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Deliverable Three: USAIDGroup 1 & 2

In accordance with USAID’s mission in Haiti, we hope to integrate Phase 1 and 2 that were built by Habitat for Humanity into the greater Santo communities through the development of culturally relevant and economically feasible infrastructure and community projects. These projects will enable Santo to create diverse economic development and become a catalyst for change in Haiti. USAID would create programs to help rebuild Haiti in ways that will be sustained throughout time, but this can’t be done without funding from institutions like the World Bank. This project has been proved successful, and many International Organizations have invested in the program... Will you?

Geographic Background of Santo Leogane● Geographical coordinates are 18° 30' 39" North, 72° 38' 2" West ● South Eastern Leogane Santo is bordered Route National # 2 and● North Western bordered with Unknown road but it is essential for accessing Santo ● A bit far Eastern Santo Leogane there is major river called Momance, flows from the SE mountains,

empty its water in Caribbean Sea on the NE side of Leogane Santo.● The Climate of Santo Leogane is mainly Marine Tropical (MT)● Santo Leogane experiences Hot and Humid summer and Mild and Cool during the winter● The average temperature for over 20 years have been 75 degrees fahrenheit ● Since Santo Leogane is close to the coast of Caribbean sea, it is convergent zone because it

experiences wind pressure. Sea breeze during the Daytime and Land breeze during the nighttime. These are geographical advantage for sustainable energy-Wind Mills.


“ Education is most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” – Nelson Mandela

With USAID’s main priority in Haiti to create and invest in new and diverse economic opportunities, in mind, a foundation of education must be laid first. To do so we are asking for educational funding to help create opportunities for increasing the level of education in the Santo Community which will subsequently enable new economic development initiatives to take place. Over 50 percent of Haitian adults do not have the ability to read.

● A library will be built in the Phase 2 section of the Santo community to help combat illiteracy in Santo. It will be open to all of the community to access reading materials and computer access.

● This will also be a town hall where people can have discussion as well as programs to help with reading initiatives of USAID.

- Haiti’s President Martelly has made free education a priority in his administration and the government of Haiti is hoping to have 1.5 million students registered in school by 2016.

● The schools that are already in place will be updates to standards agreeable to the USAID standards.

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● These schools will have partnerships with US schools and universities to be able to have not only a community in the Santo area of Haiti but also a community of knowledge that transcends geographical areas.

- Along with USAID’s basic education strategies for grades K-3, there is a program in Haiti called Haiti Higher Education Partnership Program. This program will be implemented in Santo.

● Santo career development programs (which will be housed inside of the library) will be paired up with United States Universities (Virginia Tech being one of them!) to help strengthen the curriculum in the areas of computer science, agribusiness, business management and international finance.

● The program uses the partnership within these schools to introduce the idea of online courses to increase education access, implement faculty development through exchanges, mentoring and training,

These programs USAID is hoping to implement with the World’s Bank help will not only be for Phase 1 and 2 of the building site but also for the greater Santo community. This will help beneficiaries integrate with their larger community and together create an environment in Haiti that will be an example for other international partnerships to follow.


USAID intends to reduce “Haiti’s vulnerability to food crises and improve Haitian’s long-term health.” Immediately after the earthquake, USAID provided short-term interventions, however as time has passed, we see long-term techniques being implemented in order to stabilize Haiti for future growth. An example of the evolution is the Santo community. However, through the establishment of phase 1, we see still a large ability for growth and change with the coming development of phase 2, especially in food security. USAID found that 60% of Haitians work in the agricultural field, yet more than 50% of the food currently consumed is imported. This means that either A- a majority of agriculture is focused for outside states and not for the Haitians or B- that the farming performed by the Haitians is not sustainable for the families and many of the crops are destroyed or inefficient. For Santo specifically, they must look to collaborate and erect dialogue between neighboring communities in order to bolster food security since they do not have large space for farming. The best solution will develop from the first test run to improve dialogue between Santo and the five neighboring communities provided in the official Santo packet (for professor Widmer). USAID feels that their presence will help to improve food security across all of Haiti and will help ensure that the people are confident in continuing to implement the actions once USAID sets the foundation. These actions are the following:

- Small-scale● to promote a Test run just within the 5 distinct community areas surrounding Santo

○ if goes well can then move to implement trade and agriculture in all of Haiti○ This will be carried out through the following innovations:

● Charettes and open presentations (dialogue)

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○ In Figure 1, the charette incorporated in Santo, conducted an exercise which allowed members to express their needs and wants. Without it, the team would not have known that meat and fruits were among the most desired foods and a staple for their diets.

