Download - Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Page 1: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

اذوساخ ارذسثحTrainings Courses

طىس ذغ شهاداخ ارذسةPhotos for the submission of training certificates

اشـشج اإلخـثاسح شـشوح ااسذ طىخ اششوح

The voice of the company

Volume: 1, Issue: 2, Year: 2015 Al Manaratain Newsletter

ؽاضشج ع لاى اع اثؽش اعذذ

Session about New Bahrain Labour Law

Page 2: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

جىنح جىحعد فم جىشخص جىحعد

رؽمك اهذف

Be the right person to the right place

to achieve the target

Page 3: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Produced & Implemented by HR & PR Department Team

ظف دجتشز جىجسد جىرششس جىؼالقحش جىؼحسإراض وذفز

50 كحضشز ػ قح جىؼو جىركش جىؿذذ

Session about New Bahrain Labour Law

06 جىطذسد ػي سأط جىؼو

On Job Trainings

50 قح جىشس جىؿذذ

New Traffic Law

09 ضذسرحش جىغالس

Safety Trainings

11 ضصغ شحدجش جىطذسد

Training Certificates Distribution

14 نصائح حول كيفية منع وقوع حادث في العمل 10أفضل

Top 10 Tips on How to Prevent an Accident at Work

11 جىظف جىض قذػح

Recently Joined Employees

20 مقاالت


Page 4: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)


أال ذن ف جىؼذد جىػح جىششز جإلخرحسس ىششمس جىحسض، جىط ضض

.جىؼذذ جألخرحس ػ خطيف جألشطس جىفؼحىحش ف جىششمس

قذ ن أذشص أخرحس جىششمس خاله جىشذغ جأله زج جىعؼعح ع جىعطعشمععض

ػي ضذسد جىععظعفعع ععجىج ػعيع سأط جىعؼععو أ ع خعاله دسجش

خحسؾس، عح عإمعذ ضعشسز جىعطعذسعد جىععنعػعف ىعطعؼعضعض ضعطععش

.جىحسجش ىإلسضقحى ف جىؼو

ؾحد آخش، ػيح ػي ضعنعػععف جىععكعحضعشجش جىعطعػععس فع عؿعحه

جىغالس جىس قع أح ضؼذ أ أىحضح، ضص التكس جىؿضجىجش ف

جىششمس ػي أ ال ؾذ نح فح ى ال يطض ذعطعطعرععع قعجػعذ جىغعالعس

أغحى ضأدط ىح جىظفس، ز جىنيحش قعذ ضعنع قعحعععس ذعؼع جىشعى

ىن جى أ ؼح ؾذج أؾو ضكقع ذثس ػو خحىس جىكعجدظ،

جأل رىل ضح صىح ىحصىح عحى أؾو جفشجد ػحتالضح جىز

.طظش ػدضح ح ذؼذ ئطحى قص جىؼو

كو زج جىؼذد ف طحض جىنػش جألخرحس جىضػحش جىط عحعو ج

ك شقد ذشحسمحضن أخرحسم جىط ضد ششح، . ضكص ػي ئػؿحذن

قع نن جىطجصو غ فشع جىؼالقحش جىؼحس جىجسد جىرعشعشعس فع أ

.قص خاله جىقجش جىزمسز أدح

س ج ى ؼعذ د س ج ى ؼعذ د م ي س ج ى ؼعذ د م ي م ي

Welcome to the second issue of Al Manaratain newsletter, which includes many of the news about the various activities and events in the company.

It may be the most prominent company news during the first quarter of this year is to focus on employees training, whether on job training or through external courses, and here emphasize the need for intensive training to enhance and develop the skills to elevate the work.

On the other hand, we have worked to intensify awareness lectures in occupational safety, where it is one of our top priorities, and it’s always helpful to remember what’s written in the schedule of penalties in the company that there is no place for those who do not abide by the implementation of safety rules while performing functional tasks, these words may be a bit hard, but it is important to understand very well in order to achieve accident-free work environment, and most importantly, to ensure we got to our homes safe for our families who are waiting for our return after the end of the working time.

This issue carries a lot of news and topics that we hope will possess our admiration. Stories and news for the newsletter are always welcome. Where you can communicate with a team of PR or HR Department at any time through the channels listed below.

We welcome your contributions by connecting with us via email

[email protected] or calling us at

36055383 and 36895535

شقد ذشحسمحضن خاله جىطجصو ؼح ػرش جىرشذ جإلىنطش

[email protected] ج ذحىإلضصحه ػي جألسقح

36355363 36655535

Page 5: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Session about New Bahrain Labour Law

A session was arranged for the key employees in the company to

educate them about the new Bahraini labour law, During this

session many queries have been answered and clarified some


The session was to empower the management in regards to legal

rights and benefits for individual and group, We are thankful to

Ministry of Labour for their support.

