Download - Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access

Page 1: Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access

October October -- December 2010 December 2010 Issue 7 Issue 7

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Useful Contact Numbers/Information Parish Council Notes The Village Outing Sunflower Competition Dates for your Diary Village Organisations Holy Trinity Church George & Dragon Golf Society Nature News ‘Have Your Say’ Children’s Page Health & Lifestyle Vi


































Is newly qualified & ready to take appointments Cuts from £6.50, Blow dry £8.50 01507 588320 - 07917 615119

NICK COULTHURST Domestic Electrician

Part P. NICEIC registered Holly House Farm 07919 918 882


MOT Preparation Mount Pleasant Farm Hagworthingham

Telephone: 01507 588672


(East Coast Windows & Conservatories)(East Coast Windows & Conservatories) UPVC - Home Improvements Double glazed units replaced

01507 588215

Lisa Hammond Holistic & Beauty Treatments

Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candles, Massage, Facials, Pedicures and more.

(30 min. taster treatments available) Pamper Days. Gift Vouchers.

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C & S Welding & Fabrication (Old Filling Station)

Agricultural, Domestic, Industrial M.I.G. ~ GAS ~ ARC

Fabrication in mild steel & stainless steel 7 days a week

M.O.T. welding, gates, locks, restoration work, NO JOB TOO SMALL 07832 326944

JJ’s CAFÉ Main Road - 01507 588611

~~~~~~~~~~~ Tasty home cooked food,

Specials Board, Sunday Lunch, FRIDAY NIGHT - FISH ‘n CHIPS!!

Good Parking - all welcome

Stockwith Mill Tea Room; Plant Centre; Craft Shop; Country Walks

Excellent food in superb setting Winter hours - Sat & Sun only Nov 6, 7

& Dec 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19 March - Oct Tues - Sun incl. 10.30 - 6pm Closed Mondays except Bank Holidays

01507 588221

3A’s TAXI (Hagworthingham’s local taxi)

Tel. 01507 588225 Mobile 07939 227455 1 - 7 seater


Good quality household items Furniture, collectables and much more….

Shop & tearoom Winter opening hours: 11.30am - 5pm Wed - Fri. 10.30am - 5pm Sat - Sun D.G.S. Church Lane Hagworthingham 01507 588275

FIREWOOD FUTURES Seasoned firewood delivered direct to your door

High quality - Locally sourced Competitive prices

Call Nick on 07554 935549 - 01507 533736

WHOLEBODY EXERCISE Raithby Village Hall Tuesdays 6 - 7pm Increase vitality, flexibility - have fun! Nutrition -Talks to groups - Specialist classes

Marion Manson (Dip.EHM) 01507 588414

Rachel's Café (Old Filling Station) 01507 588424

Open daily 8am – 6pm George & Dragon

>Mon-Thur, 2 for 1 from Specials Board<

Great value home cooked meals served every day

-Sunday Carvery (best to book please)- -Friday Fish ’n Chips a speciality-

Christmas/New Year - see blackboard website 01507 588255

Page 2: Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access


The “DIET” industry is just that – an industry and worth millions of pounds each year to the businesses involved. The key word is “NUTRITION”. Far cheaper and far more effective than 'fad diets'. With this in mind, here are some ideas for packed meals.

Children's School Pack-up. (Adults may like these ideas too!)

Oakwood Tree Care Reliable & professional service

Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access Platform for hire; Logs & Woodchip for sale

Emergency call-out only 07931 698431 NPTC Qualified & Fully insured

01507 568438


ALL general building work undertaken All-rounder with over 25 years experience


Mark - 01507 588551 - 07834 818 185


Plumbing & Building Contractors · New Build & Renovations ·

Kitchen & Bathroom Design & Installation Granite Worktop Specialist

UPVC Fascia & guttering, windows, doors 07818 418367 - 01205 364266 - 01507 588598

Diane Morgan Neal's Yard Remedies Consultant


Organic Skin and Body Care And 100% Natural Remedies! Call me on 01507 588446

Find out how our award-winning skincare range can help you.

CARL RHODES Power Washing Service

Contract Cleaning to enquire about work

undertaken please call me on 01507 588283 - 07780 811546

WILLOW FARM POULTRY Poultry; Housing; Feed; Sundries

~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Traditional and rare breeds Various ages and vaccinated

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Julia – 01507 588551

Advertising copy and payment please, to

[email protected]

01507 588414 By December 20


FULL LIABILITY INSURANCE Please call Julian on Home 01507 588442 Mobile 07774956265

