Download - Warm –up Copy HW Please read the following quote and share your answer to the question below it with you neighbor “For the west, much of the history of.


Warm –up • Copy HW

• Please read the following quote and share your answer to the question below it with you neighbor

• “For the west, much of the history of Islam has been obscured behind a veil of fear and misunderstanding.”

• What does this mean? Why might someone say this?

Religious Beliefs of


Five Pillars of Social Studies Class

• If you were making a list of the five beliefs/concepts that are important to your success in this classroom what would they be?

• You will have 3 minutes to work with your neighbors and 5 minutes to talk as a class.

• Then I will ask you for The Five Pillars of Social Studies Class

1st Period Pillars

2nd Period Pillars

3rd Period Pillars

4th Period Pillars

7th Period Pillars

BELIEF (Shahadah)

• "(I profess that) there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God."

• Why would this statement be a significant part of practicing Islam?


• 5 times a day• Always facing Mecca• Bowing, kneeling


• No food or drink (except water) from dawn to dusk during Ramadan (holy holiday)


• Each Muslim must travel to Makkah at least once in their lifetime

• Touch Kaaba• Walk around Kaaba 7 times

Charity (Zakāt)

• Must give AT LEAST 2.5% of total wealth to the poor/needy

To sum things up…

Please complete a practice quiz demonstrating your knowledge of…

The Five Pillars of Islam

Please don’t forget your name. Please drop it in the turn-in bin before you leave