Download - ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

Page 1: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base: ball. M:C,baa alwaya.ooen on the map for aii ·athletics. •and · she ·shall con­tinue< to · be ·If the atude'nt& know their own minds.

Someone bail B&.ld, "Where wlll we get our material?" · Well, If old M'.

, ATHLETICS C. baa not . the material to go out lo rla'e,,.McPli:eno'n "llull Dogs" when ba~b~ll and whip any -other tea.m In comes to basket ball, can Inform the state we bad best.Quit. ·

opndrldge at' least, of one or two Maxey, with the faultless arm of

"" ' ~ . t '

The r_eaaon for so many of our di-vorce caaee ta .that people t ry to put too much Jazz In "Home ·sWeet Home."


· at the

Peoples Stale 811.1k

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• : . J. E. JQsEPH . : · : . Jewelry -d Mmic, Store • • Watches. Clocks and . Jewelr7, :

.~-Plated ~e'tber.-0.0.<the .!in ,eld. ,Pltc,P.qr, J;s, ~lgbt be~~· r!rln~ floor Thursday evening and dld to go, and J obnle on tbe spot.· When

ome unique work. Tbe game was the proposition for catcher comes up Capital $.50,000.00. · ,;iierely a real,.good stiff p~actlce for ~e grh1, for we know.that Engstrom Deposits'. G;uaranteed'

• Pianos, Organs, Sewing Macb.ln- • : ea, Small Mual~ Inati;umeiita : • and Sheet :,Mualc. • • : Largest Stock of~ Slteet /M~le' • e • · lu tblt.CO'lllity, : : ' i.21 SOUTH MAIN STB.BE'r • . :

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' . . tb.e boys who are speedily Improving .ls an old man .a.t the' work. Another McP~erson, Kansas. . • • ••••••••••••••••·•••••••• . ,on their "baskets." Aa often before, thing that tickles us ls that when : · · : itbelr tlve man qetence waa as the Engstrom gives up we have Fritz • ..

. iron gate never lll be broken thru. Bowell ready to take bis place. .: - .: Jlt 'aeemed so much like practice that We have not decided for certain· • • one of the bulldogs forgot himself ty who w111 be our basemen or our Bulk anci Package ·1 : For the convenience . of : for•;tbe moment' and engaged lo a lit- fielders but we have a . large stock : College students, we have :'

~ tl~gr_?WI. For this he was r?moved to choose. them Jtrom. But where ls C ·h. ocolates . : ·placed a basket in the :

• ~rom. the floor and the_ game pro- our baseball dia.niond? Some people • • "' fceeded to go on without him and y'earn (especlally In the spring) tor ALWAYS FRESH • hoys' dormitoi:-y. •

. iwlthout much. change but for a more the kind of a diamond in which only HtJBB!LL'S ~RUG S'.f~RE i £ acUve "work-out." two are Interested bnt for us we wiab • , •

The Jaszers were upon the scene tor one capable. of accommedatlng !--...;------------- : ELMER RUPP, Agt. : 'r wtth. all . fours, carrying on as usual two teams of Dille m,en each-We McPherson : .

and we sincerely hope that none ot humbly gr&nt the la.dies the· side lines D W C ff • our visitors obJect too strenuously and ble&chers. Here's hoping, and t. . . eastoo· Steam Laun. dry,· : o the music they furnished. · take It at ~ne. gulp, that the college Pbyetclan & Snrgeou :

, In talklhg With Coach Patterson wlll teel the need .ot a ~amond . Rooms 1 &nd ll over Jll '3ontb Main Phone .&•: .: . ·' t la found that bis great desire la to enough that we shall soon have one. . Maitln~s1nelter Store ,.. • • . . , • : ; t ave better team wo;lt ln the game. _. • . :. .. Ii .,._____ ·• "'bai~ no'i1cl!d -the lio)B ·try for . llfIN mcc eraon, - - - ~ . :

"'; fong goalil, apd play too llldlvld· OO G BASKET BA.LL GAMES •••••••••••••••••••.••••••• • dani. It la nothlllg but a queeUon · ' ~of a brief time uuUI the boys wlll get Tomorrow evening we will play . doWll to the " real stuff.'' So boo,t, Bethel upon our own court. Tbts lbooet/ aitd booat some more . . You'U promises to be a very speedy game 'get .,.our money's worth, juat aa we and enjoyable by a.JI. "Some on~:· .all did at the game Tueeday evening. said, ·durlllg our game with KanB&S

'A double-b:eader waa staged. · The Weal:van "If those boya can't- learn ·fll'llt game wu Inman High veraua to play any bett-er baaket ibau than

. :M. c. Second team. The eecond team that r llhould tbl:nk. it poor_ policy to · ,puiled their opponents over the fll'llt aek for foot ball." We ful1y re&Uae half with a 1core of two to eeventeen tb&t a foot b&n lbarlt could eully

4Yor of M. C. and tile •11COnd half ~ ·a bullet ball boob, yet such re­ot ·the pme euded w1tb a 1core of marks do not sqund encouraging. nble to twent>'·.ieven In M. C.'1 favor. But- tlR,tla the dar~ .1lde. We. are

Nat came the real game, played "Bull Dogs" in '1>uket ~l and when bJ' Kan8u · w..ien.n and the ftrat yon step on a Bull Dog's tall he ·' of 'M. C.' Talk of monn. the doean't become diacourapd and ~ all rode the wlnp of the lf'lnd. do1r11caet In feeUng. Nay be doean 't \\9 tl~t halt ended five to eeYen~ enn pity the argrenor but the act .ga faYor. of K. W., and the came ended la the very symbol of encouragement iibieteen to twenty 1!J:. M. C. , t.l?lt --encouragement to bite. So, bite ~ lloeup ~aa:' forwarda. Rump, Bu~l Dop, bit~. ~Yer an.d Howell; guarda, HooYW. -On Tuesday eYenlng we will pla.y rum~er ··and Yoder; Cent&l'll, Bethany upon our cov:rt .and we want W! "1ld Trapp. ' all ~e rooten out and pleue do not

' It 'WU ~ noticed that the Bull forget to brlng a. capable accompaD.7-are. rapldb' fmprol1n1 bnt are. lat. Aa for ·the gtrla who hue for­

ott oix roat ilboottng. Bad they rotten that 1.8· Leap•year, ther ,,, third of their tbrowa they JD&Y find lotormatlon. lll tbe Reader'• · :wowd have ·come O'ut on. top. · We Gulde and· lo the last wnie of t!ita

milt also aay that when ever "Tony:• paper, page four, column \_'il'O, It ts 1'u lll':lled.:npon for a rOai he d8u.ver- .beµeved that tbla 'Will be conaollog lf ~ e ~· ' PtcllJ!rlY: applied:

'. Mra. Rob't. Matthews

is in the Eastern Markets . buying the latest styles · in spring and summer Millin­ery.

J. _.E. GustafSoit JF;WELER

Wa:~:s~~:~ksR;%e~· Diamonds and

and Jewelry Stationary

:················································ .. ·· . • • • . ' . • i • . : : " "Home of Good Furftiture" ... : : since 1894· £ • • • • ! Maltby Furnlt~re Co. . i : · MCPheraon, Kan. :. • • . : .. • • : ~ • . r : ···················-··································

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

Siii' Al' J.iiJ) ~~

.,.fi"• t "'~"'\\ ' ' . ~}~ \Dl'lt.i>Clllillltt.; ll '

'-'• •• '!7 .. C f'Mii:)'tf9l~H ~'l'fh;r£r~=-:: .., ••· · , -

1 z . · -if - · • . - · tau ·,d t · oo'w · .. • :re11: ~ •• li'olli~~tllfs.i en . W9' ordilr l to a1..a e · . . . • · '"'• ,·fMi, 1'1'6t.''- '.f04et'•· clilpel ~ ~J~ ,u~· ,!" or~~ cou- ~~...,.,=-~~!""'!!",....,,.,....,,,.,.,..,.,....--1 .... ~t ··~~..!-:- -- -~ . . 'I.~ -rJ~t Pll,blSe ~~ ' ~'f,.U JA""Ull-4 ':e."'t• ~tHW)'O'°l~) ~$ t1R•'

, i • BOai• lllioPte a11o1114 •!It 19 ai- ~w~.Ua~JCMlne. mi. ~ lowed to PJ.i ttd~wmb. Tiie cJUceii .ult .be if~lli· tllJ,pff-. r-'"°"!'!P.i"'°mio:!!'"'!,~~i~fh~~.,.i!iii'*'"*mi!t n•.;;;,~"ft~ • .,._, .... 111Wice ot Oil• eou.ce dePeita. 11po11 lod of tht• order. N_,.,- cather- . ~·eMV~~~ • ..- . ...... · . .u .. ,, . • flt ' "'.::i n..... . l1lP to the n.1U11ber ot H ~1.7 lie al- llODDl!I Dm.n u~naY • ... ! u .. :-' COll.ll 11~"1:· v .... 811~ lowed. . Schl!Pla. M.·~ .oae.n. It 'fijl ll#oli\~( 0!1 .!- ·~, We n~ they are under nperYlalou b7 doetc!r Qftloe no.ii.. -~ta of mouet "4 mut h&Ye ft.- ·W• or 11.,.... ~ ~\'", --~ ~ • y • ~t~~-~ ., " , I

'Oeo. O. Bultcrtist EXCWSIVE AGENCY

M~biirioa, Kan. ti~ Milrd ·ilOOi'in.g al>Odt the atud- A itrfet h!l)I~ qui!'Dttne ta fu be 1,. ~JP ,.,.~ra,,u. . . , . . J • ·1 "-·-'- · · obeened, 'batt-tlie. llMd winner m&J' enti anuahtns !t. Two. 7Anl aro go to hi.I work If ID the opinion. elf "" ~.: " · L.;.---"'!.!!". ~ .. ":~~, :mi!i-!-1!""'"::!""" __ .. ~J16 ;,' the truatlM aaked ·'ill to put hie phyatelllD the P&Uent CllD be pro- ii11,.t. iil'ml$J~ili~oiit:liidilolimali.ililiiiliiiiliiiiiiiii11ill---------'!""!~!'!"!I~ ·tufflfii on the bon tiUiet ball pan.ti. perl1 flolatecl. Social &atllll'bl.lllt • ~· Tiieie 1a prosr- made. · .We haft ciuh meeting aud almtlar satherlnsa :football. You uked two great faYOn shall Dot be held while tllll order 18

• . . . , . . • 111 etteet. ~ tliat we grant Inter-collegiate It Je reeommeuded that .n buat­fCJOt , ball. SeocS11d, ithat we brtug neu mn turcl Q&liiat llDD.~

' :forth flTe hundred dollara to tJuauce conrresati~s Jn. . b¥1D"'8 plaeea; it. Do 70u know how the trut- A fortnil proclamation bJ' th•

' · · · ll:la7or wfll tonow. muat get that money? Th97 muet go out and beg for u: You rot a blame eight more than 70u expected.

