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A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

Utilization Review & the Use of

Medical Treatment Guidelines

in California Workers’ Compensation:

A Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on

Medical Testing and Service Utilization

for Low Back Injury

Jeffrey S. Harris, MD, MPH, MBA, FACOEM

Charlene Ossler, MSN, MPH, PhD.

Rea Crane, RN

Alex Swedlow, MHSA

ForewordThe California workers’ compensation system experienced a 300 percent growth rate in medical costs between 1993and 2003, caused primarily by ever-increasing medical utilization. In order to control runaway medical costs andencourage high-quality scientifically proven medical treatments, the State of California has mandated a workers’ com-pensation medical treatment utilization schedule that incorporates evidence-based, peer-reviewed, nationally recog-nized medical treatment guidelines, beginning with the guidelines developed by the American College ofOccupational and Environment Medicine (ACOEM). A recent study suggests the need to include additional treat-ment guidelines such as the low back injury treatment guidelines produced by the American Academy of OrthopedicSurgeons (AAOS). While the idea of using multiple guidelines such as ACOEM and AAOS may seem a reasonableexercise in order to make a more comprehensive utilization schedule, it raises issues that can trigger unintended con-sequences.

This study compares the evidence base underlying the ACOEM and the AAOS guidelines, as well as ACOEM andAAOS recommendations for five medical procedures and tests used to treat low back injuries in California workers’compensation. The analysis uses a claim sample of 81,944 open and closed low back indemnity claims with dates ofinjury between January 1, 1997 and December 2000, with all medical treatment through 2002. The results show thatthe ACOEM and AAOS guidelines have fundamentally different recommendations in regard to appropriate servicesand frequency of treatment for low back injuries -- a lack of agreement that will likely produce conflict and debatewithin the workers’ compensation system.

The core issue that must be addressed to resolve this conflict is how to interpret a guideline’s lack of specificity or lackof a direct opinion concerning a particular medical service. Without a minimal threshold test for the grade of medicalevidence required to approve a test or treatment for its injured workers, the California workers’ compensation systemwill have difficulty finding a solution to its excessive medical inflation and inconsistent and often inappropriate med-ical treatment. All stakeholders should work from the same scientific evidence base to ensure consistency across allaspects of medical delivery for California’s injured work force.

California Workers’ Compensation InstituteFebruary 2005


A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury


California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

About The AuthorsJeffrey S. Harris, MD, MPH, MBA, FACOEM, is an Associate Clinical Professor, University of California at SanFrancisco, University of Utah, and Medical College of Wisconsin. He is President of J. Harris Associates, Inc. ofMill Valley, California and works for The Permanente Medical Group. He served as Chair of the ACOEMPractice Guideline Committee from 1996-1998 and was editor of the first edition of the ACOEM OccupationalMedicine Practice Guidelines.

Charlene Ossler, MSN, MPH, PhD., is Vice President, Nursing, at The Zenith Insurance Company in WoodlandHills, California, serving as the senior executive in the Medical Management Department, with national responsi-bility for the company’s nursing staff and medical management operations to support claims.

Rea B. Crane, RN, former Medical/Rehabilitation Director at the California Workers’ Compensation Institute,was responsible for developing information on matters related to medical treatment, managed care, and vocationalrehabilitation. She currently works as a workers’ compensation consultant, specializing in claims, medical andrehabilitation issues and training.

Alex Swedlow, MHSA, is Executive Vice President of Research & Development for the California Workers’Compensation Institute, a non-profit research organization located in Oakland, California.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to acknowledge several subject matter experts who contributed guidance and suggestions on avariety of academic, public policy, legislative and industry issues central to this report. In particular, we wish tothank Robert Bonner, MD, Laura Gardner, MD, Kathryn Mueller, MD, Mark Webb, JD and Saul Allweiss, JD.

About CWCIThe California Workers’ Compensation Institute, incorporated in 1964, is a private, non-profit organization ofinsurers and self-insured employers conducting and communicating research and analyses to improve theCalifornia workers’ compensation system.

CWCI Reports to the Industry are published by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute, all rightsreserved. © 2005 California Workers’ Compensation Institute

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Part One: A Utilization Review Primer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Part Two: An Analysis of the ACOEM & AAOS Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

The Evidence Base and Guideline Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

ACOEM & AAOS: A Comparison of Guidelines and Their Evidence Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Data Analysis: Actual Utilization vs. ACOEM/AAOS Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Plain Film X-Rays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

ACOEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

AAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Computer Axial Tomography (CT) Scans & Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

ACOEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

AAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Physical Medicine (Other Than Chiropractic Manipulation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

ACOEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

AAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Chiropractic Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

ACOEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

AAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Back Surgery (Laminectomies and Spinal Fusions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

ACOEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

AAOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Applying the Evidence Base: Current Implementation Challenges for Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Appendix – AAOS vs. ACOEM Testing and Treatment Recommendations (Tables 8-13) . . . . . . . .17

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Utilization Review and the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines inCalifornia Workers’ Compensation


A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

IntroductionMuch of the focus of ongoing workers’ compensationreforms in California is on containing medical costs --which comprise about 60 percent of the ultimate benefitdollars spent in the system. Even though claim frequencyhas fallen to an all-time low over the past decade (CWCI2004), aggregate benefit costs in the system haveincreased steadily, primarily due to growth in the averagecost of an indemnity claim. Between 1993 and 2003, forexample, the average ultimate medical cost per indemnityclaim in California more than tripled from $8,876 to$27,197 (WCIRB 2005). Several recent studies havedocumented significant increases in medical utilization(including the average number of visits and proceduresper claim, as well as the extent and duration of treat-ment) during this period. These studies have concludedthat the increases in medical utilization have driven uploss costs and been a primary contributor to California’s“crisis” situation of skyrocketing workers’ compensationpremiums (Johnson 2002, Gardner 2002).

Over the last three years, state lawmakers have respondedto the crisis by drafting a series of reform policies. The2002 reform bill, Assembly Bill 749, called for benefitincreases and the partial elimination of the treatingphysician’s presumption of correctness, which multiplestudies associated with significant increases in medicalutilization (Gardner 2002, Johnson, 2002). That was fol-lowed in 2003 by Senate Bill 228, which mandated thatthe state adopt a workers’ compensation medical treat-ment utilization schedule by December 2004 and speci-fied that the new schedule incorporate evidence-based,peer-reviewed, nationally recognized medical treatmentguidelines. The bill also contained 24-visit limits onphysical medicine and chiropractic care, two servicesassociated with excess treatment and cost (CWCI 2003).The legislative intent appears to have been multi-faceted.State lawmakers wished to endorse focused, high-qualityhealth care for injured employees by supporting the useof scientifically proven treatments in order to promoterecovery and return to maximum functionality, and todecrease the cost of healthcare through the reduction ofunproven or unproductive medical care.

