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Page 1: Using Akka Futures

Using Akka Futures

Meetu MaltiarPrincipal Consultant

Email: [email protected]:@meetumaltiar

Page 2: Using Akka Futures

SIP 14

There were eight different Future implementations:

java.util.concurrent.Future akka.dispatch.Futurescala.actors.Future scalaz.concurrent.Promisescala.parallel.Future ...sff4s

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Define ThemFuture and Promise are tied to each other. But they are different!

A Future is a read-handle to a single value that may be available in a specific time frame.

A Promise is a write-handle to a single value (write-once) that should be made available in a specific time-frame.

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Akka Futures definitionA Future is a data structure

Used to retrieve of some concurrent operation

This operation is performed by an Actor or a dispatcher directly

The result can be accessed synchronously or asynchronously

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Future has States

A Future has three states. Initially it does not have anything, later can be a success or a failure.

Pending => Success / Failure

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Execution Context

Futures need ExecutionContext to execute callback and operations

If we have ActorSystem in implicit scope Future will use default dispatcher as ExecutionContext

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Simplest Future

import akka.dispatch.Future

object SimplestFutureApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }}

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The other side of Future is a Promise.

Think that the entity that creates a Future is a Requester and the one that can respond back has a Promise.

We hardly use Promise in our code, but it completes the understanding nonetheless!!

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Promise Exampleobject PromiseApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") // create a promise val promise = Promise[String]() // get an associated future from that promise val future = promise.future // successfully fulfill that promise promise.success("promises are to be kept") // Extract the value from the Future println(future.value)


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Composing Futures

Futures are Monadic

There are map and flatMap methods on them

We can therefore compose them monadically and do asynchronous composition!!

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Composing Example

import akka.dispatch.Future

object CreatingFutureFromAFutureApp extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future")

// Future[String] val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

// Futures are monadic so we can transform from Future[String] to Future[Int] val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }


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Sync Wait On Future

There is an Await method if we have to wait for a Future to complete.

Always avoid this. Use it as last option. Never block thats the whole point.

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Sync Wait Exampleobject SyncWaitOnFuture extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future") implicit val timeout = Timeout(50000 milliseconds)

val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }

// try to avoid this as much as possible val number = Await.result(anotherFuture, timeout.duration) println("String length is " + number)}

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Async Wait

Future has several callbacks. They areonComplete: It will either be a Success or a Failure

onSuccess: It will be invoked only when Future is successful

onFailure: It will be invoked only when Future got a Throwable in it.

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Async Wait Exampleimport akka.dispatch.Future

object AsyncWaitOnFuture extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("future")

val future = Future { "Hello " + " World" }

val anotherFuture = future map { aString => aString.length }

anotherFuture onSuccess { case number => println("String length is " + number) }


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Using Futures

Futures allows us to do a data flow style of programming

We know, there can be a certain type of value in a Future. So, we can do asynchronous composition on that Future.

This will result (yield) a new Future. We do not block as we compose even when we do not have a value yet

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Futures Example

We have an identity function that sleeps for 3 seconds

We want make a call to it three times gather their result and sum them

Normal code as expected will take nine seconds :(

With Futures we can do it in three seconds :)

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Futures Example...Here is the code for identity function. Followed by creation of three futures.

// creating three futures val future1 = Future { identity(1) } val future2 = Future { identity(2) } val future3 = Future { identity(3) }

def identity(number: Int): Int = { Thread.sleep(3000) number }

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Futures Example...Now composing code using flatMap and Map

// composing using map and flatMqp // not concise at all :( val oneFinalFuture = future1 flatMap { result1 => future2 flatMap { result2 => future3 map { result3 => result1 + result2 + result3 } } }

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Futures Example...

Now composing code using for expressions

// for expressions are just a sugar. They are really concise :) val finalFuture = for { result1 <- future1 result2 <- future2 result3 <- future3 } yield result1 + result2 + result3

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Futures Example...

Now we issue a callback to collect result

finalFuture onSuccess { case sum => println("sum is " + sum) }

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Code Samples

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Viktor Klang talk on Akka And Futures at javaZone