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  • 8/3/2019 W. Z. Wang, K. L. Yao and H. Q. Lin- Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupled organic fer


    Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupledorganic ferromagnets with next-nearest-neighbor hopping interaction

    W. Z. WangDepartment of Physics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074,Peoples Republic of China

    K. L. YaoCCAST (World Laboratory), Beijing, P.O. Box 8730, 100080 China

    H. Q. LinDepartment of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

    Received 28 April 1997; accepted 5 November 1997

    Considering interchain interaction and the intrachain next-nearest-neighbor hopping interaction,

    within the self-consistent-field HartreeFock approximation, we deal with two neighboring organic

    ferromagnetic chains. We take into account the -electrons, the Hubbard repulsion, and

    antiferromagnetic correlation between -electrons and side radical electrons. It is shown that there

    appear to be two kinds of charge density waves successively when the next-nearest-neighbor

    hopping interaction is greater than a critical value, which decreases with the interchain coupling.

    The first charge density wave is accompanied by a bond order wave and the second one has no

    lattice distortion. The spin density wave along the main chain is modulated by the charge density

    wave. It is also found that the interchain coupling and the next-nearest-neighbor hopping integral

    destabilizes the ferromagnetic ground states. 1998 American Institute of Physics.



    Recently, a new class of ferromagnetic materials based

    on molecular rather than metallic or ionic lattices has at-

    tracted considerable attention.1 6 Scientists have successfully

    synthesized several quasi-one-dimensional organic ferro-

    magnetics, such as m-PDPC Ref. 7 and p-NPNN.8 How-

    ever, about these quasi-one-dimensional organic polymer

    ferromagnets, many things are still unclear.McConnell9 first proposed a intermolecular ferro-

    magnetic interaction in organic molecules in 1963.

    Ovchinnikov10 and Mataga11 reported another strategy to

    prepare organic ferromagnets based on the intramolecular

    ferromagnetic interaction in very large molecules. Ovchinni-

    kov et al.12 proposed a simplified structure of a quasi-1D

    organic polymer ferromagnet a single chain in Fig. 1. The

    main chain consists of carbon atoms each with a -electron

    and R is a kind of side radical containing an unpaired elec-

    tron. They treated the -electrons along the main carbon

    chain as an antiferromagnetic spin chain and assumed that

    there is an antiferromagnetic correlation between the -

    electron spin and the residual spin of the side radical. Re-cently, Fang et al.13,14 proposed a theoretical model to de-

    scribe this kind of organic ferromagnet. They considered the

    -electrons, the Hubbard electron-electron correlation, and

    the antiferromagnetic spin correlation between the -

    electrons and unpaired electrons on side radicals. Within the

    self-consistent-field Hartree Fock approximation, they cal-

    culated the energy levels which split off with respect to dif-

    ferent spins. In the ferromagnetic ground state, there exists

    an antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave SDW along the

    main chain. Mediated by the SDW, ferromagnetic order of

    the unpaired electrons of side radicals can be obtained. How-

    ever, in previous works, the system was treated as isolated

    chains. Since there is no purely one-dimensional system, the

    interchain interaction can have a significant effect as will be

    demonstrated in this paper. As is well known, for one-

    dimensional systems, like conducting polymers, charge-

    transfer solids and transition-metal linear-chain complexes,

    can show a variety of symmetry-broken ground states like

    bond-ordering-waves BOW, charge density waves CDW,

    spin density waves, and even the superconductor state. These

    phase transitions originate from the interplay between the

    electronelectron and electronphonon interaction. So we

    believe that for the organic ferromagnets it is more reason-

    able to consider the intrachain non-nearest-neighbor electron

    hopping integral and interchain coupling. In our model, the

    interchain coupling is considered as an interchain electron-

    transfer between the corresponding sites on nearest chains.

    Due to the topological structure of the system, the interchain

    couplings are different with respect to different sites in

    chains. This is similar with the situations in several typical

    organic polymers with chainlike structure, such aspolyacetylene1517 and polyacene,18 in which the interchain

    interaction is the interchain hopping of electrons, but

    phonons are strictly one-dimensional. For some organic fer-

    romagnets with linear chains such as m-PDPC (Ref. 7) and

    p-NPNN,8 we conceive that the interchain electron transfer

    interaction can be achieved if the distance between two

    neighboring chains is not great.

