly. I think they should be saved because they benefit us human beings in technical and mental aspects both economically and emotionally. In agriculture, sparrows eat insects which do damage on crops. Though sparrows eat the crop sometimes, they are useful for us as substitutes for pesticides. Moreover, they are so familiar with us that the scenery of a town without them makes us feel uncomfortable to some extent. I think, to save them is something indispensable to pass down to next generation the idea of Japanese traditional cultures. Sparrows being everywhere in a town (or: all over town) relaxes us Japanese people.

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>I hear that the number of sparrows is decreasing rapidly. I think they should be saved because they benefit us human beings in technical and mental aspects both economically and emotionally. In agriculture, sparrows eat insects which do damage on crops. Though sparrows eat the crop sometimes, they are useful for us as substitutes for pesticides. Moreover, they are so familiar with us that the scenery of a town without them makes us feel uncomfortable to some extent. I think, to save them is something indispensable to pass down to next generation the idea of Japanese traditional cultures. Sparrows being everywhere in a town all over town relaxes us Japanese people.

Today, large numbers of wolves are killed by hunters who want to get their furs. Needless to say, killing them in order to get money should be prohibited. On the other hand, some people kill wolves for the reason that they are harmful to people. Killing wolves for such a reason is sometimes allowed, but I think it should not be allowed. If we made them extinct, the number of grass-eating animals would increase, then the amount of grass would decrease, and finally the grass eating animals would be extinct, too. I think we should not kill wolves and try to find other ways to protect themselves ourselves from wild wolves.

> Giant pandas are decreasing in number because people poach for them and tap deplete forests. Every creature is linking with each other linked to one another. So even if only one kind of animal died out, the entire ecosystem would go wrong. This is a simple example, but if hares were became extinct, predatory animals would be at a loss of what to eat. And they all may die soon. In the current science field In the scientific community, it is widely believed that we need to live with nature because it is as valuable as human beings and we all are compositions part of the earth. We have to stop thinking only about our own profits and try hard to save endangered species.

Page 21:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

A creature I choose is medaka. The reason is that they are decreasing disappearing/decreasing in number/their population is decreasing in Japan because of alien species, for example, black bass. So if we try to save them, we need to flush out the

alien species. And if we achieve this, we will save not only medaka but also the natural environment in Japan. And by saving it, other species which live in Japan and are decreasing in numberbecause of alien species will be saved and the ecosystem in Japan will recover. So I desire wish to save medaka. (desire as a verb usually takes a noun afterwards, eg. I desire the safety of all medaka)Sea horses are decreasing in number, so I think they need to be saved. When I was very young, I used to see sea horses all over my village. However, these days, I rarely find them. That is because sea horses can be used for many things, such as traditional Chinese medicine, a pet or an amulet, so many people hunted them terribly. If we didn’t don't try to save them, they might become extinct. All species someday die out, but people have accelerated the sea horse’s decreasing disappearance and would be responsible for the its extinction. That is why, we have to save them and they need to be saved.

I choose polar bears for this topic and think thatthey need to be saved.Polar bears live in the Arctic Circle and the ice in ithave has been melting over the last few yearsbecause of global warming. And according to the IPCC,which evaluates global warming scientifically,the cause of it is human activities such asfounding constructing buildings and burning forests to explore grow crops there.Moreover, unlike many animals which can do their bestto survive longer, polar bears cannot escape from

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their habitats and try to discover new places to live inbecause their habitats are surrounded bythe Arctic Ocean and they cannot swim for a long time.

 Orangutans are one of the creatures decreasing in number, which is because human beings burn forests and cultivate the fields. So, they are losing places to dwell in though since they live in forests. They are disappearing. It means that forests are also disappearing. If we try to protect orangutans, we also have to protect the forests they live in. Now, we have many environmental problems such as global warming, desertification, or so on. Stopping deforestation may have some good effects on these problems. As you see, protecting orangutans leads helping helps to solve other problems though, of course, orangutans themselves are necessary on the earth as well as other animals.

