Download - Vickery CV 13

  • 7/27/2019 Vickery CV 13


    DR. JACQUELINE RYAN VICKERYAssistant Professor

    University of North TexasDepartment of Radio-Television-Film

    1155 Union Circle !1"5#$% Denton% T& '()"!-5"1'*ac+,elinevic.ery/,nted,



    3o,n4 peoples di4ital media practices as they intersect 2ith di4ital e+,ity% school policies% identitypolitics% privacy% di4ital literacy% informal learnin4% ris.6 +,alitative and ethno4raphic researchmethods6 feminist media theory6 disc,rsive analysis


    PhD7)"1)8.University of Texas at A,stin 9edia :t,dies% Department of Radio-Television-Film%Colle4e of Comm,nicationDissertation0 Worth the Risk: The role of regulations and norms in shaping teens digitalmedia practices. Committee0 : Crai4 ;at.ins 7chair8% 9ary Celeste oseph :tra,?haar% and :hayla Thiel-:tern

    9A 7)""#8 University of Texas 9edia :t,dies% Department of Radio-Television-Film% Colle4e ofComm,nicationThesis0In Her Own Words: Analying girls identities! communities! and cultures through"logs Committee0 : Crai4 ;at.ins 7chair8 and 9ary Celeste

  • 7/27/2019 Vickery CV 13


    :enior 9ana4in4 ditor 7)""#-)"1"8#lowT$.org Department of Radio-Television-Film% Colle4e ofComm,nication University of Texas at A,stin


    >,nior Fac,lty :,mmer Research Fello2 7)"1!8 Recipient A2arded ?y the University of NorthTexas% Denton% T&

    9acArth,r Fo,ndation Di4ital 9edia =earnin4 :,mmer Fello2 7)"1)8 @oston% 9AA2arded to 1) *,nior scholars% hosted ?y the 9acArth,r Fo,ndation and 9icrosoft Research=a?

    >esse B >ones ndo2ed Centennial Fello2ship7)"11-)"1)8Recipient A2arded ?y the Colle4e ofComm,nication% University of Texas at A,stinThe Fello2ship is hi4hly competitive and is a2arded to five 4rad,ate st,dents 2ho possess

    exceptional a?ility in their respective fields6 it is open to all 4rad,ate st,dentsc,rrently enrolled in the Colle4e of Comm,nication Preference is 4iven to 4rad,atest,dents 2hose scholarship and research interests are interdisciplinary



    Refereed Journals

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1E8 The C,rio,s Case of Confession @ear0 Reappropriatin4 online macro ima4e

    memesInformation! %ommunication! and &ociety.

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1E8 The Role of After-:chool Cl,?s in Closin4 Participation Haps and xpandin4:ocial Net2or.s'(uity ) '*cellence in 'ducation! &pecial Issue +articipation ,aps and-igital iteracies.

    Kic.ery% > 7)""$8 Li BAT BAT BAT ?ein4 sin4le and M2hy is 4ettin4 a ?f so hard for me0Reprod,cin4 heteronormative femininity on 4UR=comJ ,irlhood &tudies /ournal% pp E"-5!% Kol )% no 1

    Invited Book Chapters

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1"8 I@lo4rin4s as nline Comm,nities for Adolescent HirlsJ Gn 9aOOarella% :haron7d8 ,irl Wide We" 0.1: Re2isiting ,irls! the Internet! and the 3egotiation of Identity 7pp1#!-)""8.Ne2 3or.0 Peter =an4 P,?lishin4

    Kic.ery% > 7forthcomin4 )"1E8 IDoin4 :chool in the Di4ital d4eJ Gn ;at.ins% :C 7d8 The-igital 'dge

  • 7/27/2019 Vickery CV 13



    Kic.ery% > 7)"1E8 3o,th Teachin4 3o,th0 =earnin4 to code as an example of interest-drivenlearnin4/ournal of Adolescent and Adult iteracy 45647!pp !(1-!(5.


    Kic.ery% > 7)"1!8 Fore2ord Gn A Al?arran 7d8 The &ocial 8edia Industries.Ne2 3or.0Ro,tled4e

    Book Reviews

    Kic.ery% > 7)""#8 @oo. Revie20 Thiel :tern% :hayla 7)""'8 Instant Identity: Adolescent ,irls andthe World of Instant 8essaging Ne2 3or.0 Peter =an4 /ournal of %ommunication In(uiry%!!6 #)

    Encyclopedia Entries

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1"8 :ex 2or.ers ?lo4s Gn >D Do2nin4 7d8% The 'ncyclopedia of &ocial8o2ement 8edia California0 :a4e P,?lications

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1"8 9preadma4aOine Gn >D Do2nin4 7d8%The 'ncyclopedia of &ocial 8o2ement8edia California0 :a4e P,?lications

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1"8 @elle de *o,r Gn >D Do2nin4 7d8%The 'ncyclopedia of &ocial 8o2ement8edia California0 :a4e P,?lications

    Online Publications

    Kic.ery% > 7)"1)8 ICreative ;ays Teens 9aintain :ocial PrivacyJ Connected =earnin4 Research

