Download - ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    August 15, 2014

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    The ValuEngine Weekly is an Investor Education newsletter focused on the quantitative approach toinvesting and the tools available from In today's fast-moving and globalied financial markets! it is easy to

    get overloaded with information" The winners will adopt an ob#ective! scientific! independent andunemotional approach to investing" If you are not yet a member of ValuEngine's stock analysis service!

    sign up now for a two-week free trial atwww"valuengine"com$

    VALUATION WARNING: Our Valuation WARNING is back ON. Overvaluedstocks now make u !!" o# our stocks assi$ned a valuation and %%.!&"o# t'ose e(uities are calculated to be overvalued b) %*" or more. ALLsectors are calculated to be overvalued++#our b) double di$its.


    Inde, -tarted week rida) A/ 0'an$e 0'an$e " )td

    12IA %&(")( %&&*+", &%.*3 *.4!" *.55"

    NA-1A6 *,(", **. !%.!% 7.53" !.44"

    RU--8LL %*** %%,&"* %%*", 7%.34 7.*&" +7.%9"

    -; 4** %+,,"*, %+*"+, 74.4 *.

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier



    -ector 0'an$e /T1 =T1 Valuation Last 7%+/Return


    Aerosace -."%*/ %"%(/ -%"&/ +"),/ overvalued )&",%/ %+",

    Auto+Tires+Trucks .")./ %".&/ ,")/ ",/ overvalued %*"&/ %&"+(

    ?asic /aterials -.",&/ ."(*/ "&+/ "&./ overvalued "*/ )("&

    ?usiness -ervices ."../ %".*/ .",/ &"+/ overvalued %&"../ )"%(

    0omuter and Tec'nolo$) -.".*/ .")/ ,"%+/ %)"/ overvalued %%"+&/ ,)"

    0onstruction .",/ )"+&/ %"&*/ ,"*)/ overvalued %)".+/ )"&

    0onsumer 1iscretionar) ."./ %"*/ -."%,/ ",(/ overvalued %%".(/ )&"&&

    0onsumer -tales .",,/ %"(./ ",+/ %,",,/ overvalued %)"*)/ )*"&)

    inance .")*/ %")./ ,"%*/ ")(/ overvalued +".*/ %

    Industrial ;roducts ."%)/ ."*(/ -."*/ ("*./ overvalued %)".+/ ))"*)

    /edical ."*/ %"%./ "./ +"(./ overvalued ),"%+/ )"+(

    /ulti+-ector 0on$lomerates ."%(/ ."%/ ,"()/ %%"/ overvalued %)")./ ),"),

    Oils+8ner$) -.")./ ."**/ %,"%,/ +"&&/ overvalued %("+&/ )

    Retail+W'olesale .")/ %",%/ -*"%./ "(/ overvalued ."./ )*"*%

    Transortation ."*&/ %"%/ &"%(/ %%"(./ overvalued )&"&,/ )%"&,

    Utilities ."*)/ ."%./ &"(&/ "/ overvalued %%",&/ )."+)

    ValuEngine Newsletters atest Results

    V8 Newsletter 0urrent /ont' Total -; 4** Last /ont' Total -; 4** -inceIncetion


    orecast /N- +!.3!4957&35 +7.34 !.4< 7.

    View *.3& +7.9! %.7< %.*5 7%5.54 95.&

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    Se!t"r Tal#$In%ustrial &r"%u!tsBelow, we present the latest data on leading Industrial Products Sector stocks

    from our Institutional software package (VEI. These results were filtered by marketprice and volume--no results below !"share or less than #$$k shares"day volume.

    To+ive Industrial ;roducts -ector -tocks++-'ort+Term orecast Returns

    Ticker Name /kt ;rice Valuation@" Last 7%+/Retn@"

    ;BG 012314I54 2670 &"+ -%". %+"&)

    A00O 1226 87159: 20 ( -+"% -%")

    18 9EE7E ; 26 *"+ -*"%) ,"%

    /NTC : I52 &%"(( -%" %&",+

    AO- :

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    To+ive Industrial ;roducts -ector -tocks++/ost Overvalued

    Ticker Name /kt ;rice Valuation@" Last 7%+/Retn@"

    ;LUG 0BC4 06WE7 I52 &"%% "), %*)&")

    NOR 5671591 1BC:>: 1CT6

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    W*at+s "t""$vervaluation 1reeps %ack 2p

    alungine tracks more than 8$$$ /S e9uities, %'(s, and foreign stock which trade

    on /S e6changes as well as :#$$$ )anadian e9uities. ;hen PS estimates areavailable for a given e9uity, our model calculates a level of mispricing or valuationpercentage for that e9uity based on earnings estimates and what the stock should

    be worth if the market were totally rational and efficient--an academic e6ercise to besure, but one which allows for useful comparisons between e9uities, sectors, andindustries. /sing our aluation 5odel, we can currently assign a valuation

    calculation to more than 24$$ stocks in our /S /niverse.