The 2003 reform bill also established that evidence-based, peer-reviewed, nationally recognized treatmentguidelines would be admissible before the Appeals Board,and that the medical treatment utilization guidelineadopted by the Division of Workers’ Compensationwould be presumed correct on the issues of extent andscope of treatment. Furthermore, SB 228 deemed that,

effective March 22, 2004 until the adoption of the newschedule, the medical care guidelines established by theAmerican College of Occupational and EnvironmentMedicine (ACOEM) would be presumed correct. Statelawmakers cited estimates that the medical treatment uti-lization schedule would significantly reduce workers’compensation medical costs, though a recent CWCIstudy noted that while the ACOEM guidelines have sig-nificant potential to curb unnecessary or inappropriatemedical treatment, the guidelines do not address a signif-icant portion of workplace injuries (Harris 2004).

Another provision of SB 228 instructed the Commissionon Health and Safety and Workers' Compensation(CHSWC) to conduct a study of medical utilizationguidelines, a mandate that culminated with the recentrelease of a RAND study (Nuckols 2004). The RANDstudy, with support from other stakeholders’ comments,has led the Commission (CHSWC 2004) to recommendthat the Administrative Director consider adopting:

1. An interim utilization schedule based on theACOEM guidelines, replaced with respect to spinalsurgery by the American Academy of OrthopedicSurgery (AAOS) guidelines; and

2. Interim guidelines for specified therapies, includingpodiatry, chiropractic, physical therapy, occupationaltherapy, acupuncture, and biofeedback.

To gauge the potential effect of changes to the treatmentguideline rules and regulations, CWCI developed thistwo-part analysis. The first part reviews the structure andfunction of utilization review (UR), while the second partfocuses on ACOEM and AAOS treatment guidelines,comparing their opinions and recommendations for spe-cific cost driver medical services for low back injuries aswell as the underlying evidence base of scientific literatureand medical logic that shapes their recommendations.

The data analysis measures utilization patterns on a largesample of pre-UR reform claims and compares them torecommended treatment levels under the ACOEM &AAOS guidelines. These key cost drivers include:

1. Plain Film X-rays

2. CAT Scans and MRIs

3. Physical Medicine (Other than Chiropractic Manipulation)

4. Chiropractic Manipulation

5. Surgical Intervention

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury


California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y


Part One: A Utilization Review Primer

Utilization review is the process of reviewing requests for medical tests and treatments for medical necessity,efficacy, and appropriateness.

Current California law requires each employer or theirworkers’ compensation insurer or third party administra-tor to have a utilization review process that can be usedto authorize medical payments for compensable workinjury and illness claims. The UR process, which address-es modality, frequency, duration and setting of medicalservices, must be governed by written policies and proce-dures consistent with the requirements of Labor CodeSection 4610, and must be filed with the AdministrativeDirector of the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

With the shift in the presumption of correctness fromthe primary treating physician’s opinion to authorizedtreatment guidelines under the recent legislative reforms,the use of utilization review in California workers’ com-pensation has soared. Reviewers may conduct URprospectively, concurrently or retrospectively. Mostreview is now performed prospectively, though a signifi-cant amount of initial care is submitted for retrospectivereview.

Personnel performing UR should be able to understandthe medical management of the case, the criteria for payment recommendations, and the logic of applying thecriteria for conducting a review. In general, health professionals such as registered nurses and physicianspossess such background and decision-making skills, butnon-health care professionals who use written protocolsand know when to refer to a health care professional arealso able to consistently review treatment requests for care against specific clinical guidelines for diagnostic cat-egories. UR is more efficiently managed when there isadministrative support to ensure that the necessary docu-mentation is available and to call for additional informa-tion and reports as necessary.

Many payers use a layered review process. At the firstlevel, claims examiners and nurses review claims usingsupport tools and clear indicators. Any cases they areunable to approve are then referred to the next level forphysician review.

In UR, medical guidelines provide the clinical rationaleto determine whether requested medical services are nec-essary, efficacious and appropriate. As noted earlier, themedical treatment utilization guidelines adopted by theAdministrative Director -- or the ACOEM guidelines

until that adoption -- are rebuttably presumed correct.Utilization guidelines in California workers’ compensa-tion must reflect evidence-based, peer-reviewed, national-ly recognized standards of care.

Review of requests for payment for initial treatmentshould be consistent within particular injury or diagnos-tic categories and based on evidence of effectiveness. Aspayment for ongoing care is requested, the patient’sprogress towards recovery, response to previous treat-ment, and non-medical factors that may delay return tofunction must also be taken into account. Thus, as treat-ment continues, those conducting utilization reviewshould consider the patient’s clinical condition to deter-mine whether the care is contributing to objective func-tional improvement. The medical provider may make acase for variance from the guidelines based on thepatient’s documented individual presentation. In suchcases, peer-to-peer review by a physician generally occurs.

Workers’ compensation UR generates recommendationsregarding payment authorization, but does not mandatehow a provider treats a patient. Despite this distinction,some providers do not perform services they assert areimportant if payment is not authorized. To address thisissue, some UR responses now include the specific carethat the guidelines recommend.

A treating physician may seek authorization of paymentfor medical services by telephone, email, fax, and mail,but Labor Code Section 4610 directs that UR time-frames are initiated only by receipt of a written requestfor authorization (Doctor’s First Report of Injury Formor Primary Treating Physician’s Progress Report Form).The best practice is to submit these written requests forspecific tests/treatments with full documentation.Optimally, the treating physician’s request will include:

• a complete history related to the need for treatment

• a focused but complete physical examination

• an accurate diagnosis consistent with the history,physical and tests

• an indication for the test or treatment at that pointin time, consistent with evidence-based guidelines

• any contraindications that may exist

• details of previous treatment and functional out-comes of that treatment

• any conditions that may adversely affect the patient

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute

When the treating physician fails to submit sufficientinformation on which to base a decision, the utilizationreviewer usually asks for the remaining information inwriting or by telephone and issues a “delay letter” thatdefers the decision until after they receive the necessaryinformation. California law calls for the determination ofmedical necessity and appropriateness of care for aninjured worker to be based on the medical treatment uti-lization guideline, the ACOEM guideline when applica-ble, or otherwise on the documented benefit of the pro-posed test or treatment as supported by the literature. Inthe best cases, high-grade evidence supporting the effec-tiveness and benefit of providing the service exceeds therisk. If such evidence is not available, then utilizationreview of the requested medical care should rely onguidelines based on national expert, multi-disciplinaryconsensus.

