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Fihn Of Germany

Tonigl:it In


· .

. ~· Go-Team!



Volume 47 McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, February 1, 1963 No. 16

Yoder Picks Warrick, Ford

For· Leads In '~apa Is All' Sue Warrick. senior from Lim­

on. Colo., has been cruit in lhc leading role ol "Mama" Jor Ma. college's next production. " Pnpo is All," according lo Mrs . Wilbur Yoder , director ol dr.amnlics. •'y, to be pttscnled Morch 8 1111d 9 lri Brown Audllorlum, revolvet around the Uvcs of u PcM1ylvanla Duldl lamlly that Is niled by the Iron hand ol

Students l\Juy Tnkc Proficiency Test Feb. 5

Th<Jc students who h»·c not lakcn the English Proliciency Test, or ·need ID take it again will have an OPPortunity to lake the lest on Tuesday, Feb. s. a t 2 p.m. in Room 229 of Mohler Hall.

The English Prolicicncy Test is required of nil students who plan lo graduate lrom McPherson Col· lcgc. Education majors musl have pnssed the lest before engaging in practice teaching.

"Papa,•• charncterhcd by Peter Ford. j u n i o r Crom Rochester Minn. '

·Other cast members include John H~rrison. jur\ior from Beloit, \\'ho will piny the roh~ or "J.ukc." a talc.ntcd son. "Emmn," the ro· nrnntic daughter will he portrny­L'<i by Dell Ann L:orscn, fresh· man from McPherson.

The nosy neighbor, " M,.., Yod· er," will be charoeteriz.ed by f"ay Gibble, junior from Lebanon, l'a. Ed Mohler, scnJor from Mc­Pherson, "';11 play the part or tht st..1tc lrooper ... Brandle-." •

Stage manager for the produc­tion will be Mike Uegole, senior from McPherson.

i\lemb«:n; or the Ad\·anccd Play Production <lass helped 1<i th the tryouts and will Mrs. Yoder in the direction of the hay.

This is the ·second production or I.he )'cijr. the lirsl being "The Miracle Worker.' ' presented lust December.

Fine Arts Show Will Feature O!'iginal Works

McPherson College studenls, locully, and alumni will present !heir original works in Maco!· loge's lim Floe Arts Festival.

The Festival to be held in Brown Auditorium on May 10-12, will in· elude original works in poetry, ''1uidc, drama. and art_..... Discus. sion sessions over ' the v.arious fields ol line arts will also be scheduled.

A commillce ol seven students and lhrce laculty members will co-ordinate the festival. Serving on this commillcc arc Michael Uegolc, Jim Weaver, Sharon Kcilh, Sharon Knop, Th e l m n Slump. Weyland Beeghly, Orville Neufeld, Prol. and Mri. Marvin Blickcnstnrr. and Mr. Paul oner.

All students who are interested in participating in any way in the lcslival should contact any mcmbor or lhc commlt'tee. or any professor. in the Art. English, or Music Departments.

Berkebile On Campus, Will ' Sp~ak In Chapel

Dr. James 'At. B<?rkcbilc. dean

ol McPherson College lrom 1950

lo 1957, ond now pro lessor of

chemistry .at E lizabclhtown Col·

lcgc, ElizabeU1town. Pa .. will or·

rive on the Mncollccc campus

next Mondny to recruit teachers

lor the Teachers · for • Wt'SI·

I Alrica Progr~.

Dr. Btrkeblle "ill be on the campus ever)' c enhlg during the week and will bo the guest speak· er in chapel on' Feb. 8.

l rter spending 14 years on the McPherson CollcGI' !acuity. first as · head ol lhe chemistry de· partmcnl and later os dean. Dr. Rcrkebilc joinC<I the Chemistry Deportment al Ellwbclhlown Col·

lcge in 19;i.

In 1959, Eli?Dbclhlo1<'D i;tanltd him a two-year leave to scn •c ns an ad,1jser to the government of Nationalist China for the purpose of helping f'onnosa•lmprovc the scle~ce programs m Its secondo.ry schools.

In the process. ho hclPcd to establish 14 exjlCrimcnUll centers for science education on the ls. land.

Dr. Berkebile rCCCi\'cd his B.A. d~ from Manchester College and his M.A. and Ph.D. I r om Ohio Stale Uni,•ersily. lie is mnr· ried .and lhc !other ol three chil· drrn.

Or. Berkebile is lis ted In \~'ho'~

Who in Ame rican l::ducatloo Md in t.caderS in Amcrlc:m Sci· cncc.

pr. J ames M. Be.rkebile

Finni selection of the Teachers­to·Wcst-Alrica will lake place in March. Selected teachers will nl· tend orientation sessions on U\e campus and in New York City '11rior to departure in Augusl. More oricnt.alion will be given upon their urri\1al in Africa.

"A maximum o1 ZS teachers wlll be placed in Ghana and NI· ,:cria this year.'' commented Dr. BerkcbUc. " We'tt il&&.eftsted in "•ltini: people we 'can stand ...,_ hind."

"The primary fields in whicll we arc sceJ<ing teachers a r c chcmislry, physics. biologi•. mnth· cmatics! and industrial arts," he added. "These are easier ID pince because the Peace Corps hasn't been supplying teachers in these fields as much as in hwnani· tics."

·Film Oai-Germany Will Be Shown In Bt·own Fdday

"Encounter wilh Germany .. will be sho~-n iO ._Br own Abdiforium: tonight at 7:30.

"TI1is fllm is a fifty·minute trrl\'elogue containing bc.1uliful art photography and co•·ering o \'aricty or scenes." said Robert Porter. assistant professor of Ger· man and literature.

Views shown include landscapes. street scenes. industrinl scenes. and scenes . showing l he refugee sll~nlion bc!orc the Berlin wall wus buill. The lilm cmphiisitcs German a.rt in lh<l cullurnl trn· dltion of Europc"<ls o whole.

Although "Encounter with Ger· many" is a r~uired film for G'crman studcnls, all student$ and focully members arc invited to a ttend. No admission will be charged.

Area Teams Compete In Tomorrow's D'ehate

Almost lilly lcoms lrom Ne­braska and Kansas will invade Mncollcge IDmorrow to compete in Ute nnnunl McPherson Invi· tntionnl Debate Tournnmenl.

William Brookl!, MJM: debate coach and loclnlameot dlttctor, announood that for lbe llnl Ume lropb1"" wlU be awarded to lbe teams tlnlshlnJ lint and second.

Indications ure that K a n. s a s Stale College or Pittsburi;. win· ners or last year's tournament, will be unable to otlcnd this year.

