Download - Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute

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    The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW N9. October 2011

    Were not as close to the grave as we thoughtThe response of a centenarian about Internet

    Source: Facebook for Centenarians: Senior Citizens Learn Social Media, The Atlantic, August 31, 2011

    *Click on the titles to view the documents



    Major trends in a globalized world- The transnational super network.............................p.2

    - Are millennials the rst post-consumer generation ?.p.2

    - The freelance surge is the industrial revolution of our


    - Petite Poucette, la gnration mutante...................p.2

    Corporate and social environmental

    responsability- Can Jeremy Grantham prot from ecological mayhem?


    - What is resilience ?...................................................p.3

    Management in the future world of work- Les forces armes : source dinspiration pour la stra-

    tgie dentreprise........................................................p.3

    - 5 inquitantes singularits du management franais


    - Management, les maux pour le dire........................p.3

    - The myth of performance metrics..........................p.4

    Enterprise 2.0 and mobile enterprise- A collection of 50+ enterprise 2.0 case studies..p.4

    Boostzone Institute 2011

    - Social power and the coming corporate revolution.p.4

    Internet and social networks- Commotion, le projet dun Internet hors de tout


    - The Internet of things will dwarf the Internet of people.p.4

    - Des joueurs en ligne rsolvent lune des nigmes du

    virus du sida...............................................................p.5

    - State of the media : The social media report byNielsen............................................................p.5

    Personal and brand online reputation and


    - Tips to defend your digital reputation................p.5

    - The myth of reputation............................................p.5

    Personal development and learning- Deloitte bets big on informal, social learning......p.5

    - Why diverse viewpoints are critical in dealing with


    More notable links................................p.6

    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

    Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand


    The computer class was the best thing Id done since my husband died We feel like weve joined thehuman race. These are two answers given by persons who have been asked what learning the Internet had

    changed their lives. These type of class was offered on an american retirement house to groups whose ave-

    rage age was 82 years. A study to come shows a 30% decrease in depressive symptoms in this population.

    Les cours dinformatique sont la meilleure chose quil me soit arrive depuis que mon mari est dcd,

    nous avons le sentiment de rejoindre de nouveau lHumanit. Voici deux rponses faites par des personnes

    auxquelles on a demand ce que lapprentissage dInternet avait chang dans leur vie. Les cours en question

    ont t dispenss dans une maison de retraite amricaine des groupes dont la moyenne dge tait de 82

    ans. Une tude a paratre montre une baisse de 30% des symptmes dpressifs sur ce type de population.

    [email protected]

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  • 8/3/2019 Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute


    Boostzone Institute 2011

    Majors Trends in the

    Globalized World

    The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW N9. October 2011*Click on the titles to view the documents


    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

    Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

    The transnational super networkFuture Journalism Project, Michael Cervieri,

    September 7, 2011

    Nobody denies that nancial institutions establish

    contracts with several other institutions. This allows

    them to diversify risk, but also exposes them to conta-

    gion. This recent paper from Swiss economists studies

    global ownership structures and network inuence of

    the worlds biggest companies. They nd which orga-

    nization is connected to which other organization, and

    what the ownership and inuence structure is between

    them. A tightly-knit super-entity of 147 companies

    controls 40% of the networks transnational corpora-tions. Not surprising are the implications such a tight

    network has on global nancial stability.

    Are millennials the rst post-consumer

    generation ?World Furute Society, James Lee,

    September 12, 2011

    Twenty years ago, Generation X graduated during

    what was a comparatively soft recession in the early

    90s. Nowadays, the Millennial generation faces the

    dual challenge of a weak labor market combined with

    competitive educational standards. A recent study

    shows that one out of every three Americans between

    18 and 29 are either choosing not to work or are loo-

    king for a paying job, but cannot nd one. This article

    explains why the Millennials have been the rst gene-

    ration to adjust their long-term economic expectations:they have gured out that access often makes more

    sense than ownership, particularly since ownership

    often translates into debt.

    The freelance surge is the industrial

    revolution of our timeThe Atlantic, Sara Horowitz, September 1, 2011

    Its been called the e-conomy, with the e standing

    for electronic, entrepreneurial, or perhaps eclectic.