The greater the uniformity of the guidelines used, theless disagreement there is, and appropriate care can beauthorized and delivered more quickly. Likewise, themore specific the criteria are, the less variable the prac-tices will be and the less resistance will be encounteredfrom the treating community. Less variation is betterquality by definition. Less specific criteria make it diffi-cult for reviewers to make consistent decisions and canlead to disagreements and delays. Since criteria should beevidence-based, they should reflect clinical practiceguidelines designed to improve the quality of medicalpractice.

In conducting UR, the reviewer compares the submittedinformation to criteria that are usually diagnosis related,checking for an appropriate diagnosis and indications forthe test or procedure requested, reviewing the amountand results of prior treatment, and any contraindicationsthe patient might have to the test or procedure. If thedata submitted match the criteria, payment is generallyauthorized, but as previously noted, if the reviewer needsadditional information, the authorization decision maybe delayed. If there is not a match, and the initial reviewwas not performed by a physician, the request is forward-ed to a physician for peer review. Prior to denyingauthorization of payment, the UR staff also may contactthe provider to discuss the variance from the guidelinesor criteria and to negotiate a service request that can besupported by the guidelines.

For any workers’ compensation treatment request -- par-ticularly for repetitive treatments such as physical therapy

or manipulation -- it is important that the recommendedservices correlate with measurable improvements in func-tion, such as improved work capacity (advance in modi-fied duty) or return to work. If the patient is not objec-tively improving, then providing more treatment that hasalready failed is not generally considered reasonable.

It is also important for the reviewer to be sure that thetreatment can improve on the natural course of recovery.For many musculoskeletal complaints common in work-ers’ compensation, patients recover in a matter of weekswithout special treatment, so the proposed treatmentshould improve on that time course.

In California, only a physician can deny authorizationfor payment for tests, devices or procedures. It is thoughtthat a physician can better understand the details of eachcase and the necessary medical judgment entailed in therequest for treatment. If a medical provider’s request formedical payment authorization does not appear to meetclear criteria, the best practice is for a physician reviewerto contact the provider to discuss the case and any detailsthat were not apparent in the request. The final decisionshould be based on the potential benefit to the patient,net of potential risks. The physician reviewer may suggestand discuss therapeutic alternatives that might have abetter benefit-to-risk ratio.

California currently has emergency regulations thatrequire prospective or concurrent requests to be answeredwithin 5 working days of the written request, althoughthis can be extended to 14 days if additional informationis needed. However, if the patient’s condition warrants an expedited review, a response must be given within 72hours of receipt of the necessary written information.These decisions must be communicated within 24 hoursof the time they are made. In the case of retrospectiverequests, the decision must be communicated within 30days of receipt of the necessary written medical informa-tion. A recent En Banc decision from the Workers’Compensation Appeals Board, Sandhagen v. Cox & CoxConstruction and State Fund indicates that if these timeallowances are not met, the untimely UR report is inad-missible, although the claims administrator may still utilize the Agreed Medical Evaluator/Qualified MedicalEvaluator process found in Labor Code Sections 4062.1and 4062.2 to resolve the dispute. Additionally, injuredemployees or their attorneys may file for expedited hear-ings before the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury


California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y


Part Two: An Analysis of the ACOEM &AAOS Guidelines

The Evidence Base and Guideline Recommendations

One of the most important principles in developing anymedical treatment guideline is drawn from theHippocratic oath -- “First do no harm.” Taken anotherway, if there is insufficient high-grade evidence that a testor treatment is safe and effective for its intended use at aspecific time in the health problem, it should not be rec-ommended or used on a patient. This is a controversialarea in occupational medicine, since many commonlyused tests (such as discograms, surface nerve conductionstudies, and thermography) and treatments (such as long-term passive and other physical medicine and chiroprac-tic treatments, spine surgery for pain, or IDET --intradiskal electrothermal annuloplasty) are not support-ed by proof of effectiveness (Harris 1997; Glass 2004). Ifthe risks or costs exceed benefits, the test or treatmentshould not be used. For example, early surgery for backnerve root compression, when the condition will usuallyresolve spontaneously within 4-8 weeks, produces risksand harms greater than potential benefits. This principlealso applies to temporary disability and time off work,for which there are clear harms if time off work is exces-sive (Harris 1997; Glass 2004).

The ideal method for basing recommendations for med-ical treatment is to rely on high-quality studies. However,there are methodological issues with much of theresearch – particularly musculoskeletal research – cited bythe guidelines. For example, many of the studies involvedsmall patient populations, reducing the power of thestudies and the ability to project the results onto a broad-er population. Few of the studies cited compared theintervention to a placebo or no treatment; most com-pared one medical intervention against another -- a lessthan optimal study design.

Given the research shortcomings and population studiesthat suggest that the more treatment there is, the worsethe functional outcome, it appears that the most specificand conservative guidelines would be preferable for thetreatment and management of low back problems.Attention to diagnostic accuracy, scientifically based cau-sation analysis, and disability management are key toproducing the desired outcomes of functional recoveryand minimization of economic loss to workers.

Medical treatment guidelines, however comprehensiveand well-meaning, are not meant to be construed as“cookbook” medicine. Providers must take a variety ofissues into account when considering the optimal courseof treatment for a patient including the medical evidencebase, the need to assess and measure special contributingfactors such as “red flags,” and the medical history andpsychology of a patient.

ACOEM & AAOS: A Comparison of Guidelines andTheir Underlying Evidence Base

As stated previously, medical treatment guidelines play acrucial role in the UR process. CHSWC, based on theRAND report, has recommended that the AdministrativeDirector implement additional medical treatment guide-lines into the UR process beginning with the AmericanAcademy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) guideline onlow back complaints. This part of the study looks at thesimilarities and differences in the recommendations andunderlying evidence-base between the ACOEM andAAOS guidelines for the treatment of low back injuries,comparing each guideline’s recommendation for five com-mon tests and treatments.

The research summaries cited in the AAOS andACOEM recommendations are somewhat related. TheAAOS bibliography included the Federal Agency forHealth Care Policy and Research (AHCPR—nowAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality, AHRQ)Clinical Practice Guideline on Acute Low Back Problemsin Adults, and applicable Cochrane Collaboration sys-tematic evidence reviews. The ACOEM Guidelines usedthe AHCPR Clinical Practice Guideline as a startingpoint for its low back guideline, and used CochraneReviews for major input in drafting and updating therecommendations. The ACOEM Practice GuidelinesCommittee then reviewed and used this evidence.