The session was attended from Ministry of Labour by Mrs. Fatima

Al Salman, Mrs. Masalek Al Magabi and from Al Manaratain

company by Mr. Jawad Al Asfoor, Mr. Armando Colaco, Mr. Akhil

Mishra, Mr. Adel Abbas, Mr. Nithinraj Nagaraja, Mr. Emad Sultan,

Mr. Reji Varughese, Mr. Idrees Al Ghanemi, Mr. Sajith Kumar, Mr.

Zaki Al Khamiri, Mr. Gopinathan Mohanlal, Mr. Majeed Abdulla,

Mr. Joy Alex, Mr. Benny Varghese, Mr. Joy Jose, Mr. Atul Kumar,

Mr. Deepak Gopalakrishnan, Mr. Rizwan Alam.

ع لاى اع اثؽش اعذذ ؽاضشج

جىشتغ ف جىشعشمعس ىعطعػعقععفعع قعه قعحع جىعؼععو ىيظفض ضشضد ذز خحصس

جىركش جىؿذذ، خاله ز جىذز ض جإلؾحذس ػي جىؼذذ جالعطفعغعحسجش ضعضععف

.ذؼ جىشنك

قع أ جىذز محص ىطن جإلدجسز ف ح خعص جىعكعقعل جىععضجعح جىعقعحعععس ىعيعفعشد

.جىؿحػس، ك ط ىصجسز جىؼو ػي دػ

قضش جىذز ؾس صجسز جىؼو مو جىغذز فحطس جىغيح، جىغذز غحىل جىقحذع

ؾس ششمس جىحسض مو جىغذ ؾجد جىؼصفس، جىغذ أسحذ مالعع، جىغععذ

أمو ششج، جىغذ ػحده ػرحط، جىغذ ػشجؼ حغحسجؾح، جىغعذ ػععحد ععيعطعح، جىغععذ

سؿ فحسؾظ، جىغذ جدسظ جىغح، جىغذ عحؾع معحس، جىغععذ صمع جىعخعععش،

جىغذ غذحغح حاله، جىغذ ؿذ ػرذهللا، جىغذ ؾ أىنظ، جىغذ ذ فحسؾعظ،

.جىغذ ؾ ؾط، جىغذ أضه محس، جىغذ درحك غذحىنششح، جىغذ سضج ػي









Know your Know your rightsrights .. .. ذعشف ع ؼمىلهذعشف ع ؼمىله

Page 6: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

The purpose of the OJT is:

• Familiarize new Employees with

their job responsibilities and assist

them to perform such responsibilities

in a satisfactory manner;

• Raise the standard of performance

and efficiency of Employees;

• Prepare Employees to assume higher

responsibilities; and

• Ultimately, allow the achievement of

organisational objectives.

:اغشع ارذسة ع سأط اع هى

جىطؼشف ػي جىظف جىؿذد غ غإىحض ظحتفع غعحػعذضعع ػعيع أدجى •

.ز جىغإىحش ذطشقس شضس

.سفغ غط أدجى مفحىز جىظف •

ئػذجد جىظف ىطى غإىحش أػي؛ •

.ف حس جىطحف، ضغف ذطكقع جألذجف جىطظس •

On Job Training

On job training, sometimes called direct instruction,

which is the training provided to inexperienced

employees during the initial stages of employment. This is

usually delivered by a professional trainer or an

experienced employee.

On Job Training ارذسة ع سأط اع

ارذسة ع سأط اع

جىؼو، ضغع أقععحعح جىعطعؼعيعععحش جىععرعحشعشز، ع ػي سأطجىطذسد

. جىطذسد جىقذ ىيظف قيي جىخرشز خاله جىشجقو جألى ع جىعؼععو

ػحدز ح ط ضغي جىطذسد قرو ذسخ عكعطعشف أ عظعف ع ر

. جىخرشز









Page 7: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

The specific objectives of OJT within

Al Manaratain company are to:

• Ensure the smooth transition of new

Employees into their roles;

• Identify and address gaps that may exist

in the skills and knowledge of Employees.

• Enhance the Employee skills and


أهذاف ؽذدج تشأ ارذسة ع ساط اعععع

:ض ششوح ااسذ ه

ح جالطقحه جىغيظ جىععظعفعع جىعؿعذد ض •

.ئى أدجس

ضعكعذعذ عؼعحىععؿعس جىععػعغعشجش جىععطع قععذ ضعنعع •

.ؾدز ف حسجش ؼحسف جىظف

.ضؼضض حسجش جىظف جىؼشفس •

OJT Moments ارذسة ع سأط اع









Page 8: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Sessions about New Traffic Law

Was organised a sessions about the new

traffic law for all company's drivers,

which starts effect from 8th of

February, the sessions included

the general traffic situation and

the causes of accidents and

violations of speed and in

addition to skip a red light,

during the session was

provided a detailed expla-

nation about the calcula-

tion of fines as contained

in the new traffic law.

The session presented by

Mr. Nithin Babu & Mr. Robin

Abraham from Safety & Secu-

rity department, Mr. Atul Kumar

from HR department, Mr. Joy Jose

from Logistics department.


