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  • 7/29/2019 Vedic Science - Maharshi


    Veda and the Unified Field of Natural Law

    Knowledge and its Organizing Power

    Agriculture in perfect harmony with Veda, or Natural Law, is the goal of the Maharishi Vedic Organic

    Agriculture program. Therefore, to understand Vedic Organic Agriculture, we need to understand the fullsignificance of the terms Veda and Natural Law. Veda is a Sanskrit term meaning knowledgecomplete

    knowledge of Natural Law. Veda is the fundamental intelligence of Nature that administers everything in

    creationfrom the farmers physiology, to the seed, soil and weather, to the whole ever-expanding

    universe. Veda is the "Constitution of the Universe."

    The pure knowledge, or pure creative potential of Natural Law, embodied in the Veda is further

    elaboratedin the Vedic Literature, which has been preserved generation after generation, from parents to

    children, in the Vedic Families of India. Veda is like the seed and the Vedic Literature is like the fully

    blossomed tree. Veda contains all knowledge in seed form; the Vedic Literature expresses this same

    knowledge in more elaborated and detailed form.

    The 40 branches of Veda and the Vedic Literature have been organized by Maharishi as a perfect scienceof the totality of Natural Law, and its application to every field of life. These 40 branches taken together

    and applied holistically contain the comprehensive knowledge to bring any discipline or profession in full

    accord with Natural Law, and to bring fulfillment to individual and collective life.

    This principle that Veda is the fundamental intelligence of Natural Law is expressed in the Vedic text

    known as theManu Smriti, which is one of the law giving books of the Vedic Literature. The laws of

    nature which modern science has discovered are known from theManu Smriti to be the reverberations of


    It is for this reason that Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture adds the word Vedic to organic because

    Veda means Total Knowledgeso by adding Vedic, the organizing power of Total Knowledge is added to

    the field of agriculture. 'Vedic Organic' means organic agriculture enriched by the nourishing influence of

    Vedathe nourishing influence of Natural Law.

    Maharishi identifies two aspects of Veda: Mantra andBrahmana. Mantras are the structures of pure

    knowledge, the sounds of the Veda;Brahmanas are the internal dynamics of the structure of pureknowledge, the organizing power of the Mantras, the intelligence that structures the Mantrasthe

    structuring dynamics of the Mantras.

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    This principle is important in agriculture because both of these components, intelligence and its dynamic

    organizing power, are essential for growth. These two, Mantra and Brahmana, represent knowledge and

    organizing power, silence and activity, DNA and RNA, the seed and the process of its transformation and

    expression into the fully blossomed plant. Vedic Agriculture is ultimately the intelligence of nature put

    into action.

    These mechanics of orderly growth and expression on the basis of an underlying self-referral field of

    intelligence are further expressed in two verses from the Bhagavad-Gita, the central chapter of another of

    the Vedic textsthe Mahabharata. Nature in these verses represents the organizing power of Natural Law,

    while the silent value of pure intelligence at its basis is here represented by Lord Krishna, the speaker.

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    Discovery of the Unified Field of All the Laws of NatureThe expression "Natural Law" or "Laws of Nature" refers to all the laws discovered by all the modern

    sciencesPhysics, Biology, Chemistry, etc.including the laws that structure life at the individual and

    social levels, and maintain order in the universe.

    In recent decades modern science has revealed progressively deeper layers of order in Nature, from the

    atomic to the nuclear and sub-nuclear levels of Nature's functioning. This progressive exploration of

    fundamental levels of Nature has revealed that all the different aspects of Nature can be progressively

    unified. In particular, all the laws and dynamics found in Nature can be understood in terms of four

    fundamental forces. Unified Quantum Field Theory of Physics has shown that these four forces in turn canbe sequentially unified, and therefore can be understood as simply different aspects of one single Unified

    Field of all the Laws of Naturethe holistic transcendental field underlying all manifest phenomena found

    in Nature.