Any interesting news? Events? Deadline for January Village Voice is December 20th

It is important that your ads, reports, events are in by this date for inclusion. Nature and hobbies, Nicky:- [email protected]; 588514

Have your say, Rachel:- [email protected]; 588457 Ads, reports, events, Marion:- [email protected]; 588414

Have You Done It Lately?

I have - today! I joined the mobile library again. You might think that 'Talking Books' are just for those who have difficulty in reading. Why not try them while you're baking or ironing, or pottering in the shed - or on a long drive? I'm listening to Neptune's Daughter. It's about Gwen, recently widowed and finding a new and very different life for herself! So far I'm hooked! Some of it's a bit rude, but I can get over that!

Why not try the library service with your children and go to the van to ask what they have for you. There are project books for school work, teenage fiction etc etc. So much to find in the mobile library for everyone. Marion Manson


Historical Anecdote 3

In October 1643 the Royalist and Parliamentarian armies met in battle at Winceby. The Royalist army under the command of Sir John Henderson, and Sir William Widdrington were leading a force to relieve the siege at Bolingbroke Castle. They were met by a Parliamentarian force led by Oliver Cromwell and Sir Thomas Fairfax. During the battle Cromwell's horse was shot from underneath him, but he still went on to defeat the Royalist army. In the rout after the battle the Royalist soldiers scattered all over the Lincolnshire Wolds and one of them called Miles Hope staggered into Hagworthingham with serious injuries of which he eventually died, he was buried in the church grounds by the people of the parish. Peter Skipworth

Savoury ideas to ring the changes:- Tub of Pasta salad. Slice of quiche. Ready chopped veg, e.g. carrot, celery, peppers,

cucumber, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower florets, any salad.

Drinks:- Water, fruit juice, milk shake.

Sandwich Fillings:- Tuna, tomato, watercress. Cottage cheese and chopped dates. Humus and salad leaves. Ham and salad. Banana and sultanas – sprinkling of cinnamon. Hard boiled egg and cress with a smudge of

mayonnaise. Cheese and Marmite. Peanut butter and cucumber. Crispy grilled bacon, lettuce and tomato.

Desserts:- Chopped up fruit in juice, or a piece of

fruit, banana, kiwi etc. Dried fruit – raisins, apricots, prunes

etc. Couple of fig rolls; crunchy muesli bar. Fruit scone with jam. Tea bread/malt loaf/flapjack. Yoghurt with muesli/fruit stirred into it.

Tips:- Notice what remains uneaten when the lunch box is returned. Add a surprise treat. Involve the children. Children like finger foods and ''trendy'' items. These need to be nutritious, so beware of well

advertised and expensive junk. An ice pack or carton of cold drink will help to keep food cool. Be very careful with food safety. e.g. putting chicken in a pack-up could spell disaster if the

lunch box is stored badly. Marion Manson

Page 3: Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access

What’s On? (Dates For Your Diary) Event Detail When Where

Harvest Festival Please come and join us. Sun. 3rd Oct. 6.30 Church

Curry Night Please book Wed. 6th Oct. 7.30 George & Dragon

Quiz Night Hagg 2000 event £4 each includes supper, teams of 4-6

Wed. 13th Oct. 7.30 for 8pm start George & Dragon

Women’s Institute A London Wartime Childhood Thur. 14th Oct. 7.00 JJs Café

Harvest Supper Come and see Community Area in action!

Sausage & Mash (plus dessert & wine) . Tickets limited £7.50 Wendy Done 588672

Fri. 15th Oct. 7 for 7.30pm

Community Area in Church

BINGO Raises money for Hagg 2000 Tue. 26th Oct 6.30pm for 7.15 start JJs Café

Poetry Evening This event has been postponed probably until Autumn 2011, as it is uncertain whether or not there will be a viable heating system in place in Church by the planned date. Really sorry to disappoint.

Parish Council Meeting Open forum first 15 minutes Mon. 1st Nov. 7.30 Community Area in Church

Bonfire Night Fireworks & Bonfire Bar, burgers & hot dogs

Fri. 5th Nov. 6.30 - 7.30pm George & Dragon

Quiz Night Hagg 2000 event £4 each includes supper, teams of 4-6

Wed. 10th Nov. 7.30 for 8pm start George & Dragon

Women’s Institute Speaker Colin Hornsey ‘From Rocks to Riches’

Thurs. 11th Nov. 7.00 pm JJs Café

Remembrance Day Please come and join us. Sun.14th Nov. 10.45 Church

BINGO Raises money for Hagg 2000 Tue. 23rd Nov. 6.30pm for 7.15 start JJs Café

Sausage & Mash Night Please book. Wed. 24th Nov. 7.30pm George & Dragon

