Download - VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

Page 1: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered



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Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time


Professionals Association

Registered under Bombay Public Charitable Trust Act,1950 and Societies Registration Act,1860

Vidhya Vinayen Shobhte

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Registered under Sec. 12AA(1)(b)(i) and Section 80G of the Income Tax Act,1961

Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulations Act

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Vision : At least one professional in each family


Creating Wealth for the Society and the Nation

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Page 2: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered
Page 3: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use

to change the world” (Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam )

To promote the education level in the Society, we christened a

Project “At least one professional in each family”, as our

vision Project in the year 2006, the year when we started our

operation. Under our Project, we are supporting students by

providing them financial assistance to pursue professional

studies. Since beginning we have provided financial assistance

of approx. Rs 928.00 lakhs to more than 600 students . Our

activity is not only restricted to financial assistance , but we

have undertaken various Projects for overall development of

the Society. I feel pleased to share the details of our Project:-


We provide merit based financial assistance without gender

differentiation to the needy students across the country

without subject limitation, to be repaid by the students in

easy installments, the recommendations of whatsoever

nature is not entertained and we adhere to the highest level

of transparency. Our funded students are from well reputed

institutions including IIM, IIT, BITS, NIMS etc. Our Alumni are

well placed in their respective employment /services/



The construction of air conditioned hostel building in the

name of Smt. Geetadevi Khandelwal Memorial Hostel is in

progress under the aegis of KPA's Welfare Foundation. It is 6

storey building which will have 54 rooms accommodating 3

students in each room. It will have kitchen, dining hall, library

and other amenities which a student needs for comfortable

stay and serene atmosphere.


We have already organized 13 career counseling programs at thvarious places across the country for the students of class 8

thto class 12 . This year due to CORONA we are going to

organize Career Counseling Online for which we have already

received the registrations froms across the country .


The woman's team of KPA is running the Bal Vikas Yojana

under the aegis of Sant Sundardas Foundation in which the

scholarship is given to primary and secondary class students .

C.P. Khandelwal


During the Covid-19 pandemic time we are organizing the

online Webinars on our YouTube Channel every Sunday since th

17 May, 2020 on the various topics by the eminent speakers

for enrichment of knowledge of all sections of the Society.

We have received overwhelmed response from the viewers

across the country. All are requested to view the Webinars

and subscribe the channel.


The fragrance of flower should spread everywhere, and with

this intent the publication of this quarterly News Bulletin Vidhya

Vaibhav is started for better communication with the society.


We are compiling data for making digital directory of

Khandelwal Professionals all over the world. All professionals

are requested to register for the same at our website.


The mission and projects of KPA would have not been

completed without the overall support of members of the

Society /community. We acknowledge the contributions of :-1) All the Donors for contribution to our education fund and Hostel Project.2) All the students for availing financial assistance and making KPA known in their areas.3) Shri Sunil G. Khandelwal (Indore) & Shri Sunil N. Gupta (Mumbai) for their dedication to overall development of Webinars.4) Editorial Team for bringing out the first e-magazine Vidya Vaibhav.5) All the speakers, conductors, moderators and persons for introducing & extending vote of thanks in all the Webinars.6) All the viewers for viewing our Webinars and making our effort a success history in the Society.


KPA's activities are related to education and other field

contributing to educational activities. Our objective is to

develop, uplift the Society through our vision Projects.

However, we need your continuous support, motivation and

guidance to excel in our endeavour and welcome your

suggestions in this regard for betterment.




Page 4: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

EDUCATION : In present era education is the most

important tool and basic need for prosperity and

progress. Education should foster universal and eternal

values, oriented towards the unity and integration of the

people, the Society. Education paves the way for good

career, greater values, good status in the Society, creates

self confidence and communication skills.

िव�ां ददाित िवनय,ं िवनयाद ्याित पा�ताम्।

पा��वात् धनमा�ोित, धनात् धम� ततः सुखम्॥

( {dÚm {dZ` XoVr h¡, {dZ` go nmÌVm, nmÌVm go YZ, YZ go Y_© Am¡a Y_© go gwI àmá hmoVm h¡ )

Education is the foremost sector that shoulders the

biggest responsibility of shaping future of the community

and the nation. In this competitive world education

should ensure quality and be relevant with the times.

Higher/professional education faces many challenges in

India such as admission criteria / process, infrastructure,

good faculty, placement and building cost of education.

PANDEMIC: We are all passing through the most difficult

times in our life, the pandemic COVID -19. This

represents a tragedy for its victims and their families. It

has created financial and economic hardship for all of us.

The Pandemic has taught us many things, but few can be

summarized as follows: Importance of humanity � w w

Fragile existence in life to love, to listen, to care, to w

respect and to help strength lies in being part of w

community Every crisis comes with opportunities Life w w

is short, Health is Wealth Savings in monetary terms is w

foremost and most important for survival Need to fight � �w

crisis unitedly, collectively and solidarily.

E-NEWS BULLETIN : In order to increase one's

communication with the Society, we thought it

appropriate to publish a quarterly e-news bulletin under

the name “िव�ा वैभव” which indicates the achievement of

our vision Project “At least one professional in each

family”. The Editorial Board is dedicated to bring out the

best e- bulletin and to publish the news items for the

overall development and benefit of the Society.

We shall be thankful for your feedback to excel in all our


Shriram Khandelwal

{à` {_Ìm|,KPA H$s öX` ñWbr g|Q´>b B§{S>`m PmoZb M¡ßQ>a Ho$ Mo`a_¡Z nX H$m nX^ma 8 \$adar, 2020 H$mo J«hU {H$`m Ed§ àW_ {XZ hr lram_Or I§So>bdmb Ed§ AÝ` gXñ`m| Ho$ gmW eha Ho$ JU_mÝ` ì`{º$`m| go ̂ |Q> H$a Zmo bmI ½`mah hOma H$m YZ g§J«h ̂ r {H$`m& H$amoZm à^md Ho$ H$maU hmobr {_bZ g_mamoh ñW{JV H$aZm n‹S>m, CgHo$ nümV ̀ h {dMma Am`m {H$ O~ g~ H$m`© H$m ñdê$n ~Xb ahm h¡ Vmo Š`m| Zm Am°ZbmBZ do~rZma Ho$ _mÜ`_ go g~H$mo Omo‹S>m OmE Am¡a kmZdY©Z {H$`m OmE,Š`m|{H$ Ho$db kmZ hr EH$ Eogm Aj` VËd h¡, Omo H$ht ^r {H$gr AdñWm Am¡a {H$gr H$mb _| ̂ r _Zwî` H$m gmW Zht N>mo‹S>Vm & EH$ geº$ Ed§ à^mdr _§M Ho$ ê$n _| ̀ yQ>çy~ H$mo MwZm& OyZ _mh VH$ 15000 go A{YH$ Xe©H$mo Zo BZ ~o~rZmg© H$mo XoIm d gwZm Ed§ 500 go A{YH$ bmoJm| Zo KPA H$s M¡Zb H$mo gãgH«$mB~ {H$`m ho& AJbm H$X_ Q>r_ KPA Ho$ gmW Ì¡_m{gH$ n{ÌH$m {dÚm d¡^d H$m àH$meZ, Omo EH$ _rb H$m nËWa gm{~V hmoJr& KPA

