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18/02/2016 Learn English from your life 1/43

Study these wordsShowing all 500 words

a little bita small amount

a lotlarge number or amount

aused before a noun to show that you are talking about a general type ofperson or thing

aused before a noun that names something or someone that has notbeen mentioned before, or that the person you are talking to does notknow about

acrosson the other side of something

actorsomeone who performs in plays or films

addto put something in, or increase

addressthe number of the building and the name of the street where somebodylives or works

addressthe number of the house and the name of the street and town whereyou live

afterwhen something has happened or finished

afterhappening at a time subsequent to a reference time


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afternoonthe period of time between 12 o'clock and the evening

againstnot agreeing with something

alarma clock that wakes a sleeper at a specific time

alwaysevery time, or at all times

amazingextremely good, especially in a surprising and unexpected way

anused instead of “a” when the following word begins with a vowel sound

anused instead of ‘a’ when the following word begins with a vowel sound

answera reply to something that someone asks you

answerto respond

apartmenta set of rooms that is used as a home (usually in a large building)

apartmenta set of rooms within a larger building, usually on one level, wheresomeone lives

apartmenta set of rooms on one floor of a large building, where someone lives


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appointmentan arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for somespecial purpose

architectsomeone whose job is to design buildings and other large structures

arriveto get to the place you are going to

arriveto get to the place you are going to

as wellalso; too

askto say a question

assistanta person who helps or supports someone, usually in their job

atused to specify a location

auntthe sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your father’s ormother’s brother

avenueused in the names of streets in a town or city

babiesa very young child who has not yet learned to speak or walk


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backpacka bag used to carry things on your back, especially when you gowalking

basedto have your main place of work, business etc in a particular place

bathroomthe room in a house where you wash yourself

bathrooma room in a house where there is a toilet, a sink, and a bathtub orshower

batsmenpeople who try to hit the ball in a cricket match

amto be

areused when describing someone or something

amto be (1st person)

isto be

isused when describing someone or something

isto be (3rd person)

beansa seed or case that seeds grow in, cooked as food


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bornto be brought into life by birth

beardthe hair that grows on a man's chin

beautifulattractive; giving pleasure to the senses

beautifulextremely nice to look at

beda piece of furniture that you lie on when you sleep

bedrooma room that you sleep in at night

behaveto act in a particular way

besidenext to or very close to someone or something

besidenext to or very close to someone or something

betweenin the space that separates two things, people, etc.

birthdaythe date in each year on which you were born

blackthe dark color of night or coal


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blockthe distance along a city street from where one street crosses it to thenext

blonde(of hair) pale yellow

bluehaving the color of the clear sky

boarding passpiece of paper that permits you to get on an aircraft or ship

bookingthe act of arranging to have or do something at a particular time in thefuture

bossa person in charge of workers or an organization

breakfastthe meal you have in the morning

breakfastthe first meal of the day (usually in the morning)

breakfastthe first meal of the day (usually in the morning)

brightfull of promise

bright(used about a color) strong

brokera businessman who buys and sells for others


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brothera man or boy who has the same parents as you

busyhaving a lot of work or tasks to do; not free; working on something

buttera soft yellow fat that is made from cream and is put on bread, etc. orused in cooking

buyto get something by paying money for it

by the wayintroducing a different topic; in point of fact

bynext to


calla telephone conversation

callto use a particular name or word for someone or something, or to givesomeone a name

calmquiet and peaceful

canam able to

canused to ask for or give permission


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cartoonsa movie or television program that tells a story by using movingdrawings instead of real people and places

cereala food you eat for breakfast that is made from wheat, rice etc, and thatyou usually mix with milk

chairsa piece of furniture for one person to sit on

changeto become or make something different

cheapnot expensive, or lower in price than you expected

childrenyoung boys or girls

choressmall jobs done around the house

chubbyslightly fat

citizenshipthe state of owing loyalty, entitled by birth or naturalization, to theprotection of a state or nation

classmatesstudents who are in the same class as you in school

cleanto put something into good order; to make something neat

cleansto remove dirt from something by rubbing or washing


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closenear; not far away or distant

clothesthe things that you wear, for example pants, shirts, dresses, coats, etc.

