Download - Vampire Bound

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Book 1: birth and death pg 2Book 2: Revenge and change pg24Book 3: Pack mentality pg43Book 4: Humanity pg 73

Epilogue pg

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Sense the moment that life surfaced the has always been predators that feed on others

But in this day and age one species has far exceeded its place as a creature of prey

But now another has surfaced to hunt upon that which has risen above natural order

Soon humans the top predators shall be nothing but cattle to a breed ready to surface

Chapter 1: Fates collide "New York, god what shit hole." A young man sat on

the balcony of is 3rd floor apartment as the began to set sun set

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and the street lights flickered on. " I don't even know why a look out anymore all I ever see is the garbage filling the streets." He had just moved to New York from the Midwest and this small apartment in the slums was all he could afford. New York, New York if you can make it there you can make it anywhere. He thought to himself. But what if I can't make it there does that mean I'm doomed to fail. He stood near the edge of the balcony as if ready to jump. He did this every night always prepared to end what little existence he had, but something always stopped him. A feeling as though his destiny was waiting for him to write it. He looked up to the sky, a silver cross shimmering in the glow of the setting sun. "Is tonight the night?" He yelled to the heavens " Will you finally give me meaning?" He lowered his head into his hand fed up with everything and his faith lost to an un-ending darkness. His hands slowly slid up through his hair and he found himself once again staring down to the darkening street. A loud crash caused him to snap his neck to the left to see a young women collapsing into a trash can. "Holy hell." He bolted out his door, down the three flights of stairs, and the front door with all the speed he could. He arrived at the woman's side as she breathed heavily fading in and out of consciousness. "Miss, Can you hear me?" Her eyes rolled in her head.

"I must feed." She exhaled. Her body began to convulse. He tried to restrain her as her limbs began to flail about

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"Stay with me." He held her tightly as the convulsions began to slow. Suddenly her head lunged forward, and her teeth sunk into the young mans neck. "Son of a bitch." He wailed letting go of her and clinging to his own neck. He ignored his pain for long enough to carry the woman to his apartment. Laying her on the couch he looked at her, completely still and breathing normally as if she had been fine. "She really is quit beautiful." He looked her up and down, a long dark haired woman, in a surprisingly tasteful dress compared to the normal women who walked this neighborhood. "What are you doing here?" He asked himself as he felt blood from her bite begin to stream down his neck and shoulders. His head began to feel light and dizzy. Suddenly his sight faded to black

******* The man awoke to the woman staring at him. "You're

lucky to be alive boy." She finished taping a bandage to the bite wounds on his neck.

"I could say the same for you." He sat up on the floor where he had passed out "And don't call me boy, you can't be much if any older than I am. So if your going to address me its either going to be kind sir or Valin. And, who may I ask are you doll?"

"Okay Valin, don't call me doll, my name is Isabella." She sneered at him. "Sense I've bandaged you I'd say we're even for what you did to help me and what I did to help you."

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"Funny thing, you did this to my neck." He rolled his eyes " For such a beautiful woman, my god you are a bitch."

"I bit you, didn't I?" Her eyes, changed from a angry gaze to a somber almost pout. "I am truly sorry, but you must know that bite will do more to you than just cause you to bleed."

"Like what, you got some kind of disease?" Valin went from aggravated at the woman's better than thou attitude to worried. Isabella remained silent for a long time. Valin couldn't stand her silence. "Answer me you fucking witch what did you give me."

" I have given you the gift and curse of my family." Tears welled in her eyes as she began to explain. "The bite will not only make you bleed but it will also make you feed."

"Feed?" Valin had a look of disbelief on his face. "Feed on what?"

"The blood of others." Isabella took a seat on the couch and began to tell her story. "Over four centuries ago there was a joining of two noble families one of the English and another of a Spanish house. To cement peace between the family, the Spanish family promised their daughter to the son of the English. Even though the daughter loved another she was bound by her duty to her family to go as a bride. On the eve of her departure, she was visited one last time by her love."

"My love come, run away with me." A Middle nobility young man beseeched his love.

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"Though I shall eternally love you, I must do this for my family." The woman began to crying "These shall be our last moments together."

"Do not say this my dear, May it take me a life time, I will find us together again." The two lovers embraced for one last time. As the man left the last words he spoke to her were " My love is eternal."

"Forgive me for interrupting your story, but what the fuck does this have to do with the fact that I'm going to start sucking blood like some fairy tale vampire?"

"Because that is what you are becoming, now silence yourself and learn what soon will become your history." Isabella was outraged by the disrespect to her tale. " The young woman soon founde herself growing old with her new husband and loving him."

"My dearest." An aged man showed up at the door of a wealthy English family. The door was answered by a woman who's eyes widened once she saw the visitor.

"You can not be here." the woman shunned the man "My love I have searched for 3 years to find you."

He looked at her in confusion "Why do you shun me now." "I have come to love the man which is my husband."

When she said this you could feel his heart shatter in his chest. "So be it, My love is eternal, and so shall your

punishment for your betrayal be." He raised his hands to the heavens. " Dear lord curse this foul wench who has drained all feelings of happiness from my soul, make her suffer for all that

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she has done." The man left the grounds of the noble house never to be heard from.

“So your saying god cursed your family?" He scoffed "And let me guess you're the young woman that left her lover."

" No I'm the daughter which she bore in her womb when the curse was cast." Isabella glared at him. "That night when the curse was cast my mother drained all the life from my father killing him in his sleep. She had no idea why she did it."

"So if her bite killed your father, why am I not going to die."

"Your not because you were bitten by one of the children she had once the curse was placed." She shook her head in disgust. "She was cursed to suck the life out of all that she loved and live for ever. Sense we were inside her and we were loved by her we're cursed to have our life slowly sucked from us and need to feed to replenish it."

"Wait so can you die if you don't feed? Am I just going to randomly jump people for blood? Can I get killed?" Valin turned hysterical " and what do you mean by we?"

"You ask a lot of questions." She took a deep breath and calmed down. "So in order, Yes you can die if you don't feed but its going to be a long ordeal and painful, trust me. Secondly you'll know when the hunger comes and you can go without for days."

Valin's breathing slowed back to normal and he was

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finally calm once more. "What about other ways do die?" "Well first I should say the only reason your

changing is because I bit you and only have half my mothers blood and for some reason when I bite people my blood transfers to them." She paused for a moment "And with that said there should be a lot more but there isn't , because yes you can and will be killed,"

"I won't let you kill me without a fight." Valin clenched his fists.

"I'm not going to." She reached over and lowered his fists "Either your going to do it yourself before the change sets in or my brother will."

"your brother?" "Yes, my twin brother, who believes that this is a gift

granted to our family as a show of superiority." Her face looked disgusted " He kills anyone who is changed because of my feeding and anyone he bites he sucks dry. Some where along the line he decided that only he and a child he fathers with a chosen woman deserve to be what he calls a higher being."

"So why hasn't he killed you?" Valin wasn't sure what to make of all of this. "And how is he going to kill me if I change?"

"I haven't because I'm from the blood line." After she said this she sat in silence for a long time before Valin began to motion with his hands to continue. "To kill you he'll either stab you through the heart or cut off your head. So do yourself a

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favor and kill yourself in the way you wish to die." "I need to be alone for a while." Valin stood up and

walked to the balcony leaving Isabella in the living room alone.

******* Valin found himself for the second time tonight

standing on the balcony prepared to jump. "I have believed in you." He grasped tightly to his cross and climbed to the ledge of the balcony, Took one final look around the now dark street with the flickering street lights. Down on the street he saw Isabella standing looking at him. He closed his eyes as tightly as he could, leaned forward and just let everything go. *snap* He ripped the cross from his neck and threw it out into the night. Then went down to where Isabella stood. "I want to learn about this more and if your brother wants to kill me, than I'll kill him if he comes for me."

"And what will you do to feed, boy? Can you handle taking the life of another so you don't pass on this curse?"

"If I can get to your brother soon enough I won't have to." He slide on a leather coat and began to walk down the street. "And if I get hungry I'll just bite you, besides I owe you one. One last thing if you call me boy again, I don't care how much older than me you are I will straighten you out."

