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TO THE YEAR 1 850.





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i > / /

THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote

passed by the New-England Historic Genealogical

Society, 6 November, 1901, as follows :

Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late

Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called

the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing

the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the

Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements

as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is

hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by

the Council for this purpose.

Committee on PublicatioTis.


Charles Knowles Bolton, Don Gleason Hill,

Edmund Dana BARBOtiR,


Henry Ernest Woods.

Stanbope (prees


Page 11: Vital records of Becket, Massachusetts, to the year · 2018. 9. 9. · vitalrecords of becket, massachusetts, totheyear1850. publishedbythe

THE TOWN OF BECKET, Berkshire County,

was established June 21, 1765, prior to which

time it was the new plantation called Number Four.

March 12, 1783, a part of Becket was included in

the new town of Middlefield.

February 3, 1798, certain common lands lying

between Becket, Blandford, Chester, and Loudon were

annexed to Becket.

March i, 18 10, a part of Loudon was annexed to


Population by Census: 1776 (Prov.), 414; 1790

(U.S.), 751; 1800 (U.S.), 930; 1 8 10 (U.S.), 1028;

1820 (U. S), 984; 1830 (U.S.), 1063; 1840 (U.S),

1342; 1850 (U.S.), 1223; 1855 (State), 1472 ; i860

U.S.), 1578; 1865 (State), 1393; 1870 (U.S), 1346;

1875 (State), 1329; 1880 (U.S), 1123; 1885 (State),

938; 1890 (U.S), 946; 1895 (State), 888; 1900

(U.S), 994.

Page 12: Vital records of Becket, Massachusetts, to the year · 2018. 9. 9. · vitalrecords of becket, massachusetts, totheyear1850. publishedbythe


1. When places other than Becket and Massachusetts are

named in the original records, they are given in the printed


2. In all records the original spelling is followed.

3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as

items about the same family or individual might be found under

different spellings.

4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under

the names of both parties, but the full information concerning

each party is given only in the entry under his or her name.

When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded,

only the marriage record is printed; and where a marriage

appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an


5. Additional information which does not appear in the

original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference,

or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed.

Parentheses are used only when they occur in the original text,

or to separate clauses found there— such as the birth-place of

parents, in late marriage records.

Page 13: Vital records of Becket, Massachusetts, to the year · 2018. 9. 9. · vitalrecords of becket, massachusetts, totheyear1850. publishedbythe


a.— age

b.— bomch.— child

chn.— children

Co.— county

d.— daughter; died; day

Z>ea.— deacon

dup.— duplicate entry

/.— female

h.— husband

inf.— infant

int.— publishment of intention of marriage

Jr.— junior

m. — married ; male ; month

prob.— probably

rec.— recorded

s.— son

Sr.— senior

w.— wife ; week

wid.— widow


y.— year

1st.— first.

2d.— second

jd,— third.

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ABBOT, Hannah, July 19, 1781.

ADAMS, Barnabas, s. Barnabas and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1769.EUjah, s. Ebenezer Jr. and Mary, Mar. 29, 1773.

ALDERMAN, Charles, s. Romeo and Maria, Dec. 16, 1844.

ALFORD (see Allford), Anna, d. Elijah and Olive, Nov. 25,

1791.Asahel, s. Asahel and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1787.Brewster, s. Asahel and Lydia, Jan. 14, 1789.

Chloe, d. Asahel and Lydia, Feb. 17, 1793.Elijah, s. Elijah and Olive, Aug. 12, 1780.

Levi, [twin] s. Elijah and Olive, Apr. 14, 1789.Lydia, d. Asahel and Lydia, Feb; 28, 1783.Malinda, d. Asahel and Lydia, Feb. 12, 1791.Olive, d. Elijah and Olive, Oct 12, 1786.

Oliver, [twin] s. Elijah and Olive, Apr. 14, 1789.Polly, d. Asahel and Lydia, Mar. 6, 1785.

Ruth, d. Elijah and Olive, Mar. 20, 1784.

Sarah, d. Elijah and Olive, June 3, 1795.Zerviah, d. Asahel and Lydia, Dec. 10, 1797.

ALLEN, Clarissa I., d. Alfred (b. Washington) and Julia Ann(b. Nassau, N.Y.), Oct. 12, 1848.

ALLFORD (see Alford), Abner, s. Elijah and Hannah, June 29,

1767-Amasa, s. Elijah and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1762.

Amasa, s. Elijah and Hanah, Sept 11, 1764.

Asahal, s. Elijah and Hannah, Nov. 22, 1760.

Elijah, s. Elijah and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1757.

Hannah, d. EUjah dec'd and Hannah, May 14, 1771.

AMES, Anna, d. Zephaniah and Diantha, Sept. 20, 1802.

Ardela, d. Zephaniah and Diantha, Sept. 12, 1804,

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Ames, Eleanor Maria, d. Pliny and Abigail K., Nov. 12, 1825.

Eliza Jane, d. Pliny and Abigail K., Jan. 6, 1823.

Loring, s. Zephaniah and Diantha, Sept. 13, 1806.

Mary Ann, d. Pliny and Abigail K., Apr, 3, 1828.

Orpheus Case, s. Zephaniah and Diantha, Apr. 17, 1801.

, s. Putnam and Minerva DEtte (b. Hartland, Conn.),

Sept. 12, 1849.

ATWELL, Hezekiah, s. Joseph and Marilla, Feb. 6, 1797.Joseph, s. Joseph and Marilla, Jan. 18, 1795.Sarah (Atwel), d. Hezekiah and Sarah, June 24, 1775.

AUSTIN, Caroline, d. John and Lodiema, Aug. 21, 1817.

Eliza Jane, d. John and Lodiema, Apr. 5, 1824.

Franklin Dexter, s. John and Lodiema, Oct. 3, 1819.

Franklin J., s. William E. and Emeline C, Sept 14, 1849.Hannah, d. John Jr. and Hannah, May 3, 1806.

Henry Allin, s. John and Lodiema, Nov. 23, 182 1.

James, s. John Jr. and Beulah, Sept. 17, 18 17.

James Harvey, s. John Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 4, 1787.John, s. John and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1789.John Harvey, s. John Jr. and Beulah, Feb. 12, 18 15.

Martha, d. Charles E. and Amanda H., Jan. 7, 1845.Nathaniel Kingsley, s. John and Hannah, Dec. 25, 1791.Samuel John, s. John and Lodiema, Nov. 22, 1826.

Sarah, d. John and Hannah, June i, 1794.Zafna, s. James and Achsah, Oct. 25, 1795.

BAILEY, Frederick D., s. Ozias B. (b. Berlin, Vt.) and Laura,

Nov. 3, 1849., s. Elijah and Submit, Sept. 20, 1844.

BAIRD (see Beard), Almena, d. Kendal and Katharine, Apr.

13, 1809.

Artemas Triston, s. Asa and Abigail, July 14, 1800.

Beulah, d. Asa and Abigail, Mar. 3, 1792.Bidwell, s. Kendal and Katharine, May 28, 1796,Charles, s. Asa and Abigail, May 13, 1780.

Chester, s. Asa and Abigail, Nov. 23, 1783.Deborah, d. Asa and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1804.

Elisabeth Anna, d. Kendal and Katharine, Apr. 26, 1801.Eunice Minerva, d. Kendal and Katharine, Jime 30, 18 11.

George K., s. Kendall and Lucinda, Jan. 25, 1846.

Henry Lepenwell, s. Samuel Hamilton and Mary S., Nov. 6,


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Baird, Hester Ann, d. Bidwell and Sophia, Apr. ii, 1825.

John, s. Asa and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1782.

John, s. Kendal and Katharine, Feb. 4, 1805.

Katharine, d. Kendal and Katharine, June 30, 1813.

Katharine Sophia, d. Bidwell and Sophia, July 28, 1826.

Kendal, s. Kendal and Katharine, May 21, 1803.

Kendal William, s. Bidwell and Sophia, Jan. 14, 1824.

Lecty, [twin] d. Asa and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1793.Lorenzo, s. Asa and Abigail, Nov. 19, 1807.

Lucy, s. Asa and Abigail, Mar. 12, 1786.

Lydia, [twin] d. Asa and Abigail, Feb. 3, 1793.Mary, d. Asa and Abigail, June 9, 1779.Mary Laurinda, d. Samuel Hamilton and Mary S., Jan. i, 1826.

Philena, d. Kendal and Katharine, Apr. 17, 1807.

Robert Henry, s. Bidwell and Sophia, Jan. 5, 1828.

Robert Hunter, s. Kendal and Katharine, Oct. 15, 1794.Solomon Manly, s. Asa and Abigail, Dec. 26, 1797.Sophia, d. Kendal and Katharine, May 19, 1799.Stephen Marian, s. Asa and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1795.Susanna, d. Asa and Abigail, Feb. i, 1789.Warren, s. Asa and Abigail, June 14, 1802.

William Thomas, s. Kendal and Katharine, Oct. 15, 181 5.

BALIS, Henry E., s. Edgar (b. Kinderhook, N.Y.) and MaryO. (b, Norwich), Dec. 20, 1848.

BARBER, Mary I., d. John (b. Canada) and Mary I. (b.

Canada), June 27, 1849.

BARDIN, Maria Almira, d. William and Sarah of Southwick,

June 20, 1844.

BARNES (see Bams), Comfort, s. Comfort (Bams) andElisabeth, Mar. 7, 1779.

Ezekiel, s. Ezekiel (Barns) and Fanny, Sept. i, 1799.Paulina, d. Ezekiel and Fanny, Sept. 5, 1796.

Rebecca K. [afterwards changed to Julia Rebecca], d. Milton

and Sarah A., Dec. 13, 1848.

Sibel, d. Comfort and Elisabeth, July i, 1804.

BARNS (see Barnes), Amanda, d. Ezekiel and Fanny, Feb. 21,


Comfort 2d, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Nov. 18, 1785.Dexter, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Nov. 13, 1783.Elijah, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Apr. 17, 1780.

Elisabeth, d. Comfort and Elisabeth, Nov. 4, 1787.

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Barns, Fanny, d. Ezekiel and Fanny, Dec. 23, 1802.

Joseph Bruce, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Aug. 17, 1790.

Lucy, d. Comfort and Elisabeth, Oct. 5, 1793.

Moses, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Dec. i, 1795.

Sardis, s. Ezekiel and Fanny, July 29, 1806.

William, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Jan. 16, 1781.

BAYARD (see Baird, Beard),

SEALS, , s. Harvey and Betsey, Nov! 20, 1845.

BEARD (see Baird), Asa, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, Apr, 4, 1761.

Josiah, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, May 12, 1763.

Kindal, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1765.

Moses, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, May 7, 1759.

BELL, William R., s. Dr. William O. (b. Chester) and Miriam B.

(b. Chester), Dec. 17, 1848.

BIRCHARD (see Burchard), Abigail, d. James Jr. and Abigail,

Feb. 9, 1763.

Deborah, d. James Jr. and Abigail, Apr. 13, 1761.

James, s. James Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 17, 1766.

Lydia, d. James Jr. and Abigail, May 13, 1758.

Phebe, d. James Jr. and Abigail, Aug. 23, 1764.

BIRNIE, William, s. William (b. Scotland) and Sarah, Dec. 24,


BLAIR, Emblem, d. Thompson [and Esther], Nov. 19, 1796,Esther Abertine, d. Thompson and Esther, Dec. 31, 18 13.

Eunice, d. Thompson and Esther, Dec. 7, 1805.

George Carlton, s. Thompson and Esther, Oct 14, 1809.

Henry, s. Thompson and Esther, Oct. 5, 1802.

Maria Louisa, d. Thompson and Esther, Dec. 14, 18 10.

Minerva, d. Daniel N. (b. Blandford) and Vesta M. (b. Otis),

Nov. 24, 1849.PoUina, d. Thompson [and Esther], Nov. 3, 1798.Robert Nelson, s. Thompson and Esther, Nov. 18, 1807.

Sophona, d. Thompson [and Esther], Nov. 2, 1800.

Susanna, d. Thompson and Esther, Aug. 28, 1795.Tyrella, d. Thompson and Esther, Mar, 15, 1804.

BOGAH, , d. Joseph (b. Canada) and Sophia (b. Canada),Apr. 12, 1849.

BOSQUET, Joseph, s, Joseph (b. Canada) and Laura A. (kCanada), Oct. 29, 1849,

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BOWDRY, Joseph, s. Joseph (b.. Canada) and Adaline V.(b. Canada), May 21, 1849.

BRADNER, Margaret Anna, d. Samuel D. and Louisa B.,

July 28, 1828.

Mary Ann, d. Samuel D. and Louisa B., Mar. 31, 1826.

BREWSTER, Amanda, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Aug. 3, 1798.Flavia, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Aug. i, 179 1.

Harmony, d. Dr. Oliver and Jerusha, Aug. 10, 1796.John Milton, s. Oliver and Jerusha, Oct. 22, 1789.Oliver, s. Oliver and Jerusha, Apr. 13, 1783.Oliver Ellsworth, s. Oliver and Jerusha, Sept. 2, 1802.

Orrilla, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Jan. 27, 1782.

Pleades, d. Oliver and Jerusha, May 9, 1787,Roena, d. Dr. Oliver and Jerusha, Aug. i, 1793.Ruby, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Sept 19, 1784.

BRIGGS, , ch. Joseph (b. Canada) and Sarah A. (b.

Killingly, Conn.), July —, 1848.

BROGA, , d. Matthias and Elizabeth, Sept. i, 1845.

BROWN, Eli Uriah, s. Elihu and Mary A., July 15, 1844.

BURCHARD (see Birchard), James King, s. James Jr. andLucy, Sept. 8, 1793.

Lucy, d. James Jr. and Lucy, Apr. 30, 1797.Virgil, s. James Jr. and Lucy, Mar. 3, 1795.

BUSH, Stephen, s. Steven and Caroline, Dec. 23, 1771.

BUTTS, George W., s. Nathan O. (b. Peru) and Marilla

(b. Longmeadow), Apr. 13, 1849.

CAREY, Aurelia A., d. Ambrose (b. Canada) and Philena

(b. Tyringham), Mar. 18, 1849.

CARPENTER, Phebe, d. Elisha and Deliverance, July 2, 1770.

CARTER, George Gains, s. Stephen W. and Rowena, June 23,

1835-Gulielmus, s. Marcus and Lucy, Dec. i, 1799.Hannah Rowena [ch. Stephen W. and Rowena], Mar. 23, 1840.

Lucy, d. Marcus and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1802.

Lydia Perkins, d. Gains and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1831.

Mark Perkins, ch. Gains and Hannah, Dec. 15, 1805.

Mary, d. Gaius and Hannah, Aug. 4, 18 19.

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Carter, Rhoda, d. Marcus and Lucy, Apr. 20, iSor.

Stephen Woodward, ch. Gaius and Hannah, Sept. 18, 1812.

Uri Milton, s. Marcus and Lucy, Aug. 31. 1804.

CARY (see Carey).

CASTELLO, , d. Daniel and Ann, June 8, 1844.

CAUGHLIN, Mary Ann, d. Robert and Mary, Dec. 11, 1844.

CHAFEE (see Chaffe, Chaffee, Chefee), Abigail Hannora, ch.

Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Apr. 12, 181 1.

Alma, d. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1801.

Anna Harriet, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 4, 1803.

Frederic [dup. Frederick Chafe], ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail,

Nov. 25, 1793. ,

Joshua, s. Benjamin and Marcy, Dec. 10, 1793.Lucinda (Chaffee), ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Jan. 12, 1807.

Minor, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 6, 1799.Newman Keyes [dup. Keys], s. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Dec. 15,

1796.Prentis, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Jan. i, 1809.

Sampson Knowlton [dup. Samson Knowlton Chaffe], s. ThomasJr. and Abigail, Aug. 4, 1792.

Sampson Knowlton, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, July 11, 181 4.

Thomas Sherman, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Mar. 24, 1805.

Wolcott [dup. Wolcot], ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, May 3, 1795.

CHAFFE (see Chafee, Chaffee, Chefee), Benjamin, s. Benjaminand Marcy, Feb. 11, 1792.

Ebenezer, s. Newman K. and Elisabeth, Dec. 12, 1820.

Elias, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Sept. 12, 1800.

Eunice Armenia, d. Jonathan 2d and Sally, Nov. 6, 1806.

Ezra, s. Benjamin and Marcy, Dec. 20, 1784.Frederick, s. Newman K. and Elisabeth, Mar. 17, 1823.

Henry Famam, s. Jonathan 2d and Sally, June 11, 1802.

Huldah, d. Benjamin and Marcy, Feb. i, 1790.

Joseph Chalker, s. Newman and Elisabeth, Aug. 18, 1828.

Philo, s. Jonathan 2d and Sally, Jan. 14, 1800.

Seth Willard, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Aug. 6, 1802.

Terza, d. Benjamin and Marcy, Nov. 6, 1786.

Truman Bibbins, s. Jonathan 2d and Sally, June 19, 1804.

Wolcot, s. Newman K. and Elizabeth, June 15, 1826.

CHAFFEE (see Chafee, Chaffe, Chefee), Elisabeth An, d. New-man K. and Elisabeth, Oct. 5, 183 1.

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Chaffee, Emma, d. Miner and Lucy, Feb. 29, 1833.Henry, s. Miner and Lucy, Apr. 9, 1826.

Sarah, d. Miner and Lucy, Feb. 4, 1829.

Thomas, s. Miner and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1838.

Willard, s. Benjamin (Chafee) and Marcy, Sept. 15, 1796.

CHALK, John, s. John (b. Canada) and Sophia (b. Canada),Aug. 4, 1849.

CHAPMAN, Anna A., d. Theodore and Julia E., Sept. 29,


George Washington, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 26, 1824.

Hannah Loisa, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 14, 18 19.

Harriet Amanda, d. Samuel and Hannah, June 3, 181 5.

Horace Nelson, ch. Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 26, 181 1.

Joseph Homer, ch. Samuel and Hannah, July 18, 1813.

Samuel, May 7, 1782.

Samuel John, ch. Samuel and Hannah, May 6, 1822.

Stilman T., s. Theodore and Julia E., Mar. 31, 1849.Williaih Henry, ch. Samuel and Haimah, Aug. i, 18 17.

CHEFEE (see Chafee, ChafEe, ChafEee), Abigail, d. Thomasand Hannah, Apr. 23, 1785.

CHILDS, Amanda, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, May 22, 1794.Betsy, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, June 25, 1804.

Daniel, s. Jonas and Eunice, May 21, 1768.

Elisabeth, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 25, 1800.

Eunice, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, July 11, 1802.

Heman, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, May 30, 1798.Isaac, s. Jonas and Eunice, Apr. 9, 1773.Isaac, s. Jonas and Eunice, July i, 1775.Jonas, s. Jonas and Eunice, Sept. 16, 1766.

Jonas Henry, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Feb. 18, 1791.Laura, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1808.

Levi, s. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 11, 1798.Lucreatia, d. Silas and Esther, Mar. 15, 1768.

Nancy, d. Isaac and Mary, Nov. 5, 1796.Pamel, d. Silas and Esther, July i, 1773.Sally, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, May 7, i8o6.

Shattuck, s. Jonas and Eunice, Mar. 16, 177 1.

Sibel, d. Silas and Esther, Mar. 5, 1767.Silas, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Aug. 3, 1796.Stephen, s. Daniel and Elisabeth, Feb. 13, 1792.

, d. William L. and Catharine A., Dec. 19, 1849.

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CHURCH, Wells E., s. Caleb S. (b. Chester) and Olive Z. (b.

Washington), June 17, 1849.

CLARK, Abijah [h. Lydia], Sept. i, 1776.. Abijah Steams, s. Abijah and Lydia, July 16, 1804.Alexander, s. Abijah and Lydia, Dec. 24, 1798.Dillingham, s. Isaac and Kezia, Aug. 13, 1766.Eliza, d. Abijah and Lydia, Jan. 22, 1802.

Frederick, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.]. Mar. 15, 1816.

Hosea, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.]. Mar. 18, 1818.

Isaac, s. Isaac and Kezia, Aug. 16, 1779.James Madison, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Mar. 20, 181 1.

Jamie McKnight, s. Elish and Polly, May 30, 1809.

John A., s. Frederck and Caroline, Mar. 18, 1849.Judith [ ^], second w. Abijah, Sept. 25, 1786.Leverett Howard, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Mar. 9, 1830.Lydia [ ], w. Abijah, Apr. 12, 1779.Lydia, d. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Oct. 13, 1823.

Martia Armenia, d. Elisha and Polly, Sept. 16, 1803.Nahum, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Jan. 29, 18 13.

Patience, d. Dillingham and Abigail, Dec. 21, 1796.Pleiades, d. Joseph and Mary, Nov. 10, 1797.Rebeca, d. Isaac and Kezia, Oct. 16, 1771.Rocksey, d. Joseph and Mary, July 9, 1802.

Samuel, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Mar. 20, 1814.Susanna, d. Isaac and Kezia, May 9, 1774.Whitney, s. Abijah and Lydia, June 6, 1800.

William, s. Abijah and Judith [second w.], Feb. 8, 1807.

COLLINS, Mariah, d. John (b. Ireland) and Ellen (b. Ireland),

July 28, 1849.

CONANT, Abigail Harriet, d. George and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1804.

Anna [dup. Anne] Gray, d. George Jr. and Hannah, July 16, 1785.Asa Manly, s. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Mar. 16, 1800.

Augusta Hannah, d. George and Hannah, Apr. 18, 1797.Charles Walden, s. George and Hannah, Oct. 13, 1802.

Charles Watson, s. Charles W. and Eliza, Aug. 6, 1829.

Chloe Bridgman, d. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Oct. 30, 1802.

Elisabeth, d. George Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 19, 1792.Elisabeth Edna, d. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Oct. 8, 1795.Elizabeth Sarah, d. John and Orpha, Aug. 25, 1812.

George, s. John and Orpha, Jan. 25, 181 4.

George, s. John and Orpha, Oct. 14, 1817.

George, s. John and Orpha, Nov. 4, 1819.

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CoNANT, George Crocker, s. George Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 24,

1787.George Erskine, s. Thatcher and Elisabeth, May 28, 1805.George Thatcher, s. John and Orpha, May 13, 1831.Hannah Mariah, d. John and Orpha, Dec. 25, 1815.

John, s. George Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1790.

John Francis, s. John and Orpha, Apr. 4, 1828.

Jonas, s. John and Orpha, Jan. 9, 1819.

Lucretia Urania, d. George and Hannah, July 15, 1806.

Lydia, d. George Jr. and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1788.

Mary Almira, d. John and Orpha, Apr. 5, 1826.

Mary Clarissa, d. John and Orpha, Dec. 24, 1822.

Mehitabel, d. Thatcher and Elisabeth, July 24, 1793.Rebekah, d. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Feb. 14, 1798.

Sally Maria, d. George and Hannah, Aug. 11, 1795.Susannah, d. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Nov. 23, 1789.

Thatcher Freeman, s. Thatcher and Elisabeth, Aug. 20, 1791.Thomas, [twin] s. John and Orpha, Nov. 20, 182 1.

William, [twin] s. John and Orpha, Nov. 20, 182 1.

CONOLY, , d. Patrick (b. Ireland) and Catharine (b. Ire-

land), Dec. 12, 1849.

COUGHLAN (see Caughlin).

COX, Deiana, d. Ralph and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1774.Joseph, s. Ralph and Hannah, Apr. 13, 1775.Lovine, d. Ralph and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1774.Lovine, d. Ralph and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1776.

CRANE, Abel Hutchinson, s, Abel and Elisabeth, May 28,

1790.Anna Mariah, d. Samuel and Charity, Mar. 18, 1781.

Charity Theday, d. Samuel and Charity, June 19, 1779.

David A., s. Augustus H. (b. Longmeadow) and Susan (b.

Killingly, Conn.), July 21, 1849.

Dorastus, s. Abel and Elisabeth, Aug. 18, 1794-Edward, s. Abel and Elisabeth, Nov. 9, 1799.John, s, Abel and Elisabeth, June 18, 1798.

Rachel, twin d. Abel and Elisabeth, Feb. 3, 1788.

Rebecka, twin d. Abel and Elisabeth, Feb. 3, 1788.

Sabrina, d. Abel and Elisabeth, Aug, 17, 1793.Salome, d, Abel and Elisabeth, [rec. after Nov. 9, 1799].Samuel Higley, s. Samuel and Charity, Oct 9, 1777.

CRARY, Oliver, s. Christopher and Polly, June 12, 1793.

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Crary, Oliver Augustus, s. Christopher and Polly, Jan. 17, 1798.Stella Nabby, d. Christopher and Polly, Aug. 20, 1795.

CROCKER, Joseph, s. Josiah and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1806.

CROLY (see Crowley), , d. David and w., Apr. i, 1845.

CROWLEY (see Croly), Julia, d. David (b. Ireland) and Julia D.

(b. Ireland), Apr. 3, 1849.

DANIELS, Charles W., s. Joel L. (b. Dalton) and Sophia W.(b. Chester), Oct 13, 1848.

DAVIS, De Witt Milton, s. Austin and Lititia, Aug. 31, 1844.

De wolf (see DWolf).

DIRLAM, Christopher, s. John O. and Sarah, Apr. 22, 1795.Fredrick, s. John O. and Sarah, July 28, 1796.