S>m`aoŠQ>ar _| a{OñQ´>oeZ H$mo ̂ r J{V àXmZ H$s JB©& Amn g^r ñdñW ah|, gwIr ah|, BÝhr _§JbH$m_ZmAm| Ho$ gmW...

KPA Ho$ NIZC Chapter H$m JR>Z 12 \$adar 2017 H$mo O`nwa Ho$ _hmg^m ̂ dZ _| {H$`m {Og _o O`nwa Ho$ 25 àmo\o$eZëg Zo gXñ`Vm br& 12 d 13 AJñV 2017 H$mo O`nwa _| Xmo {Xdgr` "H$[a`a {ZYm©aU d nam_e© H$m`©H«$_' H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m, {Og _o H$ar~ 188 ~mbH$m| H$r H$mC§gqbJ H$s JB©& Bg H$m`©H«$_ _| O`nwa, Xm¡gm, Abda, ~m§XrHw$B© d Amgnmg Ho$ Jmdm| go ha dJ© Ho$ N>mÌ A{^^mdH$m| Ho$ gmW em{_b hþE d bm^mpÝdV hþE& Bgr H«$_ _| AnZo CÔoí`m| H$mo IÊSo>bdmb ~mhþë` H$ñ~m| d Jmdm| VH$ nhþ§MmZo Ho$ {bE 12 d 13 _B© 2019 H$mo ̀ h H$m`©H«$_ Xm¡gm _| {H$`m {Og_| H$ar~ 107 N>mÌ, A{^^mdH$ Ed§ g_mO Ho$ JU_mÝ` bmoJm| Zo ̂ mJ {b`m& Bg Adga na lr lram_ IÊSo>bdmb Zo KPA Ûmam Xm¡gm {Obo H$mo Ho$ÝÐ _mZ H$a g§V gwÝXaXmg \$mC§So>eZ H$s ~mb {dH$mg `moOZm§VJ©V g_mO Ho$ N>mÌm| H$mo Xr Om N>mÌd¥{Îm Ho$ gmW hr KPA H$s AÝ` `moOZmAm| H$s {dñVma go OmZH$mar Xr&Zm°X©Z© OmoZb M¡ßQ>a Ho$ _mÜ`_ go 2017-18 go 2019-20 VH$ Hw$b 104 N>mÌm| H$mo 1 H$amo‹S> go A{YH$ aH$_ Ho$ 'ã`mO _wº$ F$U' ñdrH¥$V {H$`o JE &_wPo hf© h¢ H$s KPA H$s n{ÌH$m '{dÚm d¡^d' H$m àW_ A§H$ àH$m{eV hmoZo Om ahm h¢; Bggo {Zü` hr KPA H$s H$ë`mUH$mar `moOZmAm| H$s OmZH$mar nyao ^maV df© _| g_mO Ho$ g^r dJm] _| nhþ§MoJr d _yb CÔoí`m| H$s ny{V© hmoJr&


grE. ~Zdmarbmb XþgmXMo`a_¡Z, NIZC

grE gwZrb Or. I§So>bdmbMo`a_¡Z, CIZC

Khandelwal Professionals AssociationOther Projects :KPA Welfare Foundation CIN : U93030MH2015NPL266469Sant Sundardas Foundation CIN : U93000MH2014NPL255171

CIZC Chairman : CA Sunil G. Khandelwal Secretary : Er. Alok Khandelwal

NIZC Chairman : CA B.L. Dusad Secretary : CA Mukesh Khandelwal

President : CA C.P. Khandelwal Secretary : Charan Rawat

Office : Shyam Chandra Villa, 53, Anoop Nagar,Indore-452008, Tel.: 91-731-257666 Email: [email protected]

Head Office : Fountain Chambers, rd

3 Floor, Nanabhai Lane, Fort,Mumbai – 400 001.Tel.: 91-22-22874639, Email : [email protected]

Office :nd

F- 46B, 2 Floor, Ramesh Marg, C - Scheme, Jaipur -302001, Tel. 91-98290-52527 Email.: [email protected]

Editorial Board : Chief Editor : CA Shriram Khandelwal Members : CA Sunil G. Khandelwal, Prof. Renu Khandelwal,Er. Manish Vaidhya, Meghna Khandelwal,CA Avinash Khandelwal, CA Shivshanker Gupta /c/KHANDELWALPROFESSIONALASSOCIATION kpa.khandelwalprofassociation 2

Page 5: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

He was born in Indore to Smt.Gulabbai Khandelwal & Shri Onkarlal Khandelwal.

He has 6 siblings-4 brothers & 2 sisters. Since his father passed away early, he took responsibility of the family at an early age.He did his B.E.(Mech.) from Indore. He shifted to Mumbai in early 60's for better prospects & got first job in “HIND Cycles”.

Later he went to a reputed Electrical Company for job & they rejected him. When he started his business he became one of biggest supplier to the same Company. Sometimes he used to say “Had they not rejected me at that time I would not have been what I am today”. During his lifetime he established 13 small/ medium scale industries in & around Mumbai. The last unit he has established was 100% Export Oriented Unit for Automobile parts. His motto in life was “Work is Worship”. He used to work on holidays also.

He got married in 1968 to Chandrakantaji having 6 daughters, all educated & well settled/placed in life. He was firm believer that education is the most important tool for prosperity & success in life & always helped others for education. He was one of the Founder members of KPA (Khandelwal Professionals Association).

He was President of Shree Khandelwal Yuvak Sangh, Mumbai for the term 2001-03.He was very positive, eternal optimist, spiritual & religious person, used to read Srimad Bhagwad Gita daily. He was involved in various Charitable activities. He was a driving force in the development & in guiding the activities of KPA in the initial phase.