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Chapter 2: The change The sun soon began to rise on their journey. Valin

looked at the sun with a melancholy feeling in his heart. "So this is to be the last time I see the sun." He could feel a tear pooling in his eye.

"Don't be so dramatic you'll see it again." Isabella walked passed him rolling her eyes, as he slowed to have his sentimental moment. "You seriously need to stop believing every little thing you read. Honestly did you not notice the fact that I'm standing her next to you within the sunshine." Valin looked at her dumbfounded.

"I wasn't really thinking about it." "That's your problem you don't think." "Any reason your being so bitchy this morning?"

Valin looked at her not sure what to make of her behavior. "Well I just randomly got a traveling partner, who

my brother is going to try to kill as soon as he finds out that someone else has changed." She quickened her stride

"Aww is all you see me as a traveling partner." He pretended to pout " I figured with you changing me and all we were more than tha.." before he could finish his sentence she turned around and slapped him.

"Don't start with me today, I should kill you myself , to save some trouble." she turned away and started to walk again. " but for some reason I actually don't want to see you die."

"Isn't that sweet." he said in a sweet tone " but all

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joking aside, when and how do I actually become one of you?" " I already told you it would be tonight at sunset. As

far as how you'll see soon enough." *******

The day past slowly with the two heading north east for hours towards mount Vernon. "We'll get you to my safe haven before the night sets in." She found a larger rock on the side of the road and sat. The day had been truly long, hiking for hours, with only a few times they were able to hitch rides from a few kind travelers. She wiped some sweat from her brow and looked at her traveling partner. He leaned against a tree, staring into space. Wondering how his life went from nothing of value to the events of the last 20 odd hours. His mind then began to wonder what awaited him when the sun sets in two hours. As he sat in contemplation the bite on his neck began to throb. He fell to his knees screaming in pain clutching his neck. " Calm down just take the pain, its only a passing pulse of my blood fusing with yours to start the change." Isabella tried to sooth him "Its going to be a lot worse soon." She sat there watching him wrench in pain for another five minutes before the pain finally subsided.

"Thanks for the kind words." Valin looked up from the ground, fire burning in his eyes after the fit had passed. As he spoke his own blood began to drip from his mouth " How far to you safe house?" He spit the blood at her feet after asking.

"We have about ten miles."

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"Then lets move." he grabbed his coat which he had dropped during the pain and began to walk down the road in silence.

******* Ten miles passed. Ninety minutes, with neither of the

two making a sound till they reached Isabella's home. " You have a half an hour before you change are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." "Than, follow the hall to the backroom and stay

there." Isabella pointed towards a hallway on the east side of the large house they had arrived at. It was a single story but it was larger than some three story houses. " I'm locking you in and I'll let you out in the morning."

"Fine." Valin walked to the back room. It was a small room with a twin bed in it with on sheet and nothing else in the room. There was a small barred window on the far wall. He sat down on the bed and even having thrown away his cross and his faith with it he began to pray. "Lord help me through this agony." He spent the next twenty minutes starring out the window watching the sun slowly drop to the west. It was after this time when the pain in his neck began to resurface. It was stronger this time. He closed his body tightly into the fetal position. He began to feel numb, as if the life was leaving his body. His muscles all simultaneously tensed. He screamed with all the power in his voice, till even his voice failed him and left. He began to flail around when his jaw

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began to stiffen. He could feel his k9 teeth being pushed out the roots ripping out. With two spear like fangs replacing them. His body finally began to relax and he could move freely at his own will. Even so all his muscles felt as if they were in a constant state of flex. He stood up and walked to the window and looked at his reflection. " At least I still look like me." His physical appearance was all he felt was his at this point. His mind was flooded with a dark desire to take the life of another. " No, No I can't I won't" he yelled as the drive to kill rose in his head. He flung himself and slammed both fists against the door which flew open. " She forgot to lock it." He looked down the hall way to the living room at the end where he had entered. There was a small light on so he walked towards it. In the living room he found Isabella sitting silently in a chair, with her eyes closed. This is all that bitches fault. He thought to himself creeping up behind her. He reached out for her neck, ready to choke her but he stopped himself. I can't do this to her, she's helped me. He was thinking rationally, but at the same time the other voice still told him to kill her. He sat poised ready to kill her.

"If your going to kill me just do it." Isabella spoke not even opening her eyes. "But I don't think you can bring yourself to kill me."

"I should after what has all happened just because I wanted to help you on the street." He lowered his hands

" You won't though. You may be able to kill, but not me." She smiled " You feel somewhere that I've freed you from

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your constant thoughts of killing yourself." "How do you know that?" His eyes widened to her "Because my blood is linked to you, and I know all

your thoughts." Her smile changed a little "And I do mean all of them that includes the ones of lust for me your hiding."

"Keep out of my head." He glared at her. "I've been up for almost twenty four hours I'm going to go sleep."

"Do you feel tired?" She looked at him "No, but I may just be running on adrenaline from

the constant muscle convulsions." "Your not tired because you never will be again."

She finally opened her eyes and stood up to look at him "The only thing you'll feel from now are happiness, sadness, anger, lust and the hunger. That is what your life consists of."

"There must be more." He was lost at the prospect of this being all there was " What about love?:

"Love is a useless emotion and the people who feel it know nothing but suffering from it." Her eyes lowered.

"How can you say that if you've never been in love." Valin felt a distaste for her in his mouth. " Whatever you know I'm going to go and think. I'll see you in the morning."

"Fine." Isabella sat back down closing her eyes going back to thought. When she was seated Valin headed back down the dark hallway.

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Chapter 3: Reunion in darkness "So sister you have turned another." A dark figure of

a man stood in the shadows of the forest surrounding the safe house. "Guess I'll have to pay a visit soon.

******* Valin sat at a table starring out the window when

Isabella entered the kitchen the next morning. " Its raining" Valin tried to make small talk after their argument the previous evening.

"I know what your thinking, remember. Stop tip toeing around what you want to say."

"If you know what I'm thinking why do I have to say it?" he barked back

"Because sometimes it just right to say things." "Fine, I'll say it." He inhaled " I'm sorry." "You don't get it that wasn't all I was looking for."

She turned around and headed out the door. "What else do you want from me?" He screamed at

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her after she left. He sat tugging on his hair infuriated by the woman's lack of answers. "I shouldn't be going through this with a woman I have no real emotional connection to." No emotional connect, who am I kidding? He though to himself. He stood up and walked out to the living room. The whole time thinking. what am I doing here and what is it about this woman. I have no place with her, but I can't bring myself to step away from her. When he reached the living room he found her sitting in the same chair as the night before. " Look you want to go for a walk and talk."

"I'd like that and its not just me reading your mind you wear your emotions right out in the open." She somewhat smiled and they walked out into the woods.

******* "Look I'm going to be straight with you." Valin

turned to Isabella in the woods after they walked for a while. " I want to be beside you through all of this, I want to learn from you, help you with what you are." He stopped trying to word the next part. " but more than that for some reason I don't want to be away from you."

Isabella looked surprised " I can't believe your saying all this." she didn't know what to say so she just started walking again.

"That's all you have to say to me?" He couldn't believe he opened himself up to this woman and she just shrugged it off. No matter what I do I'm never going to get anywhere with this chick. If your reading my mind again stop

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it. He couldn't feel anything but anger about the whole thing is the worst part. He knew he should feel confused or something but nothing but anger seemed to show in him. He stood for a few moments longer thinking before he hurried to catch up to her. When he finally reached her she was standing in front of a small cave entrance.

"This is where I was born." She answered before Valin could even ask what this place was. " My mother when she fled after killing my father found this cave as her only sanctuary from the hate of the nobles that blamed her for the death of my father. They were right though it was her fault." This time Valin was the one who was speechless. "You asked if you could feel love? Well I'm not sure. I think I loved my mother even after all that has happened. Its the love I felt for her that brought me to the conclusion that love is a worthless emotion."

"I'm sorry. I...." Valin stumbled trying to find words to comfort her. "May I ask what happened to her?"

" My mother died from the hunger." Isabella slowly started to venture into the cave. " It took her ten years without feeding to finally pass away. She didn't deserve that. None of my family did because someone couldn't let go of the love they felt." She rolled her eyes.