C. R. LYTLm, C-ount7 Hee.Ith Ottlcu

Yoa ought to be eatbtled." ,I, B. A. A,lijeQD, ~J:or, at, the ~ such !Mlemed to be hie re&aoutng. ot McPhera6i, Kanau, hmifit order

~! ") ~

We IDYite"Your Patronase u.rre or sm.n .

Farmers ( Merctiaats . ••·t •en.Non. JtUiM. ·-· ... .


Pornaitttte that the aboYe reeommeudatlou all4

But If lt'wae tho tJuance wllT were e>nler by the County Health Ottlcer we not glTen Intor-colleglat.e football be In force and effect lu the Clt7 of lllllli•~-..•lll•lli_l~•-• Ii·-....,....,--;_--... ____ ..;;, .. .ilnd told to finance lt ouraeina? We McPhereon 1111tll turther order an4 didn't aek tor auoh condiUou. Of any vlolatlona of title order 1hould be course we didn't ueltber did we aak repo!ill!l to the Cit,. ~. No. li .•

• A penalty will be lmp0ee¢ upou all fo_r lnler!Jlllf'!ll ,footbal}~ .. ~)It Inter- PenOi!ie foni d ptlt; Of· TlOllitlliS the colleglfite football la coming and lt pro°(fll~I!• of thlll q~UA-. can not be stopped. And we aro all I11 Wltneu whereof, I haft here­hoping that when It. doee come there u.nto aot my hand and atttred the

. seal of the City of McPhenon, it.!l· . ma'{ not be 80 many other lroua ID au this 6th da7 of Feb. 1910. the nre. But lt 11 united we will B. A. ALLISON. 1!11',Nh on. (Seal) . 11&701' !17The reaolutlona paaaed by the board Attest: ELLEN LUNDSTROM,

..._ · Olty Clerk. of. trust- la aelt -planatory aud (Flrat published lu tho Jll.eJ?.heno11 aelf-eubatantlaUng. It le a documeut Dally Republican Feb. 6, UZO.) that will be remembozed· for a loug time and will aone ae a good uample 'BRiBF DECISIONS for othore eeeklDei eareful .thought. It la God's law that If 7ou eat 7011

. must wort. ~LUTION~ . A man with a real pull doeen't so

RecoP1Zm1 the immense ·round exhibiting )t. • criaia id which we find our ..t,;. Stick. to the U.Sk, even though not

- at tJaia ~ we heartily ap- atuck OD• It. · - . • preciate tlae ~id . pet- lf at first you don't auecee4, sud• , ~-- , • .. .r c:o-o • for lllC'e11d·. · -

a..- of our atuueat body m ¥a7be Lott'• wife wu too treah. ' lMdlclina. McP-.,non CoU..1• in- anyhow. • · to tii ~· iUfimlion for Delilah wu the rtni lad7 barber .. <;•~•1' ~w:aJioa • tlut ta,,d If eneybodTa ape&klng well ol!

wiliilieWtlaat'~li,~&wOO: yo~.i:u:=t!i4T:·co out and bu~ . . derfdt iu(ure of ~ be- trouble. · fore' aJ ad that" it ·Will 'take Ia your family tree a peach or a.

f · all nut? .

Wrinkles and per­manent injury result from .neilected er_e strain. See ua today.

BatiafactloJl Guarail~)l Graduate Optician

;~ ... t :, . .... .,...,, .•• .....,

~ Sell • ; 'I'.


eTery ounce. o ~rl'Y that . • If aa.uaase le meat, sawdust Ill ohniraft' s ·l:i:oth atadenta; ...._.. 'wood. ·--..- · . • . • . . , •

Meea, lacUlty members and all. The man eondemnod to be hunc ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.••••••~•••••••••••••••••t ..,, ipliah our art in the le11't interested In continued atorfee. • , ' 1· ' Th• s · J : ~r!~lrd tilaU~.p We nc:o,; One may be.bolla..matrtmOlllalb' ID- : W· h·y You I Like .1s' tore : • • Dr K ;.. __ _. cllned aud declined. • . • • lllZe m • urtz a .,........- 1 • · • • ' •

leader and pleclse our MlffS StopY Look!. Liateu! Behold, Doc- : y OU Will find, our sales force al- • to atand hack. of.~· in a..y .tor K_urta hu a new klltte. We are • · · " Wh th : ,lncmt -which Ji~· '~ ua ~ ·almoat sure of It, for 1u claaa he sol- : Ways eager to Serve YOU. . en ey • lnake in the build .. of 8 sniat• em111J' drew froJ!l his pocket &II U• : make a statement about the rnerohan~ : 9! McPh~ Collese ... We~ aortmeut of ltlllTee and ohoo.lng one: dise ~OU can kllow it's correct. · "We'll I : ' 1- tlaat m our pre.ent c:naaa polished It genU7 on the ezpoeed part • '.., ": it ia imperative that we fOllow of bJa llOCk apparent Immediately a- : back every ~tement to tbe letter. • hia 1-clenlaip, both in "8Jtin1 boYe the aboe-top . . Such J)&!Jllt&killr : . v 'J} f. d · •t 4 c' ··"""' h ' , : ... Chiiatianityandinr~mon- care ta notJ&Ttahed on old klllYea. • . .a,.OU . In, _,a spin OJ. . Oui111e~ ere, : Jll _.,. t0-t our pruent neecla. .. · : · and an ab1hty to please your wishes. : •

. ' What baa become of the old-faah- : L '..f ' • '- • Wt:. •te' c1·· i L!'.:... . c' . ' . ~ I~ tor the tor lolled atnd.ent who U88 to l lt up.all: auefer.gfllJ otwog ompany. t

Ji'Olll'· tirte.dll. night !'tud7lus Greek' . •••••••••••••:' u"e••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"' ~~

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

.• . or

Socia Line I


C. fl. ENGBORG, _ oriig store''

(Contlnod - p ... %.)

torate 111 order that upon our refual io do 80 this coU11tl'J' Will fall back Into the 'hands of England.

When the Balbna united to free themMlTee from the Turke theJ · re­celTed II note from the Brltlah ea:rtug that any action taken on I.he part of the Balltane In dlst·urblng the peace

.,~~~~~--------o1 of TurlteJ: would be looked upon "1th dJefaTor; ' that the Integrity muet be reepected; and that It the Balkane did enter a war and defeat Turkey,

HOMEFiJRNISHERS \vitli'!blf 'ipi

eye" will quickly ae,e Jh~ w.o~ of our furniture.


l~l~ South Main St. . McP~ Kaaau.

treeing tbemaelTee, England would I IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!====!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iiot allow the ter11111 of treaty to dlTide I ' 'any part of Turkey. That Turkey la r-----~-------.L--------------. Incompetent to gonrn herself was T~e ~ 4lllg1S ,\LLIANC! A complete line of Hos­

iery, Hand.kerchiefs, Soaps and many other every day necessities.

pronn In 1908. The young men or JNSUIANC! CO. the nation gathered together and ob- g.,t )ice fiaiab your pictures. Fire, Lig'iitntng and Toniado talned the rel 111 of goTernment, meet- 'Prompt Senice~ ia oar motto. Insurance. In.~' were held tbruont all Turkey and -

· You don't have to P.ur: chase to make us a vislt­Colne in and look around.

(The Lr.rgeat Xanaae Oompan7 on be' 25th of July 1908, a conetltu· llcPBBBSO'lf, KAN8A8 '

tlon was proposed and a new gonrn. ~~;,~~~~~~~~~~~=;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;~;;~i ment was at band. Bot It tailed b&-ca1111e of the dl1loyalt1 of Moale11111,

.•••••••••••••" Bulsarlana, Greeks aqd amall, ' " ' '• •"""" ____________ racee and t>ecause of them will of

------------- the nrlo111 powers. Rueeta oppOeed ft because It barred . ·her from Con-stantinople; Armenia feared the 1088

lartl·n. Sanakar of the"Balk-ane; England feared' th) loaa of Cn>rua; France preferred ber Moalem Colonla. to TiirJtey iP.nd Ger· ·many premed · to have a·: "weak \

LadieA friend" th1111· a etrong one. It ,,.... thrn the lllfluenee of British

READY-TO-:.WEAR poltoy In the Near Eut that, at the Peace Conference. many claim.a were and·

DRY GOODS recelTed ·but were caet e.elde and bu'r· led 111 obllTlon.