    In this paper, we consider two neighboring chains shown

    in Fig. 1. Our generalized model for interchain coupling is

    introduced in Sec. II. For some low-dimensional systems


    28670021-9606/98/108(7)/2867/6/$15.00 1998 American Institute of Physics

  • 8/3/2019 W. Z. Wang, K. L. Yao and H. Q. Lin- Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupled organic fer


    such as polyacetylene19,20 and organic ferromagnets,13,21 the

    mean field theory is a reasonable method in the studies of

    energy band and excitation. We will use this method to study

    the stability of the ferromagnetic ground state and the con-

    figuration of spin density and charge density. We find that

    there appears to be two kinds of CDW transitions accompa-

    nied with BOW and SDW successively when the next-

    nearest-neighbor hopping integral is greater than a critical

    value, which varies with the interchain coupling. The resultsand discussions are given in Sec. III.


    We consider two neighboring chains shown in Fig. 1.

    Based on the discussion in Sec. I, the Hamiltonian employed

    in our study can be written as

    HH0H, 1

    where H0 is the Hamiltonian of two isolated chains with the

    next-nearest-neighbor hopping interaction, H

    describes theinterchain coupling. We can write H0 explicitly as follows:

    H0H1H2H3 , 2


    t00ujlujl1 cjl


    2 jl ujlujl12

    jl t1ujlujl2


    cjl2H.c., 3


    njlnjl , 4


    SjlRSjl l . 5

    The first term H1 describes the intrachain -electron

    hopping, the electronphonon interaction, and the distortion

    of the lattice. Where cjl (cjl ) denote the creation annihi-

    lation operator of a -electron with spin on the l th site of

    the j th chain, t0(t) is the nearestnext-nearest-neighbor

    hopping integral when there is no distortion of the lattice,

    0(1) is the electronphonon coupling constant, ujl is the

    displacement of the lth carbon atom of the j th chain, and is

    the elastic constant of the lattice.

    The second term H2 describes the Hubbard repulsion

    between two -electrons when they are on the same carbon

    atom, and njl cjl

    cjl (,), where and denote

    up-spin and down-spin, respectively.

    The third term H3 describes the antiferromagnetic corre-

    lations between the spin Sjl of -electrons and the residual

    spin SjlR of the side radical R . We assume the coupling J00 between the main chain and side radical, and the radical

    R connects with the even carbon atom, then

    l1, l is even6

    l0, l is odd.

    The term SjlRSjl can be rewritten as


    Sjl12 SjlR


    Sjl, 7

    where Sjlz and Sjl

    denote the Pauli spin matrix,13,21


    12 njl njl,


    cjl ,


    cjl . 8

    Since the side radicals only connect with even sites on

    each chain shown in Fig. 1, the interchain transfer integrals

    would be unsymmetrical with respect to even sites and odd

    sites. So we assume the interchain coupling has the follow-

    ing oscillatory form:



    11 lT

    2 c






    1l, 9

    where T1 and T2 are the hopping integrals from site l of the

    first chain to the corresponding site l of the second one.

    Then we use the mean-field approximation to divide njl and SjlR

    z as follows:13,21

    njl njl njl ,


    z SjlRz . 10

    Here G G is the average with respect to theground state G , n

    jl and S


    z are fluctuations from the

    average values.

    It is convenient to cast all quantities into dimensionless

    forms as


    t0, u


    t0, j 0


    t0, t1


    t0, t2






    t0, yjlujlujl10 /t0 .

    We assume t/t01 /0 , then the Hamiltonian h be-


    FIG. 1. A simplified structure of chain for a quasi-one-dimensional organicferromagnet.

    2868 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 108, No. 7, 15 February 1998 Wang, Yao, and Lin

  • 8/3/2019 W. Z. Wang, K. L. Yao and H. Q. Lin- Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupled organic fer


    hh eh, 12


    1yjl cjl


    njl njl

    j 0

    2 jl SjlRz njl njll

    jl 1yjl


    cjl2H.c.l t11lt2


    c 2lc2l

    c 1l, 13


    jl yjl2 , 14

    where h e is the electronic part of the Hamiltonian, and h

    describes the elastic energy of lattice.

