Download - €¦  · Web view22-12-2019  · Welcome! United Christian Church of Austin is an Open and Affirming congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every

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Welcome! United Christian Church of Austin is an Open and Affirming congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every person created in God’s image. We welcome into full membership and participation in the Body of Christ persons of every race, ethnic background, age, gender, gender expression/identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, social-ec nomic background, marital status and faith background. We welcome all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsib

December 22, 2019Fourth Sunday of Advent 9 AM

Gathering Music Ann Vanderschaaf–– GATHERING ––

This service is inspired by the Taize style of worship, which is a service of song and silence, prayer, and scripture that hopes to lead participants to contemplation and deepening relationship with God and one another. The Taize songs will repeat many times beginning with a simple melody we will sing together; sometimes they will stay that way, and sometimes they may change or a soloist will join in. You may sing, harmonize, or simply listen. Texts are short and reflective, prayers are invitational and conversational, and silence is intentional, giving you the opportunity to ponder the words or music you have heard, or to simply sit with the Living God.

Advent Greetings Rev Nikki Stahl

Lighting the Way of LoveCarl Schwartz-King & John Schwartz

Set to “The Wonder of Christmas,” Lyrics & Music by J. Raney

Choir: As we see the light, as the darkness grows bright,as the wonder of Christmas draws near,O come, O come, Emmanuel, and join us here...

One: Again, we repeat what we’ve heardso many times beforewhen your face glimmered with tearsand I just wanted it all to be over,

All: When you felt like you couldn’t ask for anything else

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 2

Page 3: €¦  · Web view22-12-2019  · Welcome! United Christian Church of Austin is an Open and Affirming congregation, embracing diversity and affirming the dignity and worth of every

and my bones were so tiredthat I didn’t feel like I’d be any help anyway,

Two: Repeat the words your weary heart longs to hear.Speak tenderly to the hopeburied beneath your fleshand let it be the life that is the light of all people.Say, again,

All: The light shines in the darkness,and the darkness cannot overcome it.

One: Let us light the way of lovewith four tiny lights to remind usthat hope is not lost and peace is possible.Let these lights shimmer in our soulsso that we know joy and holy love.Let these lights help us to listen for signs that God is alreadyat work in our lives and in our world right now.Let us think about where we may contribute to that work.

All sing:

Two: Let this one candle ignite more loveenough that it extinguishes the darkness,enough that we believe another world is possible.

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 3

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Let it be the hope that we share with one anotherfrom hand to hand and heart to heart.Let us share in God’s promise of peace.

The children may now come forward to share in the Children’s Message.

Children’s Message Emily Jamison GuerreroAfter the Children’s Blessing, childcare will be offered in Room 3 (red) for preschool and Room 4 (yellow) for nursery, and Worship and Wonder will be offered for elementary-aged children in Room 1 (green). Children are always welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their family.

Children’s Blessing “Love is Little” Shaker Trad. (Adapted)

Love is little; love is low;love will make my spirit grow.Grow in peace; grow in light;

love will do the thing that’s right.Bless these littles on their way.

May we learn from them every day.Show them peace; show them light;show them love will do what’s right.

–– CENTERING ––Centering Words

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” ~ Langston Hughes

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 4

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“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.” ~ Lao Tzu

Centering Song “Wait for the Lord” Taize

Shared SilenceWe pause to reflect on what we have heard and prepare to hear God’s holy word.

–– MEDITATING ––Seeking the Word in Scripture

Matthew 1:18-25 (pg. 877 Pew Bible)

Meditation “Dreamers” Rev. Dr. Laura Barnes

Song of Response“O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”#116, verses 1 & 7

O come, O Come, Emmanuel,*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 5

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and ransom captive IsraelThat mourns in lonely exile here,

until the Child of God appear.Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuelshall come to you, O Israel!

O come, Desire of Nations, bindall peoples in one heart and mind;

Make envy, strife, and quarrels cease;fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuelshall come to you, O Israel!

Shared SilenceWe pause to meditate on this good news and take action in our own hearts and minds.