"Isabella, just because sometimes love goes wrong doesn't mean every love will." Valin walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Valin, I..." She inhaled and turned to look into his

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eyes. " Even if I wanted it to, nothing can happen between us." "Why not?" He looked her in the eyes " We truly do

have enough time together." "Well isn't that sweet." A strange deep voice called

from the back of the cave "Vincent, how did you get here already?" Isabella's

eyes widened and she spun towards the cave wall. "I was here to visit our poor mother's grave." A tall

dark haired man emerged from the shadows "I wasn't expecting to find my darling sister her with her new lover. Shame I'll have to kill him."

"He's not my lover." She glared at him with pure hatred.

"Well than you won't mind when I kill the little roach." Vincent grinned and pulled a knife from his pocket. "So boy did you learn that a long enough knife works the same as a steak for killing you."

"I am seriously sick of people calling me fucking boy." Valin's anger grew and with that his fangs seemed to lengthen in his mouth. "I don't care physically how much older than me you are. Guess what, as far as appearance and by what I've seen of your personality we're about even."

"What do you mean by that?" Vincent snarled revealing his fangs.

"I mean you have such a huge opinion of yourself in all this time you have yet to realize that you are no different from any other person with a disease yours is just prolonging

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an existence that does nothing but hurt those around you, at least your sister will try to help those she encounters." Valin calmed himself "And even though I'm younger than you, I can adapt to be what's asked of me, no matter how much time passes your just another scary nightmare hiding in the shadows."

"Valin don't anger him." Isabella protested "You couldn't beat him if you wanted to."

"There are worse things that dieing doing something that you feel is right." Valin stood strong. " I would rather die here facing him like a man, than run."

"Well, I can at the very least respect that you'll fight me honorably." Vincent took a few steps toward Valin. "For this I shall make your death quick and semi painless." Valin stood in fighting stance ready to take on anything that came at him.

"Valin why?" "You told me that you weren't sure if I could love." A

tear swelled in his eye "Well any life especially an immortal one with out love isn't worth anything." Once Valin had finished his speech Vincent lunged at him, knife ready to impale his heart. Valin clenched his body tight ready to die, and closed is eyes ready for the worst. He only opened after he heard the sound of flesh ripping. He opened them expecting to see a knife through his heart instead he saw Isabella standing in front of him with the blade in herself.

"Sister you would die for this boy?" Vincent scoffed

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and backed away letting go of the knife which hung from her chest.

"He is not a boy, he has more honor than you ever will." She smiled " And don't be to happy even though I'm going so are you brother."

"What?" Vincent began to cough up blood, it was then that he finally looked down to see a small knife handle imbedded in his chest. " But why?" Where is final words as he finally faded into death Isabella turned to look at Valin. "I was wrong, you can love." She smiled faintly as she began to cough up blood. " I know, because I love you." She leaned in and they had their first and last kiss. " Don't worry its an immortal life you'll find love again. Just know that my love is eternal." It was that day that Valin lost his first love and gained life un-ending. Once he had buried her and Vincent next their mother he ran back to the house and got his coat and headed down the high way towards New York. I'm not sure if you can still read my thoughts in death, but know I will love you no matter what and we will be together again.

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BOOK 2:Revenge and Change

Its amazing how in just a few short hours your life can go from not great

to a complete travestyIn not forty eight hours life can go off the end, we can lose

someone we care aboutHave our entire life thrown into question.

Why can life just never stay happy and simple?

Chapter 1: Beginning AnewIts been two days sense Isabella was taken from me.

Valin found himself back and at his 3rd floor apartment again,

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sitting on his fire escape looking out over the city. What could I have done to keep her with me? If only I was better…. I don't know. He reached over and pitched the beer bottle he was drinking. Not like it matters its only for the taste now and even that's not great. He looked down from the fire escape and watched a young lady pass and could only think how good he blood must taste. The blood hunger had continually been growing with in him. Two days and I've put nothing into my system, I can't go on like this. I shouldn't even be allowed to go on. "Fuck!" He bellowed finally letting his anger release from with in his heart. "I’m fucking hungry"

"So eat something." The woman he was thinking about eating yelled up to him. She stood about 5'3" with dark hair and a neck where you could just pick out the veins that would bleed particularly well.

"What a bitch" He whispered to himself. Staring down at her neck, his fangs began to grow and his body trembled ready to bite into her. "No self control." He stood up and climbed in through the window away from the any sight of the woman.

"What a weird guy" The woman shook her head. Then continued walking and flipping through the paper.

That was just what I needed to add to my life, along with a hunger I can't do anything about and missing Isabella, now some random chick needs to get snotty with me. I should have bit her. He shook his head. No I shouldn't have. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a steak out of it. Well

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really rare generally bleeds maybe it'll be a enough to shut my stomach up for a moment. He forced his fangs out and bit into the raw meat. "Yuck" The bitter taste of the blood caused him to shiver. "Apparently cheap cow blood isn't good enough. I wonder if the blood bank takes withdrawals." I bet no one would care if I took out a couple of homeless people. What am I saying that's either going to kill someone or create a bunch of homeless blood suckers. Not much different, but not the point. "Wow I've started talking and thinking to myself a lot lately." He cut his hand and quickly licked up the blood before the wound could heal. "Man, that tastes good."

*******"Vincent I will avenge you." A tall blond stepped off

a private jet, "Some one shall pay for your death. I will make your not finishing me off after changing me worth while." She thought back to the day Vincent, converted her.

"Thanks for the meal my dear but its time for you to pass on." Vincent hovered over the girl licking her blood from his lips as she cried out.

"Please spare me and I will be at your aid as long as I exist and even after my death." She bartered.

"Your nothing but cattle to my kind what makes you think your worth sparing?"

"If I am nothing but cattle then let me be your beast of burden, My existence is all I have left don't take that from me."She ran her fingers over the puncture scars. "Though you made

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me a monster and only kept me around as your puppet, I had come to love you and even in your death I will serve you."

*******As the sun came up Valin's alarm began to sound.

"Damn morning already" Taking pills to force sleep had become his only refuge from the hunger and his only way to be with Isabella once more. "Time to get to work." He got up, showered, then walked into the kitchen grabbing a knife and cutting his hand, just to taste the blood again. "It may not help with the hunger, but at least the taste makes me feel like I need it less." Once his hand had healed he headed to work.

"Valin." His boss, an older man who always seemed to be in a bad mood yelled as he came into work. Valin looked up form his computer where he was working on his first piece for a series of novels he was hired to right for the small firm.

"I'm trying to get the story done by the deadline." He had been working on the story for 3 months and made little progress that he was happy with on it. "Its just not coming together right." Not that I'd be happy with it either way right now.

"Well get it done, but that's not what I want. Get over here." He stood up and walked over to his boss. " Ms. Kincaid, this is Valin he'll be showing you around helping you get acclimated to your new surroundings." She nodded politely. Valin walked up to the pair from behindShe's kind of short but she's got a great figure and a nice neck. He shook his head. "Knock it off man."

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She turned around and looked at him "What was that?"

"Nothing." "Liar." She smirked at him. Valin gave her a funny

look and suddenly placed the young girl. It was the chick from last night. Apparently she didn't recognize him, the thought of her attitude made his fangs flare up ready to bite into her. "So you ready to show me around?"

"Of course I'm always ready for about anything." He thought for a minute after he spoke. Is that really what I wanted to say. "Lets get on with it, basic cubicles, bosses office is over there, mines the smaller one over on the left, and you'll be working….. Actually who are you taking over for?"

"I'm working in the editing department on some short story that isn't done." She answered "Apparently the writers has horrible grammar. Not that his stories near done from what I've heard."

"Yeah I'm working on it," Valin knew just form this that these to were going to be at odds with each other. "Its not exactly coming out well, and if it wasn't for the story that's taking so long to write you wouldn't have a job, Ms. Kincaid"

"I'm sorry." She shied away for a moment "But you should get to work, so I have something to work on. Mr. Valin is it?" She lipped back

"Just Valin, and don't get snotty with me please I'm not in the mood for it." His urge to bite her just began to grow and grow. "Well sense your editing your office would be the

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tiny one on the right, if you have any more questions feel free to ask someone other than me, good day, Ms. Kincaid." He headed back to his office to work before he sucked the life out of her in front of his entire office building.