John O. 2d, s. John O. and Sarah, Mar. 11, 1789.John Odrick, s. John O. and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1783.Orion, s. John O. and Sarah, Feb, 23, 1792.Sylvanus, s. John O, and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1786.

DOOLITTLE, Emily C, d. Rev, Horace D. (b. New Lebanon,N.Y.) and Sarah A., Dec. 11, 1848.

DORMAN, , s. Darias C. and Mary C, still born, Apr. 2,


DWOLF, Anna, d. Horrace and Anna, July 8, 1806.

Horrace, s. Horrace and Anna, Feb. 6, 1808.

Isaiah, s. Horrace and Anna, Jan, 22, 18 14.

Luke, s, Horrace and Anna, Nov. 28, 1804.

Luke, s, Horrace and Anna, Jan. 2, 18 10.

Sarah, d. Horrace and Anna, Jan. 9, 1812.

ELDRIDGE, Emeline, d. Horace B. (b. Killingley, Conn.) andLaura A. (b. Lenox, O.), Nov. 19, 1849.

, d. Horace B. and Laura A., Oct. 11, 1844.

ELLIS, Deidamia, d. Manoah and Deidamia, Oct. 13, 1803,

John Sherwin, s. Manoah and Deidamia, June 9, 1805.

Lemuel, s. Samuel and Zilpah, Apr. 19, 1774.Marcy, d. Samuel and Zilpha, Oct. 18, 1762.

Oliver, s. Manoah and Deidamia, Sept. i, 1806.

Rachel, d. Samuel and Zilphia, Mar. i, 1769.Rawlon, s. Samuel and Zilphia, May 11, 1767.

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Ellis, Samuel, s. Samuel and Zilphia, Feb. ii, 1772.Sarah, d. Samuel and Zilpha, Jan. 29, 1765.

ELLSWORTH, Emma L., d. Allen P. (b. Chester) and HarrietL. (b. Sandisfield), July 18, 1849.

ELY, Israel, s. Reuben and Sarah, July 3, 1765.Joel, s. Reuben and Sarah, July 9, 1770.

FINNEY (see Pinney).

FITCH, Elizabeth Wales, d. Luther Esq. and Bethiah, Sept. 7,

1787, in New Haven, Conn.

FOSTER, Alma S., d. Orestes R. and Louisa A., Sept. 7, 1849.Hannah, d. Joseph and Anna, Feb. 29, 1776.Martha Fanny, twin d. Chauncey W. and Mary Z., Nov. 18,

1844.Mary Frances, twin d. Chauncey W. and Mary Z., Nov. 18,

1844.Orestes Cavel, s. William B. and Eleanor, May 12, 18 11.

Orrilla, d. William B. and Eleanor, Mar, 4, 1813.

Philena, d. William B. and Eleanor, Oct. 22, 1807.

Samantha, d. William B. and Eleanor, Aug. 21, 1805.WiUiam Riley, s. William B. and Eleanor, Sept. 4, 1809.

FRELAND, , d. Dr. Chester J. (b. Blandford) andMariah, July 20, 1849.

GILBERT, Annis, d. Orsemus and Annis, Jan. 4, 1801.

Cynthia, d. Orsimus and Annis, Aug. 24, 1795.Orrin Bams, s. Orsemus and Annis, Apr. 22, 1804.

Vine Brown, s. Orsimus and Annis, Aug. 13, 1797.

GILMER, Giles D., s. Franklin D. (b. Blandford) and Lydia (b.

Otis), July 8, 1849.

GLEED, Betsey Ann, twin d. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 5,


Sarah Ann, twin d. John and Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1844.

GOODBOO, Selina, d. Edward (b. Canada) and Josephine (b.

Canada), Sept. 10, 1849.

GOSS, Ebenezer, s. Philip and Marah, Sept. 8, 1760.

GREEN, , d. Elijah S. and Anna, Aug. 28, 1844.

HALL, John Selleck, s. Albert and Lucy, Dec. 2, 1844.

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HAMILTON, Asenath Almira, d. John Jr. and Mary, Apr. 13,


Justus Orton, s, John and Mary, May 12, 1829.

HANDLOR, , s. James (b. Ireland) and Mariah (b. Ire-

land), Oct. 15, 1849.

HARRIS, Charity Emeline, d. Josiah and Charity, Oct. 9, 1809.

Josiah, s. James and Martha, Nov. 30, 1 783.

Josiah Albert, s. Josiah and Charity, Jan. 15, 1808.

Judson Wade. s. Rev. Norman and Celina, June 10, 1845.Phebe, d. Lorin and Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1849.Roxanna A., d. Jonas and Roxanna I. (b. Tyringham), Nov. i,

1849.Thankful, d. Lorin and Elizabeth D., July 11, 1844.

, s. Jonas and Roxany, Apr. 28, 1846.

HEATH, , d. Addison (b. Tyringham) and Eunace (b.

Blandford), June 8, 1849.

HIGLEY, Benjamin, s. Micah and Olive, Nov. 30, 1777.Betsy Maria, d. Ozias and Delight, Aug. 3, 1793.Isaac, s. Joseph and Azubah, May 30, 1776.Joseph, s. Joseph and Azubah, Apr. 25, 1774.Marquis, d. Ozias and Delight, June 10, 1799.Micah, s. Micah and Olive, Feb. i, 1776.Minerva, d. Joseph and Azubah, Apr. 12, 1791.Ozias, s. Ozias and Delight, Sept 24, 1791.Philena, d. Joseph and Azubah, Nov. 6, 1787.Sarah, d. Joseph and Azubah, Mar. 18, 1778.Sarah, d. Ozias and Delight, Nov. 21, 1797.Silas, s. Joseph and Azubah, Sept. 23, 1780.

HUNT, Sarah Jane, d. Preston and Betsey, June 20, 1823.

HUNTINGTON, Charles, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Jan. 23,1811,

Charles Thomas, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Nov. 17, 1817.

Diana, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Jan. 2, 1813.Emily Clark, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Sept. 24, 1815.

George Henry, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Oct. 20, 1820.

Harriet, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Sept. 22, 1822.

Mehitable, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Nov. 17, 1803.

Melissa Hyde, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Mar. 13, 1807.

Sarah, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Nov. 11, 1826.

Sophrona, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Jan. 28, 1805.

William Swift, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Nov. 28, 1808.

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JAGGER, Armilla, d. Daniel and Rebecca, Nov. 15, 18 12,Clemon, s. Daniel and Rebecca, Apr. 23, 1807.Elmus Hastings, s. Daniel and Rebecca, Feb. 17, 1805.Rebecca, d. Daniel and Rebecca, Dec. 11, 18 10.

JENNINGS, Henry A., s. William A. (b. Middlefield) and Caro-line M., May 11, 1849.

JOHNSON, Caroline Content, d. James and Elisabeth, Feb. 14,1810.

Charity, d. Milton and Esther, Mar. 17, 1826.

Chastina, d. Moody and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1812.

Dexter Bams, s. Moody and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1802.Eliza Damaras, d. Moody and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1809.Esther Harmony, [twin] d. Milton and Esther, June 6, 182 1.

Hannah, d. Moody and Hannah, May 7, 1800.

Isabela, d. Moody and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1804.

Jesse, s. Jesse and Sarah, Apr. 5, 1803.

Lorana Eliza, d. James and Elizabeth, Mar. 23, 1807.

Marshal, s. Moody and Hannah, June 5, 1807.

Marshal Osbom, s. Moody and Hannah, May i, 1806.

Mary Wright, d. Milton and Esther, June 6, 1821.

Milton Harmon, [twin] s. Milton and Esther, June 6, 182 1.

Patty, d. Moody and Hannah, Oct. 16, 1798.Sally Maria, d. James and Elisabeth, Jan. 30, 1804.

William Pratt, s. Jesse and Sarah, Dec. i, 1804.

KEEFE, Hannah, d. David (b. Ireland) and Hannorah (b.

Ireland), Aug. 15, 1849.

KING, Eunace L., d. William (b. Lenox) and Eliza Ann (b.

Lions, N.Y.), Oct. 10, 1849.

KINGSLEY, Abigail, d. Enos and Sarah [second w.J, June 15,

1794.Adonijah, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Jan. 7, 1779.Allen, ch. Martin and Bethena, June 28, 1804.

Allen Eliada, ch. Eliada and Fanny, Mar. i, 1813.

AUithea, d. Aamos and Mary, June 4, 1763.

Alvah Crary, s. Amos and Elisabeth, Feb. 7, 1794.

Amos, s. Amos and Mary, Mar. 7, 1768.

Amos Davenport, s. Amos and Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1796.

Andrew, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Sept 23, 1776.

Anna, d. Isaiah Sr. and Sarah, Mar. 17, 1779.Benajah Lester, s. Joseph and Sarah, Apr. 2, 1801.

Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Sept. i, 1790.

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KiNGSLEY, Benjamin Franklin, ch. Martin and Bethena, Apr. 22,


Bethene, d. Martin and Bethene [dup. Bethena], Mar. 2, 1781[su, 1791] [dup. Mar. 2, 1791].

Cheney, s. Martin and Bethena [dup. Bethene], May 16, 1789.Davenport, s. Amos and Mary, Nov. 26, 1765.

David Brainard, s. Enos and Sarah [second w.], June 4, 1S04.

Ebenezer, s. Nath[anie]ll and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1758.Ebenezer Chaplin, s. Ebenezer and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1786.

Ebenezer Walden, ch. Martin and Bethena, Aug. 26, 1808.

Electy, d. Silas and Anna, Oct. 30, 1795.Eliada Allin, s. Eliada and Fanny, Aug. 12, 1809.Eliaday, s. Amos and Mary, Sept. 5, 1782.

Elisabeth, d. Isaiah and Abigail, June 24, 1763.Elvira, d. Eliada and Fanny, Jan. 13, 1806.

Enos, s. Isaiah and Abigail, Sept. 20, 1757.Enos Dodridg, s. Enos and Sarah [second w.], Apr. 27, 1792,Esther, d. Dea. Isaiah and Abigail, Sept. 12, 1770.Esther, d. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Apr. 8, 1779.Eurydice, d. Silas and Anna, Nov. 16, 1797.Fanny Eliza, ch. Eliada and Fanny, Feb. 16, 18 19.

Fanny Elvira, ch. Eliada and Fanny, Oct. 30, 18 17.

Fanny Louisa, d. Benijah L. and Maria, Nov. 17, 1845.Flavel, s. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Sept. 4, 1773.George Washington, ch. Eliada and Fanny, June 23, 1823.Hannah, d, Nath[anie]ll and Sarah, Nov. i, 1760.Hannah Gary, d. Joseph and Sarah, Apr, 14, 1803.Harriet Celestia, d. W[illia]m L. and Eliza, July 15, 1845.Isaac Watts, s. Enos and Sarah [second w.], Aug. 14, 1796.Isaiah, s. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, May 22, 1781.

Jedediah, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1753.Jeremiah, s. Jeremiah and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1774.Joanna, d. Amos and Mary, Oct. 2, 1760.

Joanna Maria, [twin] d. Amos and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1799.John, s. Enos and Rachel, Mar. 10, 1782.

John, s. Enos and Rachel, Mar. 4, 1783.

John Allin, ch. Martin and Bethena, Aug. 20, 1806.

John Flavel, s. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Apr. 30, 1783.John Milton, [twin] s. Amos and Elisabeth, Sept. 16, 1799.Jonathan Wadsworth, s. Enos and Sarah [second w.], Sept. i,


Joseph, s. Amos Jr. and Mary, Jan. 12, 1770.

Joseph S., s. Benajah L. and Mariah (b. Tolland), Dec. i, 1848.Laura Angeline, d. Benajah and Laura, Dec. 12, 1823.

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KiNGSLEY, Laiira Betsey, d, Amos and Eli[s]abeth, Dec. i6, 1791.Libeus, s. Amos and Mary, May 6, 1777.Lucy, [twin] d. Isaiah and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1782.Lucy, d. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 14, 1798.Lydia, d. Enos and Sarah [second w.], Sept. 2, 1790.Martin, s. Nath[anie]ll and Sarah, June 1, 1756.Martin, ch. Martin and Bethena, Nov. i6, 1801.

Mary, d. Amos and Mary, Mar. 20, 1775.Mary, [twin] d. Isaiah and Sarah, Mar. 12, 1782.Milley [dup. Milly], d. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Feb. 7, 1775

[dup. 1777, «4Nancy, ch. Martin and Bethena, Feb. 19, 1800.

Nathaniel, ch. Martin and Bethena, July 9, 1798.Orrissa, ch. Martin and Bethena, May 26, 1796.Phebe, d. Jeremiah and Hannah, Oct 3, 1771.Rachel, d. Enos and Sarah [second w.], Aug. 22, 1788.Rebeckah, d. Enos and Sarah [second w.], July 21, 1801.

Russel Rossiter, ch. Eliada and Fanny, July 22, 181 1.

Sabrina, d. Martin and Betheny, May 16, 1787.Sallah Merritta, d. Ebenezer and Sarah, Oct. 20, 1788.Sarah, d. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Mar. 27, 1777.Sarah, d. Enos and Rachel, Apr. 2, 1780.

Seth Palmer, s. Isaiah and Abigail, June 13, 1761.Silas, s. Amos and Mary, Oct 24, 1772.Sloan, s. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Jan. 18, 1789.Sophronia, ch. Martin and Bethena, July 16, 1793.Susanna Lois, d. Amos and Elisabeth, Nov. 14, 1803.

Susannah, d. Nath[anie]ll and Sarah, Nov. 26, 1769.William Davenport, ch. Eliada and Fanny, June 18, 18 15.

William Ledyard, s. Joseph and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1806.

, s. Eliada and Fanny, July 6, 1807.

KINNEY, Bridget, d. Thomas (b. Ireland) and Margaret (b.

Ireland), May 13, 1849.

ERAKE, , s. Nelson and Mary, Feb. 5, 1846.

LAMB, Harry, s. Gad and Jerusha, Mar. 24, i78r.

LEAVENS, Betty, d. Jedidiah and Patience, July 29, 1798.

Jedidiah, s. Jedidiah and Patience, Mar. 27, 1803.

Marcia, d. Jedidiah and Patience, Jan. 20, 1806.

LEE, Bettey, d. Samuel and Betty, Apr. 18, 1793.David, s. David Jr. and Tabatha, Apr. 26, 1764.

Elisha, s. David Jr. and Tabitha, Mar. 19, 177 1.

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Lee, Elisha, s. Samuel and Betty, Jan. lo, 1792. ,

Mary, d. David Jr. and Tabatha, Sept. 27, 1767.Olive, d. David Jr. and Tabatha, July 5, 1762.Phia Sophia, d. David Jr. and Tabitha, Dec. 30, 1773.Samuel Sherman, s. Samuel and Bety, Dec. 28, 1794.Semantha, d. David Jr. and Tabitha, Apr, 15, 1775.Tabatha, d. David Jr. and Tabatha, Dec. 31, 1760.

LESTER, Abigail Maria, d. Stewart and Lucy, Aug. 18, 18 16.

James Mason, s. Stewart and Abigail, Mar. i, 1804.Lemuel, s. Stewart and Lucy, Feb. 22, 1812.

Lucretia, d. Stewart and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1802.

Lucy Elizabeth, d. Stewart and Lucy, May 7, 18 14.

Mariamna, d. Stewart and Abigail, Mar. 18, 1798.Mary Abby, d. James M. and Maria, Nov. 25, 1845.Orpha, d. Stewart and Abigail, Feb. 26, 1800.

Polly, d. Stewart and Abigail, Aug. 6, 1796.Sally Stewart, d. Stewart and Abigail, Jan. 30, 1806.

LINKON, Abiah, d. Silas and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1776.Mary, d. Silas and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1775.

LOVELAND, Anna, d. Epaphroditus and Anna, Jan. 20,


Emeline, d. Epaphroditus and Anna, Oct. 2, 1805.

LUCE, Ebenezer, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 23, 1792.Hannah, d. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 26, 1800.Harvey, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Mar. 21, 1794.Jedidiah, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Feb. 14, 1796.Simeon, s. Simeon and Abiah, Apr. 27, 1767.Simeon, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Nov. i, 1801.

Stedman, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Apr. 5, 1798.Thomas, s. Simeon Jr. and Susanna, Aug. 10, 1790.

LYMAN, Anna, d. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Sept. 7, 1793.Huldah, d. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Mar. i, 1796.Laura, d. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Feb. 27, 1801.

Lois, d. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Oct. 5, 1802.

Nathan Edwards, s. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Aug. 2, 1805.Thomas Milton, s. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Sept. 24, 1797.

MANION (see Marrion).

MARRION, Patrick, s. Patrick (b. Ireland) and Margaret M.(b. Ireland), Nov. 15, 1848.

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MATTHEWS, Alonzo Ashley, s. Nathaniel E. and Orrilla, Mar.26, 1812.

Orrilla Julia, d. Nathaniel E. and Orrilla, Jan. lo, 1810.

McCULLOCH, Armene, ch. David [and Miranda], July 8, 1811.

David, ch. David [and Miranda], Oct. 6, 1804.

Harriet, ch. David [and Miranda], Jan. 11, 1809.Henry, ch. David [and Miranda], Aug. n, 1806.

Miranda, d. David and Miranda, Mar. 25, 1800.

Orpha, ch. David [and Miranda], Oct. 10, 1802.

McELWAIN, George, s. David and Nancy, Dec. 8, 1825.

Nancy Ann, d. David and Nancy, Feb. 29, 1824.

Reuben Smith, s. David and Nancy, May 8, 1828.

MESSENGER, Adelbert, s. William E. and Lydia A. (b. BroomCo., N.Y.), May 15, 1848.

Alvin Rudd, ch. Bille and Miranda, Aug. 24, 1795.Benoni, s. Benoni and Mary, June 19, 1759.Benoni, s. Bille and Miranda, Aug. 13, 1783.Bille, s. Bille and Miranda, Sept. 24, 1781.

Bulah, ch. Bille and Miranda, May 10, 1793.Caroline, ch, Bille and Miranda, June 25, 1791.

Caroline, ch. Bille and Miranda, Sept. 21, 1797.Charity [dup. Charaty], d. Hiram and Lydia, Oct. 28, 1786.Cyrus, s. Bille and Miranda, Oct. i, 1789.

Ebenezer Nathan, s. Benoni and Mary, Apr. 22, 1762.

Ebenezer Orange, s. Ebenezer and Sally, Jan. 30, 1790.Hannah Hooker, ch. Bille and Amanda, Jan. 30, 1802.

Hiram, s. Bille and Miranda, Mar. 29, 1785.

John Ashley, s. Bille and Miranda, Aug. 4, 1787.

Lucy Pamela, ch. Bille and Amanda, Sept. 15, 1799.Lydia, d. Hiram and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1772.

Lydia, d. Hiram and Lydia, Apr. 7, 1776.

Mary, d. Ebenezer and Sally, Nov. 29, 1787.

Miranda, d. Bille and Miranda, May 21, 1780.

Nathan Harvey, s. Ebenezer and Sally, Sept. 6, 1792.

Sarah, d. Hiram and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1774.

Sarah, d. Hiram and Lyddia, Oct. 10, 1781.

Susanna, d. Ebenezer and Susanna, Jan. 12, 1786.

William Anson, s. Ebenezer and Sally, Dec. 28, 1794.

MILLARD, Charlotte A., d. Oliver S. and Amelia A., Aug. 2,


Harriet E., d. Oliver W. and Emily (b. Chester), Aug. 13, 1849.

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Millard, Lydia N., d. Orrin and Rebbecca L., Sept. 29, 1846.

Nathan Clark, s. Nathan P. and Marcey, Sept. 11, 1819.

Oliver L., s. Orrin and Rebecca L. (b. Sutton, Vt.), Feb. 11,

1849.Oliver William, s. Nathan P. and Marcey, June 18, 1823.

Samuel Erastus, s. Nathan P. and Marcey, Mar. 20, 182 1.

, s. Oliver S. and Amelia, Apr. 15, 1846.

MILLS, Eliza Fitch, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Sept.

20, 1817.

George Lewis, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Mar. 28,


Henry Lewis, cL Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Mar. 25,18 10.

Joseph Henry, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Aug. 8,


Joseph Lewis, s. Dea. Joseph and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1781, in Nor-folk, Conn.

Samuel John, ch. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., May 9, 1820.

Sarah, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Jan. 15, 1814.

William Luther, ch. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., July 28, 1823.

NESBIT, Daniel, s. Robert and Mary, Mar. 26, 1797.Elisabeth, d. Robert and Mary, Oct. 25, 1793.Sarah, d. Robert and Mary, May 27, 1795.William Iseham, s. Robert and Mary, Jan. 7, 1799.

NEWTON, Almira, d. Worthington D. and Lovinia, Dec. 19,1844,

NORCOTT, Cordelia Eunice, d. Edmund and Eunice E., Apr. 23,1845.

Jarvis, s. John and Rachel, Dec. 17, 1823.Loisa Ann, d. John and Rachel, Feb. i, 1818.

Moses Bams, s, John and Rachel, June 23, 1815.

OLMSBORY (see Ormsby), Caleb, s. Elijah and Elisabeth, Aug.10, 1790.

Phebe, d. Elijah and Elisabeth, July 22, 1792.

ORMSBY (see Olmsbory), Abby Jane, d. Elijah Jr. and Suse,Jan. 13, 1818.

Elijah D., s. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Dec. 20, 1812.Eliphalet W., s. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Sept. 16, 1814.Jonathan C, s. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Apr. 23, 1827.Phebe M.[?], d. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Feb. 12, 1820.

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Ormsby, Samuel D., s. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Oct. 4, 1825.Suse Amand, d. Elijah Jr. and Suse, Jan. 18, 1806.

PARSONS, , s. Anslem (b. Plattsburgh, N.Y.) and SusanA. (b. Otis), Sept. 13, 1848.

PASCO (see Pasko), Abel Ambrose, s. Abel and Sarah, Apr. 17,

1794.Amelia, d. Abel and Sarah, Apr. 6, 1793.Enoch, s. Ezra and Eday, Oct. 2, 1792.Isaiah, s. Ezra and Eday, Nov. 24, 1789.

Jeremiah, s. Ezra and Eday, Mar. 22, 1791.

PASHAW, lette, d. Frank (b. Canada) and lette (b. Vt.), Sept.

19, 1848.

PASKO (see Pasco), Aaron, s. John Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 10, 1 788.

Elihu, s. John Jr. and Abigail, June 12, 1796.Ezra Alvares, s. Ezra and Edy, Dec. 16, 1793.John, s. John Jr. and Abigail, Sept. 14, 1792.Leonidas, s. Ezra and Edy, Oct. i, 1795.Levi, s. John Jr. and Abigail, Nov. 11, 1786.

Lydia, d. John Jr. and Abigail, Oct. 9, 1790.Noah Harvy, s. John Jr. and Abigail, May 15, 1794.Sophrona, d. Abel and Sarah, Dec. 10, 1795.

PELTON, Harriet Conant, d. Hezekiah and Hannah, Mar. 11,


PERKINS, Augustus Messenger [ch. Origin Augustus andSarah], May 9, 1817.

Benjamin Chaplin, s. Ephraim and Mary, Apr. 29, 1775.Benjamin Chaplin, s. Augustus M. and Ruth S., Mar. 27, 1845.Bishop, s. Ephraim and Mary, Sept. 5, 1787.

Charles Orton [ch. Origin Augustus and Sarah], Sept. 25, 1819.

Ephraim, s. Ephraim and Mary, July 5, 1773.Ephraim Augustus [ch. Origin Augustus and Sarah], Mar. 23,


Fred, s. Charles O. and Joanna S., Sept. 25, 1845.

John, s. Epharim and Mary, June 9, 1779.

John Erastus, s. Ephraim and Mary, Mar. 26, 1783.

Matthew, s. Ephraim and Mary, Mar. 15, 1777.

Origen Augustus, s. Ephraim and Mary, Mar. 30, 1785,Origin, s. Ephraim and Mary, Sept 12, 1781.

Sarah Lydia [ch. Origin Augustus and Sarah], Sept 8, 1822.

Thomas, s. Origin Augustus and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1813.

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PHELPS, Augustus, ch. Jared [and Rowena], Nov. 19, 1796.Emma L., d. Harvey and Anna L. (b. Hinsdale), Oct. 12, 1849.Henry Pitt, s. Benjamin and Beulah P., July 13, 1844.

Jared Jr., ch. Jared [and Rowena], Jan. 24, 1789.John, s. Jared and Rowena, July 8, 1785.Mary, ch. Jared [and Rowena], Oct. 14, 1792.Ralph, ch. Jared [and Rowena], Dec. 20, 1790.Rowena, ch. Jared [and Rowena], June 12, 1787.Sarah, ch. Jared [and Rowena], Feb. 19, 1795.Welthy, ch, Jared [and Rowena], Oct. 10, iSoi.

PINNEY, Aarron H., s. Aarron and Fanny, Aug. 15, 1806.

Justin, s. Aarron and Fanny, Feb. 7, 1803.

POMROY, Alanson Searl, s. Joseph and Miranda, June 19, 18 11.

Betsey Mariah, d. Joseph and Miranda, June 6, 1826.