    Everywhere we look, we can see the U.S. workforce

    undergoing a massive change. Today, careers consistof piecing together various types of work, juggling

    multiple clients, learning to be marketing and accoun-

    ting experts and creating ofces in co-working spaces.

    Independent workers abound. And many of them love

    it. This article explains why those trends will have an

    enormous impact on our economy and society.

    Petite Poucette, la gnration mutanteLibration, Pascale Nivelle, 3 Septembre 2011

    Michel Serres, 81 ans, philosophe, historien, homme

    de lettres, montre dans cette interview toute sa bien-

    veillance envers la jeune gnration, lun de ses su-

    jets de prdilection dans son observation des trans-

    formations du monde et des Hommes.

    Il rclame lindulgence pour cette gnration qui doit

    tout rinventer dans un monde boulevers par les

    nouvelles technologies et quil a baptis Petite Pou-

    cette pour sa propension envoyer des messages

    et communiquer avec son pouce.

    Il expose galement des transformations majeures

    de la socit comme la dsutude des institutions, de

    lappartenance culturelle ou ethnique, lallongement

    de la vie,... qui conduisent lune des questions phi-losophiques la plus importante ces yeux: Comment

    lOccident sadaptera au monde quil a engendr ?
  • 8/3/2019 Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute


    Management, les maux pour le direCeras Project, Vincent de Gaulejac, Spetmbre 2011

    Voici un entretien avec Vincent de Gaulejac, Profes-seur de sociologie qui tudie le travail lUniversit

    Paris 7 Denis Diderot. Pour lui, le travail engendre

    un grand malaise car les gens ne comprennent plus

    le sens de ce quon leur demande de faire. Cela est

    la consquence dune rvolution managriale, initie

    dans les multinationales puis gnralise partir

    des annes 80 qui tente de rendre utile et produc-

    tive lnergie du travailleur. Elle lui propose de devenir

    excellent et de se raliser en vhiculant lide que sa

    russite et celle de lentreprise vont de pair.

    En faisant se dplacer la lutte des classes la lutte

    des places, la conictualit se dplace du niveau so-cial (grves, manifestation,...) au niveau psychique et

    psychosomatique (la souffrance au travail).

    Corporate Social and Environmental


    Management in the Future

    World of Work

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    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

    Web Review personnalise sur demande - Customized WebReview on demand

    Can Jeremy Grantham prot from ecological


    The New York Times, Carlo Rotella, August 11, 2011

    Energy will give us serious problems over the next

    years as we make the transition from hydrocarbons to

    solar, wind and other sources, but well muddle through

    to a solution to Peak Oil and related challenges. This

    article shows Jeremy Grantham, founder of the asset-

    management rm GMO, as a guard of the biodiversity.

    Grantham has often been early, the besetting sin of

    the value investor. Sounding the alarm and bailing out

    well before the peak of one bubble after another has

    cost him prots and clients. But if hes right again and

    early again in identifying rising commodity prices asnot just another bubble but as a paradigm shift with

    far-reaching consequencesBut its never absolutely

    too late, Grantham said. Its never too late to do what

    we can, which includes making a lot of money you

    can use to try to protect whatever and whoever mat-

    ters to you, biodiversity, family, nation, everybody.

    What is resilience ?Global Dashboard, September 24, 2011

    Resilience and crises were the epicenter of a confe-

    rence convened by the Development Studies Associa-

    tion and European Association of Development Insti-

    tutes. Wellbeing is a dynamic process with material

    (what people have), relational (what people are able

    to do) and subjective (how people feel) dimensions.

    These dimensions are interlinked, co-evolving and

    uid. This article from Global Dashboard explains why

    by looking through these three, interrelated lenses of

    wellbeing, it is possible to start to make sense of thecomplexities of vulnerability and risk in a volatile and

    less predictable world.

    Les forces armes : source dinspiration pour

    la stratgie dentreprise

    Geo-stratgie, Antoine Villain, 17 Aot 2011

    La stratgie dentreprise est lhritire de la strat-

    gie militaire (planication rigoureuse, conomie des

    moyens, mobilit des forces en prsence, efcacit

    et impratif de rsultat). Larme depuis une dcennie

    sest tourne vers un nouveau mode dorganisation

    collaboratif appel Network Centric Warfare.

