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Address: Level 2, 144 Marsden St, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Phone: 1300SYSTEM (1300 797 836) FAX: 02 9635 4215 Email: [email protected] Website:

Use of Business Phone Systems in Education

Improving technological connectivity has now enabled bring together schools and parents

with the help of digital phone systems such that parents can be kept informed of the

ward’s progress, attendance and also any emergencies. A digital phone solution offers

various advantages over the analogue ones and can be deployed at a much lower cost and

ease. The new phone systems are capable of placing and or taking hundreds of calls within

a short span of time and broadcast information to all parents.

Some of the advantages of using business phone solutions in schools can be enumerated as


- Uniform broadcast of information: All parents can receive automated calls informing

them of vital updates at the same time. This reduces the manpower costs that the

school has to employ in reaching all parents.

- Establishing direct connectivity with parents: A phone is a personal device now that

can be reached almost anytime. Thus instead of relying on letters which take time

and email which may be missed, a phone system helps the school establish a direct

connectivity with the parents and ensure that they remain well informed of the

ward’s progress, attendance and others news from the school.

- Reliable source of information: A phone call received from the school is a reliable

source of information for the parents. This helps them act in accordance with the


- Quick emergency response: In emergencies time is of essence and parents are

worried about the safety of their children. A business phone system employed by

an educational institution can help curb the spread of rumors, answer important

questions that the parents may have and help them ensure the safety of their

children as a priority.

Business phone systems for schools can have various other advantages as well. Parents can

now be connected over virtual meetings and conference calls thereby reducing the hassles

of organizing and ensuring parents attend Parent Teacher meeting. A conference call

ensures that all parents irrespective of physical availability can attend the call and take stock

of the child’s progress.

Connectivity is a great tool for most aspect of our lives. And improving connectivity is now

help educational institutions improve their connect with the parents which helps the overall

improvement of the child’s progress and learning ability. Connectivity is also helping bring

more children into the educational fold and improving their ability to learn better and more

quickly when compared to previous generations.

Business phone systems are not just limited in scope to a business entity but effectively

employed solutions can be a great tool in the working of a school. The Australian

government has invested a great deal of impetus into the National Broadband Network. This

is an ambitious and hugely beneficial initiative wherein all school can now hope for improved

connectivity and better phone solutions, thereby much improved parent-school connect,

wider educational coverage and overall improvement in education.

Page 2: Use of business phone systems in education

Call us 1300SYSTEM (1300 797 836)

Address: Level 2, 144 Marsden St, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Phone: 1300SYSTEM (1300 797 836) FAX: 02 9635 4215 Email: [email protected] Website:

For More information:


Level 2, 144 Marsden St, Parramatta NSW 2150

1300SYSTEM (1300 797 836)

02 9635 4215

[email protected]