codea series of letters, numbers, or symbols assigned to something for thepurposes of classification or identification

coldhaving a low temperature

collegea school for advanced education, especially in a particular profession orskill

cometo move towards you or arrive at the place where you are

complicatednot simple or easy to understand

computeran electronic machine that stores information and uses programs tohelp you find, organize, or change the information

confirmationa statement, document, etc. that says that something is definitely true

cookto prepare food for eating by using heat

cookto prepare food for eating by heating it


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cooksto prepare food for eating by using heat

coolfun, interesting, or stylish

coucha comfortable piece of furniture big enough for two or three people to siton

couldused to express conditional possibility or ability

crazyvery silly; not sensible

cupa small container with a handle that you drink from

curlynot straight (as in hair)

currenthappening or existing now

currentlyat the present time

datainformation or facts

daughterssomeone's female children

degreea qualification gained by successfully completing a program at a collegeor university


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departsto leave

dessertsomething sweet that you eat after the main part of a meal

difficultnot easy to do, understand, or deal with

dinnera meal served in the evening

dinnera meal served in the evening

doto perform an action or an activity

doto perform an action or activity

doto perform an action or an activity

doto perform an action or activity

doga very common animal with four legs, fur, and a tail. Dogs are often keptas pets or as working animals.

don'tcontraction for 'do not'

don'tcontraction for 'do not'


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drawerpart of a piece of furniture, which can be pulled out and is used forkeeping things in

drinkingto take liquid into your mouth and swallow it

driveto operate or control a car

earlyin the first part of a period of time, event, or process

earlyin the first hours of the morning

easynot difficult

easierless difficult

eatingto put food in your mouth and swallow it

economistsomeone who studies the way in which money and goods are producedand used and the systems of business and trade

emailsa system that allows you to send and receive messages by computer

employeesworkers who are hired to perform a job

emptyhaving nothing inside


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engineersomeone who designs the way roads, bridges, machines, etc. are built

eveningthe late part of the day between about 6 p.m. and the time when mostpeople go to bed

everyeach one (of the class specified), without exception

everyall that is possible

everyoneevery person; all people

excellentvery good; of high quality

expensivecosting a lot of money

eyestwo parts of the body that you use to see

eyesone of the two parts of the body that you use to see with

eyesthe parts of your body that you use to see

eyesthe parts of the body that you use to see with

eyesthe parts of the body that you use to see


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familya group of people who are related to each other, especially parents andtheir children

fancyexpensive and fashionable

fantasticextremely good, attractive, enjoyable, etc.

farat or to a great distance in space or time

fastquick; not taking much time

fathera male parent

favoritesomeone or something that you like more than any other one of its kind

favoriteliked more than any other

feelto experience a particular physical feeling or emotion

fieldarea where certain sports are played

financethe management of money

findto discover, see, or get something that you have been searching for


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finesatisfactory, acceptable, or good enough

fitto be the right size or shape for

flighta trip you take in an airplane

flighta journey in a plane, or the plane making a particular journey

floora level in a building

forgetdismiss from the mind; stop remembering

forgotto not remember something

forma piece of paper with questions on it and spaces where you giveanswers and personal information

friendspeople that you know well and like

fromshowing the origin of someone or something

fromused to say what place someone or something leaves, or wheresomething starts


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funenjoyable and amusing

funan experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting

funnymaking you laugh

furthe thick soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals

furniturelarge objects in a room, such as chairs, tables, and beds

gamesan activity or sport in which people compete with each other accordingto agreed rules

gas stationservice facility (usually near a road) that sells gasoline

gatean area of an airport for passengers to wait before boarding their flight

generallyusually; in most cases

giftsomething that you give to someone as a present

giftsthings that you give as presents

girlfrienda girl or woman with whom you have a romantic relationship


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giveto provide someone with something

gladhappy; pleased

gladhappy or satisfied about something

goto travel or move in a particular way, to a particular place, or for aparticular distance