He was born to Shri Gopilal & Smt. Parvatibai Dhamani in Anta, a small village near Kota. After completing his graduation in Kota, he came to Mumbai to complete his professional studies of CA & LLB.

He got married in 1961 to Yashodharaji and settled in Mumbai thereafter. He has two daughters and one son. Both the daughters are well settled in USA.He was a man of high integrity with loyalty and devotion to high ideals. He always had a clear conscience, vision and was hard working - the qualities for his overall development and success in life. He was a firm believer that education was very essential in life for progress and prosperity.

He served in various organizations at senior levels upto 1998, thereafter joined Shah Gupta & Co, Chartered Accountants - as a Senior Partner.

He was very passionate for education and was an instrument and guiding force for many persons who used to come to Mumbai for education. He provided them with accomodation also in his flat, many of such persons are well established name in their career and many are Directors in reputed organizations.

Socially he was very active and was treasurer of Shree Khandelwal Yuvak Sangh, Mumbai. He was one of the Founder Members of KPA (Khandelwal Professionals Association) had a sole vision of imparting higher education to the students of the Society.

We are proud on our Pillars of foundation

Late Shri Niranjan Kumar Khandelwal

(20.05.1942 To 12.04.2007)

Late Shri Surendra Kumar Gupta

(29.09.1945 To 21.01.2006)


Page 6: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

í`m_ gwÝXa IQ>mo[a`mg_mO ~§YwAm| H$mo gmXa Z_Z,'{dÚm d¡^d' Ho$ _mÜ`_ go g\$bVm Ho$ à{V {dMma gmPm H$aZo H$m _m¡H$m {_bm h¡ & OrdZ _| g\$bVm H$m H$moB© n¡_mZm Zht h¡& g\$b dhr h¡ Omo OrdZ _| Y¡`© d {Za§VaVm go AmJo ~‹T>H$a bú` H$s àm{á H$aVm h¡ & _oao {dMma _| ewéAmV _| bú` dhr ~ZmZm Mm{hE Omo CnbãY gmYZm| go nm`m Om gHo$& BgH$m _Vb~ ̀ o Zht H$s AmgmZ bú` {ZYm©[aV H$aZm h¡, daZ CnbãY gmYZm| _| AnZo n[al_ go {OVZm nm`m Om gH$Vm h¡ CVZm Vmo hmoZm hr Mm{hE& AÝ` go _XX H$s Amem {H$`o ~J¡a AmË_{dœmg go AmJo ~‹T>Zo go bú` H$s àm{á OrdZ _| _O~yVr àXmZ H$aVr h¡, Am¡a Eogr n[apñW{V _| AmZo dmbo g_` _| bmoJ ñdV… hr gh`moJ H$aZo Ho$ {bE AmJo ~‹T>Vo h¡ & g\$bVm Ho$ ̂ r H$B© n‹S>md hmoVo h¡; Omo AnZo àW_ {ZYm©[aV bú` H$s àm{á Ho$ ~mX éH$ Om`o Cgo g\$b Zht H$h gH$Vo& ̀ h g^r OmZVo h¡ H$s éH$m hþAm nmZr g‹S> OmVm h¡, Bgr{bE AnZr Zr§d _O~yV H$aZo Ho$ nümV XÿaX{e©Vm Ho$ gmW {Za§Va ZE bú` {ZYm©[aV H$a AmJo ~‹T>Vo aho & g\$bVm H$m AW© Ho$db n¡gm H$_mZm hr Zht h¡ ~pëH$ AnZo AmMaU d ì`dhma go OrdZ _| gH$mamË_H$ ~Xbmd bmZm ^r h¡& _wPo bJVm h¡ {H$ h_ AZwemgZ Am¡a nmaX{e©Vm go H$m`© H$a| Vmo AnZo Xm{`Ëdm| H$m {Zd©hZ H$a AmË_g§Vw{ï> ̂ r nmE§Jo & BgHo$ Abmdm _¢Zo ̀ h ^r nm`m {H$ AnZo ~§YwAm| d g_mO H$mo gmW boH$a AmJo Z ~‹T> nmE Vmo h_mar g\$bVm AYyar h¡& Bgr à`mg _| H$ar~ 14 df© nyd© _oao n[adma Zo 'Xm_moXabmb Zmam`UrXodr IQ>mo[a`m M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ>' H$s ñWmnZm H$a g_mO H$ë`mU Ho$ H$m`© _| gh`moJ {H$`m& Cgr Xm¡amZ _wPo KPA Ho$ JR>Z d CgHo$ CÔoí`m| Ho$ ~mao _| kmV hþAm Am¡a _¢Zo nm`m {H$ `h h_mar AdYmaUm go _ob ImVm h¡& _¡ KPA go Ow‹S> J`m Am¡a AnZr Amoa go `Wmo{MV gh`moJ H$aZo H$r H$mo{ee H$r & _wPo g§Vw{ï> h¡ {H$ KPA AnZo CÔoí`m| H$mo ̂ br^m§{V nyam H$a ahm h¡& KPA Ûmam {XE Om aho ã`mO _wº$ {ejm F$U go g_mO Ho$ `wdm dJ© _| àmo\o$eZb {ejm boH$a ñdmdbå~r ~ZZo {H$ {Xem _| ~‹S>r àJ{V hþB© h¡& Bgr Ho$ gmW _w§~B© _| hm°ñQ>b Ho$ {Z_m©U go Jmdm| Am¡a H$ñ~m| go {ZH$bH$a N>mÌm| H$mo D$±Mr C‹S>mZ ̂ aZo H$m _m¡H$m {_boJm& _¢Zo _hgyg {H$`m h¡ {H$ IÊSo>bdmb g_mO H$m {g{db godmAm| d Ý`m{`H$ godmAm| _| H$m\$s H$_ à{V{Z{YËd h¡ Bg{bE h_ AnZo `wdm dJ© H$mo Bg Am¡a àmoËgm{hV H$a| Am¡a BgHo$ {bE Hw$N> R>mog H$X_ CR>m`| & _oam gwPmd h¡ {H$ 2-3 ì`{º$`m| H$m EH$ àH$moï> Bg {df` na JhZ AÜ``Z H$a H$m`© ̀ moOZm ~Zm`o& hmb hr _| Omo KPA Zo {d{^Þ gm_m{OH$ {df`m| na Omo do{~Zma Am`mo{OV {H$E| h¢ dh ~hþV bm^H$mar h¡& _¡ KPA Ûmam {H$`o Om aho gm_m{OH$ H$m`m] Ho$ {bE hm{X©H$ ew^H$m_ZmE§ XoVm hÿ± Am¡a H$m_Zm H$aVm hÿ± {H$ ̀ o g§JR>Z g_mO H$ë`mU Ho$ H$m`m] _| gX¡d {_gmb noe H$aVm ahoJm&