ذىعىح تخظىص

لاى اشوس اعذذ

ضعع ضععععظعععع عععيععغععيععس ععكععحضععشجش ضععػععععس

ذخصع قعحع جىععشس جىعؿعذعذ ىعؿعععغ

عجل جىششمس جىز ذذأ ضطرقس جػعطعرعحسج ع

جىععػععحعع عع شععععش فععرععشجععش جىععكععحىعع، قععععع

ضضص جىكحضشجش جىضغ جىشس جىؼح

أعععرععحخ جىععكععجدظ ععخععحىععفععحش جىغععشػععس

ذععحإلضععحفععس ئىعع ضععخععطعع جإلشععحسز جىععكععععشجى،

خاله جىكحضعشز ضع ضعقعذع شعشـ عفعصعو

قه جقطغحخ جىغعشجعحش فعع عح عطعضععع

.قح جىشس جىؿذذ

جىكحضشجش قذص ع قعرعو معو ع جىغععذ

ػ ذحذ سذ جذشجح ع قغع جىغعالعس

جال، جىغذ أضه محس قغع جىععجسد

جىععرععشععشععس، جىغععععذ ؾعع ؾععط عع قغعع

.جىخذحش جىيؾغطس









Page 9: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Safety Trainings

We have conducted the safety trainings

for our Construction department where

we have covered all of the employees

and informed them regarding the

possible hazards and preventive

techniques for the same.

As you can see in the photos the same

session was conducted for our Real

Estate and Maintenance department


We belief “The reason there are not

even more accidents and diseases

caused by work is because the

systems of prevention are in the same

work place. Safety does not come

about by accident: most accidents

happen because they have not been


ذذسثاخ اغالح

لقد أجرينا تدريبات السالمة لقسم االنشاااات لادياناا حاياث

أننا غطينا كافة العمال وأبلغناهم بشأن المخاطر المحتمالاة

.واألساليب الوقائية

وكما ترون في الصور حيث أجريت نافاا الادورق لاقاسام

.العقارات والصيانة أيضا

أن الساابااب فااي واادم وجااود الااماا يااد ماان " نااحاان ناا ماان

الحوادث واألمارا الانااجاماة وان الاعامال ألن أنا اماة

الساالماة ال تاأتاي . الوقاية موجودق في موقع العمل نافاسا

مع م الحوادث التي تاحادث ألنا اا : بسبب وقوع الحوادث

".لم تمنع أساسا من الوقوع









Page 10: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

We are giving training courses in

software programs to improve

employees skills and to enable them

to handle additional tasks. We are

ensure that our employees well

equipped to perform additional job

when time comes.

ك عععف دسجش ضعذسعرععس فع ذعشجعؽ

جىنرضعش ىعطعكعغعع ععحسجش جىعؼعحعيعع

. ضن جىطؼحو غ جىح جإلضحفس

ك طأمعذ ع أ عظعفعععح عععنعع

ععؿععععضعع ضععؿععععععضج ؾععععذج ألدجى ظععععفععس

.ئضحفس ػذح ك جىقص

As you can see in below photos we have conducted an Safety

training for our Saudi factory employees in regards to drive and

operate the Forklift in safely. Employees showed high level of

enthusiasm throughout the training.

مح ضش ف جىصس أدح قععح ذعاؾعشجى ضعذسعد جىغعالعس ىععظعفعععح فع صععغ

أظش جىظف خعاله . جىغؼدس ف ح خص عحقس ضشغو جىشجفؼس جىشمس ذأح

.جىطذسد غط ػحه جىكحط









Page 11: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

These photographs are captured

during certificate distributions,

these certificates where to boost

up employee confidence and to

have the feel of improved

efficiency. The certificates were

distributed by supervisory team

to have the employee feel their

importance and achievements.

We received plenty of positive

responses towards the certificates

and we wish to have the same

continued always.

ض ئىعطعقعحط عز جىصعس خعاله ضعصعغ

ععععكععص جىشععععحدجش، ععز جىشععععحدجش

ىطؼضض غقس جىظف ىن عذسك عذ

ض ضصغ جىشحدجش ع . ضكغ مفحتط

قرو فشع جإلششجف ىععشعؼعش جىععظعف

.ذأط ئؿحصجض

ضيقح جىنػش جىشدد جإلؿحذعس ضعؿعح

جىشحدجش ط جىجصيس ذعحىعطعشعقعس

.فغح دجتح

Photos for the submission of training certificates

صور تسلمي شهادات التدريب









Page 12: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

The names of employees who have completed

the training successfully.

اسماء الموظفين الذين أكملوا

.التدريب بنجاح

Safety course (Construction department) ...