Waterman Pens Are made u1 many stylea and witb. the exact kind of point for any spe~ipl \l&e~ Fl~xible point steJtographers' pens, Heavy wints for t atbon copi"es, large points, medium ;>oint.s • and small point.a.

In abort 0

tbe three tbluge that aellmed lnolTed In his menage •aa BIXB~, LJNDSAJ ~ c;Q.

-~--..... ,--------- the condltlone of the countrtee Eng- /L. land, France, America and the Near - D~UGS • · • • JEWELRY

•••••••••••e•e•••••e•eee' .Eui. It aeeme that 'we Americana i~aiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;i;~;;!E!E!!!.;!'!r!!2EI: : ' \ , • an bated bT other nations becauiie : Tab Y oar Clotbee ,.,_. : our dollar i. worth more than theirs, : W.. to : ~nr morale higher; and &11 Nel~ • • BCbe ,pate It "I dlallke him." Why! : ~·c· tor y ... 1•1810 : "lam not a match tor him."' But c!!d : ~· : they eTer answer 10T . . ;._ ,. . . ., . . • ·.h-1 • , : """'} ese Aa.t. for SmBb, : Dr. Knrta tu;,_ bte- Phl1080pby clue • ' 'l'lut~Dr7 ~eaner. • : d!lrln& a HCltaUon on Boyce. "Toal

. : . • all know that ram ffl'T fond ofj : T1ae Slaop '1'1aat' Satldlee. : Rcmie, .and· I baTe named one· of my ' • • · ·~.;,-.: ·: 80P8 after bltn. _Not that J tblnlt

'•••••••••••-•••••••u••• ·he w11l eTtir be. a pbilpeopber, 110 he • . · . • , . ' /.' ~ Will mO.t. llltetT be a ne"?Paper ~ . .;J~••l!!lllllll•lllll!•llll!i•!PI porter . or a lawyer. Be le alW8"

·--I tadins to •ril'YJ>Od>' .... buln­

College Store ,.. .... .... . . .

Special Attention to :. ' c Student. , ·

HELSTROM'$. aae ... -..

&llyw&J' and me might'. u well get paid tor lt."'

"All anu-tobaoco auoc:latloll, t•t.­vln& 1-1 and atate oratarlcal con~ t;eete, 1'lth cuh prts., WU O?l&Dlefd hen, Jan. 11, .b7 J . 'Boward JDllal• of lllcPh- Collep." e:una w-J'7U· ;< _____ _

For Anything in ~ea, Hardware and ... P .. t,


:.Strohm'-$. ·orooe.ry

'L'wo deliveries tO Oollege:,Hill e$~ day. . . . ---

Pbonea 331. and· 3J.

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

Mr. Neher also stayed after the close of th~ Normal aa lits daughters, Lola and Edna, and! his son, Roy, all ·became. too lntomate with the Flu.

· But ae an three were stirring around he also left for hls home.

· At present. In the Boy's donn their are ' Influenza tags upon the doors ot Mark Neher, William Rlddlebar­«llr, Thomas Shepp, Skinny the II, Roy. Neher, Howard' Brown and Val­iant Gnagey.

. Charles Splicer has hta door de­corated wtth a chichen pox poster 'but It ta not for the purpoils of dn.w· ing trade.

Galen Saylor Is seemlligly lndlvl· · dualistic for he selfishly dJspl&Yll hfa notice of scarlet fever.

FrankUn :Bnns has the two north rooms on thlrd all by hta_ lonesome awaiting the expiration. of his quar­entlne.

Domestic Science department. Susie Betts, .Alice Flatt and Grace

Roberts spent the weelt end in Hutch. !neon.

Catherine Greening &.!id Ella Shank' went to Abilene Fl'lda:y. They

The Home.of , HiP Grade Photoa ' .

422 N. Main. ,,, \

.Calls amwered Day or !liallt Phone .No. 63. .

made the trip there all right but be- coating seventy-five centa and aell It ~======"""'=-=='=~ fore ~omlng home the Fin overtook for $2.98.-That's Business. Ena and she' was obliged to remain A ditch digger handles several tons ------------- ---..... at Abilene. · of earth for $1.60 a day.-That's

The Naylor fa,mlly ls among the Labor. constantly growing ·compahy that Is The author of this could write a now In the clutches of the Fin. I check for $9,000,000, but It w~uldn't

Ada Beckner wishes to be dlsttnc- be worth a cent.-That's Tough. · tlve In her choice of a disease, so There are people who wl11 tell you she has the sole honor of being the there are other college papen l!etter only one sick with the qnincy. than the Spectator.-That's Nerve.

Subscribe ·for the Spectator and find out for yourself . ..:_That's Com-" mon Sense.

·Pig' n Whistle ' ,'•-:.-

French Mixed,, St&Dclard, Redwood, Fifty-Fifty. Fineat Candies Made. .. SMALLEY'S-

&md 70111' Spectator ta-~·· madea,.. La1lt Friday ntght, Laurence Vant~ __________ ____ ..:, __ .;;.. _ _ ___ _____ """'::' ,

man, Pauline Vaniman, Paul Pair, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••- •••• •••••••••••••• Ruth Shoemaker and Allee Burk- ' : holder went to Lindsborg to hear •

We wonder what should be done John Powell, Pianist. to be f int- : ,vtth the fellow who has ~o more • • • sense than to teed a. Bick fellow stu, Mr Ernest , Ikenberry and 1'Use : . dent a lot of real rtch candy? Olivia DlckeJ!s were vleltors at Mr. : "-

To a casua1 passerby It · would L. Blrklns Sund&Y afternoon. A v&ry •

11eem that the faculty were "!l'Orklng pleasant time was spent In music, Two New Cha'ps· : -on half time shirts' for It seems they song and merrr convenatlon. • . . : uke great delight ln announcing for Many visitors attended the Bible • one another tbat the other wlll not Institute, and quite a number ex- 1•n ·our s· tore : · -meet hls classes toda.y. . ' pressed their enjoyment and appre- _, : • Those of the faculty who are spend· elation at the good things they were • ing entirely too much time with th&. ·permitted to hear. : 'Flu aro D r . Kurts, Ml&& McOaffoy, • • ,.. bi.rt : and Professors Frees, .Mohler and, It Is surprising how many girls are Crepe· Shirt and Madras 8 · • :Rowland · Interested: ln "Domestic. Science" thl11 (They are brothers) Never saw ~:

The Orchestra "went to great year. By the accounts of the -w:ouder· two from one family that have : ful cooking . that some of the girls t • d ttr ti • "pains" In having It's picture ta~en Id the pep, ch.arac er an a ac ve· • .,

'On the evening of the third but · we talk about, we wou presume ·some h • . -are !Dfonned that It wae to no avail. of the boys have. h~lthy stomachs. ness that they ave. :, "It's too bad that Monat had to look An amusing Incident happened ., : • i o and dignified and gase when the marrl~d people were having Come in .and Meet : tlmplorelng upwvd. ~ picture taken. One enterprla!Dg •

The Academy Spectator staff was young preacher tried to smuggle him- The Boy.- • • ·also tncapacttated by the Wnees ot self Into the ranks, but there waa a ! : ' "Maxine McG&lfey, Iva Brammell, demand that all prospectives show •

Eerkle WamplBT and Thomae Shepp . their tickets, and, as he waa unable i!l:!.1/IM' . J_A--. ·. t' L!jL!j =:• The Annual staff went ti> t.<iwn to prodnc~one, he had to beat a U'i "UI 1 , ~~ ·

:Wednesday afternoon . to decide up- hasty reti:eat. .1;11! P.r,otested saying . Of: CO. ·OD a cover fol;' L ife and Light. he was ID the llitMou band group. . , • C/.,07'HIN'1 & ~lfi ' ' :

. ~ere haa b~n an adc!ltton of : ·' ··two members to the Academy senior ·cl&se, Mr. Miller ·and Mr. Kaufmiil. • Da.'fid Brubaker fll aJao unable to

(Prof. Blair in Methods) "Interest ls llke love, ·you can not command or enforce lt but you must anoourase

·- The Y'alue fint store-

.-attend school. It." , / #(

Page 5: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

THE SPECT A Toit badol•JI B• .. ,...' 11114 of tll• -pa ... lndJ4tllp -.Id llOll ai. u.. ,. tllat Unit .. -• • . ~IY 1tat1nlis tlle canta of be lmproyecl woaderfall7, tlleJ woUI 'a11-A.11ulrlcanlnl', 11 not cte.tT'11ottft.

