Download - Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

Page 1: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

Vocabulary 4

Page 2: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

• We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge rapper—bigger than Jay-Z. But instead of riding around in expensive cars, he said he was going to ride around on a pony. This is his story.

• Pony Gangsta

Page 3: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 1. acclaim (noun) approval or loud applause

• The young rapper performed his first show in Los Angeles to great acclaim.

• Antonyms: criticism, disapproval

• Other forms: Acclaim can also be a verb meaning “to praise strongly or applaud loudly,” as in: The newspaper acclaimed the rock star’s show.

Page 4: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 2. acrid (adj) sharp, irritating, or bitter to the sense of taste or smell

• I thought the crab apples would be delicious, but they tasted extremely acrid instead.

• Synonyms: pungent, sharp

Page 5: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 3. braggart (noun) someone who brags a lot

• Kylie was so into herself; she was such a braggart.

• Other forms: Braggart can also be used as an adjective: The braggart general could talk all night about himself.

Page 6: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 4. brawl (noun) a big noisy fight, often involving lots of people

• Unfortunately, the concert was cancelled when a brawl broke out in the back.

• Other forms: Brawl can also be a verb meaning “to fight noisily,” as in: The hockey players brawled for five minutes before the refs could break up the fight.

Page 7: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 5. docile (adj) well behaved; easy to handle

• Dolphins are some of the most docile creatures on Earth.

• Antonyms: headstrong, stubborn, uncooperative

Page 8: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 6. dumbfound (verb) to make speechless with amazement

• Al was dumbfounded when she found out she had won the lottery .

• Synonyms: astonish, bewilder, stun

Page 9: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 7. flaw (noun) a slight fault; a defect

• Because of a flaw in the stitching, my shirt started falling apart very quickly.

• Other forms: Something with a flaw is flawed (adj).

Page 10: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 8. gaudy (adj) too flashy and showy

• That shirt covered with all those different colored jewels is gaudy.

• Synonyms: garish

• Antonyms: understated, subtle

Page 11: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 9. illiterate (adj) unable to read or write

• Though he could read a few basic signs and words, Mark was basically illiterate.

• Other forms: The problem of illiteracy (noun) is very real, even in America.

Page 12: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 10. lavish (adj) much more than enough; extravagant

• Instead of a normal dinner, we had a lavish feast for my birthday.

• Synonyms: abundant, splendid, luxuriant

• Other forms: Lavish can also be a verb meaning “to give freely or generously,” as in: Trish’s aunt always lavished (verb) gifts on her.

Page 13: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 11. peevish (adj) showing annoyance or irritation; being in a bad mood

• Because my dad didn’t get enough sleep last night, he was peevish all day.

• Synonyms: irritable, grumpy

• Antonyms: friendly, pleasant

Page 14: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 12. potential (adj) possible; capable of being or becoming

• There are many potential uses for solar energy, but we don’t use much of it today.

• Synonyms: imaginable, probable

• Other forms: Potential can also be a noun meaning “possibility.” It’s usually used in a positive way, like: I see a lot of potential in these new phones that can play movies.

Page 15: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 13. retort (noun) a quick or clever reply

• I was silent when Wayne made fun of me, but later that night I thought of lots of clever retorts.

• Other forms: Retort can also be a verb, as in: “At least I’m not a fool,” my sister retorted.

Page 16: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 14. vicious (adj) evil, spiteful; painfully severe or extreme

• Carrie was nice to Julie’s face, but then she’d spread vicious lies behind her back.

• Synonyms: savage, cruel, malicious

Page 17: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 15. vista (noun) a distant view or prospect

• From the top of the tower, you can gaze out at the amazing vista.

• Synonyms: outlook, panorama

Page 18: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

The Great Escape

• We’ve all wanted to get away at one time or another. The narrator in this song faces a pretty tough life on his block, but he finds ways to escape.

Page 19: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 1. anarchy (noun) a state of lawlessness, confusion or disorder

• The crowd erupted into a state of anarchy during the concert.

• Synonyms: chaos, disorder, turmoil

• Other forms: The anarchist (noun) lit the garbage heap on fire and soon the whole street was ablaze.