( ...قغ جإلشحىجش)دسز جىغالس

Ashok Kumar Sharma

Tribeni Ram Narayan

Baliram Maurya

Sabarimuthu Devadass

Jhinkan Shariram Nain

Ram Kishan

Mangat Lal

Parambil Viswanathan Kunnath

Mohanan Asari Appukuttan

Sandeep Singh Baar

Bhaskar Nelli

Muhammad Amir Siddique

Dharma Kathavath

Manoj Kumar Shrestha

Vijay Kumar Sharma

Mokhtar Ansari

Dharambir Ray

Brijkishor Singh

Lagan Sharma

Faruk Ali

Vinay Kumar

Mithilesh Kumar Gond

Vidha Bhushan Pandey

Rabin Bhujel

Ramsajivan Rambriksha

Sakthivel Renganathan

Surya Prakash

Ramesh Kumar

Manish Bista

Jinesh Sasidharan

Peethambaran Kuttappan

Harka Bahadur Limbu

Mohammad Jasim Khan

Gurmeet Ram

Daljit Ram Soham Lal

Pradeepan Kannan

Raju Kumar Sharma

Pradip Kumar

Harcharan Singh

Mohammad Waseem

Rajeswer Sakali

Majeed Feku

Akhilesh Kumar Yadav

Kranti Parit

Suraj Tamang

Kamal Mani Rai

Mohammed Muktar Ahmed

Kumara Swamy Boiny

Balram Ramdulare

Ashok Kumar Piava Lal Safety course (Real Estate & Maintenance) ...

( ...قغ جىؼقحسجش جىصحس)دسز جىغالس









Page 13: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Ali Ebrahim Ali Hasan Ramadhan

Majeed Abdulla Ali Abdullatif

Mirza Abdulnabi Ahmed Abdali Naser

Jaffar Ahmed Hasan Hussain

Abdul Ameer Mahdi Ebrahim Mohamed

Zaki Maisan Ali Yusuf Hasan Al-Khamiri

Sadiq Makki Mohammed Mahfoodh

Habib Abdulla Ahmed Husain

Chandralal Ramachandran

Mohammad Iqbal Gul Zaman

Bijaya Kunwar

Biju Thulasidasan

Rizwan Alam Mohammad

Mohammed Muktar Ahmed

Vindhayas Indrasenan

Egipcio Do Rosario Desouza

Ahmad Nawaz Khan

Tul Bahadur Gurung

Ranil Samira Hewaguru Tuduwage

Zaheer Abbas

Hinatigala Liyanage Dulip Chandana

Nazar Abbas

Abilraj Purathetharayil Raju

Renjith Kumar Charivukalayil Ramankutty Nair

The names of employees who have completed

the training successfully.

اسماء الموظفين الذين أكملوا

.التدريب بنجاح

Fire Fighting course ...

...دسز نحفكس جىكشع

Forklift Safety course (Saudi Arabia)...

(...جىغؼدس(دسز جىغالس ىيشجفؼس جىشمس









Page 14: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Top 10 Tips on How to Prevent an Accident at Work ظابػ ؼىي وفح ع ولىع ؼادز ف اع 10أفض

Every person can avoid being involved in accidents

at work by following these ten simple tips:

ن ىنو شخص ضؿد جىطسط ف قجدظ جىؼو ذاضرحع ز

:جىصحتف جىؼشش جىرغطس

1 . Always be alert on the job: Being

awake and alert all the time while at work

will not only prevent accidents from

happening at work. It will also enhance the

performance of the worker and can even

earn him a promotion or a salary increase.

Most of the people who become involved

with accidents at work are those who feel

sleepy while working.

أ ضعنع : دابا و ف ؼاح ذأهة ععع اعععع. ١

غطقظح طرح ف مو جألقحش ف جىؼو ال عععغ فعقعظ

ذو أح أضح ضؼعضص أدجى . جىكجدظ جىكذظ ف جىؼو

. جىؼحو قط ن ضنغر ضعشقععس أ صعحدز فع جىعشجضعد

ؼظ جىحط جىز طسط غ جىكجدظ ف جىعؼععو ع

.أىثل جىز شؼش ذحىؼحط أغحى جىؼو

2 . Wear the required uniform: A person

who works in a factory has a greater chance

of being involved in an accident at work.

Thus, he should be more vigilant about the

wearing of proper uniforms and other

protective garments when working. Never

take safety to chance so always go to work

with the proper dress code. If your work

requires you to wear a hardhat helmet then

wear it.

جىشعخعص جىعز عؼععو : اض اطىب ل تإسذذاء. ٢

ف جىصغ ىذ فشصس أمرش فع جىعطعسط فع جىعكعجدظ

ذحىطحى، فا عؿعد أ عنع أمعػعش عقعظعس . أغحى جىؼو

ذشأ ئسضذجى جىض جىحعد جىععالذعظ جىعجقععس جألخعش

ال ضؿحصف ذغالطل ئرد دجتح ىعيعؼععو عغ . ػذ جىؼو

ئرج مح ػيل ططيد ل ئسضذجى جىعخعرز . جىض جىحعد

.جىصيرس فؼيل ذاسضذجتح

3 . Listen and actively participate

during emergency drills: Some work

places conduct emergency drills to make

sure their employees know what to do in

cases of emergencies so as to avoid

accidents. Some employees take this as

another boring drill so they just look around

and take it for granted. So when emergency

time comes they are the ones who are left

behind in the face of grave danger.