_oam OÝ_ 1937 _| EH$ _Ü`_dJu` n[adma _| hþAm& XohamXÿZ _| hr nT>mB©-{bImB© d ~MnZ ~rVm & hmbm§{H$ Hw$N> nm[adm[aH$ H$maUm| go {g\©$ 10dr VH$ hr n‹T> nm`m& BgHo$ CnamÝV {g\©$ 16 df© H$s C_« _| hr ì`dgm` _| bJ J`m Am¡a AÀN>r H$_mB© hmoZo bJr& gZ1960 _| ì`mnma hoVw O`nwa Am J`m & XÿH$mZ AÀN>r Mbr, YZ ^r H$_m`m d CÎmamoÎma àJ{V H$aVm ahm naÝVw ewê$ go hr gmXm OrdZ ì`VrV H$a Hw$N> JwéAm| Ho$ gm{ZÜ` _| kmZ àmá H$aZo H$s H$mo{ee H$aVm ahm& O`nwa _| hr _oam {ddmh hmo J`m& Bgr ~rM gZ1985 _| {dní`Zm gmYZm Ho$ g§nH©$ _| Am`m& {dní`Zm Ûmam àmá kmZ go `h g_P _| AmZo bJm {H$ OrdZ {H$ gƒmB© Š`m h¡& YZ H$_mZm OrdZ H$m CÔoí` Zht h¡ ~pëH$ H$_mE hþE YZ go AnZr Amdí`H$VmE± nyar H$aZo Ho$ ~mX CgH$m gm_m{OH$ H$m`m] Ho$ {bE gXþn`moJ H$aZm ̂ r Oê$ar h¡& _oam OrdZ Amoa gmYmaU hmoVm J`m d àmá YZ H$mo g_mO Ho$ CËWmZ _| bJmVm ahm Omo AmO 82 df© C_« hmoZo na ̂ r _¡ _Z H$r g§Vwï>r d {~Zm {H$gr _mZ gå_mZ H$s H$m_Zm Ho$ H$a ahm hÿ± d Omo ̂ r H$a ahm hÿ± Cgo AnZo bú` H$s àm{á _mZVm hÿ±& KPA Ho$ ~mao _| _oao Xm_mX lr à\w$„ PmbmZr go _mby_ n‹S>m V^r go hr _Z _| YmaUm hþB© H$s g_mO Ho$ CËWmZ Ho$ {bE KPA Omo gamhZr` H$m`© H$a ahm h¡ Cg_o Hw$N> gh`moJ H$é± Am¡a gmW ahÿ§& _oam ̀ h _mZZm h¡ {H$ AÀN>o g§ñH$ma hr {H$gr ̂ r g_mO H$s Zr§d hmoVo h¡& KPA Ûmam Omo ã`mO _wº$ {ejm F$U N>mÌm| H$mo {X`m OmVm h¡ Cgo N>mÌm| H$mo AnZr {ejm nyar H$aZo Ho$ CnamÝV dmng H$aZm hmoVm h¡, ̀ h ~mV N>mÌm| _| g_mO Ho$ ~mao _| AnZo CÎmaXm{`Ëd d AmË_{Z^©aVm H$m ~moY H$amVr h¡& _¡ KPA H$m _Z go g_W©Z H$aVm hÿ± d _oar ew^H$m_ZmE§ h¡ {H$ KPA Ho$ Ûmam AmZo dmbo g_` _| IÊSo>bdmb g_mO ~‹S>r D$§MmB© H$m bú` àmá H$aoJm&

amOoe Jwám

h_mao Jm¡ad, h_mar VmH$V, h_mar Zrd§, h_mao dQ>d¥j {OZH$s N>m±d h_mao ga na h¡


Page 7: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

Prateek and Deepak Khandelwal both are KPA Alumni,and have handsomely contributed for KPA Hostel Project at Naigaon, Mumbai

It is a dream of every parent that their children complete higher studies and make a good living for themselves. However, in today's world, higher education comes with higher financial burden which is a nightmare for parents and students in lower income group. Coming from a lower middle class family I have lived through the situation. After doing all the hard work from cracking the competitive exams to getting admission, I was in calamitous situation when it came to arranging the fees. At one point in time I thought of leaving the idea of MBA. Life suddenly took a pleasant turn when my uncle Shri Subhash Bumb informed me about KPA, how it can provide financial support for my MBA and advised me to get in touch with Shri Shriramji Khandelwal. After getting me through all the formalities, KPA arranged the funds in no time and despite all the odds, I continued my studies.

KPA isn't just a philanthropic organization as most of the people would think. It's a family with impeccable professional experience which provides helping hand and guides you through your education and professional challenges. It is said that a person is an average of people surrounding him/her. I am very fortunate to be surrounded with very inspiring members of KPA family who motivated me to continue my studies even after my MBA. In a nutshell, KPA played a pivotal role in creating a background for my career & in turn gave me a better life.

KPA has given me most important principle for life – the secret of living is giving. Life has a meaning if we are able to improve the lives of people around us and KPA has been doing it since its inception. I am extremely thankful to KPA for helping me building my career but also in finding the meaning of life!!

Prateek Omprakash KhandelwalMBA, FRM, CFA (USA), CMT (USA), CTM,CRISC

I am a Product Manager at world's leading

airline technology provider, Amadeus, and

lead the product strategy and vision for

airline business on the mobile channel. In the

past I have had stints in tech at FMCG sector

at Hindustan Unilever Ltd and BFSI sector at

Altisource Business solutions Pvt Ltd.Its been a privilege to have been associated

with KPA. My association began as early as

2008, when I was looking for financial

assistance to fund my management studies

at IIM Indore. When I approached KPA, I was

surprised by how easy and fast the whole

process was. I managed to get 50% of my fee

(which was substantial given how expensive

management education is!) funded by KPA at

zero interest cost. The fact that the

association members were willing to forego

interest earnings for the betterment of

students like me (who they had not even met

in their lives) left a mark on me. I made a

resolution to repay the association as my first

priority after I resume my work life. And I did

(before I repaid my interest bearing loan

from bank that funded the remaining 50% of

my education).I wish to congratulate KPA and wish them all

the best for all the good contribution they

are making to the future of students like me!

