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Using Qualitative Metasummary to Synthesize Empirical Findings in Literature Reviews

Authors: Danilo Monteiro Ribeiro, Fabio Q.B. da Silva, César França and Marcos Cardoso{dmr, fabio, mjmcj}@[email protected]

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• Introduction• The Method• Results• Interpretation of the dateDiscussion• Conclusions

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• Systematic Reviews can be an important role in the advance of knowledge

• A common critique to this type of review is that the

syntheses of primary studies are often poorly conducted [1]


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Qualitative metasummary, which figures among the known techniques of research syntheses, can be useful to bridge a link between superficial mapping studies and deeper interpretative syntheses of mixed studies [3].

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The Method

Sandelowski and Barroso proposed the Qualitative metasummary method as a quantitatively oriented aggregative study, aimed at finding and exposing patterns of findings from mixed-method research.

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The Method

It is organized basically in four steps:• extracting findings• grouping findings• abstracting findings• calculating frequency and intensity effect sizes.

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The Method

Extracting Findings

This step consists of identifying what the actual findings of the primary studies are. Sandelowski and Barroso recommend that, to begin the extraction process, the researcher must have a definition of the findings of interest, because it helps to identify what material to extract, and to maintain the whole process consistent.

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The Method

Grouping Findings

In the grouping process, the researchers will assemble groups of findings that seem to deal with similar topics, just as in a regular in-vivo coding process. In this step, the researchers achieve a sense of the variety of topics covered in the evidence presented in all primary studies [6].

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The Method

Abstracting Findings

In this step, after all of the relevant findings are grouped, the researcher must carefully assign their labels, in order to make them as accessible as possible to the readers, without prejudice to their original meanings content of those findings, preserving the context in which they appeared.

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Calculating frequency and intensity of effects

Onwuegbuzie [4] believes that to assess the relative magnitude of the abstracted results, researchers should estimate their frequency effect sizes. The frequency effect sizes are computed by taking the number of studies containing a finding (ignoring reports derived from common parent studies that present the same data and findings) and dividing it by the total number of studies [6].

The Method

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Calculating frequency and intensity of effects

To ascertain which reports contributed the most to the set of findings, the researchers must calculate their intensity effect size [6]. The intensity effect size takes the number of findings in each study and divides it by the total number of findings across all studies. This index also communicates the focus of each study, and can be useful to track possible connections between abstract findings.

The Method

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As recommended by Sandelowski and Barroso[5], we first set up our definition of finding, meaning any interpretive claim, relating whatever concept to performance of software engineering teams, made in the primary studies based on, and supported by, data presented in the own paper.

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Abstracting the findingsWe abstracted the findings and edited the labels with care to avoid bias and to preserve their meaning. The result of this process is portrayed in Table 2.

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Frequency and intensity effect sizesFinally, we calculated the frequency and the intensity of the effect sizes, as shown in Table 3.

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• In our paper we have some extra results about team performance but for this paper, our results focus on method.

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Regarding its ease of use, the qualitative metasummary is straightforward and cost-effective.

Although, we believe is not clear how the calculus of intensity effect size adds to its result. Considering that we are aggregating mixed-method studies, and that we are not saying anything about the quality of the primary studies, it does not seem reasonable to claim that one study or another contributed the most in this topic based only on their intensity effect size index.

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Regarding its usefulness, we evidence that the Qualitative metasummary produces results very well connected to the findings from primary studies. The fact that it deals with mixed-methods studies is also useful for the software engineering field [1]


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Regarding its reliability, the Qualitative metasummary produces transparent and auditable data. Although the findings are abstracted from their original context, it keeps track of all the process. In the software engineering field, access to the raw data can be a particular challenge.


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Its interpretive approach also requires some seniority of the researchers. In this work, for example, we faced different concepts of performance in the primary studies (using keywords such as team success, and effectiveness), which difficulted the decision of what could (and what could not) be included.


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Another limitation of the Qualitative measummary method is that it does not integrate the findings, because the limited integratability of data with mixed nature. Therefore, the effect sizes actually do not communicate strength of the effects.


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CONCLUSIONSQualitative metasummary can be helpful to enhance the practice of systematic reviews in the software engineering field. This is the central contribution of this paper.The main strength of the method presented in this article is that it produces a synthesis highly connected to the actual findings from the primary studies.Its main limitation, on the other hand, is the challenging comparability and integratability between primary studies. The idea of calculating “frequency” and “effect size” using such simple mathematical formulas also seems too simplistic.Qualitative metasummary can also serve as an intermediary research step, between a more superficial review and a deeper aggregative reviewFinally, this study is an experience report, and its validity may be limited by the fact that the individuals that applied the method were the same evaluating it.

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Fabio Q. B. da Silva holds a research grant from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), process #314523/2009-0. Danilo Monteiro Ribeiro receives a scholarship from CNPq, process #132554/2013-5


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