The ACOEM and AAOS guidelines take a similarapproach to red flags (ACOEM and AHCPR) or CriticalExclusionary Diagnoses (AAOS). Red flags are the mech-anisms, symptoms and signs that indicate the potentialpresence of Critical Exclusionary Diagnoses. The redflags are potentially serious indicators of emergent prob-lems that must be evaluated and treated immediately, inlieu of the stepwise approach generally recommended inclinical practice guidelines, depending in turn on func-tional recovery or other criteria.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute

The guidelines differ, however, in their use of medicalevidence. The AAOS evidence classification does not fol-low the accepted levels of evidence used by AHCPR, theBritish Medical Journal/Clinical Evidence, ACOEM, orthe Finnish Occupational Medicine Guidelines. Theselatter groups and the Cochrane Collaboration – a well-regarded research and reference center for evidence-basedmedicine – define randomized, controlled trials asacceptable evidence for treatment effectiveness.

The first AAOS levels appear relatively consistent,although “experimental” is not defined. “Experimental”appears to include pre-post, cohort, time, or matchedcase-control series, which are observational rather thanexperimental, and are not considered acceptably rigorousin other classifications. Case reports and clinical examples(AAOS Type V) are not considered usable in ACOEMand other guidelines.


Appropriate medical treatment and prevention are basedon accurate diagnoses. Some diagnostic criteria are stat-ed at a high level in the AAOS Guideline. The level ofdetail, however, is not sufficient to permit validation of astated diagnosis for the purpose of determining the med-ical appropriateness of testing or treatment -- particularlyfor a non-medical audience such as insurance adjusters,attorneys and administrative law judges. The ACOEMGuidelines contain evidence-based diagnostic criteria formany common low back problems. Research has shownthat workers’ compensation medical providers all toooften do not report the diagnosis appropriately; insteadusing unspecific diagnostic codes (Harris 2004).Accurately reported diagnoses are essential for utilizationreview, and vague or non-specific diagnosis codes make itdifficult or impossible to apply guidelines to requestedtreatment plans.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury


Table 1: Comparison of Evidence Classifications



Type I

Type II

Type III

Type IV

Type V

Meta-analysis of multiple,well-designed controlledstudies, or high-powerrandomized, controlledclinical trial (RCT)

Well-designed experimental study orlow-power RCT

Well-designed experi-mental studies such as non-randomized, controlled single group,pre-post, cohort, time, ormatched case-controlseries

Well-designed, non-experimental studies suchas comparative and cor-relational descriptive andcase studies

Case reports and clinicalexamples






Strong research-basedevidence (multiple rele-vant, high-quality stud-ies)

Moderate research-basedevidence (one relevant,high-quality scientificstudy or multiple ade-quate scientific studies)

Limited research-basedevidence (at least oneadequate scientific studyof patients with lowback pain complaints)

Panel interpretation ofinformation not meetinginclusion criteria forresearch-based evidence

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute


Data Analysis: Actual Utilization vs.ACOEM/AAOS RecommendationsFor this study, the Institute compiled data on injuredworkers, as well as medical and other benefit payments,from the Industry Claims Information System (ICIS).1

The analysis focuses on two of the most common diag-nostic categories found in workers’ compensation: lowback - soft tissue complaints (sprains and strains) andlow back – nerve involvement. The Institute used med-ical bill review detail, which contains ICD-9 diagnosiscodes and CPT medical procedure codes to derive thediagnostic categories and to analyze medical testing andtreatment services for each claim. The claim sample wascomprised of 81,944 open and closed indemnity claimswith dates of injury between January 1, 1997 andDecember 2000. Benefit payments reflect the totalamount paid on these claims through June 30, 2002.

The results of the analysis are presented in the followingseries of Time-Based Utilization Tables. The time-basedtables compare utilization patterns for indemnity claimsat discrete time periods following the date of injury. Thelegend of terms used in these tables follows:

• Time Category: The five intervals at which the accu-mulated volume of claims involving a specific medical service or procedure was measured. Thestudy recorded claim volume at 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12months from the date of injury.

• Total Claims: The number of indemnity claims inthe claim sample within a specific diagnostic category.

• Claims with Medical Resource: The subset of claimswithin each diagnostic category in which the particu-lar medical service, such as an X-ray or physical medicine, was present.

• Percent of Claim Pool: The proportion of claims ineach diagnostic category that received that particularmedical service (Claims with Medical Resource/TotalClaims).

• Utilization: The mean and median (50th percentile)number of visits for a particular medical test or pro-cedure for the subsample of claims in each diagnosticcategory that involved those tests or procedures.

1. ICIS is a proprietary database maintained by the California Workers’ Compensation Institute that contains detailed information, including employer andemployee characteristics, medical service information, and benefit and other administrative cost information on over 2 million workplace injuries.

Plain Film X-Rays Tables 2A – B provide data on theuse of plain film X-rays in low backsoft tissue and low back nerve rootinvolvement cases.

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization

Among the 74,343 low back soft tis-sue complaints (sprain or straincases) in the study sample, 70.2 per-cent involved one or more visits forplain film X-rays, while 81.8 percentof the low back claims with nerveinvolvement involved one or moreX-ray visits. In nearly half of theclaims in both of these diagnosticcategories, X-rays were taken withina month of injury.


Strains, nerve roots, the sciatic nerveand the spinal cord cannot be visual-ized on plain films with enoughdetail to be clinically useful. Accord-ing to ACOEM, X-rays for all cate-gories of work-related low back prob-lems should be limited to assessingthe infrequent presence of red flags.2,3

In addition, physician discretion touse X-ray testing is supported forother significant issues such as patientreassurance. Therefore, the ACOEMguidelines would have recommendeda small percentage of the total num-ber of X-rays for both low back softtissue and nerve involvement cate-gories.


X-rays are not mentioned in thePhase I (first 4-6 weeks) section ofthe AAOS guidelines. We assume,therefore, that they are not recom-mended, with the possible exceptionof “critical exclusionary diagnoses”(which appear to be similar toACOEM red flag diagnoses). InPhase II (after 4-6 weeks), X-rays arediscussed, but the conditions underwhich they should be used areunclear.4 Apparently, if the cliniciansuspects a critical exclusionary diag-

nosis on clinical grounds, or spinalstenosis or spondylolisthesis, plainfilms would be appropriate. The lat-ter two conditions are not work-related, but degenerative or congeni-tal. If loosely interpreted as disre-garding the primacy of the clinicalexam, the guideline could be used tojustify the very large number of filmsobtained after 4-6 weeks; but careful-ly and appropriately interpreted, theAAOS guideline would recommendonly a small fraction of the currentnumber of X-rays being obtained.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y


Table 2A: Time-Based Utilization – X-rays

Low Back – Soft Tissue Complaints

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Total Claims 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343

Claims with Medical Resource 36,229 41,414 44,097 47,662 50,161 52,161

Percent of Claim Pool 48.7% 55.7% 59.3% 64.1% 67.5% 70.2%


Total Visits (Mean) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.7

50th Percentile (Median) 1 1 1 1 2 2

Time Category

Table 2B: Time-Based Utilization – X-rays

Low Back – Nerve Involvement

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Total Claims 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601