> One of the creatures decreasing in number around the world is coelacanth. This is a very rare creature. The reason why we have to save them is like that. First, the environment where such creatures can live is the environment where human beings can live comfortably. Second, they may have some useful substances which we don’t know. For example, Doctor Shimomura found a very useful substance from jellyfish, which won him made him be a Nobel Prizewinner. Finally, I think they need to be saved because they need to be saved. This sentence is equal to a sentence; This is the same as saying: you mustn’t kill people because you mustn’t kill people.

> Among those creatures, I choose a the Japanese crested ibis, which is called “Toki” in Japanese. > Even though it is selected as the national bird of Japan, there is only one ibis in Japan. > I think it is quite absurd if there isn't any living national bird in

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the country > which designates the bird as its national bird. > But the most regrettable thing is that we can't help increasing (このままだと増やさない訳には行かないの意。) cannot help increase the number of Toki > since the only living Toki is old and it doesn't cannot copulate with another Toki.> So all we can do is to wait for the death of the Toki. How deplorable it is!

>I think that we should save killifish. It is because they can live only in the clear water in clean water and so they are the indicator which indicate that of how good the environment around them is good or not. So the circumstance that if the number of them is decreasing let us decreases, we will know that the environment is getting worth worse. I think that we should not put the circumstance on the side ignore this problem, because the water which they can not live in is bad and harmful to humans and we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important. That is why I think that we should save killifish. (110 words)

Polar bears are on the verge of extinction. As the

temperature of the earth rises, arctic glaciers, on

which they live, melt and turn to water. This is

because of global warming which human beings are

to blame for. Polar bears have never done anything

wrong, it is us that was who were wrong. This is

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why we have to save them. We must compensate

for the mistakes we made. For this reason, other

animals must be saved too. There are probably

many other reasons to save endangered species,

but I think that saving the endangered species

is good in itself whatever the reason is a good

enough reason in itself.

 The wild creature I will explain about in a the following essay is the Steller’s sea lion. You may have seen it at an aquarium. Steller’s sea lions live in a wide area such as the North Pacific Ocean. And catching them is restricted?? in many regions.

But steadily, the number of Steller’s sea lions is decreasing. As you know, they are very big and heavy so they must eat much a lot of fish, for example salmons, herrings, cuttlefishes, octopuses and so on, but people catch very much fish so they cannot eat fish enough to live. In order to save them, we should raise different fish more aggressively.

> There are many wild creatures which are about to be become extinct. The Red red crested white crane called tanchou in Japanese is an example. The number of them decreased because of the industrial progression revolution in during the Meiji era. Though their number increased a little later, they are about to be extinct still even now. It is very sad that these guiltless animals die because of our actions. All of the creatures in this world have their own roles. Therefore, if we make some kinds of animals extinct, other groups of animals also get some bad

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effect are also badly affected. And it can be said too that every creature in the world have their rights has a right to live freely. I think people have the duty to protect their those animals' (even though the meaning here is clear, it sounds like their = people's) lives.

    Some species of whales are in danger because humans have caught them in bulk to eat them, or caused climate changes ("climate change", without the 's', is a commonly-used expression for the famous phenomenon). If they died out, those species which

have been ドアホ!虫けら!授業前に謝りに来い!!

eaten by whales would largely increase in number, and there would be a lot of problems which would result from the situation. I mean the ecosystem would break. When it happened If it were to happen, humans would also suffer the effect. In order to prevent it, we should save such endangered species. Furthermore I think that we should do so to leave our descendants such magnificent creatures. The A world where the number of species is small will would be very dreary.