"Thank you, Valin and the name is just Caitlyn" She grinned and headed to her officeBack in his off Valin grabbed a letter opener and gave another small cut on his hand just to get the taste to relax him.

"Wow, I know Isabella said the hunger would be difficult but I bet she didn't see someone driving me to the point of wanting to bite into them." He tried to just let it go and get back to his writing, but was constantly being bombarded with angry thoughts of that woman. "Damn it, She pushes everyone of by buttons but I can't get her out of my head." He slammed his head into his hands. "Focus, your just hungry and thinking about her big juicy veins." Big juicy veins yeah that's all I'm thinking about. His mind went to the first thing Isabella explained to him, happiness, sadness, anger, lust and the hunger, that's all you'll feel . "And love. But you never said the others would be amplified." He thought about his temper be short fused lately, and the tremendous sadness in his heart, and him losing his thoughts to picturing that blasted woman. " Great just what I need combining lust and the hunger. How the fuck do I have lustful thoughts about another woman, only three days after losing you." He smashed his hands down onto the keyboard.

"That's probably not good for the keyboard."

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"How long have you been there and didn't I tell you if you have any questions to ask someone else?"

"Well yes you did me that and only long enough to see you try to kill your keyboard." She grinned "Look I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. We're going to be working together for a long time, we should be able to get along."

"Your right, How about we get to know each other over coffee or something?" As he spoke he struggled to look away from her delicious neck.

"Maybe,. I don't really know many people sense I've moved here. So we'll have to see." She smiled and headed back to her office.

"What the fuck did I just get myself into?" He stared into space for a while " I can't do this. I shouldn't do this" He sat mumbling to himself trying to figure out if it was okay for him to go out with a coworker, even if it was just to get to know her over coffee. "Its just coffee that's all it comes down to," He finally went back to work.

*******When the day came to an end there was Caitlyn

Standing at his office door. "So you ready to go?""So I take it this is what maybe meant." Valin looked

up from his computer."Yep, so you ready." she smiled"Alright well, you and me can go shortly." He

finished saving what he had completed for the day."You and I" Caitlyn corrected him.

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"O great you're a grammar Nazi." Valin rolled his eyes and threw on his jacket. " So where would you like to go."

"I'm okay with whatever." She answered as they headed towards the door.

"I didn't ask what you were okay with I asked where you wanted to go." He concentrated on controlling his temper.

"It really doesn't matter to me." She smiled "I'm not a big decision maker."

"Well there's a nice book store across the street that has good coffee lets just go that route." He pointed the store out as they walked out into the evening air.

"Sounds good to me." They hurried across the street. Ordered their drinks then sat down to chat. " So what's this story that's taking so long about?"

"You really are straight forward about what you want." He looked her up and down once more. "it's a vampire story, but its not coming together as well as it should."

"O, a vampire story, kinky." Caitlyn got a big grin on her face. " So what's not coming together about it?"

"Just minor things its not flowing the way I want it to and I'm just not feeling as good about the story as much as I usually do." He couldn't help but lick his lips "I'm not exactly sure how kinky the whole vampire thing really is."

"Come on they're always smooth and romantic." She got a strange happy face. "And there's just something hot about biting into someone's neck to exchange bodily fluids."

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Valin looked at her in surprise "You're a perverted little thing."

"No I'm an angel, just with a little bit of devil in me." She smiled and went back to her coffee. "So why did you choose a vampire story."

"Originally it was just a horror novel, but I went back to stage one about 2 days ago and focused it onto a vampire novel." He looked out the window they were sat by towards the sky. " I chose the vampire story because I recently lost someone I truly cared about who to say the least had a thing for vampires." He took a quick gulp of his coffee, "Plus I am one." He put and devilish smile on his face and showed his teeth as if to bare his fangs. He started to laugh “I like getting into the role.”

"Nice, So how long till I get to see your fangs in action?"

"I have no idea, you serious or you just being a tease?" He played along, wondering if it was even somewhat right for him to be doing something like this.

"Yes." she giggled"What the hell does that mean?" Just then Valin's

head began to pound, as a blonde walked by the shop. "Look as much as I'd love to sit around and toy with you I have to go tend to some things."

"Okay, but I'm not really done toying with you." "You know that's great, how about you get a hold of

me some time when you feel like being complete it and not

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just toying." Valin stood up and left the table. That should at the very least give me some time to before I have to worry about anything happening with this chick. As his head ache worsened he hurried his pace out the door to a near by ally. Once he was in the back of the ally he dropped to his knees clutching his head. " What's doing this to me?"

"Between you and me your not much of a vampire." The face a blue eyed blonde were the last things Valin saw before he finally passed out from the pain.

Chapter 2: Trapped in ones own darknessWhen Valin came to he was chained to a wall. Of

what looked like an old time castle. "Where am I?""Your chained in the basement of Saint Patrick's

cathedral." The face of the blond girl that he saw before passing out was directly in front of him. "I'm sorry allow me to

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introduce myself, I'm Annabel, I'm , well was Vincent's companion."

"Companion, what, ?" Valin tried to shake off his daze. " Whatever you are what the hell do you want with me?" He tugged on the chains which held him to the wall.

"You won't break those chains they were designed to hold Vincent himself, till his family all betrayed him." She walked up to Valin and ran her hand across his face. " Hard to believe my beloved was killed by such a sad excuse for a vampire and where is the one who changed you hiding? That bitch shall pay as well."

"I didn't kill Vincent, he killed himself along with slaying Isabelle and if you ever refer to her as a bitch again I'll tear your heart out of your chest." I tear rolled down Valin's cheek as he lounged forward fangs fully exposed, struggling to get even somewhat close the Annabel.

"You've got a little fight in you don't you." She smiled as she pushed on his for head with the nail of her index finger. "So she's dead no matter I can take out my revenge on you."

"Even if I die, it'll be quick and I'll be reunited with Isabelle. You can't draw out my suffering anymore than I already suffer." Valin laughed " Besides when I'm gone all that will be left if you by yourself to sit and boil over knowing that your precious Vincent is dead and there was nothing you could do about it."

"How dare you say such a thing?" She Snapped at

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him she had lost her cool for the first time sense they had talked.

"I can say such a thing cause I have lived this pain sense I lost her." His eye grew calm.

"Well maybe I should make you lose a little more, you seemed okay with that little toy you were with before I entered your head." She broke into a cackle. "You clamed that you loved that girl but you moved on rather quickly, did you not?"

"I have know that woman for a day and don't know what I feel about her, but if I am lucky enough to find another woman that I can care about like I did Isabelle than I am truly blessed." Valin looked up at her after his speech and spit at her.

"Cute" She wiped the spit off her and walked over to him, looked him dead in the eye. Then drove a nail through his hand and into the wall. Valin wailed in pain. "I'm going to let you sit there and bleed for a while, let the blood drain from you. While your bleeding there I'm going to go out and find that little friend of yours and when your just about to lose consciousness from the loss for blood I'm going to cut the bitch and put her right next to you. I'll truly enjoy watching you suck the blood out of what may have been your last chance about caring for someone before your death." She walked out the old cathedral basement laughing the whole way.

"What I wouldn't give for that blood." Valin struggled to reach the blood from his hand, striving to calm his

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hunger. "FUCK!!" His word echoed through the halls of the old church as his need for hunger took over his mind.

*******"She's such a cute sleeper. Guess its time to kill her

dreams ." Annabel loomed out side of Caitlyn's window. " Should I toy with her first that maybe kind of fun. I'm not here for fun I'm here for revenge." After setting herself straight she smashed through the window. "Its time for you life to end my little sheep." Annabel cackled as she busted in grabbing Caitlyn By her hair and dragging her out the window to a car she had sitting outside waiting for them.

"What do you want from me?" Caitlyn Cried being abducted by the dark woman

"It's simple my dear, I'm going to have you killed." She answered with a sadistic smile. " I'm going to enjoy ever moment of watching you get your blood sucked out of your body."

"blood sucked out of my body?" Caitlyn's body began to tremble "What kind of sick freak would suck the blood from someone?"