Dorcas, d. Joseph and Miranda, Dec. 14, 18 14.

Esther, d. Joseph and Miranda, Aug. 29, 1820.

Henry Gardner, [ch. Joseph and Miranda], May 31, 1818.

Joseph Rood, s. Joseph and Miranda, Dec. 3, 18 12.

Sylvester Clark, s. Joseph and Miranda, Aug. 30, 1822.

PORTER, Abigail, d. Peter and Abigail, July 6, 1774.Bartlett, s. Joseph and Martha, Oct. 4, 1766.

Eunice, d. Peter and Abigail, June 10, 1768.

Mary, d. Joseph and Martha, Aug. 20, 1769.Samuel, s. Joseph and Martha, Mar. 10, 1778.Silvester, s. Joseph and Martha, Aug. 25, 1771.Theody, d. Peter and Abigail, Oct. 10, 1766.Vine, s. Peter and Abigail, Apr. 14, 1770.

PRENTISS, , s. Phineas (b. Worthington) and Mary M.(b. Washington), Oct. 23, 1849.

PUTMAN (see Putnam), David W[illia]m, s. William N. andMary Ann (b. St. Anns, Vt.), Sept. 25, 1S49.

PUTKAM (see Putman), Abner, s. Joel and Sally, June 18,


Isaac Warren, s. Isaac and Lucinda E., Jan. 4, 1845.James Allin, s. Joel and Elisabeth, Sept. 14, 18 15.

Joel, s. Joel and Sally, Dec. 10, 1803.

Orson Resallion, s. Joel and Elisabeth, Oct. 14, 18 19.

Ransom, s. Joel and Sally, June 15, 1805.

Sally, d. Joel and Sally, Mar. 10, 1799.Sardus, s. Joel and Sally, Jan. 22, 1807.

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RODGERS, Catharine Ann, d. Josiah and Huldah, July 10, 1825.Catharine Ann, d. Josiah and Huldah, July 21, 1828.

Josiah Nelson, s. Josiah and Huldah, Apr. 2, 183 1,

Lucinda Prudence, d. Josiah and Huldah, Nov. 30, 1822.

RUDD, Alethea Manning, d. James and Alethea, Oct. 19, 1786.Alonzo Vining, s. Vining and Clarrissa, July 25, 1824.

Annor, [twin] d. Jesse and Esther, Sept. 30, 1792.Bishop, s. James and Elisabeth, Oct. 15, 1791.David, s. James and Alethea, May 25, 1785.David Boies, s. David and Julia, Nov. 4, 182 1.

Elisabeth, d. James and Elisabeth, Sept. 17, 1793.Elisha, s. Elisha and Ruth, Oct. 20, 1775.Esther, [twin] d. Jesse and Esther, Sept. 30, 1792.

James, s. James and Sarah, Aug. 21, 1776.

James Henry, s. Vining and Clarrissa, Feb. 26. 1828.

Jesse, s. Elisha and Ruth, July 7, 1764.

Julia A., d. Nathaniel H. and Esther (b. Peru), Sept. 20, 1849.Lucy, d. Elisha and Ruth, Sept. 5, 1769.Lydia, d. Elisha and Ruth, July 8, 1766.

Mary, d. Jesse and Esther, Mar. 20, 1797.Nathaniel, s. James and Elisabeth, May 17, 1795.Olive Cheene, d. James and Olive, June i, 1779.Sarah, d. Jesse and Esther, Nov. 30, 1794.Sarah Elizabeth, d. Vining and Clarrissa, Jan. 17, 1820.

Vining, s. James and Eli[sa]beth, June 6, 1790.William Bishop, s. James and Elisabeth, Feb. 16, 1799.William Hunter, s. Vining and Clarrissa, Sept. 25, 18 16.

SCOT (see Scott), Linus, s. John and Mabel, May 17, 1790.Salla, d. John and Mabel, Oct. 26, 1793.

SCOTT (see Scot), David, s. John and Mabel, Dec. i, 1802.

Elijah Adams, s. John and Mabel, Sept. 28, 1800.

John Allis, s. John and Mabel, May 26, 1798.

Joseph Higley, s. Linus and Minerva, Mar. 22, 1825.

Laurendia, d. John and Mabel, Jan. 22, 1796.

Stillman, s. John and Mabel, Dec. 27, 1791.

SELEY, Elisabeth Gould, d. John and Mercy, June 7, 1797.Ephraim Harden, s. John and Mercy, Aug. 5, 1791.

James, s. John and Mercy, June 8, 1795-Sally, d. John and Mercy, July 12, 1793.

SENNA, Ann Isabella, d. Joseph (b. Canada) and Ann, Dec. 29,


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SEXTON, Norman, s. Elijah and Sybel, Sept. 7, 1795.

SHAW, James Leander, s. Samuel H. and Louisa Mari, Oct. 16,


Rufus, s. Daniel Jr. and Rhoda, May 5, 1773., d. Joshua Jr. (b. Otis) and Ruth I. (b. New Lebanon,

N.Y.), Aug. IS, 1849.

SHORT, Jane Ann, d. Charles and Jane, Oct. 31, 1844.

SIZER, Isabella M., d. Reuben (b. Chester) and Hannah M.,

Jan. 4, 1849.

SMITH, Homer I., s. James (b. Southwick) and Olive, Feb. 28,


SNOW, Abigail Leonora, d. Oliver and Rosetta L., Aug. 23,


Annor Alinda, d. Edmond and Betsey, Mar. 4, 1803.Artemus, s. Amaziah and Sarah, Oct 5, 1799.Benjamin Franklin, s. Franklin and Lydia, Aug. 13, 1805.

Blinn, s. Amaziah and Sarah, Dec. 15, 1797.Charlotty, d. Oliver and Rebeckah, Aug. 19, 1782.

Clarrissa, d. Timothy and Ruth, Oct. 31, 1828.

Clemant, s. Oliver and Roxelena, Mar. 30, 1787.Diadamah, d. Asa and Elisabeth, May 3, 1791.Edmund Sumner, s. Edmond and Betsey, Mar. 17, 1807Edward Crary, s. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 11, 1806.

Elisabeth, d. Asa and Elisabeth, Jan. 14, 1783.Elisabeth, d. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 22, 1787 [sic, see Lydia].

Elisabeth Phebe, d. Ira and Elisabeth, Nov. 24, 1808.

Flavia Clarinda, d. Levi and Lydia, Dec. 9, 1803.Franklin, s. Oliver and Rebekah, Jan. 27, 1779.Frederick, s. Timothy and Ruth, Mar. 21, 1820.

Harriet Cerelia, d. Stephen W. and Abigail H., May 13, 1839.Hastings, s. Oliver and Rebekah, Sept. 23, 1780.

Herkimer, s. Amaziah and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1803.

Ire, s. Asa and Elisabeth, July 21, 1785.Isaac Wadsworth, s. Ira and Elisabeth, Apr. 15, 1807.

James, s. Edmond and Betsey, Mar. 4, 1799.Joanna, d. Timothy and Joanna, Mar. 5, 1782.

Joanna Sarepta, d. Timothy and Ruth, Sept. 23, 1824.

John Alonzo, s. Ira and Elisabeth, Sept 10, 1813.

Lecety [?], d. Oliver and Roxelena, Oct 8, 1789.

Levi Rudd, s. Levi and Lydia, Aug. 29, 1793-

Loring, [twin] s. Oliver and Roxalany, Jan. 21, 1796.

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Snow, Lucy Minerva, d. Levi and Lydia, Dec. 4, 1800.

Lury, [] d. Oliver and Roxalany, Jan. 21, 1796.Lury, d. Franklin and Lydia, Mar, 11, 1807.

Lydia, d. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 20, 1787 [sic, see Elisabeth].

Lydia, d. Amaziah and Sarah, Feb. 14, 1792.Lysander Rochester, s. Edmond and Betsey, Sept. 20, 18 12.

Marvin, s. Amaziah and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1796.Mary Marilla, d. Ira and Elisabeth, Aug. 5, 1820.

Nancy Adaline, d. Ira and Elisabeth, Apr. 30, 18 18,

Nathan, s. Nathan and Thankfull, Feb. 27, 1793.Olive Chastina, d. Timothy and Ruth, Aug. 3, 18 17.

Partridge, s. Asa and Elisabeth, May 31, 1799.Ralph Rensallaer, s. Ralph and Thankful, Apr. 17, 1809.

Rebeckah, d. Oliver and Rebeckah, May i, 1784.

Roxey, d. Oliver and Rebeckah, Nov. 22, 1776.

Roxey Eliza, d. Oliver and Rosetta L., Jan. 21, 1804.

Ruth, d. Levi and Lydia, Mar. 17, 1791.

Ruth Susanna, d. Timothy and Ruth, Nov. 30, 18 14.

Sarah, d. Amaziah and Sarah, May 3, 1794-

Sarah Corlinda, d. Stephen W. and Abigail H., June 29, 1832.

Seth, s. Asa and Elisabeth, Mar. 15, 1788.

Sibel Caroline, d. Ira and Elisabeth, Apr. 7, 1811.

Stephen Wadsworth, s. Asa and Ehsabeth, May 27, 1796.

Susanna, d. Timothy and Joanna, Jan. 30, 1786.

Thankfull, d. Nathan and Thankfull, Oct. 11, 1787.

Theda, d. Levi and Lydia, Dec, 3, 1788.

Timothy, s. Timothy and Joanna, Mar. 8, 1784.

Timothy Faber, s. Timothy and Ruth, Mar. 23, 1813,

Watson, s. Amaziah and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1790.

, twin s. Edward C. and Emily B., Nov. 8, 1845.

, twin d, Edward C, and Emily B., Nov. 8, 1845,

SOWL, Ruth Miriam, d. Jonathan W, and Harriet M., June 23,


SPARKS, Adaline [in pencil], d. Stores and Harriet, Apr. 25,


SPENCER, Almira Prudence, d. Gurdon and Clarissa, May 4,


David Southworth, s. Gurdon and Prudence, Dec. 30, 1805.

Lydia Goold, d. Gurdon and Clarissa, Oct 6, 1811,

Matilda, d. Gurdon and Prudence, June 21, 1804,

Seneca, s, Gurdon and Clarissa, Dec, 20, 18 13.

William, s. Gurdon and Clarissa, Nov, 11, 18 15,

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STARR, Timothy, s. Patrick (b. Ireland) and Joanna (b. Ireland),

June 23, 1849.

STEVENS, Betsy, d. Thomas and Lucy, Aug. 8, 1796.

Hannah Amanda, d. William D. and Hannah F., Jan. 4, 1823.

Lucy Emeline, d. William D. and Hannah F., Feb. 7, 1825.

William Dart, s. Thomas and Lucy, Nov, 28, 1793.William Joseph, s. William D. and Hannah F., Jan. 12, 182 1.

STEWART, George, s. Alexander and Ame, July 27, 1753.

Matthew, s. Alexander and Ame, Dec. ii, 1757-

STREATOR (see Streeter, Streetor), Amelia, d. Alpheus and

Anna, Feb. 24, 1802.

Aurora, d. Alpheus and Anna, Mar. 20, 1800.

Elisabeth Anna, d. Alpheus and Anna, Mar. 8, 1798.

Lois, d. Alpheus and Anna, May 23, 1804.

Marietta, d. Alpheus and Anna, Mar. 23, 1806.

Polly, d. Alpheus and Anna, Apr. 22, 1784.

Susanna Clarissa, d. Isaac H. Jr. and Clarissa, June 22, 1807.

STREETER (see Streator, Streetor), Elisabeth, d. John andElisabeth, Mar. 27, 1785.

Joab, s. John and Margaret, Feb. 7, 1767.

John, s. John and Elisabeth, Sept. 21, 1786.

Nathan, s. John (Streetor) and Margaret, July 12, 1763.

STREETOR (see Streator, Streeter), Alpheus, s. John andMargaret, Apr. 29, 1765.

Amasa Sandys, s. Nathan and Naomey, Sept. 7, 1790.Anne, d. Nathan and Naomey, Apr. 22, 1792.Daniel, s. John and Margarett, Apr. 27, 177 1.

Elizebeth, d. John and Margaret, Mar. 31, 1773.Levi, s. John and Margaret, Mar. 8, 1769.Nathan, s. Nathan and Naomey, Apr. 12, 1789.Sallah, d. Nathan and Naomey, Dec. 17, 1793.

STUART (see Stewart).

TAYLOR, Catherine, d. John and Amanda, Mar. 2, 1846.Ezra, s. Eldad and Esther, Jan. 8, 177 1.

Jenette, d. Henry A. and Catharine, Oct. 19, 1845.Timothy Lewis, s. Lewis, Aug. 22, 1831.

, d. William F. (b. Middlefield) of Springfield, andIsabella D., Sept. 10, 1849.

THOMAS, George Milton, s. George and Rowena, May 15, 1809.

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Thomas, Hannah Elisabeth, ch. George and Rowena, May i6,

1827.Henry Albert, ch. George and Rowena, Oct. 24, 1830.Isaiah, ch. George and Rowena, July 8, 18 13.

Manna Lorenzo, ch. George and Rowena, Aug. 22, 181 1.

Mary, d. George and Rowena, Aug. 23, 18 15.

Rowena, d. George and Rowena, May 14, 18 10.

Sarah, ch. George and Rowena, Sept 5, 1817.

Welthy Ann, ch. George and Rowena, Aug. 19, 1823.

THOMPSON, Sarah S., d. Timothy (b. Killingly, Conn.) andChloa S. (b. Russel), June 9, 1848.

TURNER, Charles, s. William B. and Rhoda C, May 13, 1844.Lewis I., s. William B. (b. Sandlake, N.Y.) and Rhoda C. (b.

Tolland), Nov. 9, 1849.

, d. W[illia]m B. and Rhoda, Jan. 12, 1846.

VAN DEUSEN, , d. Merrit and Mary, Mar. 2, 1846.

VIETS, Beulah, d. Henry and Beulah, Nov. 23, 1769.Beulah, d. Henry and Beulah, Nov. 6, 1775-Chloe, d. Henry and Bulah, May 25, 1764.

Chloe, d. Henry and Bulah, May 18, 1765.Eunice, d. Henry and Bulah, Feb. 20, 1767.Henry, s. Henry and Bulah, Jan. 16, 1772.

WADSWORTH, Achsah, d. Seth and Isabel, Apr. 4, 1794.Albert Orson, ch. Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], Aug. 27, 18 19.

Anna, ch, Seth [and Isabel], Oct. 19, 1806.

Arvilla, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Oct. 21, 1804.

Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 12, 1774.

Charity Emeline, d. Joseph and Lydia, May i^, 18 16.

Clarysa, d. Benjamin and Olive, Aug. 3, 1781.

David, s. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 9, 1769.

David, s. Jonathan Jr. and Deidamia, Oct. 8, 1777.David, s. Jonathan and Didamy, July 24, 1780.

David Luther, ch. Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], June i, 1825.

Elijah Milford, ch. Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], Feb. 9, 1815.

Elisabeth, d. Jonathan and Rebekah, June 24, 1759.Francis Livingston, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Sept 11, 1808.

Francis Sage, ch. Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], Apr. 27, 182 1.

Henophon, s. Seth and Isabel, Nov. 30, 1792.

Isabel, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Dec. 7, i8ro.

Jabez, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Dec, 13, 1755.Jabez Lorenzo, ch. Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], Aug, 27, 1813.

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Wadsworth, James Stilman, s. Joseph and Lydia, Mar. 23, 1808.

John, s. Benjamin and Olive, Dec. 15, 1772.

Jonathan Dwight, ch, Seth [and Isabel], May 12, 1797.Joseph, s. Benjamin and Olive, July 20, 1784.Lavfton, s. Jonathan Jr. and Diadamy, June 24, 1785.

Lydia Alvira, d. Joseph and Lydia, Jan. 29, 1810.

Martha Celinda, twin d. Joseph and Lydia, July 6, 18 14-

Marvel Bliss, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Mar. 9, 1796.Mary Amanda, d. Seth and Miranda, Nov. 10, 1819.

Mary I., d. Stephen S. and Mary E. (b. Peru), June 20, 1848.

Meriam, d. Joseph and Rosuba, June 24, 1772.Milo Lawton, s. Lawton and Nancy Rowena, Oct. 2, 1807.

Olive, d. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 3, 177 1.

Olive, d. Benjamin and Olive, Jan. 27, 1779.Olive Celina, twin d. Joseph and Lydia, July 6, 1814.

Oliver Sardine, ch, Lawton [and Nancy Rowena], May 21, 1809,

Philander Osden, s. Seth and Miranda, Apr, 10, 181 2.

Rebeckah, d, Rozuba, Aug. 5, 1774.Ruth, d. Benjamin and Olive, June 12, 1789.Sally Harris, d. Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 13, 18 18,

Samuel, s, Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 9, 1770.Sarah, d. Jonathan and Rebekah, June 20, 1762.Sarah, d. Benjamin and Olive, July 7, 1776.Sarah Amanda, d. Joseph and Lydia, May 28, 1812.

Seth, s. Jonathan and Rebekah, Sept. 10, 1766.Stanley Waters, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Aug. 4, 1802,

Willard Jonson, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Jan. 4, 1801,

Zelophehad, ch. Seth [and Isabel], Jan. 2, 1799., d. Jonathan W. and Angeline, Feb. 23, 1846.

WAIT, Adah, d. Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 31, 1756.Clada, d. Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 4, 1766.Daniel, s. Daniel and Hannah, May 18, 1773.Huldah, d. Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 10, 1761.Kinsman, s. Daniel and Hannah, May i, 1758.Loass, d. Daniel and Hannah, July 26, 1769.

WALDEN, Hannah, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, June 7, 1764.Rozel, s. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, May 13, 1766.

WALKER, Alanson, s. John and Marcy, Dec. 18, 1774.Diadamy, d. John and Marcy, Aug. 13, 1773.Elijah, s. Henry and Peneuel, June 8, 1765.Elisabeth, d. Henry and Peneuel, July 11, 1762,Ely, s. Timothy and Elisabeth, Nov. 7, 1767,

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Walker, Eunice, d. Henry and Peneuel, Sept 6, 1756,Ezra, s. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Feb. 6, 1773.Justus, s. Timothy and Elisabeth, Nov. 11, 1765.Lovice, d. Jonathan and Margarit, Aug. 30, 1764.Iiovine, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Nov, 15, 1775.Lucy, d. Jonathan and Margarit, May 15, 1760.Lucy, d. Jonathan and Margarit, July 5, 1762.

Lydia, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1759.Lydia, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, July 11, 1762.

Marcy, d. John and Marcy, Feb. 22, 1777.Margaret, d. Henry and Peneuel, Nov. 23, 1767.Orpha J., d, Ephraim and Emily (b. Russel), Oct 13, 1848.

Rachel, d. Timothy and Elisabeth, Apr. 16, 1761.

Rhoda, d. Henry and Penuel, Nov. 17, 1760.

Silas, s. Timothy and Elisabeth, Jan. 21, 1764.Stephen, s. Henry and Peneuel, May 21, 1758.Susanna, d. Jonathan and Margarit, Jan. 5, 1767.Wareham, s. Timothy and El[i]zabetii, Jan. 21, 1769.Zebulon, s, Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Aug. 10, 1777.

, s. Ephraim and Louisa R., Nov. 5, 1844.

WARD, Elizabeth, d. Seth and Mary, June 7, 1803.

WATERS, James, s. Patrick (b. Ireland) and Catharine (b.

Ireland), Apr. 29, 1849.

WEBB, Ann I., d. James (b. Otis) and Clarissa L. (b. Otis),

July 18, 1848.

WEBSTER, Charles, s. Jacob and Mary E., Feb. 2, 1845.

WHITE, Achsa Amanda, d. Lansford and Betsy, Feb. 4,


WILLIAMS, Charles Edgar, s. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, Oct.

29, 1836.

C)mthia Ann, d. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, Sept. 27, 1827.

Henry Franklin, s. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, July i, 1834.

Leonard Wilson, s. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, May 27, 1822.

Lucien Bennet, s. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, Feb. 3, 1825.

Lydia Ermina, d. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, Mar. 12, 1832.

WOOD, Samuel Watkins, s. Simeon and Rebecca, Nov. 15,

1798.Sarah D., d. John (b. Sutton, Vt.) and Sarah A., Jan. 26,


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WORDING, George H., s. Gilbert (b. Chester) and Amanda,Aug. 1 6, 1849.

, s. Gilbert and Amanda, Jan. 3, 1846.


-, Lydia, w. Abijah Clark, Apr. 12, 1779.-, Judith, second w. Abijah Clark, Sept. 25, 1786.

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ABBE (see Abbey), Roger of Patridgfield, and Hannah Fergu-

son, int. May 18, 1789.

ABBEY (see Abbe), Gemima and Samuel Ferguson, int. Nov. 3,


ABBOT, Hannah [int of Chester] and Samuel Chapman, Apr. 2,


James N. of Cobleskill, N.Y., and Sophronia [int. Sophrona]Kingsley, Dec. 28, 18 17.

ADAMS, Barnabas and Sarah Kingsley, int. Nov. 12, 1768.

Barnabas and Tammy Chaplin, Jan. 14, 1796.

Betsy [int Elisabeth] and Ezekiel Blair, Feb. 15, 1797.

Chester A. and Catharine Woodworth, int. Aug. 23, 1840.

Ebenezer Jr. and Mary Carpenter, Apr. 30, 1771.

Ebenezer and Betsy GLfford, int. Oct. 6, 1804.

Elisha and Betsy Hurd, int. Aug. 26, 1805.

Mary and Isaac Mills, Nov. 28, 1805.*

Mary [int. adds wid.] and Ephraim Gibbs, Nov. 26, 18 12.

Mercy and Uriah Root, Feb. 15, 1802.

Minerva A. and Watson L. Colton, Dec. 31, 1840.

William L. and Sarah C. Dewey, June 26, 1832.

ALFORD (see Allford), Elijah and Olive Higley, Oct. ii, 1779.*

Elijah Jr. and Betsy Little, int. [rec. between Mar. 3 1 andAug. 20, 1806].

Hannah, wid., and James Gaines, int. May 7, 1775.Olive and Amos Perkins, int. Feb. 6, 1805.

ALLEN (see AUin).

ALLFORD (see Alford), Eunice of Simsbory, and Jonas Childs,

int. Nov. I, 1765.

* Intention not recorded.


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ALLIIT, Eunice and Ashbel Stevens [int. Stearns] Avery, Oct.

26, 1800.

John J. and Maria Church, int. Dec. 26, 1826.

Lucy [int Allen] and Austin Barber, Mar. 20 [int. Mar. 25, sic],


AMES (see Eames), Abner I. and Eliza W. Prentiss, int. Apr. 16,


Azubah C., 18, d. Joel Jr., and Henry Taylor, Nov. 4, 1844.

Eliza Jane and Miles Harris, Dec. 21, 1842.

Irene and W[illia]m Printis, Apr. 18, 1838.Isaac [int. Eames] and Mary Ann Mansfield, Apr. 25, 1808.

Isabella D., 24, d. Joel Jr., and William F. Taylor, Nov. 26, 1848.

Joel [int. Jr.] and Lucy Nichols, Oct. 16, 181 7.

Jonathan and Laura Bestow, Feb. 18, 1830.

Jonathan and Marietta E. Blair, Jan. 6, 183 1.

Phillip [int. Eames] of Washington, and Beulah [int. Beaulah]Messenger, Dec. 28, 1814.

Pliny and Abigail K. Nichols, Feb. 21, 1822.

Putnam and Caroline Little, Dec. 15, 1827.

Putnam and Minerva DEtte Benham, int. Dec. 8, 1844.Samantha [int. Semantha] M., 20, d. Justin M., and Joshua

Barnard Jr., Feb. i, 1847.

ARNOLD, Josiah C. of Stockbridge, and Laura Childs, May 10,


ASHLEY, Marcy of Washington, and Nathan Birchard, int. Jan.

20, 1792.

ATTWELL (see Atwel, Atwell), Hezekiah and Sarah Grahams,int. May 26, 1770.

Joseph and Merilla Millard, int. Nov. 22, 1793.

ATWEL (see Attwell, Atwell), Polly and David Cooper, Apr. 15,


ATWELL (see Attwell, Atwel), EUsabeth and Jesse Blakle, Apr.21, 1791.*

AUSTEN (see Austin), John and Hannah Kingsley, Sept. 21,


AUSTIN (see Austen), Caroline, 29, d. John, and FrederickClark, Dec. 31, 1846.

Charles E. and Amanda Harris, May 24, 1842.

* Intention not recorded.

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Austin, Emeline and Jesse Johnson, Jan. 15, 1828.

John and Susannah Freeman, Sept. 18, 1788.John and Hannah Smith [int adds wid.], Feb. 28, 1804.John Jr. and Beulah [mt Bulah] Cochran [int. adds wid.], Oct

18, 1813.

Maria and Chester J. Freeland, Dec. 12, 1827.Nathaniel K. [int. Nath Kingsley] and Electa [int. Lecty] Baird,

Dec. 25, 1812.Sarah F., 18, d. Nathaniel K., and Milton S. Jennings, Mar. 24,


Timothy of Chester, and Rebecah [int. Rebecka] Harris, Oct. 22,


William E., 30, s. John, and Emeline Clark, Dec. 2, 1845.