    This universal source of all orderliness identified by modern physics has within itself all the diverse Laws

    of Nature governing life at every level. This Unified Field has the characteristic of complete self-referral

    its self-interacting dynamics give rise to all the Laws of Nature. On the basis of its qualities and dynamics,

    this self-referral dynamism of the Unified Field has been identified by several leading physicists as the

    field of Consciousnessself-referral Transcendental Consciousness, confirming an understanding that has

    been part of the Vedic tradition since time immemorial.

    Modern science has thus identified one holistic, Unified Field at the basis of all the immense diversity of

    Natural Law expressed in creation, and Maharishis Vedic Science has emperically identified this same

    field as the field of consciousness. The entire animate and inanimate creation is based on these natural

    laws and their sequential unfoldment. This Unified Field is the total potential, the total intelligence ofNatural Law.

    Maharishi's Vedic Science is thus the perfect complement to, and fulfillment of, modern science because

    Maharishis Vedic Science makes the Unified Field a useful, living reality through Maharishis programs

    for the development of consciousness. (SeeMaharishis Technologies of Consciousness.) The Unified

    Field is the Unified Field of Natural Lawthe unification of all the fundamental forces and particles of

    nature. By mastering this field, we can apply Natural Law in a most effective and holistic manner.

    On its own, modern science has mastered partial and fragmented values of Natural Law. These aspects of

    Natural Law are specific, useful aspects of Natural Law but they are fragmentedthey are pieces of natural

    law. When Natural Law is applied in a fragmented manner, it does produce some results, but it also

    produces many harmful side effects. It thus does not nourish life holistically. Maharishis Vedic Science is

    a holistic science whose foundation is the Unified Field, and whose application brings holistic nourishment

    and evolution to life.It is through the technologies of Maharishis Vedic Science that we align individual life with Natural Law,

    we align human awareness to the Unified Field within each of us, which we experience as our own

    consciousness. We discover through direct experience that the Unified Field is the basis of everything. We

    discover and experience the most basic premise of both modern science and Maharishis Vedic Science

    that the Unified Field is the basis of all creation, both subjective and objective.

    Experiencing the Unified Field of Natural Law through Maharishi's Vedic

    Science(SM) and TechnologyThe knowledge of Veda and the Vedic Literature, as brought to light and understood from a scientific
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    perspective by Maharishi in his Vedic Science and Technology, also identifies a single, universal source of

    all orderliness in Nature. In Vedic science, this source of orderliness, which physics calls the Unified

    Field, is experienced as the simplest form of mans awareness, the self-referral level of human

    consciousness, the transcendental field of consciousness, our own SELF.

    The timeless Vedic wisdom describes this single, universal source of all orderliness in Nature as Samhita

    (Unified Field) ofRishi(the observer), Devata (the process of observation) and Chhandas (the observed)

    the three-in-one structure of pure knowledgethe unified state of knower, knowing and known.This three-in-one self-interacting nature of the Unified Field of Consciousness is the fundamental level of

    Natures functioningthe total intelligence of Natural Law, the Vedawhich governs the universe with

    perfect orderliness and absolute efficiency, upholding the progress, growth and evolution of everyone and


    Most importantly, Maharishi in his Vedic Science has not only identified the Unified Field of

    Consciousness, but has made it accessible to everyone in their own self-referral awareness through the

    practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program. (Please see "Maharishis Vedic

    Technologies of Consciousness".)

    Through Transcendental Meditation everyone can directly experience Transcendental Consciousness, and

    identify his awareness with the self-referral Unified Field of Natural Law, where Vedathe totality of

    Natural Lawis eternally lively.

    This phenomenon of the lively creation of Veda in our consciousness is described in the Veda itself in the

    following verse. Here the mechanics of how the impulses of Veda are structured in pure, transcendentalconsciousness are described, and the significance of this experience is related to our daily lives.

    This singular discovery of a method to experience the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature and how

    they arise from consciousness makes it possible for every farmer to rise to higher consciousness (Vedic

    Consciousness), and make the unlimited creative potential of Vedatotal Natural Lawlively within
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    Farmers have simply to have the experience of the Unified Field morning and evening through the

    Maharishi Vedic Technologies of Consciousness, and they will enliven Natural Law in their awareness,

    and increase the support of Natural Law for themselves and their environment.