This year's tourn.amcnt will consist of live rounds of debate wilh the linnl two rounds being power-matched. This moans that teams winning lhc first three de·

Coming ..• Tonight - Fiim: "Encounter

with Genn.nny,11 Brown Auditor4

lum, 7:30 p.m. . Saturday, Feb. Z - College De·

bate Tournament. Baokelball, · MJIC at Sterling. Tuead">" Feb. S - English Pro­

llcney Teal, % p.m., Mohler %%9. Baskell>all, OUawa al Mac. Fr1dA7, •·cb. 8 - Band Concert,

BnlWD A~~ • Sltunlay, Feb. t - Basketball,

Mac al C of E. Sunday, Feb. tO - Wec!Dead~.

Feb. U - Chrlsllaa lJ!e Em­phUls Week.

Tueac1A7, •·eb, !% - Basketball, Bethan,y at Mac. ~

bales will be paired with other teams • winning tho llrsf three, and losing teams .will debate oth· er losing teams. ,

The oratory event which wos held last year has been ollml· naled in tomorrow's tournament due to the addiUonal round or 'debate.'

Assist.ant director ol the 1963 tournament is Jerald W r a.y, senior from Scott City. wbo is Macollcgc's first speech major. Mac Speech I students will ser\'e as timers lor the debates.

IDgb school - COllcba lrom Daldlluoa, lmnaa, McPbtt• eon and other area IChoola bave agned to Judfe ID !be loanla• .meat. Several -.,., faculty

members will alle """e ID Ilda ._u,..

Four student committees will ·perform various duties during the loumamenl R ob er t Crabb Is cbalnnan ol the Judges' commit.­tee and Mike Brown will bead the timers' commil!A>e.

Chairman of· the tabulation COID·

mitteo is Weyland Beeghly, and Margaret Dadisman is in char8e of the social committee.

Caaee - doouda will be aen· eel to Ille leaml "" ~ Dall prior to Ille -8bll -­bb' wlalda ii llalecl for I a.m.

The closing asembly is sdled· ulcd lor 4:30 p.m. al wbicb Ume the rcsultl will be announced and the trophies awarded .

In Clta11el /\'ext Week TucsdllJ'-Sldncy H. Alexander.

Jr., executive dlrL'Clor ol Wichita Urban Lcnguc, will speak.

Mr. Chiron BroWJI hl>lpa hta d1,..bter llo111Ue enroll ol He:

Friday-Dr. Jwncs B<?rkcbilc. former M.ocollege dean, will rep­resent Tenchcrs·lor West-Africa-

Phenon Coller• l11t Friday. Roa1lle ta from Hulchln1oa, ind

Joins her. two 1taten. Doroth1 ind WiDUred, who ore aladeala 1t



Flory, Frantz Attend Meeting Of AACTE

Second Semester Brings New Students To Campus

' McPhc"'!'n College has lncrcM·

Or. llnymond Flory. professor ed ils enrollment hy 2-1 students or history .and political science. for the second SCmcstcr. Former :ml.I Dr. Merl in Frantz. professor students returning nrc Rick De­or L'<lncnlion and psychology, will Tour and Douglas Howkins. fresh· reprcscr1t ~JcPhcrson College al 'men: Charles llnrtmnn:' Lu r r Y the firtt.'(!nth onnu:il meeting or the King, Terry T icljCns. nnd .John American Associntion of COiieges Wagner. juniors; Nelson. Stump, fu r Teache r l!:duculion on Feb. IS. senior. 16. The mceling will t'Onvcnc at Students cnte:°'g Muc for the the Conrud llilton llot~l in Chi· firsl thnc are the following lttsh· cago. men: Jo Etta Krehbiel. Roger

The - uicmc of !he ~-onlorcnL-e - Voi:t. -G.,.lia Graot,,.Bulood Bur· is "Strength Throu~h Hc·•1>Prais· neU, Dnld Wlrikler, '-nlla Le· nl" Dnd "will bring together an dell, Adegbola AdeJunmabl. Gary intercs tini: nrray or outstanding Kaufman, Jim Black. ·Rosalie spcnkcrs ns,. well as reprcsenta· 8ro"A'll. li••cs from most of the colleges El1< oe<J llipkins, ~corge Cw· cnga~C<I In the programs or tench· plinski. Paul Ensz. and Virginia er educatlpn.' ' stoled Dean Geis- Stnbcnow. Hobert Krehbiel, soph· e rt. " ./ omorc: P.hil Zoerchcr, junior: and·

One or lhc morn speakers scbcd· Lindo Rndkc, senior: ore also ulcd for Ute meeting is Edgar new students. I'

Snow, ulhor ol " Hed Siar Over Classes 'for lbe new semester Chino," ,lorelf!n c-orrc~uondcnt, met !or the first limo Mondoy ncwspaJic, mun . . ~J'ilcr for 'U>ok, morning a t '.; :45. Finni exominn· Satuday "E vtnlntt Post fl and ~or· Uo1is for the Spring semester · urc tune. . • , · schCduled lo ,begin Monday, May ,

\Yhilc .In Chic11go. Dr. F rantz 'n. and, lo fin ish 'l"tursdny, May will be nllcndlng meeLings ol lhe 30. The semester <!".llclolly ends A.'1.'F.iatlon lor Sl)ldcnt Te'aching , ~day, June 2, with Baccruour· wlllch is also I holdirtg confer- eote .ot 10:45 a .m. and Cornm<>oce-ence at the Sl\llle lime. ment' nt 7:30 p.m.

Two vahtloa ~ wUl come darinJ the ....... 1er. Tiie llrst wtU be EMier 8- wh1cb s1arta Friday, April. S. at S p.m. aod· eadf , Tu.,iay. 4PrU 18 al 7:45 a.m . '!be stt0ad break will be All Scbooi. o.,. which comeo on 'f•r1ctay, M~ 17. '

Night classes lor tljis semester which arA giV.n on Monday and Wednesday evenings met lor the first lime Jan. 28 and Jon. 30.

Cow:ses Clcrcd MOndJ!YS Ill:!' First Year Russian meeting from 4:50 to 6:30 and befog taught by Vladimir Czaplinski. Tile other course · meeting on Mondays is General Physics which is ollcred lrom 4:50 lo 7: 15. Swenson is tho teacher. ,

Ctassei ~ oa WedDelda¥ ev..U.,s it- 4:50 to 7:15 are· -Laadscape Gardcain.r tougbt by Dr. J ohn Ward, -taat pro.\ fHSOr Of "fun! life, and Crtlnl• liology &aDibt by Di.. K. C. Becl>­tcl . pNJ(e..c,.. 'of ~ol\>CY. . •

Classes meeting • from 7:25 ·to 9:50 are Ph,ys ical Science.. taught by Dr. GiUonl Ikenberry, assoc­iate professor of bioloey, aod Tile Victorian Er.a taught by Mrs. siroh May Brunk.

Page 2: ViewScan Premium PDF · Berkebile On Campus, Will ' Sp~ak In Chapel Dr . James 'At. B

Spectator, Page 2 February l , 1963.