"You can't call him a freak it's a vampire's nature to feed on blood." She opened her mouth and grew her fangs out. "Funny how in a night you can finally come to the conclusion your not the top of the food chain just a food supply for a higher being. The best part is your going to be the meal of someone you already know"

"Huh I know a vampire?" Caitlyn was completely

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surprised. "Who?" "You'll see soon enough.

*******I can't even move my arm to kill myself before she

gets back. Valin's body began to go limp, the feeling in his hands and feet had almost completely left him. All that remained was his thoughts and the overwhelming hunger that continued to grow inside of him. "I would kill for this to end." After he said it he realized he may have too. "What do I do?"

"Pull through my love." Isabelle's voice rang in his head. "You must survive this."

"But how? I can't kill another to live myself." he knew he was just losing his mind but hearing her voice somehow put him at ease.

"If not killing is that important to you than don't." Her voice was calm and rational. "You know sooner or later you'll have to let me go and find a new happiness?"

"I know, but it will never be the same." Valin struggled to hold his head up. "Goodbye my dearest." His head finally dropped and Annabel walked in with Caitlyn.

" Hey no losing consciousness just yet." Annabel walked over and slapped Valin lightly on the cheek. "You can give up completely after my fun." She pulled a knife from her pocket and grabbed Caitlyn's arm and cut it. Then ran her figure through the blood and tasted it. " She's got a very sweet tasting blood." She grabbed Caitlyn's arm and waved it in front of Valin's nose.

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Valin raised his head eyes fully focused on Annabel "You'll pay for this bitch." Valin forced all the strength in his body towards a lounge forward towards Annabel. The hinges which connected the chains to the wall snapped and the spike driven through his hand popped out of the wall still imbedded in his hand. "I am getting completely sick of some vampires with a holier than thou attitude fucking with my life and anyone associated with it." Valin huffed as he twisted the nail out of his hand, grabbing it ready to finish Annabel off.

Annabel threw Caitlyn To the ground and clutched her knife tightly in her hand "Than lets go fool." Both vampires stared each other down fangs fully exposed , like a wolf growling before a kill. "I'll kill you then eat her.""If you kill me its going to end like your sad excuse for a love did, with you dieing as well." Valin's eyes showed no hesitation, he for the first time sense he lost Isabelle , truly wanted to live at all costs. He swung on of the chains still cuffed to his wrist at Annabel. She leaned back and dodged most of it but a small nail from where it joined the wall caught her face slicing her cheek.

"How dare you scratch my beautiful face?" Anger burned in her eyes.

"Control your temper, anger leads to poor judgment." Valin was somehow remaining calm through out this fight. He swing his chain once more this time completely missing Annabel. She ducked under the chain and charged him ready to thrust the knife through Valin's heart. She was met

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however by Valin's spike directly inline with her eyes "Your kind of slow, maybe I'm not the one whose a

sad excuse for a vampire." Valin scoffed thrusting the nail through one of her eyes. She backed up quickly clutching her eye and dropping the knife. Valin gave his chain one more quick whip knocking the knife across the floor.

Annabel moved on hand away from her eye, while blood ran down the other. "I can beat you unarmed." She ran at him full speed preparing to plunger her hand through Valin's heart. Valin stood ready for the two to collide. Once they had smashed into one another their bodies sat propped up to one another. "You know its funny this is how Vincent died as well." He whispered in her ear. As he twisted the nail in her heart, then pushed her off watching her fall. " The difference I will not die at the hand of someone like you." He walked over towards Caitlyn Who was crying in corner watching the blood shed. "Let's get you home." He helped her stand and walked her to Annabel's car and drove her home. Once they reached her door, they both went silent for a while."So your really a vampire?" She smiled towards him "At least this should help your story."

"Yeah." He half heartedly smiled back. " I'm sorry, that you had to be put through this."

"Its okay, I kind of figured I'd meet freaks in New York." Caitlyn giggled "Good night."

"Night." Valin grabbed her hand and kissed it good night, but before letting go licked the last bit of blood from her

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cut off her. "You really do taste sweet."*******

Life can fall apart for anyone in a matter of 48 hoursBut the strong can always find a way to rebuild

Where the road shall lead after that is up to designerBut no matter what happiness may find all those who seek it.

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BOOK 3:Pack Mentality

Pack mentality

In the natural world every creature exists with a rival speciesA creature that craves it,One that is craved by it

And one that craves the same thing as it.

Chapter 1: The past revivedFor a eighteen months now Valin had lived the half

existence of a vampire. Thriving on the blood of the few wild

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animals he could find in the area surrounding New York and on few occasions the blood of humans. Human blood, the true natural food source of his species, the taste that has not escaped his thoughts sense the heart breaking night he killed the one human companion he had.

October 31st, 2008, Halloween a night that had sense his change allowed Valin to feel normal. He was able to act as himself as everyone else acted different. There was no hiding his fangs avoiding be around groups, just him pretending to be a dressed as a vampire for the holiday. He made one of his first appearances in months. The cravings for human had become so bad he took on the role of the secluded author and made a small future on his bloodlust vampire series, the series was loved for the realism in the stories, and all he could do was laugh. Either way it had been a year sense the last chapter was released and the Annabel was brought to life. Caitlyn looked up at him, ”It’s your first time out in almost a year stop zoning.”

“Sorry, I was just thinking how good you looked tonight” He grinned showing his fangs

“yeah, yeah,” she smirked “ You still need to write a new story soon.”

“Bite me!”She slowly leaned into his ear teeth exposed

completely, with fake fangs an all for the evening “Isn’t that your job, Dracula” he scent floated through his mind peaking his cravings.

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The year around her had enabled him to control his cravings when she was around. “Don’t do that” He brushed her aside for the moment and approached his boss trying to come up with a new excuse for not having anything to turn in for a new novel as of yet. “So the best I got is , nothing” His boss burst into laughter.

“At least your honest this time” He smiled from ear to ear and grabbed what would have been his sixth jack and coke from a passing waiter. “I’m still making a fortune from your last two books so I can accept a wait on the next besides I just sold the movie rights anyway.” Valin looked at him blank eyed. “We’ll both be making a lot of that so just shoot for the third book in time for the first movie and life will be all good.” Valin blank eyed still grabbed a red wine from a passing waiter and smelled it enjoying the fragrance, his taste for drinks may have subsided but the aromas were all the more powerful. He raised the glass to cheer the news, and returned to his companion for the evening.

“I’m going to be a movie” he looked at her still confused

“I know” she grinned “It’s all over the net, what do you do all day.”

“Hunt animals, sleep, write a little then delete it all.” He shrugged and smelled his drink again, drowning out the smell of Caitlyn’s blood that filled the area around him. The scent of a woman’s blood so different to him than any other creature, it always felt to be the most pure to him. The

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night went on in a similar pattern, meet and greet, talk about the book and now thoughts on the film, then move on. Final the party came to an end and he and Caitlyn departed the office. “ You know your walking in the dark with the most deadly thing in the city, right?”

“I’m shacking in my boots,” She pretended to shutter “your about as deadly as a stray dog.”

“Hey, stray dogs can cause a lot of trouble.” he painted to a loose dog as he continued to walk. She looked at the dog that he pointed to.“I’ll show you” She stopped and walked over to the dog to pet it. As she got closer to the beast she was shocked at its massive size, “ must be a mix of big breads” As she spoke the dog turn and bit her and unleashing a pouring of blood from the wound Valin rushed to he side, as he approached the beasts hair began to stand on hen sending the dog in to a angry frenzy. Valin hissed at the beast trying to force it to back down. The dog however would not, until the howl of another caused it to run off.

“must have been part wol..” Valin stopped mid word as the scent of Caitlyn’s blood finally hit his nose. He turned to her, the taste of her blood that he licked off her hand filled his mind engulfing all senses. He began to hiss again. This time not struggling with another beast but with himself.

Valin awoke from his medically educed sleep, “enough tranquilizer for six elephants and it can’t give me an hour of peaceful sleep with out the cravings filling my mind.”