–– PRAYING ––Prayers of the People

One: … O God,All: hear our prayer.Including: Ron Trout, Karen Gaudet, Denis Curran, Nolen Matsumura, Rebecca Matsumara & Family, Jesse Ojeda, Josh, Family of Marjorie K. Johnson, Family of Lois Ann Rountree Hopton, Family of Israel Ramirez, Family of Cesar (Carlito) Vallejo. Please send updates to Pastor Carl Schwartz-King, [email protected].

Shared SilenceWe pause to uplift these names and all our prayers to God.

The Lord’s Prayer, using these or whichever words are closest to your heart:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 6

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kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.

–– RESPONDING ––*Table Song Set to “The Wonder of Christmas” by J. Raney, adapt.Please rise to sing the Table Song as the deacon and minister come to the table.

Cantor: As we see the light, as the darkness grows bright,as the wonder of Christmas draws near,O come, O come, Emmanuel, and join us here…

Invitation to the Table & the Words of Institution Prayer of ThanksgivingSula Howell, deacon

All sing:

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 7

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All are welcome at Christ’s table – members, guests, first-timers, long-timers, baptized or not – all who desire to know and share the love of God are invited. When and if you are so moved, you may visit any or all of the following prayer stations during our time of communion:

1. Holy Communion: At the table, you may take communion by intinction, taking a bit of bread and dipping it in the cup. Note: All bread is gluten-free, and both red wine and white grape juice are offered. If you are unable to move forward for communion, a deacon can serve you in your seat.

2. Offering: By the door nearest the ramp, you may place your tithes and offerings for the work of the Church in the plate.

3. Candle-lighting: At the mirror window in the back corner of the sanctuary, you may light a candle in prayer, or to honor your intention this Advent season.

4. Prayer: Near the sanctuary doors, an elder or a minister will be holding the space in prayer. You may approach them at any time to request a blessing, a prayer, or just a hug (requests will be kept in confidence unless otherwise requested). You may otherwise return to your seat to pray silently.

5. Advent Station: Each Sunday of Advent, we invite you to spend some time meditating on our Advent images and themes. Please visit the station by the side aisle and view the prompt on the back of your bulletin.

Communion Music “Eat This Bread” Taize

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 8

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“Come to the Table of Grace” B. HammCome to the table of grace.Come to the table of grace.

This is God’s table; it’s not yours or mine.Come to the table of grace.

Come to the table of peace...Come to the table of love...Come to the table of hope…Come to the table of joy…

–– BLESSING ––Closing Blessing

Blessing of Peace Peace be with you. And also with you.

Sending Music

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 9

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The Wonder of Christmas: A Candle Lighting Ceremony for Advent, Words and Music by Joel Raney © 2011 Hope Publishing Company, Carol Stream IL. All rights reserved; The publisher grants permission to reproduce for

congregational use.

“Wait for the Lord,” and “Eat this Bread” Text and music © 1984, “Come and fill our hearts with your peace (Confitemini Domino)” © 1982, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent. 7404 S. Mason Ave.,

Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

The Advent Candle liturgy is adapted from the United Church of Christ’s Worship Ways. The first stanza of that liturgy is from Joyce Kilmer’s poem

Love’s Lantern. Music License: License #A722068

TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERSAcolyte: 9am Jude Humble, 11am Rachael Simoneau; Advent Candles: 9am Carl Schwartz-King & John Schwartz; 11am The Laurence & Donohoe Families; After Church Clean-Up: John Schwartz; Call to Offering: None; Deacons: 9am Sula Howell, Charlie Jamison; 11am Melissa Selden, Jenny Veninga, Rebecca Molis, Steve Molis; Greeters: 9am None, 11am None; Liturgist: Arlene Turner; Sound Room: 9am None, 11am Johnny Mack; Tellers: Jan Keeling.

TEXT YOUR OFFERING! Message 512.842.6662 with a $ followed by the amount you’d like to give (example: $25.) You should get a text message back with a link to register. Once registered, you’ll receive an email receipt. In the future, just text to the same number with your offering amount preceded by a dollar sign, and it will process automatically!

