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June 28, 2015

VBS Celebration SUNDAY

Welcome & Blessings

to our visitors and members

We’re glad you are joining us today. Please sign in on the YES! Sheet

and pass it to the center aisle. If you would like to request a prayer to be read

during worship, write it on the back. An usher will pick it up during the Hymn of the Day.

Embracing the diversity of God’s creation

and celebrating our oneness in Christ.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Reverend Kathy Nolte 611 Randolph • Oak Park, Illinois 60302 708-848-4741 •

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Thank you to our 2015 VBS Mountain Crew Co-Director, Opening: Deaconess Debbie Rank Speer

Co-Director, Registration, Closing: Patty Jurczak

Music Leaders: Patty Jurczak and Jonathan Oblander

Imagination Station Leaders: Harry Patterson and Pat Hayes

Games Leaders: Martha Wegener and Tim Novak

KidVid Cinema: Kathy Rolenc, Maggie Reynes, Lynn Railsback

Meal and Kitchen Coordinator: Jan Salzman

Decorations/Set Design/AV: Eric & Martha, Sam and Henry Wegener, Mark & Julie, Lane Ledogar, Jane Novak, Debbie Rank Speer, Caitlin Rank, Bevin Zamora

Photographer: Pete Senger

Preschool Crew: Elizabeth Overland, Jane Novak, Becca Novak, Abby Doyle, Briana Killingsworth

Crew Sherpas: Dave Roth, Gail Frost, Stephanie Burton, Julie Ledogar, Anna Johnson Crew Leaders: Christopher Hugh, Caitlin Rank, Grace Ledogar, Kay Mabwa, Jessica Senger, Sam Wegener, Devin Hayes, Brandon Killingsworth, Lucas Schattauer, Devin Washington, Henry Wegener

Kitchen Staff: Rachel Salzman, Ann & Dennis Hoeksema, Pat & Larry Beaudry, John Hayes, Amy Dominguez, Bob Pope, Betty Muchow, Linda Bernat, Bevin Zamora, Laura Knitt, Nat Pozorski, Kristin de Groot, Hilary Klein, Kate Lawler, Hilda Schlatter, Karen Stratten

Floating Helper: Rose Mabwa, Seth Feare And many other helping hands and generous donors who helped make this wonderful week possible! Thank you!!

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2015 VBS Sunday Worship Outline

ELW=red book hymnal Congregation responses are bold

Prelude Announcements


Women: Praise the Lord! Enter God's house with worship and praise.

Men: Singing and dancing, clapping and shouting -- we lift our praise to God.

Women: Our song bursts forth. We cannot be silent.

Men: Joy overflows. God's goodness and grace are reasons to celebrate.

Women: God's praise continually rises.

Men: If we do not praise God, the rocks will!

Women: Let us join our voices. Sing to the Lord a new song.

Men: Great is our God and rightly to be praised.

All: Praise the Lord! We enter God's presence with worship and praise!

Invocation We enter your presence, gracious God, with reverence, for you are holy. We enter with gratitude, for you are good. We enter with awe, for you are triune mystery which we cannot begin to fathom. You are transcendent majesty yet as immanently near as our next breath. You call us your beloved children. You know us by name. You know our every need, every wound, every thought. Our days are in your hands. Embrace us, we pray, that we might rest peacefully in your arms of love, comforted by your compassion and buoyed by your hope. Amen.

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Passing of the Peace (children come forward)

While we pass the peace we ask that our Vacation Bible School Children move forward for their presentation.

The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.

VBS Skit “God has the power to provide” 1Kings 17 & 2 Corinthians 9:8 “God has the power to comfort” 1Kings 19 & 2 Corinthians 1:4

“God has the power to heal” 2Kings 5 & Psalm 147:3 “God has the power to forgive” Luke 22:31-24:12 & Nehemiah 9:17 “God has the power to love us forever” John 14:1-3 & John 3:15 Songs: “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” (Yes! Sheets are collected)

“My God is Powerful” “Power Shuffle”

Prayers of Intercession

Song: “Do Lord” (Offering is collected)

Hymn of the Day “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” (tune is ELW 521)

(Children return to their seats while assembly sings. Communion is set up on the Altar.) There’s no greater power Than the power of our God. There’s no greater power Than the power of our God. I sing the mighty power of God That made the mountains rise. That spread the flowing seas abroad And built the lofty skies.