Vibralio;ra From. The SU

New. Editor S~ts Standards . .

·For Mac ·student. ;.Puhlication ~ ·

Sitting behind the editor'• desk is not the, most comfor l.uble position in sev(\rnl l'espects, but it does force a new editor to t.hink seriously nbout the fu nc­tion, goals, and policies of a student newspnpel'.

First of a ll, l am convinced t hnt publication which' is owned and operated by students should bo primarily n stud~nt newspaper a nd not a public r·e-lntions orgnn. •

Thia does not imply, however, t hat the Spectator cannot set've in. a dual role. What it does mean is that campus issue. will not be swept uncle!' the rug mei-ely because they nre rather ser.sitive or may be misundet·­stood by those nql intimately associated with the college.

Secondly, I feel that there is a lack of_int.ellectu­al curioRit.y on this campus that in many cases s tudents are confining their thoughts to e\'enL~ oc­curing on the east end of Euclid Street.

· A basic goa l of the Spectator will be to encour­age students t pnl'Licipate in the writing of t heir newspaper. 1 hope Macollege students will feel free to expres.~ their ideas in the Spectator this semester . To comment ~-ot only on campus issues, but to ex-

pa nd and include importa nt events at t he ~tale, nn~ional. nnd international level.

The editor will 'welcome' student editor ials and letters to the editor. All ~uch mntcrinl must be sign­ed, but names will be withheld upon request "to pro­tect -the innocent."

Students and facutly inembera can help greatly in -t he co,·ernge of campus events by giving news­worthv infol'mation to a staff member or slipping a note in the cnmpus mail.

As the new semester progresses, I will appreciate criticism nnd suggestions by both students and facul­ty members. I hope that \Ve on t he pectator staff can publi• h a newspaper that both studenL~ and fncu lty members will look forwa rd to and enjoy rending.

It ia a lso my hope that those subscribers not in­timately associated with .the college will, through t h!) rei1ding of the Spectator. be able not only to catch a glimpse of events at i\lacollege, but more important, be able to read what i\lcPherson College students are thinking. WMB



Chape}s, ·specbtt~r Position

·Constitute Main Business By 11<13ir Emmul

Student Council met !or its•rcg­ulnr m(!eling nt 6:30 p.m .. Wed·

nesdny, Jan. 16. This meeting, in order Jo satisfy a requirement in the consHluUon for one public meeting a semester. wns made public with o special invitation ·

being given lo all inlerosted slu· dents. Very few \-isilors came. howe\•er.

·Transportation On Taipei Streets Presents

Interesting But .Dangerous Experiences Students Protest Cafeteria Rule On Meal Tickets Dt:ar Editor. . Up lmtil now we h.o\1C been able

to tolerate uic monopolistic prnc· tices or...-that portion or our wond· erful institution which hn.s been

respons ible for pro\'iding us with subsistence r ntions. ·

However. since these prncticcs ha\·e been extended lo the point

where we--Uke common s laves­must carry our tags iq on.le r to

be fed , we find thnl" we h:we no

recourse except to protes t this in· frinl:cment upon our basic hul11Jln rights . tThank you, Morshnll Un· c..i11he r >

Transportation for groups rep. rtlt'ailng our college in exchange chopels with J<a;isas Wrsleyan and St.erl"1J was dJscussed. In order that the commlllff mlght know bow muy O'OUP5 to R lttt . U ... decided lo poy tnlll•por­t.atJon costs for two car lo.ds or

s tudents to each performn.ncc. These exchanges have been sel

up for the l:ist or February and

the first of March. These should be opportunities to g ain n h! lfcr

rclotionship with these sister

schools or our conrcrencc.

By D. J~ Bitlingtr

Even though one has threade<I through Los Angeles thru . wai·s. dodged taxis in downtown t\ew

York. barely escaped witi1 his

life from Paris streets or ga th· e rcd a rew grey hairs in the trnf·

Cle or Home on nn opl?rn nighl,

he has not rea lly seen trnrric

until he hns tra\·elcd on Chung Shnn Stre<!l in Taipei. T:iiwan.

In order lo s« U well and

rtnll,y be In· the midst or it he

hires n pcdltub nnd pushes lhe top well back. Al once he is

s wallowed up In a twisting, spurt· Ing, hnUing, dodging, mechunical·

social ph<'nomenon.

His pcdicnb driver rides the

front pan of n msty bicycle while

the passenger sits in n rough

scul bch\'L'Cn lh(.I divided r c a r wheels.

The Boan! of Publications brought a rccommcndntlon for

the nppoinlmcnt of Beverly .Judge

to lhe m anaging editor l»OSition of the Spcctntor! !or ti]$ ..,. cond semester. ihe Council.A·oted In his hand he tarries :i rough

Jo a ccept the r('(.'Ommcndotion. towtl to kctJ• the ~1'$J>lration

n ecnusc--{>f an inc~aslng num. fru rn his 4'YL'S, Uis 1>rotec:tion .

l>t'r of CouftcU mt'rnbers enrolled n nd yours, Is ~t s mnll b<'ll. :1

In evtning d:i.s#S on Wednesday \

\•olce to ycJI, quick maneuver·

ability. a n uncanny se.ase of bow

c.lose he can scnpe n hurrying truck or bus or taxJ without dam·

nge, and n hand brake which he

(',:rn grab lt b e must slop in a space or inches.

His multiludinous companions

on the street nre whnt lo

be a goodly share ol the more than a mlllion papulotion of Tai­pei, a ll hurrying to some p!Jce. 'fllcy look ncith"er to r ight or

left : they just wa lk into the street

with the confidence thnt they can dodge or the wheeled ' 'chicle cnn s lop.

Homs sound constantly so there

is no Point of even looking up to

sec if the horn sounds for you.

Other fellow street trn\•clers arc

ox-carts ·1omlcd high ns trucks

f)u lled in the rru:iin. by one giant

brown or black qullock. The bullock has a btnl plere

or wood across his neck just in front or lls 1.ebu hump. 1t walks

on gra.s.,, sh~ tied ovr:r Its hoofs ..,

nnd moves ulong with u steady

plodding pnce midst lhe tramc

which swir ls around ll. At inter·

sections curc.-ening · busses or

trucks screech to u hn.Jt inches

from lhc bullock's face or side. but tht bullock di.sdnJns e\'en to

dodge or to lose n s tc-p in his

pulling s tr ide.

Little I.axis. Japan mode. bright­ly painted in blue or red. noat in

nnd out of all the other traffic,

missing each other hy an inch.

E\'cn an inch is too generous in such density if a fourth or an inch will do.

Chief generators ol"~nJ terror nre the he1wy army trucks 3nd

the busscs. E\'cryUlins,: must clear

before them ; they mov<! with a

speed and directness v. hich ind i·

cotes that ns fa r as they nre con· cerncd they nre a lone in the s treet.