Women’s Institute Mrs Fanny Smith ‘A Christmas Arrangement’

Thurs. 9th Dec. 7.00pm JJs Café

Parish Council Meeting Open forum first 15 minutes Mon. 13th Dec. 7.30 Community Area in Church

BINGO Raises money for Hagg 2000 Tue. 14th Dec. 6.30pm for 7.15 start JJs Café

Quiz Night Hagg 2000 event £4 each includes supper, teams of 4-6

Wed. 15th Dec. 7.30 for 8pm start George & Dragon

Children’s Party Run by Hagg 2000 Watch out for the form through your door! Sat. 18th Dec. JJs Café

Carols By Candlelight Donations of toys for Children’s Hospice at Grimsby or dry food items for Centrepoint, Boston welcome.

Sun. 19th Dec. 6.30pm Church

Village Voice Deadline 20 December deadline for event dates, ads payment & contributions to January Village Voice

Carol Singing Please come along and join us. Proceeds St Andrew’s Hospice.

Tues. 21st Dec. 6.30pm

Meet at G & D then around village

Seniors Lunch Run by Hagg 2000 Please watch out for the form through your door nearer the time! Thurs. 30th Dec. George & Dragon

Please look at notice boards (in Layby, Manor Road, Old Post Office, Café & Pub) for other events. .

Hagworthingham Women’s Institute

In August we all had a go at making greetings cards using various stamping techniques, a good time was had and we all produced two cards!

The September meeting of Hagworthingham WI was a talk and Slide Show from L.I.V.E.S first responders a valuable part of the community. The role call - your favourite war film. The flower prize - won by Margaret Waters. Raffle - Wendy Done. Competition - Eileen Jackson.

The Ladies of Lincolnshire Lunch was held in September at the Windmill Restaurant in Burgh le Marsh this year and Hagg W.I. filled a table. This was another triumph for the W.I. both in terms of the food served and the after dinner speaker who was non other than Lady Rose Hickman in full Tudor regalia, (sometimes known as author and historian Sue Allan). A thoroughly good occasion!

Also in September a very interesting and enjoyable afternoon was spent in the sunshine at the Skegness Church Farm Museum. The museum is due to close in October but hopefully this fascinating site and very valuable resource will be run by a charitable trust from April. The Christmas Dinner will be at the beginning of December. Eileen Jackson

The 30th HORTICULTURAL SHOW This was held in the Church on Saturday 14th August. It was a lovely day. In some sections the entries were down but considering the season the Judges felt we had done well. There were some quality Exhibits, the Church looked lovely with the beautiful colourful flowers. In the afternoon the attendance was up on last year, there was a successful raffle

and tombola, the W.I. served tea and cakes in the New Community Area at the back of the Church, this was enjoyable and very much appreciated.

The trophies were presented by Mr J. Perkins, our past Committee Member and Treasurer. We now look forward to our 31st show to be held in the Church on Saturday 13th August 2011.

The Chairman, Mr Edmund Done, thanked everyone who helped over the years and for all people who entered their produce and handicrafts.

Mr Done put out a plea for 'new blood' on the committee. If anyone would like to help on the committee with a view to gradually taking a greater part, please contact the secretary, Mrs Wendy Done on 01507 588 672.

Helen Spice had a stall at the Horticultural Show in August and raised almost £50 for research into Multiple Sclerosis. Her total of money raised is now over £6,500 and she would like to thank everyone who supported her. (If anyone has oddments of wool they would like to donate it would be very helpful, contact anyone on the VV team if you have). 7 6

Page 4: Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access

The Parish Council continues to meet every six weeks, with the meetings being held in Church.

Over the past few months the Standing Orders of Council have been reviewed. Open Forum continues for the first 15 minutes, with an additional 5 minutes at the end of the meeting, this is at the Chairman's discretion.

Two public footpaths within the village have been cleared by Lincolnshire County Council. The path from the A158 to Deep Lane and the path to Ashby Puerorum.

There has been ongoing concern re the standard of Broadband within the village, this is to be actively investigated.

The Lincolnshire flag has been purchased by the Parish Council.

The Hagworthingham website is up and running. (

Mrs L. MacKenzie, our ELDC representative informed the meeting of changes at ELDC regarding road sweeping and rubbish collection (see below).