    ;e combine all of the e9uities with a valuation calculation to track market valuation

    figures and use them as a metric for making calls about the overall state of themarket. %s of yesterday of stocks are overvaluedand 22> of those stocks are overvalued by 2$> or more. Thus our short respite from a

    aluation ;arning--which began last week--is over and the aluation ;arning isback +&. This may fluctuate a bit with the ups and downs of the market because =?>is our cutoff. ;e

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    Sutt-eier Sa.s

    ""1ommentary and (nalysis from 1hief Market Strategist.ichard Suttmeier

    If you have any co!!ents or "uestions, sen# the! to


    'reasury iel#s

    #$-0ear--A2.3$ 5onthly, 9uarterly value levels are 2.?3? and .$34 with a weeklypivot at 2.32$ and daily, annual and semiannual risky levels at 2.88, 2.2=, #.CCC and


    $-0ear Bond D A.#C % 9uarterly value level is .C8# with annual and weekly pivots

    at .24 and .2?, and daily, monthly, annual and semiannual risky levels at .#4?,.#84, .#$8 and .$42.

    Co!!o#ities an# )ore*

    )ome6 1old DA!##.C 5onthly, and 9uarterly value levels are !#$3. and !#23.=

    with daily, weekly, semiannual and annual risky levels at !#2C$.8, !#?2., !#=#.$,

    !#84.8, !#838.3 and !#4#4.4.

    &yme6 )rude +il D A!C?.?$ &o value levels with weekly and daily pivots at !C=.3? and!C?.=$ and semiannual, annual, monthly and 9uarterly risky levels at !#$=.34, !#$8.?2and !#$8.8$.

    The uro D A#.=8 5y semiannual value level is #.22$ with daily and annual pivots at#.2C and #.42 and weekly, monthly and 9uarterly risky levels at #.3C4, #.8$ and


    +aor In#ices

    'aily 'ow-- A#=8#3 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are #=?3,#=#$, #34? and #3=8 with weekly and monthly risky levels at #=44? and#=48#, the Euly #8 all-time intraday high at #8#?#.?=, and 9uarterly and

    semiannual risky levels at #88? and #4??2.
  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    SFP ?$$ D A#C??.2 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are #C2C.$4,#84C., #?C.# and #332.# with weekly and monthly risky levels at #C8C.4 and

    #C8$.2, the Euly 23 all-time intraday high at #CC#.C, and 9uarterly and

    semiannual risky levels at 2$?2. and 2$4$..

    &%S'%G D A33? 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are 33$3, C82,38# and $= with weekly and monthly risky levels at 33CC and 33?$, theEuly multiyear intraday high at 334?.C and 9uarterly and semiannual risky

    levels at 3?=C and 3=32.

    &%S'%G #$$ A&'H D AC=C 'aily, monthly, 9uarterly, semiannual and

    annual value levels are C#, C2?, 4C3, $84 and 2==C with the Euly 23multiyear intraday high at CC8.?$, and weekly and semiannual risky levels

    at 3$#$ and 3#$?.

    'ow Transports D A423? 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are 4##4,832, =23C and ?C? with weekly, monthly, 9uarterly and semiannual risky

    levels at 43#2, 42C2, 42?= and 4338 and the Euly 2 all-time intraday high at4?#?.$3.

    (ussell 2$$$ D A##3.3 %nnual value levels are C==.82 and 48C.C withsemiannual and daily pivots at ##C.4# and ##32.2#, weekly and monthlyrisky levels at ##?2.4? and ##?=.$#, the Euly # all-time intraday high at

    #2#.??, and semiannual and 9uarterly risky levels at #24?.8 and #2C.##.

    The S+H D A=#4.2= 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are =$4.C2,

    =$4.$2, ?#2.C3, 8#.?4 and 8.83 with weekly and 9uarterly pivots at =2=.#=and =2=.C=, the Euly #= multiyear intraday high =?2.24 and monthly riskylevel at =?3.?$.

    'ow /tilities A?3?.C# 'aily, semiannual and annual value levels are ?4.22,?2.82 and 3C8.?, with 9uarterly and annual pivots at ?=.33 and ?34.8$,

    weekly and monthly risky levels at ?=8.2= and ?8C.8, the Eune $ all-timeintraday high at ?8=.C4 and semiannual risky level at =#2.3C.

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    -tock of the .ay

    +ne of the more popular features of (ichard Suttmeier

  • 8/11/2019 ValuEngine Weekly:Standard Pacific,TJMaxx,Industrial Product Stocks,and Suttmeier


    (ichard Suttmeier has been a professional in the /S )apital 5arkets since #C82

    transferring his engineering skills to the trading and investment world. Je earned aBachelor of Industrial ngineering degree from 1eorgia Institute of Technology in#C==, and a 5aster of Science, +perations (esearch, Systems %nalysis degree fromBrooklyn Polytechnic /niversity in #C8$. +ver the years (ichard appeared many times

    in the financial media, on networks such as )&B), )&&, )&&fn, &ew 0ork #,Bloomberg T and radio, *o6 Business, Business &ews &etwork in )anada, ;all Street;eek with *ortune, 0ahoo *inance Breakout, and the Bill 5a7er (adio Show. (ichard

    has been fre9uently 9uoted in /S% Today, The &0 Times, ;all Street Eournal, (euters,and The 'ow Eones &ewswires.

    Wit' Ric'ard -uttmeierFs

    /ornin$ ?rie#in$E )ou $etdail) anal)sis o# U-

    Treasur) =ieldsE GoldE0rude OilE and 0urrenc)8,c'an$e Rates++1ollarE

    =enE ;oundE and 8uro++aswell as ke) tec'nical

    indicators #or t'e maHore(uit) avera$es.

    0lick D8R8 to -i$nU #or 0'ie# /arket-trate$ist Ric'ard

    -uttmeierFs/ornin$ ?rie#in$