One principle which obtains is thm the heu\'icst nm! oldest \ 'l ..

hiclc m1tomo!icully lws the righl

of way. Its driver docs not care

if it gets a few more scratches

or dents. So. let e\·erything new· er or smnller get otlt of the wny !

In all or this arc thous.:inds or

bicycles ridden by ancient bea rd· ed men, plit·skJrtr:d grand moth· youni- ladJ6 so slende.r they stt:m to tuwe no walsl ut nll.

They also wear split skirts, s plit

half·lhlgh high. Fortunolel,y, Chi· nose traffic I> U$ed lo UU. or there wOuld be a s lrc-et-long pile

up or \'rhlcles.

There once wns ·a lime in this n:ilion when the rights or nn in·

di\•idu;1J \\Crc 1mrnmount and the

siale existed 10 1rrotcc t those rights . But now we have n situ· :itilf'n in which the indi\•idunl ex· ists for the ~ate and no regard is i:h ·cn to h is d esires. ( P:lrlicu·

l!lrly concerni11g s uch things ns lh·ir1J:: quarters• ,

Friends, IA\'l'Mi of Freedom. De-­fenders of lhc Failh. Wnrriors or

Hightcousnc·ss. nm.I faculty. we wish to le.:1\'e you ~'· ith this clos ing

thoui.;ht. Docs thf' lunch line exist for the !(:tudents. or do the slu· dents exist for the Jund1 line:'"

cvtnlng. tbe' Studt nt Council \'olcd to -change their time or mM:tin~

to 6:30 p.m. on Thursdny~.

Finally. the Council VOll'Cl to

· c:m<'el the Jn~. 23 meeting he· cnusc of linul txnmin~tions.

Yo1lcr Presents R" ' ·io•w Mrs. 'na \'oder, director of

dr:imntics a t Mucollege, j:U\'e n piny re\·iew rc.'CcntJy ~1t Ccntr..::il

College at ~r Jap:mese dinne r g i\·. en Cor the (:iculty members.

Peace <;orps Offers Graduates

Opportunity To -Serve Fellow Man

· On bicycles also arc men trnns·

par ting everything. C\'Cn baskets

or eggs on th<- handlebars and

the rear of the bicycle. The eggs are one hundred or more to the

basket. piled loosely together. If the bic)·cle were· lo tip all the wny o\'cr instead or only half way

as it swnys in tra Hic the street ·

would become a sea of scrambled

fggs. 1\ nd there arc other pcdi· cabs. Jn them ;,re entire ramili • dignified business officials . or

young girls whose skirts nutter in the wind as if to make the

lr:iffic more intcrcsting and col· orful!

\ TI1c Dillinge r 's add r 'es s

lhr-0ugh February is Tunghai Uni·

vcr sity, Tni<'hung. Tniwnn. Chi· nn. > ·

'Mac Meditalors' · Remi11d~01hci·s Of Opportunity Gi\'C Me Lilx•r ty or Give Me

De3th Ullom ·a1KI ··\·h·e le" Bnsic llum:m Rights Ford .

T HE ~PEJ;:_r A 'f OR '?fficinl stu~cnt publication of McPhe rson College, McPherson. . published by the Stud ent Council weekly (30 issucs> d uring the school year, cxcepl during college r ecesses, a t 1000 E . Eudid, McPherson, K ansns.

· ·Sceond clpss postngo poid ot McPherson, Knnsas

Gampus o Hicc-Slt.ident Union basement

Onc--yenr subscription in U.S.A. ----··----·· · ---·-· · - · ·· ·······$2.50 Onc--s~mestc_r subscription Sn U .S.A. -·-··----·- · ··--··· ··-···· $1.25 F'uH·llme s tudents subscriptions are lncludCd in tuition.


r h111,. niomp)t}n I .Ind. C.....liQn oh ohn \\'&l[fltt'


BuslntJs Stiff DwlofU --Allan V•nc• · r hut<.«n.f'Mn; . • . IJ.ot, Sl•tc-r

J.'•cuh1 A d\' lJC'r - -··- .. Go~ ~~;;

Reporters i nd Write r s

J'a\ Holb lhrc•rrt JI"'

Would you Ii.kc 10 S<lr\'C your

ft'llow m:111 . ~en·c your country,

hc lJI 11romotc the gencm l welfare of lhe less fortuna lc people in

othc·r l;1mls :ind 1lel1> to hrinJ:

:1hout Ilic mh':mC'emcnt of frec-· dom1 You • l ' 1111 do·· aU ... 1his by ... joining the Pc:1cc Corpi::. .

Coll~e gr:tduntcs h3\·e n ";de SJK'<'lr um Of !rikitfs. Therefore th4·~·

:IN' \'t•r)" ,·nlunble to the Pcuc~ Cori>s.

United latM rititens 18 or old· e r nre c111:ilifit"<I 10 be in the Peace Cmps, f)rO\:idins,: they a rc! in good

f)hysiC'.ill and mc-ntnl hcallh. Also. \'Olunteers musl he emotionally

mature noel llllright in pcrsqnal conduct. l,

Thrt" :tr(' m:my · opportunlllC'S to htlp in the P caCe Corps. T h e

rttlln1: of "community" is a bulit.

in feature of ' American lire. The Peace Corps voltinteers hope to

trnnslate the typlcaJly Alnerican ltthnlque into the cullurts o( oth·

C'r nations through com munhy

dc-\1elopmcnt. projects Pence Corps members nre now

pa rticipatinJ:: personally a nd di·

rectly in programs whi~h work

in the lowes t common d enomi·

n:llor. the \1illuge level. llcrc they

get tho ·people to ralk ,oboiif tlieir problems and help the people find

the solutions to their problem s

What will you df>? 111crc is a grcut lack or school and housing

foc ilities in muny lands. The gov­ernments or these lands a re look­ing toward the Peace Corps for

:JS.'iis tancc in soh-ing these de· morb lizing problems.

The ans~·~rs to ~ problems Are. comril~l_ty de\·e lopmcnl, s lum

cltarancc, and low cost housing

co~stru~(lon . As ... social workers .and teachers you will teach them

how to manage .. I.Mir ntw focili· Jiies . •

~ What.ever your field, thc~c is a

need for your services in the !Jenee Corps. Serviee in the peace

corps is 3 two-way street. a chance to scr\'C and lo learn.

You as n °\ 'oluntccr nny ~n·c

ns a teacher. as a nuNc or doc:.

lor, hamc economis t. fnrmer. t"On·

s truclion worker. mechanic. or in other Hrlds , n ut howenr you

srrvc .. ~u ~'·.ill !~ .... ~!1o"'in l:fnu:.. skill omd l rulnlng wllb ·1,,oud and gr :ate lul pe-oplc who 'arc- begin. nlng to sttk a bt.tlr r wns or Hre.