○ Open presentations can be recommended to be used between the five communities in one location. It will be free for any member of the communities to come and educate themselves on all matters food security. For example: safe cooking, water, and farming techniques. It will include an array of topics, promote dialogue and partnership, as well as a source for community spirit. (conducted like a science fair)

● A communal market ○ closest market: 2 km from Santo (Figure 2)○ a communal market that will also allow more time for women to spend on making goods

and allocate their time differently○ improve trade within and outside of Santo.The women of Santo specifically make jams

and peanut butter, which can be used for trade in the market ○ Figure 3 you see Santo’s community and all that is included. There is not a lot currently

present in Phase 1, so for phase 2 more emphasis on centralized markets. This will help an inflow of outside members to come into Santo, especially for goods, if they are close in proximity.

○ increase in jobs: Santo members can sell their goods, like jams, outside of the community at various other markets

○ If the test run markets within the 5 communities and Santo work well, can implement across Haiti

- Area for agriculture

● So far, large agricultural practices have been implemented northeast of the Santo community by USAID, but issues near the epicenter of the earthquake in Leogane, have not been addressed

● Phase 1 did not include an area for agriculture, while the surrounding area is highly urbanized and crowded (Figure 4 in the deliverable packet provided by Prof. Widmer).

● Greenhouse agriculture○ Santo is prone to flooding and other natural disasters meaning that USAID can help

implement greenhouse agriculture, where smaller produce can be farmed above ground with vertical agriculture and drip irrigation. USAID helped NE Haiti practice this practice in a program called “WINNER” in an area called Cul-de-Sac corridor. In fact, representatives from the University of Florida came to educate the farmers there in an effort to help sustain this type of farming and the necessary ways to introduce electricity to practice.

● USAID funded program: WINNER○ WINNER: Watershed Initiative for National Natural Environmental Resources increased

Haitian farmers overall production by 75% in the Spring of 2010 alone.○ Implemented by DC based contractor: Chemonics, Inc.○ Currently, the USAID program, WINNER, has intervened only in the three corridors seen

in Fig 4., but the program should include Leogane and Santo.○ The implementation will promote dialogue since the corridors, where the program is

implemented, include multiple neighboring communities.

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○ USAID and WINNER’s advisers (Universities) will provide planting and fertilization advice, seed mixes, tools, but more importantly widening rivers, and constructing dams. They are helping to bring water into the farming fields, specifically.

- Large-scale● Once small scale improvements have been made and the test run goes well, USAID can help to

develop large-scale developments.● Food security can be discussed nation wide.This will be an end goal that must be carried out

through the existing government.

● Program: Feed the Future○ introduced as a global initiative by the G-8 : integrated by USAID in Haiti ○ advocates an increase in food security in targeted geographic corridors through help

in crop selections, increased dialogue, and long-term sustainability through the emergence of local food growth.

○ goal in Haiti specifically: from 2011 to 2015, 567,000 vulnerable members in Haiti will escape hunger and poverty

○ already implemented around the world, therefore there are examples to be followed○ this program will help to allocate the food to those most in need like mothers and children○ the program also addresses large scale markets, produce safety, farm lands and watershed

structure. Therefore, USAID will incorporate the Feed the Future ideals with the program WINNER in order to carry out widespread food security across Haiti.

○ already an improvement:■ restored 10,000 hectares of farmlands ■ improvements have increased rice yields by 118%, corn by 368%, bean by

85%, and plantain yields by 21% ■ 700 local farmers were trained at a masters’ level to administer classes for

proper harvest techniques in Haiti

● Macro -scale dialogue○ Professionals from the Feed the Future program, government officials and chosen

community members will first conduct an annual charette. This may be facilitated by USAID at first, but then local professionals, who were trained by USAID and US universities, will facilitate discussions on food security. They will communicate strengths and weaknesses in a chart around the various Haitian town/cities. This will hopefully highlight the existence of certain products in one community over the other and help with the trade process.

