Download - · Web viewThe importance of creative environmental design people enjoy time with friends, playing and talking this can reduce nonverbal cues.

Page 1: · Web viewThe importance of creative environmental design people enjoy time with friends, playing and talking this can reduce nonverbal cues.

Showcase Two: Creative Environmental Urban Design

First I was thinking fo design physical environment influence social interaction among the

people in it. First and foremost, creative design influence involves relative interaction,

psychological and social interpretations. For instance, physical environment represents a

most important of social influence. Second, I think physical environment has positive quality

of social interaction. The importance of creative environmental design people enjoy time

with friends, playing and talking this can reduce nonverbal cues. Third, I think social

interaction in friendly design environment in return influence people. It is hence a significant

to consider the nature and function between group of people when designing areas to them

(Gehl, 2009)

Figure: 3 Creative Environment Design


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City of West Torrens. (2012). Open Space and Public Realm Strategy Issues and Opportunity

paper, South Australia


Page 2: · Web viewThe importance of creative environmental design people enjoy time with friends, playing and talking this can reduce nonverbal cues.

Gehl, J. (2009). A more Beautiful and Comfortable City. Analysis Gehl Architects Public Space

and Public Life, Perth Western Australia.

Government of South Australia. (2012). Street Design for People Compendium

Landcom. (2008). Open Space Design Guidelines

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Environmental Design