    Net2or. @lo4Kic.ery% > 7April% )""$8 IHouse! #0 A Consideration of Conver4ence 9ar.etin4J#lowT$% $11Kic.ery% > 7Fe?r,ary% )""'8 I:ometimes a ;oman >,st ;ants to ?e on Top - -esperate

    Housewi2esand a M;omans PlaceJ#lowT$! 5"#


    #lowT$!#1"0 :pecial Gss,e on :arah Palin and the 9edia 11 articles#lowT$% $1E0 :pecial Gss,e on :ocial 9edia 1) articles#lowT$% 1"1"0 :pecial Gss,e on :ports 9edia $ articles


    I9o?ile Phones% a Hirls @est Friend0 Bo2 the mo?ile phone ind,stry le4itimiOes s,rveillance%commodifies tal. and 4enders technolo4yJociety for Cinema and !edia tudies 7:C9:85Ethann,al conference :eattle% ;A 9arch 1$-)!% )"1E


  • 7/27/2019 Vickery CV 13


    Console&in# PassionsInternational Conference Col,m?ia% 9 April 1"-1!% )"1EIThe C,rio,s Case of Confession @ear0 AnalyOin4 anonymity and online memesJ'ssociation of

    Internet ResearchersConference 1E" Denver% C cto?er )!-)'% )"1!IFAG=0 ;hat 2e can learn from ,ns,ccessf,l after-school di4ital media cl,? experiencesJ

    Ro,ndta?le disc,ssion 9acArth,r Fo,ndations"i#ital !edia $ %earnin# InternationalConference.Chica4o% G= 9arch 1E-1(% )"1!

    [email protected] :ocial Net2or.in4 :ites% @loc.in4 9edia =iteracies (e)as ocial !edia ResearchInstitute0ndAnnual %onference :tephenville% T& Novem?er !"% )"1)

    LAfter :chool Tech Cl,?s the @l,rrin4 of Gnformal =earnin4 nvironmentsL 9ac Arth,rFo,ndations Digital Meia ! Lea"#i#g C$#%e"e#&e.7Gnternational8 :an Francisco% CA9arch 1-!% )"1) Co-Presenter% >ennifer No?le

    I;hy Cant ;e @e 7Face?oo.8 Friends0 :ocial net2or.in4% school policies% and constr,ctions ofris.JE* +ids Online, Children- Risk- and afety Conference7Gnternational8 =ondon%n4land :eptem?er ))-)!% )"11

    IDi4ital 9edia =earnin4 at Bome0 Henerational differences and attit,des amon4 2or.in4 class andimmi4rant families in A,stin% TexasJ 9acArth,r Fo,ndations"i#ital !edia $ %earnin#Conference7Gnternational8 =on4 @each% California 9arch !-5% )"11 7!" acceptance rate8

    I;hos to Frame0 Disco,rses of cy?er?,llyin4 in ne2s and c,lt,reJ Console&in# PassionsInternational %onference.,4ene% re4on April ))-)E% )"1"

    IFace?oo.% ;ea. Ties% and Gdeolo4ical DifferenceJ'ssociation of Internet Research Conference;1.1 7Gnternational8 9il2a,.ee% ;isconsin cto?er #-1"% )""$ 7f,ll paper s,?mission ?lindpeer revie28

    I:tran4ers in a Kirt,al ;orld0 Hirls performative identities on ?lo4sJ Console&in# PassionsInternational Conference.:anta @ar?ara% California April )E-)(% )""#

    I9y:pace% 3o,r:pace% ;hose:pace0 :ocial net2or.in4% c,lt,ral space% and the 4eneration 4apJCultural tudies 'ssociation 'nnual Conference7national8 Ne2 3or. City% Ne2 3or.9ay )""#

    IThe 9e4an 9eier 9y:pace :,icide0 xplorin4 the social aspects of conver4ent media% citiOen

    *o,rnalism% and online anonymity and credi?ilityJInternational ymposium on OnlineJournalism.A,stin% Texas April E-5% )""#


    IDisc,rsive Comparisons and Henerational Differences Re4ardin4 Bome 9edia UseJ Comparin#!edia (ra.ectories in the *// and Portu#al ymposium7UT A,stin-Port,4al Pro4ram8A,stin% Texas April 1$% )"1" 7invited tal.8


    The Gnternational :chool on Di4ital Transformation7>,ly 1'-))% )"118 UT A,stin-Port,4al Di4ital9edia Pro4ram Porto% Port,4al

    G:DT is an intensive six-day residential pro4ram ?rin4in4 to4ether a diverse 4ro,p ofinternational researchers and activists to share perspectives on di4ital media and civilsociety The :chools 4oal is to foster a persistent% 4ro2in4 net2or. of peoplecommitted to realiOin4 the potential of di4ital media in civil society


  • 7/27/2019 Vickery CV 13


    Connected =earnin4 Research Net2or.% IThe Di4ital d4eJ 7)"1"-)"1)8 =ead Hrad,ate :t,dentResearch Assistant 2ith Dr : Crai4 ;at.insThis pro*ect is f,nded ?y the 9acArth,r Fo,ndations Di4ital 9edia Research Gnitiative