Gorilla The gorilla is one of the decreasing creatures world's endangered creatures which need to be saved. Gorillas are very popular and important all over the world. They have been loved by people for a long time, and I also like them very much. But they are decreasing in number (a species cannot "decrease"; only a number can) rapidly because of poaching and diseases. The word gorilla is used as a name and often a bad name. It also appears in text books when the children learn the pronunciation of the letter g. So if they became extinct, children all over the world would lose an important teaching material. For these reasons, we have to prevent gorillas from decreasing being hunted and dying out.

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I think honeybees are one of the creatures (one example of such creatures とか?honeybees と言いながら one of the は OK ですか?意味は clear ですが?) (one というのは一種類の事なので honeybees と one でもOKです)which need to be saved, because they help agriculture. A honeybee sucks honey from a flower and its feet are attached pollen pollen is attached to its feet by the flower. Then, the honeybee goes to another flower and unconsciously puts the pollen at the stigma of the flower, so the flower bears fruits. We eat the fruits, like tomatoes (fruits?), watermelons, and so on. Without honeybees, we had to?? have to pollinate such vegetables 言い方がややこしいので取ったら?it with our hands to eat them. But the number of honeybees is decreasing because of agricultural chemicals, diseases, and so on. We must preserve honeybees to grow vegetables. (102 words)

Gorillas have The number of gorillas has been decreasing rapidly since they were discovered by explorers. We must preserve gorillas in order not toforce them into extinction. Gorillas have powerful frames, and they are very big animals. But they are tenderhearted, andlive in a troop of 5 to 10. They cooperate with each other, and many people think that we can understand the characteristicsof human beings through the research on gorillas. If gorillas disappeared, we would lost ドアホ!!the chance to know (know と know about はここではどちらが良いですか?) about the many wonders of human beings. In addition to that, preservation of animals such as gorillas in itself is of great value. It means biodiversityis kept maintained? 両方 OK。(101words)

An ibis is one of the creatures which are in danger of extinction. It is endangered in the world and extinct in the wild in Japan's wilderness. Although the national bird of Japan is a pheasant, an ibis is symbolic of Japan as its scientific name, Nipponia Nippon, shows. The scenery of fields where ibises live is really beautiful, and it is an original one of a kind landscape of Japan. In addition, an ibis is a part of an the ecosystem. If ibises vanish, the influence on the ecosystem is not small. So, the extermination (これは殺す事) extinction of ibises influences both our lives and the other creatures’ lives. For these reasons, we need to save them.(109 words)

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When I hear that natural resources are being lost, it reminds me of the medaka first. Medaka is the name of the?? (the or a?) a kind of a fish living in a clean river. Medaka cannot live without clean water, so decreasing the a decreasing number of medaka means that the river in which they live becomes has become contaminated. In a contaminated river, the number of other creatures is also smaller than in a river rich in fish. If a river becomes contaminated, we cannot enjoy swimming in the river with fishes, and cannot intuitively?? (better way to say this? ) learn hands-on?? about creatures living in a river without a conscious effort??.Therefore, we need to save medaka for our enjoyment and learning.(106 words)

I choose the polar bear because I think the environment in the North Pole is greatly influenced by global warming, and so they may not live without our help. They live on the glacier and eat mammals such as seals. Bbut recently the glacier has become thinner, so that it is difficult for them to hunt seals or raise their offspring. Moreover some of them resort to the cannibalism. If we keep ignoring this situation, they will die out and the ecosystem of the North Pole will be destroyed. It is said that global warming is caused mainly by mainly human beings, so we have to solve this problem. (106 words)

I think that we should save ibises. It may be true that we would need a lot of money to save ibises, but they are so related to our culture that we can enjoy watching them. In the old days, ibises were regarded as ones of our cultural things symbols because of their beauty. By watching their beautiful behavior, we remembered how important our place and vitality were. On the other hand, some people overhunted ibises to get their flesh and feathers, so most of them have disappeared. We were disappointed to lose our identity, so we need to save ibises to restore our cultural symbol.