.. 11;e11·•:141i•1>111111, -!t ~ ~ O.U.. ute: He lndltfe1"8Dtf H~ medltatea, lie thtap of Jie&ut7 and Jon fol"8T8r. 1hoald not be hunted Uke a wtlt, ,.. : , '"§" ' · · ponden, 1tadl81, claaWea, ellmln- Ho• onnrhelmiJlg II the adT&Dtage beaat or a - Jiiek pocket."- ll'ellS ~ -.1..-. ~~· · · alee and cliooaea hll plan ·with the of a etroll oYer the JaW111 u11d•r b ... ,._ ll'rao11:r.iri.ot. • " ''' "

a-;uu;-: .u;. ...t F. •mlD!lteet preclalon, · · He careliluf tlful treee onr the Jaunt down the • "We ban done the beat: we knew ir.-' - tloe ~ , I. • • He la attentive, caut1011.1, w117, cir • railroad track on sand and tlee under bow. We belleYIYYoU ean eDJoy tbll

. ..iiia':ltwa · 1Jo'.~ , . . cumapectlYe and dlacreet ,In nery the merclleaa aun--or a dllmal run paper If 1ou try. May God help yoa." 8UmClllP'ftOH ~ y.,.. Df ..._ play. • , to the 'Cemetery-the only r etreata -The StaH. · )

And thaa he playa on-mtaunder- open to atudents.'-M. K. ~ 1tood, miaJudged and underTalued. AS OTBBB8 SAY

~-----'~): E And lhJlll he will. enr play on, ell- TBBTh VALUB OF TWb o>s11BMB8TBR8th "A new Edison-Dick Mlmeagraph ..._ ...._ _ ~ = enttY beatowtng social, political, mor- e young •arc er w o won e bas been purchased for the office and

.~n llilllt.r ----······....B<IT ·s.a1o al and religious .benefit and recelv- contest with .hie brother because he the Commercial department. Thia Jn~""-~--~~.-~~~ xo11.;· IDt,eoorn, crttlclam and the shallow had been thoughtful and pronded two will aid greatly In making out the ex-

• '-111 ·····--·····--------··--·Jiu Kl..., Pi;&lee ''!f hllro worahlppel'8. He sat- string& for his bow baa n?thlng on amlnatlon questions and the Uke"-=:'. ·:=.::--:··--x;; f';g ... C:..,llJ':: lafJea tile manes with what lhe:r. need ue. .1 Crawford News. - -· --·-------h•. lllaclobei..r h th k b h d Tb lb d f dl~di . a...i . <horse - w en ey now not w at t ey nee , e present me o o ., ng . K. s. A. c. recently s old t1'enty-

and Ignorantly clamour for their the school year Jnto two semesters nine Poland China and Dur oc Jer­brtght and glimmering fa~. Be baa a marvelous adYanlAge tor the aeJ hoge to a Brazlllan breeder tor spends his existence ID ellent help- students oYer a compiete one term $1,HO i. o. b. New Yorlti

. A..._,. 8-tat.r ltalf Ml...._ln-Oblot W. Z. Bltllop _.._ Sdltor ll&dne ~OF _._ .. ...._ _____ w. w. CJoll -'-lata .......... 'lla17 o_.ullou •. P'all117 K.o.rt.7 Llton'7 • Art ···--·--····--.Ba- BiholllmoD ..._. ·--·····-··------·-···..xlL ablln

·~ .. -~=-~·:::::::::::±:::::::::.:~~:.:::.;ii ~ • .....,,.. ........ ..L .•• - .. -.-K .... lo WomD1er

, ...... I. ······r···----·-·~-...:Klnnlo Kqlor ~I .............. ~···-----· ....... _ ,.;.No.a Yo4or

" • ..... all 1aboertptkmo •for 'llle Spectator to 8anT Giibert. Jmm- lllaJt-·

tulness, .Playing the game sphlnx·Uke year: The abominable tlnals, altbo "The school p&per 18 a great IDTentloo -unmoved ,unfaltering and unerring. a trial for his soul, are•good for hie The school gets all the fame.

And ~hue be pla7a the long game morale.· They call a halt In the stea1ly Tbe printer gets all the moneJ thru and when the Scor~keeper shall f low ot bis lite, compel! him to stop, And tho start gets all the blame." re11d the tal17 or the great game ot tak~ his temperature, count his l)ulse . "As we advance we lea~n the um­lite he will' accept either defeat or and give ·1!1m some very necessary Its or our abilities. Fa~de. Bethany. vlctor7 as calml7 artd unmoTed as he Information concerning bis status. John Powell, one ot America's t ore-alone tlnde poealble. W . E. 'B. Thus by taking a back look and an moat planlets, appeared In recital at

. , on look before plunging Into the next Lindsborg recentlJ, ID the followl~ BEAUTIFY THE CAMPUS bait he la able to protlt bJ at least program :

_ ... PRT.BfJll. . .&.TIO BEING 'The rule le belleTed and under- one or hie miataltes. SymphonJe Studies ............ Schumann · W · - stood b1 all people that there Is a The students hue juat passed thru Three Waltzes ...... .....•...... Beetho"ren

" u. •· 119" to' I tb com_;_n . level to which every' thing two grand reviews, one tor the b~ne- Scherzo C Sharp Minor . ....... Choplo - , .. compe •pay e game ... u t t lb •·· h h I k d .,,, ,UJ.e with all bi 11.1. The cards ten<)s: *ater, earth and air all see~ It 0 elr :-""0 ers, w . 0 00 e 00 Nocturne D Flat Major ............ Chopin al"8 dealt.· Some :tl/001'1'8 their hitnda comm§n levele. Ohlldren when al- pltJlngly, -trJlng to give a b?ost here Polonalee A Flat-Major '. . ...... Chopin

• cbeertullJ and with optimistic hopel; lowed to plaJ lo certain groups tor and a pull there; and the other In Poeme Erotlque ............ John Powell. . othen, tell!e '&t the 'dealing ot eaeh any lenitlh ot t1me adopt the man- tile solitude ot their own minds where Pioneer Dance ·······- ··John Powell

card become aullen and angry or nen and habits ot each other so they have compared with merclleu · During the past year deeplte ot lrrtta'bly excited u to the nlue of that each group aoon baa a definite Judgment their opport unitlee unheed- two month& loact!Ylty nec818itated

· Uie card; othen become dlapondant, character of Its own. By being aur- ed with those graa~. their Ylctor- bJ the lntlneu..a epidemic Powell gave . dllcouraged and throwing down their rounded by beaut7 people soon uncon- les with their fallurea, and thelt'l torty recltale thruout the country.

carda turn the.Ir back upon the game. eclo11.1ly 'develop a love and appre- goings with their short comings. To He had ten appearances In New York But not so with · the phlegmatic elation tor the artistic. On. ·the other aome: thls a feeling of deep Clt7; two with the PhUarmonlc So­

:..1og. He receives each card with hand people having been thrown Into eatletaotlon, to others It baa been a det1, two with the Russian 87mph­·~ aame 1elt~ontldent and aelt- de- ' eordld, uglJ, surroundings acquire period or wrechednesa and regreL ony, wo recital& In Carnegie Hall. • ~ned compoeul"8, be It either high a temperament ver1 slmllar w their But to every one the one great J~y ~nd the balance In local organ11a- ·

•'1ow. ' It all goes In the great game enYlronment. of all 11 lh!lt they are glnn another tlona. Appearancea In Brooklyn and i.9"UtiJ. · . It sounds mJghty trite but we will atrlng tor their bow even tho they Newark made hie total twelYe ID the • Tiie came begins amid Hcltement, have to aa.y "ther e are exceptions to have ahot one eemeeter and miaeed Het;opolltan Otstrlct. He baa alao dlleoa,,,.ement, . Joy and dleclllL all .rulea." U there were not how the bull&-eye,_ they have yet t he sec- played twice with the Detroit 8Ym-8ome al"8 carried ,,.ay with It: othera could we acc9unt for the love tor ond aemeeter upon which they may phony and Philadelphia orcheetraa,

' -m ne'Hr to graap Its' a1inmcaoce, ilhe bea'Utltul, the appreciation tor sight m1>re clear~ and win. - M. M . . and once each with those of Ctn-, .. while othere -are ammd, ovrrawed the good, alid the hapJ)y optlmlatlo dnnatl and Baltimore.

and O'ferpowered. But not. P!> with aature or ·the M. C. atudents! Every REMARKABLE Rl!lHABK.8 "Twelfth Night was first given In :'- ·'blm. The game goeii on •nd i.)1 ens day .th'ey are encompassed and sur- "Where are the yell leade~gln America, on February 3, 1794, at the

ar.,e turned upon' him white he plays roiinded by ugllneSB. Since mlaeey ua some pep."-Dr. Harnly. I Federal Theatre In Boston.'.' -pally ifa band-Indolent, ahlttlelll and 'In~ lov• company we ·would be perfect- "Dr . . Culler ta,.a man after my own Kanaan. dlfterenL He .la dleplled because lie IY happ7 If aome one could show a heart.''-Prot. Heee. ~l,. doea eome at thetri own gam:e. more battered, beaten and God-For- "Aa the story goee-"-Prot. Crait; "President Burton has reatgned hll .. Ill lo'ted becauae of fear and 1up- a&ken appearing campua than the one "Men are all the eame." ---Oecll prl!lf!lldency at U. ot Mtma. to accept ~J'. Apd ~ la pitled-Pltled dllp~ bJ McPhereon Colle'ge. DU1'11t. that of u. of Mich."

-~ ·- wllo &Te .narrow docmatto Nature baa been very kind and,dur- "All thls .Leap7ea1; I will be com-•4 •"'!!tloal,_.lavee l9 . ~hemaelvee Ing the summer ahe baa tried to hide pelled to tack upon m1aelt a placard "U. of Mich. baa granted an lJl-

,,. ~ aenanta to him. · some ot the ugllneiia with t rees and 'TAKEN'."..:...J. P. Prather. crease In salary trom $300 to '800 ~"Tb•• on •thrn the game lie pla)'I; gnu, but ahe cannot remedy the "U Dr. Kurts must leave thle col- to aaalstant protesaore and tull pro­llalfng 1'ell and often creanlai.g the groaque arrangement of the build- lege to collect money we will all teason."

fie.rd. Hill fllion le. beyo11d h1I lop or the conclomeratlon of the lene."-Ra1 Cullen. ~-· IUL He deala ID gam• Dot card.I; Y&rloua colon pl"8aeuted by the car- " I am not eaylng that Wllaon le not For the tint time since It wu ee-

!ta _rortda not IDdiYdule; and ID loua pa'11ts of the different stasee of a good man, but I do eay that Lloyd tabllehed, the "Sour Owl"-K. u .•1 ~ 1lof. fllellnp. He' la 1lm11ltu- the lnatltutto':i. Neither can ahe grow George and Clemenceau pulled the humoroua magulne, will_ pubUeh no

· ....- tbo roclplent or laud, lo.,., de- tr- and 'Yin• where there are no wool oYer hll eyes. "- Dr. Culler. acandal ln _Its annual January num-dllloll and plty. Yet he pla71 on roots, nor mlracaloaaly ralee 1ld~ " Yeeterday Ja a memory. Tomor- ber. ~ by and unapp1"8Clatln of walb and patha from atone and atub- row 11 a hope. · _Today 11 thil tacL" Mlr·.-oe. Be 11 loet ID tile t11t- ble. ~ ~Henry'Van Dyke. .... .uu1 PlaJa. cOll IDtOlen:tlJ'.._ tDdlt- · Wlth .. the expenditure of a moder- "Public oplnlon ·muat exert lta dor­,._tlJ' and carel-17· Whatt Be ate•&lllOlQlt ot mo11e7 the"appearance mant dominance by a frank recognl-

"-' ' v •• • " ~ . ~ .