    Since we use the tight-binding approximation in the

    Hamiltonian Eq. 1, the wave function of the system can

    be expanded in site basis states,

    jl Zjl cjl

    0 , 15

    where 0 is true electron vacuum state, denotes the theigenvector of the Hamiltonian, and Zjl

    is the expansion


    Using a self-consistent iterative method,13 we can nu-

    merically solve the Schrodinger equation,

    he . 16

    With the initial value ofSjlRz , and the lattice configuration,

    electronic energy levels and the expansion coefficientsZjl can be obtained from the eigenvalue equations of the


    1yjl Zjl1





    j21yjl1yjl Zjl2


    u occ




    2j 0lSjlR

    z Zjl


    j1,2. 17

    The total energy of the system with the Hamiltonian Eq.

    13 is

    Eyjl jl



    Zjl1* Zjl




    jl yjl2

    jl ,occ

    Zjl 2Zjl





    j 0lSjlRz Zjl

    2Zjl 2



    * Z2lZ2l

    * Z1l




    Zjl2* Zjl


    *Zjl2 . 18

    The dimerization yjl can be obtained by minimizing the total

    energy of the system with respect to yjl ,







    Zjl1 Zjl1




    Zjl Zjl1

    Zjl Zjl2


    Zjl1 . 19

    Here, we have used the periodic boundary condition, N is the

    number of sites in each chain, and occ means those states

    occupied by electrons. The charge density njl and spindensity njl of -electrons along the chain can be obtained

    self-consistently as

    njl njlnjlocc

    Zjl 2, 20




    2 occ

    Zjl 2



    2 . 21

    The starting geometry in the iterative optimization pro-

    cess is usually the one with zero dimerization and njl njl1/2. The stability of the optimized geometry is al-ways tested by using another starting configuration and per-

    forming the optimization once again. The criterion for termi-

    2869J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 108, No. 7, 15 February 1998 Wang, Yao, and Lin

  • 8/3/2019 W. Z. Wang, K. L. Yao and H. Q. Lin- Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupled organic fer


    nating the optimization is that between two successive

    iterations, the differences are less than 106 for the dimer-

    ization and spin density.


    We consider two neighboring periodic chains shown in

    Fig. 1, each chain with 60 carbons along the main chain and

    30 side radicals. From Eq. 17, we know that the eigenvalue

    equation is unsymmetrical about spin owing to the Hubbard

    electronelectron repulsion and the antiferromagnetic corre-

    lation between -electrons and unpaired electrons at the side

    radicals. So in the system, the spin degeneracy has beenlifted, and we must solve the given equations with different

    spins. In order to study the ground state, we always fill the

    -electrons in the possible lowest levels in every iterative


    In our calculation, we assume the parameters 0.2, u

    1.0, j 00.5, and SjlRz 1/2. For t10.1, t20.05, we

    calculate the energy levels of the -electrons shown in Fig.

    2, where i indicates the ith energy level. From Fig. 2, we can

    see clearly that the energy levels belonging to different spins

    split off. However, owing to the interchain coupling, the de-

    generacy of the energy levels with respect to different chains

    has been lifted. The energy levels of one chain increase

    while those of the other chain decrease. In quasi-one-dimensional systems, due to dimerization there exists an en-

    ergy gap. We calculate the energy gap with different intrac-

    hain next-nearest-neighbor hopping integral and interchain

    coupling t1 and t2 shown in Fig. 3. Curves a, b, c corre-

    sponds to the interchain coupling t1t20; t10.1, t20.2 and t10.1, t20, respectively. It is shown that for

    definite interchain coupling, the energy gap is constant as the

    next-nearest hopping integral is small, and when is larger

    than a certain value the gap decreases rapidly. There exists a

    critical value c1 at which the gap disappears. We can

    easily see that the energy gap and the critical value c1 re-

    duces with an increase of interchain coupling t1compare

    curves a and c, but increases with an increase of interchain

    coupling t2 compare curves b and c. The results of the

    numerical calculations show that when the gap exists, the

    charge density is homogeneous along each main chain. How-

    ever, when c1 , the gap disappears, and there appears to

    be two kinds of charge density waves along each main chain

    successively, which is separated at the second critical value

    c2 . For t10.2, t20, c10.45, c20.52, we obtain

    the CDW, SDW, and BOW along the main chain in Fig. 4

    with a 0.50 and b 0.55. Figure 4a shows that forc2c1 , the CDW is not accompanied with perfect

