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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Lean UXResearch methods

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Already existing

• Personas • Context of Use • Hypothesis


Goalto validate your hypothesis to validate concepts, functionalities, design

!Research QuestionStep 1:

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

• clear statement• short and specific!• What are you interested in to find out (exactly)?• Which function do you want to evaluate?


Research QuestionNO GENERAL REMARKS like

• user friendly• intuitive• do they like it

Formulate task oriented and verifiable


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question Example

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2017; Compare 3 LayOuts ; by Team xperience

Which LayOut is best?

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question Example

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2017; Compare 3 LayOuts ; by Team xperience

Which LayOut is best?

Criteria of Success

Perception: How fast are users abel to extract relevant information?

Memorability: Are Users able to remember what they have seen?If users can remember more details … the layout is better.

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question Example

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2015; KHG-mobile App ; by Team UX-Inc.

smart phone App - Push Notifications

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2015; KHG-mobile App ; by Team UX-Inc.

How to test?(MVP / research method)

Discuss and suggest


2 minutes

smart phone App - Push Notifications


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2015; KHG-mobile App ; by Team UX-Inc.

Examplesmart phone App - Push Notifications

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2015; KHG-mobile App ; by Team UX-Inc.

Examplesmart phone App - Push Notifications

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research Question

Source: HSA - IMS.UX 2015; KHG-mobile App ; by Team UX-Inc.

Simulation of Interaction by Texting (SMS) is MVP (not method)

Research Method: Questionnaire

Examplesmart phone App - Push Notifications

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Research MethodsOverview

Qualitative Quantitative•describes the qualities or characteristics of something

•provide details about human behavior, emotion, and personality characteristics

•helps to understand why people do the things they do

•any research that can be measured

•provide data that can be expressed in numbers

•answers questions like “How many people clicked here”



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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John



Example: Interviewing the head of the household to find out how decisions are made within the family when purchasing breakfast foodstuffs

A formal questionnaire may restrict the discussion and prevent a full exploration of the processes.

Instead prepare a brief guide, listing perhaps ten major open-ended questions …

Exploratory questionnaire: • collection of qualitative data• no statistically evaluation• probably no formal questionnaire needed

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John



Benefits: Quantification: Standardized measurements

Generalization: generalizing a finding from a sample to the greater population.

Communication: easier to communicate findings by referring to standardized metrics.

Quick Comparisons: it’s easy to compare different design iterations throughout the development process.

Formal standardized questionnaire: • to test and quantify hypothesis• to be analyzed statistically

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Source:IMS.UX 2015, KHG-App; Team Taube



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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


QuestionnaireBasic types of questions

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John



treated as

Rating Scales / Agreement Scales

multiple choice

multiple choice


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


Source: by Chris Gray

How to Create?

Step 1What are your objectives for the survey?Formulated research topics / field

Step 2Find questions to cover them

Step 3Group similar questionsOrder them logically

Step 4Pre-Test your survey with a small sub-group of your audience

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

QuestionnaireQuestions - How to phrase?

• easy to understand

• appropriate for your audience

Source: by Chris Gray

!This doesn’t mean that they are qualified to answer them, or are able to provide insightful feedback.

People can and will answer just about any question put in front of them

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

QuestionnaireQuestions - How to phrase?

• One Issue (concept) per questionDon’t combine two in one

(Does climate change exist + politics do not care)

Source: by Chris Gray

• avoid double negatives or confusing questions

(Don’t you think, this isn’t true?)

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

QuestionnaireQuestions - How to phrase?

• use balanced rating scales (positive - negative)

Source: by Chris Gray

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

QuestionnaireQuestions - How to phrase?

• use open questions

Not: Do you think, that … yes/noBut: To what extend do you agree         with the following …

• allow „Don’t Know“ as multiple choice option

• combine multiple choice with Text field for explanations (why, comments)

• keep the survey short

Source: by Chris Gray

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


Source: by Chris Gray

When to use Surveys?

• Who your users are• What your users want• What they purchase• Where they shop• What they own• What they think of your brand or product

Effective method for identifying:

Generally: to understand the user

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


Source: by Chris Gray

When to use Surveys?

• Gathering feedback on a live product or during a pilot

• Exploring the reasons people visit a website and assessing their experience of that visit

In UX context

• Quantifying results from qualitative research activities

• Evaluating usability

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


Source: by Chris Gray

When to use Surveys?


Avoid asking about behaviour!


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

What users say and what they do are different- Jacob Nielsen


The critical failing: You're asking people to either remember past use or speculate on future use of a system.

Human memory is fallible. People can't remember the details of how they used a website, and they often tend to make up stories to rationalize whatever they do remember (or misremember) so that it sounds more logical than it really is.

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

What users say and what they do are different- Jacob Nielsen


This is why Agile development and paper prototyping methods are valuable.

When users have something concrete to interact with, it's usually obvious when you're solving their problems in a way that's easy and pleasant to work with — and equally obvious when you're not.

Users are pragmatic and concrete.

They typically have no idea how they might use a new technology based on a description alone.

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


For Evaluation of UI solutionsthroughout the development processprefer:

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


• Research Question• MVP• Test Scenario


Observe how the user is doing

Record, your observations

Run the test


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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Eye tracking (mobile)

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Eye tracking (UX-Lab)

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Video + Eye Tracking

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Eye tracking (generally)

Sophisticated equipment!

Needs detailed preparation and some experienceProduces lots of DataTime consuming Analysis

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Screen Recording

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Screen Recording Desktop Screen Recording

Installed at UX-Lab

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Screen Recording Desktop Screen Android

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Screen Recording

Easy to Use

On any Laptop or smart phoneSoftware available (free Trial Versions or UX-Lab)Moderate Analysis effort

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Thinking aloud + Video (UX-Lab)

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Video observation (in the field)

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Writing

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Writing

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Writing

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

Observation Examples Writing

No equipment!Just Pen + PaperObserver sits in mid distance (2m) to the test sceneand notes observations throughout the testBest is 2-3 observers at the same timeEasy to handle (instantly, everywhere)Quick to analyse

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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John

MVP Testing


User research and testing, by the very nature of Lean UX, are based on the same principles as used in traditional UX environments. However, the approach tends to be “quick and dirty” – results need to be delivered before the next Agile Sprint starts. So there’s much less focus on heavy-duty document outputs and more focus on raw data.

Test methods

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MVP Testing



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Lean UX Research methods

KP Ludwig John


Create a Minimal Viable Product

Prioritize your Hypothesis

Design a simple experimentfor the first three of it


PDF containingHypothesis (prioritized)Sketch / Description of MVP and Test Scenario