Delbert Culler to hi• ¥other • " Mother may I 1leep with father?"

Mn. Caller. ''WhJ' Delbertf"

Page 6: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

t · ~:J ~~f.£~--:-::::.~ ;ffi?.-E . Alma Alldenon. Thll wu followed amons utlou. l'Ut7 ~ i.m-m&lllO!ll ~~~av wttll. m aeteeuom by the Iconoclalt rtttC81 or elleep 11114 Ula cutom ot Ule9 e&!D• to llarull lllqalrtac tw • ...,..,.


..,UOl'IVB ._,...... ___ La418I QU&rtette, whJch were "LlWe bapUam 11 pnftlent. Tiley han 'Chrtatlan.lty. • lo order to acqoahlt the Bible Nor- )rphan Annie" and' "Dtog I>Qog Bell." dropt the" old cutom o.t eatlq oat- Tile Kn~• of. Tvkey han 'lle9 mal Til!ton with the Goepel Team Both· oumben were humorou tn lne at their commuuloo., The Sun- uled u tools t.o pu.l.1lr the Arm-S­work ot•KcPhenon College a team nature and. took well wlth the audl· day Sclaoola lo Armenia are pat- au. There II no ~tted between~ pTe a typical proaram on Saturday at eoce. YI• Cramaey then gan two terned after our own. There la a Ku~ &J!d ~. Armelan.. The K .... 1:10 p. m . Mr. St.oTer led the deTO- lotereetlog planologuee lD her uaual .sreat need of moral tnJ111Ds. Armen· &N now protecting the Armealau, Uonal eUrcJ- after whJch a quar- clner manner. Mr. Buller followed lao morals are 1trooger than tboee and a Katmaltam (or Gonrnor) 9fi tette 11&11g. TYo young men apoke with two cballt talks that abowed re- taught by the church. one hundred at.xty Tlllagee decland Rd Miu Bllckenataff gue a read- markable artlltlc ability, The tlnt ID Marash there are aelf1upport- that there would be DO war Mt­lng. The program c!OM!d with anotb- one wu llluatraUTe of Wllllam Cul- log cburebee and twe!Ye1 lo the aur- the K11rd1 and the Armeulaoa. ,,. ... er selection of mualc from the quar- Jen Bryant's ode "To a Water Fowl" rounding Ttllagee. But the Prot81t- Kurds are . Aryan people. tette. The program waa enjoyed aa and the lat ter-a nry realistic portray- &11ts bue been J)fl'lecuted so much young men become the beat ct..p \heJ' always are when g!Ten In the al of the song "Let the Lower Lights they baTe loat their religion. Sina meebanica and electrical engtn.-. dJffereot cburehee. be Burning" which was beautttuUy are among the Armenian people. Ooo- lo Turkey. aowenr the:[ &N not al--

At the hour from 3 : 30 to 4: 30 a played by Miss Pauline Vaolmao. The tact wttb other natto11.1 baa g1Teo lowed to attend ac:bool. ' Tbq are a~ort history ot the St11deot Voluo- Irvlnit Ladles Double Trto then taT- Armf!nf& vie"" and nnt YlrtuM. Cnn- vlll'J' lotelUr:eot and ban the m&Ji· -ieer Monment was given anc:t some ored the audience with two Tery tine ataotlnople l e one of the wont cltlea Ing o.t the beat people In the .lllut. of It's wor k explained. Mr. Paul aelectloos after which M.r. Blackman lo the world for here the Tlcee of the One croup around the Marash dO 1'0t ~randt spoke ~rat, giving the hist- gave the'cloa.lng numbe.r, a iro.mbooe Orient are Intermingled with tboae now. belleYe In the Koran. Thq ~· ~).';Y, and purpose. The movement was solo, "Alone In the Deep.''. of Western Europe. The Ohrlatlao ognla~ .Jeeua u being greater thall atart1!4 by Dwight L. ~oody at the nations of Europe are to blame for Mohammed. God ll a God of Trutll, Mt. .Herman Conference 111 the year MISSOURI 18 ON THE HAP the vices of revealing, not hard and uopro1'1'81-. l,886. At that time one hundred Mohammedanism 11 the Gibraltar atve. They accept !Ive booka of the youn~ l!eople pledged their lives to ·sure. Didn't you find that out of the heathen world. India, Egypt, Old Teetament. The PaalJu and the foreign service. In 1888 at the long ago! Surely.your ko.owledge Is Turkey and Meeapotaml are the great New Testament.' They belleTe ~ Nort~fleld Conference the Band wa" not limited and located ~ such an 0 rtuolU8I of Ohrtatlaolty. There Holy SJl>lrl~ lntlue11.et111, people, and fUllY organized with headquarten a t extent that 10u llaTe faUed to grasp ppob ,_

1 .., ha _ .. __

1 .,,

1 that God takes the first atep In Pr&1'•

s no rea.. o -o mm ......... am. ..... • . ~w York. tb~ tact that la ao aelf-eTtdeot aa the slooarlee ln Turkey ban Yery little er by purtf)'tnc DI. They belleTe In The purpose of this Band II not aboTe. Well, we bellen after, peo- ho . The eonTerta haTe been n aelf-sacrtttce. ~o one ta ano.-ed to

to send out mlllouarlea but It la pie, eepeclally lllrrounding tribes. f pe d th rted ry practice Y.early communton uDl- he ratl!er to get them to Toluot8!'r tor ha Ye become' aware of the tact that

1 ew an :; co~Te w~re ;": coot- hll alna.

the work and then tratn I.hem tor tt. they ban been laboring under great y. pereecu · oweYer 0 ar The Alen hne a 1trong doctdDe I.t oJitht TerY truly be called a re- lu1Jluctn&Uooa lo. th- m&D7 yaan. there le a clear lodlcatloo of a bnak ot rl&bteou1111-. Tiler are aot t~ crultlng agency. Followlna Mr. ll'or, truly Mfllourt bu shown that lo Mohamm9danlam. But tlulre can mal. Tbel.J: t.amtl7 llf.e la Tlll'Y :\'~ ~dt's talk a mixed quartette 11&11g ahe II a land and etate ranlt1ng with ~ ': ':a'": m~emen:_: 1::! '":is~~ there 11 no dfToree among ~ •-"Oh tor a ThoU1&Dd Tongues to alng the foremoet Ill reeoureee and ln r ts

111 Ma ~ , capt for fonafcat1011. Th81' do 90t

Ky Great Redeemer'• Name " wealth cooTer raa belleTe • - w••"•~-. t-.tln•, etc., • · · The leadJog :Yohammed&D of Illar· "' - ... ~ Maude Stump then pn a If our crltlca could on.17 •ee the llh

18 th bead ' t th MaltabJbeodl do the llobammedalll. Womaa. hal

report of the Mexlca.n work that Ill beautiful hllla and mouotalna ol 1111- a e 0 • • recognised rlgbtl. Their 11o19 aa4 ~--done by oar local Bao~. Mr. sourl, the majestic rtTera, the Tard· :u~o~r~°: ~hv~.:f =::.~ed~ girll &N admitted to lli'e church ,.i "' Blicltenat&U next gan a report of ant toltage of the treM during t& lny. l

1 e th ........ It t W the age of twelYe years. Th- A.19'(1

th~ yol~teer worlt In the Brethren iprlog and 1ummer, the beautiful ;:~lfe~t ~~. 1:toJ: ;::...: .!nu~ came Into con~t with a. group cit ' Qln~_rcJ;i. The_re are sixty enrolled lo nllen, the pure bred atdck, the Income ~t f?om tea to fl«Mn thou .. Armenian Chrlltlau called Pa~· ' ; P.a.~ c,~en.J<.Mleelon Band of the Col- great city of St. Loaja and bear the and dollan Be b .. come out for Cl&JI• who at one time 111lgral44 tQ a. " 1,_~ apd tweof;/J-flTe In the J'~relgn IHplrtog aoog1 ot the blrda, we feel Chrtatlanlt · A• a reeult he hal Iott he1111a,. They are callln& tpr ichooll,' ' ' Volunteer J\and. Th.a proeram cloeed aura they would more fully rea1Jae hi It Yb.lid d , d ho1pltal1, ctoctQn &lld teaell.en. Tlillt "

· " . a w e c ren an proper.:r an • · • ~th ti SP&\llal 011mber by the Ladles the true sreatn- ot. our llllaourt. bas cau~ a U OOO.OO to to be ot- AleTI m~ ~ the toola b7, wldelll · " Qo&rtette. Forty f!Ye Mluourtana are stud- fered for bJI h~. Thia• man has Qh,rlatlanl(T II to be l!Ten .tq the ~

enta lo, N.c>Phenpa. Cot\ue ~ year an lntolll ent ·mlncl a • lrttual ap- le~a. ~NJA1( 11'.hlob 1~$>.UJ> If •p.#d.eoly r&qloved reheo110! and an ~bllltP to under- Ar,me,nla n~ t}l~ G~ m11~