Claims with Medical Resource 3,572 4,350 4,809 5,396 5,809 6,221

Percent of Claim Pool 47.0% 57.2% 63.3% 71.0% 76.4% 81.8%


Total Visits (Mean) 1.3 1.6 1.8 2.3 2.6 3.2

50th Percentile (Median) 1 1 1 2 2 2

Time Category

2. For example, red flags for spinal fracture in the patient history include falls from a height or a high-speed vehicle accident. Red flags for spinal fracture in thephysical examination include percussion tenderness over specific spinous processes. Historical red flags for tumors of the spine include severe local pain overthe spine itself, a history of cancer, pain at rest, and others. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed.2, p. 289, Table 12-1

3. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed. 2, p. 3034. AAOS Clinical Guideline on Low Back Pain/Sciatica (Acute) (Phases I and II), 2002. page 5; "If no response at 4 to 6 weeks, then a diagnosis is obtained

from diagnostic studies (e.g. X-ray, MRI) ."

Computer AxialTomography (CT) Scans &Magnetic ResonanceImaging (MRI) Tables 3A – B provide data on theuse of CT Scans and MRI imagingin low back soft tissue and low backnerve root involvement cases.

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization:

During the study period, 34.6 per-cent of California workers’ compen-sation claimants diagnosed with lowback soft tissue pain or strain hadMRIs or CT scans. These claimsinvolved an average of 1.6 visits forthese procedures. Among the backinjuries with nerve involvement,56.7 percent of the claims involvedan MRI or CT scan, averaging 2.6visits for these procedures over thestudy period. About one out of everyeight low back soft tissue cases andnearly a quarter of the low backinjuries with nerve involvement,involved an MRI or CT scan withintwo months of injury.


The ACOEM guidelines evidencebase recommends that imaging(MRI, CT etc.) be used to confirmclinical findings and clarify theanatomy prior to surgery for condi-tions proven to benefit from surgery.If surgery is not contemplated, imag-ing will not affect the course of treat-ment.5 However, based on theexpected surgical rate for soft tissueinjuries (Harris 2004), the ACOEM-expected recommendation rate forMRIs or CT scans would be mini-mal. The surgical rate (assuming allsurgeries were justified) for disk dis-placement and stenosis cases

is 9.6 percent (Harris 2004), so innerve involvement claims, actual useof these procedures (56.7 percent ofthe cases) is 5.9 times the ACOEM-expected rate.


The AAOS guidelines recommendusing MRIs to diagnose conditionsafter 4-6 weeks.6 The references citedabout MRIs do note the high rate offalse positive MRIs in asymptomaticindividuals.7 If one loosely interpret-ed the guideline as advocating use ofMRIs to diagnose all persistent backcomplaints, many MRIs could be

ordered. Conservatively interpreted,understanding the supporting litera-ture, fewer would be done. Theguideline does not, however, limitthe use of imaging specifically tothose instances in which it wouldaffect the course of treatment. CTsare mentioned as options in charac-terizing spondylolisthesis and spinalstenosis, which are not work-relatedconditions. Therefore, there shouldbe a very limited number of CTscans in these diagnostic groupsunless MRIs were not available.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute


5. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed.2, p. 303.6. AAOS Clinical Guideline on Low Back Pain/Sciatica (Acute) (Phases I and II), 2002 page 7; "If no response at 4 to 6 weeks, then a diagnosis is obtained

from diagnostic studies (e.g. X-ray, MRI) (p.5). “ (p.6, with reference to herniated disks). Also, "the MRI is recommended as the diagnostic test of choice inchronic, unremitting low back pain when additional diagnostic information is required.”

7. AAOS Clinical Guideline on Low Back Pain/Sciatica (Acute) (Phases I and II), 2002, page 9.

Low Back – Soft Tissue Complaints

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Low Back – Nerve Involvement

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Time Category

Time Category

Total Claims 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343

Claims with Medical Resource 3,118 9,028 13,355 19,480 22,553 25,757

Percent of Claim Pool 4.2% 12.1% 18.0% 26.2% 30.3% 34.6%


Total Visits (Mean) 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6

50th Percentile (Median) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 3A: Time-Based Utilization – CT/MRI

Total Claims 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601

Claims with Medical Resource 793 1,866 2,522 3,358 3,867 4,309

Percent of Claim Pool 10.4% 24.6% 33.2% 44.2% 50.9% 56.7%


Total Visits (Mean) 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6

50th Percentile (Median) 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 3B: Time-Based Utilization – CT/MRI

Physical Medicine (OtherThan ChiropracticManipulation)

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization

Physical medicine constitutes morethan one-third of all outpatient med-ical care costs in California workers’compensation (CWCI 2003). Thesetypes of services are especially preva-lent in low back injury cases, with79.1 percent of low back - soft tissueinjury claims and 84.7 percent oflow back claims with nerve involve-ment receiving physical medicineservices. These low back - soft tissueclaims and low back - nerve involve-ment claims measured an average of25.3 and 38.8 physical medicine vis-its respectively. Nearly 60 percent ofthe low back soft tissue cases andmore than half the low back nerveinvolvement cases involved physicalmedicine visits within a month ofinjury.


According to the ACOEM guidelinesevidence base, the expected numberof physical medicine visits would betwo or less, for teaching a home exer-cise program.8 There is an exceptionfor a brief therapeutic trial of physi-cal therapy, but it should be discon-tinued if it does not clearly lead tofunctional improvement.9 TheACOEM guidelines evidence baseshows that at-home use of cold orheat was found to be as effective astherapist application of these modali-ties.10

The guideline panel also found thatthere was insufficient evidence ofeffectiveness for traction, ultrasound,massage, diathermy, biofeedback,transcutaneous electrical nerve stim-ulation (TENS), magnet therapy,acupuncture, neuroreflexotherapy, orlumbar supports.11


The AAOS guideline recommendshome heat and cold, rather thanthose modalities applied by a thera-pist. However, it states that “allforms of non-operative therapywould be available” in Phase I.12

Physical therapy is not defined. In

Phase II, exercise is recommendedfor herniated disks and unremittinglow back pain, however, the studiesused to support the recommendationdo not show a strong effect. Thereare no constraints on the use of anyform of active or passive therapymentioned.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y


Low Back – Nerve Involvement

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. ClaimsTime Category

Total Claims 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601

Claims with Medical Resource 3,884 4,697 5,052 5,635 6,035 6,438

Percent of Claim Pool 51.1% 61.8% 66.5% 74.1% 79.4% 84.7%


Total Visits (Mean) 6.0 9.6 12.7 19.8 28.5 38.8

50th Percentile (Median) 5 8 10 14 18 21

Table 4B: Time-Based Utilization – Physical Medicine

Low Back – Soft Tissue Complaints

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. ClaimsTime Category

Total Claims 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343

Claims with Medical Resource 44,568 50,534 52,724 55,655 57,362 58,768

Percent of Claim Pool 59.9% 68.0% 70.9% 74.9% 77.2% 79.1%


Total Visits (Mean) 4.8 7.4 9.4 13.9 19.0 25.3

50th Percentile (Median) 4 6 6 8 10 11

Table 4A: Time-Based Utilization – Physical Medicine

8. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed.2, p. 299.9. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed.2, p. 300.10. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed. 2, p. 299.11. The Guidelines take the position that unproven modalities should not be used. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed. 2, p. 48, 308.12. AAOS Clinical Guideline on Low Back Pain/Sciatica (Acute) (Phases I and II), 2002, pg 5.