AVERY, Ashbel Stevens [int. Stearns] and Eunice Allin, Oct26, 1800.

AYRES, Ann and Joseph Foster, int. Aug. 22, 1773.

BABCOCK, Eliza of Blandford, and Charles Walden Conant, int.

June 18, 1827.

Marcy and Perry Rathbone, July 24, 1782.*

Stephen of Blandford, and Patia Marcy, Jan. 20, 1801.*

BACON, Hannah and Edward Crane, int Dec. 18, 1824.

Hannah and Marvel B. Wadsworth, Dec. 29, 1825.

BADGER, Jerusha of Partridgfield, and Dr. Oliver Brewster,

May 27, 1781.*

BAILY, Ozias B. [int. Bailey], 23, s. Ebenezer (Bailey) andLaura Barnes, Aug. 27, 1846.

BAIRD (see Beard), Abigail [int Abbigail] E., 21, d. Kendall

and Lucinda, and Henry C. Wilson, June 14, 1849.

Almena and Gjorge M. Thomas, int. Apr. 18, 1835.

Bidwell and Sophy Cheney, int Mar. 3, 1823.

Chester and Rebekah Kimberly, int Mar. 31, 1808.

Clarissa H. and Samuel Bell, int. Feb. 7, 1825.

Corinthia E. and Joseph Sturges, int June 29, 1839.

Deborah and Ebenezer Rudd, Sept 8, 1829.

Electa [int Lecty] and Nathaniel K. [int Nath Kingsley] Austin,

Dec. 25, 1812.

Elizabeth Ann [int Elisabeth Anna] and Abraham Perry [int

Jr.], Dec. 21, 1820.

Eunice M. and Joel H. [int. omits H.] Norton, Dec. 23, 1835.

* Intention not recorded.

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Baird, Kendal Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Lucinda Chaffe, Oct. lo,


Lydia and David Stedman, July 5, 18 12.

Robert A., 28, b. Otis, of Pittsfield, s. Robert and Thankful of

O., and Eliza Messenger, Mar. 27, 1849.Robert H. and Thankful Streeter [int. Streator], Mar. 25, 181 7.

Samuel H. and Mary S. Jennings, int. Oct. 11, 1823.

William T., 31, s, Kendall, and Jane E. Hamlin, Mar. 16, 1847.

BAKER, Hannah and Stephen Wadsworth, int. Apr. 23, 1775.

BALCH, Ebenezer and Salla [int. Salah] Birchard, Oct. 4, 1791.

Joseph [int. Baulch] and Mary Watson, Sept. 21, 1786.

BALIS, Peter, 23, b. Canada, s. Peter, and Talie Bogah, Dec.

29, 1849.

BALLOU, Joseph and Mary Harris, int. Dec. 27, 1840.

Joseph and Sally Barnes, Mar. 24, 1844.Mary Ann of Peru, and Alden Cushman, int Dec. 22, 1832.

BARBER, Austin and Lucy Allin [int. Allen], Mar. 20 [int.

Mar. 25, sic], 1828.

Lydia of Otis, and Alvah Kingsbury, Nov. 26, 1812, in Otis.*

Orson C, 26, b. N.Y., s. Josiah of N.Y., and Hellen Thayr [int.

Thayer], Oct. 25, 1849.Phileta and Manna Case, Jan. 7, 1802.

Ruby and Lemuel Eames, Sept. 3, 1795.Sally and Israel Whitcomb, Nov. 20, 1790.Solomon and Jemima Phelps, int. Mar. 16, 1805.Solomon and Cynthia Phelps, Apr. 23, 1807.

BARDEN (see Burden).

BARLOW, Lydia R. of Lee, and Harry Bowen, int. Oct. 13,


BARNARD, Joshua Jr., zo, s. Joshua, and Samantha [int. Se-mantha] M. Ames, Feb. i, 1847.

Mary P. [int. omits P.], 30, d. Joshua, and Alexander C. Stevens,May 27, 1847.

BARNES (see Bams), Amanda, 22, d. Nathan and Lucy, andJonathan Taylor, June 22, 1845.

Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth Barns] and Henry Taylor, Sept 18,


Ezekiel and Fanny Johnson, May 28, 1795.* Intention not recorded.

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Barnes, Hannah of Brookfield, and Moody Johnson, int. Dec.12, 1797.

Julia and Milton H. Coats, int. Apr. 17, 1847.Laura, 19, d. Nathan, and Ozias B. Baily [int. Bailey], Aug. 27,


Milton, 21, s. Nathan and Lucy, and Sarah A. Phelps, Mar. 3,1846.

Sally and Joseph Ballou, Mar. 24, 1844.

BARNS (see Barnes), Moses and Rachel Horskins, int. Nov. 6,

1792.Nathan and Lucy Messenger, Mar. 27, 1822.

Rachel 2d and John Norcott, Mar. 7, 18 14.Silas and Almira Chiles, int. Dec. 25, 1835.Sumner and Persis Kent, int. Jan. 26, 1825.Sybil [int. Sybel] and Lewis Miller, Mar. 13, 1823.

BARSTOW (see Bestow).

BARTLET (see Bartlett), Joshua Woodward of Blandford, andHannah Hall, Jan. 11, 1803.*

Lucretia F. and Sewal T. Mack, Aug. 20, 1822.

BARTLETT (see Bartlet), Polly of Loudon, and Samuel Kibbe,

Jan. 3, 1804.*

BAYARD (see Baird, Beard).

BEARD (see Baird), Aaron of Bethlehem, and Sarah Cole, Oct.

16, 1803.*Amos and Hannah Walker, int Feb. 13, 1766.

Asa and Abigail Birchard, July 13, 1778.*

EEsabeth of Bethlehem, and Nathan Panes, May 5, 1801.*

Lucy and Hezekiah Sumner, Dec. 22 [1805].Moses and Mary Cochran, Apr. 12, 1787.*

BELL, James of Chester, and Nancy Lester, Dec. 17, 1801.

John C. of Blandford [int. of Chester], and Anna Stewart, Apr.

16, 1809.Samuel of Washington, and Clarissa H. Baird, int Feb. 7, 1825.

William of Chester, and Samantha Gibbs, Mar. 31, 183 1.

BENHAM, Minerva DEtte of Chester, and Putnam Ames, int.

Dec. 8, 1844.

BENTON, Allen of Otis, and Didamia Walker, int. Dec. 24,

1820.* Intention not recorded.

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BESTOW, Laura and Jonathan Ames, Feb. i8, 1830.

BIDWELL, Melissa and Ezra Hamilton, Nov. 29, 1827.Miles W. and Sally Thomas, int. Dec. 26, 1826.

BIGELOW, Sally of Chester, and Edward C. Snow, int. Aug. 2,


BIRCHARD, Abigail and Asa Beard, July 13, 1778.*

Betsey and Walter Cook, Mar. 5, 1793.Carline and Zibedee Goodwin, Nov. 5, 1783.*Levi and Naomi Watson, Nov. 6, 1783.*Lydia and Abel Dewey, int. May 21, 1775.Nathan and Marcy Ashley, int. Jan. 20, 1792.Phebe and Stephen Nichols, Dec. 16, 1793.Salla [int. Salah] and Ebenezer Balch, Oct. 4, 1791.

BIRNIE, Ann and William Liman [int. Leman], Aug. i, 1838[int. July 29, 1839, •''^'^]-

William and Sarah L. Perkins, Feb. 4, 1841.

BISHOP, Lucy, Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.], of Blandford, and Capt.

[int. omits Capt.] Jonas Childs, Mar. 13, 1800.

BLAIR, Alexander Jr. of Blandford, and Eunice Kingsley, int.

May 20, 1807.

Caleb P. and Lucretia Knox, Apr. 26, 1832.

Dolly and Robert Henry, May 18 [1797].Ezekiel of Western, and Betsy [int. Elisabeth] Adams, Feb. 15,

1797.Marietta E. and Jonathan Ames, Jan. 6, 183 1.

Thompson and Esther Perkins, Mar. 11, 1795.

BLAKELY (see Blakle).

BLAKLE, Jesse and Elisabeth Atwell, Apr. 21, 1791.*

BLUSH, Semantha of Lenox, and Alexander Clark, int. Jan. 15,182 1.

BODRO, Arriett, 19, and Francis Pazo, Oct. 13, 1847.

BOGAH, Sophia, 18, b. Canada, d. Joseph, and John Jaques[int Jaug], Sept. 28, 1848.

Talie, 15, b. Canada, d. Joseph, and Peter Balis, Dec. 29, 1849.

BOGUE, Samanth [int Samantha] and John Moses, Feb. 23,1824.

* Intention not recorded.

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BOIES, Julia of Blandford, and David Rudd, int. Oct. 2, 1820.

BOWDITCH, Mary H. and Isaac S. Wadsworth, Nov. 8, 1830.

BOWEN, Harry and Lydia R. Barlow, int. Oct. 13, 1815.

John and Sally Whitney, int. Nov. 18, 181 6.

Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] May and Micah Higley, Sept 13,


BOYCE (see Boies),

BRADLEY, Henry M. and Phidelia Dorman, int. Mar. 14, 1844.

BRADNER, Samuel D. and Louiza B. Holland, int. Oct. 22,


BRAKENRIDGE (see Breakenridge, Breckenridge), Francis [int.

Breckenridge] of Otis, and Zillah Millard 2d, Feb. 22, 1820.

BREAKENRIDGE (see Brakenridge, Breckenridge), Mary C. of

Lee, and Wesley C. Foster, int. Nov. 19, 1843.

BRECKENRIDGE (see Brakenridge, Breakenridge), John F. of

Otis, and Julia S. Foster, int. Oct. 4, 1845.

BREWSTER, Amanda and James Judd, May 23, 182 1.

Harmony and Jonathan .Taylor, Sept. 28, 1814.

Jasper and PoUey [int Polly] Briant, Mar. 23, 1792.

John M. [int Milton] and Philena Higley [int Highley], July 5,


Oliver, Dr., and Jerusha Badger, May 27, 1781.*

Orrilla and John Gray Stanley, Jan. 27, 1803.

Pleades [int. Pliades] and John Kingsley, Aug. 25, 1805.

Rowena and Timothy Case Jr. [int omits Jr.], Apr. 26, 1812.

BRIANT, Policy [int Polly of Washington] and Jasper Brewster,

Mar. 23, 1793.

BRIGGS, Joseph, 23, s. Antony, and Sarah E. Thompson, Aug.

27, 1846.

BROGA, Almina R. and Manna L. Thomas, int. Sept 16, 1839.

Andrew and Experience Smith, Sept 16, 1802.

Andrew and Mary Ingraham, wid., int Nov. 16, 1830.

Eunice and Joseph Harris, int. [rec. between Dec. 26,

1814, and Jan. 20, 1815]-

Harriet M. and Jonathan W. Sowie, Feb, 5, 1840.

Huldah and Nathan Harris 2d, int. Oct 15, 1808.

* Intention not recorded.

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Broga, Kinsman W. and Miriam Cole, int. Oct. 4, 1813.

Miriam and Isaac Burden [int. Barden], Nov. 30, 1837.

BROOKER, Eda of Washington, and John Menyfield, int. Apr.

13, 1811.

Samuel of Washington, and Polly Stewart, int. Jan. 9, 1808.

BROWN, Asenath of Lee, and Joseph Wadsworth, int. Feb. 2 7,

1837-David and Mary Walker, Sept. 4, 1 763.*

Elihu Jr. of Chester, and Mary A. Crane, Mar. 23, 1843.Emily of Blandford, and Edward C. Snow, int. Sept. 9, 1833.Hannah and Brewster Harris, Feb. 15, 1803.

Lucy W. of Washington, and Vassal White, int. Sept. 3, 1833.Ruth and Enoch Pomeroy, int. June 14, 1825.

Sabra and Matthias Smith, Feb. 11, 1813.

BRUCE, Abner and Abigail Rowlee, wid., int. Nov. 9, 1777.

BRYANT (see Briant).

BUCK, Alvan of Chesterfield, and Lydia Elvira [int. Almira]Wadsworth, Jan. 9, 1828.

BUEL (see Buell), Tammey [int. Temma] and Joseph Kellogg,Oct 18 [1798].

BUELL (see Buel), Thomas and Susanna Hall, int. Sept. 13[1806].

BURCHARD (see Birchard).

BURDELL, Clarissa and Daniel Streator, Sept. 28, 1800.

BURDEN, Isaac [int. Barden] of Lee, and Miriam Broga, Nov.3°. 1837.

BURTON, Mary O. and James M. Dewey, int. Oct. 29, 1847.Sarah of Chester, and Timothy F. Snow, int. Aug. 30, 1846.

BUSH, Ebenezer and Tabitha Taylor, int. Mar. 13, 1769.Gideon Jr. of Washington, and Susannah [int. Susanna] Mes-

senger, Jan. 4, 1808.

Stephen and Caroline Messenger, June 10, 1771.*Susannah, wid., and Daniel Remington, int. July 14, 1770.

BUTTON, Nancy and Daniel Lamphere [mt Lamphierl, Feb.28, 1805.

* Intention not recorded.

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CADWELL, Jery and Anna Church [int. adds wid.], Dec. lo, 1835.Perminium D. and Almena Herrick, int. Apr. 4, 1831.

CADY, Hamilton P. of Chatham, N.Y., and Mary C. Perkins,Nov. 8, 183 1.

CAMPBEL (see Campbell), Salla of Chester, and EbenezerNathan Messenger, int. Dec. 12, 1786.

CAMPBELL (see Campbel), Luther W. of Chester, and ElizaA. Cannon, Nov. 25, 1841.

CANNON, Betsey and Prentiss ChafEee, int. Apr, 15, 1833.David and Mary Kelso, Dec. 25, 1834.Eliza A. and Luther W. Campbell, Nov. 25, 1841.Jane of Chester, and Ashley Mann, int. Apr. 19, 1819.

CAREY (see Cary).

CARPENTER, Anne and Edmond Rathbone, Dec. 19, 1782.*Daniel of Stockbridge, and Ruth Snow, Mar. 10, 1807.Deliverance and Josiah Higley, May 4, 1786.Mary and Ebenezer Adams Jr., Apr. 30, 1771.

CARTER, Loammi and Betsey Watkins, int. Apr. 30, 1847.Marcus and Lucy Frary, Dec. 22 [1798].Stephen W. and Rowena Thomas, Sept. 30, 1834.

CARY, Hannah and John Lester, July 26, 1787.

CASE, Aley of Otis, and Amos Miner, Sept. 27, 1813.*Amoret of Otis, and Ira Nichols, " about the time of the annual

Thanksgiving in 1810 " [int. Oct. 17, 1810], in Otis.

Diantha of Simsbury, and Zephaniah Eames, int. May 6, 1800.

Florenna of Otis, and Worthy Pratt, Aug. 27, 18 11, in Otis.*

Hannah and Cyrus Messenger, Mar. 26, 18 15.

Lydia of Loudon, and James Snow Jr., int. Nov. 8, [1802].Manna of Loudon, and Phileta Barber, Jan. 7, 1802.

Ozias and Esther DWolf, May 30 [1797].*

Timothy Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Rowena Brewster, Apr. 26, 1812.

CHADWICK, Israel E. [int. C] of E. Haddam, Conn. [int. of

Blandford], and Nourally [int, Nourila] Messenger, Jan. i,

CHAFEE (see Chaffe, Chaffee, Chaffey, Chaffy), Billings andCharlott Hoskins, int. Aug. 21, 1813.

* Intention not recorded.

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Chafee, Caleb [int. Calvin] and Martha Fletcher, Nov. 8, iSoi.

Jose and Theodotia Fletcher, int. Dec. 8, 1812.

CHAFFE (see Chafee, Chaffee, Chaffey, Chaffy), Abigail [int.

Chafee] and Amos Watkins, Jan. 5, 1809.

Alma and William H. [int P.] Hamblin, Nov. 8, 1830.

Anna H. and Justin M. Fames, Jan. 8, 1824.

Benjamin and Marcey Ellis, Nov. 27, 1783.*

Caleb Judson and Mary P. Geer, int. Dec. 10, 1827,

Jonathan [int. Chafee] and Rebeckah Wadsworth, Nov. 29, 1792.Lois [dup. int. Chaffee] and Joshua Fames, July 4, 1793.Lucinda and Kendal Baird Jr. [int. omits Jr.], Oct. 10, 1827.

Minor [dup. Miner Chaffee] and Lucy Frary, June 7 [dup June

9], 1825.

Newman K. and Elisabeth Phelps, int. [rec. betweenFeb. ig and May 13, 1820].

Thomas Sherman [int. Thomas S. Chaffee] and Elizabeth [int.

EHsabeth] Shaw, Feb. 4, 1829.

Wolcott [int. Wolcot Chafe] and Abigail Kingsley, Apr. 22,


CHAFFEE (see Chafee, Chaffe, Chaffey, Chaffy), Abigail H.and William Clark, Jan. 8, 1833.

Caleb [int. Chaffe] and Elizabeth Davenport, Sept. 19, 18 18.

Knowlton S. and Amelia Shaylor, int. Jan. 2, 1836.Louis I. and Benjamin J. Rogers [int. Rodgers], Oct. 15, 1834.Martha M. and William Hinman, int. June 18, 1831.Nathan M. and Ruth Ann Osborne, int. Feb. 12, 1834.Prentiss and Betsey Cannon, int. Apr. 15, 1833.Theodotia P. and Ray Champlin, int. June 12, 1833.

CHAFFEY (see Chafee, Chaffe, Chaffee, Chaffy), Tho[ma]s andAbigail Knowlton, int. Sept. 15, 1791.

CHAFFY (see Chafee, Chaffe, Chaffee, Chaffey), Deliverance

and Anthony Church, int. Sept 11, 1786.

CHAMPLIN (see Chaplm), Ray of Otis, and Theodotia P.

Chaffee, int June 12, 1833.Susanna [int Champion] and James Phillips, Mar. 28, 1815.

CHANTER, Mamre E. of Lee, and Alanson S. Pomeroy, Jan. i,


CHAPIN, Sally of Richmond, and Abel Dewey Jr., int. Jan. 9,

1809.* Intention not recorded.

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CHAPLIN (see Champlin), Tammy and Barnabas Adams, Jan.

14, 1796.

CHAPMAN, Ambrose and Sabrina Kingsley, Mar. 22, 1810.Arvad and Mary Lester, Oct. 2, 1806.Fanny and Aaron Pinney, Apr. 15, 1802.

Hannah A. and Oliver Rice, int. Sept. 9, 1833.Harry and Sarah Ann Foot, int. Aug. 13, 1817.Horrace and Lois Mason, int. Dec. 12, 181 1.

Lydia E., 20, d. Harry, and Milton H. Johnson, Sept. i, 1847.Mary and John W. Foot, Sept. 28, 1825.Mary Ann and Milton Johnson, Dec. 31, 1829.Samuel and Hannah Abbot, Apr. 2, 1810.

Samuel L. and Abigail H. Lester, Apr. 12, 1842.

Theodore, 22, s. Harry, and Julia E. Wadsworth, Sept. 26,


CHENEY, Sophy of Tyringham, and Bidwell Baird, int. Mar. 3,


CHILDS (see Chiles), Amanda and Robert Millikan, Apr. 18,


Betsy and Lansford White, int. Oct. 30, 1822.

Elizabeth A. and Joseph K. Clark, Apr. 25, 1838.

Eunice and Seth Snow, int. Apr. 25, 1835.Isaac and Polly [int. Mary] Staunton, Aug. 14, 1796.Jonas and Eunice Allford, int. Nov, i, 1765.

Jonas, Capt. [int. omits Capt.j, and Mrs. [int. omits Mrs.] LucyBishop, Mar. 13, 1800.

Jonas H. and Lydia Kingsley, Mar. 19, 18 11.*

Jonathan of Albany, N.Y., and Lucinda Church, Sept. 12, 18 16.*

Laura of Stockbridge, and Josiah C. Arnold, May 10, 1848.*

Lois and Caleb Gleason, Dec. 29, 1789.Sally and Orrin [int. Oren] Hovey, Apr. 19, 1832.

Silas and Esther Ely, int. Feb. 13, 1766.

Stephen and Annah Rudd, Jan. 27, 1814.*

William L., 23, s. Stephen and Annah, and Catharine A. Rogers,

Nov. 14, 1848.

CHILES (see Childs), Almira of Lee, and Silas Barns, int. Dec.

25. 1835.

CHURCH, Anna [int adds wid.] and Jery Cadwell, Dec. 10,


Anthony and Deliverance Chaffy, int. Sept 11, 1786.• Intention not recorded.

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Church, Betsy E. [mt Eliza] and Benjamin F. Noyes, Jan. 7,

1819.Charlotte [int Charlott] and Daniel Ormsby, Mar. 15, 1827.

Hannah and David Putnam [int. Jr.], Feb. i, 1831.

Lucinda and Jonathan Childs, Sept. 12, 18 16.*

Lucinda K and Isaac Putnam, int Apr. 8, 1834.Lydia A., 29, of N.Y., and William E. Messenger, Sept. 4, 1847.

Maria and John J. Allin, int. Dec. 26, 1826.

Mary and Lyman C. Osbom, int. Apr. 8, 1833.

Mercy of E. Granville, and Joseph J. Gibbs, int. Mar. 3, 1837.

Seth H. and Emily S. Putnam, int. Nov. 4, 1833.

CLARE (see Clarke), Abner and Nancy H. Trumbull, Oct. 22,

1834.Alexander and Semantha Blush, int. Jan. 15, 182 1.

Almira of Granville, and John M. Gibbs, int. Sept. 19, 183 1.

Cynthia, wid., of Pittsfield, and.Dea. Enos Kingsley, int. Dec.

22, 1828.

Dillingham and Abigail Walden, July 7, 1795.Elias of Pittsfield, and Hannah Porter, int. Dec. 22, 1776.Elisabeth and Jonathan Rathbun, int. Oct. 10, 1786.

Elisha and Polly McKnight, int. Nov. i [1802].

Eliza and Robert Hunter, Mar. 20, 1823.

Eliza and William L. Kingsley, Nov. 26, 1834.

Eliza A, and Worcester Taylor, Nov. 5, 1840.

Emeline, 20, d. Alexander, and William E. Austin, Dec. 2, 1845.Eunace [int Eunice], 18, b. Blandford, d. Stephen, and Addison

Heath, May 5, 1849.Frederick, 31, s. Abijah and Caroline Austin, Dec. 31, 1846.

Isaac and Anna Mack, int. [rec. between Mar. 31 andAug. 20, 1806].

James of Weathersfield, and Sarah Hubbard, int. Nov. 25, 1769.

Joseph and Mary Clark, Dec. 13, 1796.

Joseph K. of Pittsfield, and Elizabeth A. Childs, Apr. 25, 1838.

Lydia and George Tyler, Nov. 8, 1842.

Mary and Joseph Clark, Dec. 13, 1796.Mary E. of Worthington, and Stephen S. Wadsworth, int. Aug. 21,


Mercy of Chester, and Nathan Parks Millard, int. Oct 30, 1818.

Mercy, wid., of Sandisfield, and Joshua Shaw, int July 27, 1826,

Moses H. and Caroline A. Culver, int. Sept. 10, 1842,

Rebeckah and Alpheus Russel, June 19, 1794.Silas and Phebe Olmsbory, May 16, 1793.

* InteDtioQ Qot recorded.

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Clark, Susan of Otis, and Ambrose A. Bearing, int. Sept. 29,


Susann [int. Susanna] and George Smith, Nov. 23, 1796.Thomas and Pattee Loomis, Feb. 24, 1791.William and Abigail H. Chaffee, Jan. 8, 1833.

CLARKE (see Clark), Edward [int Clark, adds Rev.] of Middle^field, and Julia Hyde, Mar. 12, 1844.

CLEVELAND, Cyrus, widr, [int. Cleaveland, omits widr.J, 44,of Dalton, s. Aaron, and Eliza D. Johnson, May 22, 1844.

CLOUGH, Dimis D. of Springfield, and Daniel A. Dewey, int.

Dec. 14, 1846.

COATS, Milton H. and Julia Barnes, int. Apr. 17, 1847.

COCHRAN, Beulah [int. Bulah, adds wid.] and John Austin Jr.,

Oct 18, 1812.

Mary and Moses Beard, Apr. 12, 1787.*Solomon of Blandford, and Beulah Viets, Oct. 6 [int. Oct. 7, jzV],


COGGSWELL, Sibel and Joseph Higley Jr., Dec. 4, 1803.

COLE, Miriam of Otis, and Kinsman W. Broga, int. Oct. 4, 1813,

Sarah of Bethlehem, and Aaron Beard, Oct. 16, 1803.*

Timothy and Rebekah [int. Rebecca] Crane, June 3, 1830.

COLLISTER, Cyntha [int Cynthia of Blandford] and LebbeusKingsley, Sept 6 [int Sept. 26, sic\, 1804.

COLTON, Watson L. of Blandford, and Minerva A. Adams,Dec. 31, 1840.

CONANT, Abigail Harriet [int H.] and Stephen W. Snow, Sept22, 1831.

Charles Walden and Eliza Babcock, int. June 18, 1827.

Elizabeth [int Elisabeth] and Alpheus C. [int. Clark] RusselU

May 28, 1818.

