
    Sergeant Marko ForssHelsinki Police DepartmentVirtual Community Policing Group2012

  • Survey on the online sexual harassment and abuse of children and adolescents in FinlandIn June 2011 Helsinki Virtual Community Policing Group and Save the Children Finland carried out a survey on online sexual harassment and sexual abuse targeted to children and adolescentsWeb-based survey included 16 structured questions, and two open questions.Link deriving to web-questionare was disseminated via four Finnish networking sites, IRC-Galleria, Habbo, Demi & Aapeli

    Results of the survey reflex youngsters online experiences in a general level and do not mirror problem in a singular service providors websites.

  • Survey reached a total of 4 256 children and adolescents. The target group sought was under 16-years old, who comprised 54% (2283) of the respondents.In a group under 16 years old, girls formed 62 % and boys 38 %.

  • Results

  • Results

  • Results

  • Virtual Community Policing Started in September 2008 from IRC-Galleria At the moment tree police officers working full time New pilot started in April 2011 15 police officers from 11 different police stations Where we work: Facebook, IRC-Galleria, Messenger, Hommaforum, Demi We are police officers, not communications staff

  • Why Police is Visibly Online?Lowers the level to contact the police and talk about personal thingsPreventive police work: Inform about laws and answer to questionsCreates a feel of security on internetProfiles are there not to limit the freedom of speech or to moderate the sites but profiles will intervene to criminal acts if its necessary (bullying, sexual crimes etc)

    The key for succesfull work is bilateral and confidental low treshold communication


  • 12.12.09Other Police Services in SocialMediaNational Police Boards CommunicationsFB: Suomen poliisi fanclub (over 170 000 fans)YouTube channel suomenpoliisiPoliisista piv -blogsTwitter

    National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Security Police

  • Statistics 2011(not pilot, only Helsinki)IRC-Galleria6300 messages (16 000 in 2010)FacebookOven 2100 chain of messages to inbox (1000 in 2010)Email540 answered emails (420 in 2010)MessengerUsed when possible

  • In addition to answered messages acts (not pilot, only Helsinki)

    2010 (only last 7 months) 2011139 acts22 police reports (17 were sexual crimes)28 virtual warnings (usually bullying) 9 reports to child welfare (suicidal, depressed etc)About 70 tips

    246 acts55 police reports (51 were sexual crimes )50 virtual warnings (usually bullying)14 reports to child welfare (suicidal, depressed etc)46 assistance to other police officersAbout 70 tips

  • In 2011 about 15-20% of internet related child sexual abuse cases in hole Finland were reported trough Helsinki Police Departments Virtual Community Policing Group (only three police officers)Percentage is higher if you count all the other police reports that investigation regarding that one report has revealed in investigationVery rare that young plaintiffs contact directly the police -> internet lowers the level to inform police

    Best Results

  • Best resultsPossibility to act with police profiles acutely to bullying with virtual warningsPossibility to react fast in social mediaLeaks, demonstrations, general discussionsPossibility to contact local people inexpensively and effectivelyGood understanding of social media in policing

  • FinallyInternet doesnt make you stupid, it only allows to show your own stupidity to many people


    [email protected]