Deepak Devkinandan KhandelwalMBA, IIM- INDORE

KPA feel proud to be part oftheir Educational Journey .......


Page 8: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

1. Identifies strength and weakness -The counsellor helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses thru different types of test.

2. Explores various options-The counsellor assesses ones interests and present options that can be explored. They will also offer insight into the options presented by individuals and guide them in pursuing a suitable path.

3. Making an Informed Choice - Career counselling sessions helps the students to know the pros and cons of the different streams, courses and educational options, thus the students can make an informed choice.

4. Helps Gain Confidence And Insight - Career Counselling helps a counselee understand the hurdles in his/her career path.

5. Gives direction to efforts - Choosing a career that matches one's aptitude and personality itself translates into professional success and popularity.

6. Provides A Role-Model - Career Counselling helps students connect to experts who have enough life experiences to share. They are role models in society who have accomplished much, and helped people in their life.

7. Self-branding - Successful professionals present themselves to the market as brands. Career counsellor helps one to create a brand that employers and other professionals appreciate and respect.

In this tough competitive time it is necessary to plan ones career from long term perspective. This brings in lot of stress and anxiety not only for students but also for parents. Career Counsellors can help you remain calm when it comes to taking a career decision. Counselling helps bring about focus, and maintain that focus throughout in our activities. Through proper scheduling and planning, they try and make your life more organized.

With college and Universities offering numerous courses and programes, for a student today it is truly confusing making a choice. For a student choosing a career path which is beyond his or her interest, ability and aspiration can cause dissatisfaction in long run. Most often students choose a career based on others preferences be it parent's preference, sibling’s influence, peer pressure or follow the current trend in market. Today most parents and students believe that post school, the best career options available to choose are Medicine, Engineering, CA, CS etc, however not every student is possessing the potential of becoming these even if they have their high school grades very high. Hence it is essential to plan ones career from long term perspective.Now, students should be more inclined towards making a career in the field they are passionate about. And, the most reliable way to understand ones career choices is career counselling.

Career counselling is an effort for students' career guidance right from their school about the available career options as per their interest and stream of academics. Career counselling should be done in the school itself for class 9-11 students specifically because these are the levels where students choose a particular stream as their specialisation and also, it will be helpful for them to decide the stream they should opt for.

Career Counselling involves scientifically developed aptitude & personality tests that helps a career counsellor give the best suited career advice to the student based on his report of his aptitude and personality. Human capacities are infinite and can never be measured, nor are we to judge of what one can do. Every person has unique characteristics, for everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses. The key is to identify these unique qualities is through Psychometric Test and career counseling.Following are some of the benefits which iterate the importance of career counseling-

Are you anxious about your career? Does the uncertainty of the future scare you? Relax; career counselling can help you address these fears. A career counsellor offers objective advice helping you make sense of the present and plan your future.

Prof. Renu Khandelwal (Mumbai)

Career Counselling-NEED OF THE ERA


Page 9: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

THE TAKEAWAYS Complied by :

Meghna Khandelwal

TH17 MAY 2020



Speaker - DR. BHARAT RAWAT, Senior Heart Specialist, Indore

w He says KPA stands for Kind, Polite and Adorable.w He started by a Serenity prayer 'where, Pray the God to give me that much amount of power to change the things which I can change, I should accept the things which I can't change and give me intelligence to understand the difference between both.'Similarly in Covid pandemic period the presence of Corona has to be accepted, tried to be prevented and situation of safety should be well judged.w Live a safe and cheerful life,spend quality time with family, stay stable in this time of insecurity, and set an example to your children.w�Lockdown will be for a very long period, accept and learn from it.w�Many will have contacted disease unknowingly and may not feel any symptoms. If symptomatic inform medical center immediately. Do not hide or delayw�Ways to increase immunity: a) sleep well, b) do exercise (pranayam) c) good diet.w� People suffering from lifestyle diseases & other complicat ions are more susceptible to Covid complications.w� Follow M D H: Mask, Distancing, Hand hygiene.

Speaker - DR. SANDEEP ATRE, Emotional & Social Intelligence Expert

w� In this webinar special address by Shri Arjundasji on Sant Sundardas j i Maharaj . Dr. Sandeep Atre acknowledged Sant Sundardasji's teachings : Emphasis on simple living, being content. He explained how a teacher acts as a bridge between a layman and a genius.

wEmotional intell igence belongs to domain of neuropsychology. If one can understand the working of brain and mind together then one can be emotionally intelligent.w His talk was based on Bhagwad Geeta. In his views Bhagwad Geeta is a book for young people and not for retired people. It is a practical scripture and guide, which we can connect with our lives.wHe took up few questions and answered them by analysis of few shloka's of Geeta and explained in very beautiful, logical and lucid manner and then linked it with social intelligence. w The more you think about the wrong things which are beyond your control, the more it will lead to loss of wisdom and become cause of downfall.w We should know more about less rather know less about more things. T shaped careers are going to be the future, means in-depth knowledge. Be persistent and follow specialization.w Instilling good habits in your children is the best thing parents can gift.w Science and spirituality are two parallel lines which are bridged by emotional intelligence.

Speaker - Aachal Khandelwal Jain, Mumbai

(Practicing counseling psychologist at Aditya Birla Academy)

w She spoke about the sudden shifting of lifestyle into a different mode during covid pandemic. Are you and your loved ones experiencing any of these: y�Disruption of daily life y Restrictions in movement y� uncertainty y� isolation y poor appetite y stress related fatigue y�excessive screen time y�worry and anxiety y reduced verbal responsiveness.w Mental health: Body under stress-Emotional

ST31 MAY 2020




TH24 MAY 2020


Page 10: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

symptoms, physical symptoms, cognitive symptoms, behavioral symptoms. She explained, how to identify symptoms in loved ones and how to deal with it?wRe-designing your life by increase in awareness, acceptance and adaptability. We are all in this together. Communicate each others, are you OK.wManage your well-being, the spectrum of lifestyle choices for good health. Practice calming techniques.