George Jr. and Hannah Walden, Sept 19, 1784.*

John and Orpha Johnson, int. Nov. 27, 181 1.

Sally M. [int Maria] and Ephraim L. [int Loten] Williams,,

Mar. 27, 1817.

Thatcher and Elizabeth [int Elisabeth] Manley, Mar. 5, 1789.

COOK, Abigail of Otis, and Johnson, May 29, 1812,

in Otis.** Intention not recorded.

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Cook, Dorcase of Loudon, and John Cook, Apr. 19, 1804.*

John of Loudon, and Dorcase Cook, Apr. 19, 1804.*

Walter of Ridgmont, and Betsey Birchard, Mar. 5, 1793.

COOPER, David of Tyringham, and Polly Atwel, Apr. 15, 1795.

CORNISH, Sarah of Hartwood, and William Slone, int. Aug. 22,


COUCH, Bradford M. of Lee, and Lucy L. Davis, Apr. 19, 1842.

CRANE, Abel H. and Anna. Skinner, Nov 14, 1815.Dorastus and Anna Merryfield, int Feb. 15, 181 7.

Edward and Hannah Bacon, int. Dec. 18, 1824.

Edward and Flavia Millard, int. June 17, 1826.

Mary A. and ElUiu Brown Jr., Mar. 23, 1843.Rachel and Enos Kingsley, Nov. 26, 1778.*Rebekah and Samuel Jones, int. [rec. between Feb. 12

and Aug. 24, 1788].

Rebekah [int. Rebecca] and Timothy Cole, June 3, 1830.

Sabrina and Christopher Rogers, Oct. 31, 1820.

Sabrina [Salome, written above in pencil] [int. Salome] andJoseph Rogers, Nov. 17, 1825.

CROSIER, Esther of Peru, and Nathaniel H. Rudd, int. Nov. 1 1,


John, widr., 65, of Peru, s. John of Dedham, and Ruth Osbom,wid., Dec. 18, 1844.*

Lewis, 2 1 [int of Peru], s. Joseph, and Mary A. Snow, Dec. 3 1



CULVER, Caroline A. of Montgomery, and Moses H. Clark, int.

Sept. 10, 1842.

William of Blandford, and Rhoda Gibbs, Sept. 18, 1804.*

CUSHMAN, Alden and Mary Ann Ballou, int. Dec. 22, 1832.

Emily and Russell Freeland, Dec. 31, 181 1.

Marble and Susan W. Haurd, int. Aug. 14, 1832.

PANFORTH, Hannah of Williamstown, and Nathan Whiting,

int July 22, 1787.

DARROW, George and Sarah Walker, int Dec. 22, 1788.

DAVENPORT, Elizabeth and Caleb Chaffee [int Chaffe], Sept

19, 1818.* Intention not recorded.

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DAVIS, Austin and Letitia [int Lettica] Snow, Oct. i6, 1816.Elizabeth and Lorin Harris, June i, 1842.Lucy L. and Bradford M. Couch, Apr. 19, 1842.Lury L. and Orlando S. Higley, int. Mar. 28, 1841.Thankful and Eldad B. Moore Jr., Jan. 31, 1838.

DAVISON, Betsy of Loudon, and Shubel Dimmuck, Dec. 19,1805.*

Sarah of Loudon, and Chandler Frisbe, Mar. 5, 1800.*

Susanna of Loudon, and Richard Pearl, Mar. 29, 1797.*

DEARING, Ambrose A. and Susan Clark, int. Sept. 29, 1831.Nancy and Joseph Kitman, Oct. 20, 183 1.

Pliny S. and Mary I. Sweet, int Oct. 14, 1839.Samuel L. and Lucy D. Goodwell, int. Apr. 3, 1836.

DENISON, John [int. Dennison] of Lee, and Rowena Putnam,Apr. 7, 1830.

Roswel and Roxey Latimer, int. Nov. 7, 1793.

DEWEY, Abel and Lydia Birchard, int. May 21, 1775.Abel Jr. and Sally Chapin, int. Jan. 9 [1809].Alonzo N. and Mary Parks, int May 13, 1820.

Charlotte O. and James L. [int. S.] Leffingwell, Sept. 25, 1843.Daniel A. and Dimis D. Clough, int. Dec. 14, 1846.

Eliza A. and Frederic [int Frederick] W. Seymour, Dec. 3, 1840.

James M. of Westfield, and Mary O. Burton, int. Oct. 29, 1847.Polly and Darius Perkins, June 26, 1808.

Rhoda M. of Westfield, and James W. Smith, int Sept. 16, 1837.

Samuel AUin and Isabel Parks, int. June 15, 1818.

Sarah C. and William L. Adams, June 26, 1832.

Susannah [int. Susanna] and Elijah Ormsby Jr., Oct. 29, 1806.

DE WOLF (see DWolf, Dwolf).

DICKINSON, Harvey E. and Lucinda H. Harris, int. Apr. 22,


DICKSON, Caleb W. and Lydia Merryfield, int Oct 14, 181 6.

DIMMUCK, Shubel of Loudon, and Betsy Davison, Dec. 19,


DIRLAM (see Durlham), John and Sarah Snow, Sept 18, 1781.*

DOOLITTLE, Horace D. of New Lebanon, and Sarah A, Wads-worth, June 29, 1835.

* Intention not recorded.

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DORMAN, Alvah [int. AlvaJ G. of Otis, and Polly A. Reming-ton, Mar. 12, 1833.

Phidelia of Otis, and Henry M. Bradley, int Mar. 14, 1844.

DUNN, Eunice of Granby, and John Nichols Jr., int. Dec. 22, 1795.

DURLHAM (see Dirlam), John Oderick [int. O.] and SarahPasko, Nov. I, 1795.

D WOLF (see Dwolf), Esther of Loudon, and Ozias Case, May30 [1797]-*

Horrac and Anna Hale, mt. [rec. between May 25 andSept. 13, 1803].

James of Otis, and Susanna Smith, Apr. 22 [int. Apr. 24, stc],


Roxey and Ruben King, July 8 [1798].

DWOLF (see D Wolf), James and Naomy Eames, int. Sept. —



EAMES (see Ames), Joel and Azubah Putnam, Dec. 14, 1795.Joshua and Lois Chaffe [dup. int. Chaffee], July 4, 1793.Justin M. and Anna H. Chaffe, Jan. 8, 1824.

Lemuel and Ruby Barber, Sept. 3, 1795.Naomy and James Dwolf, int. Sept. —, 1786.

Polly and Benjamin Wadsworth Jr., Apr. 13, 1797.Zephaniah and Diantha Case, int. May 6, 1800.

EDGERLY, Stephen and Lucy Kingsley, Apr. 13, 1817.

EDGERTON, Rebeckah and Nathaniel Kingsley Jr., int. May 5,


ELDRIDGE, Horace [int Thomas] B. of Sterling, Conn., andLaura A. Smith, Feb. 2, 1840.

ELIS (see Ellis), Rowland and PoUey Stebins, int. Feb. 12, 1788.

ELKY, Phebe and Peter Treadwell, Apr. 20, 1809.*

ELLIS (see Elis), Cornelius and Ruth Turner, int. Mar. 10, 1812.

Levi and Lois Snow, Dec. i, 1808.

Manoah Jr. and Deidamia Perry, int. Oct 5, 1802.

Marcey and Benjamin Chaffe, Nov. 27, 1783.*

Salley [int Sally] and Sion Turner, Feb. 16, 1809.

Susanna and Jephtha Turner, int Oct. 11, 1805.

Thankful! [int Thankful] and Jacob Pratt Jr., Dec. 16, 18 11.

* Intention not recorded.

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ELLSWORTH, Laura E. of Blandford, and Lorenzo J. Reming-ton, int. May 3, 1845.

ELY, Esther and Silas Childs, int. Feb. 13, 1766.

FARRA.R (see Farrer), Hannah and Horrace Savary [int. Sav-arah], Mar. 2, 181 7.

FARRER (see Farrar), James Jr. [int. Farrar], 24, of Lincoln,s. James of Lincoln, and Adeline Hyde, Mar, 19, 1845.

FERGUSON, Hannah and Roger Abbe, int. May 18, 1789.Samuel and Gemima Abbey, int. Nov. 3, 1788.Sarah and Abel Pasco, , 1791 [int. Sept. 15, 1792, sic].

FERREL, Armenia of Brookfield, and Samuel Simmons, int.

Mar. 8, 1823.

FERRIN, Lucy and Thomas Stephens, int. Jan. 6, 1793.

FERRIS, Emily and William Morse, int. June 4, 1848.

FERRY, Orpha B., wid. [int. omits wid.], 44, of Chester, d.

Lent Benham and Elizabeth A., and David McEhvain,widr. [int. omits widr.], May 27, 1847.

FILLEY, Leander J., 30, and Julia A. Moore, Sept. 8, 1847.

FINNEY (see Pinney), Polly of Chesterfield, and Peleg Stanton,

int. Apr. 11, 1812.

Sylvanus and Lucy Kingsley, Feb. 22, 1802.

FISK, Melinda and James Harris, May 28, 1840.

FITCH, Elizabeth W. [int. Elisabeth Wales of Toringford,Conn.] and Rev. Joseph L. [int. Lewis] Mills, Sept. 27,1808, in Torringford, Conn.

Fanny and George W. McElwain [int. Esq.], June 28, 1837.

FLETCHER, Jemima of Loudon, and Samuel Underwood, Nov.28, 1799.*

Martha and Caleb [int. Calvin] Chafee, Nov. 8, 1801.

Theodotia and Jose Chafee, int Dec. 8, 1812.

FLINT, Jonas Jr. of Dalton, and Mary Messenger, May 2, 1842.

Rebekah [int. Rebecca] and Simeon Wood, Jan. 4, 1798.

FOOT, Euretta R. of Peru, and Chester Wadsworth, int. Dec.

20, 1840.* Intention not recorded.

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Foot, Hulday of Hartwood, and George Slone, int. Jan. i, 1775.John W. of Wellington, N.Y. [int. of Lee], and Mary Chapman,

Sept. 28, 1825,

Sarah Ann of Lee, and Harry Chapman, int. Aug. 13, 181 7.

FOSTER, Anna and Eli Snow, Apr. 21 [int. Apr. 25, sic], 1795.Emeline [int adds M.] and Julius Meacham, Nov. 23, 1838.

Joseph and Ann Ayres, int Aug. 22, 1773.Julia S. and John F. Breckenridge, int. Oct. 4, 1845.

Mary A. M. and Samuel E. Millard, int. Mar. 8, 1846.

Orestes R. and Louisa A. Norcott, May 25, 1842.

Philena and Warren Millard, Apr. 25, 1826.

Wesley C. and Mary C. Breakenridge, int. Nov. 19, 1843.

William and Eleanor Ward, int May 7, 1804.

FOWLER, Charlotte of Westfield, and Henry Viets Jr., int.

Nov. 16, 1807.

Sirena of Westfield, and Benony Messenger, int Nov. 12, 1805.

FRARY, Abagail [int. Abigail] and David S. Spencer, Sept. 7,


David and Esther Kingsley, Dec. i, 1803.

Lucy and Marcus Carter, Dec. 22 [1798].Lucy and Minor Chaffe [dup. Miner Chaffee], June 7 [dup. June

9], 1825.

Rachel and William Knox, Jan. 28, 1796.*

FREELAND, Chester J. and Maria Austin, Dec. 12, 1827.

Lydia of Blandford, and Warham Loomis, int May 28, 1800.

Russell of Blandford, and Emily Cushman, Dec. 31, 181 1.

FREEMAN, Benjamin and Roxey [int. Roxa] Snow, Sept. 10,

1799.Susannah and John Austin, Sept. 18, 1788.

FRENCH, Lucius of Danube, N.Y., and Malinda [int Melinda]Rudd, Feb. 14, 1825.

FRISBE, Chandler of Loudon, and Sarah Davison, Mar. 5,


FULLER, Arathusa and Isaiah Kingsley Jr., Apr. 23, 1807.Mehitable [int. Jemima of Hebron] and Jesse Rudd, Jan. 9, 1800.Polly and Silas Pinney, Feb. 22, 1802.

GAINES, James of Boston, and Hannah Alford, wid., int May

• Intention not recorded.

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GARY, Moses of Williamstown, and Mary Walker, int. Aug. 24,


G££R, Mary P. of Lenox, and Caleb Judson Chaffe, int. Dec.

10, 1827.

GIBBS, Caroline D. of Blandford, and Timothy F. Snow, int.

Apr. 26, 1840.

Ephraim [int adds Dea.J of Blandford, and Mary Adams [int.

adds wid.], Nov. 26, 18 12.

John of Blandford, and Parcis Moore, Sept. 16, l8o2.*

John M. and Almira Clark, int. Sept. 19, 183 1.

Joseph J. and Mercy Church, int. Mar. 3, 1837.

Lucy and Joshua Heath, int Oct. 14, 18 16.

Orrin W. and Caroline A. Rice, int May 8, 1849.

Rhoda of Blandford, and William Culver, Sept 18, 1804.*

Samantha and William Bell, Mar. 31, 1831.

GIFFORD, Betsy and Ebenezer Adams, int. Oct. 6, 1804.

George A. of Lee, and Lucy L. Meacum [int. Mecum], Nov. 29,


GILLET, Polly and Warren Little, Jan. 6, 1806.

Sabrina and John Flavel Kingsley, Apr. 19, 1804.

GILMER (see Gilmore), Lucretia [int adds A.J and William

Westover, Jan. ii, 1844.

GILMORE (see Gilmer), Darius and Sally Harris, int Oct 27,


Darius and Mary Keys [int Keyes], Apr. 10, 1828.

GLEASON, Caleb and Lois Childs, Dec. 29, 1789.

Elisabeth and Israel Gleason, int June 13, 1795.

Israel and Elisabeth Gleason, int June 13, 1795.

Lydia and Samuel Willey, Apr. 25, 1782.*

Nathaniel and Patty Putnam, int June 13, 1795.

GOODBO, Calvin [int. Goodba], 20, b. Canada, and Elizabeth

Surrazer, Mar. 17, 1849.

GOODWELL, Lucy D. of Stockbridge, and Samuel L. Dearing,

int Apr. 3, 1836.

GOODWIN, Zibedee and Carline Birchard, Nov. 5, 1783.*

GRAHAMS, Sarah and Hezekiah Attwell, int. May 26, 1770.* Intention not recorded.

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GRANGER, Fanny and Jeremiah Hall, int. Nov. 7, 181 2.

GRAVES, Emerancy of Middlefield, and Jarvis Norcott, int.

Sept. 3, 1843.

GREEN, Anna of Ellington, and Elias Jaggar Jr., int. Oct. 25,


HALE, Anna of Tyringham, and Horrac DWolf, int.

[rec. between May 25 and Sept. 13, 1803].

HALL, Hannah of Loudon, and Joshua Woodward Bartlet, Jan.

II, 1803.*

Jeremiah of Tyringham, and Fanny Granger, int. Nov. 7, 1812.

Susanna of Loudon, and Thomas Buell, int. Sept. 13 [1806].

HAMBLIN (see Hamlin), William H. [int. P.] of Lee, and AlmaChaffe, Nov. 8, 1830.

HAMILTON, Clarrissa of Chester, and Amos Whittemore, int.

Apr. 28, 182 1.

Ezra and Melissa Bidwell, Nov. 29, 1827.Sally and George Smith, Aug. 19, 1827.

HAMLIN (see Hamblin), Jane E., 30, of Springfield, d. Stephen,and William T. Baird, Mar. 16, 1847.

HARRIS, Amanda and Chester Johnson, Nov. 24, 1819.Amanda and Charles E. Austin, May 24, 1842.

Brewster [int. of Milton, N.Y.] and Hannah Brown, Feb. 15,


Eunace [int. Eunice] and James M. Robbins, Oct 19, 1841.

James [int. Jr.] and Prudence Harris, Dec. 15, 1802.

James and Melinda Fisk, May 28, 1840.

Joanna and Gad Pomeroy Jr., Mar. 25, 1807.

Jonas and Roxanna I. Heath, int. Jan. 29, 1843.Joseph and Eunice Broga, int. [rec. between Dec. 26, 18 14,

and Jan. 20, 18 15].

Josiah and Charity [int. Charaty] Messenger, Mar. 30 [1807].Lorin and Elizabeth Davis, June i, 1842.

Lucinda H. and Harvey E. Dickinson, int. Apr. 22, 1833.Lydia and Joseph Wadsworth, Apr. 16, 1807.

Mary and Joseph Ballou, int. Dec. 27, 1840.

Miles of Salisbury, Conn., and Eliza Jane Ames, Dec. 21, 1842.Nathan 2d and Huldah Broga, int. Oct. 15, 1808.

Nathan W. and Charity E. Wadsworth, Mar. 31, 1836.* Intention not recorded.

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Harris, Norman and Olive C. Wadsworth, int Aug. ii, 1844.Otis of Plainfield, and Lurana Walker, Oct. 3, 1824.Patty and Bille [int. Billy] Messenger Jr., Dec. 24, 1806.Prudence and James Harris [int. Jr.], Dec. 15, 1802.

Rebecah [int Rebecka] and Timothy Austin, Oct 22, 1801.Roby and Henry R. Webb, Oct. 31, 1822.

Sally and Enos D. Kingsley, Dec. 27, 1815.*Sally of Chester, and Darius Gilmore, int. Oct. 27, 1827.Sarah A., 22, d. Elijah D. and Wolcott H. Strong, July 3, 1848.

HASKINS (see Horskins, Hoskins), Sally of Washihgton, andStephen Wadsworth, int. Oct. 26, 1815.

HATCH, Henry and Lucinda Putnam, int. Apr. 18, 1822.

HAURD (see Hurd), Susan W. of Middleborough, and MarbleCushman, int. Aug. 14, 1832.

HEARSEY (see Hersey), Mary Jane of Wrentham, and AlvahPhelps, int. Aug. 9, 1835.

HEATH, Addison, 21, b. Tyringham, s. of Tyringham,and Eunace [int. Eunice] Clark, May 5, 1849.

Joshua of Tyringham, and Lucy Gibbs, int. Oct. 14, 181 6.

Roxanna I. of Tyringham, and Jonas Harris, int. Jan. 29, 1843.

HEMAN, William of Barkhamstead, Conn. [int. Barkhampsted],and Rebeca Rhoads [int. Rhodes, adds wid.], Dec. 15,


HENRY, Robert of Blandford, and Dolly Blair, May 18 [1797].Susann and Ebenezer Messenger, Mar. 20, 17S5.*

EERRICK, Ahnena of Blandford, and Perminium D. Cadwell,

int. Apr. 4, 1831.

Horris of Washington, and Mary Noble, Jan. 17, 1822.*

HERRIN, Samuel and Zerviah Minor, wid.. May 12 [1806].*

HERSEY (see Hearsey), David of Providence, R.I., and Eliza F.

Mills, Jan. 20, 1839.

HIGLEY, Benjamin and Sally McKown [int. McCown], Sept. 16,


Emily A. and Jos,eph L. Jennings, int. Apr. 29, 1838.

Jesse and Bettey Watson, int. Feb. 12, 1788.

Joseph Jr. and Sibel Coggswell, Dec. 4, 1803.* Intention not recorded.

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HiGLEY, Josiah and Deliverance Carpenter, May 4, 1786.

Micah and Mehitable [int. Mehitabel] May Bowen, Sept. 13,


Minerva and Linus Scott, May 27, 1824.Olive and Elijah Alford, Oct. 11, 1779.*Orlando S. and Lury L. Davis, int. Mar. 28, 1841.

Philena [int. Highley] and John M. [int. Milton] Brewster, July

S, 1813.

Sarah of Simsbury, and James Rudd, int. Nov. 13, 1773.Silas and Deborah Messenger, Oct. 30, 1805.

HINE, William and Hannah Putnam, Aug. 3, 1820.

HINMAN, William and Martha M. Chaffee, int. June 18, 183 1.

HITCHCOCK, John and Arvilla Wadsworth, Feb. 27, 1828.

Zibah [int. Siba] and Jonathan W. Kingsley, Dec. 8, 1824.

HOLCOMB, William H. of Westfield, and Sarah Shaw, Feb. 20,


HOLLAND, Louiza B. of Chester, and Samuel D. Bradner, int.

Oct. 22, 1824.

HOLLISTER, Josiah W. [int. omits W.] of Sandusky [int. San-dusky City], O., and Elizabeth W. [int. Elisabeth A.] Per-

kins, Sept. 8, 1830.

HOPKINS, Daniel W. and Laura Taylor, mt. Jan. 10, 1841.

HORSKINS (see Haskins, Hoskins), Rachel and Moses Barns,int. Nov. 6, 1792.

HOSKINS (see Haskins, Horskins), Charlott and Billings

Chafee, int. Aug. 21, 1813.Lovilla and Partridge Snow, Dec. 2, 1828.

Rosabela [int. Roxabela Haskins] and Joseph Meacham [int.

Mecum], Mar. 13, 1821.

HOVEY, Orrin [int Oren] of Monson, and Sally Childs, Apr.

19, 1832.

HOWLAND, Susan of Lee, and Marshall Johnson, int. Dec. 6,


HUBBARD, Bams of Colebrook, Conn., and Hannorah Phelps,

July 9, 1807, in Loudon.*Sarah and James Clark, int Nov. 25, 1769.

* Intention not recorded.

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HUNT, Preston of Salisbury, Conn., and Betsy Stevens, Dec. 3,1822.

HUNTER, Clarissa of Otis, and Vining Rudd, int. Mar. 29, 1815.Robert and Eliza Clark, Mar. 20, 1823.Sally and Cheney Kingsley, Feb. 7, 1813.

HUNTINGTON, Charles T. and Sarah H. White, int. Mar. 11,


HURD (see Haurd), Betsy of Lee, and Elisha Adams, int. Aug.26, 1805.

HYDE, Adeline, 23, d. Rev. Lavius, and James Farrer [int. Far-rar] Jr., Mar. 19, 1845.

Julia and [int Rev.] Edward Clarke [int. Clark], Mar. 12, 1844.

INGHAM (see Ingraham), Malita of Peru, and Lansford White,int. Aug. 16, 1846.

INGRAHAM (see Ingham), Mary, wid., of Russell, and AndrewBroga, int. Nov. 16, 1830.

ISHUM, Lyman of Pittsfield, and Chastina Johnson, May 18,


IVES, Daniel of Adams, and Mary B. Stanton, Sept. 29, 1840.

JAGGAR (see Jagger), Daniel and Rebecca Snow, int Nov. 8,


Elias Jr. and Anna Green, int. Oct. 25, x8oo.

JAGGER (see Jaggar), Aaron P. [int. Jaggar] and Mercy Seley,

Mar. 30 [int. Mar. 31, sic], [1806].

Sarah and Samuel Taylor, int. May 18, 1789.

JAMES, Clarissa of New Hartford, Conn., and Asa Perkins, int.

Nov. II, 1802.

JAQUES, John [int Jaug], 25, b. Canada, s. Joseph, and Sophia

Bogah, Sept. 28, 1848.

JENNINGS, Hannah F. of Middlefield, and William D. Stephens,

int. Feb. 19, 1820.

Joseph L. and Emily A. Higley, int. Apr. 29, 1838.

Mary S. and Samuel H. Baird, int. Oct 11, 1823.

Milton S., 26, s. Joseph, and Sarah F. Austin, Mar. 24, 1846.

William A. and Caroline Messenger, Dec. 24, 1840.

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JOHNSON, Chastina and Lyman Ishum, May i8, 1842.

Chester of Middlefield, and Amanda Harris, Nov. 24, 18 19.

Eliza D., 35, d. Moody, and Cyrus Cleveland, Avidr. [int. Cleave-

land, omits widr.], May 22, 1844.

Esther H. and Benjamin F. Rice, May 13, 1840.

Fanny and Ezekiel Barnes, May 28, 1795.Hannah and John S. [int. Sumner] Merryfield, Mar. 6, 1827.

Jesse of Chester, and Sarah [int. Sally] Wadsworth, Feb. 25,

1795-Jesse and Emeline Austin, Jan. 15, 1828.

Marshall and Susan Howland, int. Dec. 6, 1833.Moody and Hannah Barnes, int. Dec. 12, 1797.Milton and Mary Ann Chapman, Dec. 31, 1829.

Milton H., 26, s. Milton, and Lydia E. Chapman, Sept. i,

1847.Orpha of Blandford, and John Conant, int. Nov. 27, 181 1.

Patty and Laban Tower, Apr. 19, 1825.

William and Roxelane Moor, int May 12, 1794.. of Hillsdale, N.Y., and Abigail Cook, May 29, 18 12, in


JONES, Daniel R. and Nancy A. Snow, int. Aug. 13, 1837.Eber of Otis, and Betsy Pelton, July 15, 1813, in Otis.*

Esther of Infield, and Jesse Rudd, int. Jan. 20, 1792.Ira W. and Cynthia Rice, int. Sept. 12, 1841.

Jenny of Blandford, and David Miller, June 6, 1805.*

Samuel and Rebekah Crane, int. [rec. between Feb. 1 2 andAug. 24, 1788].

JUDD, James of Lenox, and Amanda Brewster, May 23, 182 1.

KELLOGG, Joseph and Tammey [int Temma] Buel, Oct. 18


KELSO, Elizabeth and Russel [int. Rusel] R. Kingsley, May i,


Mary and David Cannon, Dec. 25, 1834.