    This discovery has tremendous practical application in the field of agriculture, as it gives us a direct means

    within the awareness of the farmer to enliven the Laws of Nature responsible for growth and balance in

    Nature.Theories of Modern Science Uphold All Disciplines of Maharishi's Vedic

    ScienceIt is inspiring that the understanding of the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature from the perspectives of

    modern science and Maharishi's Vedic Science are identical. These two traditions of knowledgeobjective

    and subjective, modern and ancientuphold one another and together rejoice in providing mankind with

    the basic and timely knowledge of Natural Law.

    In our time, after hundreds of years of scientific research, it has become evident that all the theories of

    modern sciencenot only of Physics, but also of Chemistry, Physiology, Mathematics, etc.originate from

    the same Unified Field. Through the Maharishi Vedic Technologies of Consciousness, it is possible now

    for any individual to function from the level of the Unified Field, and thereby engage the support of all the

    Laws of Nature in every field of scientific knowledge to support his thought and action. When agriculture

    is based on this holistic understanding and experience of Natural Law, then its application will produce alllife supporting and balanced effects in the environment.

    When a farmer rises to higher consciousness (Vedic Consciousness) through Maharishis Technologies of

    Consciousness, he gains this ability to function with the support of all the Laws of Nature described by all

    the theories of modern science. Then, finally, agriculture is truly and completely scientific. (See

    Appendices for more detail)

    Vedic Agriculture as Brahma VidyaMaharishis Vedic Science and its practical application as Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, presents

    the totality of life, founded on the ancient wisdom of the Veda and the Vedic Literature, and now

    expressed in the most recent Unified Field Theories. Because of this, Maharishi has said that Vedic

    Agriculture is really Brahma Vidya, or complete knowledge, the knowledge of totality, the knowledge of

    the wholeness of life.

    The central theme of Brahma Vidya is that life is not fragmented; it is holistic. The diversity of life that we

    see around us is really the expression of an underlying unity. What seems to be separate is really unified.

    What seems to be elaborate is really an expression of underlying simplicity. Life is wholeness on the

    move, the waves of an underlying unified field. This is precisely expressed both in the Superstring Theory

    of Unified Quantum Field Theories and in Vedanta, the branch of the Vedic Literature dealing with the

    unity of life.

    If we look at the process whereby Nature brings forth the plant and animal kingdoms, we see these

    mechanics of unity and diversity expressed over and over again. From one simple seed comes a multitude

    of flowers and fruits, which then again create seeds. From the foundation of the soil, the entire forest has

    its expression, and finally again dissolves back into soil. These principles are expressed in the following

    quotes from the Vedanta branch of the Vedic Literature that deals with the expression of unity as diversity

    without ever losing its nature as unity:

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    Maharishis Apaurusheya BhashyaMaharishisApaurusheya Bhashya is Maharishis "uncreated" commentary on Rk Veda. It brings out the

    structure of absolute eternal order. This commentary is not a man made commentary, but is a realization

    that the Veda itself is its own commentary. It is an understanding that the Veda itself creates its own

    commentary. The Veda, or the total potential of Natural Law, has all the knowledge within itself, in its

    seed form, to provide for any level of further expression or elaboration in creation. This is the same

    understanding expressed by modern science when it states that the entire manifest universe is an

    expression of the underlying Unified Field of Natural Law. From this we see that Veda (pure knowledge

    and its infinite organizing power) extends from the smallest point value to the largest infinite value of the

    ever-expanding universe.

    The principle of the sequential unfoldment of Veda and the Vedic Literature from their most compactified

    source is exactly analogous to the growth of a tree from the seed. The complete blueprint of a plant is

    contained in its seed, or more precisely in the DNA within the cells of the seed. It is this same knowledge

    in all its completeness that is found in the seed, in the first sprouting, in the young plant, and in the fully-

    grown tree. Only the degree of expression or elaboration of the knowledge is different.