Page 20: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 2. ardent (adj) passionate, enthusiastic and fiery

• Quincy was an ardent fan of any sports related books or authors.

• Synonyms: impassioned, fervent, zealous

Page 21: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 3. augment (verb) to add to

• Larry’s dad agreed to augment his allowance by two dollars a week.

• Synonyms: to boost, increase, enhance

• Antonyms: to decrease, reduce

Page 22: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 4. blasé (adj) unimpressed and indifferent

• We all thought Ken would be really excited about the prestigious award he received, but instead he was very blasé about the whole thing.

• Synonyms: bored, disenchanted

• Antonyms: eager, enthusiastic

Page 23: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

• 5. desolate (adj) without any people; dismal and devastated

• We were shipwrecked and washed up on the most desolate island.

• Other forms: Desolate is also a verb meaning “to devastate,” as in: Several mean boys tried to desolate my sand castle on the beach by running through it. Something that is destroyed is an example of desolation (noun).

Page 24: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 6. embark (verb) to start or begin

• Trina is going to embark on a trip and sail around the world by herself.

• Synonyms: to commence, launch, undertake

Page 25: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 7. fend (verb) to ward off or defend

• The rock stars had to fend off the screaming and swarming girls as they exited the building.

• Synonyms: to repel, resist, shield

Page 26: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 8. panorama (noun) an unobstructed or complete view

• The celebrity’s home had a panorama of the entire valley and beyond.

• Other forms: The panoramic (adj) view from the top of the building was breathtaking.

Page 27: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 9. reception (noun) the act or instance of receiving or meeting

• The boys gave the girls a chilly reception at the Super Bowl party.

• Other forms: A person is usually very receptive (adj) when someone offers to clean their bathroom and kitchen for them.

Page 28: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 10. rubble (noun) broken bits and pieces

• After the huge earthquake, the buildings were nothing but rubble.

• Synonyms: debris, fragments, wreckage

Page 29: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 11. teem (verb) to swarm, brim or overflow

• Ponds often teem with fish, insects and frogs.

• Synonyms: to abound, overrun, be prolific

• Antonyms: to lack, need

Page 30: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 12. tract (noun) an area, expanse or region

• While trying to buy a tract of land, Chris had to be taken to the hospital due to his inflamed digestive tract.

Page 31: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

Vice Versa

• 13. vice versa (noun) conversely, in reverse

• Kristina hates the homecoming queen, and vice versa: The queen hates her back.

Page 32: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 14. vie (verb) to compete for

• Charlie and Big “T” are both vying for starting-point guard spot on the ball team.

• Synonyms: to compete, contend, strive

Page 33: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 15. wrangle (verb) to argue or dispute

• Eleanor likes to wrangle with her father about the dangers of smoking.

• Synonyms: to dispute, fight, brawl

• Antonyms: to agree, give in

Page 34: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.

We are coming up

• Did you know that worldwide, the richest 1% of the population owns 40% of the wealth? Reports show that the gap between the rich and the poor is growing. The rich are getting richer; the poor are getting poorer. Part of this is because money stays in rich nations, such as the United States. But even within the United States, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. You probably know the story of Robin Hood: He’s a character who decides that the tax on the poor is unfair, so he takes the law into his own hands. He steals from the rich to give to the poor. The Robin Hood of folktales is often considered a hero. But would a Robin Hood today be considered a hero or just another thief?


Page 35: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 1. balmy (adj) soothing, refreshing and mild

• People change into shorts at the first sign of balmy weather.

• Synonyms: temperate, tropical, moist

• Other forms: A balm is a soothing ointment, usually from a plant.

Page 36: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 2. citadel (noun) a fortress or stronghold

• Only ten warriors remained to defend the citadel.

Page 37: Vocabulary 4. We got the idea for this song from a kid we overheard on the subway in New York. He was telling his friends that he was going to be a huge.


• 3. clad (verb) dressed, wearing

• He was clad in a tuxedo.

• Other forms: Clad is actually considered a past tense form of the verb “to clothe,” which is to dress.