KENT, Charlott of Washmgton, and Otis Segar, int. Oct. 27,1828.

George of Washington, and Harriet McCulloch, int. Dec, 8,


John [int. Jr.] of Washington, and Anna A. McCulloch, Sept. i6,


Persis of Washington, and Sumner Barns, int. Jan. 26, 1825.* Intention not recorded.

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KEYS, Benjamin W. [Int Kies] and Almena M. Sweatman,Dec. 8, 1834.

Mary [int. Keyes] and Darius Gilmore, Apr. lo, 1828.

KIBBE, Samuel of Loudon, and Polly Bartlett, Jan. 3, 1804.*

KIMBAL,. Betsy [int. Betsey] and Nathan Nichols, Jan. i, 1807.

KIMBERLY, Rebekah of Bethlehem, and Chester Baird, int.

Mar. 31, 1808.

KING, Anna L. of E. Hampton, and Harvey Phelps, int. Nov.II, 1848.

Justus R. and Sarah Wainwright, int. Oct. 30, 1805.

Ruben and Roxey DWolf, July 8 [1798].

KINGSBURY, Alvah and Lydia Barber, Nov. 26, 1812, in


EIINGSLEY, Abigail and Gedion Messenger, int. Nov. 21,

1771.Abigail and Wolcott Chaffe [ii^t. Wolcot Chafe], Apr. 22, 18 18.

Alva Crary [int. C] and Chloe B. Leonard, Apr. 24, 181 4.

Amos Jr. and Elisabeth Snow, Apr. 21, 1791.Anna and Septimus Witter, Jan. 20, 1796.Bethena and Allin Wilson, Feb. 18, 18 19.

Cheney of Warren, N.Y., and Sally Hunter, Feb. 7, 18 13.

David and Patience Wood, int. July 5, 1773.Eliada and Fanny Lester, Apr. 4, 1804.

Enos and Rachel Crane, Nov. 26, 1778.*

Enos and Sarah Wadsworth, May 24, 1787.

Enos, Dea., and Cynthia Clark, wid., int. Dec. 22, 1828.

Enos D. and Sally Harris, Dec. 27, 18 15.*

Esther and David Frary, Dec. i, 1803.

Eunice and Alexander Blair Jr., int. May 20, 1807.

Hannah and John Austen, Sept. 21, 1786.

Hannah and Alanson Lathrop, Jan. 13, 1825.

Isaiah Jr. of Heartwood, and Margaret Sloan, int. Mar. 23, 1771.

Isaiah Jr. and Arathusa Fuller, Apr. 23, 1807.

Joanna and Timothy Snow, May 30, 1781.*

John and Pleades [int. Pliades] Brewster, Aug. 25, 1805.

John Flavel and Sabrina Gillet, Apr. 19, 1804.

Jonathan W. and Zibah [int. Siba] Hitchcock, Dec. 8, 1824.

Laura A. and Jonathan W. Wadsworth, int. Mar. 20, 1842.

Lebbeus and Cyntha [int. Cynthia] Collister, Sept. 6 [int. Sept26, sic] 1804.

* Intention not recorded.

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KiNGSLEY, Lucy and Sylvanus Finney, Feb. 22, 1802.

Lucy and Stephen Edgerly, Apr, 13, 18 17,

Lydia and Jonas H. Childs, Mar. 19, 18 11.*

Nathaniel Jr. and Rebeckah Edgerton, int. May 5, 1776.Orrissa and Joseph Picket, Feb. 8, 1819.

Rebeccah [int. Rebekah] and Harvey Phelps, Jan. 30, 1826.

Russel [int. Rusel] R. and Elizabeth Kelso, May 1, 1834.

Sabrina and Ambrose Chapman, Mar. 22, 18 10.

Sarah and Barnabas Adams, int. Nov. 12, 1768.

Sarah and Robert Smith, Oct. 29, 1800.

Silas and Anna White, int. Sept 7, 1794.Sophronia [int. Sophrona] and James N. Abbot, Dec. 28, 1817.

Susannah and Simeon Luce Jr., Oct. 5, 1788.

William L. and Eliza Clark, Nov. 26, 1834.

KIRKLAND, Elisha of Blanford [int. Blandford], and Rebekah[int. Rebecca] Snow, Nov. 29, 1804.

Elisha of Blandford, and Hannah Spring, June 8, 1813.*

KITMAN, Joseph of Lee, and Nancy Bearing, Oct. 20, 183 1.

KNOWLTON, Abigail and Tho[ma]s Chaffey, int. Sept. 15,


KNOX, Loring of Blandford, and Nancy Patterson, Mar. 14,


Lucretia and Caleb P. Blair, Apr. 26, 1832.

William of Blandford, and Rachel Frary, Jan. 28, 1796.*

LAMPHERE (see Lamphier), Daniel [int. Lamphier] and NancyButton, Feb. 28, 1805.

LAMPHIER (see Lamphere), Elijah [int. Lamphire] and LucindaMeach [int. Meech], Sept. 11, 1834.

LATHROP (see Lawthrop), Alanson and Hannah Kingsley,

Jan. 13, 1825.

Anna and James Stewart [int. Stuart], Jan. 25, 1826.

LATIMER, Lucinda of Otis, and Judson Wadsworth, int. Oct.

30, 1818.

Roxey of Simsbury, and Roswel Denison, int. Nov. 7, 1793.

LAW, Anson and Hannah Ross, May 8, 1800.

LAWTHROP (see Lathrop), Joseph and Roweney Wills, int.

Aug. 29, 1790.* Intention not recorded.

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LAWTON, Nancy Rowena of Loudon, and Lawton Wadsworth,Oct. 15, 1806, in Loudon.

LEE, Betsey and Elijah Palmer, Dec. 2, 1824.Elisha R. and Fanny L. [int. Louisa] Phelps, Apr. 22, 181 9.

Henry E., 24, s. Elisha R., and Lydia A. Lester, Mar. 28,

1849.Rosubah and Joseph Wadsworth, int. June 7, 1766.Samuel and Bettey [int. Bety] Rudd, Nov. 18, 1790.Zillah of Chester, and Oliver Millard, July 23, 1787.*

LEFFINGWELL, James L. [int. S.] of Ravenna, O., andCharlotte O. Dewey, Sept. 25, 1843.

LEONARD, Chloe B. and Alva Crary [int. C] Kingsley, Apr.

24, 1814.

LESTER, Abigail and Stewart Lester, Sept. 8, 1795.Abigail H. and Samuel L. Chapman, Apr. 12, 1842.

Fanny and Eliada Kingsley, Apr. 4, 1804.

John and Hannah Gary, July 26, 1787.Lydia A., 25, d. Thomas, and Henry E. Lee, Mar. 28, 1849.Mary and Arvad Chapman, Oct. 2, 1806,

Nancy and James Bell, Dec. 17, 1801.

Stewart and Abigail Lester, Sept. 8, 1795.Stewart and Lucy Smith, int. Jan. 2, 1809.

Thomas and Abigail Phelps 2d [int. omits 2d], Apr. 8, 18 18.

LIMAN (see Lyman), William [int. Leman] of Schnectady, N.Y.,

and Anna Bimie, Aug. i, 1838 [int. July 29, 1839, stcj.

LINKON, Silas and Hannah Luce, int. Jan. 2, 1774.

LITTLE, Achsah and Champion Smith, Oct. 30, 1826.

Betsy of Middlefield, and Elijah Alford Jr., int. [rec.

between Mar. 31 and Aug. 20, 1806].

Caroline and Putnam Ames, Dec. 15, 1827.

Warren and Polly Gillet, Jan. 6, 1806.

LLOYD (see Loyd).

LOOMAS (see Loomis), Jehannah of Pittsfield, and HenryWodkins, int. Nov. 4, 1770.

LOOMIS (see Loomas), Pattee and Thomas Clark, Feb. 24,

1791.Warham and Lydia Freeland, int. May 28, 1800.

* Intention not recorded.

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LOTHROP (see Lathrop, Lawthrop).

LOVEJOY, Hannah Maria of Richmond, and Zelophead Wads-worth, int. Dec. 25, 1825.

LOYD, Morris G. of Blandford, and Adelia Stedman, int. Apr.

22, 1833.

LUCE, Abigail and Ezra Rowlee, int. Oct 17, 1773.Hannah and Silas Linkon, int. Jan. 2, 1774.Jerusha and Partrick Slawter, Jan. 20, 1782.*

Simeon Jr. and Susannah Kingsley, Oct. 5, 1788.

LYMAN (see Liman), Anna and Alpheus Streator, Dec. 15,

1796.Cynthia and Justin Spencer, Mar. 31, 1827.

LYON, Elijah of Loudon, and Mary Troop Marcy, Sept. 9,


MACK, Anna of Middlefield, and Isaac Clark, int. [rec.

between Mar. 31 and Aug. 20, 1806].

Sewal T. of Cateraugus, and Lucretia F. Bartlet, Aug. 20, 1822.

MALLERY, Emily, 23, of Ulyssis, N.Y., d. Harry and Harriet,

and Oliver H. [int. W.] Millard, Apr. 26, 1847.

MANING, Olive of Windham, and James Rudd, int. Mar. 8,


MANLEY, Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and Thatcher Conant,Mar. 5, 1789.

MANN, Ashley and Jane Cannon, int. Apr. 19, 1819.Huldah and Josiah Rogers, Apr. 29, 1819.

MANSFIELD, Mary Ann and Isaac Ames [int. Eames], Apr.25, 1808.

MARCY, Mary Troop of Loudon, and Elijah Lyon, Sept. 9,1802.*

Patia of Loudon, and Stephen Babcock, Jan. 20, 1801.*

MASON, Lois of Cheshire, and Horrace Chapman, int. Dec. 12,1811.

MATHER, Newton of Otis, and Dimis Phelps, int Mar. 24,

1834.* Intention not recorded.

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MATTHEWS, Benjamin and Betsey Pearl, int. Mar. 14, 1827.Miranda and Seth Wadsworth, July 17, 1811.

Mcculloch, Anna a. and John Kent [int. Jr.], Sept. 16, 1830.Harriet and George Kent, int. Dec. 8, 1828.

Mary M. [int omits M.] and Harvy [int. Harvey] Owen, Sept

9, 1830.

McDONOUGH, Margaret and John McSweeney, int. Sept 3,


McELWAIN, David widr. [int. omits widr.], 57, s. Timothy andJane, and Orpha B. Ferry, wid. [int. omits wid.], May 27,

1847.George W. [int. Esq.] of Middlefield, and Fanny Fitch, June 28,

1837-Laney of Middlefield, and Reuben Smith, int. Aug. 13, 1817.

Mcknight, Polly of Washington, and Elisha Clark, int Nov.

I [1802].

McKOWN, Sally [int McCown] and Benjamin Higley, Sept.

16, 1802.

McSWEENEY, John and Margaret McDonough, int Sept. 3,


MEACH, Lucinda [int. Meech] and Elijah Lamphier [int.

Lamphire], Sept ii, 1834.

MEACHAM (see Meacum), Joseph [int Mecum] and Rosabela

Hoskins [int. Roxabela Haskins], Mar. 13, 1821.

Julius and Emeline [int adds M.] Foster, Nov. 23, 1838.

MEACUM (see Meacham), Lucy L. [int Mecum] and George

A. Gifford, Nov. 29, 1843.

MERRYFIELD, Anna and Dorastus Crane, int Feb. 15, 18 17.

John and Eda Brooker, int Apr. 13, 181 1.

John S. of Washington, and Hannah Johnson, Mar. 6, 1827.*

Lydia and Caleb W. Dickson, int Oct. 14, 181 6.

Oliver and Experience Norcott, int Oct. 10, 1797.

Philena Electa and Samuel Bancroft Sacket, int. Jan. 15, 18 18.

Pleiades and Cyrus Webster, Jan. 11, 18 10.

Richard and Sophia Merryfield, Mar. 21 [1799].

Sophia and Richard Merryfield, Mar. 21 [1799].

Sumner of Washington, and Hannah Johnson, int Feb. 28, 1827.

* Intention not recorded.

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MESSENGER, Benony and Sirena Fowler, int. Nov. 12, 1805.Beulah [int. Beaulah] and Phillip Ames [int. Eames], Dec. 28,

1814.Bille [int. Billy] Jr. and Patty Harris, Dec. 24, 1806.Bille, Col., and Hannah Millikin, wid., int. Oct. 31, 1814.Caroline and Stephen Bush, June 10, 177 1.*

Caroline and Buell Stevens, May 24, 1818.Caroline and William A. Jennings, Dec. 24, 1840.Charity [int. Charaty] and Josiah Harris, Mar. 30 [1807].Cyrus and Hannah Case, Mar. 26, 1815.Deborah and Silas Higley, Oct. 30, 1805.Ebenezer and Susann Henry, Mar. 20, 1785.*Ebenezer Nathan and Salla Campbel, int Dec. 12, 1786.Eliza, 22, d. John and Lucy, and Robert A. Baird, Mar. 27, 1849.Favor and Levi R. Snow, Dec. 6, 182 1.

Gedion and Abigail Kingsley, int. Nov. 21, 177 1.

Hiram and Lyddia Shapley, int Mar. 23, 1771.Hiram 2d and Anner Snow, Nov. 17, 1808.

John and Lucy Putnam, int. Mar. 10, 1802.

John and Lucy Scott, Jan. 29, 18 17.*

Lucina M. and Henophon Wadsworth, Jan. 7, 1819.Lucy and Nathan Bams, Mar. 27, 1822.

Lucy Pamela and William Millikan 2d, Dec. 16, 1819.*

Lydia and Larkin Williams, int. Dec. 20, 1791.Mary and Jonas Flint Jr., May 2, 1842.

Nourally [int Nourila] and Israel E. [int. C] Chadwick, Jan. i,

1833-Sarah, 20, d. John, and J. D. W. Smith, Oct 25, 1848.

Sophia and Nathaniel Rudd 2d, Jan. 15, 1818.

Susannah [int Susanna] and Gideon Bush Jr., Jan. 4, 1808.

William E., 24, s. John and Lydia A. Church, Sept 4, 1847.

MILLARD, Flavia of Middlefield, and Edward Crane, int. June

17, 1826.

Merilla and Joseph Attwell, int. Nov. 22, 1793.Nathan Parks and Mercy Clark, int. Oct 30, 18 18.

Oliver of Chester, and Zillah Lee, July 23, 1787.*Oliver [int. adds L.] and Abigail Nichols, June 4, 181 1.

Oliver H. [int W.], 23, s. Parks and Mercy, and Emily Mallery,

Apr. 26, 1847.Oliver S. and Angeline A. Moore, Mar. 9, 1842.Orion and Mabel Pinney, Dec. 27 [1797].Orrin and Rebecca L. Wood, int Sept 21, 1845.Robert H. and Clarissa Moore, int. July 10, 18 15.

* Intention not recorded.

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Millard, Robert H. and Wealthy Ann Wright, int. Aug. lo,1824.

Sarah A. and John C. Wood, Jan. 6, 1835.Samuel E. and Mary A. M. Foster, int. Mar. 8, 1846.Warren and Philena Foster, Apr. 25, 1826.Zillah 2d and Francis Brakenridge [int. Breckenridge], Feb. 22,


MILLER, David of Blandford, and Jenny Jones, June 6, 1805.*Lewis and Sybil [int Sybel] Barns, Mar. 13, 1823.

MILLIKAN (see Millikin), Robert of Washington, and AmandaChilds, Apr. 18, 18 16.

Robert of Washington, and Sally Wadsworth [int. adds wid.],

Dec. 19, 1821, in Washington.William 2d of Washington, and Lucy Pamela, Dec. 16, 1819.*

MILLIKIN (see Millikan), Hannah, wid., of Washington, andCol. Bille Messenger, int. Oct. 31, 18 14.

MILLS, Asahel and Cynthia [int. Cyntha],Wright, Mar. 7, 1797.Eliza F. and David Hersey, Jan. 20, 1839.Isaac of Nelson, O., and Mary Adams, Nov. 28, 1805.*Joseph H. and Sarah Spalding, int May 23, 1841.Joseph L. [int, Lewis], Rev., and Elizabeth W. [int. Elisabeth

Wales] Fitch, Sept. 27, 1808, in Torringford, Conn.

MINER (see Minor), Amos of Otis, and Aley Case, Sept. 27,

1813, in Otis.*

MINOR (see Miner), Hannah and Jonathan Simpson, Nov. 1


[int. Nov. 12, sic], 1804.

Zerviah, wid., and Samuel Herrin, May 12 [1806].*

MONTGOMERY, John of Blandford, and Rhoda Norton, Nov.

24, 1796.*

MOOR (see Moore), Elijah and Mary Whitcom, int. Mar. —



Roxelane of Southwick, and William Johnson, int. May 12, 1794-

MOORE (see Moor), Almira and Stephen B. Nichols, Jan. 27.


Angeline A. and Oliver S. Millard, Mar. 9, 1842.

Asa and Olive D. Peet, int. May 15, 1842.

Clarissa of Chester, and Robert H. Millard, int. July 10, 1815.

Edward and Hariet Smith, int. Sept. 12, 1836.* Intention not recorded.

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Moore, Eldad B. Jr. and Thankful Davis, Jan. 31, 1838.

Julia A., 22, d. Pliney, and Leander J. Filley, Sept. 8, 1847.Marietta and Isaiah Thomas, Nov. 24, 1841.

Miranda of Southwick, and David Titus, int. Nov. 27, 1798.Parcis of Blandford, and John Gibbs, Sept 16, 1802.*

Sarah and Henry S. Rockwell, int. Dec. 19, 1833.Sophronia [int. Soprona] and Rodolphus Searl, Oct 31, 1822.

MOREY, Sally and Norman Thomas, Nov. 21, 181 1.

MORSE, William of W. Springfield, and Emily Ferris, int June

4, 1848.

MOSES, John of Sandisfield, and Samanth [int. Samantha]Bogue, Feb. 23, 1824.

NASH, Mercy and Lansford White, int. Oct 3, 1841.

NICHOLS, Abigail and Oliver [int. adds L.] Millard, June 4,


Abigail K. and Pliny Ames, Feb. 21, 1822.

Deliverance and Benjamin Pinney, Mar. 14, 1797.Ira and Amoret Case, "about the time of the annual Thanks-

ing in 1810" [int Oct 17, 1810], in Otis.

Irena P. and Seth S. Rockwell, Mar. 12, 1835.John Jr. and Eunice Dunn, int. Dec. 22, 1795.Lucy and Joel Ames [int. Jr.], Oct 16, 1817.

Nathan of Northampton, N.Y., and Betsy [int. Betsey] Kimbal,Jan. I, 1807.

Orion D. and Almira P. Spencer, Nov. 18, 1827.Stephen and Phebe Birchard, Dec. 16, 1793.Stephen B. and Almira Moore, Jan. 27, 1825.

NIMMACKS, Elenor of Blanford, and Henry Walker, int Aug.12, 1768.

NOBLE, Elizabeth M. of Gt Barrington, and Lyman E. Searl,

int. Apr. 19, 1846.

Mary of Washington, and Horris Herrick, Jan. 17, 1822.*

NORCOTT, Experience of Middlefield, and Oliver Merryfield,

int Oct 10, 1797.

Jarvis and Emerancy Graves, int. Sept 3, 1843.

John of Washington, and Rachel Barns 2d, Mar. 7, 1814.

Louisa A. and Orestes R Foster, May 25, 1842.

NORTON, Joel H. and Eunice M. Baird, Dec. 23, 1835.* Intention not recorded.

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Norton, Jonathan Jr. of Otis, and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] P.Snow Mar. 31, 1831.

Rhoda of Loudon, and John Montgomery, Nov, 24, 1796.*

NOYES, Benjamin P. of Newton [int. Newtown], N.Y., andBetsy E. [int. Eliza] Church, Jan. 7, 1819,

NUGEN, Russel [int Newgen] and Caroline Sowle [int. Caroline

J. Soule], Nov. 24, 1829.

OLCOTT, Lydia of Loudon, and Franklin Snow, Nov. 28, 1804.

OLMSBORY (see Ormsby), Phebe and Silas Clark, May 16,


ORMSBY (see Olmsbory), Caleb and Caty Staunton, int. Jan.

15, 1811.

Daniel and Anna Snow, int. May 27, 181 5.

Daniel and Charlotte [int. Charlott] Church, Mar. 15, 1827.

Elijah Jr. and Susannah [int Susanna] Dewey, Oct. 29, 1806.

Elizabeth [int. EKsabeth] and Ira Snow, Sept 18, 1806.

OSBORN (see Osborne), Lyman C. of Otis, and Mary Church,

int. Apr, 8, 1833.

Ruth, wid., 54, of Otis, s. William Chapman of E. Hartford, and

John Crosier, Dec. 18, 1844.*

OSBORNE (see Osbom), Ruth Ann of Otis, and Nathan M.Chaffee, int. Feb. 12, 1834.

OWEN, Harvy [int Harvey] of Otis, and Mary M. [int

omits M.] McCuUoch, Sept 9, 1830.

PALMER, Elijah of Otis, and Betsey Lee, Dec. 2, 1824.

PANES, Nathan of Bethlehem, and Elisabeth Beard, May 5,


PARKS, Isabel of Russell, and Samuel Allin Dewey, int June

15, 1818.

Lois of Ashford, and Tunothy Snow, June 12, 1787.*

Mary of Russell, and Alonzo N. Dewey, int May 13, 1820.

PARSONS, Anselm, 21, of Highgate, Vt, s. Anselm of High-

gate, Vt., and Sophronia S. Remington, Mar. 14, 1846.

PASCO (see Pasko), Abel and Sarah Ferguson, , 179


[int Sept 15, 1792, su].

* Intention not recorded.

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PASKO (see Pasco), Sarah and John Oderick [int. O.] Durl-

ham, Nov. i, 1795.

PATTERSON, Nancy and Loring Knox, Mar. 14, 1809.

PAUL, Michael of Lenox, and Almira Walker, July 10, 1815.

PAZO, Francis, 21, and Arriett Bodro, Oct. 13, 1847.

PEARL, Betsey of Otis, and Benjamin Matthews, int. Mar.14, 1827.

Richard of Loudon, and Susanna Davison, Mar. 29, 1797.*

PEASE, Alexander G., 26, b. Enfield, Conn., of Springfield,

s. Reuben of Enfield, and Amanda H. Stevens, Nov. i,


PEET, Olive D. of Sheffield, and Asa Moore, int. May 15, 1842.

PELTON, Betsy of Otis, and Eber Jones, July 15, 1813, in


Philanda of Loudon, and Seth Root, June 11, 1805.*

PERKINS, Amos of Hebron, Conn., and Olive Alford, int.

Feb. 6, 1805.

Asa and Clarissa James, int. Nov. 11, 1802.

Augustus M. and Ruth S. Snow, Nov. 8, 1838.Benjamin C. [int. Chaplin] and Elisabeth [int. Elizabeth] Anna

Walden, Sept. 15, 1802.

Charles O. and Joanna S. Snow, Apr. 13, 1842.Charles O., widr., 26, s. O. A. and Sarah, and Olive C. Snow,

Feb. II, 1846.

Darius and Polly Dewey, June 26, 1808.

Darius M. and Delia B. Tinker, int. Mar. 19, 1832.Ebenezer W. and Lydia E. Stedman,, Apr. i, 1835.Ehzabeth W. [int. Elisabeth A.] and Josiah W. [int. omits W.]

Hollister, Sept. 8, 1830.

Esther and Thompson Blair, Mar. 11, 1795.Mary C. and Hamilton P. Cady, Nov. 8, 1831.Sarah L. and William Bimie, Feb. 4, 1841.

PERRY, Abraham [int. Jr.] of Lee, and Elizabeth Ann [int.

Elisabeth Anna] Baird, Dec. 21, 1820.

Deidamia of Lee, and Manoah Ellis Jr., int. Oct. 5, 1802.

PETTIBONE, Rocitta of Granby, and Oliver Snow Jr., int.

May 6, 1800.* Intention not recorded.

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PHELPS, Abigail 2d [int. omits 2d] and Thomas Lester, Apr.8, 1818.

Alvah and Mary Jane Hearsey, int Aug. 9, 1835.Benajah of Loudon, and Hannah Thomas, Oct. 28, 1801.*Benjamin and Beulah S. Pitt, int. Mar. 11, 1837.Cynthia and Solomon Barber, Apr. 23, 1807.Dimis and Newton Mather, int Mar. 24, 1834.Elisabeth of Springfield, and Newman K. Chaffe, int.

[rec. between Feb. 19 and May 13, 1820].Fanny L. [int. Louisa] and Elisha R. Lee, Apr. 22, 18 19.Hannorah of Loudon, and Barns Hubbard, July 9, 1807, in

Loudon.*Harvey and Rebeccah [int. Rebekah] Kingsley, Jan. 30, 1826.

Harvey and Anna L. King, int Nov. 11, 1848.

Jemima and Solomon Barber, int. Mar. 16, 1805.Nathan Jr. [int. omits Jr.] and Betsey [int. Betsy] Thomas,

Mar. II, 1816.

Ralph and Esther Rudd, June 3, 1819.Rowena and George Thomas, May 12, 1808.*

Sarah A., 18, d. Harvey and Rebecca, and Milton Barnes, Mar.