The Pence Cor ps \'Olunleers live nn~I work'" with the people. speak

their lang unge n nd help them to help t~sch·es.

Dear Edit°"' . For SC\'eral monlhs now a \·a~ .. mg grou1> or Mncollct:c students

hav bren pnrticlflllting- In- the· -· periods or meditation and <1uicl

thought p r o \' i d c d in Memory

Chapel, Monday throi1gh Thurs· day evenings.

Tgese short periods from 9:30

to ~:50 1>.m. offer us an oppor· tun1ty to ··gel away" rrom :ill or

n ut ' the \'ofu~tccrs nr~ lcnrninl( the nrcssurcs on us ns colicgc as well ns "Stn•lng. They will stud ents· .nnd quietly re.CJCct on

come bock to lhe United St.i~s whate\·er is.~or concern to us.

with o' unique and mca.nlngfuJ ex· We are corwinced that this is

perienc~: they will their one WllY. in which we can be

fields ;' -!h<t · wlU know- n' ior~lgn be tter prepared to meet the con·

languoge: they wll . know the r~sions which confront all of us

world: '1Dd tltey will bt better ns s tudents. We also feel thol l.·e

<;Jlluns. each dl<ed to spend some time in

. Professionnlly' .a nd lJ>ersonally, s ilence and keep our minds open Y as a \'OI mice . • lo new Utoughts ' and Ideas. ~ lwill be bette~ ' May we encourage more or you

prepared lo ~nlnbute ns a re· students lo lake .advantage or this spansible citizen to the life of oppo!1unity. your country. J

Mac ·Mcdilalors •

Page 3: ViewScan Premium PDF · Berkebile On Campus, Will ' Sp~ak In Chapel Dr . James 'At. B

Mac Cagers Extend Winning. Streak 'To . Five Kruse Sparks Sterling, Ottawa Next Fo~s Bulldogs Rank ~lmore, Te~mworl{ Account

Spectator, Page 3 'Fe'll'rui\ry 1. 1!1113,.

S t t v· t . A . High In Several ex e IC ory s Bulldo(}"s Seek Title District Division

Over B·ethel McPherson lakes a ~g s tep toward the conference cro"11 wilh its upcoming games against Ster­ling and Ottawa. Tomorrow the Bulldogs pla)' at Sterling and arc home on Tuesdar. Feb. S, acninst

Sharp-shooting Anne K r u s e. <OJ>homore from Little River. led · th<' Bulldog sextet to :> 71-45 vic­ton· over Bethel in a basketball ~0;,"' plRyed last Saturday.

,1ddcd lo the two Bulldog vic-1orirs in the C\'cning, the win meant n three game sweep for the ~lac teams o; cr the Thresh· l'I°' •

Kruse score<j ':fl points ' in the i:.1me 11loycd on the Mac court. Emil contributed 15. ·and K:arcn 1\ndC'~ added 11.

Playing gunrd for . lhe sextet ut'rc llulchison, Connie 1\ndes, r :mderau, :ind Miller.

111e !lclhcl nltn wos led by J.:i\lcrlc Dirks, who scored all but ninl"' of the Thresher points.

'l11c Mt1c seextel will take on Slcrling tomorrow in a game to ht• ployed on the Sterling court., s1·1rtlnc time is set tor 4: 15.


The Sterling W:tniors arc pr-ts­cnUy tied for first plact in the conlerentt :ind are tough to bc:u at home. The Bulldogs h:n•c split t"·o gamH with the Warriors this year.

Ottawa, arter a rather poor ~tart. has been puuing on n strong bid .in this last hatr of the scnson. The Braves defeated Mnc earlier in the year at Ottawa.

Sterling's scoring can come from any or the five Warrior starters. The two mdst consistent scorers ha\le been Boeken a nd Becker. witJ1 help from Arm­strong. Crawford is another top scorer for Sterling.

I ·I From The Locker Room

Jn bolh previous meetings of thrsc tM'O teams, the games hne gone doM>n to the rJaaJ Ju~. The first mttUnc sa" ' the Bulldogs winning hr t"·o points artu lrAll· ing at hnUtJme by 18 poinls.

The second g,amc wns a dupli- ~ c:ue or lhc first with the exccp· tioo or the rinnl score. Mac ral­lied in the In t holl of the gonic only lo ralter in the final min­utes nnd lose 8.f-69.

The firs t game was in con· !ercnce piny and the sccona game was in the JJolidny Tou~nDmc.nt.

OHa~·a Is sparked by Us nll· conference forward Tom Kinder . Kinder does most of the Brave scoring nnd much or Its rehound· lnl:'. nlssrt, Hnrsh111w and Watson

also do a Jol, of scoring on nh•cn night•.

Ott"wa dercntcd Mac nt Ottawa 82·fi6 on Dec. JS. In this gume Kimler hit for 33 points and .ol· mosl hy himself clcnred the re­bounds. Bnth teams need n win to stciy in the conference rnce.

Morollcgc Bulldogs rank high in SC\'Crnl dh1islons al.-cording to District JO b:lskctbnU ·stolis9cs rclcosed last Friday.

The Bulldog squad ranks sec­ond in the District in team free throws with .70-4 }JCr cent. The Bethany Swedes. with ;m acC'Ur­ncy of .72l from the charity mnrk. top the dh1i ion. Th<' Mac team also ranks riflh in team scoring. m·ernging 71.4 points per game.

Southwestern and Tabor lead the District in fie.Id goal .aceur- · ncy. but lll<' Bulldogs arc closing in with a pcrcc.ntage of .439. Marion Enke ranks firth in in· dividunl field gonls by topping t he 51 per cent mark.

Jn other indi,•ldual divisions. Dcryl Elmore, Mnc g uard. ranks fourlh in free throw , accuracy, sinking 82 per cent or his charity shots.

Elmore and E nke boU1 rank in the to1> ten indh·idual scorers or the District. Elmore is fifth with nn average or 18.G 1>0ints per gmne, nnd Enke rnnks ninth with 17.5 points 1icr gn'hl<'.

For Recent Court Victories A leom effort combined with

Ille court generalship of Dery! Elmo·rc SJlilrked the Bulldogs lo three conference victories, since J an. 18. Beating Boker 73-54, Kansis Wesleyan 78·59. and ne. thcl 68-«I. lkPhcrson extended its winning strenk to fi\·e games and its conferen~ record to 6-4.

Elmore ~red !S points Bnlter , ns the Bulldogs were ofr and running early. Baker ralll~ late in lhc g:une but Elmore stnrted hiUing to put Mac out or r each. .. .

KWU was the next Bulldog v1c­lim. lolling before the shooting of i;:Jmore and Hoch ond the re · bounding of Tcglcr and Enke.