PCSO Keith Briggs attended the meeting, reporting that speeding through villages is a main concern. Interactive speed signs have been in operation in Hagg, additional work is to be undertaken in this area.

A new Wolds Policing Panel has been set up, of local people, who will decide on areas of concern to be discussed at these meetings, it is hoped representatives from each village will attend, they need not be members of the Parish Council. The next meeting will be held on 12 October in the Hamilton Hall, Tetford at 7pm. If you would like to help represent the village, please contact PCSO Briggs on 07825 100408 or attend the meeting and convey your interest to the Chairman. We were represented by Mr E.S. Dewick at the first meeting. Further details on village website (click on Village Information).

Wendy Done Clerk to the Parish Council Waste and Recycling Panel is now called Street Scene (includes street bins). If any litter is dumped in a public place (i.e. in the lay by, on the footpath, or the grass verges etc) then Street Scene can deal with it. All you need to do is ring ELDC Customer Services on 01507 601111 and report any litter or fly tipping each time you see any. Your call will be logged and priority given. Street Scene are carrying out a review of provision of street bins. It looks as though the national pressure on finances is such that new bins cannot be provided in the short term. On street cleaning, again Street Scene is working on a review with the aim of trying to coordinate street sweeping and to take advice from the parishes about their specific needs. Cllr Lynda MacKenzie

The Parish Council are not responsible for any of the opinions of contributors to this publication.

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Woken from slumber by noises below I poked David in the ribs..... “There’s someone downstairs!” I whispered... “I can’t hear anything, go back to sleep” came the reply. Thud .........clatter!!!!...... The dogs had now heard the commotion and where going frantic at the top of the stairs. Reluctantly admitting defeat David (with me right behind him) braved it to the landing. Lulu, our terrier had decided to confront the intruder downstairs barking and growling like a Rottweiler was now hot footing it back up the stairs as a shadowy winged figure lurched through the sitting room door and into the kitchen. As the creature took off into the darkness, I had visions of my precious old plates and jugs crashing to the floor and general mayhem to boot, but as we turned on the lights, miraculously there was no damage but a beautiful young tawny owl sitting dazed on the window sill. Expecting more feathers to fly, David gingerly crept up to it with a towel and without any panic or fright it allowed him to catch hold. For a few brief seconds we marvelled at its beautiful face, wide eyes, huge wings and deadly talons before we let it fly off into the night unharmed. As for us, after concluding that it must have fallen down the chimney from the tree directly above it and checking the damage of only an upturned photo frame and a few sooty wing prints on the walls, we all trundled back to bed...... couldn’t help thinking though had it been The Owl AND the Pussy-cat (who thankfully was outside) it may have been a very different story indeed. Sylvia Portas

Update on the owl boxes From Peter Graves. A Tawny Owl has been in the Tawny Owl box but not nested yet. In the Owl box there is a jackdaw!


‘Have Your Say’ Village Mowing Why? Who? Where? When? How?

The subject of the village mowing has been brought up several times of late, so we figured it would be useful to try and answer the questions that have been raised concerning this subject… Why? Historically the village mowing started when a refund was offered by Lincs CC if we were prepared to do it ourselves rather than their contractors. When investigated, this proved financially viable as the refund from Lincs CC is generally more than enough to cover the costs associated with the mowing. In addition, Lincs CC would only cut the grass twice each summer and generally only in places where long grass could become a hazard. It has been unanimously agreed over the years that the mowing done by the village is a vast improvement on the service from Lincs CC, and for that reason the voluntary mowing has continued. Who? The mowing is done by parishioners on a voluntary basis, as and when the grass needs cutting. Where? The areas to be mown are highlighted on a map available to anybody who wishes to volunteer (basically the