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Video clips to show: Reagan the actor: Tear down this wall! Tear down this wall! Assassination attempt: Challenger -ed (start around 1:04)eded Good morning/afternoon! Pick up your bellringer on Reagan. Begin working IMMEDIATELY!Pick up your bellringer on Reagan. Begin working IMMEDIATELY! Be ready to listen!Be ready to listen! Ronald Reagan (R) Born: 1911 Died: 2004 Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. Teflon Ron Reagan Revolution Reagan Revolution I. Political Background a California governor b Fell 80 ballots shy of becoming the Republican nominee for president c th U.S. pres 1. Election of 1980 a. Ronald Reagan a. Ronald Reagan /George H.W. Bush (Republican) b. Jimmy Carter b. Jimmy Carter /Walter Mondale (Democratic) c. HUGE Win for Reagan due to Carters unpopularity resulting from the Iranian Hostage Crisis and the problems with the U.S. economy d. Election Results 1. Popular Vote: 43,904,153 (R), 35,483,883 (D), 5,720,060 (I) 2. Electoral Vote: 483 (R) to 49 (D) Republicans gained a majority in the Senate first time since 1954 Republicans gained a majority in the Senate first time since 1954 Reagan win = power of the New Right There was a crisis of confidence in the United States resulting from years of disappointment and govt misdoings during the 60s and 70sThere was a crisis of confidence in the United States resulting from years of disappointment and govt misdoings during the 60s and 70s The New Right emerged. This was a conservative group of citizens concerned over issues like abortion, gay rights, Americas international decline, lack of Christian values, etc.The New Right emerged. This was a conservative group of citizens concerned over issues like abortion, gay rights, Americas international decline, lack of Christian values, etc. The New Right embraced Reagan and fought for a return to traditional values.The New Right embraced Reagan and fought for a return to traditional values. 2. Irans Hostages Released a. MOMENTS after Reagan became president on Jan 20, 1981. 3. Nicaragua: Sandinistas v Contras a.Sandinistas overthrew former leader Somoza in 1979 (end of a 7-year Civil War) b.The U.S., fearing the Sandinistas close Communist ties, supported the Contras, a rebel group that our CIA recruited and trained. c.Boland Amendment (1984) Congress denies ANY further U.S. aid to Contras (not even CIA)! (remember, we were very cautious after Vietnam!) (remember, we were very cautious after Vietnam!) 4. Reaganomics a. Economic Recovery Tax of 1981 lowered taxes and cut federal spending for a variety of programs including job training, student loans, and Medicare b. Pro-business policies were based on supply-side economic based on supply-side economic theories theories c. Reaganomics gave tax cuts to the consumers; ideally, the consumers would thus spend more money, spurring the economy d. Some problems with Reaganomics: i. No help for the poor (who didnt i. No help for the poor (who didnt have extra money to invest) have extra money to invest) e.Even while trying to cut back on government expenses, Reagan gave military spending priority over his promise of a balanced budget. i. This led to both economic gains and a boost in the American peoples confidence. i. This led to both economic gains and a boost in the American peoples confidence. "Defense is not a budget issue. You spend what you need." 5. Peace Through Strength a. Reagans foreign policy approach b. Belief that superior military power would make Americas enemies reluctant to try to expand their power over their own people or other nations c. Specifically targeted the Soviet Union Reagan called the USSR an evil empire d. Moved away from dtente at first. 6. Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) a.arms control negotiations between the US and the USSR - aimed to reduce the 2 countries' arsenals of nuclear warheads and of the missiles and bombers capable of delivering such weapons. b.The talks spanned a period of 20 years that saw the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War 7. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) a. Largest amount of defense budget was spent on SDI b. Proposed a technological system nicknamed Star Wars in theory it could detect and intercept missiles fired at the U.S. c. Entire proposal was never approved by Congress Reagans SDI Speech to Congress 8. Reagan Doctrine In his February 6, 1985, State of the Union message, Reagan called for support of anti-Communist forces "from Afghanistan to Nicaragua" and proclaimed that "support for freedom fighters is self-defense. - used on a very limited scale, including actions in including actions in 9. US invades Grenada (Oct Dec, 1983) a.Govt of Grenada overthrown, prime minister killed. b.Asked for U.S. help against rebels c.We overthrew rebels, set up pro-US govt 10. Crisis in Lebanon a. Lebanon was invaded by Israel in the hopes of crushing the Palestinan Liberation Organization based there. Set off a civil war! Spring, 1983: Reagan sent US Marines to Lebanon. Following several smaller bombings, a bombing of their barracks killed 241 Marines. 3 months later, the Marines left Lebanon. b. Spring, 1983: Reagan sent US Marines to Lebanon. Following several smaller bombings, a bombing of their barracks killed 241 Marines. 