اإلعرععاع واععشعاسوعح تععشعاي خعالي ذعذسعثعاخ . ٣

ضكطحؼ ذؼ أعحمع جىعؼععو ئؾعشجى ضعذسعرعحش :اطىاسئ

ىيطجسب ىيطأمذ أ ظفح ؼشف حرج فؼيع فع

ذعؼع . قحالش جىطجسب رىل ىعطعؿععد قعع جىعكعجدظ

جىظعفعع عؼعطعرعش عزج معطعذسعد آخعش ععو ىعزج ع

ق ذؿشد ئىقحى ظشز قه زج جىشعى عؼعطعرعشع

ىزىل ػذح ضأض قحىس جىطجسب ضعشجع . أشج فشغح

كذل . جىز ضخيفج ػ جىشمد ف جؾس جىخطش جى

6 . Always follow the safety program of

your workplace: Employers are responsible

for the well-being of their workers while at

work so they have installed safety programs

which the employees should follow.

Employees can avoid an accident at work if

they follow the safety program mandated by

the employer.

أصكحخ : إذثع دابا تشاط اغالح ىا عه. ٦

جىؼو غإى ػ سفحس ػعحىعع أغععحى جىعؼععو قعطع

طنج ضػرص ذشجؽ جىغالعس جىعطع عؿعد أ عطعرعؼع

ن ىيععظعفعع ضعؿععد قعع جىعكعحدظ فع . جىظف

جىؼو ئرج ئضرؼج ذشحؽ جىغعالعس ذعطعنعيععف ع صعحقعد


4 . Always ask your supervisor about

the possible risks of doing a certain task:

There are workers who are exposed to

danger just by doing their regular workloads.

A worker should always check with his

supervisor if he is unsure about the task at

hand or if he feels that doing that task will

expose him to great danger.

ششفه ع اخايش اؽرح ععمععا . ٤ دابا إعأي

عحه ع ع عؼعشضع ىعيعخعطعش : تهح عح حك ػ

جىؼحعو عؿعد أ عطعكعقعع . ذؿشد جىقح ذحألػحه جىؼحدس

ششف ئرج مح طأمذج أ جىس ف عطععحه دجتح غ

جىذ، أ ئرج مح شؼش أ ف قعحه قععحع ذعطعيعل جىععععس

.عف ضؼشض ىخطش ػظ

5 . Never take a high-risk job for which

you have not been trained for: It is stupid

for anyone to take on a high-risk job if he

has not been trained for the job. Imagine an

untrained person doing the job of a fireman?

Doing this will not only expose you to a

great danger but will expose other people to

danger as well.

ال ذأخز وظفح عاح اخايش إ ع ذعىع لعذ ذع . ٥

ئ ىغرحى أل شخص أ أخز ظععفعس : ذذسثه ها غثما

ضخعو . ػحىس جىخحطش ئرج ى ن قذ ض ضذسر ىز جىس

شخص غش ذسخ ق ذس سؾو ئطفحى؟ ػععو مععزج

ال عؼعشضعل فعقعظ ىعخعطعش معرععش ىعنع ععف عؼعش

.جخش ىيخطش أضح









Page 15: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

by Julian Hall

10 . Never risk the health and safety of the employees: Profit may be the main motivation of a company but

they should earn their keep without exposing their workers to hazard. Company owners should always priori-

tize the health and safety of their workers no matter what.

٠١ . قذ ن جىشذف جىذجفغ جىشتغ ىيششمس ىن رغ جىعشذعف د ضعؼعشع جىعؼععحه ىعيعخعطعش : ال خايش ع طؽح وعالح اىظف.

.رغ ػي أصكحخ جىؼو جألىس دجتح ػي صكس عالس جىؼحي فح ح محص

7 . Always be on the lookout for

possible cause of accidents and then

report it to the management: There are

workers who are already aware of a disaster

waiting to happen but they refuse to see the

warning and go on with their work. If you

see telltale signs of a possible cause of

accident at work then you should report it to

the proper authority immediately. Do not

wait for the accident to happen as it might

happen to you.

و دابا ع إيالع ععع ابععثعاب اععؽعرعععح . ٧

حك جىؼعحه : ؽىادز و ش ذمذ ارمشش إ اإلداسج

جىز ذحىفؼو ػي ذعععس ع قعع جىعنعحسغعس ع فع

ئطظحس أ ضعكعذظ ىعنععع عشفضع أ عشج جىعطعكعزعش

ئرج مص ضش ػالعحش ععرععس . ض قذح ف ػي

جألعرحخ جىكطيس ىيكحدظ ف جىؼععو ػعيععل أ ضعقعذ

ال ضطظعش قعع . ضقششج ئى جىغيطس جىخطصس ػي جىفس

.جىكحدظ أ كذظ أل قذ كذظ ىل

8 .Owners of a company should

always post signs or rules that should be

observed by their employees in order to

avoid a possible accident at work: These

posters should be posted in areas that are

highly visible to the workers so they will be

able to read them.