goto move from one place to another

goto leave somewhere and move or travel somewhere else

goto move from one place to another

going outto take part in social life outside the home

good morninga conventional expression of greeting or farewell

good nightan expression said before going to bed

goodbyea farewell remark

grandpathe father of your father or mother


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greatgood; wonderful

greencovered with grass, trees, or other plants

greenhaving the color of grass

grew upbecame an adult

grocery storea marketplace where food is sold

hairthe mass of thin threads that grows on your head

hairthe mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head

hairthe mass of thin fibers that grows on your head

harddifficult or tedious

hateto dislike something very much

haveto possess or be provided with

havingto eat or drink


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haveto be in possession of

haveto possess or be provided with

hasto be in possession of

hazela reddish-brown or greenish-brown color, especially of someone's eyes

headthe person who leads or is in charge of something

heada person who is in charge

healthyphysically strong and not likely to become sick

healthythat keeps you free from illness or disease; good for you

heardto be told or informed about something

heighthow tall someone is

helloused as a greeting when answering the phone

herein this place


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heyan informal way to say hello

hian expression of greeting

hideto put or keep someone or something in a place where he/she/it cannotbe seen; to cover something so that it cannot be seen

hiringto employ someone to work in a job

hiredto employ someone to work in a job

historyall the things that happened in the past, especially the political, social,or economic development of a nation

hometownthe place where you were born and lived when you were a child

hopeto want something to happen

hothaving a high temperature

hoursa measure of time that is equal to 60 minutes

housewifea married woman who works at home doing the cooking, cleaning, etc.,but does not have a job outside the house

how aboutI suggest


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how are youa greeting used when first seeing someone

howused to ask or talk about the way something is done or happens

howused to ask or talk about the way in which something happens or isdone

hugevery large

hungrywanting to eat

hurrya need or wish to do something quickly

husbanda married man

husbandthe man that a woman is married to

ice creamfrozen dessert containing cream and sugar and flavoring

in(used to show place) inside or to a position within a particular area orobject

inused to indicate a location within a place


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informationknowledge or facts

insidein a container, building, vehicle, room, object, etc.

insteadin place of, or as an alternative to

interestingunusual or exciting in a way that makes you think and want to knowmore

interestingenjoyable and entertaining; holding your attention

introduceto make someone or something known to another person

ironsto make clothes smooth by using heat and a hard surface

itused when talking about a thing

jam-packedfull of people or things

jobthe work that you do regularly to earn money

joiningto do something with someone else

journalistsomeone who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines,television, or radio


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keep onto continue

kindfriendly; caring about what other people want or need


kitchenthe room where you prepare and cook food

knowto be acquainted or familiar with

knowto be aware of something

landto come down from the air or bring something down to the ground

largebig in size, number, or amount

laundryclothes, sheets etc that need to be washed, or that have just beenwashed

laundryclothes, sheets, etc. that need to be washed or have just been washed

lazy(used about a person) not wanting to work

leaveplace something or someone in a particulate position to be kept,collected, or attended to


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leaveto travel or move away from a place or a person

leavesto go away from a place or person

librariana person who works in or is in charge of a library

lieto say or write something that you know is not true

liketo enjoy something or think that it is nice or good

liketo enjoy something or think that it is nice or good

likesto enjoy something or think that it is nice or good

lipsticksmakeup used to color the lips

listento pay attention to what someone is saying or to something you canhear

liveto inhabit or make your home in a place or location

liveto inhabit or make your home in a place or location

living roomroom in a private home where people sit, relax, chat or watch TV, etc.