3 months later, the Marines left Lebanon. 11. Election of 1984 a. Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush (Republican) Bush (Republican) Walter Mondale/Geraldine b. Walter Mondale/Geraldine Ferraro (Democratic) Ferraro (Democratic) c. Election Results 1. Popular Vote: 54,455,075 (R) to 37,577, Electoral Vote: 525 (R) to 13 d. The election was most notable for former VP (under Carter) Mondales selection of Ferraro as his running mate first female from a major party to run on a national ballot 12. Iran-Contra Scandal a. weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of U.S. hostages a. Reagan administration agreed to sell weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of U.S. hostages even though Reagan pressured other nations to have nothing to do with Iran! b. A few were set free, but more were taken. c. Arms negotiations were published in a Lebanese newspaper White House denied the deal d. Soon revealed that profits from the arms sales were given to the Contras, the anti-Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua e. In a televised congressional hearing, National Security Adviser John Poindexter admitted that he had approved the scheme, BUT he didnt tell the president f. Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, a White House ambassador, admitted to lying and falsifying documents g. Both North and Poindexter were charged with conspiracy Norths charges were later dropped on legal technicality 13. Mikhail Gorbachev a.New leader came to power in the USSR in 1985 b.He will work more closely with America than any other leader of the USSR during the Cold War! Tear down this wall! June 12, 1987June 12, 1987 Reagan to GorbachevReagan to Gorbachev Open up Berlin (and the Eastern bloc!)Open up Berlin (and the Eastern bloc!) c. Reagan and Gorbachev began to work together after signing a treaty in 1987 to limit the number of nuclear weapons each country could have. d. Gorbachev agreed to remove troops from Afghanistan in 88. e. Reagan, the most outspoken anti- Communist elected to the American presidency, visited the Soviet Union in June, 1988 very symbolic! 14. Challenger explosion a. Jan 28, 1986: Space shuttle exploded after take-off in FL. b. Caused a 32-month hiatus from the shuttle program as we reevaluated safety. 15. Bombing of Libya a. was accused of encouraging terrorist activities that included a takeover of an Italian ocean liner in 1985 and bombing of a popular nightclub in W Berlin (two American servicemen were killed; 200 wounded) a. African nation of Libya was accused of encouraging terrorist activities that included a takeover of an Italian ocean liner in 1985 and bombing of a popular nightclub in W Berlin (two American servicemen were killed; 200 wounded) b. Reagan responded by ordering retaliatory bombings of several sites within Libya (April 15, 1986) c.U.S. didnt hear much out of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi after the bombings d. However, Libya will be accused of more terrorist activities in the future retaliation for these bombings?!? 16. Stock Market Crash a. October 19, 1987 stocks a. October 19, 1987 stocks plummeted! Lost 36% in value plummeted! Lost 36% in value during October during October b. Economic downturn balanced out by 1988 out by 1988 17. Free Trade Agreement a.Trade agreement signed by US and Canada b. in stages over a ten year period b.Removed several trade restrictions in stages over a ten year period c.Great increase in across the border trade 18. Appointment of Supreme Court Justices a. Sandra Day OConner first woman justice b. Antonin Scalia c. William Rehnquist appointed chief justice in 1986 d. Anthony Kennedy e. All were conservative! Rehnquist (top) Scalia (bottom) Kennedy (middle) 19. ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Failure to Ratify a.Womens movement remained strong in the 70s and 80s strong in the 70s and 80s b.After initial support of the ERA, the ratification process bogged down ratification process bogged down c. Phyllis Schlafly led the feminine opposition to the ERA, claiming opposition to the ERA, claiming that the nation was eroding that the nation was eroding traditional family values. traditional family values. d. ERA failed in 1982, three states short of the required vote short of the required vote II. Random Information about Reagan a. Hollywood actor prior to become involved in politics b. Was officially associated with the Democratic party in the 1950s but his political views were much more in line with conservative Republicans c. Known as The Great Communicator because of his upbeat speeches d. Oldest elected president 70 years of age e. Suffered from Alzheimers in his later years f. Died on June 5, 2004 at his home in Los Angeles, California III. Assassination Attempt a. Two months into office (March 31, 1981), Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr b. Hinckley shot six rounds: one bullet ricocheted off the limousine and went into Reagans left side, bounced off a rib and stopped an inch from his heart, another bullet hit press secretary James Brady in the head and left him paralyzed; two others were severely wounded John Hinckley Jr. Assassination Attempt on President Ronald Reagan