'l'.be J!lmel'lloDlan Society met In from 1cb9ol would leave a gap nry P ta d th ' 1

t Y •!!• nM4a b~. It ta the ~ regular eeialon lo Society Ball on hard to tlli. 89me real Mf!189Urt "aplr- ~ .:Uoth:r'°~:h::ed&n

11 a butcher OP11$>rlUDll)' ot tb.e ~tlan Ohll~

I!'rlday eTeulng, January so. at s:ao It waa ahowo th.a eTentnc of the by trade who married an .Armenl&D to g!Te Armeiila what •'1e n~. o'clqck. Soclepr opened with a 1peech thV°tY f~rat.' cir.I.. wbeo hta wife ,, .. taken from -L. 4. 'J'. ff(lm the n~wlr elected preeldent, A Ml~urt pr~µi waa · gtnn In htm, al tho he d.Ured to l>eoome Ohrla-Mlu Ua McAToy, after whl~h th9 tbl- whJch the hero ot the hour waa the ttao, he lhoacht tbl)' would ml.l1ntar- Galen Tlce .,.... oTerheard ~ lowtnc procram wu ctno: 1r~t and tam~ Kllao,u~ M,ule. pret hll moUYe ao he did not malte bla prayer the oUaer ~bt·la w~ Pa)!&t' ····--··· Ill~ Sylria Whtteoeclt He II •peclallly noted t or hta Qual· known hl8 HoweTer att.r he wound up ID tne. coll..,. aJhU, ~ ··-· .. ···-·- 14. LauabllaJl&h ltles of pe~nreDCif and •tuhbora-. hll wtte ,, .. ret.una9d to hlme be " God bl- the. taculb' tlle ... , 11 B!l~cinette ····-·-······-··· Mr. :P'lam!ns The procram which 11 now an an- became a Chrlattan at oace. Thia and all oth- wllo Goel llel» Poe "II ""-te )( uual affair waa well attended and m ._ .. ,_ .. _....... "' • .... r 001'11 . i · · • man baa also been .U.m&tllllF treated tJie trut-. Ood help tootMP.....

The attend&Dce waa DDDlually larse eojoyed DY alL P~ are belnS made and baa a pnc. of $1000.00 011 hll Rab .Rall Rah! I I ant the Procram cre&Uy eoJo)'ed by for a reaJ celebration to be held head S h tutaao.

0 that th-.

neqooe. KF11 ·~ lD honor ot XJiiaourt'a l(o~m':t..- are gen=• ha t.UtT "PllllDll«a .worltlis at Hcmlnr~ a~9o to the Union. a.tre to become OUllU&D. 111118011- ara u. are paid U • 4&3'. bllb prof9.

IBVJNO-JOOKOOL&Wr Watch our •mob wl)en your fire arl• lD Turkey ..,. that tlae Tara 80ra t•oben of eQNlrim•taJ -01l the eTenios of .January 11 the

11 co11.1umed by lt.-)(lla Eury .Anne . .are d-ptln aloas tlMI ltu of MU· losY, 1)'1ltlleUe proJcUTa. PGllMlb7.

Inln1-Iconoclut Join pro~ wu lntere1t. Tllere are otller llMI••• anlaaaolocr.. or meta~ NCllln ~ for · the entertahunent of the The h18tory clab of K. U. wtll c0m~ waJtlns to become ChrllUau. ftf ~t aora thaa ••a 4&3', ~ to Bible ''Nonn&t 'riattors. It wu one pile a Complete Jllatory of the UDJ- cnat need II ~ fraetom. K~ a 1taU.•t 111' w-. ~a,llanu. a.-ot the mo.i uult•e and T&rted pro- .-lty. who ...ib:.:know Tubr • ..,. It . II aaclal 411'ector of tlae .U!'

. l I .......... .__ ............ ,__;, ....... ~...,_-'-~-'-~----·~·~~~.~~~;.;_.~.~~w~-~-"'-~•-•l.:......_....;...~~~~~~~~-~.......C~~~-:......;,,,""-...........

Page 7: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

,. l!'RIDAY, PBBRUARY e, 19tl0.'> I·


TBU8TBB8 .JIELD ·ANNUAL MEET· theMtal amonnt which lt will take , Q(Q MONDAY to educate them during that year. t •. The ohet' bait Is payed b)' the endow-

• . not.. Stucleat Petitions Fail. inent1 of the lnetltutlon. Now/ abould :_.. '\ · . the f.nltltuUon haTe an endowment

The~~ual..meetlng of the Trustees snmclent to support three hundred TOolt p~ Monday, February z, In s~ndents and before It was expected

1 th~ 11!~ admlnlatraUori office. The five hundred s~udente should enroll

~ trwiteei't present were Emry Martin It would mean that tbe Institution of' Bloom, Kan., G. w. Burgin of Burr would lose the tuition of the extra OU, Kan., N. A. Saylor of Morrlll, two hundred atu'dents. Kan., G. E . Shlrky, of Madlactl, Kan., Such Is tbe condition or affalre now. 8. G. Nickey of Haxtun, Colorado, The ln1lltutlon muBI bave more en· V{. • W. Holsopple of Versatl· dowments or It must educate yearly lee, ' Mo. , D. W . Tetter of Jasper, Mo .. a minimum of students In order to F . E. M19"cband ol Thomas, Ok .. J. E. keep from the "Jaws of Debt." Bryant of Grand Junction', Colo., A. The World In gene"'1 ts In a state

4 E'. Riddlebar ger of Nampa, Idaho, and ot u!lreat and the students of McPber · w, ·H . Yoder of Morrllf, Kan. The son almost , they are a large executive committee of tbe board con- part of the world. judging by the un-

• el.sled of J. J . ' Yoder, F. P. Deeter, rest at times. But unrest ts not nee· "' ~r. Harnly, J . N. Dresher and J. A. essarlly Red or destructive · but 11 · _ Flor)'. Dr. Kuru la ei:-ottlclo of the of.ten tbCI afgns of the beginning or a

board but be was engaged with an at- great progre!!siTe movement. It 111 tacit of the Flu and was not pres- easy for one who does not think to

•. ent;,. ' ; , slt"ldly by ·and be good. but the !ban W. H. Yoder Is the Alumni trustee. who atarte tbl11ge la the one who

Tbla ottlce hae just been lately In· hlnks aa be beat poaelblY can and aota etated and W. H . Yoder Ja the tlrab In accordance with ble tbougbte. Peo­to hold' It. pie who do not think can readily a-

FLU BAN ON llUmlJ 0 ..... DOORS Word oomee that the city la to go 11.tin t:r.11

ander an tnnuensa ban at. noon to­day._ AcoordlJI& to Its pro.i.tom all pabllc .gatherbp including chmch SUNDAY .MORNlNQ SERllON BY eenfCl!l!J wlll be prohibited ... N.!' llOC• DR. CULLBR lal gatherings will be permitted and

any neooessary meetlnp will be rt> Text, John 10': 1·16. if strict.ed1_to twenty people. .. It ls boo These are the most precloua· ~ordi • • Uovll!l U1at U ovel')'one co-operatee tbat enr fell trom the Jlpe or )•1111. In this. and if the 91>lrlt u well u The great heart pr Jesus went oat to the Jett« of the ban Is foUowe4, .coa· all the world. He said, "I bne otlaw dltlons hore will Improve rapidly and sheep" and It 11 aad .to · think that ' the du.ration of the ban sbortenect. people know not His voice. llUJ' '


Friday morning tbe chapel devo­tions were led by Rev. Kinzle, pastor of the East Salem Church at Nicker-son. He Is an alumnlst and for · sev· era! years was t rustee for the college. Alter devotions W. o. Beckner cal!le In wftb a wheat cradle that waa giv­en to the school by L. B. Ihrig, of Missouri. The Implement 1bowed

signs or much use but It was In very good condition and well made. M.r. B~kn~ then gave a short talk upon tbe value of aucb rellca wben kept In a museum so that tbe future gen· eratlona might learn In the beet poa· slbte manner how 'tlle sre&t countl'Y and people or oure came to be what It Is. But' the climax waa r eached when Dr. Kurts gan a practical dem­

onttraUon of just bow one waa u1ed.

Rev. Kinde took tbe floor and

people have been thought Chrlatlaill i

and many religion• hne been called ChrlaUan that are not Cbrlallaa.. Tbero are other people, not called Cbrlatlans, but wbo have Ter)' neat the truths .rnealed b7 Christ. Tllei are aearchlng- for the truth. · ·

Edwin Markham la the author ot the little poem entitled "Anchored to the Infinite." The builder who tlret bridged Nlag;

ara's gorge, Before he swung bis cable, abore to

ah ore, S~nt out acroN the guU hie nntarlDc

kite Bearing a sl ender coi'd for ana­

b~114i To graap upon tbe further clltt &ad

' draw A g-reater cord, and then a lff&le

yet; Tbe Issue before--tbe board at gree. People ~ho do think and think

tfme; waa probabl)' the greateet prob- seriously as a general rule never ,, lem ·It bad enr been called upon to agree until there baa been an argu·

handle. It waa the mana(lng of the ment, a clarlfYlng, an explanation Forward ¥oTement Clm.palg-n of Mc- or enn an unreel on one aide or eulogl.%ect upon the greatneu of Mc·

b th Phereon College, b)' pro'flng that

TUI at laat acroaa the chum t 1"111S ' Tbe cable-then tbe might)' brtd .. ·

In air!