    5 inquitantes singularits du management

    franaisGestion des risques culturels, Benjamin Pelletier,

    16 Spetmbre 2011

    Eurofund, une agence dtude de lUnion Europenne

    sur les conditions de vie et de travail dans les pays

    europens met disposition des donnes sur lvo-

    lution du monde du travail entre 1991 et 2010 dans

    lUE. Benjamin Pelletier, rdacteur du blog Ges-

    tion des risques interculturels et formateur dans ce

    domaine, extrait 5 graphiques qui, selon lui, rvlent

    certaines particularits dont la prise en compte est

    souvent nglige, avec des incidences aussi bien

    pour les travailleurs franais que pour les expatris

    travaillant en France.
  • 8/3/2019 Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute


    Boostzone Institute 2011

    The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW N9. October 2011

    Enterprise 2.0 and

    Mobile Enterprise

    Internet and Social Networks

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    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

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    The myth of performance metricsHarvard Business Review, Dick Grote,

    September 12, 2011

    In order for an appraisal to be objective, assessors

    must have quantiable metrics to support their assess-

    ment judgment. This is a belief that gets in the way

    of managers when they evaluate performance. Thats just not true; the fairness requirement doesnt mean

    that youre restricted only to using quantitative, nume-

    rical metrics in making your assessment. This article

    from the HBR shows us why insisting that there must

    be quantiable metrics can lead us astray in accura-

    tely evaluating performance. Indeed, Einstein asserted

    that Not everything that counts can be counted. And

    not everything that can be counted counts.

    A collection of 50+ enterprise 2.0 case studies

    and examplesJacob Morgan, Update September 21, 2011

    Since the democratization of the enterprise 2.0 concept,

    many case studies have been done in order to explain

    how this idea has been used by rms, and how it is evol-

    ving. This article from Jacob Morgan aggregates more

    than 50 enterprise 2.0 case studies and examples.

    Social power and the coming corporaterevolution

    Forbes, David Kirkpatrick, September 7, 2011

    Civilizations have clashed in an unexpected way this

    year, using Facebook and Twitter to knock down dic-

    tators. We have entered the age of empowered indivi-

    duals harnessing social media to organize themselves.

    But most are ordinary people with new tools to force

    you to listen to what they care about and to demand

    respect. Both customers and employees have started

    marching in this burgeoning social media multitude.

    This article highlights why companies and leaders willhave to show authenticity, transparency and good faith.

    If they dont, customers and employees may come to

    distrust them, to potentially disastrous effect.

    Commotion, le projet dun Internet hors de tout

    contrleLe Monde, Yves Eudes, 30 Aot 2011

    Imaginez un Internet sans l, haut dbit, fonctionnant

    sur les frquences Wi, indpendant de toutes les in-

    frastructures actuelles telles que les antennes-relais,

    les cbles, les satellites. Un Internet autonome, dcen-

    tralis, mouvant car transformant chaque ordinateur et

    chaque tlphone en relais intelligent. Un internet qui

    saffranchit donc de toute frontire mais aussi de toute

    censure, de toute surveillance car le trac y est ano-

    nyme et crypt. Un Internet libre et gratuit, une utopie ?

    Peut-tre plus pour trs longtemps grce Commo-

    tion, un projet trs ofciel soutenu et nanc par Open

    Technology Intiative, un organisme dirig par Eric

    Schmidt, executive chairman de Google.

    Un projet qui, sil voit le jour, pourrait remettre en cause

    le business model de secteurs dactivit comme celui

    des oprateurs tlcom.