دابا وضع ععالعاخ أو أطؽاب اععة ع . ٨

امىاعذ ار عة شاعاذها ع لعثع اععععاي ع أظع

ؿد شعش عز : ذعة ولىع أ ؼادز ؽر ف اع

جىيصقحش ف جىحطع جىط جضكس ىعيعؼععحه ذعكععع

.أ قحدس ػي قشجتطح

9 .Formation of an emergency team

among the workers: The team will be

responsible for monitoring possible hazards

at work that may cause an accident. They

will also formulate rules and regulation to be

observed in case of possible incidents that

may cause harm to the workers.

ئ جىعفعشعع : ذشى فشك يعىاسئ تعع اععععاي. ٩

عن غإال ػ سصعذ جألخعطعحس جىعععنععس جىعطع قعذ

عف ضؼع أضعح . ضإد ئى قع قحدظ ف جىؼو

جىقجػذ جىيجتف جىط طؼ شجػحضح ف قعحىعس جىعكعجدظ

.جىكطيس جىط قذ ضغرد ضشسج ىيؼحه

There are a lot of precautionary measures that both employers and employees can take to prevent an

accident at work. However, a worker who follows the safety measures and procedures set by the

employers for the workplace will most likely be able to prevent future accidents.

عغ رىعل، . حك جىنػش جىطذجذش جالقطشجصس ىنو أصكحخ جىؼو جىظف ن أ ضطخز ىغ قع قعحدظ فع جىعؼععو

فا جىؼحو جىز طرغ ئؾشجىجش جىغالس جإلؾشجىجش جىط كذدح أصكحخ جىؼو ىنح جىؼو جىشؾف أ ضنع قعحدسز ػعيع

.غ قع جىكجدظ ف جىغطقرو

Top 10 Tips on How to Prevent an Accident at Work ظابػ ؼىي وفح ع ولىع ؼادز ف اع 10أفض









Page 16: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

املوظفني املنضمني حديثا

Recently Joined Employees

Name: Kashiram Saraju Prasad Gujar

Department: Real Estate - General Position: Helper

Date of Joining: 03-02-2015

Name: Rajender Singh

Department: Khamis - General

Position: Shuttering Carpenter

Date of Joining: 07-02-2015

Name: Hari Prasad Reddy Kadimistti

Department: Khamis - Production

Position: Helper

Date of Joining: 17-02-2015

Name: Mariya Dasu Ella

Department: Khamis - Production

Position: Helper

Date of Joining: 17-02-2015

Name: Deenabhanddhu Chakali

Department: Precast - General

Position: Helper

Date of Joining: 17-02-2015

Name: Jagdish Singh

Department: Aker - General

Position: Light Vehicle Driver

Date of Joining: 09-03-2015

Name: Jawad Ahmed

Department: Aker - Production

Position: Dumper Operator

Date of Joining: 14-03-2015

Name: Yeshvanth Mysore Umesh

Department: Precast - General

Position: Structural Engineer

Date of Joining: 16-03-2015

Name: Gangadhar Thokala

Department: Crusher - Production

Position: Excavator Operator

Date of Joining: 21-03-2015

Name: Manpreet Singh Jhawar

Department: Khamis - Production

Position: Helper

Date of Joining: 23-03-2015

Name: Senthil Kumar Jaya Raman

Department: Aker - Production

Position: Machine Operator

Date of Joining: 28-03-2015









Page 17: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

HR Highlights

Ministry of Labor on Thursday 19.02.2015 held a workshop regarding

"Ministerial Decree No. 6 of 2013 on the conditions necessary to protect

workers from the risk of fire and the Ministerial Decree No. 15 of 2014 on

measures to protect workers from chemical hazards precautions and

precautions", and was attended by Mr. Adel Abbas and Mr. Idrees Ali.

امشاس " وسشح ع ؼىي ٩٩٢/٠٢٠/٩٥ألاد وصاسج اع ى اخظ اىافك

تشأ اششوي واالؼراياخ االصح ؽاح اعاي خايش ٠/٩٣غح 6اىصاس سل

تشأ االؼراياخ االصح ؽاح اعاي ٠/٩٤غح ٩٥اؽشك وامشاس اىصاس سل

.، ولذ ؼضشها و االعرار عادي عثاط واالعرار إدسظ ع"اخايش اىابح

It has been planned to train and test all the drivers forklift/dumpers in the

company of all the departments in all locations where they will be granted

a local driving license from the company for whom pass the test

successfully for a specified period where after the expiry of the period will

re-test again, this training will be applicable in the Saudi factory after suc-

cessful completion of all departments in Bahrain.