Speaker - Prof Renu Khandelwal, Senior Career Counselor

wShe spoke about Childrens' Mental well being in the new normal.w She explained both Positive & Negative sides of pandemic.w Social vaccine: I will not fall ill/ I will not make others fall ill.

wCollective efforts of parents, teachers, and friends can make real difference. Parental role in developing mental well-being.

Speaker- SHRI RAKSHIT TONDONCyber Expert, Advisor: Cyber Peace Foundation

wAs everybody is online due to the current Covid situation we have to beware of Cyber crimes which have increased many folds. Frauds by hackers through Google search engine. Email hacks.w Hacking of social media accounts due to privacy settings. Go for two step verification/two factor authentication.w Children have" mirror neurons"... reflect what they see. Parental control must while downloading apps.w Cyber laws in our country and content. Cyber crime. gov. in for digital policing. Special categories for women and children.wDifference between ethical hackers and criminal hackers.w How to identify fake news: Use of Alt news. in. How to do safe Net banking: Use of incognito mode.w Netiquettes...Important to manage digital footprints.w He explained What is SIM Swapping? Use of ATM wisely. Care while using UPI, Debit / Credit card

TH7 JUNE 2020



Speaker - SHRI C. P. KHANDELWAL, CMD, Systematix Group

w He spoke about investments in the time of corona virus pandemic. Working hard and taking precautions will help us survive through it.w Don't let panic influence your investment. Damage will be temporary and transitory in nature. Fair value of a fundamentally strong stock does not change because of transitory stress.w Statistics of market scenario during previous virus outbreaks shows that even when we have failed badly, the come back was strong.

Speaker - Shri Praveen Khandelwal, MD, Pranay Care Pvt. Ltd.

w He gave the Five C's to turn around the business crisis to business opportunity: y� Communicate daily, with customers, business partners, stake holders, workers, team. y Customer / community support, y�Clean up and catch upon people, products and process, y Cash, cash ,cash- Most important to understand to conserve cash,y�Calm and considerate, Staying composed and stablew SWOT vs SWT : Understand strength weakness and trends.

Speaker - Shri Sunil Gupta, CEO, Innoval Digital Solutions

w He explained y what is a start-up and a MSME, y�Difference between both� y�Relief package for MSME, y��Start-ups can also register to become MSME.wChallenges during COVID pandemic include adaptations to the new normal. Financial hardships have made change in priority. Health awareness has increased. Work from home or work from anywhere...will be there to stay for long.wOnline business is the new normal. Making your business digital is necessary.w Three mantras are to focus on� y�Reduce cost and cost control y� Increase revenue �y Happy customer.

TH14 JUNE 2020




Page 11: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

Speaker - Dr. Sunit Shah, Neurologist, Jaipur

wHe gave a detai led yet very well i l lustrated representation in simplified way of a complicated topic that was the brain stroke or commonly known as paralysis.w B E F A S T method to understand the signs of a stroke.w Prevention & control: y Get active y� Stop smoking y Manage BP y Reduce blood sugar y Eat better y loose weight.w Types of treatment which includes medication, physiotherapy, diet, rehabilitation.

Speaker - Dr. J .B. Gupta, Diabetes Specialist, Jaipur

w He explained the reasons of misbalance of blood sugar and ways to control it. Blood pressure and obesity are also among most common lifestyle diseases.w Ways of control: y regular exercise y proper weight management y� quit smoking.w Complications of diabetes include stroke, heart attack, glaucoma, cataract, kidney failure and many more.w Detection of the diseases and management methods were explained.

Speaker - Dr D.K. Gupta, Dental Surgeon, Jaipur.

w He has explained the importance of oral hygiene. Comparison of old eating & cleaning habits to new ones.wVarious ways to check the pre-cancerous stages of mouth cancer due to habits of chewing tobacco, betel nut etc ....the reasons why mouth cancer is the most common cancer in India.w Different types of treatments for perfect set of teeth, smile correction plus accidental damage. Latest techniques where single sitting treatment help patients save time and energy.

Speaker - Mr. MikinLala KhandelwalFounder & CEO LogIQids.

w He explained what is the meaning of true education? Changes in the world but no change in our academic education. This pause has given an opportunity to analyze and re-shape system of education.w Parents to take time to list out 10 key skills they would like to see in their children.w How is education expected to be in coming months? y Blended learning (Combination of online and offline approach) y Parents to act as teachers y�Self learning is a very big opportunity. Technology should be embraced for future education.w Path ahead: y choose screen time wisely, y encourage self-learning y�make subjects and learning more effective, y�right skill sets

Speaker - Mr. Adarsh Khandelwal, Founder Collegify.

w He explained that "Holistic" learning is the new normal. An overall development of the student along with school grades is a must.w Important extracurricular activities, expertise in speech, debates etc, music, sports, achievement / ranking in Olympiads, NTSE etc is also very important.w Online courses are available from all over the world of renowned universities and institutions. Virtual internships programmes are available. He suggested the websites.w Volunteering for community learning is important.

Speaker - Ms.Naaziya Khan,Senior Counsellor- YoungBuzz

w She explained about what to take after class 10th?What is meaning of career? Why is it important to plan career?wPlethora of options available in today's day. Know yourself before choosing option.w You should be excited to go for your work the next day and be able to do it with passion.


ST21 JUNE 2020



ST28 JUNE 2020


Link to watch all webinars: 9

Page 12: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

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02) {OZ {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo {ejm gÌ 2019-20 _| Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm àXmZ H$s J`r Wr, CZHo$ AmdoXZm| H$mo àmW{_H$Vm àXmZ H$s OmEJr :-

03)Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm YZ dmngr Ho$ AmYma na H$s OmEJr . {OZ {dÚm{W©`m| H$mo {ejm gÌ 2020-21 _| {ejm Ho$ Am§{V_ df© hoVw Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm Xr OmEJr CÝh| AWdm CZHo$ A{^^mdH$m| H$mo {ejm ghm`Vm H$s ñdrH¥${V H$s gyMZm XoZo Ho$ nümV g§nyU© H$mog© hoVw àXmZ H$s J`r Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm Ho$ {ZYm©[aV Ad{Y Ho$ nmoñQ> So>Q>oS> MoH$ g§ñWm H$mo ̂ oOZo hm|Jo.