(104 words)

>> Now some certain kinds of honey bees are decreasing in number around the world. >> This situation may not seem so serious, but actually it is a very disastrous >> situation.>> Honey bees play an important role in carrying pollen by collecting honey >> of flowers. So it becomes hard for flowers to pollinate when the number of

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>> bees decrease. As a result various plants decrease in number, which causes >> the global warming. What is more, when their number decreases, of cause >> honey can be gathered much less, too. Then those who earn a living by >> gathering it and we, who enjoying eating it, become in trouble.>>>> (101 words)

There are really so many wild creatures decreasing in number around the world.For example, the giant pandas are one of them. We have some reasons why we must save them.If we don’t save them, they will be extinct near the future. Maybe, this is inevitable.This is the worst problem I think because we can increase their number by breeding them, but we can’t revive them once they are extinct.What is more, if they vanish, it may affect the balance of the nature they lived in.And, it is just a preference we have, we can see such a lovely animal for saving them.So, we need to save them. (110 words)

I choose polar bears. They live in the North Pole, but recently they have been decreasing in number. This is because the ice in the North Pole is melting rapidly by global warming. Pole bears are the top of the food chain in the North Pole, so if they become extinct, other kinds of animals may be influenced. It is possible that all of the animals in the North Pole may disappear. The influence is not only that. Human beings, at the top of the food chain on the earth, might be influenced by the extinction of pole bears. Since creatures are linked to each other, only decrease of some animals could cause significant problem on the earth. (112 words)

Wild creatures are claimed to be saved for several reasons. Onestraightforward reason is that we should control the quantity ofresources number of animals?? for our future generations. Another reason may be thatkeeping the diversity of the world is important by itself. There is one more reason, however, that because each country has a wildcreature as an important national symbol, which  they should be saved inorder to save its national identity. the Panda is a prominent example. Panda is an important creature not only for the Chinese government and

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people but also for those who are concerned with China. It plays therole of a symbol of friendship, and is regarded as one of the mostsuccessful diplomats of China.(118 words) >>I choose a the tiger, and I think it needs to be saved. The reason is that many >>people love a the tiger. Nevertheless although there has been no tiger in Japan, almost

>>all people everybody has known it. Latterly it is taken as the mascot character of >>the professional baseball team, Hansin Tigers. Formerly it has been drawn >>in many places in Japan. So I think that it has been a symbol of a power. >>If it was destroyed extinct, no one would know a tiger, and the culture of a tiger. >>I love a tiger too, so I think this is very sad. (100)

It is widely spoken that every creatures must be saved from extinction, because all of them have a function as a "bank of genes". Even if not, they still must be protected because all of them act as important factors in the ecological system. Every species are related each other. If one creature becomes extinct, the influence is uncertain unpredictable.For example, when wolves had become became extinct, the number of deer in the region became inflated rose because of the lack of their natural enemies. But finally it resulted as in the decrease of their population, as they had eaten up most of their baits. This shows how one creature is related to another creature, and  how they keep together keeping balance of the ecological system together. (119 words)

>> It's so heartbreaking for me to hear beetles are decreasing in number as>> a result of land development for human residence.>>>> As a child, I used to go into forests and catch beatles or stag beetles>> with some friends of mine in on summer vacations. Then we would keep them>> and have them fight against each other.>>

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>> These memories in of my childhood still shine, and I remember their shape,>> their smell, the sense of touch when they crawl on my arm and other>> traits of them. For us, beetles meant much more than just insects but>> treasures that we hunt for and feel pride of.>>>> I think we should save beetles that give so much fun and everlasting>> memory to boys from decreasing.

>> The most important reason why many wild creatures are decreasing in number >> around the world is because of the increase of in the number of people. Of course, the >> capacity of the earth is constant, so if something to live in living on earth is >> increasing, others must be decreasing. For example, the bird of Raicho is >> so decreasing and offered the special wild creatures. People think that >> the birds end up, but in these days, the birds was observed. I think it is >> important to stop cutting forests because we are decreasing destroying their life >> space environment by doing so. It is sad to decrease lessen the number of Japanese wild >> creatures.

