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Warm Up For Work Vennsys Health & Safety Project Winter 2013 - 2014

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‘Done my back in; don’t know how;it just ‘went’

In the UK, 54 million working days are lost each year

because of pain, strain and injuries to the back. Back

strains are a common injury too.

These can be caused by using poor techniques to

move materials such as twisting and turning while

lifting, carrying or digging. It can be as a result of not

warming up for work!

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Why Warm Up For Work?

How many times have you seen people warming


Why are they doing it?

You may have seen athletes, Dancers, People at

your Gym, Firemen, joggers, people carrying out a

full on warm up to just some simple stretching.

They are doing it because they are smart!

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Look funny to you?

People who warm up are less likely to suffer from strains and

pulled Muscles whilst carrying out their activity. They are

more productive and deliver a higher level of performance.

By warming the muscles you are making them flexible and

allowing them to give you greater control in your movement,

reducing the risk of injury.

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Picture The Scene – Making The Call

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The Exercises

Active ROM side bending

Stand with your arms across your chest or

along the side of your thighs.

Slowly bend sideways by sliding your

hand down your thigh towards the floor.

Slowly return to neutral position and

repeat on the other side.

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The Exercises

Active ROM rotation

Stand and cross your arms across chest

or on hips.

Slowly rotate to look behind without

bending or arching the lower back.

Slowly return to neutral position and


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Active ROM extension

Stand with your chin tucked-in and place

your hands on your buttocks.

Bend your back backwards arching the

lower back and keep your chin tucked-

in (look forward).

Return to starting position and repeat.

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Active ROM Circumduction


Stand with your arms relaxed on each

side of your body.

Make backward circles with your


Relax and repeat

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Arms circles

Stand tall and rotate the arms

backward then forward in a big

circular motion.

Do not move the head while doing

the movement.


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Keep Going…..!

Stretching - Deep squat

Squat down keeping your heels in contact

with the floor.

Raise your arms up as high as you


Return and repeat.

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Nearly There…!

Stabilization Lunge

Stand with your feet apart (one forward,

one backward).

Lower your body by bending the knees

to 90 degrees without touching the floor

with you back knee.Return to initial position and repeat

with your feet placed the opposite


NOTE: Don't let your front knee move

further forward than the toes of your

front foot.

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Rowing + ER

Rotate your forearms to that they are in

line with your trunk.

Do the reverse motion all the way down

and repeat.

Do not round the lower or upper back.

Bend over at the hips so the torso is

between parallel and 45°.

Keep the chest out and shoulder blades

back as you let your arms hang. Keep

your knees slightly bent.

Pull the elbows up, keeping the forearm



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Resisted rotation

Stand or sit with good posture. 

Place your hand at the side of your head.

Slightly nod your chin to neutral. 

Turn your head towards your hand,

applying resistance so that you are using

your neck muscles to push against your


Hold that contraction, then relax. 

Repeat to the opposite side.


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Warm up exercises can improve your health!

Warm Muscles reduce the chances of pulling muscles!

People who warm up do not look silly and they are less likely to injure themselves!

People who warm up are more effective and perform better.

Take Away Messages


Zero Incidents – Zero Harm – Zero Compromise

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Any Questions?