○ provide the variations in cultural needs: geographical and economic ● Large-scale Markets

○ Produce can be traded across Haiti through infrastructure changes (like roads), goods can be transported more easily

○ This will create more job opportunities with the need of drivers.● Produce safety

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○ As agricultural and small-scale imports begin to be integrated, Haiti will need to erect some kind of testing mechanism of the produce to ensure health safety while eliminating the threat of diseases. This was proposed by Feed the Future

○ A testing facility will need to be erected.○ A university from the state could possibly partner with Haitian government to first

educate them on easily detected diseases in order to decrease deaths from food related diseases.

○ This will be not be as formalized and developed as the US program, but there in order to stop simple and avoidable diseases.

- Overall● Food Storage: Use of refrigerators or similar appliances

○ Will dramatically help with health and food security. Food storage will substantially decrease the time necessary everyday to get more food, and leave more time for members of Santo and the outside communities to interact and allocate their time differently. They would have time to build their infrastructure and relationships.

● Improve kitchens○ In addition, USAID can help to improve kitchen areas to promote food safety and

decrease contamination.○ Currently, women must cook on the ground where food can be easily mixed with dirt.

The open flame to heat the pans are not adequate or reliable in some homes. Therefore, easy construction of small concrete slabs with holes in the middle, specifically for the use of warming foods can easily reduce food contamination. This will become their designated “cooking areas” and kept clean. The heat source should be a designated place, cut out in a circular pattern, where fire is kept. Wood and other material to start the fire will be kept there and a simple covered after the fire is let out, so that embers will not be free flowing through the community and fires are contained.


The health care system in Leogane was devastated after the earthquake on January 12, 2010. Much of the area’s hospital was destroyed. Instead of providing a range of services from general medicine to traumatology, the hospital now only provides outpatient, laboratory, and pharmaceutical services.

● Cardinal Léger Hospital in Léogâne, Haïti○ The hospital already reaches about ten thousand locals and was built to help combat

leprosy in the area. Since then, the hospital had branched out but was hit severely by the earthquake.

○ USAID will design a new building for the hospital that will adequately make up for the surgery/traumatology services that were available before the earthquake.

○ In conjunction with the hospital and the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population (MSPP), USAID will provide resources to help the hospital achieve its objective of restoring the services and buildings that the hospital owned before the earthquake occurred.

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● Local Clinic:○ USAID will plan for a new clinic to be set up in Phase 2 to provide general medical and

pediatric care.○ This clinic will also provide educational seminars that teach residents about disease

prevention including sexually transmitted diseases since HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a problem in Haiti.

○ Vaccination options will be provided with the help of the MSPP in order to raise children immunization levels.

The clinic will provide the Santo community (both Phase 1 and Phase 2 residents) with basic health care that is relatively easy for them to get to with the planned infrastructure and pedestrian walkways. The addition to the Cardinal Léger Hospital in Léogâne will serve emergency medical needs and surgical procedures. In this way, the proposed plan will align with USAID’s mission statement for healthcare in Haiti by providing a prevention program for HIV, offering public health information, and strengthening the national healthcare system.


The earthquake in 2010 caused Leogane to lose almost 90% of it’s buildings and infrastructure. Since then, USAID has helped reestablish some of the infrastructure in the area but there is much left to do. The Santo community development offers a unique opportunity to provide key infrastructure to not only integrate the community with the people of Leogane but to also allow them to flourish.

To help incorporate the citizens of Santo into the surrounding communities during Phase 2 construction, strategic infrastructure is needed. USAID’s infrastructure initiatives will use the latest developmental models to ensure that the people of Santo have access to education, recreation, health and job opportunities while remaining safe and secure in their travels. Funds will be allocated to finance the design and construction of the following projects in the Santo and surrounding communities.