Pherson College. It waa a question ° · all the world comes to Mc- So we man7 aend ou.r uiu. Umld . of rinance, •here to get It, wbo to set It >11 not wise to judge aa to bow Phereon Collece for It'• leaden. Dr. tboucht _ '

It, where to applJ' It after It la ob- the faculty and admlnl1tratlon ban Knr t& belnc ezpected to lecture at Acron the TOid, out Into Gci4't -~ talned and If -ome part of the school been thinking. ~ It la telf endent that tbe World'• Bnnday Sobool Connn· Ing ban~

-mut be set aside tor a more oppor- the etudent thoucbt ran In two chu- Uon, 8 .,.. KlDlie preeented hlm 1'fth Send out our lo•e and faith to~ tune time, Juat what· to aet aside. nela,-Dr. Kurts and Football. It one hnndred and thlrtJ' checb anr- the deep-- _ - ? ·

"Fallure~hae aaved m8D.J' a man, la alao almoet ae endent that mone)' atpg flTe dollar. eaeb to help b1m Thoucht after thoucht utO tM Jlttll eacceea baa rulned_Juat 81 m&D.)'." 1r endowment& wu not a part of their ban a .Pleu&nt journe)'. These cord ., "The .g-reat 1~ccee1 of :MoPhere'on reaeonlng ln deciding their luuee. checke were- gln1n b)' lhe people of Hu 11'8&tene4 to a dlaqt. -'!lo oMllee College ~- brought on a crltla. The A petition was presented , to the the McPhenon territor)' under a cam· can break, -. , 1• college la not what ,It oncbt to be, lr!1'tee &eking that i>r . Kurt& ahould patgn carried on b)' two Brethren Aud- we a re anchored to> a. lnfta-DOl becauae It hU deterlated ~ la not be aent ont to collect mone)' ln mlnlaten. Dr. Knrts under great Ste!" • not .prog-reaelnc bat becauae tbe fin·· the Forward llonment Campalp dlttlcult)' tried to ezpreu hla cratl· Thu we Harell tor Get. OW uee of the lnetltutlon hU tonnd It gtY!.D.1 nrloua l'tllllODJ for Illa 'Dot tude but 11.e made all aa4eratan4 tbougbtl 10 oat uW we an .......

· almoei lnlpoulble to keep 1tep with going. The peUtlo~ '!fM recelTed bT that It waa not merely the ainonnt of ed to the Great llattnlte bT a ollala .the 1tudent enrollment and ldeu. the truatees ·and encouraced orallT moneT that pleued him bnt the fact that can not eullJ' be b.rolcen. TlleN .

bT Harrleon Frants and Paul Brandt. Upon the meeting of thla crlala It wae carefull)' and mtnutelJ'' contld- that the people would ban ao mach are man)' people wbo are loaslq

b.anp the fntnre of lllcPhereon Col- ered and dltcuued pro and con. Dr . faith .and lntereet ln bJm. ..t..nd he l'l! the Truth, aad wlld •Mt M Iese. Tbe present needs of tbe lneU- Kurts'a attitude wu alao car.f II)' 1lncerel7 hoped that he fnUy taucht by aome people. .; t aUon dem~nd monef, and ·it mut coneldered. Alter a long and T&~edl reallxe their hopes and expectaUont. Chrltt Aid , "Otller lheep ha'ff I be obtained and upended ln the.prop. new• of the situation bad been taken It was . u1eles1 to ea7 tbe latter, for which are n ot of told." 'fte

. er lf&llller or lt'a 1uc~ 'Will oaute the t uatees le d .1 1 , h 't we know him too well to expect UY· rellcloua eltaatton ln Turke)' dematada It'• ruln. t fr ,

1 Uoene n rep Y a 1 or thing elae. attention from the Cli.rlStlan worl4.

ae o reso u nt. The majorlt)' of the atudenta of the The football petition was alao care- The Armeo.lau belonc to the Gns-

bletftatlon do not auentud the .,.._ faUT contldered and lnTestl te4 to Inqnlelt!Te old lady to aaUor , ''WbJ' orlaA Claa.rch, whlcll la like tea nndei; which t his lnettlatlon 1a some ezten . It seem• that~e ob- do 70u 1peak of Knf ta on the ocean the Greek Church In beiAC for-111Uo

1'- •11'DPGrted and can1e4 o~. W'rhe7 do jection to iltercolleglate football waa l11ttead of mll8ll7" " Becaate )'Ou and dependent upon lmaa•, plot-., • not realise tha.t wben tbe7 pa,y thelr .. :.;,;;-- kDoW, we h&•• alw&:71 had the ocea.n and rttuallam., .. Tiler ha Te 7earl1 .ao-

'11tt1011, the)' ha•• paid ba~ oDe' Ult L-. <~. - - T.) tide ... 1' ·- i (Coe- .. p- ... ,

' .... ;. <

Page 8: ViewScan Premium PDF ouput - · The time ts drawing near when we inuar begtn to tblok about base:

~-... -..~~~~ ........... ».· die~:,....... . -~~ .................. :w.U.1~~~~·~1:: 1ua111tAa JU»llf'; llan' ""8, btll .ar-·1.._. ~··~ eolor • .-ell mT .- "!'II am•

. rtet a-Mr 11fori; 1farsant ~ ~ ...... ~with_.., abellt th~ aao., I wtJJ ~


· Loalee 11&7 AJoott &lld lllll.f.IT pa.Ms- color .om•tiJD• la life lnlt to bow • l~r to Karie aad ret1Je.

•. ursBAa'I' A1'D &ffr ~·· " · ~ · tow . to P,itit dd U-. 1'1•r eolon , ' / iA ' IA4T atten4iiii uie ifiile lutl·, · ~Yerate American~, llT Theollore clear 8114 uaupernt ·18 aa art re- n11aai7 11. •21. 111 u 1" • ._ ~ie 'IUt weak wls Oftrlleanl talldq RoOMYelt. · · · · ••lrta~ trallllAC to aeeomp~all- -.Jut pt bl tiom tie ~

-- • · ~- ..... __ . .. - .,_...:o..., Tilts 11o111t ta wrtu.ia 111' a man no So ,.iau Tllat la ~· qn• snat .. J - ... r.~ ..... -........... "'"'"-la tile teJepllOIUI DVUMI to a u1na lMrniD to DG10ftl .... .,...,.ft, ~- ••- - ._ la tlUI COUDtff', &ti W 1iee1t to \}at fOUCll( &lld 1fOll dllUn.UOll bl l'rallce. W&T 70• b&Te of . . !f appre- p t0 ... the alih ~twllill·~ -1.i ,.;t Ui.Iblt aiaci WU ea\hu- It 18 •re th&ll an aocollllt of mill· elate \Ile bea_att ~f utlbli &118 DOW ~~'ad~ \he ~in lri!t \h~Cf.ifii·1"mt ~~ \etibis alib11t It. . . &VT nperlea-. .'lb• tint . ollap. the teuoa M It. ahtuuoa. eo irii~ ii ~; UToi- Pat t ......

• ''W•ll 17 11n. 1-. 1 ,, .. nallT ••r- tw If"- u .-ut ot tlle llome Ut• ,

1 came uid leti !or tie clla»-~ ~ 1 ~t ·.aw all ~ ~f · the a-Yett taal1' wllea tile OLJJll'8B8 ~~ A . . , et U. -o~H41 ~ coo4 Mat ta will~

"' thlllp tile• ltrtl W dfde. SeTeraJ older - C!>loul wu iUll alln, all4 . . ftubiln"S ~~ to hear Dr . • ~~!!,er'~ l~ure oii. the · .ult 41..- were Oil dlaplaT, one wu tile llltteta to bla llllD. ~ .. .ome ID.4'· .JanparT U, 'JO · 10 : U I>. JI. diplomatic retatlo•• of the N•r J!laat.

a plak part)' 4J'9lii ttt•me4 tD Cofll cation 6f the pert lie PlaTe4 Ill abow• .. Well I alloald be mad:rllls but u "All4 I lleari. ap4 knew aot" for It Mllll.. &oae w- emlirot4ered, ud lat tile eoutrT tile •Md of prepved- I doa't'f41'1 aofl\Cllo,e4I1f1ll pr9cMd wu aimoat too deep. Tiie J1'9&t ma· ~et hill a pret~ ~ deifp for •-· Tll•e letten are fo~~we4 •D to 10ratch a few Uaea In thlf ~~ .,~~lT !'.f ~· etudea~ ha~e lieea plac· tftlllltatlr1.- You 11lould *Te - b7 the author wbo ·dlitlaetlT abowa u .It Iii aomewllat llli:e a coo4 clpr Ing .fmplictt ratlb la the IAacue of at •C1Dt ......._, w'ht thq were made tile reaaltt of unprepared .... whea ud a woman-man'• olllJ eoua0ta- Natlona; llntliuci•i dlptomaCJ\ our M teaib- all ltlll41 of wo01en mater- the nll.l taue p-te4 llMlf.. tton.. KT mla4 Dow goee back to the on dutT ID. the maD4&tor7 our Ar-, D :\ Th't ba4 a lofflT bl'OWSI broad· Parla Vlatu bT Hetea Da~eaport nealac of, the ~lntb. Upcia 91!l8r· DJ~la tfd 1t~!' PO*.ce ~iT; ln gen· euG · amt tbat &nT woman or ctrl GlbbOaa. . • Inc. tbe dorm that eYenlns I caau· era!. :bllt wlielf. tile lecture 'ifiia o;r~r w.II be ila4 to poUe9a. Doa't JOU Th11 book M a dellel1tful account of al}T glanced onr toward the ctrl'a we eltit6r chUced oitr mlJl.da INOW taat the ctrll make almo.t ailJ b_uman relatlona and experiences In dorm u there wu a light ID the t>U· or elae we bad decided that we .were

• '9il1s. TlleJ eHD make eoata. Three Parla. It _11 pot !- ~cbolocR&l !n· lor, and It WU rather late for attc!b, too Jiitxe4 Ill out ldeu io dac(de &11.T· • WW. ft exhibit• There ·wu one made •lcht bu~ .rath,er one upon the general A moYlac otii~ct In the parlor caucbt thtdt.