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His terrifying dream as released as a story previews for his third book along with preorders of the movie of the first. Even having modified to no sound like Caitlyn’s death he was still ashamed to have wrote it ,but it was his way to admit what he had done. Her actual death was officially released as loss of blood from an animal attack. He looked out his window to see a stray dog and his mind flashed again to that night. As terrible as what he did was he couldn’t help but to think on that overly large dog from that night and wonder why it bit her and why it wouldn’t back down, when even bears had. He climbed to the fire escape when night set in , to inhale the evening air, but something smelled wrong and familiar. “Vampires, but why?” Though the scents of new vampires bothered him what bothered him more was the smell of a familiar vampire. “Isabella?!”

Chapter 2: The first encounter

Her smell was unmistakable to him, the vampire that changed him, saved him, and died doing so. He climbed back into his loft to escaped the smell and so he would not be detected just yet. He walked to his closet and began to change cloths into the what he could find with the most range of motion. “ I don’t like this, I must figure out what’s going on.” For the first time sense he took Caitlyn’s life, he found his mind wandering to a different night and face, the night Isabella gave her life to save his. Is mind froze on he smiling face as

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they shared their first kiss before she passed. “I will make whoever is toying with her scent pay for what they have done.” He threw a coat then left on not a hunt for food but a hunt for vengeance. “ The scents near central park, that’s where I’ll start.

As Valin approached central park he viewed four cloaked entities surrounding what he could only make out as the shadow of so creature. The four bodies lunged at whatever they were surrounding with a fury unlike anything Valin had ever seen before. Shredding the creature to bits with a mix of several close combat bladed weapons and their own bare hands. When the four being had finally finished they turned to look at Valin who in is lost for words had stopped moving and just stared at the activity. “Another of our kind thin this city, This changes things.” The heads of the four quickly turned to a fifth being watching from atop a tree branch. “What do we do with him my lady?”

The cloak woman in the tree turned to towards Valin, “We for the time being will not concern ourselves with him.” She had a sweet angelic sounding voice that pierced Valin’s soul. His mind began to dizzy and before he could say anything more the five cloaked vampires were gone. He darted quickly towards the tree where the female lead was perched to see if they left any remnants. The closer got the scent of something salty filled his brain.

“tears?” Once he reached the perch his mind filled with a partial image of a woman’s face cloaked with a tear

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running down it. He turned towards the sky and screamed. “What is going on?” After his fit of confusion, he turned downward to examine what remained the their prey. What he saw was a massive mound of flesh shredded to the point of little recognition. Leaping from the tree he landed near the remains to get a closer look. Upon the further inspection is was able to make out several characteristics of paws and a snout similar to that of a wolf or large dog. As he tried to find any other specific traits of the beast the remaining flesh petrified as if turned to ash then blew off into the wind. He stood more confused than ever, trying to find the scent of the five cloaked assailants, but is efforts seemed in vane they left no lasting scent traces as if they had vanished into thin air.

******Four of the hooded entities began to hang up their

weapons and cloaks in a dark basement as the sun began to rise. One of which was a thin build red headed young girl after her cloak was secure she looked to the final entity still shrouded in her cloak. “My lady, Why did we not ask that stranger to join us in our hunt? His life is at stake as well with these beasts on the loose.”

“Enough Kathryn, we will not force others into the hunt unnecessarily.” The leaned back into a chair.

“but My lady” A bulkier short haired man stood up. “ Any help would be useful most of us have never been here and a local may prove helpful. I believe we should request his aid.”

“Eric you shall not question my orders.” She raised

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here hand to him. “ I will approach this vampire once this hunt is over and the time is write. First me must deal with these wolves.” The four others bowed to her and took their leave. “He will be with us soon enough” She whispered to herself as they left.

“Maria, Eric, What were you thinking questioning her orders.” A tall blonde woman questioned the two after they had left the room. “She’s older, wiser, and more powerful than any of us we need to trust her judgment.”

“I know Maria, but given the situation I fear for the safety of us all.” Eric stopped in his stride. “these creatures can not only eat our food source but they also have enough power to kill out kind. Six have died before us.”

“I am perfectly aware of how many of our kind have died facing these beasts, I don’t need that information.” She shook her head thinking of the lost brethren “ That was before we were joined by your leader, I know of her past and have full faith in her.” The fourth member of the group stood towering over Maria, nodding behind her. His through was scared across it, a wound from his first encounter with one of the beasts that had never healed and taken his voice.

Chapter 3: Informed Consequences

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Back at his apartment Valin did not try to sleep through the day with medications, instead spent the day searching the with his computer trying to find anything about his species that he could, or any mythology that related to the petrifaction of the dead beast from the prior night. Upon viewing several sites, his search lead him to a message board with a title that peaked his attention. A blinking screen with the words, local vampire, the cloaked hold the answers you seek. He immediately clicked the message brining up an instant messaging program. “Are you one of the five from last night.” He frantically typed, then stared at the computer awaiting a response.

“Yes, young vampire. I am Kathryn and I seek an audience with you. It must however be without the knowledge of my peers.” Her typed words rang in his head as if spoken face to face.

“When and where?” He eagerly responded.“How about central park, where we first came in

contact?”“Fine, I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Valin typed his

final message, slammed closed his laptop, and took off. He arrived at his destination in just under 3 minutes. Guess I should have said five instead of ten He began to pace back and forth, frustrated about what he did not know and would soon find out.

“You need to be more patient” A voice called Jumping down from a near by tree. “I know I said it online but

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either way I am Kathryn and am here to help.“We’ll see how much you can help” Valin looked

over the petite red head. “Let’s start with a simple one, Who are you five?”

“We are what remains of the guardians of our species.” She took a seat on a near by fountain. “We are tasked with the job of making sure our kind remains hidden, eliminating threats to the breed, and eliminating any vampire that risks the status quo.”

“You know, you guys suck at your jobs.” Valin chuckled sitting beside her. “ Vampires that threaten the status quo, feel like explaining where you were with Vincent?”

“We’re doing are best working on it.” She objected“Working on it? He’s already dead , killed by

Isa….bella” A somber tone enveloped Valin’s voice, thinking of his lost love.

“Well,” Kathryn prepared her words carefully, “He’s not exactly dead.” She spoke hesitantly as she watched his eyes spread wide. “That’s partially why I brought you here” She inhaled deeply and continued. “Vincent’s unique blood caused an issue because of the location he was buried”

“The place he was buried shouldn’t matter, he died either way.” His eyes flamed in a fury of anger and frustration.

“It wasn’t the place so much as the inhabitants.” She struggled to convey her thoughts into words. “After his burial, due to some scarcity of prey, a wolf dug up his remains to feed on them. Some how, and we’re still working on figuring out

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the exact details, his blood caused a mutation in the wolf which resulted in a half wolf, half humanoid from.”

“So he went from vampire to werewolf.” Valin began to become over taken by the frustration of the situation and more confused than he had been in months.

“No werewolves are folklore, that can change shape and don’t exist. He’s a humanesque wolf that can change people by bite.” Kathryn suddenly stopped for a moment. “Okay, so he’s the first werewolf.”

“Hold on a moment.” He held her story for a moment. “By change people you mean, what?”

“Yes, well he feeds un blood as vampires do.” She paused again trying to come up with the right words. “ I should have prepared a speech. Anyway, his victims don’t become like him though, they become creatures like you saw the other evening. Giant wolves only obedient to their pack leader, only desiring blood, human or ours.”

“Let me sum this up so I know I have a grasp on the situation.” He in haled. “Vincent is back from the dead as a werewolf, that can eat humans and vampires, and is filling the city with big fucking wolves.” Valin slammed his forehead into his palms. “So the smell of Isabella in the city is she one as well. Or did she just die for nothing?”

“First, she is not one of them. Second, How do you actually know Isabella?” It was Kathryn’s turn to have a confused question for a change.

“She was the one who changed me and I was there

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when she killed Vincent the first time.” He attempted to hold back his sadness of reliving that day. “She also died in my arms.”

Kathryn sat stunned for a moment. “ I must take my leave now, but if you saw Vincent’s first death you may be a target.” She turned to leave. “Invest in a strong weapon” Those were her last words before taking off into the rising sun.

Chapter 4: Preparation for battle

“Kathryn, you missed patrol last night.” The leader of the guardians stared down at her as she returned to their hideout.