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longa great amount of time

lookthe expression or appearance of someone or something

lookto give a certain impression

lostnot knowing where you are or how to find your way

loveto enjoy or like something very much

loveenjoy or like very much

lovesto enjoy or like something very much

luckyhaving good luck

luncha meal eaten in the middle of the day

maketo be able to attend something

managersomeone who is in charge of an organization, sports team, shop etc

marketingthe activity of deciding how to advertise a product, what price to chargefor it etc


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mealsoccasions when you eat food, for example, breakfast or dinner

meatthe parts of animals or birds that people eat

meetto see and talk to someone for the first time

mightused for saying that something is possible

minea thing belonging to the person who is speaking

missto notice or feel the absence of someone or something

momenta very short period of time

morningthe early part of the day, from when the sun rises until the middle of theday

motherthe female parent of a person or an animal

mothera female parent of a child or animal

motheryour female parent, or any woman who is a parent

mothersfemale parents


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moviea film made to be shown at the cinema or on television

myof or belonging to me

namea word or words by which a person, an animal, a place, or a thing isknown

namewhat someone or something is called

namewhat someone is called

neara short distance away from something

needto require (something) because it is essential or very important

neighborsomeone who lives in the house or apartment next to you or near you

nervousworried or frightened about something and unable to relax

nevernot at any time, or not once

newhaving just started being or doing something

newhaving just started being or doing something


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nextcoming after this one; coming after the one that just came, happened,etc.

nicepleasant; good

nicepleasant, attractive, or enjoyable

nightthe time between sunset and midnight

noon12 o'clock in the middle of the day

normalusual, typical, or expected

notused to make a word, statement, or question negative

notea short informal letter

nowat this time

nowat the present time

numbera numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification

o'clockused after a number from one to twelve to indicate the hour of the dayor night


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o'clockone of the times when the clock shows the exact hour as a number from1 to 12

officea building that belongs to an organization, where people work

oftenmany times or regularly

on saleavailable for purchase

onceon one occasion, or at one time

organizingto plan and arrange an event or activity

outdoorhappening, done, or used in the open air (not in a building)

outsidethe area that is around or near a place

ownera person who legally has possession of something

packto put things into cases, bags etc ready for a journey

packagesomething that has been put in a box or wrapped in paper and sentsomewhere by post

parentsone's father and mother


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parentssomeone's mother and father

partnersco-owners of a business

pastafter (as in time)

patientsomeone who is getting medical treatment from a doctor or in hospital

payto give someone money for something you buy or for a service

petsanimals that you keep at home

pick upregister (perceptual input)

picturea painting, drawing, or photograph

picturesimages that are captured using a camera

picturesa painting, drawing, or photograph

piefruit baked inside a pastry covering

pilota person who operates an airplane


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pilotsomeone who flies a plane

planningto think carefully about something you want to do, and decide how andwhen you will do it

playto engage in sports or recreation

playsto take part or compete in a game or sport

pleaseused to ask for something in a polite way

potatoesround white vegetables with brown, red, or yellow skin that grow underground

preferto like one thing or person more than another

pregnant(of a woman or female animal) having a baby or babies developinginside the body

prettyfairly or quite

professorsteachers at the highest level in a university department

profilea collection of personal data associated to a specific user

proudvery happy and pleased because of something you have done


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psychologistsomeone who studies the way people’s minds work

putcause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation

quartera unit of time equal to 15 minutes

readto look at written words and understand what they mean

readto look at written words and understand what they mean

relaxingsomething that makes you feel calm and comfortable

reportswritten documents describing the findings of some individual or group

reservationan arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a specific time

retiredto leave your job and stop working, usually because you have reacheda certain age


routinethe usual way that you do things or the things you do regularly



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sameequal in amount or value

sayto express a thought, feeling, answer, opinion, etc.

sayto use particular words to tell someone a thought, opinion, explanation,etc.