I especially would choose giant pandas as one kind of creatures to be saved. There are two reasons for this.> First, pandas, which live in several parts of China, are politically important. In other words, they are so popular in around the world that China makes good use of them as a political means. For example, about 30 years ago, China gave Japan two pandas to show their friendship.> Second, we are obviously responsible for the panda’s decline. They live on only bamboo leaves, but we destroyed regions where the plants grow. Moreover, when the plants are supposed to die as they do once every 60 years, some cities or roads prevent pandas from moving to another region which has the plants.> Therefore, pandas should be saved in particular.

I think you need to save albatrosses in Torishima Island. I have two reasons to think so. The first reason comes from their dangerous way

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of birth. Albatrosses bear their children at a the slope of a mountain in Torishima Island. However, the mountain in Torishima Island is volcanic and no one can estimate predict when it will starts to erupt. Their eggs or children (can use for birds?) ("chicks" is the appropriate term) are always in danger of death dying. The second reason is that albatrosses were decreased hunted by a lot of Japanese people. Albatrosses are beautiful and have a good ability to fly.  However, since they didn’t move quickly on land, they were killed and used for furs?? (since birds don't have fur, this is awkward diction. "used for their feathers" is better). This is why you should protect this beautiful bard.

I have heard that the number of pandas is decreasing, and I think that they need to be saved. There are two reasons. First, their prettiness is wonderful. When I was a child, our family visited the Ueno Zoo where we saw a panda for the first time. We saw watched it for a long time because it fascinated us. It is would be too regrettable to lose such a cute spices. Second, we must not upset the balance of nature because ecosystems are indispensable to plants and animals. If we wipe out pandas, something dangerous will occur in the near future. Therefore, I think that we need to save pandas.

I want to choose tunas. Japanese people like tunas very much and eat> many tunas a lot of tuna.> So Japan imports a lot of tunas from all over the world. Recently, I read> a newspaper article saying that tunas are decreasing in number in the world> because "Sushi" is popular around the world and more and more people are> starting to eat tunas.> If we keep eating tunas at this rate, we may not eat tunas in the future?? (we may not be able to eat tuna in the future).> I think that we Japanese people should protect and make an effort to> research tunas in order to breed them.> I like tunas and want to keep eating them (gramatically correct, but it sounds strange to the native ear.  how about,

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"...and I think they taste delicious"). So I choose tunas.

Many wild creatures are decreasing in number around the world. Ibis is one of these endangered species. The population of ibis rapidly decreased at the end of the nineteenth century, and now there are many organizations that protect ibis from dying out. They keep ibis at special facilities and raise funds from people.I don't think that they protect ibis because ibis itself is themselves are especially important or valuable. And the extinction of ibis does not seem to be a big problem. What is important, in my opinion, is not saving the ibis itself but our attitude toward towards nature.  By protecting endangered species, we can recognize that the earth does not exist only for human beings.

 Tigers are decreasing in number and need to be saved forthe following reasons. First, the reason why tigers are decreasing is that they are hunted by people. Hunters sell its their bone as a medicine?? bones as an ingredient for making medicine. However, scientists have continued to say that its tiger bones have no medical effects for a long time. So people should stop hunting them. Second, if tigers die out, the ecosystem will be destroyed. If the reason of tigers’ decrease?? behind the decrease in tiger population is natural selection, it cannot help stopping be stopped, and the ecosystem won’t be greatly damaged. The present situation is, however, different from that. In this situation, (better weay to say this?) If the present course continues,  the ecosystem must will be destroyed, because animals live in a delicate balance. If the ecosystem is destroyed, many other animals can may also decrease in number. Panda is one of the wild creatures, which is decreasing in number. Although it they inhabits in china, it they is are being loved all around the world. It The panda is recognized as a symbol of china,

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for its kindness and gentleness. But because of the destructive influences of man, it turned to be became one of the an endangered species.  Pandas is needed to be saved not just because of its their rarity, or some scientific reason concerning to the ecological balance. The most important reason is that we have to take the responsibility to change this situation. We, human beings, should take actions to protect, to and save these poor creatures which have been deeply injured?? (severely endangered).