    C=RN is a three-year st,dy 7s,?*ect to extension8 consistin4 of ?oth +,antitative and+,alitative analysis The primary 2or. in A,stin consists of a series of case st,dies?ased primarily on ethno4raphies of yo,n4 peoples ne2 media ecolo4ies andparticipation in di4ital media c,lt,res

    UT A,stin-Port,4al Di4ital Gncl,sion and Participation Research+rooseph :tra,?haar and >eremiah :penceA colla?orative +,alitative and +,antitative pro*ect ?et2een UT and Port,4al intended to

    contri?,te to a deeper ,nderstandin4 of the critical factors that facilitate or hinderaccess and ,se of di4ital media ?y social 4ro,ps considered socially disadvanta4ed


    I:ocial 9edia Revol,tions78J 7>,ly )"1)6 A,4,st )"1!8 Gnternational Comm,nication Departmentof Radio-Television-Film University of North Texas at Denton

    IRemix C,lt,re0 GP Copyri4htJ 79arch )"1)8 Film 9edia :t,dies Department of Radio-Television-Film University of North Texas at Denton

    ITele4raphy0 Bistorical Developments Contemporary =e4aciesJ 7Fe?r,ary )"118 Comm,nication%Technolo4y% and :ociety Department of Radio-Television-Film% University of Texas atA,stin

    IAddressin4 Gdentity and Comm,nity on Hirls @lo4sJ 7April )""$8 Hender :ex,ality Gss,es in9edia Department of Radio-Television-Film% University of Texas at A,stin

    IContext,aliOin4 :ocial Net2or.in4 :itesJ 7Novem?er )""#8 Children and 9edia Department ofRadio-Television-Film% University of Texas at A,stin Novem?er )""#

    IBistorical Development and Definitions of :ocial Net2or.in4 :itesJ 7April )""$6 April )"118Comm,nication% Technolo4y% :ociety Department of Radio-Television-Film% University ofTexas at A,stin


    'dministration of Conferences

    Co-Coordinator ;e? Administrator #lowT$ %onference. A,stin% Texas% cto?er $-11% )""#Hrad,ate :t,dent Kol,nteer Coordinator. -igital 8edia ) earning %onference' =on4 @each%

    California% 9arch !-(% )"11 7competitive position selected ?y UC Grvines Di4ital 9edia =earnin4 B,?8Paper Revie2er. Association of Internet Research %onference ;1 ) ;=.

    'rticle Reviewer

    3ew 8edia ) &ociety./ournal of %hildren ) 8edia.

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    /ournal of #amily Issues.'thos: /ournal of the &ociety for +sychologicalAnthropology!#lowT$.org% Col,mn ditor Department of Radio-Television-Film% Colle4e of Comm,nication

    University of Texas at A,stin% )""(-)"1"#lowT$.org :pecial Feat,res ditorial Team Department of Radio-Television-Film% Colle4e of

    Comm,nication University of Texas at A,stin% )""(-)""#

    ervice to the Colle#e of 'rts $ ciences

    Fo,ndin4 mem?er and advisor for the Di4ital 9edia :t,dies Certificate offered at the University ofNorth Texas% Denton% T&

    ervice to the "epartmentHrad,ate C,rric,l,m Committee 9em?er )"1)-c,rrentA2ards vents Committee 9em?er )"1!-c,rrent

    (hesis Committees

    Chair0 ;exler% Andre2 79A )"1E86 9artineO% David 79A in pro4ress86 Conroy% Ashley 79A)"1!8

    9em?er0 tteson% Ha?riel 79: )"1)86 =eonard% =a:hae 79A in pro4ress86 Cisneros% =inet 79Ain pro4ress86 =am?ert% 9ar. 79A in pro4ress8

    tudent !entorin#

    Gntellect,al ntreprene,rship Pre-Hrad,ate :choolGnternship 7)"11-)"1)8 Hrad,ate :t,dent9entor Colle4e of Comm,nication University of Texas at A,stinG served as a mentor for three ,nder4rad,ate st,dents 7interns8 in the Colle4e of

    Comm,nication The o?*ective of the G Pre-Hrad,ate :chool Gnternship is to connect,nder4rad,ates 2ith fac,lty and veteran 4rad,ate st,dents in their field of st,dy to explorethe ,ni+,e aspects of 4rad,ate st,dy

    Community ervice

    atinitas8againe 7)""#-)"1"8 Facilitator for Teen Reporter Gntern Pro4ram A,stin% T&atinitasis a non-profit or4aniOation and di4ital ma4aOine made for and ?y =atina yo,th in

    A,stin% T& As a facilitator G or4aniOed *o,rnalism and c,lt,ral pro*ects% tal.s% andfield trips for the 4irls as 2ell as aided in assi4nin4 and editin4 stories for thema4aOine

    %inema>ids 7)""'-)"118 Gnstr,ctor :creenin4 Committee University of Texas at A,stinCinema

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