    This is what MaharishisApaurusheya Bhashya tells us about the knowledge of all life, the intelligence

    that creates and governs the whole universe. If our perception, if our comprehension, if our intelligence is

    refined enough, we find that the first complete expression of the total knowledge found in Veda and the

    Vedic Literature is found in the first letter of the first syllable of Rk Veda, which is the source of all the

    other Vedic Literature. The same completeness of knowledge is then found in the entire first syllable, then

    in the first word, then the first verse of the Rk Veda. Like that knowledge keeps on sequentially unfolding,

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    expressing the same essential totality of all the Laws of Nature in more elaborated forms until we have

    expressed the entire Rk Veda, then all the three other Vedas, then the complete Vedic Literature, and its

    further expression in the physical creation.

    It is the same process and the same mechanics that keeps on unfolding life. This truth, revealed by

    Maharishis commentary, has made the entire structuring dynamics of creation available in Rk Veda and

    the Vedic Literature. From Rk Veda, the complete and self-sufficient Sa?hita quality of the Vedic

    Literature, emerge the other 39 aspects or branches of Veda and the Vedic Literature. They represent thestructuring dynamics of Rk Veda.

    The Significance of Sounds and GapsIn Maharishis uncreated commentary of Rk Veda, where each further elaboration of the Vedic

    expressions is the "commentary" on the previous more compactified expressions, the precise sequence of

    sounds is highly significant; it is in the sequential progression of sound and silence that the true meaning

    and content of Veda reside, and not on the level of intellectual meanings ascribed to Veda in the various

    translations. The sounds are the syllables, and the silence is the gaps (Sandhi) between syllables (Akshara),

    verses (Richas), hymns (Suktas), etc.

    Maharishi locates the fundamental significance of Veda and the Vedic Literature as emerging from the

    dynamics of the gaps, the silent interludes between each syllable, word, and verse. This is the organizing

    power of the sounds of the Veda that has been referred to above.

    The profound significance of Veda and the Vedic Literature is that they are the expression of the Laws of

    Nature, which continuously transform one state into another, maintaining order and evolution on the basis

    of their eternal, immortal, self-referral reality. These mechanics of transformation are located in the gaps.

    It is in the full understanding of the dynamics of the gaps that the understanding of the holistic, all-

    inclusive character of Veda and the Vedic Literature lies.

    The gap has four values:

    1.The mechanics by which a sound or a syllable collapses to the point value of the gap

    sound becomes silencei.e. the end of the syllable. This is calledPradhwamsa-


    2. A silent point value of all possibilities, calledAtyanta-Abhava;

    3. The structuring dynamics of what happens in the gap, calledAnyonya-Abhava;4. The mechanics by which a sound emerges from the point value of the gap, i.e. the emergence of

    the following syllable. This is calledPrag-Abhava.From this knowledge of the mechanics of transformation in the gap, we gain insight into the mechanics of

    transformation of any process in Nature. This is especially important in Maharishi Vedic Organic

    Agriculture because we are very concerned with transformations. We want to be sure that in each stage of

    growth, in each state of successive elaboration from the seed to the fully developed plant, that the

    transformations the plant is undergoing are nourished and upheld by both the total value of Natural Law,

    and the specific value of Natural Law that is lively at that point of transformation. This means that the

    Atyanta-Abhava and the Anyonya-Abhava must both be lively in each transformation.This is one of the most important procedures of Vedic Organic Agricultureto apply the total value of

    Natural Law and the necessary specific values of Natural Law to uphold each stage of transformation in

    the life of plants and animals. In this manner, we can be sure that that total nourishing value of NaturalLaw will be structured in everything the farmer grows.

    This perfectly orderly, eternal structure of knowledgeVedahas been preserved over thousands of years

    in the Vedic Tradition of India. The complete knowledge of Veda and its profound significance for life has

    been revived and understood in a scientific framework by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science

    and Technology.

    Entire contents copyright Maharishi Global Administration through Natural Law SM. All rights reserved.

    Please refer to legal details concerning copyright and trademark protection.
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