Elmore fin ished the i;amc with 25 points and Hoch fin ished with 22 J>Oints.

Wesleynn stnrtcd fnst ogninst a cold·shooling Bulldog lcnm ~nd took an early 13·7 lend. How~ Q\•cr. the BuJldogs stnrlcd hilling 0111d hurried into n 37.:21 lend. KW cut the hollfimc lead to six points 37_-3,l. •

Jn !he second hnll Mae:s lend

varied from 3 to 20 poinls: the linnl sciorc wns '/8.59. Thome hod 24 Points for Wesleya n.

Bclhel pro,•N to be lhc tough· Ht of lhe lhrff games for l\t:ac. Bethel c.1mc lntO the game own· lng h t!) e~rllcr vfctorfes O\'Cr

Mnc And were nlso 1hc lea.pc 1tndtrs. But from lhe st:art the Bulldogs ptoy<d M tr th°"' things had ne\'tt happened.

Moc s tarted last ~nd led early in lhc Jtnme by ns much a.s 13 points. !lcthcl was ~nmc nil the wny nnd cut the hn1ftimc 1nargin to 9 polni. 34-25.

Elmore led lhc llulldogs in the second hnlf as ncthcl kept pick· Ing al the Hulhloic lend. BcU~I pulll'd Into their ffr!it lead ut 48· 41 "'1th nbout ten minutes lcrt to 11ln_v.

'Inc· rcgnincd tho leod ol 5t·50 nnd never ncnln lrniled. McPhc1" son fans felt uneas)I- when ;reglcr nml Enke (oulcd out. hul U1cy were soon re.lien'<I ns Slcvo Moh· lcr nnd Leroy Weddle come off the bench to turn in fine gnmcs.

By Larry Morlan · What hos caused the sudden

... ~uq.:e or the Bulldogs? In my oplnl~, the Bulldogs

h:i\"l' flnnlly starlcd to work as :i l<':tm. 1t ls no longer just fin pla.,·~rs f rom McPherson on the court!, but ll ls a team from Mc· Ph<"rson College no" ·. There is :. tlilfcrCntt. ·

Mac, OU.awa, and C or E would han to be the hot teams in the conference a t this time. All three teams ha\•e at least five game winning streDks and most of the gamK ha,·c httn ag:aJnst the oth· er top te-ams.

Bethany would ha1·e to be the cold team in the league, n o l counting Friends .and KWU, drop­ping two more games in lcngue ploy. The Swedes. pre-season la1'­orites. now have fh·e losses and only four wins in coofercnce ac­tion.

Tight Race Develops For ,Top KCAC Berth

E lmore held the tc•nm together lhrou#houl :md wnil the deciding fnctor Jn the \•lctory. nowe,•cr , It was n tcnm \•lctory.

Elmore finished with 28 points ond top scoring honors. Ari lloch ond John Tcglcr ognln turned in line defensive games.

American Shoe Shop Anr of the McPherron plorers

could be cited for outstanding 11l:iy in these few games. hut Art Hoch ond Dery! E lmore hJ1« been really outstanding.

Hoch has been· impro,·ing with t•\cry game. not only in his of­fcn~h·c gomc but also in his de· fcnsi\·c play. His orrensive play \\OS high·lighted by' his 22 points ::is.:ninst KWU.

Elmore has regained the rorm hr flash~ as a sophomore at ~l:il"Olltgc. 1tc is once again the playmnkcr nnd outs&.andJng play. rr In C\•ery giirne.

Lets hope these two boys and lhc others kecP .up the good work ;rml hnltlc for the conference title.

"' Bclhl'I is starting lo gel its ~iocks in league play, and 1 ex­l'<'t'I tire Bulldogs to poss them m the ~hmdings before very long.

Ochators Score Ei••ht Victodes 0 .

At Pittsburg


:\11c dcb:tte teams scored eight "ins while dropping sixteen de-­h:itCs :11 the 21st Annual Gorilla Forensic Tournament held lasl Frillny and Snturday at Pitts· liur::.

llike.llcown and Lou..v. llolmcs h\(I the Bulldog dcb.1tors with four wins and two losses. 1\ lso compct­inJ.! in the senior division was the h.·a rn or Norm3n Ho'-'·ell and Earl '.\'tiller wtfo compill'd a one win. foe loss record.

Kenneth Ullom and Weylond Hccs,:hly scol-cd two wins and were dcrealed by four teams. Dennis l'Mr and Roger Solomon l!nish<d with one win and Ci\•e losses.

The McPherson teams won de-1'1tes over Oklahoma Stale Uni-1~rsity. Principia, Colorado Stale t 1ni,·ersity. Kansas City Univer­sity, El Dorado J unior College . Centro! Missouri State, Baptis t Biblc ·Collcge, and Oklahoino Uni­'Crsity.

Ol'cr eighty teams reprcscnUng forty colleges and universities were in competition at Uic twcr day meet.

One other basket.ball note : Goori:• Czaplinski, 1U-stote ploy­er from !'tlcPherson High school, has enroU~ for the second SC·

mestu at Mac. lie transferTed from KU.

The crystal bnll has been im­pro\•ing almost as rapidly :is the Bulldogs of late. Thus I will vcn· ture forth once agnin.

McPherson over Ste ing.

McPherson o\•cr Oltnwn. "

Puhlic Attend • \ 'Star Parties' At Hµtchin son

' 'Star parties·· arc the rnge in Hutchinson for ten weeks. The indoor and outdoor "star J>nr· lies' ' begin Wednesday. Feb. 6. Lectures and demonstrations are offered each Wedncsdny 01 7:30 p.m . for 2 1,.2: hours.

The Hutchinson Arts and Sci­ences Foundation is spoJlS()ring: an introductory course in ast.ron· OID)' whjch will be t au~,Jll by. Dr. Wesley DcCourscy. professor and head of the Deportments or Chem­istry and Astronomy at M.ncollc~e.

The course is a non·mathc.mnt­ical presentation or astronomy and does not require any pre\'ious background in star-gazing.

This found~tion is sponsoring lhe ndull education classes to stimulate the pu~lic lo lake ad­vantage of the new iSwnetarium which ,opened there in' December. The planetarium is open to any week-<!nd . mOon or star gazers.

Say You Saw ~ It In

The "Spec"

College of Emporin. Sterling. and !lcthcl. with 7-3 records. ore in a lhree·woy tic ror fi rst place in lhc K.9.nsas Conference as of J an. Tl.

This was broa&bt about by t .. o straight losses by the former leader, Bel.hel Colltgr. Belhrl a l· so registettd on~ win In the last week of play.

!lcthcl delcoted KIYU 52·39 ol Salina in a defensive game. Pan· krotz or !lcthcl topped oil scorers with :IB .• The Threshers then lost two games in n row to Sw nnd to Mac.