“I’m sorry my lady. I was distracted by the past.” She hung her cloak up. “ I saw someone who reminded me of another time. You ever have that? See someone from a past life that reminds you of say an old love?” Kathryn’s tone became snide

“What are you getting at?” Her leader’s voice boomed, drawing the attention of the others.

“I’m getting at how do we know we can trust you?”

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She protested. “You’ve hidden so much of your past from us.”“Kathryn control yourself.” Eric stepped between

them “It’s not our place to question her. She’s been around the longest and is the strongest among us.

“Would you follow her to her and your death, again.” Kathryn’s eyes pierced through the their leader. “I’ve learned a lot during my journey through the past tonight”

“You disobeyed me.” The leader reprimanded.“He deserved to know and be safe.” Kathryn’s

protest continued, “He only knows about Vincent causing them and what they are, but I shouldn’t have had to be the one to tell him.” The three other guardians looked to here with questioning eyes.

“So you did learn a lot. Know that a scarred heart can heal in time, but a fully pierced can not.” She warned and taught in the same sentence. “All else will be dealt with in time.”

“He knows more than you think.” Kathryn turned and stormed out of the room. Mumbling under her breath “He’s stronger thank you as well.” She was soon followed out the door by the others

“I know he is, but I can’t deal with him yet.” The leader fell back into her chair.

Once they had escaped the ear shot of their leader Maria looked to Kathryn. “What did you learn tonight?”

“ More than I probably should have know that our

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lady is who we believe her to be.”“ Of course she is you of all people should know

that, you’ve seen her face.” Eric contested.“Then I should tell you everything that transpired

last night.”

“Can I help you sir?” An old clerk asked as Valin entered another antiquities shop

“Possibly, your’s is the fourth store today.” Valin grabbed a stack of research from a messenger bag he held. “ I’m looking for a hand forged, extensively sharp sword or ax.”

“I may have something, but what you seek is not a cheap item.: The clerk dug through a near by shelf.

“I can afford it.” Valin watched him puzzled. “That shelf seems a bit small to hold what I need.”

“Silence boy, I’m looking for the key to my safe.” The elderly clerk announced pulling a small key from the shelf. “ Before I get the item, it’s fifteen thousand dollars.” As the old man spoke Valin pulled a large stack of hundred dollar bills from his bag. “I’m sorry I did not believe you sir, but this item is worth much more than that amount and you’re the first to seek a similar item in over fifty years.” The old clerk unlocked the safe and pulled out a long thin cloth bag. “This blade shall never dull for you.” He handed the bag over to Valin. Who proceeded to remove the sword from the bag. It was a long sleek Japanese style sword. He examined the white leather Ito of the handle, leading to a dragon decorated tsuba.

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The years had been good to the sword even the scabbard was in impeccable condition. He drew the blade and checked its sharpness against his own tough skin. It went through with ease his blood pouring into the blades grooved back. The clerk turned his eyes has Valin held the blade up the light and it began to sparkle. “It is the only diamond edged sword to exist, forged for an emperor thought to be immortal by his people.

“If its diamond bladed why so cheap?” He asked hesitant of the clerks statement.

“Because lack of blood is finally taking my life.” The old clerk walked to the back of the shop. “and our kind that have found the same truth must stick together.” Valin smiled as the clerk vanished from site. Returning the sword to its bag he left the shop.

“Tonight I join the hunt.” He clutched his new sword “For those beasts and the truth of her scent.”

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Chapter 5: Into battle

As night set in Valin sat dressed in all black from head to toe. Tucking his sword into a trench coat he threw on, he set out to hunt. I’ll start by finding those five vampires. He perched on his roof, eyes closed searching for their scents. Kathryn’s was the first that he found, it was faint but definitely hers. Five miles north. He leapt from the roof and charged on toward her and the others. As hard as he pushed his speed he could not seem to gain ground on their scents. I was hoping to be a little faster than this without having to waste my energy. The scents he chased finally stopped moving, but a different scent filled and burned his nostrils now. What is that, I‘ve smelled it before somewhere, that must be one of them. He grabbed hold of his sword tucked in his coat. He arrived at the scene to see Kathryn flung to the ground and the others breathing heavily. He then glanced to the enemy, 3 wolf shaped creatures huddled in a pack with one almost twice the size of the others. “You guys alright?” He didn’t give them time to answer either way. “The big ones been around at least a year.” The scent of the beast that had burned his nostrils final made itself known what it was. The dog that got away the last time he had fed a human blood was now in front of him.

“How do you know that?” Kathryn struggled to her feet.

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“I came across it, last Halloween.” Valin joined her and the others, sword drawn ready to take on the creatures. “We can talk about that latter, now we just need to kill it.” The others were hesitant for a moment to accept his help.

“It will be our privilege to have your aid.” Eric nodded to him. “But we must have a long discussion once this battle has concluded.” Four of the cloaked guardians took fighting posture, with the leader still in range of scent but nowhere to be seen. While the prepared the wolves took an initial charge, the smaller two attacking the guardians while the leader set his sights directly on Valin. The wolf quickly closed the space between itself and him, But before they could make contact Eric’s massive body slammed into the approaching wolf with full force. “Thank you, but your friends need you more.” Valin hinted to the others struggling with the wolves. The mammoth vampire shook his head.” Fine, suit yourself.” A smirk filled Valin’s face as he sheeted his sword. He removed his coat and taking a guarded, dashing stance. Within a blink of an eye he flew towards the wolf. Once mere inches from the beast he drew his sword, splitting the beast in two with ease. He relaxed the blade against his shoulder as the wolfs blood and the blade changed to ash and blew away in the wind. “Told ya.” The large vampire just blinked in astonishment. “ Your friends have finished as well, you didn’t get to have any fun big guy.” He smiled as the others approached. I guess she got away, o well. He discarded his own thoughts for a while “So probably time for that long talk.

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Well you know something about me how about we start with you.”

“I am Eric third ranked guardian” He stepped forward to begin the introductions. “The large gentleman is Ingolf, he lost his ability to speak in our first fight with the beasts and is also a third ranked. She’s.” He was interrupted quickly

“I am Maria and it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The blonde approached him. “I’m a second ranked, but feel free to be my superior cutie.” Kathryn cut in front of her and backed her away from Valin.

“That’ll be enough of that” She shook her head. “ You didn’t even want us talking to him because of orders, your not allowed to try to play with him now.”

“Your so mean.” Marie pouted“Enough ladies. We have other things to deal with,

like what happened to leader.” Eric stopped the quarrel. “And Valin, where did you learn to fight?”

“Guess I should start from the beginning.” Valin sat and inhaled, then went into an abridged version of all that had transpired sense becoming a vampire. “So that about sums it up.” The four looked at one another trying to form a thought about everything. “For a more detailed version buy the Bloodlust, book series.” He jokingly plugged his books. “now moving on, If your leaders looking for Vincent the cave he died in is about forty miles north, so she’s probably going there.” He pointed up the road. “Shall we go, It’s about twenty

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minutes and she’s already got a good ten on us I’d guess.”“Valin, we have something we should probably tell

you.” Maria shyly interrupted“We’ll deal with that in about an hour when this is

all said and done.” He took off toward the cave, while the others just shrugged and followed.

The dark figure of the guardian leader looked on a cliff over looking a the small cave where Vincent had died. “Time to finally end this.” She stood high, drawing a pair of jewel encrusted daggers. As she stood the wind blew her cloak drifting her scent towards the cave. As it reached the entrance of the gave the wolves began to flood the entrance. Here we go. She jumped from the cliff and charged the cave blades ready to slice through any wolf between her and their creator, Vincent.

“Keep up you guys, We’re almost there.” Valin lead the way to the cave with the guardians trailing behind

“Some of us are trying to conserve energy, darling.” Maria rebutted, with Ingolf nodding behind her.