I want to choose Toki. The number of these wild birds is decreasing because people catch them birds in excessive numbers.And it is said that there is another reason for this. The reason is that the environment around the birds is gettingworse and worse. The birds eat worms in the country or fields. Today, human beings use agricultural chemicals.So, the worms have the chemicals in their body bodies, and when the birds eat them they will come to the birds have the chemicals in their body. And the pollutionleads the birds to their death. We can say we kill them (OK as it is?). So, we should save the birds by hegitating (Spelling!!) to catch the birds refraining from catching them andby trying to improve the environment.

The wild killifish is decreasing in number in Japan.> It is the smallest freshwater fish in Japan, and we have loved it for> hundreds of years.> We should save it because it plays an important role in rivers.> Thanks to it, large fish that eat it can live, and mammals and birds> that eat large fish can live.> In this way, it makes a food chain?? sustains the food chain.> If it is became (or "were to become") extinct, the food chain will would be broken, and there will be a> few kinds of few species left in Japanese rivers.> So, we must save it so as to save a lot of kinds of other species.

Polar bears are in danger of extinction. They run faster than seals but

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swim more slowly, so they usually hunt and eat seals on ice. These days, however, ice in the Arctic Circle is melting due to the global warming. The hotter it gets, the smaller their hunting area becomes. Some scientists believe that ice in the Arctic Circle will disappear in the future. If the ice completely disappeared, polar bears could would no longer be able hunt, and they would die out. Polar bears don’t have any responsibility for the causing global warming, and they have the right to live. Human beings mustn’t deprive the polar bears of this that right. We humans must make an efforts and to save polar bears.

The Giant Panda is known worldwide as a rare treasure, a symbol of auspiciousness,friendship and a messenger of peace. The Giant Panda is decreasing in number and the government of China is doing as much as possible to save it.The Giant Panda is an old species and is reputed as to be the "living fossil" of fauna in the world. So it has a very important value for the science scientific study, especially for the study of old species science study.The Giant Panda should be saved not only for its scientific value of the science study, but also for its symbolic sense. The Giant Panda is the symbol of peace and friendship, and it has become the national treasure of China.

As a Chinese, I will would choose pandas immediately, if someone were to ask me to select one species of creature whose amount population is decreasing. As we all know, the panda is an ancient animal which has lived on earth for a long time. However, wild pandas can only be found in Sichuan Province of China. Even in this modern time, it's still quite difficult to breed pandas artificially, so the total amount of pandas has never reached a satisfactory level. China presented pandas to several countries, so foreign friends are able to see a living panda in their local zoo. I hope that scientists of in developed countries could will find methods to prevent such a lovely creature from dying out one day.

  Due to the pollution brought by industrialization, the ecological equilibrium is no longer kept as well as before.Some species are decreasing in number, such as pandas. I think realizing the current situation of endangered species like pandas is very important. Because it helps us

Page 35:  · Web viewand we can not live without water. So preserving the environment which they can live in is very important.

recognize how serious the problem of environmental pollution is (fragmented).  Moreover, I am a Chinese student, and pandas are one of the cultural represents symbols of China. The image of the panda was also used as an official mascots when the Olympic Games were held in Beijing. If pandas become extinct, it will be a great lost to our culture.  In addition, pandas live only in the middle of China, so it has they have a high value for biological research.