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05) AmdoXZH$Vm© {dÚmWu Ho$ AmdoXZ na {ZåZ{bpIV _mnX§S>m| Ho$ AZwgma g§ñWm ghm`Vm hoVw ñdrH¥${V Ed§ M`Z H$aoJr:-

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lr Xm_moXabmb Zmam`UrXodr lr ~r. Eb. XþgmX, lr gwZrb Or. IÊSo>bdmb lr A_aZmW Mm¡YarIQ>mo[a`m M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ> lr _wHo$e I§So>bdmb

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_mo~. : 09887516051 _mo~. : 09829052527 _mo~. : 9981129366 _mo~. : 09830670010 E-mail : [email protected] 09414071770 E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]

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H|$Ðr` r H$m`m©b`: \$mC§Q>oZ M¡å~g©, V gam _mbm, ZmZm^mB© boZ, \$moQ>©, _w§~B©- 400001 E-mail : [email protected]

e¡j{UH$ df© - 2020-21

IÊSo>bdmb àmo\o$eZëg Egmo{gEeZ


Page 13: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered













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122 124118 119

126 129 128124

A{V {d{eð> H$mof : lr Xm_moXabmb Zmam`UrXodr IQ>mo[a`m M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ> (O`nwa)

{d{eð> H$mof : 1) Jwám M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ (O`nwa)

2) H$ñVyarXodr {H$emoarbmb PmbmZr na_m{W©H$ H$mof (AmbmoQ>/ B§Xm¡a)

AÝ` H$mof : 1) lr {Za§OZ Hw$_ma I§So>bdmb _o_mo[a`b {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

~‹S>m`m n[adma (H$mobmZm) {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr _Yw I§So>bdmb _o_mo[a`b {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr gyaO_b ~å~ n[adma (_ÊS>m - _XZr) {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr {d_bmXodr Ed§ lr _moVrbmb PmbmZr n[adma {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr {dœoœabmb amdV n[adma {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr bmbM§X Ed§ lr_Vr H$_bm I§So>bdmb {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

erd-nmZ M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ> {ejm H$mof (ñ_¥{V ñd. lr {edàgmX ̂ wI_m[a`m ) (_w§~B©)

lr g§Vmof Hw$_ma Am|H$ma bmb I§So>bdmb {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr_Vr am_ OmZH$s Xodr h[aZmam`U I§So>bdmb {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr AÜ`mË_ ~§Yw Jwám n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr _mo{hZr Xodr Ed§ lr í`m_gw§Xa H$mZyZJmo n[adma {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr _XZbmb Ed§ lr AVwb Kr`m _o_mo[a`b {ejm H$mof ( B§Xm¡a )

lr Jmo{dÝX ghm` Jwám n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (H$mobH$Îmm)

lr Amo_àH$me Jwám (ZmQ>mZr) n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr hZw_mZ àgmX PmbmZr(\$Vohnwa) _o_mo[a`b {ejm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr Xm_moXaàgmX IÊSo>bdmb (~{Z`mZm) {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr ̂ JV qgh \y$bM§X I§So>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr nwînbVm KZí`m_ amdV (_mZnwa ) {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr gwYm IÊSo>bdmb Ed§ lr Za|Ð Jwám {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

e§H$a_ Ádobg© EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS> (_w§~B©)

lr_Vr gwYm Ed§ _wHo$e IÊSo>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (O`nwa )

lr e§H$abmb XþgmX {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (AH$mobm)

ñd. lr_Vr Jwbm~Xodr A_aZmW IÊSo>bdmb ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr JUoeZmam`U ZmQ>mZr(XodJmd-O`nwa) ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr gwa|ÐHw$_ma Jwám (A§Vm -H$moQ>m) ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr H¥$îUmdVma emh (~raJ§O- Zonmb) ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr Zmam`Ubmb Ed§ lr_Vr am_ß`mar ~‹S>m`m {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (O`nwa)

lr _wabrYa ^JdmZ ghm` IÊSo>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (AH$mobm)

ñd. O`§VràgmX JOmYa [a¨J{g`m ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr H$nyaM§X IÊSo>bdmb ñ_¥{V {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr X`meaU amdV n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (O`nwa)

lr _mYdàgmX {~hmarbmb IÊSo>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

ñd. lr H¥$îUHw$_ma PmbmZr _o_mo[a`b {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (aVbm_)

ñd. lr àU` à‡mX IÊSo>bdmb (~m`dmbo) _o_mo[a`b {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (ZB© {X„r)

lr lrH¥$îU Kr`m Ed§ lr_Vr à^m Kr`m {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr ~«O{H$emoa gm¢pI`m Ed§ lr amO{H$emoa gm¢pI`m {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr àOoe amdV {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (H$mobH$Îmm)

lr A_aZmW Mm¡Yar n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (H$mobH$Îmm)

lr Jmonram_ {H$eZbmb M¡[aQ>o~b Q´>ñQ> {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B)

lr_Vr g§JrVm Ed§ lr gwZrb Jwám Ed§ n[adma {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr {demb IÊSo>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (_w§~B©)

lr Vwbgram_ IÊSo>bdmb {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (B§Xm¡a)

lr grE Xm_moXaàgmX Jwám Ed§ grE Xoe{ZYr Jwám EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS (O`nwa)

lr {J[aamO Jwám {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof (B§Xm¡a)

lr ~¥O_mohZ I§So>bdmb (~¡X) EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS (XþJ©)

ñd. Jwbm~ M§Ð Jwám (H$mZyZJmo) EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS> (_w§~B©)

lr nwîn|Ð Amo_àH$me Am_o[a`m EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS> (B§Xm¡a)

lr {~hmareaU I§So>bdmb (_oR>r) EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS> (_w§~B©)

lr OJXreàgmX I§So>bdmb EOwHo$eZ \$ÊS> (_w§~B©)

Year wise Amt. of Financial Assistance given to Students AMOUNT IN LAKHS

















70.08 72.0868.68 67.68


95.46 94.71

Year wise number of students funded

{deof : ßb¡{Q>Z_ S>moZg© {ejm ghm`Vm H$mof _|, H$mof Ho$ g§ñWmnH$ H$mo 6 go 7 df© AWdm ~‹T>mB© JB© Ad{Y _| g§ñWm H$mo 11 bmI H$s YZ am{e Xo` hmoVr h¡ &

{ejm ghm`VmW© g§ñWm{nV {d{^Þ ßb¡{Q>Z_ S>moZg© H$mofm| H$s OmZH$mar {OZgo àmá YZam{e go Am{W©H$ ghm`Vm àXmZ H$s OmVr h¡


Page 14: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

Arise, awake and do not stop until

the goal is reached.- Swami Vivekananda

Commited to serve society with social spirit

CA Yash KhandelwalA.C.A., CS (Final-Last Gr.), LLB (Hons.)(Final)

CA Shriram S. Khandelwal F.C.A.