TI1e Moundbuilders won 62·50 by claiming 38 rebounds to Be· thcl's 15. Pnnkrnlz ognln led l)\c scorers with 19 points. Bethel then lost Jo Mnc 68·60 In n clo;w bull gnme.

SterUnn moved Into a fln l place tie with a 69-53 win over Knns8111 Wesltyan. Cra°"rford hDd Z4 points

for Sttrllng and Johnson had !O for KWU.

Earlier in the week Sterling lost a non-conference game 10 Tnbor SHI .and also defeated Friends ss-ro.

Tabor earlier defeated South­western in another non-conference game 79-.74.

C of E continued its upw:ud climb with a hard fought 72~70

1'in O\'tt Bethany. The Prcsbics also won onr Friends 93--86 in a close game.

The surging Ottawa Br.a,·es handed 'Ilic Bethany Swedes nnother bitter defeat 53-57 nt Lindsborg.

Mnc moved closer to the con· rcrencc lenders with wi1s over IJnkcr 73-5-1. KIVU 78·59. • II d !lcthcl 68·60.

As of Jan. 2i Trnm W I, Pct. C of E •.•. ....•...• . 7 .700


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By The Wk. $3.00 _;_ B~· The- Month $6.!JO

And 3 Mo. For Onl>; $15.00


109 E. Kan1a1 Phone CH 1-4630

Sterling ........ -.. ..

!l<>thcl ............ ..

s ·wcstcrn •........

MAC ............ ... . Boker .. .

Ottawa .............. .

Bethany ............ 4

KWU ........... I

Friends ........ f-00










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·Tiie ·_w all-R'ogalsky· Milling ~o.

Page 4: ViewScan Premium PDF · Berkebile On Campus, Will ' Sp~ak In Chapel Dr . James 'At. B

' i'ebrull!'l'"1, '!96! __.:S~p~eeta~w~r~.~P~ase!!_4!_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~-::--:-~-:--:-;;~~:--::-:----. · " d d S d T T )cl Tluee Studeuts Become . Burger To Speak Heart Si~er Weck Scholarslµp ro Be A war e PJ~· ept OT a e Parente In January For Annual'Event wm End Next Th11.l'M!ay , . , acement ests Heart Siller wee1t begins ,..._

T 0 C W• JMunry has broll&ht a boom 1llld ._,,

. 0 ratory ontest mner For Peace Corps in the population or Mncollcgc. The oMual·Christian Emphasis closes with a party on n..,

A $1,000 scholarship .awaits the winner of one of the two national oratory contests being opened again thll year to aay McPhcr.;on eouece sttidenL _..... Brooks, uoocWe pro­f- of _.m, bu IUIDOUDC«I UW Ibo loeal -Ifft for · bolil Ille IntercolJeClal.e Oralorlcal Coo· Int oa Alc<llloi and-'it.e Nalloaal p.;..,. Speech Coollest will be behl oo ll>e cainpus Much C. The local ' wjDes will. be dJcll>le lo com-

""' ID Ille stale COlllesta. BoOi contests require the par·

Li!'fpaal to Write •!Id deliver an ortUon not lo cxceecf 1.200 words. In addition. ·the National PC!IC<? Sp(CCjl Contest will include an extempornneous speaking dhti-sioa: ·

Prolcssor Brooks. stute choir­= of the Peace Spc<?ch Con· · test, stated lltnl the state con­

test will be hCld on the Maco!·

Wagoner Solicits For· Macollege •

Paul Wagoner, director ol alum• ni aUairs, left flt<;Phcrson Col­leae Jan. 13 lo continue student soilcllation for Macolfcgc. Ho rc­turntd Jan. 19 afte.r contacting student prospects in ' Brethren Churches aad in some sclloolJ.

Jn Kansas, Mr. Wagoner visit­ecj. Winona. Brewster, Garden City aad ScOtl City; in Colorado. Haxton, Ft. Morgan, Greely, Windsor, Denver, Llltlclon, Col· orado Springs, Pueblo. R o c k y F.'ord, Wiiey, Md Lamor: and in Nebraska, Enders· aad Imperial.

Guy Hayci, dlreetor of admis­sions, ·and Paul Wagoner a lso .allcnded D meeting in Great Bend on •Jan. 21 and another mc<ltlng in Dighton 28. Lewis and Garfield High' Schools also par· tlcipated in these meetings.

l\lnc Students Obtoin

Teachin!( Positions Two students or McPherson

ha\'e been placed In leaching pos· itions !or !hi~ semester. H on Brunlc wlll be tenching scicne<? at Waukee, Iowa. Bill Winter will teach science at Bird City.

Fruth, Coppock Vis it

" Elgin Fol' Youth Cabinet Lois Froth. Western Region

-Youth Cabinet president. nnd Dor­is Co1>pock, counselor for t h e· cabinet. represented the W~m Re~on al .the National Youth Cnb­inet meetin!: last December. ·

The group !llCt in El~in. lit .. und discussed the PoSSiblc rc-­rnmplng or the Brotherhood routh orsanliation.

lcge campus March 13. It is open 10 the publfc.

Finl and second pla<H$:1f ~ a1!'anled, w!U. $1.S lobll to the winner ID each dlvlsioo $10 beins awarded lo Ille "'l"'tt·•P· Tiie winner will then comi>el<: In· tile national coatest where !Int prize is 40 dollan.

Two years ago. nayh{ond Hull. former Macolfege student. re· ceivcd honorable mention in the national contest and was nward· ed li\'e dollars.

The lntcrcofklglate Oratorical Contest on Alcohol is spnnsored nnnunlly by : the Women's ChrisUnn Temperance u;_ngue and 'Aili pay a $ 10 awm'd to the win· ner or the locnl contest.

The local winner will then com· pele !or the $50 101> prize at the state contest which will be held in Wichita March 12.

The stale winner will be gronl· ed · M expense paid trip to the national contCst, held Lost year In Miomi, Fin. A $1 ,000 scholar· ship ,.;u be awarded to the na· tionaf winner by the WCTU.

Last year thtte MacoUcse stu­dents efttered the alcohol contest with Daryl Slandalcr, Junior from Worihlnc&on, MllUI .. winning lint plaao at the local level. He then ftllt °" lo Ille state coolest where he f111!Wd second to the speaker who "'On the nationtal c:oatesl

Mac students who · desire ad· ditionnl information concerning either of these two nnlionnl con· tests may contuct Prolcssor Brooks.

Z,1bel, Ma11l1ervs Mr. ond Mrs. Kenneth G. Zabel.

Kansas City, announce the en· gagemcnt ol their daughter. Vlr· ginia LcAnn, to Donald Edward Matthews, son or Mr. and Mrs . Arthur J . Matthews ol · r r o y, Ohio.