3, 1846.Sterling of Otis, and Ruth Smith, int. June 13, 1831.

PHILLIPS, James and Susanna Champlin [int. Champion],

Mar. 28, 1815.

PHINNEY (see Finney, Pinney).

PICKET, Joseph of Otis, and Orrissa Kingsley, Feb. 8, 18 19.

PINNEY (see Finney), Aaron and Fanny Chapman, Apr. 15,


Benjamin and Deliverance Nichols, Mar. 14, 1797.

Mabel and Orion Millard, Dec. 27 [1797]-

Silas and Polly Fuller, Feb. 22, i8o2.

PITT, Beulah S. of Hinsdale, and Benjamin Phelps, int. Mar.

II, 1837.

POMEROY, Alanson S. and Mamre E. Chanter, Jan. i, 1833.

Alanson S. and Mary E. Wilber, int Mar. 11, 1838.

Dorcas and David A. Thorp, Jan. i, 1833.

Enoch of Southampton, and Ruth Brown, int. June 14, 1825.

Gad Jr. of Southampton, and Joanna Harris, Mar. 25, 1807.

Joseph R. and Fanny Searles [int Searls], Nov. 7, 1836.

* Intention not recorded.

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PORTER, Hannah and Elias Clark, int. Dec. 22, 1776.

PRATT, Clarissa and Gordon Spencer, July 10, 1808.

Eleanor and Jesse Snow, Mar. 25 [1806].

Jacob Jr. and Thankfull [int. Thankful] Ellis, Dec. 16, 181 1.

William and Clarissa Wadsworth, int. Jan. 26, 1803.Worthy of Greenvill, and Florenna Case, Aug. 27, 18 11, in Otis.*

PRENTISS (see Printis), Eliza W. of Chester, and Abner I.

Ames, int. Apr. 16, 1848.

PRINTIS (see Prentiss), W[illia]m of Worthington, and Irene

Ames, Apr. 18, 1838.

PUTNAM, Azubah and Joel Eames, Dec. 14, 1795.David [int. Jr.] and Hannah Church, Feb. i, 1831.Emily S. and Seth H. Church, int Nov. 4, 1833.Hannah and William Hine, Aug. 3, 1820.

Isaac and Lucinda E. Church, int. Apr. 8, 1834.Jonathan M. and Phebe Rouse, int. Jan. 19, 1830.Lucinda and Henry Hatch, int. Apr. 18, 1822.

Lucy and John Messenger, int. Mar. 10, 1802.

Nathan and Laodicea Walker, May 31, 18 18.

Patty and Nathaniel Gleason, int. June 13, 1795.Rachel and Dea. Stephen Wadsworth, Nov. 6, 18 16.

Eowena and John Denison [int. Dennison], Apr. 7, 1830.Roxana [int. Roxena] and Dana M. Smith, June 26, 1820.Ruth and Elijah Walker, Oct r, 1818.

Susan P. and Horace Spring, Oct 4, 1832.

RANDALL, Jotham, widr. [int omits widr.], 48, of Windsor, s.

Joel of Windsor, and Mercia Stevens, Feb. 10, 1846.

RATHBONE (see Rathbun), Edmond and Anne Carpenter, Dec.19, 1782.*

Perry and Marcy Babcock, July 24, 1782.*

RATHBUN (see Rathbone), Jonathan and Elisabeth Clark, intOct 10, 1786.

REED, Henry, widr. [int. omits widr.], 45, of Windsor, s. Johnof Windsor, and Mary Stevens, Oct. 23, 1844.

REMINGTON, Daniel of Suffield, and Susannah Bush, wid., intJuly 14, 1770.

Josiah of SufEeld, and Adah Wait Feb. 11, 1779.*Lorenzo J. and Laura E. Ellsworth, int. May 3, 1845.

* Intention not recorded.

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Remington, Polly A. and Alvah [int Alva] G. Dorman, Mar.12, 1833.

Rhoda C. and William B. Turner, Mar. 31, 1835.Sarah Z., 32, d. John and Sarah, and David P. Walden, Dec. 30,


Sophronia S., 20, d. John, and Anselm Parsons, Mar. 14, 1846.Stephen A. and Emeline Richards, int. Nov. 17, 1849.

RHOADS (see Rhodes), Rebeca [int. Rhodes, adds wid.] andWilliam Heman, Dec. 15, 1812.

RHODES (see Rhoads), Catharine [int. Roads] and RodolphusSnow, Dec. 26, 1827.

Isaac Cady of Middlefield, and Cynthia Snow, Aug. 2, 1790.

RICE, Benjamin F. and Esther H. Johnson, May 13, 1840.

Calvin M. of Conway, and Orrilla Walker, int. May 25, 1828.

Caroline A, of Chester, and Orrin W. Gibbs, int. May 8, 1849.Cynthia of Conway, and Ira W. Jones, int Sept 12, 1841.

Louisa of Conway, and Ephraim Walker, int. May 25, 1828.

Oliver and Hannah A. Chapman, int Sept 9, 1833.

RICHARDS, Emeline of Blandford, and Stephen A. Remington,int. Nov. 17, 1849.

RIVER, Octavius, 20, b. Canada, s. Octavius, and Delia Surra-

zer, Aug. 18, 1849.

ROBB, George of Hastings, N.Y., and Catharine Ross, May 18,


ROBBINS, James M. and Eunace [int Eunice] Harris, Oct. 19,


Sarah S. and Levi Webster, Jan. 4, 1842.

ROCKWELL, Anson and Mary [int adds C] Stewart, Nov. 6,


Hannah of Bethlehem, and David Wadsworth, int. Aug. 26, 1805.

Henry S. of N. Canaan, Conn., and Sarah Moore, int. Dec. 19,

1833-Seth S. of Canaan, Conn., and Irena P. Nichols, Mar. 12, 1835.

ROGERS, Benjamin J. [int Rodgers] of Lenox, and Louis I.

Chaffee, Oct 15, 1834.

Catharine A., 20, d. Josiah and Hulda, and William L. Childs,

Nov. 14, 1848.

Christopher and Sabrina Crane, Oct 31, 1820.

• Intention not recorded.

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Rogers, Joseph of L3nne, Conn., and Sabrina [Salome, written

above in pencil] [int. Salome] Crane, Nov. 17, 1825.

Josiah of Colebrook, Conn., and Huldah Mann, Apr. 29, 18 19.

Lucinda, 21, d. Josiah, and Joseph P. Wightman, June 6, 1844.

ROOT, Betsey R. and Lewis M. Sowle, Mar. 25, 1832.

Mary of Gt. Barrington, and Merret Van Deusen, int. Mar. 6,


Seth and Philanda Pelton, June 11, 1805.*

Uriah of Loudon, and Mercy Adams, Feb. 15, 1802.

ROSS, Catharine and George Robb, May 18, 1843.

Hannah and Anson Law, May 8, 1800.

ROUSE, Phebe of Windsor, and Jonathan M. Putnam, int. Jan.

19, 1830.

ROWLEE, Abigail, wid., and Abner Bruce, int. Nov. 9, 1777.

Elisabeth of Loudon, and Dr. John Streetor, int. July 6, 1777.

Ezra and Abigail Luce, int. Oct. 17, 1773.

RUDD, Annah and Stephen Childs, Jan. 27, 1814.*

Bettey [int. Bety] and Samuel Lee, Nov. 18, 1790.

David and Julia Boies, int. Oct. 2, 1820.

Ebenezer and Deborah Baird, Sept. 8, 1829.

Esther and Ralph Phelps, June 3, 18 19.

James and Sarah Higley, int. Nov. 13, 1773.

James and Olive Maning, int. Mar. 8, 1778.

Jesse and Esther Jones, int. Jan. 20, 1792.

Jesse and Mehitable [int. Jemima] Fuller, Jan. 9, 1800.

Jones and Anna Wadsworth, July 30, 1828.

Lydia and Levi [int. Levy] Snow, May 4, 1786.

Malinda [int. Melinda] and Lucius French, Feb. 14, 1825.

Nathaniel 2d and Sophia Messenger, Jan. 15, 1818.

Vining and Clarissa Hunter, int. Mar. 29, 18 15.

RUSSEL (see Russell), Alpheus of Middlefield, and RebeckahClark, June 19, 1794.

RUSSELL (see Russel), Alpheus C. [int. Clark] of Middlefield,

and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Conant, May 28, 18 18.

SACKET, Samuel Bancroft and Philena Electa Merryfield, int

Jan. 15, 1818.

SAVARY, Horrace [int. Savarah] of Washington, and HannahFarrar, Mar. 2, 18 17.

* Intention not recorded.

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SCARRITT, James J. and Mary M. Turner, int. Sept. 28, 1845.

SCOTT, Linus and Minerva Higley, May 27, 1824.Linus and Flavia C. Snow, Dec. 24, 1829.Lucy and John Messenger, Jan. 29, 1817.*

SEARL (see Searles), Lyman E. and" Elizabeth M. Noble, int.

Apr. 19, 1846.Rodolphus of Southampton, and Sophronia [int. Soprona] Moore,

Oct. 31, 1822.

SEARLES (see Searl), Fanny [int. Searls] and Joseph R. Pome-roy, Nov. 7, 1836.

SEELEY (see Seley).

SEGAR, Caroline and Drayton Viets, int. Nov. 13, 1827.Charles Henry and Priscilla Taylor, int. Mar. 22, 1825.Otis and Charlott Kent, int. Oct 27, 1828.

SELEY, Mercy and Aaron P. Jagger [int. Jaggar], Mar. 30 [int.

Mar. 31, sic\ [1806].

SEYMOUR, Frederic [int. Frederick] W. of Ravenna, O., andEliza A. Dewey, Dec. 3, 1840.

SHAPLEY, Lyddia and Hiram Messenger, int. Mar. 23, 1771.Olive of Summers, and Benjamin Wadsworth, int. May 15, 1768.

SHAW, Amelia and Enos Smith, Sept. 5, 1827.*Daniel Jr. and Rhoda Taylor, int. Jan. 16, 1772.Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] and Thomas Sherman Chaffe [int.

Thomas S. Chaffee], Feb. 4, 1829.

Joshua and Mercy Clark, wid., int. July 27, 1826.

Milly M. and Enos Smith, int. Sept. i, 1827.

SaraJi and William H. Holcomb, Feb. 20, 1833.

SHAYLOR, Amelia of Lee, and Knowlton S. Chailee, int. Jan.

2, 1836.

SIMMONS, Samuel and Armenia Ferrel, int. Mar. 8, 1823.

SIMPSON, Jonathan and Hannah Minor, Nov. 11 [int. Nov. 12,

sic\, 1804.

SKINNER, Anna and Abel H. Crane, Nov. 14, 1815.

SLAWTER, Partrick and Jerusha Luce, Jan. 20, 1782.*• Intention not recorded.

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SLOAN (see Slone), Margaret of Heartwood, and Isaiah Kings-

ley Jr., int. Mar. 23, 177 1.

SLOCUM, Prudence and Jonathan D. [int. Dwight] Wadsworth,Dec. 14, 1822.

SLONE (see Sloan), George of Hartwood, and Hulday Foot, int.

Jan. I, 1775.William and Sarah Cornish, int. Aug. 22, 1774.

SLOSSON, William of Kent, Conn., and Margaret S. Viets, Dec.

17, 1834.

SMITH, Champion and Achsah Little, Oct. 30, 1826.

Dana M. and Roxana [int. Roxena] Putnam, June 26, 1820.

Emeline C. and Amos Williams Jr., Feb. 2, 1840.

Enos and Amelia [int. Milly M.] Shaw, Sept. 5, 1827.

Experience [int. of Bethlehem] and Andrew Broga, Sept. 16,

' 1802.

George of Washington, and Susann [int. Susanna] Clark, Nov.

23, 1796.

George of Evans, Erie Co., N.Y., and Sally Hamilton, Aug. 19,


Hannah and John Austin, Feb. 28, 1804.*

Hariet and Edward Moore, int. Sept. 12, 1836.

James W. and Rhoda M. Dewey, int. Sept. 16, 1837,

J. D. W., 21, of Hawley, and Sarah Messenger, Oct 25, 1848.

Laura A. and Horace [int. Thomas] B. Eldridge, Feb. 2, 1840.

Louisa L., 19, d. Zenas, and Lyman A. Woodworth, Apr. 3, 1846.Lucy of Sandisfield, and Stewart Lester, int Jan. 2, 1809.Matthias of Lee, and Sabra Brown, Feb. 11, 1813.

Reuben and Laney McElwain, int. Aug. 13, 18 17.

Robert of Washington, and Sarah Kingsley, Oct. 29, 1800.

Ruth and Sterling Phelps, int. June 13, 1831.

Susanna and James DWolf, Apr. 22 [int. Apr. 24, su], 1813.

SNOW, Amaziah and Sarah Watson, Oct. 21, 1789.*Anna and Daniel Ormsby, int. May 27, 1815.Anner and Hiram Messenger 2d, Nov. 17, 1808.

Asa and Elisabeth Wadsworth, May 2, 1782.*CjTithia and Isaac Cady Rhodes, Aug. 2, 1790.Deidamia and Jonathan Wadsworth Jr., int. July 14, 1776.Edward C. and Emily Brown, int. Sept. 9, 1833.Edward C. and Sally Bigelow, int. Aug. 2, 1848.Eli and Anna Foster, Apr. 21 [int. Apr. 25, sic], 1795.

* Intention not recorded.

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Snow, Elisabeth and Amos Kingsley Jr., Apr. 21, 179 1.

Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] P. and Jonathan Norton Jr., Mar. 31,1831.

Flavia C. and Linus Scott, Dec. 24, 1829.

Franklin and Lydia Olcott, Nov. 28, 1804.

Ira and Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth] Ormsby, Sept. 18, 1806.

James Jr. and Lydia Case, int. Nov. 8 [1802].

Jesse and Eleanor Pratt, Mar. 25 [1806].

Joanna S. and Charles O. Perkins, Apr. 13, 1842.

Letitia [int Lettica] and Austin Davis, Oct 16, 1816.

Levi [int. Levy] and Lydia Rudd, May 4, 1786.

Levi R. and Favor Messenger, Dec. 6, 1821.

Lois and Levi Ellis, Dec. i, 1808.

Lydia and Rodolphus Snow, Dec. 2, 18 19.

Mary A., 20, d. Levi R., and Lewis Crosier, Dec. 31, 1846.Nancy A. and Daniel R. Jones, int Aug. 13, 1837,Olive C, 28, d. Timothy and Ruth, and Charles O. Perkins,

widr. [int omits widr.J, Feb. 11, 1846.

Oliver and Rebekah [dup. Rebeckah] Wadsworth, July 4, 1771.*Oliver Jr. and Rocitta Pettibone, int. May 6, 1800.

Parley and Eunice Viets, int. [rec. between May 18 andOct. 21, 1789].

Partridge and Lovilla Hoskins, Dec. 2, 1828.

Ralph and Thankfull [int Thankful] Snow, Apr. 5, 1808.

Rebecca of Tyringham, and Daniel Jaggar, int. Nov. 8, 1803.

Rebekah [int Rebecca] and Elisha Kirkland, Nov. 29, 1804.

Rodolphus of Otis, and Lydia Snow, Dec. 2, 1819.

Rodolphus of Otis, and Catharine Rhodes [int Roads], Dec. 26,


Roxey [int. Roxa] and Benjamin Freeman, Sept. 10, 1799.Ruth and Daniel Carpenter, Mar. 10, 1807.

Ruth S. and Augustus M. Perkins, Nov. 8, 1838.

Sarah and John Dirlam, Sept 18, 1781.*

Seth and Eunice Childs, int Apr. 25, 1835.

Stephen W. and Abigail Harriet [int. H.] Conant, Sept. 22,


Thankfull [int Thankful] and Ralph Snow, Apr. 5, 1S08.

Theda and Samuel Tracy, May 2, 1812.

Timothy and Joanna Kingsley, May 30, 1781.*

Timothy and Lois Parks, June 12, 1787.*

Timothy and Ruth Wadsworth, May 24, 18 12.

Timothy F. and Caroline D. Gibbs, int. Apr. 26, 1840,

Timothy F. and Sarah Burton, int Aug. 30, 1846.* Intention not recorded.

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SOWLE, Caroline [int. Caroline J. Soule] and Russel Nugen [int.

Newgen], Nov. 24, 1829.

Jonathan W. and Harriet M. Broga, Feb. 5, 1840.Lewis M. and Betsey R. Root, Mar. 25, 1832.

SPALDING, Sarah of Blandford, and Joseph H. Mills, int. May23, 1841.

SPENCER, Almira P. and Orion D. Nichols, Nov. 18, 1827.

David S. and Abagail [int. Abigail] Frary, Sept 7, 1830.

Gordon and Clarissa Pratt, July 10, 1808.

Justin [int. of Middlefield] and Cynthia Lyman, Mar. 31, 1827.

SPRING, Hannah of Blandford, and Elisha Kirkland, June 8,


Horace of Hinsdale, and Susan P. Putnam, Oct. 4, 1832.

SQUIRE, Ezekiel 3d [int. Squires] of Chester, and Clarissa

Stewart, Mar. 8, 1807.

STANLEY, John Gray and Orrilla Brewster, Jan. 27, 1803.

STANTON (see Staunton), Mary B. and Daniel Ives, Sept. 29,


Peleg and Polly Finney, int. Apr. 11, 18 12.

STAUNTON (see Stanton), Caty and Caleb Ormsby, int. Jan. 15,1811.

Polly [int. Mary] and Isaac Childs, Aug. 14, 1796.

STEBINS, Policy of Munson, and Rowland Elis, int. Feb. 12,


STEDMAN, Adelia and Morris G. Loyd, int. Apr. 22, 1833.David of Tyringham and Lydia Baird, July 5, 1812.Lydia E. and Ebenezer W. Perkins, Apr. i, 1835.

STEPHENS (see Stevens), Thomas and Lucy Ferrin, int. Jan.

6. 1793-William D. and Hannah F. Jennings, int. Feb. 19, 1820.

STEVENS (see Stephens), Alexander C, 33, s. Isaac, and MaryP. [int omits P.] Barnard, May 27, 1847.

Amanda H., 25, of Springfield, d. W[illia]m D., and AlexanderG. Pease, Nov. i, 1849.*

Betsy and Preston Hunt, Dec. 3, 1822.

Buell and Caroline Messenger, May 24, 1818.* Intention not recorded.

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Stevens, John G. of Constantia, N.Y., and Isabella Wadsworth,Nov. 30, 183 1.

Mary, 45, d. Isaac, and Henry Reed, Oct 23, 1844.Mercia, 45, d. Isaac, and Jotham Randall, widr. [int. omits

widr.], Feb. 10, 1846.

STEWART, Anna and John C. Bell, Apr. 16, 1809.Clarissa and Ezekiel Squire [int. Squires] 3d, Mar. 8, 1807.

James [int. Stuart] of Blandford, and Anna Lathrop, Jan. 25,1826.

Mary [int. adds C] and Anson Rockwell, Nov. 6, 1808.

Polly and Samuel Brooker, int. Jan. 9, 1808.

STREATOR (see Streeter, Streetor), Alpheus and Anna Lyman,Dec. 15, 1796.

Daniel of Washington, and Clarissa Burdell, Sept. 28, 1800.

Elisabeth and Jesse Wright, int. Feb. 5, 1798.

STREETER (see Streator, Streetor), Thankful [int. Streator]

and Robert H. Baird, Mar. 25, 1817.

STREETOR (see Streator, Streeter), John, Dr., and Elisabeth

Rowlee, int. July 6, 1777.

STRONG, Wolcott H., 21, of Chester, s. Erastus, and Sarah

A. Harris, July 3, 1848.

STURGES, Joseph and Corinthia E. Baird, int. June 29, 1839.

SUMNER, Hezekiah [int. Jr.] of Sandisfield, and Lucy Beard,

Dec. 22 [1805].

Rebecca L. and Noah D. White, Nov. 8, 1840.

SURRAZER, Delia, 18, b. Canada, d. Charles, and Octavius

River, Aug. 18, 1849.

Elizabeth, 20, b. Canada, d. Charles, and Calvin Goodbo [int.

Goodba], Mar. 17, 1849.

SWEATMAN, Almena M. and Benjamin W. Keys [int. Kies],

Dec. 8, 1834.

SWEET, Mary I. of Tyringham, and Pliny S. Dearing, int. Oct.

14, 1839.

TAYLOR, Eldad Jr. and Jerusha Taylor, int. Oct. 5, 1777.

Henry of Lenox, and Elizabeth Barnes [int. Elisabeth Barns]

Sept. 18, 1810.

Henry, 22, s. Lewis, and Azubah C. Ames, Nov. 4, 1844.

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Taylor, Jerusha of Pittsfield, and Eldad Taylor Jr., int. Oct. £,

1777.Jonathan of Chester, and Harmony Brewster, Sept. 28, 18 14.

Jonathan, 24, s. Lewis and Janette, and Amanda Barnes, June

22, 1845.Laura and Daniel W. Hopkins, int. Jan. 10, 1841.

Priscilla of Middlefield, and Charles Henry Segar, int Mar. 22,


Rhoda and Daniel Shaw Jr., int. Jan. 16, 1772.

Samuel of Middlefield, and Sarah Jagger, int May 18, 1789.

Tabitha of Stow, and Ebenezer Bush, int. Mar. 13, 1769.

William F., 24, b. Middlefield, of Springfield, s. Lewis (Tailor)

and Isabella D. Ames, Nov. 26, 1848,

Worcester and Eliza A. Clark, Nov. 5, 1840.

THAYER, Hellen (Thayr), 20, d. Rufus L., and Orson C.

Barber, Oct. 25, 1849.

THOMAS, Betsey [int. Betsy] of Otis, and Nathan Phelps Jr.

[int. omits Jr.], Mar. 11, 1816.

George of Loudon, and Rowena Phelps, May 12, 1808.*

George M. and Almena Baird, int. Apr. 18, 1835.

Hannah of Loudon, and Benajah Phelps, Oct. 28, 1801.*

Isaiah and Marietta Moore, Nov. 24, 1841.

Manna L. and Almina R. Broga, int. Sept. 16, 1839.Norman and Sally Morey, Nov. 21, 18 11.

Rowena and Stephen W. Carter, Sept. 30, 1834.Sally of Hartland, Conn., and Miles W. Bidwell, int. Dec. 26,


THOMPSON, Sarah E., 17, d. Timothy, and Joseph Briggs,

Aug. 27, 1846.

THORP, David A. of Washington, and Dorcas Pomeroy, Jan. i,

TINKER, Delia B. of Worthington, and Darius M. Perkins, int.

Mar. 19, 1832.

TITUS, David and Miranda Moore, int. Nov. 27, 1798.Tabatha and Elijah Walker, int. Feb. 12, 1788.

TOWER, Laban of Peru, and Patty Johnson, Apr. 19, 1825.

TRACY, Samuel [int. of Windham, Conn.] and Theda Snow,May 2, 1812.

* Intention not recorded.

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TREADWELL, Peter of Bethlehem, Conn., and Phebe Elky,

Apr. 20, 1809.*

TRUMBULL, Nancy H. and Abner Clark, Oct. 22, 1834..

TURNER, Jephtha of Lenox, and Susanna Ellis, int. Oct. 11,

1805.Mary M. of New York City, and James J. Scarritt, int. Sept. 28,

1845.Ruth of Worthington, and Cornelius Ellis, int. Mar. 10, 18 12.

Sion of Worthington, and Salley [int. Sally] Ellis, Feb. 16, 1809,William B. of Chester, and Rhoda C. Remington, Mar. 31, i83S_

TUTTLE, Eliada [int. adds Rev.J of Hancock, Md., and SarahH. Wadsworth, July 4, 1843.

TYLER, George of Springfield, and Lydia Clark, Nov. 8, 1842.

UNDERWOOD, Samuel of Loudon, and Jemima Fletcher, Nov.

28, 1799.*

VAN DEUSEN, Alma L. and Oliver S. Wadsworth, Nov. 8,

1832.Merret and Mary Root, int. Mar 6, 1842.

VAN WYCZ, Alfred of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and Charlotte

Viets 2d [int. omits 2d], May 26, 1830.

VIETS, Abial [int. Abihal] and Samuel Williams, Oct. 14, 1830.

Beulah and Solomon Cochran, Oct. 6 [int. Oct. 7, stc], 1 796.

Charlotte 2d [int. omits 2d] and Alfred Van Wyck, May 26, 1830.

Drayton and Caroline Segar, int. Nov. 13, 1827.

Eunice and Parley Snow, int. [rec. between May 18 and

Oct. 21, 1789].Henry Jr. and Charlotte Fowler, int. Nov. 16, 1807.

Margaret S. and William Slosson, Dec. 17, 1834.

WADSWORTH, Anna and Jones Rudd, July 30, 1828.

Arvilla and John Hitchcock, Feb. 27, 1828.

Benjamin and Olive Shapley, int. May 15, 1768.

Benjamin Jr. and Polly Eames, Apr. 13, 1797.

Charity E. and Nathan W. Harris, Mar. 31, 1836.

Chester and Euretta R. Foot, int. Dec. 20, 1840.

Clarissa and William Pratt, int. Jan. 26, 1803.