Fountain Chambers, 3rd Floor, Nanabhai Lane, Fort,

Mumbai - 400001Phone: 022-22874639 (Mob.) 9821098425,

E mail: [email protected]

“Shyam Chandra Villa”, 53, Anoop Nagar, Near UCO Bank, Indore-452001Phone : 0731-2572666,2574666

Mobile :9981129366, 9425911799E mail: [email protected]

E mail: [email protected]

CA Prashant S. Khandelwal A.C.A.

CA Sunil G. Khandelwal, M.Com., F.C.A.


Page 15: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

CA. Rajiv Khandelwal B.Com., F.C.A.

Adv. Neelkanth KhandelwalB.Com., A.C.A., LL.B.

Mumbai Office : 404 & 407, Prospect Chambers, 317, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400 001

Phone : 022- 22828154, 22843202, Mobile : 98339 86847, 99674 26226

Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Delhi Office : Plot No.12, 3rd Floor, Aradhna Colony, R.K. Puram, Above Canara Bank, New Delhi- 110 066





Best Compliments to Team KPA for great work13

Page 16: VIDHYA VAIBHAV Quarterly News Bulletin...Year - 01, Vol.- 01 Qtr - April-June 2020, Price : Your Time Quarterly News Bulletin VIDHYA VAIBHAV Khandelwal Professionals Association Registered

Published by President & Edited by C P. Khandelwal Shriram Khandelwal

on behalf of Khandelwal Professionals Association and Designed at Profiles, 639, Sneh Nagar, Indore, Ph.: 9425064293

Disclaimer : The views expressed in the articles or contents published in News Bulletin do not necessarily represent the views of office bearers, the approval of the Khandelwal Professionals Association or any of the the Managing Committee Members.

If undelivered please return to :

Khandelwal Professionals Association rdHead Office : Fountain Chambers, 3 Floor,

Nanabhai Lane, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001.Tel.: 91-22-22874639, Email : [email protected]

KPA Quaterly News Letter


nyÁ` _mV¥Ëd e{º$,gmXa Z_ZO¡gm {H$ Amn g~H$mo {d{XV h¡ I§So>bdmb àmo\o$eZëg Egmo{gEeZ H$s gh`moJr g§ñWm Ho nrE dob\o$`a \$mC§So>eZ (CIN NO : U93030MH2015NPL266469) Ho$ VËdmYmZ _| _w§~B© Ho$ {ZH$Q> Zm`Jm§d _| N>mÌmdmg H$m {Z_m©U H$m`© àJ{V na h¡& N>mÌmdmg H$s N>Q>dt, A§{V_ _§{Ob H$m {Z_m©U H$m`© gånyU© hmo MwH$m h¡&

{H$MZ (agmoB© Ka) Ho$ gånyU© ^mJ H$mo AÞnyUm© H$j Ho$ Zm_ go Zm_H$aU H$aZm àñVm{dV h¡& emóm| Ho$ AZwgma _m± AÞnyUm© ^JdmZ {ed H$s ghMmar h¡ Omo gX¡d ^JdVr nmd©Vr ñdén _| {dÚ_mZ ahVr h¡ AV… AÞnyUm© H$m h_mao OrdZ _| {deof _hËd h¡&

Bg H$j H$m {Z_m©U _mV¥Ëd e{º$ Ho$ gh`moJ go {H$`m OmE, AV… g_ñV _{hbm dJ© go Bg A{V {d{eï> H$m`© _| gh`moJ H$m {ZdoXZ h¡ & Bg ̀ moOZm Ho$ A§VJ©V àË`oH$ _{hbm go Ý`yZV_ én`o 11000/- AWdm Cggo A{YH$ YZam{e Ano{jV h¡ & AmnHo$ Ûmam {X`m J`m Am{W©H$ gh`moJ Am`H$a H$mZyZ H$s Ymam 80 G Ho$ A§VJ©V H$a Ny>Q> Ho$ _mÝ` h¡& h_ AmnHo$ gh`moJ Ho$ {bE gX¡d Am^mar ah|Jo&

gh`moJ g§ñWm Ho$ ~¢H$ ImVo _| grYo ^r O_m H$am gH$Vo h¡ Beneficiary Name : KPA Welfare Foundation Bank Name & Branch : ICICI Bank, Opera House, MumbaiA/c. No : 034801004734 w A/c. Type : Savings Account RTGS / NEFT / IFSC - ICIC0000348 w�MICR - 400229044CUSTOMER ID NO. : 551825653

Am` H$a Ny>Q> hoVw AmnHo$ Ûmam O_m H$amB© J`r am{e H$s gånyU© OmZH$mar PAN Ho$ gmW lr_Vr Cfm I§So>bdmb (8080548299 / 9167880169) go g§nH©$ H$a XoZm A{Zdm`© h¡&

LINK for Donation:

AÞnyUm© ñdê$nm _mV¥Ëd e{º$ go _w§~B© N>mÌmdmg _|

(AÞnyUm© H$j {Z_m©U hoVw )Am{W©H$ gh`moJ H$m {dZ_« {ZdoXZ...

YZ g§J«h H$s AÝ` `moOZmAm| H$s OmZH$mar hoVw lr lram_ I§So>bdmb (9821098425)

AWdm lr àXrn amdV (9821051140) go ^r g§nH©$ H$a gH$Vo h¡& IÊSo>bdmb (AÜ`j)I§So>bdmb àmo\o$eZëg Egmo{gEeZ

I§So>bdmb g_mO Ho$ g^r àmo\o$eZb {S>J«r YmaH$ (S>mŠQ>a, B§Or{Z`a, gr.E.,

gr.Eg., H$m°ñQ> AH$mC§Q>|Q>, dH$sb, E_.~r.E,,, nr.EM.S>r. Am{X) go {ZdoXZ h¡ KPA H$s {S>{OQ>b S>m`aoŠQ>ar Ho$ {bE AnZm a{OñQ´>oeZ h_mar do~gmBQ> na Oê$a H$amE, `h nyU©V… {ZewëH$ Ed§ ~hþV gab à{H«$`m h¡&

H$jm 8dt go 12dt VH$ Ho$ {dÚmWu

Am°ZbmBZ {ZewëH$ H¡$[a`a H$mC§gqbJ Ho$ {bE

na a{OñQ>a H$a|&

: AZwa

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