Chiropractic Manipulation

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization

Just over 19 percent of low-back softtissue claims in the study sampleinvolved chiropractic manipulation.The average number of chiropracticvisits for these claims was 29.9. Forthe nearly 35 percent of the claimsfor low back injury with nerveinvolvement, the average number ofchiropractic manipulation visits was40.5. In 5.3 percent of the low backsoft tissue claims and 12.1 percent ofthe low back nerve involvementclaims the first chiropractic manipu-lation visit occurred within a monthof injury.


The ACOEM guidelines recom-mended chiropractic manipulation aseffective for approximately 12 visitswithin the first three to four weeksfor low back complaints withoutnerve involvement.13 The ACOEMguidelines noted that there was noevidence to support chiropracticmanipulation for low back injurieswith nerve involvement, although itis included as an “optional” treat-ment.


The AAOS guideline recommends“manual therapy” without limitationin Phase I. In Phase II, the guidelinenotes that there is little support inthe literature for the use of manipu-lative or passive therapy in unremit-

ting low back pain. These modalitiesare not mentioned in the discussionof herniated disks. Therefore historiclevels of chiropractic utilizationcould continue for 4-6 weeks, butthen no further manipulation is rec-ommended.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute

1313. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed. 2, p. 298. The Guidelines accepted the recommendation of the Mercy Guidelines, which were for3 visits a week for 4 weeks.

Low Back – Soft Tissue Complaints

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Table 5B: Time-Based Utilization – Chiropractic Manipulation

Low Back – Nerve Involvement

Total1 Mo. 2 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 12 Mo. Claims

Time Category

Total Claims 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343 74,343

Claims with Medical Resource 3,962 6,024 7,144 9,147 11,265 14,187

Percent of Claim Pool 5.3% 8.1% 9.6% 12.3% 15.2% 19.1%


Total Visits (Mean) 5.6 7.9 10.3 15.8 21.7 29.9

50th Percentile (Median) 4 6 7 9 12 15

Table 5A: Time-Based Utilization – Chiropractic Manipulation

Time Category

Total Claims 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601 7,601

Claims with Medical Resource 930 1,299 1,503 1,826 2,155 2,637

Percent of Claim Pool 12.1% 17.1% 19.8% 24.0% 28.3% 34.7%


Total Visits (Mean) 7.4 9.0 22.0 22.0 31.0 40.5

50th Percentile (Median) 7 9 12 17 21 23

Back Surgery(Laminectomies and SpinalFusions)

Pre-UR Guideline Utilization

From 1997 through 2000, 12.2 per-cent of California workers’ compen-sation indemnity claimants diag-nosed with low back conditions withnerve involvement, and 3.0 percentof those diagnosed with low backpain or strain, underwent laminecto-my and spinal fusion surgery. Thelow back nerve involvementclaimants who underwent these procedures averaged 2.8 surgery vis-its, while the low-back soft tissuesurgical patients averaged 2.2laminectomy/fusion visits.


According to the ACOEM evidence-based guidelines, only patients withsevere disease benefit from surgery inthe first three months. The FederalPORT study noted that spinalfusions have a very low success ratein the absence of serious conditions

such as fractures, and are thereforenot recommended (Deyo 1994).More than 80 percent of patientswith nerve root compression due toherniated (protruded) disks (HNP)recover with or without surgery,making initial conservative treatmentthe option of choice.14 For the nerveinvolvement category, only cases withdisk protrusion or stenosis are con-sidered candidates. Under theACOEM guidelines, fusions orlaminectomies would not have beenrecommended in any of the soft tis-sue cases, or in any of the cases inwhich Sciatica and Neuritis werediagnosed. According to the data, 88percent of the fusions and laminec-tomies performed on the low backclaim sample would not have beenrecommended. In addition, the over-all surgical mean values of 2.2 sur-gery visits for soft tissue complaintsand 2.8 surgery visits for nerveinvolvement show the high incidenceof multiple surgeries -- anotherdimension of the high degree ofapparent inappropriate utilization.


Early surgical intervention is recom-mended for herniated disks for criticalexclusionary diagnoses such as caudaequina syndrome, and for persistentand severe pain. The guideline has noclear distinction between leg and backpain as there has been in ACOEMand other guidelines. In chronicunremitting low back pain, the guide-line states that a small number ofpatients with “…a symptomatic andcorrectable lesion that would doomconservative care…” would be surgi-cal candidates.15 What those lesionsare is not specified, nor are there crite-ria for the surgical approach.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y


Low Back InjuriesSoft Tissue NerveComplaints InvolvementTime Category

Total Claims 74,343 7,601

Claims w/Med Resource 2,199 931

Percent of Claim Pool 3.0% 12.2%


Total Visits (Mean) 2.2 2.8

50th Percentile (Median) 1.0 1.0

Table 6: Overall Utilization – Surgery (Laminectomy/Fusion)

14. ACOEM Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, ed. 2, p. 306.15. AAOS Clinical Guideline on Low Back Pain/Sciatica (Acute) (Phases I and II), 2002.

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute


Table 7 summarizes the similaritiesand differences between ACOEMand AAOS medical treatment guide-lines in a side-by-side comparison.(Note: The technical appendix sec-tion contains additional tables thatcompare recommendations concern-

ing medical services across specificback conditions, including acute lowback pain, chronic low back painand herniated nucleus pulposus.The tables also include the key refer-ence articles cited by the ACOEMand AAOS guidelines.)