David and Hannah Rockwell, int. Aug. 26, 1805.

Elisabeth and Asa Snow, May 2, 1782.*

Henophon and Lucina M. Messenger, Jan. 7, 1819.

* Intention not recorded.

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Wadsworth, Isaac S. and Mary H. Bowditch, Nov. 8, 1830.Isabella and John G. Stevens, Nov. 30, 1831.

Jonathan Jr. and Deidamia Snow, int. July 14, 1776.Jonathan D. [int. Dwight] and Prudence Slocum, Dec. 14, 1822.

Jonathan W. and Laura A. Kingsley, int. Mar. 20, 1842.

Joseph and Rosubah Lee, int. June 7, 1766.

Joseph and Lydia Harris, Apr. 16, 1807.

Joseph [and] Asenath Brown, int. Feb. 27, 1837.Judson and Lucinda Latimer, int. Oct. 30, 1818.

Julia E., 19, d. Joseph and Theodore Chapman, Sept. 26, 1844.Lawton and Nancy Rowena Lawton, Oct. 15, 1806, in Loudon.Lydia Elvira [int. Almira] and Alvan Buck, Jan. 9, 1828,

Marvel B. and Hannah Bacon, Dec. 29, 1825.Olive and Leonard Williams, Mar. 7, 1799.Olive C. and Norman Harris, int. Aug. 11, 1844.Oliver S. and Alma L. Van Deusen, Nov. 8, 1832.Rebeckah [dup. Rebekah] and Oliver Snow, July 4, r77i.*

Rebeckah and Jonathan Chaiie [int. Chafee], Nov. 29, 1792.Ruth and Timothy Snow, May 24, 18 12.

Sally [int. adds wid.] and Robert Millikan, Dec. 19, 182 1, in

Washington.Sarah and Enos Kingsley, May 24, 1787.Sarah [int Sally] and Jesse Johnson, Feb. 25, 1795.Sarah A. and Horace D. Doolittle, June 29, 1835.Sarah H. and [int. Rev.] Eliada Tuttle, July 4, 1843.Seth and Miranda Matthews, July 17, 181 1.

Stanley W. and Sarah M. Ward, Oct 22, 1835.Stephen and Hannah Baker, int. Apr. 23, 1775.Stephen and Sally Haskins, int Oct. 26, 1815.Stephen, Dea., and Rachel Putnam, Nov. 6, 1816.

Stephen S. and Mary E. Clark, int Aug. 21, 1847.Zelophead and Hannah Maria Lovejoy, int. Dec. 25, 1825.

WAIFWHIGHT, Sarah of Gt Barrington, and Justus R. King,int. Oct. 30, 1805.

WAIT, Adah and Josiah Remington, Feb. 11, 1779.*

WALDEN, Abigail and Dillingham Clark, July 7, 1795.David P., widr. [int omits widr.], 42, of E. Hartford, Conn., s.

John and Lydia, and Sarah Z. Remington, Dec. 30, 1847.Elisabeth [int Elizabeth] Anna and Benjamin C. [int. Chaplin]

Perkins, Sept. 15, 1802.

Hannah and George Conant Jr., Sept. 19, 1784.** Intention not recorded.

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WALKER, Almira and Michael Paul, July 10, 1815.Didamia and Allen Benton, int Dec. 24, 1820.Elijah and Tabatha Titus, int. Feb. 12, 1788.Elijah and Ruth Putnam, Oct. i, 1818.Ephraim and Louisa Rice, int. May 25, 1828.Hannah and Amos Beard, int. Feb. 13, 1766.Henry and Elenor Nimmacks, int Aug. 12, 1768.Laodicea and Nathan Putnam, May 31, 1818.Lurana and Otis Harris, Oct. 3, 1824.Mary and David Brown, Sept. 4, 1763.*Mary and Moses Gary, int. Aug. 24, 1788.Orrilla and Calvin M. Rice, int. May 25, 1828.Sarah and George Darrow, int. Dec. 22, 1788.

WARD, Eleanor and William Foster, int. May 7, 1804.Sarah M. and Stanley W. Wadsworth, Oct. 22, 1835.

WATKINS (see Wodkins), Amos of Ashford, Conn., and AbigailChaffe [int. Chafee], Jan. 5, 1809.

Betsey and Loammi Carter, int. Apr. 30, 1847.

WATSON, Bettey and Jesse Higley, int. Feb. 12, 1788.Mary and Joseph Balch [int. Baulch], Sept. 21, 1786.Naomi and Levi Birchard, Nov 6, 1783.*Sarah and Amaziah Snow, Oct. 21, 1789.*

WEBB, Henry R. of Washington, and Roby Harris, Oct. 3 1, 1822.

WEBSTER, Cyrus [int. of Worthington] and Pleiades Merry-field, Jan. II, 18 10.

Levi and Sarah S. Robbins, Jan. 4, 1842.

WESTOVER, William and Lucretia [int. adds A.] Gilmer, Jan.

II, 1844.

WHITCOM (see Whitcomb), Mary and Elijah Moor, int. Mar.— , 1786.

WHITCOMB (see Whitcom), Israel of N.Y., and Sally Barber^

Nov. 20, 1790.

WHITE, Anna of Blandford, and Silas Kingsley, int. Sept. 7^

1794.Lansford of Monson, and Betsy Childs, mt. Oct. 30, 1822.

Lansford and Mercy Nash, int. Oct 3, 1841.

Lansford and Malita Ingham, int Aug. 16, 1846.

Noah D. of S. Hadley, and Rebecca L. Sumner, Nov. 8, 1840.* Intention not recorded.

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White, Sarah H. of Hinsdale, and Charles T. Huntington, int.

Mar. II, 1848.

Vassal and Lucy W. Brown, int. Sept. 3, 1833.

WHITING, Nathan and Hannah Danforth, int. July 22, 1787.

WHITNEY, Sally of Otis, and John Bowen, int Nov. 18, 1816.

WHITTEMORE, Amos and Clarrissa Hamilton, int. Apr. 28,


WIGHTMAN, Joseph P., 22, of Longmeadow, s. Henry, andLucinda Rogers, June 6, 1844.

WILBER, Mary E. and Alanson S. Pomeroy, int. Mar. 11,


WILLEY, Samuel and Lydia Gleason, Apr. 25, 1782.*

WILLIAMS, Amos Jr. [int. of Charlton] and Emeline C. Smith,

Feb. 2, 1840.

Ephraim L. [int. Loten] and Sally M. [int. Maria] Conant, Mar.27, 1817.

Larkin and Lydia Messenger, int. Dec. 20, 1791.Leonard of Worthington, and Olive Wadsworth, Mar. 7, 1799.Samuel of Otis, and Abial [int. Abihal] Viets, Oct. 14, 1830.

WILLS, Roweney of Ellington, and Joseph Lawthrop, int Aug.29, 1790.

WILSON, Allin of Canaan, N.Y., and Bethena Kingsley, Feb. 18,


Henry C, 22, b. Blandford, of Blandford, s. Justin and Samanthaof Blandford, and Abigail [int. Abbigail] E. Baird, June 14,


WITTER, Septimus of Partridgfield, and Anna Kingsley, Jan.

20, 1796.

WODKINS (see Watkins), Henry and Jehannah Loomas, intNov. 4, 1770.

WOOD, John C. of Derby, Vt, and Sarah A. MUlard, Jan. 6,

1835.Patience and David Kingsley, int. July 5, 1773.Rebecca L. of Lowel, and Orrin Millard, int Sept. 21, 1845.Simeon of Middlefield, and Rebekah [int Rebecca] Flint, Jan. 4,

1798.* Intention not recorded.

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WOODWORTH, Catharine of Suffield, Conn,, and Chester A.

Adams, int. Aug. 23, 1840.

Lyman A., 29, of W. Springfield, and Louisa L. Smith, Apr. 3,


WRIGHT, Cynthia [int. Cyntha] of Loudon, and Asahel Mills,

Mar. 7, 1797.Jesse of Middlefield, and Elisabeth Streator, int Feb. 5, 1798.Wealthy Ann and Robert H. Millard, int. Aug. 10, 1824.

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ADAMS, Barnabas, s. Barnabas and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1769.Elisha, widr., consumption, Mar. 2, 1845, a. 62.

Sarah, w. Barnabas, Sept. 23, 1792, in 43d y.

William L., m., ch. Elisha and w., consumption, June 12, 1848,a. 42.

ALFORD (see Allford).

ALLEN, H., w. John, dropsy, Jan. 15, 1845, ^- 63.

ALLFORD, Amasa, s. Elijah and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1764.Elijah, Jan. 16, 1771.

AUSTIN, Eliza Jane, d. John and Lodiema, Aug. 12, 1827.Hannah, w. John Jr., Dec. 15, 181 1.

James Harvey, s. John Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 5, 1793.John, s. John Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 13, 1793.John, Aug. 25, 1827.Mary, d. John, Aug. 8, 1793.Mary, d. John Jr., Aug. 31, 181 1, a. 14.

Sarah, d. John Jr., July 20, 1810, a. 17.

Susanna, w. John Sr., Feb. 13, 1803, in 66th y.

BAIRD, Beulah, d. Asa and Abigail, Mar. 17, 1792.

John, s. Asa and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1782.

Mary, d. Asa and Abigail, July 20, 1779.Susanna, d. Asa and Abigail, Sept. 8, 1791.

BARNARD, Sarah, d. Joshua, June 17, 1845, a. 25.

BARNES (see Bams), Marthy Jane, d. Nathan and Lucy, scarlet

fever, Aug. —, 1844, a. 2 y. 9 m,

BARNS (see Barnes), Comfort [dup. Barnes], s. Comfort andElisabeth, Mar. 9, 1779.

Elijah, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Apr. 17, 1780.


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Barns, Moses, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Jan. 5, 1796.

William, s. Comfort and Elisabeth, Jan. 16, 1781.

BASSET, Mary, wid., old age, Nov. 27, 1848, a. 95.

BAYARD (see Bakd).

BLAIR, George Carlton, s. Thompson and Esther, Feb. 10,


BRADNER, Mary Ann, d. Samuel D. and Louisa B., Aug. 12,


BREWSTER, Flavia, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Apr. 4, 1795.

Oliver, s. Oliver and Jerusha, May 6, 1784.

Oliver Ellsworth, s. Oliver and Jerusha, Oct. 30, 1802.

Ruby, d. Oliver and Jerusha, Oct. 18, 1784.

BRIGGS, Sarah E., m., b. Killmgly, Conn., ch. Timothy Thomp-son, fever, July 26, 1848, a. 19.

BROGA, Ellen, d. Kinsman W., consumption, Dec. i, 1849, a. 15.

CADWELL, Jerry, m., mortification, Nov. 11, 1848, a. 79.

CHAFEE (see Chaffee), Frederic, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail,

Feb. 13, 1816, in 23d y.

Sampson Knowlton, ch. Thomas Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 19, 1813,in 22d y.

Thomas Sr., Dec. 5, 181 o, in 80th y.

CHAFFEE (see Chafee), Elisabeth, w. Newman K., Apr. 30,

1836, a. 35.

CHILDS, Elisabeth, d. Daniel and Elisabeth, Oct. 27, 1802.

Isaac, s. Jonas and Eunice, Sept. 12, 1775.

Jonas, s. Jonas and Eunice, Sept. 6, 1767.

Sibel, d. Silas and Esther, Mar. 11, 1767.

, d. W[inia]m L. and Catharine A., Dec. 19, 1849.

CHURCH, Antony, widr., b. Conn., old age, Aug. 26, 1848,a. 87.

Howard, m., b. Chester, s. Richard, typhus fever, Oct. 10, 1849,a. 41.

Julia, m., b. Russel, d. Carter, cancer, July 17, 1849,a- 37-

CLAPP, Justus, m., b. Southampton, disease of liver, Oct. 16,

1849, a. 53.

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CLARK, Betsey, m., Dec. 5, 1848, a. 67.

Isaac Sr., July 3, 1798, in s8th y.

Lydia, w. Abijah, Jan. 29, 1806, in 27th y.

Patience, d. Dillingham and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1797., wid., infirmities of age. May 20, 1844, a. 84.

CONANT, George Sr., Mar. 3, 1792, in 70th y.

George, s. John and Orpha, Jan. 25, 18 14.

George, s. John and Orpha, Oct. 15, 18 17.

George, s. John and Orpha, Aug. 21, 1825.

George Esq. [dup. omits Esq.], Feb. 22, 1831, a. 68.

Jonas, s. John and Orpha, Jan. 9, 1819.

Mary Clarissa, d. John and Orpha, Aug. 29, 1825.

Thomas, [twin] s. John and Orpha, Nov. 20, 182 1.

William, [twin] s. John and Orpha, Nov. 20, 182 1.

COX, Deiana, Mar. 31, 1774.

Joseph, Apr. 14, 1775.Lovine, Apr. i, 1774.Lovine, Aug. 16, 1777.

CRARY, Nabby, d. Christopher and Polly, Sept. 25, 1794.

Oliver, s. Christopher and Polly, Oct. 3, 1794-

DAVIS, Austin, m., suddenly, Sept. 24, 1848, a. 57.

DEWEY, Abel, widr., s. Abel and Lydia, apoplexy, Oct. 27,

1848, a. 68.

DEWOLF (see DWolf).

DIRLAM, Christopher, s. John O. and Sarah, May 6, 1795.

John O., s. John O. and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1788.

Sarah, w. John O., May 9, 1795, in 42d y.

DONNEGAN, Michael, " Killed by falling of a tree," Feb. 4,

1845, a. 23.

DORMAN, , s. Darias C. and Mary C, still born, Apr. 2,


DWOLF, Luke, s. Horrace and Anna, Sept. 3, 1805.

FOSTER, George, Sept. 17, 1848.

Orestes Cavel, s. William B. and Eleanor, Sept. 15, 1813.

, inf. d. C. W., Nov. 19, 1844, a. i d.

FREEMAN, Anna, wid., Nov. 30, 1797, a. 83.

Thatcher, Aug. 15, 1784, in 74th y.

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GILBERT, Cyntha, d. Orsimus and Annis, June ii, 1798, in

GLEED, , inf, d. Isaac, June 5, 1844.

HARRIS, James Arvad, s. Isaac, Jan. 22, 1846, a. 3.

, inf, Isaac, Jan. 15, 1846.

HIGLEY, Azubah, wid., Feb. 13, 1825, a. 76.

Isaac, s. Joseph and Azubah, June 15, 1776.Joseph Sr., Dec. 17, 1823, in 82d y.

Lucian A., s, Silas and Deborah, bilious fever, Nov. 14, 1844, a. 34.Micah Sr., Dec. 19, 1778.Sarah, d. Joseph and Azubah, Oct 28, 1782.

HINE, James L., s. William, Feb. 14, 1846, a. 19.

HUNTINGTON, Charles, s. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Sept. 7,


Ebenezer, Capt, Jan. 31, 1835, a. 60,

Emily Clark, Dec. 21, 1836, a. 21.

Harriet, d. Ebenezer and Mehitable, Sept. 23, 1824,

JENNINGS, Emily A., d. Joseph L. and Emily, dropsy in head.May 21, 1845, a. 6.

Joseph, m., consumption, Nov. 10, 1844, a. 71.

Luther W., s. Willis T. and Malvina, rattles, Dec. 22, 1845,a. 7 m.

JOHNSON, Marshal Osbom, s. Moody and Hannah, July 4, 1806,

KIMBALL, Caroline, scarlet fever, Jan. 26, 1845, a. 5.

KINGSLEY, Abigail, w. Isaiah Sr., Sept. 6, 1777, in 55th y.

Allen, ch. Martin and Bethena, Oct. 27, 1804.

Amos, Apr. 23, 1787, in 91st y.

Cheney, ch. Martin and Bethena, Oct i, 1825, a. 36.

Eliada Allin, s. Eliada and Fanny, Oct. 19, 1809.

Elvira, d. Eliada and Fanny, Oct. 14, 181 7.

Esther, d. Isaiah and Abigail, Sept. 9, 1,777, a. "3 Days short of

Seven years."

Fanny Elvira, ch. Eliada and Fanny, May 8, 1818.

Flavel, s. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Sept. i [dup. Sept. 8], 1777.John, s. Enos and Rachel, Mar. 16, 1782.

Joseph S., s. Lester and Mariah, Sept. 6, 1849, ^- 9 ^^Milley [dup. Millay], d. Isaiah Jr. and Margaret, Sept 9, 1777.Rachel, w. Enos, Jan. 31, 1786.

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KiNGSLEY, Sarah, d. Isaiah Jr. [dup. omits Jr.] and Margaret,Sept. 14, 1777-

Sarah, w. Nath[anie]ll Esq., Oct. 22, 1779.William Davenport, ch. Eliada and Fanny, Feb. — , 181 6.

, inf. s. Eliada and Fanny, July 28, 1807.

LEE, Elisha, s. Samuel and Betty, Jan. 22, 1792.

LESTER, Abigail, w. Stewart, May 29, 1808, a. 30.

Lemuel, Feb. 2, 1808, in 70th y.

Sarah S., d. Stewart, disease of the brain, Oct. 7, 1844, a. 38.

Thomas, m., Nov. 23, 1844, a. 53.

LYMAN, Lois, d. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Oct 15, 1802.

Nathan Edwards, s. Jeremiah and Rhoda, Aug. 11, 1805.

Rhoda, w. Jeremiah, Jime 16, 18 u.

MANING, Mary, July 12, 1849, a. 4.

McELWAIN, Nancy, b. Middlefield, w. David, consumption,

June 12, 1844, a. 51.

MESSENGER, Caroline, ch. Bille and Miranda, Oct. 22, 1794.

Ebenezer, s. Benoni and Mary, Aug. 25, 1762.

Lydia, d. Hiram and Lydia, Feb. 16, 1772.

Nathan, s. Benoni and Mary, Sept. 28, 1762.

Sarah, d. Hiram and Lydia, Feb. 26, 1774.Sussanna, w. Ebenezer, Jan. 20, 1786, a. 19.

MILLARD, Oliver, m., paralysis, Mar. 24, 1845, a. 76.

Oliver L., m., s. Oliver and Zillah, small pox, Dec. 24, 1845, a.. 58.

Zillah, wid. Oliver, Mar. 6, 1846, a. 83.

MILLER, Louisa, d. Jefferson, suddenly, Oct. 23, 1844, a. 20.

MILLS, Elizabeth W. [w. Rev. Joseph L.], Sept. 17, 1839.

Henry Lewis, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Apr. 5, 1810.

Joseph L., Rev., Jan. 18, 1841.

Samuel John, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Apr. 25, 182 1.

Sarah, ch. Rev. Joseph L. and Elizabeth W., Jan. 19, 1814.

MOORE, Pliney, widr., consumption, Apr. 17, 1846, a. 60.

NEWTON, Isaac, m., June 25, 1844, a. 75.

NOIS, Betsey E., wid., b. Chester, d. Richard Church, consump-

tion, Sept. 30, 1848, a. 54.

NORCOTT, Edmund, m., s. Sylvanus, consumption, Feb. 8, 1849,

a. 40.

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NoRCOTT, John E., b. Savoy, s. Edmund and Eunace, scrofula,

Dec. 10, 1849, a. 2.

Moses Bams, s. John and Rachel, Feb. 28, 1816.

NORTON, , inf. d., June 13, 1848.

NOYES (see Nois).

OSBORN, Sarah L., d. Lyman and Mary, Sept. 19, 1844, a.

I y. 2 m.

PERKINS, Ephraim Augustus [ch. Origin Augustus and Sarah],

Feb. 3, 1816.

Joanna S., w. Charles O., d. Timothy Snow and Ruth, Oct. 17,

1845, a. 21.

John, s. Ephraim and Mary, Mar. 4, 1782.

Origin [s. Ephraim and Mary], Feb. 25, 1782.

Thomas, s. Origin Augustus and Sarah, Jan. 10, 1813.

PHELPS, Sarah, ch. Jared [and Rowena], June 17, 1802.

PORTER, Abigail, d. Peter and Abigail, Mar. 4, 1776.

PUTNAM, Charlotte E., d. Isaac, croup, Nov. 5, 1849, a. i y.

10 m.

Emma J., consumption, July 18, 1846, a. 14.

RODGERS, Catharine Ann, d. Josiah and Huldah, Sept. —



RUDD, Alethea, w. James, Oct. 19, 1786.Bishop, s. James and Elisabeth, July 13, 1799, in 8th y.Elisha, s. Elisha and Ruth, Sept. 13, 1777.Esther, w. Jesse, Feb. 28, 1798.Lucy, lung fever, Sept. 18, 1848, a. 79.Nathaniel, widr., " Revolutionary Pensioner," old age, Mar. i,

1845, a. 92.

Olive, w. James, Oct. 8, 1780.Polly L., m., 37, b. S. Salem, N.Y., w. John W., consumption,

Apr. 27, 1849, a. 37.Sarah, w. James, Apr. 19, 1777.William Bishop, s. James and Elisabeth, Aug. 12, 1802.

SCOTT, Minerva, w. Linus, Apr. 6, 1825, a. 34.

Salla, d. John and Mabel, Apr. 8, 1796.

SEARL, Elihu, m., consumption, Dec. 31, 1848, a. 67.

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SHAW, Louisa M., w. Sam, consumption, May 15, 1845, ^- ^4-

, inf. Samuel and Maria, [rec. between June 20and Oct. 17, 1845].

SIZER, Isabella M., d. Reuben and Hannah M., summer com-plaint, Sept. 7, 1849, a. 8 m.

SNOW, Asa, Nov. 30, 1837, a. 84.

Caroline D., b. Blandford, w. Timothy F., d. Loren Gibbs,consumption, July i, 1844, a. 27.

Clemant, s. Oliver and Roxelena, Aug. 24, 1789.Elisabeth, d. Levi and Lydia, Feb. 27, 1787.

James, s. Edmond and Betsey, Mar. 4, 1799.Joanna, w. Timothy, Feb. 6, 1786.

Lydia, d. Amaziah and Sarah, June 7, 1794.Rebeckah, w. Oliver, May 18, 1784.Susanna, d. Timothy and Joanna, Feb. 10, 1788.

SOWL, Hariet M., w. Jonathan, d. Kinsman Broga, consump-tion, June 27, 1844, a. 24.

, s. Miss Nancy, May 13, 1844, a. i y. 6 m.

SPENCER, Clarissa, w. Gurdon, Nov. 23, 1827, a. 46.

Prudence, w. Gurdon, Jan. 13, 1806, a. 24.

STEVENS, Rebecca, w. Thomas, Apr. 27, 1792, in 42d y.

STREATOR, Lois, d. Alpheus and Anna, May 30, 1805.

TAYLOR, Jennette, w. Lewis, consumption, Feb. 16, 1845, a.


THAYER, , inf. Rufus L., Feb. 13, 1846.

TUBES, , d.,June 24, 1846.

TUTTLE, Mary, b. E. Haven, Conn., Mar. 5, 1849, a. 73.

VIETS, Beulah, w. Henry, Dec. 9, 1775.Bulah, d. Henry and Bulah, Aug. 8, 177 1.

Chloe, d. Henry and Bulah, May 25, 1764.

WADSWORTH, Achsah, July 27, 1826, a. 32.

David, s. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 9, 1769.

David, s. Jonathan Jr. and Diadamy, Aug. 19, 1779.

Isabel, w. Seth, Jan. 22, 1811.

James Stilman, Dec. 30, 1812.

John, s. Benjamin and Olive, Dec. 15, 1772.

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Wadsworth, Joseph, July 25, 1774.Martha Celinda, twin d. Joseph and Lydia,

, a. 3 m. [b.

July 16, 1814.]

OUve, d. Benjamin and Olive, Oct. 3, 1773.Samuel, s. Benjamin and Olive, Feb. 30 [fzV], 1770.

WALDEN, Rozel, s. Ebenezer and Elizabeth, May 26, 1766.

WALES, Bethiah [w. Luther Esq.], Sept. 17, 1839.

WALKER, Apollos, s. Ephraim and Louisa R., scarlet fever,

Nov. 4, 1844, a. 5.

Elijah, widr., b. Conn., old age, Dec. 26, 1849, ^- 88.

Louisa R., w. Ephraim, puerperal fever, Nov. 9, 1844, a. 38.

Lovine, d. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Jan. 10, 1776.Lucy, d. Jonathan and Margarit, Dec. 9, 1761.

Lydia, d. Timothy and Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1762.

Martha, d. Ephraim and Louisa R., scarlet fever, Oct. 28, 1844,a. II.

Sarah, old age, Feb. 16, 1845, a. 84.

Theodore, s. Ephraim and Louisa R., scarlet fever, Nov. 7, 1844,a. 3.

Zebulon, s. Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Oct. 4, 1778., s. Ephraim and Louisa R., Nov. 24, 1844, a. 19 d.

WEAVER, , scarlet fever, Feb. 20, 1845, a. 6.

, scarlet fever, Feb. 21, 1845, ^- 4-

, scarlet fever, Feb. 23, 1845, a. 2.

WHITE, Betsy, w. Lansford, June 2, 1840.

WIGHTMAN, Lucinda R., m., d. Josiah Rogers, consumption,

June 20, 1845.

WILLIAMS, Lydia Ermina, d. Jabin Bennet and Lydia, Sept.

3. 1834.

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