    The Internet of things will dwarf the Internet of

    peopleTrends in the living networks, Ross Dawson,

    September 1, 2011

    In 2008 the number of devices connected to the Inter-net surpassed the number of people connected, and in

    2020 there will be 50 billion things connected, accor-

    ding to Dave Evans of Cisco. This infographic by Ross

    Dawson highlights some of the key features of the

    Internet of things, including the pace of growth, how

    external data can be aggregated so that your alarm

    clocks, cars, and coffee makers make decisions to t

    with your schedule, and that some cameras and com-

    puters are now just a cubic millimeter.
  • 8/3/2019 Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute


    Boostzone Institute 2011

    The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW N9. October 2011

    Brand and Personal Online

    Reputation and Inuence

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    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

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    Personal Development

    and learning

    Des joueurs en ligne rsolvent lune des

    nigmes du virus du sidaAFP, Laurent Banguet, 19 Septembre 2011

    Des joueurs adeptes dun jeu vido en ligne ont rus-

    si, en trois semaines, dcoder une enzyme proche

    de celle du virus du Sida et qui tenait en chec les

    scientiques spcialistes du domaine depuis plus de10 ans. Un exemple loquent de la puissance de lin-

    telligence collective.

    State of the media : The social media report by

    NielsenNielsen, September 2011

    Social medias popularity keeps growing, connecting

    people through a huge platform. In the US, social

    networks reach nearly 80% of the active internet users.

    As no one can deny the inuence of this powerful tool,

    Nielsens State of the Media Q3 2011 presents a

    snapshot of the current social media landscape and

    audience in the U.S. and other major markets.

    The myth of reputationChris Brogan, September 5, 2011

    How are we perceived? What do people say about

    us? If were not around, what gets said differently?

    Some of your clients will love what you did. Others

    will say you were a waste of their money. Both might

    be right. It just depends. This article explains why the

    trick is that reputation comes from the perspectives of

    others, and as such, its not ours to worry about.

    Tips to defend your digital reputationThe Wall Street Journal, Leslie Gaines-Ross,September 11, 2011

    With social networks, online assaults are quite recur-

    rent. Given the often anonymous, easily accessible

    and rapidly disbursable nature of these attacks, eve-

    ry one of them has the potential to become a crisis,

    grabbing headlines and spreading instantaneously to

    millions across social networks.

    How well a company manages such events not only

    prevents against unwarranted damage to its reputa-

    tion, but also adds value in its own right. Having in

    place an effective digital defense plan is thus crucial.This article gives ve essentials when building such

    a plan.

    Deloitte bets big on informal, social learningThe Brain Yard, David F. Carr, September 6, 2011

    Chief Learning Ofcer Nick van Dam says 90% of all

    corporate learning is informal learning, including infor-mation gleaned through social networks. Because a

    consulting organization is only as good as its people,

    Deloitte wants its people to learn every which way.

    This article shows why, at Deloitte, an emphasis has

    been put on the importance of informal learning, in-

    cluding learning through social media-public social

    networks as well as company-controlled enterprise

    social networks.

    Why diverse viewpoints are critical in dealing

    with complexityTrends in the living networks, Ross Dawson,

    September 23, 2011

    The latest HBR focused, through several articles, on

    the concept of complexity. Michael J. Mauboussin,

    from Legg Mason Capital Management, tried in the

    review to explain why this concept is so important for

    him. This article highlights the rules of thumb for get-

    ting oneself into the right mind-set to deal with com-

  • 8/3/2019 Web Review October 2011 - Boostzone Institute


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    The Boostzone Institute WEB REVIEW N9. October 2011*Click on the titles to view the documents


    More Notable Links

    - Qui veut gagner des batailles ?

    - The anatomy of a social media crisis

    - Cartographie : les conits conomiques de demain

    - Through chinese eyes: Tang Qifang (part 1)

    - The spy who tweeted me: Intelligence community wants to monitor social media

    - Du concret sur le ROI des mdias sociaux

    - Company culture that works

    - Lessons learned: managing intelligence projects and producing intelligence products with wikis (The Good,

    The Bad, The Reality)

    - Trust the evidence, not your instincts

    - The great mismatch

    - Pourquoi le monde vieillit-il plus vite ?

    - Open source and corporate culture

    - Tiger vs. Dragon: a demographic comparison of India and China

    - Robotic labor taking over the World? You bet here are the details

    - Futures impossible : a new methodology to study world events

    - Dont fear the migrant

    - Why the future of money matters (Is the current system obsolete?)

    - La rputation na pas de prix sauf pour votre prestataire

    Fenixs Boostzone SARL - 24/28 rue de la Ppinire 75008 Paris - Tl. +33 (0)6 77 11 34 48 -

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