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I sing the wisdom that designed The sun to rule the day. The moon shines full at his command. And all the stars obey. (Repeat from beginning) There’s no greater power Than the power of our God. There’s no greater power Than the power of our God. (Repeat 2 more times)


Offertory (Youth bring elements & offering forward)

Offering Prayer

Assisting Minister: Let us pray… In response to your great love for us, gracious God, we joyfully and gratefully offer the fruits of our labor and our lives in these gifts. Bless and multiply them, we pray, that the transformative power of your love will be a reality in our neighborhood and community. Amen.

Great Thanksgiving

Presiding minister greets the assembly and invites all present to give thanks. The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give God thanks and praise.

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Eucharistic Prayer God of our ancestors, friend in our midst, your children come before you. The food and drink at the table are yours before they are ours. Now we are making a feast, but it is a thanksgiving: God, we are thanking you. We thank you for giving us life. We thank you for bringing us peace. We thank you for the One who on the cross brought us from death to life. Father-Mother God, send the Spirit of life, the Spirit of power and fruitfulness. With the Spirit's breath, speak your Word into these things. On the night of his suffering, Jesus took bread, and gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying “Take and eat; this is my body, give for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.: After supper he took the cup; gave thanks, and gave it to all to drink saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.” Father, Mother, God, with your Spirit of Life, give us who eat and drink the living body and the lifeblood of Jesus, our brother. Give us true communion with your Son, with our ancestors and with all your children. Amen.

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Lord’s Prayer Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as Jesus taught us: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name; your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

Invitation to Communion

Come to the feast prepared for you.

Communion Communion is open to all who wish to come forward. Children and others who do not commune may receive a blessing.

Please come forward as the ushers direct. You will be given bread. You may eat the bread and drink; or intinct (dip) in the large cup and eat. The silver cup has wine; the oversize pottery cup has grape juice. Pastor has gluten free wafers if you need, just ask. After you commune, feel free to kneel at the altar rail in silent prayer.

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Communion Songs "You Are My Hiding Place"

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"We Remember You"

Post Communion Blessing May the body and the lifeblood of our brother Jesus, bless you and keep you in his peace. Amen.

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Blessing We have enjoyed your presence God, but it’s time to go into the world. Go with us, God. We will face many trials this week. Go with us, God. We will laugh and smile and take delight in your creation. Go with us, God. We will work and play as mothers, fathers, spouses, children, students and employees. Go with us, God. We will eat and drink and rest. Go with us, God. We will seek to bring about your kingdom and make it known around us. Thank you for going with us God — before, beside and behind. We go now with you. Amen.

Sending Song "We are Marching"

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Dismissal Go in peace and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God.

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SKIT Christopher Hugh Brandon Killingsworth Abby Doyle Patty Jurczak OFFERATORY GIFT PRESENTATORS Grace Ledogar Jordan Washington ALTAR GUILD Rose Hague COMMUNION BREAD

GREETER Betty Muchow USHERS Rob Hann Greg Hann David Kirschbaum Roy Dominguez COUNTERS Gene Collerd Ron Jurczak Marcia Schattauer

Jonny Hugh Leslie Marino

From Sundays and Copyright 2015 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #26258. New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Pastor – Rev. Kathryn Nolte Council President – Robert Hann Council Vice President – Beth Houle Dir. Christian Ed – Deac. Debbie Rank Speer Music Director – Jonathan Oblander

Communications – Jeanne Peppler Office Administrator – Vicki May Custodian – Tali Melani Sunday Nursery Attendant – Elois Gardner Ruth Collins