“If my speed now is going to exhaust you, you’re a sad lot of vampires.” He turned, running backward at the same pace. “Tisk, Tisk, and I’m supposed to be the weakening one without human blood in my system.” Valin’s statement made Eric abruptly stop and begin shuffling through a small bag on his hip. After a moment of riffling he pulled out two small red

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pouches.“Your going to need these.” Eric handed Valin the

pouches. “We may drink blood, but not directly from people. We own a few blood banks.” He tucked his bag away. “Drink one now for strength and do what you want with the other.” Valin nodded in thanks, as he bit into the bag. Eric smiled “You know at full speed we’ll be there in about two minutes tops.” Eric watched Valin has he finished the pouch of blood and every muscle in his body tensed and released. “Shall we.” They all nodded and took off dead sprint for their final fight.

The vampire leader stood, breathing heavily in front of an unnatural door way in the bowels of the cave, surrounded by the bodies of several dozen wolves turning to ash. She opened the door and was greeted by a wolf’s face at eye level. She hacked up quickly as the head rose another two feet. Vincent towered as a wolf standing on hind legs, long furred human like arms leading to fully possible razor sharp clawed hands. “Wow, Vincent you’ve gotten bigger and” she paused a moment “uglier. Have you been eating Russians again?”

“Don’t you think your funny” The beast growled at her. He scrutinized her with both eye and nose. “The cloak doesn’t suit you, but in death this time it won’t matter.” He batted her across the cave with one tremendous swipe of his arm. “At least you’ll make a good dinner.” he lowered himself to all four, still standing as tall as and average man. He began to circle his prey. She quickly began to search for her dropped

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weapons to try to defend at least with some distance from him. “They won’t help you.” The beast lunged at her. Fear finally took her over as she clenched her eyes closed preparing for death. After a moment passed she opened her eyes confused to still be living. She searched to trying to lay eyes on the creature. She was shocked to find the shape of a man holding a glistening sword under Vincent’s massive teeth bearing down on him.

“Stand up and get out of the way this isn’t easy.” Valin’s strained voice commanded echoing in the chamber. Only glancing over his shoulder watching for her to be out of the way. Finally Ingolf swept in and scooped her up. When they were finally cleared Valin pushed up off the ground with his legs, leaping onto the back of Vincent’s head driving him face first into the ground where she had laid. “Damn, you’re a clumsy critter.” Valin laughed as the final three guardians surrounded their leader.

“My lady,” Kathryn eyed her. “Your hoods missing.” She looked at the ripped fabric from the back of the cloak. The other guardians just gazed at her, aside from Kathryn this was the first time any had laid eyes on their leaders face.

“Well that’s a shame.” Maria gawked. “She’s prettier than me.” Kathryn stepped in front of their leader blocking the wondering eyes.

“Can we please have the touchy feely moments after the giant werewolf is dead.” Valin barked, hiding a small tear in his eye after glancing at the groups leader. Vincent rose

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from the ground, shaking of several smashed bits of earth that had tangled in his fur.

“The world is just full of surprises, I get a second chance to kill you as well.” Vincent’s mind brought back his last encounter with Valin.

“Yeah, guess so.” Valin sheathed his sword. “I’m pretty sure I’m not the abomination to the species this time, though” He shifted to a guarding stance and was soon joined by Kathryn, Eric, and Maria. Ingolf chose however to stay back restraining their leader from joining the fight. “Keep and eye on her big guy.” Valin yelled to him. I don’t want to lose her. His thought was interrupted by a suddenly upright Vincent howling. “There’s nothing left in fifty miles to level the playing field.”

“I’m not calling help, I’m praying for your souls when I kill you.” He scanned over the four vampires choosing his first target. He settled on Maria and rushed her. Tucking his head down under her, he lifted it up slamming it first into her torso then her into the roof of the cave. He then turned to the others and licked one of his claws. “ That’s one down.” He swiped the claw downward through the air.

“You know, I remember you being more classy than that.” Valin shook his head in shame and motioned for Kathryn to go check on Maria. She was alive but complete unconscious. “Eric you have any thoughts right now?”

“Fornication under consent of the king.” Eric’s response was shaky.

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“What?” Valin angrily questioned his statement.“Fuck.” Eric nodded. “We are fucked.”Valin shook his head. “Glad you have confidence at

all.” He inhaled deeply. “Guess I’m on my own.” He drew his sword switching form his defensive stance to an offensive. His body lowered, drawing his sword back with his right hand in a thrusting position. His left hand slid down the back of the blade to act as an aiming guide. He dashed forward ready to drive the blade through Vincent’s heart. Unfortunately Vincent shifted at the last moment to Valin’s right causing the blade to miss entirely. Before he could lay a counter attack however he was slammed hard in the stomach by Valin’s forearm and elbow, dropping him to his knees. Valin’s body smoothly rotated to the side, raising his blade to strike the beast dead. The blade swung down with incredible force but was ripped from his hands half way through the cut, as the wolf’s body lunged forward from the pain.

“You will pay for that you miserable whelp.” Vincent flew toward Valin. Before he knew what was happening, He found himself on the ground. Vincent stood above him reaching around to his back and pulling out the half ensnared sword. “It’s a very nice sword maybe its time for it to taste your blood.” He plunged the sword into Valin’s hand and deep into the ground, pinning Valin down. “Now you sit there and watch your partners die.” He turned away, licking his lips. Valin tossed around from the pain of his hand, struggling to try to pull the blade out of his hand, but to no avail. His ears

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pierced by the sudden scream of Kathryn trying to protect Maria’s unconscious body. He slammed his fist against the earth striking something metal. One of the leaders daggers lay on the ground near him, in clung to the weapon. With his good hand and ripped his other hand from the sword, splitting his hand from the point of impalement up between his middle and ring figure. He struggled to his feet and with all his remaining energy he dove towards Vincent’s back attempting to impale his heart before drifting into unconsciousness.

Chapter 6: Peaceful end

Valin awoke in a haze, the crying face of Isabella

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hovering over him. “Great, I lost and died.” He half smiled accepting the peaceful eternity of death.

“Your not dead.” A scratchy voice he had not heard before called to him. He rotated his head toward the direction of the voice to see Ingolf sitting atop the petrified body of Vincent, smiling.

“Sense when can you talk?” Valin looked puzzled scanning the room of all the laughing faces of the guardians. He forced himself to sit up every muscle aching. He took a moment to process everything.” So Vincent’s dead, Ingolf can talk, and there’s a ghost staring at me.” He nodded to himself “ Well I’m losing my mind but at least I have my second bag of …. Damn.” he reached for his pocket and pulled out a broken blood donation pouch. He dropped his head bummed.

“Aww, poor baby, let me comfort you.” Maria started to run toward him, but was cut off by Kathryn. “But Katie”

“First don’t call me Katie.” She shook her head. “Second your not acting becoming of your job, even if the battle is over.”

“But” Maria tried to argue and was stopped.“Besides that’s her job.” Kathryn whispered point to

the figure of Isabella, who was slowly walking towards Valin with a new blood pouch.

“A girl just can’t get a break.” Maria dropped her head.

“Guess I owe you more than a pouch of blood.” She spoke softly as she approached. “ Guess I’ll explain while you

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drink.” She leaned down to hand him the pouch, but when she extended her hand with the bag, he grabbed her and swept her into his arms. He just held her not saying a word with teach rolling down his face.

“I don’t care why or how.” He smiled “ I have you with me and that’s all that matters.”

“Yeah, Yeah, touching end and all.” Eric interrupted the moment. “You two can go off into the sunrise latter, but what do we do about the giant wolf statue that hasn’t blown into ash yet?” He waited impatiently for a response. Valin finally released Isabella and cleared his emotions again.

“We cause a cave in and just leave it her to get smashed.” he organized his person and found his sword in the cave. Then headed for the door. “Come on or I’ll cave in in with you all in here.” The looked to each other and quickly followed behind.

“Valin, you wouldn’t really bury us in her right?” Maria whimpered. He didn’t respond. “Right? Right?”

“Maybe not you Maria, but scarifies and what not.” He grinned as they exited the cave into the sunlight.

“Will you two behave.” Isabella reprimanded them like children.

“Punish me latter.” Valin kissed her softly “Besides right now I’m just glad to be kind of alive.”

Its been said that in life history repeats itself.This rings more and more true with every passing day

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Creatures are born, live, and die Only with the hope to one day live again

But if given a second chance at the life will they let it slip away again

Or let their happiness finally take root Knowing I will love you no matter what and we will be together again