scaredmade afraid

schedulea plan of what is going to happen or be done and when it will happen orbe done

scheduleto plan that something will happen at a particular time

schoolan educational institution

schoola place where children are taught, or the time they spend there everyday

shareto tell someone about something; to allow someone to know something

showto let someone see something

showera flow of water that you stand under to wash your whole body


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showeran act of washing yourself by standing upright under water sprayedfrom a nozzle

shynervous and embarrassed about talking to other people, especiallypeople you do not know

siblingsbrothers and sisters

siblingschildren who share the same parents

silentnot speaking; not using spoken words

silentmaking no noise; very quiet

simplenot difficult or complicated to do or understand

skimused of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed

skipto not do something that you usually do or that you should do

smallnot large in size or amount


smileshappy expressions on your face, with your mouth curving


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snacksfood that you eat between meals or instead of a large meal

sonssomeone's male children

speakingto talk to someone or to a group of people

spellto form a word by writing or saying the letters in the correct order

stationa place where public vehicles regularly stop so that passengers can geton and off, goods can be loaded, etc., or the building or buildings atsuch a place

stayto remain in the same place, job, school etc, and not leave

stop byto arrive briefly and informally as a visitor

storesa place where you can buy things

straight(of hair) having no waves or curls

strawberriessmall red juicy fruit

streeta road in a town or city with houses or shops on it

streeta public road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on one or bothsides


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stuffmiscellaneous unspecified objects

subjecttopic; matter

suitsjackets and pants that are made of the same material and worntogether (usually in formal situations)


surfsto ride on ocean waves standing on a special board

sustainabilitythe ability to continue to exist without harming the environment

take caretake charge of or deal with

take it easyto relax

take outto remove something from an enclosed space

taketo perform a certain action

tookto make a film or photograph of something

talkto say things to someone, especially in a conversation


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talkingto say things to someone, especially in a conversation

tall(used about people or things) of more than average height; not short

teaa hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leavesfrom a particular bush

teachesto give classes or instructions in a particular subject

teachera person whose job is to give information and show people how to dothings, especially in a school

teeththe plural of tooth

tellto give someone facts or information by speaking to them

thanksan expression of gratitude and appreciation

thatused to talk about someone or something that is a distance away fromyou

thatused to identify a specific person or thing

theused before a noun to show that you are talking about a particularperson or thing


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thereused to say that something exists or happens

therein or at that place

theseused to talk about people or things that are near to you

theyused when talking about a group of people or things

thinkto have a particular opinion or to believe that something is true

thinkto have an opinion or belief about something

thisused to talk about something or someone that is near to you

thoseused to talk about people or things that are at a distance

thoseused to talk about people or things that are at a distance away from you

tidyto make a place look neat

todaythe day that is happening now

togetherwith each other


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tomorrowthe day after today


towna place where people live that is larger than a village but smaller than acity

trashwaste material that will be thrown away, usually considered togetherwith the container or bag holding it

travelingto go from one place to another; to take a trip

tremendousvery great


truereal or genuine

tryingto attempt to do something

triesto attempt to do something




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twicetwo times

twinsone of two children born at the same time to the same mother

typeto write something using a computer keyboard

umbrellaan object that you carry to keep you dry when it is raining

upsetunhappy, disappointed, or worried

usingputting into service

usuallyused to say what happens on most occasions or in most situations

usuallyused to describe what happens or exists most of the time or in mostcases

vanillaa substance with a slightly sweet taste, used in ice cream and otherfoods

veryto a great degree

video gamesgames played by electronically manipulating images produced by acomputer program on a television screen or other display screen

wake upstop sleeping


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walkto go on foot

walkto move forwards by putting one foot in front of the other

wantto wish or need to have or do something

watcha small clock that you wear on your wrist or keep in your pocket

watchto look at or pay attention to something

wethe person who is speaking and one or more people


weeka period of seven days (usually beginning on Sunday and ending onSaturday)

welcomeused to say that you are happy to have someone come to and stay in aplace

welcomeused to greet someone who has just arrived

whatused to ask for information about something


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whereused to ask about location

whoused to ask or talk about which person or people

wholeall of something

whoseused to ask which person or people a particular thing belongs to

whyfor what reason

worka job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money

workto do a job that you are paid for

workto do a job that you are paid for

worksdoes a job in order to earn money

writeto communicate or express by forming letters on a piece of paper or ona computer

writersomeone who writes books, stories, etc., especially as a job

years oldused to say your age


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youthe person or people that someone is speaking or writing to

yourbelonging to or associated with the person the speaker is addressing

zip codea set of letters and digits used as part of a postal address