area includes the verges of the A158 through the village and either side of Hagg crossroads). The Parish Council has comprehensive insurance covering the mower itself, its operators and third parties and is able to offer training in the use of the mower. When? The frequency of mowing is dictated by the length of the grass, so ultimately by the weather. Generally it needs doing about once a fortnight with about 5 hours required to cover the whole area to be mown. How? If you fancy volunteering to help out, do remember that we appreciate that people have busy lives and therefore a firm and regular commitment is not expected and we are grateful for any help on an ‘as and when’ basis. All that is required is a little coordination over which areas have and have not been done. Please contact Rachel Morgan [email protected] 588457 or Heather Temple-Marsh [email protected] 588250

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USEFUL INFORMATION Rev. A Sullivan ~ 01790 753534 (see note on Church page) Tetford Doctors Surgery ~ 01507 533233

Citizens Advice Bureau ~ 08701 224422 Spilsby Doctors Surgery ~ 08444 773309

Anglian Water ~ 0800 145145 Horncastle Doctors Surgery ~ 01507 522477

Lincolnshire Police non emergency number is 0300 111 0300 ( 24 hour service)

PCSO Keith Briggs 07825 100408

Skegness Hospital ~ 01754 762401 Electricity E.On Power ~ 0800 0568090

Boston Pilgrim Hospital ~ 01205 364801 Lincoln County Hospital ~ 01522 512512

Call Connect Bus Service - pre booked requests on Mon. - Sat. 08.30 until 19.00. To register ring 0845 234 334 or online at

Bus timetable Leaflets are available free from JJ’S Café.

The mobile Post Office - George & Dragon Pub on Tuesdays & Thursdays, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.

Red Cross Link Community member Eileen Jackson ~ 01507 588273

Lynda MacKenzie East Lindsey District Council Representative 01507 533244

Sir Peter Tapsell MP Member of Parliament for Louth and Horncastle Contact details:- Constituency: 01507 603713 Office: 020 7219 4477 House of Commons London SW1A 0AA

Mobile Library service will be in the George & Dragon yard from 3.45 – 4.15pm on the following dates:Oct 19th; Nov 16th; Dec 14th

Problems with Broadband? Contact John Allsop [email protected] (with ‘BROADBAND’ in subject line).

Remember the Firework Code! You can help children learn to be responsible about fireworks by emphasising the need for safety when they're young, and remind them each time Bonfire Night comes around. The general tips for everyone to remember are: Light sparklers one at a time and always wear

gloves. Never give sparklers to a child under the age of

five. Buy fireworks marked BS 7114. Always follow the instructions on each individual

firework. Light fireworks at arms length using a taper. Once lit, stand well back. Never go back to a lit firework. Never put a firework in your pocket. Never throw fireworks. Keep pets indoors.

L.I.V.E.S. - First Responders Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary

Emergency Service. Always requires volunteers - Medics, first-responders, helpers, group co-ordinators, fund raisers. Could you be any of these? Who can be a First Responder? Anyone of 18 or over with a full, clean driving licence. You will have to be able to carry a 15Kg bag of equipment and be able to kneel and administer CPR for up to 20 minutes. Is any previous experience needed? No, all the necessary training is provided. 01507 525999 L.I.V.E.S. THE WAR MEMORIAL CENTRE, NORTH STREET, HORNCASTLE. LN9 5DX

What do clouds wear underneath? THUNDERPANTS!!


Page 6: Village Voice Oct 10 - Lincolnshire County · Trees Felled & Pruned-Hedges Trimmed-Stump Grinding Access

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Owing to the fact that our Rector the Rev. Adrian Sullivan is unwell anyone wishing to speak to a Priest should contact Fr. Peter Coates (Rural Dean) 01790 752526. Our pattern of Services also varies a little at the moment, these are posted on the Church Notice Board, as well as Church Magazine. It is great to report the finishing touches are being put to the Community Area at the back of Church. The plastering is finished and the walls are lime washed (two more coats to go). The Vestry wall

has also been plastered. The new carpet is now down. A small sink with a folding top and taps is being made. Some lightweight tables are on order.

A very generous village person has given the Church enough money to buy some more new chairs so that the total will then be 50, this will enable the full use of the new area .