ذ إعذاد خطح رذسة وإخرثاس ظع عىاق اشافعاخ اشىوح ف اششوح عع ابلغا ف

ظع اىالع ؼس عر ػ سخض عالح ؽح لث اششوح عراص اإلخرثاس تعاغ

ذج صح ؽذدج ؼس تعذ إرهاء اذج عاد اإلخرثاس شج أخشي، هزا وعر ذطثك هزا

.ارذسة ف ظع اغعىدح تعذ اإلرهاء تعاغ ظع اإللغا ف اثؽش

The Human Resource Department and Information & Communication

Technology Department starts study to develop of the recruitment and

training process to be smoother and more speed, and we wish to success

of the project in the future which will reflects the general benefit of the

company's employees.

لاد إداسج اىاسد اثششح وإداسج ذىىىظا اعىاخ واالذظاالخ تذساعح ششوع ذطىش

عش عح ارىظف وارذسة رىى أوصش عالعح وعشعح، ر عاغ اششوع غرمثال

.ا عىظ تافابذج اعاح ع ىظف اششوح

We congratulate to all our employees on the occasion of Mother day wish

them and their families health and happiness, this has been honored the

female employees in the company and provide their a gift for this occasion.

ها ظع ىظفاذا تاعثح عذ اب ر ه وعابالذه دوا اظؽح واعافح، هزا ولذ

.ذ ذىش ىظفاخ اششوح وذمذ هذح ىعح تهز ااعثح

The company set up a cricket tournament with cooperation of all the

company's departments, this will be the allocation of part of the next

newsletter in this regard with the publication of the photos.

ألاد اششوح تطىح اىشىد تارعاو ظع دوابش اششوح، هزا وعر ذخظض

.ظضء اششج امادح تهزا اخظىص ع شش اظىس

HR Communications


ؿد ػي صحقد جىؼو أ فشد يفح خحصح ىنو ػعحعو عطعضعع معحفعس جىعرععحعحش

:جىطؼيقس ذ، ذؾ خح

.جع ع سق جىغنح قحىط جالؾطحػس كو ئقحط ؾغط( 1

.ظفط أ ط إي خرشجض( 2

.ضحسخ ضجىط ىيؼو أؾش ح طشأ ػي ضطسجش( 3

.ح قصو ػي ئؾحصجش ح قغ ػي ؾضجىجش( 4

.ضحسخ أعرحخ جطحى خذط( 5

ػي صحقد جىؼو أ كفع ف يف جىؼحو كحضش جىطكققحش جىط أؾشعص عغ

جىؼحو ضقحسش سؤعحت ػ غط أدجت ىيؼو طرقح ألظس جىؼو ذحىععشعأز، أعس

.أسجل أخش ضطؼيع ذخذس جىؼحو

ؿد ػي صحقد جىؼو جالقطفحظ ذيف جىؼحو ىذز عط ػي جألقو ع ضعحسعخ

.جقضحى ػقذ جىؼو


ال ؿص جالطالع ػي جىرححش جىجسدز ف يف جىؼحو ئال ىعع سخعص ىع قعحععح


Article (68):

An employer shall maintain a file for every worker that contains

all the particulars related thereto, especially the following:

1. His name, age, CPR number, social status, residence address

and nationality.

2. Job title, occupation, qualification and experience.

3. Date of joining his employment, wage and the developments


4. Holidays and leave taken and any penalties inflicted upon him.

5. Date and reasons of termination of his service.

An employer shall keep in the worker’s file the minutes of inves-

tigations conducted with the worker, reports of his seniors about

the level of his job performance according to the establishment’s

employment regulations and any other documents related to the

worker’s service.

An employer shall retain the worker’s file for two years at least

from the date of termination of the contract of employment.

Article (70):

No one shall have access to the particulars contained in the

worker’s file unless he is legally authorized to have such access.









Page 18: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

FEATURED APP بزنامج مميز

Google Goggles Part of the Google app

Googleؾضى ضطرع

طف ىل زج جىرشحؽ جىركع ذاعطخعذج جىصعس جىعطع ععنع ئىعطعقعحطععح عرعحشعشز

ذجعطس جىنحشج جىؾدز ف حضفل أ ضيل جىخضس غرقح، فارج سغرص ػال فع

ؼشفس جىضذ جىؼيحش ػ أقذ جألشخح جىعشععسع، جىغعيعغ، جىععؼعحىع

جىغحقس، جىنطد، جىيقحش جىفس، أ غشح جألس فنل ذعرعغعحطعس ئىعطعقعحط

صسز ىيشى جىشجد ؼشفس جىضذ ػ عف ق جىرشحؽ ذعطعكعيععو جىصعسز

.ضضذك ذحىؼيحش

مح كط زج جىرشحؽ جىفذ ػي ضجح أخش ػو جىطؼشف ػعيع جىععصع

، “ جىرضظ معحسد” ضشؾطح ئى ىغحش أخش، ئىطقحط جىؼيحش جىؾدز ػي

غعشعح ع جىععععضجش جىعطع ( QR Code)قشجىز سص جالعطؿحذس جىغشؼس

نل جمطشحفح ذفغل، نل ذذى ضؿشذس جىرشحؽ ػي جىصسض جىؾعذضعع

.ػي ز جىصفكس

Google Goggles takes searching to a whole new level. If you

want more information about a famous person, product,

landmark, book, painting etc. then all you have to do is take

a photo or if you have the image in your smart phone’s

photo library, then Google Goggles will simply analyse it,

look for it in its database and then provide you with the

needed information.

