Download - Using the Groasis Waterboxx to Plant New Trees in Desert Regions

  • Foundation for Conservation and Education

    Using the Groasis Waterboxx to plant new trees

    Sahara Roots ProjectsThe Sahara Roots Foundation was established to help conserve the Moroccan Sahara through various development projects, thereby creating a better future for the local inhabitants

    The main projects of Sahara Roots are: tree planting, irrigation system development, desert cleaning and education.

    Developed by AquaProThe Groasis Waterboxx is introduced by AquaPro Holland, a private company founded by the inventor Pieter Hoff. The Groasis Waterboxx is a biomimicry technology, its an artificial copy of how Mother Nature plants trees and bushes.

    With the Waterboxx eroded areas including many deserts (mainly caused by human activity) can be restored with little effort and at low cost.2 For more information see:

    Millions of people could lose their homes and livelihoods as the worlds deserts expand because of climate change and unsustainable human activities.

    Sahara Roots has been planting trees in the MHamid area for 3 years to help reduce desertification. To greatly improve the survival rate of the newly planted trees we have started to use AquaPros Groasis Waterboxx.

    The Groasis Waterboxx is an intelligent water battery that produces and captures water from the air through condensation and rain. The condensation is caused by artificial stimulation and the water is captured through physical capacities, without using energy.

    The Groasis Waterboxx makes it possible to plant trees or bushes on rocks, on mountains, in gardens, in ashes of recently burned woods, eroded areas or deserts or any other place, without the help of irrigation with a 100% planting result. In moderate climates the Groasis Waterboxx causes a 15 to 30% faster growth after the start. There is no other planting solution comparable to this.1

    1&2 Quoted text about the Groasis waterbox and images are from the official website of Groasis ( AquaPro

    Photography, logo and texts about Sahara Roots Sahara Roots Foundation