The new heating system has been approved by the PCC but no Faculty has been granted as yet. At the moment we are waiting to hear from ELDC if Planning Permission (as well as the Church Faculty) will be needed before this can be installed. Thanks to Mr Done’s hard work & determination the old boiler is currently running again so the Church is warm!

It will soon be time to order the Church Magazine for 2011. Anyone wishing to order one please ring Wendy Done 588672 (cost £6 a year). A few spare ones are put in the Church every month at a cost of 50p.

Just a diary date - Carols by Candle Light will be held on Sunday 19 December at 6.30pm. The Coffee morning held at Jenny’s on Saturday morning, 11 September raised £70 for

Church funds. Well done Jenny!


The Village Outing by Timothy Powell aged 11 This year, we had a very enjoyable outing to Scarborough. Around 100 people attended, travelling in two Lawton's coaches. When we arrived, the children were given £2 each to spend on something of their choice. There was a lot on offer in Scarborough. You could take the Tram to Town, go shopping and round it off with an ice-cream. You could take a stroll along the seafront, play on the slot machines (we did!) and end it with the traditional fish and chips. You could ride on the open-topped buses (weather permitting), enjoy yourself at the fair and bring it to a delicious end with a pizza. Even though it rained slightly and some felt queasy on the return journey, everybody enjoyed it. Many thanks to Lawton's Coaches for the travel and to Hagg 2000 for organizing the outing. Timothy Powell

The Village outing – an adult's view! I am sure everyone had an excellent day. The weather was poor when we set off, almost torrential rain at times, but by the time we reached the Humber Bridge things were starting to look better and our arrival in Scarborough was greeted by fleeting glimpses of blue sky and sun. From then on conditions improved rapidly with coats and cardigans being shed to be replaced by last minute applications of sun screen. Everyone went their different ways once we had disembarked, some to the beach,

some to Peasholm Park and the fittest even braved the climb to the castle. There was plenty of time for Amusements; shopping and trying the traditional delights of seafood; ice cream and candy floss. For many, lunch was the freshest of fish accompanied by heaped chips at one of the many bustling cafés that dot the town's streets. The journey home was in still perfect weather with the tired out trippers relaxing after a wonderful day. David Preston

Sunflower Competition During March, I gave the village children two sunflower seeds each to see whose would grow the tallest.

On a very wet Thursday in August Mr Geoff Barker and myself went round to all accessible sunflowers to measure them. There were 21 in total. Though there were many really good ones, there could only be one winner. Gemma and Jack Clayton's huge sunflower won them the £10 prize. It had reached a height of 10ft 4ins. We feel it was a great success and will try again next year.

Irene Curtis

GEORGE AND DRAGON GOLF SOCIETY July meeting On the 21st of July a 19 strong group headed for Pottergate golf club. Our deserved and first time winner was Darren Maskel with 39 points closely follow by Andrew Lee cursing that tiny last putt missed on the 18th! Other winners were David Preston getting nearest the pin via a bunker! Julian Miles took the longest drive prize with a 4 iron! Probably the shortest distance ever to win! Carl Rhodes got the prize for getting nearest to the pin in 2, on the 18th with the only 2 good shots he had all day (his words!). Thanks to Jean and Tim Cadman this months captains, who literally brought a drinks cabinet full of alcohol as prizes.

August meeting On the 18th of August 15 players ventured out to Cannick golf club in Lincoln. It was a day for players that had returned after long absences. Jim Gaunt took the honours for the day with 41 points with several good score close behind, notably Brian Grant, Mike Thompson & David Preston. Brian Grant won both the longest drive and nearest the pin prizes having had a long injury lay off. Julian Miles took the prize for nearest the pin in 2 on the 17th hole. A huge thankyou to David and Margaret Preston for opening their house to host a lavish bar-b-que in the evening. David Preston & Julian Miles

David Preston by Julian Miles

Peter Mitchell following through by Julian Miles

Gemma & Jack Clayton’s huge sunflower won them the £10 prize.

After a good day and a lot of fun we stepped back onto the coach.