Virginia is :i senior at l\lcPher· son College. majoring in English. Donald recci\•ed his undergrad· uote dcgrec· in music compositfon from lhc Uni\·crsity or Michigan. He is presently working for his Master of Arts degree at Ball State Teacher's College, Muncie. rnd.


Follow the Bull<logs

in the

l\f cPherson Sentinel


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l · Ocoee Un. dau~hter ol Mr. ond week sponsored JoinUy by Mc- day, Feb. 14, at 10 p.m. in i;, Students who arc interested in Mrs. Thayne Groll. was born JJln. Phenon College and the McPbcr- Student Union. The W-1

serving In other countries at the 12, ot McPherson Hospital. weight son Church ol the Brethren will CouDcll Is asking all the oU-c.0. . ~= r;:::,. l~v~'....,;!t *!':i t: 7 lbs., 7~ OL • be held Feb. tG-13. pus and on-campus girls. '> be given on Mocampus th i s Eric George, son or Mr. and 'Guest speok•r this year is the men facullY !"'embers, and f~.

Mrs. Leon Brewer was born Jan. " month. 19, ot McPher.;on Hospital. w<?lght Rev. Richard Burger of Udell. ulty wives lo .take part.

The c><nct dole and locpLion will 6 lbs .. 6 oz. Iowa. Rev. Burger received his Heart Siste: \';e<:k is sel nsi~ be announced later. Michelle Renee. daughter ol Mr. A. B. degree from McPherson !or poe ~ go the "second nut•

Four tests are given during the and Mrs. Eugene Jahn was born College in l9U and his B. D. and do small tnvors, secretly, lo ycnr, and students usually must Jan. 23, nl McPherson Hospitol, degree from Bethany Seminary her heart sister each day. At to,

~a::~:~h~:l as !or .as Wichita weight 6 lbs., II oz. ~it::~ ~;.: .::;~~~~ :; party, the heart sisters will i. revealed as each is prcsenlcd •iii

Before the test cnn be taken. Choil' Selects Officel'S they arc the parents of live chi!· a small gi!L , a questionnaire should be obtain· drcn. · ed. filled out. and sent to Wash· To Lend Organization Rev. Burger served thr<?<? tours

ington. so that it might be on fife The Macollege A Cappella Choir ol servie<? ns a missionary In for quick rclcrcnce when the test has elected the lollowlng people Nigeria. From 1958 to 1962, he is taken. to lead the organization this year: served a pastorate In Middcbury,

Students will be picked !or prcsjdcnt, Sharon Keith. senior Ind .. ond nl present he is en· Peace Corps duty on the basis lrom Chicago: vie<? president. Ron gaged In !arming in Iowa. or their pfae<?mcnt on tl)c test and Grout. sophomore from McPher· During the Christian Emphasis by what is needed by the gov· son: treasurer, Barry llaldemM, week. Rev. Burger speak­emmcnt. sophomore lrom Manheim, Pa; Ing at the church on Sunday,

IC the government ne<.ads me- secretary chnnit>c:. to send to a ccrbin COUn· ' Feb. 10, llS well as the evenings t~·. ii:e• students '"1'th the best Corol Kesler, junior from Quint- or February 11-1.3. In addition to ·~ " er: Connie Andes, junior from r Ith ·

mechanical ability will be pick· Mound City. Mo. and Marcene mce mg w various groups on ed. JJ other qualities nre needed. campus, Rev. Burger is sched-other students will be p'1cked. Gridley. senior lrom Topeka, are uled to speak al two morning

Choir Council members. chapel services.

Debate Tea~s Demonstrate

Fastest Growing Style " The fastest growin~ style or

debate in the nnlion was featurtd in- this morning's 3SSCmbly pro­gram," stated WiUinm Brooks. associate profcssei" or speech and debate conch.

In their dernonstnUon debate before the student body, ·the t.eAnlS from Wkhlta Unh·erslty and Kan­sas Stale Teachers or Emporia employed the cross-examination s tyle or debatint now t>eni ~ on the naUonaJ &elcvblon debate series.

The 35 minute debate was char~ actcrized by examination periods wherein the opposing teams could clnsh directly in a question nnd answer series.

This is the second consecutive yeor that Mac students ha\'C seen a debate in assembly. Last year Wichita Uni\'Crsity met a tcnm from Hutchinson Junior College.

In this mominif s encounter, · Wichita upheld the propos lion.

Bacon Auto Parts And


ACCESSORIES 307 N. A•h 113 E. Euclid

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Raleigh's Drug Store

Resol\'ed: that the non-communist nations or lhe workl should cs-. tab1isl1 an economic community. Emporia State took the n1?g3ti\·c position. ·

On Jan. 16, two Macollege de­bate teams used n similnr forrnnt in a demonstration debate before the local Lions Club.

Pror .... r Brook.• Introduced the lwo learns and talked ~fly about UUs ycar'1 dcbaie proposl· Uon. The k!am of ~nnis Parr and Ro~r Solomon lben clashed \\ith Mike Brown and Larry Holmes who upileld Ille. -aUve position lo Ille crou-examlnallon debal<:.

The debOte was followed with a question and answer" period with Lion Club members.

In discussing the popularity or the cross-cxnmination style. Pro· lessor Brooks stated that "ii is growing very rapidly because or its greut audicm.-c appeal."


l 0 A.l\l. to 12 P.M. 7 Days A Weck

-629 W. Kanoas Phon~ CH i-9831

Mol'uing Wol'ship Ends Youth Week Activities

A scmidramatic program will conclude National Youth Wee k this coming Sunday when high school and college youth will par· ticipatc in the morning ser\1icc or the Church of the Brethren. This ycnr's theme is "To Fill the Emptineis."

Dr. - J . A. Loewen Imm Tabor College will speak at the School or Mis$ions at 7:30 p.m. Wing-Kee. Kwok aad Fred Wu will show slides ol the college C.B.Y.~'. at G:30 p.m .

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Former ~onk Holds Meetin•r­ti

At City elm1·ch Former U. S. government JPr

and Catholic Monk. the Hc1'. i. J. Chandonnet, meetings a the First Assembly of God <.'hum on Jan. 20. The.meetings will C'Oti­

tinuc through Feb. 10, except f~ Salurdays.

Instruction classes will l1lft! ench day al 10 a.m. and e1·cnmi serviC<!S meet al 7:1!0 p.m. ut it. church which Is locnlcd at Ill South Main in ikPherson.

Chandonncl lcrt high school u study .8nd minister us n Monk ia the "Bcnedictin• Order" cf !!r Catholic Church.

The Rev. R. L. Quakenbusl. pastor or the church. has ... tended, M invitation to the !l~ dents ol McPherson College tt henr the Rev. Chandonnct dur· ing these mc<ltings. Students an invited lo attend both the instruc­tion classes Md the evening ser· \'ices.

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