Download - Very High Resolution satellite images for land management ... · M5 Shrub cover < 30% Tree cover > 50% M1/M2 Grass cover > 50% or average fuel height 0.3 - 0.6 m M3/M4 Average

Page 1: Very High Resolution satellite images for land management ... · M5 Shrub cover < 30% Tree cover > 50% M1/M2 Grass cover > 50% or average fuel height 0.3 - 0.6 m M3/M4 Average

Very High Resolution satellite images for land management in the Macaronesia

Manuel Arbelo

Grupo de Observación de la Tierra y la Atmósfera (GOTA)

Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

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What is GOTA? Who are we?


◦ Partners

◦ Motivation

◦ Objectives

◦ Crop mapping from very high spatial resolution satellite images

◦ Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery

◦ Book: “Satélites para deteção remota aplicada à Gestão Territorial”

Current and future projects

◦ PALMERA Project

◦ SAT-RURAL Project


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Grupo de Observación de la Tierra y la Atmósfera


Registered as official research group at ULL, 2000.

Composed of members from two departments of Faculty of Physics with common interests:

◦ Dpto. Física Fundamental y Experimental, Electrónica y Sistemas

◦ Dpto. de Física Básica

ULL excellence group

Multidisciplinary; physicists, biologists, computer scientists, agricultural engineers and forestry engineers.

Faculty of Physics Univ. La Laguna

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Main research lines:

◦ Remote sensing: applications and algorithms

◦ Atmospheric modeling


◦ VIS-NIR spectroradiometer

◦ Thermal radiometers

◦ Calibration sources

◦ Atmospheric LiDAR

◦ Cluster computers

◦ Meteorological stations

◦ HRPT reception station (NOAA data from 1993)

Software and images


◦ eCognition

◦ ASTER, MODIS, NOAA, Landsat, Geoeye, WorldView-2

◦ …

Grupo de Observación de la Tierra y la Atmósfera

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The SATELMAC Project is framed within the axis 1 of the Transnational Cooperation Programme MAC (Madeira-Canarias-Azores) 2007-2013. The partners are:

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Land managers should be supported by accurate and updated maps of land use and land cover.

Remote sensing satellite images have been traditionally used for this purpose. However, just a decade ago, satellites captured only images with spatial resolutions so large that they were not useful, in most cases, in the Macaronesian archipelagos.

The last commercial satellite generation

(WorldlView, GeoEye, Quickbird, etc.),

with a level of detail similar to that obtained

by aerial photography, make this technology

more suitable for our islands.


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Obtaining maps of land use and productive potential through satellite images of high resolution. (Crop mapping)

The characterization of forest resources using remote sensing data for the fire prevention and modeling. (Forest fuels mapping)

The development of a methodology for monitoring agricultural land use by other applications. (detection of Illegal buildings)

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Crop maps are an essential tool for land

management in Canary Islands.

Due to the small size of the islands and their high population density, rural and urban areas usually appear mixed. Thus, to develop land management plans, an accurate and updated crop map is very important.

Until now, crop maps were obtained by means of intense field work, where crops were identified plot by plot. This methodology produces very accurate maps, but the costs are very high and cannot be updated as frequently as it should be.

This study analyzes the potential of using VHR satellite images for updating crops maps in Canary Islands.

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Crop mapping from very high spatial resolution satellite images


An example: Study area of 100 km2

The main crops are potatoes, vineyard, arable and fallow lands. There is also a small proportion of fruit trees and other minor crops, but these have not been considered in this study because of their low importance.

Potatoes Vineyard

Fallow land Arable land

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Crop mapping from very high spatial resolution satellite images

A multispectral GeoEye-1 image was acquired on the 3rd of October 2010, when the most important crop (potatoes) reached its greatest development.

GeoEye-1 has 4 bands (450-520nm, 520-600 nm, 625-695 nm and 760-900 nm) and 2 m/pixel.

Field work: we collect ground truth data to train the classification algorithms and to validate the results 3 days after the image. 170 plots with the following information: type of crop, growth level, date and a photo id.

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Crop mapping from very high spatial resolution satellite images

Producers Users

accuracy accuracy

Potatoes 94,7% 97,3%

Fallow land 93,8% 40,5%

Arable land 82,2% 94,9%

Vineyard 50,00% 93,80%

Overall accuracy 79,80%

Classification and validation

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Crop mapping from very high spatial resolution satellite images

The classified raster image was adapted to the cadastral vector map. The majority class of the classification layer was assigned to each cadastral parcel (polygon).

Adaptation of the classified image into the

cadastral vector layer

Masked image

Classified image

Overlay of the cadastral


Majority class is asigned

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Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery

Forest fuel types are the physical characteristics of the live and dead biomasses that contribute to the spread, intensity and severity of fire.

Detailed information about the conditions, quantity and spatial distribution of forest fuel are important variables in forest management and predicting fire behavior.

Remotely sensed data provides an important way to derive the spatial distribution of fuel types and its variation over the time, considerably reducing the cost associated to fieldwork

This study evaluate the potential of Object-Based- Image Analysis for mapping fuel types from WorldView-2 (WV2) imagery in a test area (La Orotava) in the northwest of Tenerife Island (Canary Islands, Spain).

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Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery


Shrub cover < 30%

Tree cover > 50%


Grass cover > 50% or average fuel height 0.3 - 0.6 m


Average fuel height 0.6 - 2.0 m or 2.0 - 4.0 m


Shrub cover > 30%, Tree cover > 50% Canary Pine Forest


Laurisilva Forest

An WV2 image from 2011 and field data were used as a ground-truth dataset, firstly to identify the fuel types, and secondly, to evaluate performance and results.

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Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery

First step

Field work ≈ 70 circular plots

Third step

Nearest Neighbor

classification with

samples from a

shape file

Second step

Segmentation ≈ 25,839 objects

were identified

The fuel type classification methodology

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Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery

The performance of the classification was compared in terms of errors, rather than accuracies. The error was divided into two components: Quantity disagreement and Allocation disagreement. Fuel type M1/M2 showed an agreement of 100%, and fuel type M6/M7 had the highest allocation disagreement an 15% and a quantity disagreement of 8%.

Fuel types map

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Now, we are working on fusion between LiDAR and WorldView data, improving the results a 10%.

Classifying of forest fuel types by using VHR satellite imagery

Canopy Height Model (CHM)

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Main conclusion

VHR satellites imagery represent lower costs and higher updating frequency than traditional methodologies


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“Satélites para deteção remota aplicada à Gestão Territorial” In portuguese and spanish. This document provides access to information related to the most important operational satellites at present, and those that have potential application in Macaronesian land management.

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Current and future projects


PALMERA, a cooperation project between the Canary Islands (Spain) and the Souss Massa Drâa region (Morocco), is intended to map the date palm groves and detect possible diseases using very high spatial resolution satellite imagery.

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Current and future projects




Presented past Friday 30 November to the last convocatory of PCT-MAC 2007-2013.


GMR Canarias


Direcção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária (Cabo Verde)

Departamento de Ciência e Tecnología - Universidade de Cabo Verde

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Muito obrigado Gracias

Thank you

Manuel Arbelo [email protected]