This very useful app comes packed with other features, like

text-recognition and translation to other languages,

business card information scan, QR code scan, and others

that you can discover for yourself. You can start testing this

app by capturing the two photos available in this page.

We congratulate to our Al

Manaratain team to win the

external cricket tournament in

January 2015. We wish them

happiness always and all the


ة فشع جىحسضع ىعيعفعص فع غعحذعقعس

. 2315جىنشنص جىخحسؾس ف حش ػعح

.ط ى جىغؼحدز دجتح مو جىطفع

Congratulation !!! مــبروك









Page 19: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)


GOOD NEWSGOOD NEWS New baby born, engagement,

graduation and individual accom-

plishments are all Good News.

Don’t keep them to yourselves.

Share the news today with every-

one here in Al Manaratain News-


Please note: Provide us with your

stories and pictures (preferably in

hi-res) by coming in person to

Human Resource Department or

by emailing to

[email protected]

شحسمح جألخرحس شحسمح جألخرحس

جىغؼذزجىغؼذزجىععععجىععععذ جىععؿععذد، ػععقععذ جىععقععشج، جىععضجؼ،

جىطكشؼ جإلؿحصجش جىشخصس معيععح أخعرعحس


الضعكععطععفعع ذعععز جألخععرععحس ىععععفعغععل فعقععظ ذععو

شعحسمعععح عغ ؾعععععغ صععالتعل فع جىعععشععشز

.جإلخرحسس ىيحسض

شؾ جسعحه جىجضغ جىصعس : القظس

ئىع ئدجسز ( فضو أ ضن ذعؿعدز ػعحىععس)

جىجسد جىرششس رىل ذحىكضس جىشعخعصع

أ ػرش جإلو

[email protected]

أؾو ؾدز أفضو ف جىطرحػساظىس عاح اذلح ضزمش دجتح ئسعحه

Remember to always send us your hi-res photo to ensure better printing quality

We congratulate to our colleague

Nithin Babu, from Safety &

Security Department his

marriage, we whish them all the

best - Many congrats to you


رحسك ىيضو ػ ذحذع ع دجتعشز جىغعالعس

-جألعع ذععععععحعععرععس صجؾععس، أىععف ععرععشك

.ذحىشفح جىر

رحسك ىيضي ش ؾؼفش عف دجتعشز جىععحىععس جىعكعغعحذعحش

غأه هللا جىؼي جىقذش . جىشش جىغحدط "صد"ذحعرس ذيؽ ئذطح

.ج ؿؼيح جىزسس جىصحىكس

We congratulate to our colleague Maryam Jaafar

Yusuf, from Finance & Accounts Department of

reaching her daughter "Zainab" the sixth month.

We wish her happiness always.

Best wishes to our colleague Sajith Kumar Mani,

from Maintenance Department for becoming the

father of lovely baby “Ahana”.

خحىص ضحح ىيضو عحؾع مععحس عحع ع دجتعشز جىصععحعس

.ط ىح فس جىصكس جىؼحفس - "أحح"ذحعرس قذ ىد









Page 20: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Al Khamiri: Early attention on training for students to bridge the

gap between education and the needs of the labor market

Businessman and CEO of Al Manaratain Contracting company Mr.

Maisan Al Khamiri demanded that attention on vocational

training for students in Bahrain should be more stressed. He

mentioned that one of the important factors in achieving

sustainable development in the country and the success of

policies & programs is the contribution to bridge the gap between

education outputs and demands of labor market. Professional

development of Human resources is essential as they lead to

improve the productivity of various economic sectors, which

eventually provides attractive job opportunities for the citizens

and job seekers.

He said that students enroll in the labor market after completion

of their secondary industrial studies, this is the method currently

in place and it hurts students and professionals, therefore, it is

better for industrial to demand that determine the course of

education after the completion of the preparatory stage, any

person joining the company will exercise practical training in his

specialty in practical area which will engage students based on

their wishes and tendencies.

He said that among the factors that help to spread a new culture

in the field of employment, early recognition of individual

seriousness and talent in order to develop them by education and

training is essential , in addition to paying a symbolic reward to

those students who are working in different companies to

motivated and help them to combine science and work and

create a strong motivation to succeed and excel in both areas.









Page 21: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

Think like you are the

Owner of Al Manaratain Company

فكر وكأنك تملك شركة المنارتين









Page 22: Volume 1, Issue 2, Year 2015 (Low res)

قيس جى

ذفمذن امذسج ع ارشوض

Lack of sleep

makes you lose concentration

We believe that all work related

injuries and illnesses are preventable

all for a future we can all be proud of

نحن ن من بأن يمكن تجنب جميع اإلصابات

واألمرا الم نية في مكان العمل لدينا

كل ذلك من أجل مستقبل اهر نفتخر ب جميعا