    dimerization along the main chain. There appears the bond-

    order-wave BOW expressed as yjl in Eq. 19. The SDW isno longer perfectly antiferromagnetic, and it is modulated by

    the CDW. From Fig. 4b, we can see that for c2 , the

    CDW has a period of two sites, but the dimerization along

    the main chain is zero. In this case, there are no distortion of

    lattice, but the transfer of the -electrons along the main

    chain is similar with that in the situation with perfect dimer-

    ization. With an increase of the electronphonon interaction,

    the dimerization increases22 and consequently the energy gap

    increases, while with an increase of the next-nearest-

    neighboring hopping interaction the gap and dimerization de-

    crease; we are convinced that the CDW transition results

    from the competition between the electronphonon coupling

    and the next-nearest neighbor hopping interaction. We alsofind that the interchain coupling t1 and t2 have a different

    effect on the above CDW transition. With an increase of t1 ,

    the critical value c1 and c2 decrease. To make things more

    clear, Fig. 5 gives the critical next-nearest neighboring hop-

    ping interaction c as a function of the interchain coupling t1with t20. Curves a and b correspond to cc2 and cc1 , respectively. We also find that for t10, when we

    add the interchain coupling t2 , there exists only the second

    CDW with the period of two sites for all c1 . Because t2represents the difference of the interchain coupling at odd

    sites and even sites see Eq. 9, the behavior of t2 distin-

    guish the odd sites from even sites. This is similar with the

    FIG. 2. The energy levels of the -electrons for j00.5, 0.2, t10.1,

    t20.05, and u1.0. Curves A and B correspond to two chains, respec-


    FIG. 3. The energy gap vs the intrachain next-nearest-neighbor hopping

    integral for different interchain coupling a t1t20; b t10.1, t20.2, and c t10.1, t20.

    2870 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 108, No. 7, 15 February 1998 Wang, Yao, and Lin

  • 8/3/2019 W. Z. Wang, K. L. Yao and H. Q. Lin- Charge density wave transition and instability in interchain coupled organic fer


    effect of the dimerization, and consequently the interchain

    coupling t2 makes the CDW have the period of two sites.

    Then we discuss the ferromagnetic order of the system.

    In our calculation, we assume that the unpaired electrons at

    side radicals have up-spin positive-spin. When the energy

    gap exists, the up-spin electrons and down-spin electrons oc-

    cupying the energy levels have the same number, all the

    -electrons along each main chain form an antiferromagnetic

    SDW while the unpaired electrons of side radicals form aferromagnetic order Refs. 13 and 14. However, when the

    next-nearest-neighbor hopping interaction is greater than a

    critical value, the energy gap disappears, owing to the split-

    ting of energy levels with respect to different spins, and there

    are more electrons occupying the lower down-spin energy

    levels than the higher up-spin energy levels shown in Fig.

    2. So, in the ground state, there exists a kind of SDW along

    the main chain, whose total spin is negative shown in Fig.

    4. We find that the SDWs are modulated by corresponding

    CDWs. Since in the absence of the energy gap, the total spin

    along the main chain is negative while the spins at side radi-

    cals is positive, the CDW transition weakens the ferromag-

    netism of the system. Because the interchain coupling de-

    creases the energy gap and makes the CDW transition

    happen easily, the interchain coupling destabilizes the ferro-

    magnetic ground state of the system.

    In conclusion, we have studied numerically an interchain

    coupling model for a quasi-one-dimensional organic ferro-

    magnet. It is shown that there exists two kinds of CDW

    sequentially when the next-nearest-neighbor hopping interac-

    tion is greater than a critical value, which decreases with an

    increase of the interchain coupling. The SDW along the main

    chain is modulated by the CDW. The interchain interaction

    and the interchain next-nearest-neighbor hopping integral de-

    stabilize the ferromagnetic ground state of the system.


    This work is supported by the National Natural Science

    Foundation of China and the Direct Grant for Research from

    the Research Council of the Hong Kong Government.

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