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 10

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EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS for 12/22/19December Children’s Offering We are collecting socks and gloves for our homeless neighbors and other neighbors in need.End of the Year Giving If you are considering an end of the year giving, remember mailed contributions must be postmarked by midnight on Tuesday, December 31. Hand delivered contributions need to be brought to church office by 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 29, to be properly credited to your giving record for 2019. This is an IRS regulation so no exceptions can be made.December Adult Faith Formation Join Pastor Laura for our wrap up discussion at 10 AM in her office on the Advent(ure)s of Aging. Based on Parker Palmer’s newest book, On the Brink of Everything, we will be discussing work and vocation. Feel free to come hear about “grace, gravity and getting old.”Christmas Eve Services Dec 24

Child-friendly service at 4 pm: This service is for all our friends and families to gather together to make a joyful noise and welcome the baby Jesus together.Candlelight service at 11 pm: This service will include beautiful Christmas carols, a Christmas meditation on Joy by Pastor Laura, and a candlelight circle at midnight to greet our Christmas Day.*A special offering for C.O.P.S. Kids Camp, an annual summer camp designed for kids and families of officers killed in the line of duty, will be taken during both Christmas Eve services.Information about this non-profit can be found at

One Service at 10 AM & Rainbow Gift Exchange There will be one service on Dec 29 followed by the Rainbow Gift Exchange Potluck. Pastor Carl will be preaching with Pastor Laura helping led the service. Cocoa and Cookies On Dec 29 at 11 am, you are invited for some tasty treats to learn about the various ways in which volunteers help prepare the church both before and after the services on Sunday, and other fun, fellowship activities. *Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 11

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Sr Pastor Search Committee Survey Please complete the search committee survey by the end of December. It can be accessed from our website or using the following QR code:

Question can be emailed to [email protected].

Sr Pastor Search Committee January Discussion Groups Join members of our search committee for small group conversations in January. You may sign up for a group on our website:


Go to www.carecalendar.orgEdith Gunnerson Calendar ID: 272680 Security Code: 2738John & Carol Kolsti Calendar ID: 284430 Security Code: 4191

LEADERSHIP/COMMITTEE MEETINGSPersonnel 1st Sun @ 8am [email protected] Ed 1st Sun @ 12:15 pm

[email protected] Tue @ 9:45am [email protected] 3rd Tue @ 7pm [email protected] 2nd Wed @ 6:15pm [email protected] 2nd Wed @ 6:15pm [email protected] 2nd Weds@ 6:45pm [email protected]


Sunday Faith Formation @ 10amTracy Brown, [email protected]

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 12

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Youth Group (see church calendar)Meghan Trout, [email protected]

Youth(ful) Parents when youth meetAndrea Larson, [email protected]

Tues Breakfast @ 8am (Jim’s Rest.)Kenneth Dalley, [email protected]

Evening Book Group 4th Weds @ 6:30pmCherie Hinch, [email protected]

Chancel Choir Wed @ 7:15pm & Sun @ 10:15am Rev. Humble, [email protected] Book Group 2nd Fri @ 9:30am

Tammy Isenberg, [email protected] Bunch 2nd Fri @ 11:15am (varies)

Kenneth Dalley, [email protected] Game Night 4th Fri @ 6:30pm

Evelyn Case, [email protected] FED @ 6pm (Stahl’s house)

Rev. Nikki Stahl, [email protected]


A member congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) & the United Church of Christ

3500 W. Parmer Ln., Austin, TX 78727tel 512.218.8110 / fax 512.218.8190

weekday office hours: please call first [email protected] & STAFF CONTACT INFORMATIONRev. Dr. Laura Barnes, interim senior pastor

[email protected]. Nikki Williams Stahl, executive minister

[email protected] Carl Schwartz-King, licensed minister

[email protected]. Anna Kreisle Humble, minister of music

[email protected] Jamison Guerrero, children’s ministries coordinator

[email protected]*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 13

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Meghan Trout, youth ministry [email protected]

Bob Fuller, clerical support specialist [email protected] Vanderschaaf, worship and choral accompanist

Julie Stiles, 9am worship accompanist

Advent Station: Each Sunday of Advent, we invite you to spend some time meditating on our Advent images and themes. Please visit the station by the side aisle and follow the prompt. The fourth Sunday of Advent we light the candle of love. This perfect love of God can be witnessed in the love between a mother and her baby, as in the countless paintings depicting the Madonna and Child. Your Holy Parent shines just such unconditional love on you too. What might God say to you today if they could write you a love letter? Write it below:

Dear ________________,_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Your adoring parent,God

*Every time you see this symbol, you are invited to rise in body or spirit. 14