Download - Volume 171 Nos. 1-2 Aprii 2017 ISSN 0048-5829 P BLI · Volume 171 Nos. 1-2 Aprii 2017 ISSN 0048-5829 P BLI


Volume 171 Nos. 1-2 Aprii 2017 ISSN 0048-5829



Rest in peace, Bob Tollisonvss. Shughart Il 1

Memorial for DadM. Tollison 7

Bob Tollison was a good sentenceR.E. McCormick 11

Robert Tollison and operationalizing public choiceP. Boettke 17

Robert D. Tollison and the economics of politicsRD. Congleton 23

Robert's Rules for a knowledge-creating societyW.M. Crain . NV Crain 29

Robert D. Tollison: an appreciationw.R. Dougan 33

Memories of Bob Tollison: memories of a friendshipR.B. Ekelund 39

In remembrance of Robert D. TollisonD.R. Lee 45

Tollison and competitionM.T. Maloney 49

Bob Tollison: remarkable polymath and personF.S. McChesney 53

Tribute to Robert D. TollisonJ.C. Miller 111 59

(Table of contents continued on the back cover)

€l Springer

PUBLIC CHOICE ISSN 0048-5829Springer

DordrechtThe Netherlands

(Table of contents continued)

Robert D. Tollison: A remembranceM. Munger 63

Robert D. Tollison: Father of sportometrics, friend and colleagueRD. Sauer 67

Bob Tollison, Adam Smith's pin factory, and the flow of knowledge: a personal memoryB. Yandle 71


Political alignment and intergovernmental transfers in parliamentary systems: evidencefrom GermanyT. Baskaran . Z. Hessami 75

The effect of a reduction in the opening hours of polling stations on turnoutS. Garmann 99

Education, identity, and community: lessons from Jewish emancipationJ.-P. Carvalho· M. Koyama· M. Sacks 119

Rent creation and rent seeking in environmental policylA MacKenzie 145

Regulatory capture in agency performance evaluation: industry expertise versusrevolving-door lobbyingS. Hong . T.K. Kim 167

Defecting alone or splitting together? Individuai and collective party switchingby legislatorsO. Kernahhoqìu . S. Sayan 187

The political economy of sales taxes and sales tax exemptionsT. Stratmann 207

Granting votes: exposing the political bias of intergovernmental grants usingthe within-between specification for panel dataJ. Glaurdié . V. Vukovié 223


Randall G. Holcombe: Advanced introduction to public choiceC.J. Coyne 243

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