DiscussionThe shift to evidence-based medicaltreatment guidelines is a change ofmassive proportions, and presentssignificant implementation chal-lenges for the California workers’compensation system. Prior studieshave shown the limitation of theACOEM guidelines (Harris 2004,Nuckols 2004) in addressing allinjuries and medical treatmentoptions. While the idea of usingmultiple guidelines such as ACOEMand AAOS may seem a reasonableexercise in order to make a morecomprehensive utilization schedule,it raises several utilization reviewissues that can trigger unintendedconsequences. In California workers’compensation, any and all guidelinesthat the Administrative Directoradopts into the utilization schedulewill be presumptively correct andhave equal weight under the law. Theresults of the comparative analysisshow that ACOEM and AAOSguidelines have fundamentally differ-ent recommendations in regard toappropriate services and frequency oftreatment for low back injuries. Thislack of agreement, regardless of howthe two guidelines might be imple-mented, will likely create conflictand debate within the workers’ com-pensation system.

The core issue that must beaddressed to resolve this conflict ishow to interpret a guideline’s lack ofspecificity or lack of a direct opinionconcerning a particular medical serv-ice. Pioneers of evidence-based med-icine research such as the CochraneCollaboration stress that a medicaltest or treatment should only beordered when there is sufficient high-grade evidence that it is safe andeffective. Others have argued that thelack of high-grade evidence is notreason enough to deny injured work-ers their treatment of choice.

Table 7: Summary of ACOEM & AAOS – Recommended Medical Services


Plain Film X-rays

Physical Medicine


Chiropractic Manipulation

Spine Surgery

Limited to red flag assessment.

1-2 visits for home exercise program.

Optional recommendation for relax-ation techniques, home applicationof heat/cold, shoe insoles, andcorsets at work.

Traction, TENS, Biofeedback, ShoeLifts, and Corsets are not recom-mended

Limited to red flag assessment.

Recommended if not responding totreatment and patient is consideringsurgery. Diskography and CTDiskography are not recommended.

Recommends manipulation duringfirst month if no nerve involvement.Manipulation for those with radia-tion is an “Optional” treatment.Manipulation Under Anesthesia(MUA) is not recommended.

Surgery is not recommended for:

• Patients with back pain alone,no red flags, and no nerve rootcompression

• Spinal stenosis within the first 3months of symptoms

• Spinal stenosis when justified byimaging rather than functionalstatus

• Fusion in the absence of frac-ture, dislocation, complicationsof tumor or infection

Allows X-rays if no response at 4-6 weeks.

Allows physical therapy but thereare no limits re: frequency or duration.

Allows if no response at 4-6 weeks

Allows manual therapy in bothPhase I and II, but there are no limits re: frequency or duration(Does state that there is little valuein Chronic Phase)

Surgery should be considered if

• Pain is persistent and severe, andthe history, physical findings anddiagnostic studies are compatiblewith a specific root lesion

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

California’s experience over the last10 years shows a clear and significantassociation between the lack of a sci-entific process for evaluating the effi-cacy of medical services and tests andincreases in utilization and costs,longer treatment periods, more losttime from work, and increased levelsof attorney involvement and litiga-tion – all characteristics of sub-opti-mal system performance. This isparticularly true with services thatlack such sufficient high-grade evi-dence in the treatment of low backinjuries, such as physical medicine,chiropractic treatment, and back sur-gery. In order for the Californiaworkers’ compensation system tofind a solution to its excessive med-ical inflation and poor quality indi-cators, it must create a minimalthreshold test for the grade of med-ical evidence required to approve atest or treatment for its injuredworkers. The higher the grade ofmedical evidence and the more spe-cific the guideline, the more certain astakeholder can feel that a provider’streatment plan is of the highest orderand puts the needs of the injuredworker first. The lower the grade ofmedical evidence and specificity, theless likely that a guideline will beable to help reduce treatment vari-ability, raise quality of care, speedrecovery and lower medical cost.

Applying the Evidence Base:Current Implementation Challengesfor Stakeholders

All stakeholders should work fromthe same scientific evidence base toensure consistency across all aspectsof medical delivery for California’sinjured work force. Each stakeholderwill have different roles and responsi-bilities, as well as challenges inimplementation.

In the interim, injured workers,physicians and claims administratorsand their various support systems

and representatives must continuetheir efforts to reconcile a 10-yearlegacy of uncontrolled utilization anddouble-digit medical inflation with anew and more conservative standardof care based on high-quality medicalevidence.

Injured Employees: Evidence-basedmedicine works best when the infor-mation is available to health careconsumers at the point of need. Inaddition to their injuries, workersalready face an unfamiliar, compli-cated benefit system with a well-doc-umented inability to provide theright information at the right time(Sum 1996). If one overlays thecomplexities of evidence-based treat-ment guidelines without the associat-ed support and encouragement oftreating physicians, the injured work-ers’ anxiety and fear will impact theoutcome of their medical care.

Physicians and Other HealthcareProviders: Practice guidelines formthe basis for operation of an evi-dence-based medical organization,and research shows that successfulimplementation of such guidelinescan dramatically improve patientoutcomes (NCQA, 2003). To ensurethat the promise of improved medical results comes to fruition,physicians must have a comprehen-sive knowledge of the guidelines andapply them consistently and withconfidence. Healthcare providersneed to reconcile the findings ofhigh-grade medical evidence with theindividual clinical and psychologicalneeds of their patients, encouragingand reassuring them that evidence-based medicine represents the bestmedical judgment regarding theirtreatment plan.

Physicians also must report ICD-9diagnoses codes and descriptionsaccurately and to the maximumspecificity in medical reports andbillings. Accurate diagnosis reporting

will facilitate utilization review,reduce the frequency of requests foradditional information and subse-quent delays, and speed authoriza-tion and the provision of medicalservices.

Claims Administrators, CaseManagers and Managed CareOrganizations: A recent studydemonstrated that many reimburse-ment decisions that allow or disallowcare are made with an inconsistentmedical basis (Harris, 2003). Claimsadjusters and their administrativesupport systems should be trained touse the same criteria as providers inmanaging the administrative compo-nents of benefit delivery and adjudi-cation. To reach the common goal ofimproved medical care, claimsadministrators need to adhere to acommon medical standard estab-lished by the guidelines, limit dis-putes, and communicate fully withinjured workers, their representativesand their physicians.

Regulators and Appeals BoardJudges: California law requires thatregulators of the California workers’compensation system reevaluatemedical treatment guidelines.Regulators may wish to analyze theinitial impact of ACOEM as well asthe other statutory controls designedto curb excess medical utilizationbefore embarking on a “patchwork”solution of multiple guidelines con-taining variable grades of medicalevidence. Regulators also may wishto consider taking specific action toincrease the effectiveness of utiliza-tion review by ensuring that medicalproviders use ICD-9 diagnosis codesthat describe the injured workers’condition as specifically as possiblein all submitted medical bills andreports.


Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute


Appendix–AAOS vs. ACOEM Testing and Treatment Recommendations

Table 8: Testing Recommendations for Acute Low Back Pain


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Plain Low Back Films





Not discussed

Not discussed

Not discussed

Not discussed

Not discussed

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

• To confirm fracture, cancer, andinfection (red flags)

• Oblique films not routinely recommended

Not recommended

Not discussed

• To confirm occult spinal fracture

• To detect dissecting aortic aneurysm

• To detect dissecting aortic aneurysm

Bigos, 1994 Kendrick, 2001Kerry, 2000

Carrageel, 2000 (4 articles)

Not cited

Bigos, 1994

Bigos, 1994


Not discussed – no explicit recommendation for the test or treatment relative to the injuryNot cited – no reference articles list for the test or treatment

Table 9: Testing Recommendations for Chronic/Unremitting Low Back Pain*


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Plain Low Back Films





To obtain a diagnosis at 4-6 weeks ifthere is no response

Should not be used alone to predict theneed for surgical intervention. […sensi-tive but not very specific test…psycho-logical barriers …reduce the predictivevalue …even further.]

Not discussed

Not discussed

To obtain a diagnosis if no response at4-6 weeks when additional diagnosticinformation is required

Not cited

No Level I or II evidence

Not cited

Not cited

Ehni, 1969

Not recommended

Not recommended

Not recommended

Not discussed

To distinguish disc herniation from scartissue associated with prior surgery

Bigos, 1994

Carragee, 2000 (4 articles)


Not cited


Table 10: Testing Recommendations for Herniated Nucleus Pulposus


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Plain Films


Myelography and CT Myelo


Not discussed

Not discussed

Not discussed

To confirm the diagnosis of herniatednucleus pulposus

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

Not effective to confirm nerve rootcompromise

Recommended for bony source of com-pression only

Not discussed

• To confirm the clinical diagnosis of nerve root, cauda, or cord compromise prior to surgery

• To distinguish disc herniation from scar tissue associated with prior surgery

Bigos, 1994


Not cited


* If this [a diagnosis of spondylolisthesis and evaluation for instability and neurologic deficit] is positive, then an ongoing more sophisticated diagnostic batteryof tests including MRI, CT, myelogram CT, bone scan discography… would be appropriate.

Medical Treatment Guidelines for Low Back Injury:Comparisons Between Actual (Pre-SB228), ACOEM & AAOS–Expected Levels of Medical Testing and Service Utilzation


California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

Table 11: Treatment Recommendations for Acute Low Back Pain


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Passive Modalities

Active PhysicalTherapy and Self-Administered Exercise




• Self-applied thermal modalities

• All forms of non-operative treatmentwould be available…

• An active exercise program is appro-priate…[a]ll forms of non-operativetreatment would be available …

Manual therapy

Not discussed

Not discussed

Not cited

Dettori, 1995 Faas, 1995Leclaire, 1996Malmivaara, 1995Underwood, 1998

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

• Self-applied thermal modalities

• 2 visits for teaching and review

• No evidence of effectiveness foracupuncture, biofeedback,diathermy, inferential therapy, laser,magnet therapy, massage, TENS,PENS, traction

• 2 visits for teaching and review

• Low level aerobic exercise

• Stretching, specific low back exercises

[All self-administered]

• Up to 4 weeks of chiropractic manipulation.

• MUA not recommended

Not recommended

Not recommended

Bigos, 1994Furlan, 2002Ghoname, 1999Hsieh, 2002Kovacs, 2002Jellema, 2001Urrutia, 2002van der Heijden, 1995van Tulder, 1997, 1999,2000d, 2003

Bigos, 1994Hagens, 2000Hilde, 2002Linz, 2002Schonstein, 2003van Tulder, 1997, 2000Waddell, 1997Zigenfus, 2000

Haldeman, 1993Cherkin, 1998Mohseni-Bandpei, 1998West. 1999

Deyo, 1994

Deyo, 1994

Table 12: Recommendations for Herniated Nucleus Pulposus


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Passive Modalities

Active PhysicalTherapy




Not discussed

Exercise programs may be instituted ifthe pain decreases

Not discussed

Consider with:

• Proven HNP and nerve root lesion ifpain is persistent and severe

• Pain is increasing in severity

• Motor, bowel, bladder dysfunction

Not specifically discussed for HNP

Not cited

Not cited

Not cited

Hurme, 1987Deyo, 1992Albert, 1996Komori, 1996Donceel, 1999

Not cited

Vax-D not recommended

Not discussed

Not recommended

• Serious spinal pathology or nerveroot dysfunction not responsive toconservative therapy (and obviouslydue to a herniated disk) after onemonth in absence of red flags *

• Chemonucleolysis, percutaneous andendoscopic discectomy not recom-mended

Not specifically discussed for HNP.Prostheses not recommended.

Gose, 1998

Not cited

Studies cited do notaddress HNP

Boult, 2000Gibson, 2000Malter, 1996

Fritzell, 2001Gibson, 2000

* Increases the need for future surgery; long-term benefits unclear.


Medical Treatment Guidelines for Low Back Injury:Comparisons Between Actual (Pre-SB228), ACOEM & AAOS–Expected Levels of Medical Testing and Service Utilzation

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute

Table 13: Recommendations for Chronic/Unremitting Low Back Pain


Recommendation Evidence Recommendation Evidence

Passive Modalities

Active PhysicalTherapy and Self-Administered Exercise

Chiropractic andOsteopathicManipulation



Not discussed

Exercise and exercise-based therapy

Not recommended

Not recommended

Only for painful anatomic lesion, nopsychosocial barrier to recovery

Not cited

Manniche, 1991Hansen, 1993Alaranta , 1994Frost, 1995O’Sullivan, 1997

Not cited

Not cited

Fritzell, 2001

Not recommended

Exercise programs/back schools includ-ing cognitive-behavioral components

Not recommended

Not recommended

Not recommended

Bigos, 1994Beurskens,1997Cherkin, 2001Kovacs, 2002van Tulder, 2000d

Hilde, 2002 Karjalainen., 2001Guzman, 2001 Schonstein, 2003van Tulder, 2000cVendrig, 1999

Bigos, 1994van Tulder, 2000

Bigos, 1994Fritzell, 2001

Bigos, 1994Lee, 1995

Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

California Workers’ Compensation Institute A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y

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Utilization Review & the Use of Medical Treatment Guidelines in California Workers’ Compensation: Comparison of ACOEM & AAOS on Medical Testing and Service Utilization for Low Back Injury

A R e p o r t T o T h e I n d u s t r y California Workers’ Compensation Institute


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WCIRB Bulletin, January 2005

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California Workers’ Compensation Institute 1111 Broadway • Suite 2350 • Oakland, CA 94607 • (510) 251-9470 •