M ;'luali'; 'aii4 two 1prtnc coall Ulat aoelai at~l!lni of ~aria, clYlas. ~eltbllr mJ en, uiru tbe tllln curtain onr The lecture made me almo1t a~ wm u ulte u &DJ' JOU coald bUT." foua4atlon nor reuon for tlie aiat- the parlor window. It wu Kr.-- ihamed of Uie fact that I had Toted

"Wlat did Joo aayt Don't th•T ence of tbe aame. . Neither ~ It a .ind Ml.II at111dlna iiere and tor tbe compromiae la the Intercol· ~· w'ttll cottdn' tabrl1=9T . Ob ,.., guide boo.It nor a dee?rlptlon ·, of ' the ebe,:iid ii~g blm and bttnlnc him leitate .Pe~ ~ty Referendum. ~-"wu a ldtcben apl'oll and a cap algbta O! ~a~• Jet It 19 ualquelT far- :&t~rnitelJ. · . I 1to0d and watched, I tried to like nbtee OJ! the thing but to -teh. Both were '°' lilcel7 made nlahecl with a 19rlea ot •lxteen abtcb· with bulging en and watertnc mouth found It aim.oat lmpoalble. Tbe ud looluMl ao prettJ that I tll!Dk I ea bJ Leeter G. BombT. nntll the procea wu oYer tb•n with things striking m'e moat emphatlcal· mat llan an outfit Juel llke It mT· • Out of tbe Rulae J>J George B. a aiulne.d and mixed elgb of relief ty were, tbe Treaty would tall be­Nlf, I wilb TOil ,could ban aeen Ford. . . and• tecret · I turneli tifowtJ OD 'mJ cause, aucb a Leacue aa It tried to Uaat 1on1' Toll cir.. trimmed w~q.. . MaJ~r Ford bu be1d an lmP<>'IUnt ~&T to mJ rc>om. Aa It bu been Jut form would tall ; the pollcJ of .olT­flllttT rutfl•. And plllow•ltP9 with Pla_c• In the ~ed Croee recon.atructtoa elx dan alnce the ~eue I can acarcelT tac the European proble~e 11 force, ..i •aioonted laoe on them. There work la F_rance. He tpow,8 ~e ileYU- nP~ lllf teellnp arid tlio11gl:lt1 · or and the Treaty doee not try to 1et­fli'e plec• of dalnlT llaserl• too. ~tt4 dte~rle~ thorolr. tli•!: .tr?ub1~i. that time. But tb·e thing that "atuclt tie tbe problems of tbe Near Jiiaet. Mtllu there were none on exhibit -I tbelr tbo~g~ll and their aM48. Tiile In my craw" wu th& mere wt that Great Brllllil'a pollCJ tu deallnc 'With wu told that the clrla ha4 made book la lntend,d to eall1bte'n A.mer!· ehe ldtiled lllm about ten or eie-reu TnrkeJ bu been one ftillJ proteolfn& .....,. ctacllam dreaa. Wb.n I wu C&DI u to tbe work or rebab~tatlon time while be bn)T ldAed ber oDce. the tntecrlty of the Sultan'• domain, · l•Tlnc the room I met some ctrll tl~at la 1ota1 °~ a~d u to ~· mb9t X 'poet of ub.,littet would . ban ex- not for the protection or tbe Tarka ,...,... IA to work 10 I Jut uked them edtcleat manner (n wbloli American• cla'.tmed "Cruel Creature!", but with aplaat anT ha:rm bat for the protect­

-11 UleT •nJOJed the Mwlng. You can belt deYelop their work In tbla me It waa "Poor ll'lih!". lion or the Brltlllh Empll'e againat lmow- I woDde~ becauae 10 manJ tleld. · ~ow tbe qneltlon IS wu that O. anT other nation which mtgbt, .thru pr~ don't Jlke to 1ew at all." · . . . ., IC.? If theJ lo'8 other from a tbe dlallltesratl.Oli of TurlCeT; gain a 1 .''Arid itieJ ut4'''i'e. ·'l/le·do like It, ABTI ~II ABTlll pure heart and without deceit ahould ·eeapott, ralltoad centre or t~

~ ~nc ta ao practtcat ~We haTe U JW" haft not Tlllte4 the Art thiy be comi;ieDed to meet and miJoT ))Oil.ta the Neu Jllut. Buch bu bMa .M a ·iotld teac1ier. I am colJi,S to DetutMat be sure to do .o. M•oll eacli other'• compailT u I would' meet ber Pc>llcJ ahlce the Battle of Water· "aau all mJ olotheii tlib •lilD'IDar If hrt9Nlitltqr work Iii befac done th.ere. a total •traurer, earl'}' on au o'rdlaaJT 100: Thia l)olhlT bu been held forth J~. We" tililt•." •1 ·..Veil Jit9a., 1olill I l'art ot It wu ·on ·dla))la)f In' J'OG1ll cliii'fenatt6b and '»&ff wttft a mere uJ)On th-e bayc;net ;.p.taat Oerlll&llT. 'Ho wish 1011 wen ftere' fu llM the Jlum11er t and ta the chapel ·durlal "Goo4-nt1li't"! tr trite ton be tt-.. Rueala, The' Balkans and other ooun­'tiiUP u I am 111n 7011 w01tllt' &4- tM tMt week. Tim rec.ITed .....,. bis mother and 1t1ter why then ahoutd trtea and It la thla a.amo polloT that mire tllem u eo many oilieNVdo. com'IDendattvaa u well u ~me crlt- !le· W dented tblll prt'rilece with bll bas cut It'• ahado'!' oY~r the Peace ' 'N. ~. ti'I 1\iet tlhe'. ' 'tVet\ I ID'llit· 10111111 and llu won for tbe .depart• sweetbearl! or boune one rll'aJ ollt- .ContereD.ce at Veraatllea. 10 aow to another twlire~ 'l'llere . • t m&u7 ll- atudellll! MOli of ~ep' tlle bo1l11Cli' of any law or prlY· It la thla pollcJ that broqht Tartt· ~ 10 lllaJlT lb04 thtnp to 1iear. th .. ban .. rolled ·ID Paltel Work. IJete, but bec&uae one penioa cannot lab repreaeatatiYee to the Peace Con· fteJ' are baTlns three lect- ·tllfa An Wllo ban beCUn the work are cotrectlT and temperatelT u1e a pJ'ly. r~ce, aeemlnglT under their own

·'loV 1'«• I dOh'f...~O'll' 'W'blcll cine to •111"1, ent~uc about !tt ud are ilete .1• n.ot aliftlcleat eTldeace to f ree will yet ln tact upon the co·m-att.llia . ., . . . Ol)ollb,,e.u . lla\t ti> ~find that It' la . wf1hln the fhtlf)' tbe extermlliatlou of that prlT· mand ftom England, and ID. a alltua • ,

1 Js:j ' alliiui- of &DT oae, to be ible to ~p,O.. Uete. Of couree, enough II enouc1l ~ITID1 all ordare of action ftom the . eOllB IQIW BOOKS OU~auob prettJ P:tuee, whu. thei and too niucb Ill MUSB! aame countrT. It la ihta poUOJ ihat

POi't1'IJlil or . Ainmc.D WOlae,.. !th~ucbt ) bq had no artlatto ability If ajl' kln!ag ~a _embracing came offers . to tl!e United s~tea tb,e full '7 Gamallet IWadtoM. · ~. Brad- whateTel'. . trom-"ltie belll't, un.pre~ildltated and mandatorT or Armenia,. with France i'Dr4 11.111 that 1ili tioolt Jllf8tlt almoet TaliatT Of courae 10u ha-re '1t. apontaneou. with Do other ea4 ID holdlnc ClcUian Tauroa and Eqland

. lilt ealled "Portriitta of New JllBSl&lld ,. Jlatabrooka of Cblcqo la19. "One'' Yiew than tbe eQreeelon of the reel· dominating Emt ta each a manaw W'-..;" allloe wlth blit a mete 9i:• talent la the d•ll'e to do." So if ,our lag or loYe for another then It mll1t u to deadtoek trade and commerce. ~· all' dill 'IUllJ.ota . at•41e4 ·de d•lre ta 1reat enouch. I~. u appre- be admitted· that ti ta perfecl,l,. ~"- I t la thue tliat · Armelila fl! gt yo t.i'to.,,

, llf it- JbistUd birth: ailil .._. elate what you .... tl\• :S,:' 10u too Jiilaible .. · Y4t 10 m&DJ llTe b}' feel· our care, cue oH trom all chance or , l'Natlel WO:uaril, altllo a natlft or. can pahlt. • , hi& and habit when lt would ciO u deYelopmeat and pro.,_. And ·a­.... 'tori: 1tate, lla4 tbe New Bili:- There ta an edacauon In palatine. some cood to t~ the life of reaaon· gain, It la thla poUcJ tbat offeni thla llmd 'IMlokl'r'oliil,CI aad traclttloba be- u In o~er tlllap and we moat bqbl Ing for some aliort hour. But lf one In this miulller. so that we can not lbill .lter. Ill . tlW ot!ier MTll'l 111'1>- at the bottom, and Paltel II the ~ :would llYe u.tlrelT bT \euontng for acc;ept 1flber a mandatoJT or protec· _.. II ,..,•illted allll09t eTWT CIADIJla. It la the euleet medium of a abort time the atate authorttlea --------------;.tiiil' or Aalldea'1 natlouJ lllltOrJ'. artlltlc p-tatloD, •peclallJ' of w~uld .OOu 1!&" lllm 1n ~· cooler. (0...- .. p_. e.i

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