I think monkeys have to be saved the most. Of course, wild creatures which are considered to be decreasing have to be saved as well, but I would hit on monkeys first. This is because monkeys in forests around the world are losing their houses homes by because of man-made developments of human beings. Development enables us to live a more convenient life, but at the same time, other animals suffer from it. Especially In particular, monkeys such as chimpanzees or orangutans are very similar to us, but they are decreasing while human beings are increasing these days. It is hard for me to choose one creature, but monkeys have to be considered first.

Tunas should be protected because if they become extinct, we will lose a very important ingredient of for sushi.  Recently, sushi has become very popular and so many people in the world began to eat tunas that they are decreasing?? (Don't you need number, their population or some such? Can you say tunas are decreasing?) (yes, it's more common to say "their population is decreasing" or "numbers are decreasing") rapidly.  Today, five out of eight species of tunas are nearly to the point of extinction and are on the Red List of the IUCN (since the IUCN is not a well-known organization, the whole name should be written out).  If tunas continue to decrease in the same ratio at the same rate, it will soon be impossible for us to eat “maguro,” a must for sushi and “toro,” which is fatty meat of the tuna and is used for expensive sushi.  It will would be a great loss for the food culture of Japan and that of the world.

I think fish needs to be saved. This is because, if fish are continue to decreasing in number around the world, we will not be able to eat fish, and our meals will become simple. We can raise pigs, cattles,

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and birds poultry. And we also can raise grow vegitables, rices and wheats. For example, if we have enough land, we can raise rice. But we can not raise so many スペース!!一つだけ!! fish that peaple around the world can eat. So I think fish needs to be saved.

I think that the bluefin tunas need to be saved. The bluefin tunas are used in many popular Japanese cuisines such as sushi and sashimi. It is widely accepted that the bluefin tunas are currently being overfished because of their popularity not only in Japan, but throughout around the world. These days many tunas are cultivated (Which is better here, cultivated or being bred or some such?) (I would say "breeded"), but the conventional cultivation (same question, this or breeding?) method requires small baby tunas captured from the ocean. This method still decreases the number of tunas.  This method is not effective enough to increase the number of wild tunas. (I mean eating tunas thus bred will decrease the need to catch wild tunas.) OR This method decreases the number of tunas in the ocean *because baby tunas are being caught*. Does "This method still decreases the number of tunas." sound OK to you? (Not quite.  Your suggestions are good ones.) Researchers in Japan have recently succeeded in breeding tuna fry and raising them. With the spread of this new technology, we might be able to save the bluefin tunas from extinction.

>I think the bluefin tuna, or Kuro Maguro in Japanese, should be saved.> We all love tuna. As an ingredient of sashimi (better way to say this? Is this OK?) (maybe "as a variety of sashimi" would be better, since sashimi really doesn't involve ingredients other than the type of fish), it's definitely one of> the best of all. As an ingredient of sushi, the "Toro" part of the tuna> is just better than any other fishes (Would singular work?). It could even be cooked as a

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> steak. It can be easily said that tuna is the most popular fish in> this country.> Unsurprisingly (not surprisingly better?) (Both work, but "not surprisingly" is better), without realizing it, tunas are deceasing declining very rapidly> these years. Especially In particular, the bluefin tuna, which is regarded as the> highest-grade tuna, is almost on the edge of (verge? Is edge also OK?) (both are okay) extinction.> Because of For these reasons, I think tunas, especially the bluefin tunas,> needs ドアホ! to be saved.

>I think that the ibis is endangered and must be saved. This is a bird> peculiar to Japan, but only few birds are here. I have three reasons why I> think we have to protect this bird. First, the ecosystem is certainly> broken when one species has died dies out and then other species will be are ("are" to correspond to "has died")> influenced. Second, local people can encourage their communication and> cultivate their friendships if they work together to save the ibis. Last,> it is a symbol of the environment damaged by industrialization.> Therefore, we should protect them from extinction in order to remember> that today, we can live an クソアホ!!comfortable life as a result of?? in exchange for the> environmental destruction destruction of the environment.