Key partners in the infrastructure sector include Habitat for Humanity, open architecture network, and the community. As of September 30, 2011, USAID had allocated almost $412 million for infrastructure construction activities, obligated approximately $48.4 million (11.8 percent), and expended approximately $3.1 million (0.8 percent). (GAO, 2011) There is plenty of spending potential still available for the Santo community.

USAID proposed infrastructure improvements for Santos Phase 2:

- Communication● USAID will provide funds for the current local cell phone tower to be maintenanced and

upgraded to support mobile phone use for communication, finance and educational initiatives that were indicated in this docket.

- Transportation● Roads -USAID has identified that road infrastructure is lacking or isn’t up to standards.

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○ Proper signage, lines and drainage will be installed○ Bridges, across the Riviere Momance, will be constructed and maintained to further

agriculture opportunities.○ Roads to and from the proposed Windmill will be developed.○ Pedestrian walkways will be built along these roads around Santos (detailed below)

● Walking Paths○ USAID, in conjunction with local Santos leaders will design and build pedestrian paths

that will allow quick and safe access around Santos and to Leogane.○ Proposed paths will loop around Santos encompassing areas close to Route De Darbonne

and will be connected by walking path. The Pedestrian path will continue along with Route De Darbonne to Nationale Route 2. Here, at Route 2 there will be access via walking paths to Leogane Cardinal Leger Hospital via one route and downtown Leogane via another.

○ These walking paths will contain consistent signage indicating distance and location. Solar-powered lighting systems will be put in place to ensure a safe commute.

○ Routes are designed to safely travel pedestrians from one community place to another such as USAID’s proposed Library, Town Hall, Community Market and community clinic in Phase 2 all detailed elsewhere in the docket.

- Security● Solar Powered lighting will be emphasized around community gathering locations. These

locations include the community market, sports facility, schools and other public spaces.● Lookout stations will be built at every major walking intersection along the aforementioned

walking paths. These five stations will ensure safe pedestrian routes. These will be modeled after the Khayelitsha, South African model

● Recreational or Economic areas will be built at these lookout stations as they are safe and local hubs of foot traffic.

- Water and Sanitation● 16 current potable water stations will be reviewed and fixed if required.● A second Community water tank will be added in an area next to a water pump near the main

intersection of Route De Darbonee and the route just south of Santos to help offset the use of only 1 tank in the Santos area.

● All new home and building construction will be thoroughly reviewed for floodplain potential as well being a part of the WINNER program discussed in the agriculture section.

● Toilet Facilities will be placed at all 5 Lookout Stations (2 at each) as well as the sports facility (4), Community market (2) and along side the 2 water tanks in Santos (4). A total of 20 new Sanitation areas will be constructed.

The goal of these proposed infrastructure strategies is to unite the local people of Leogane to the new Santos community who have been displaced due to the earthquake. Through the infrastructural plans proposed above, safe, convenient and economical transportation and trade between the two areas will be made possible. These plans have followed a great effort of research into the highest priority infrastructure

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problems in Santos. Please consider this proposal a guideline. Further elaboration and evidence is available.


To support the citizens of Santo in their new development, USAID will use its mission to work with Haitian government institutions to deliver public services transparently and with accountability, administer justice efficiently and in conformity with the Haitian Constitution, provide security to the Haitian people, and protect the most vulnerable.

One issue to be dealt with in the new community is the ownership of homes. Several problems over property rights, injustice, safety, and security may arise if a proper mortgage or ownership title is not tied to a house and its beneficiary. - What has USAID done so far?

● USAID created the PROJUSTICE project in order to reestablish a fair, stable justice system● Through the project, USAID provided training, worked to recover files, collaborated with

government officials to rework policy, and offered free legal services to over 4,000 residents● Haiti relies heavily on civil society organizations (CSOs) for the monitoring of humanitarian aid.

USAID seeks to strengthen CSOs and other community organizations to promote progress in communities.

● USAID is working with the government of Haiti, NGOs, and communities to provide for the needs of the people and deliver them from the violence and injustice that plagues their lives.

- What can USAID do now?

● USAID can empower and encourage CSOs to facilitate a committee of stakeholders to determine the legal ownership of the new housing compound.

● USAID can work with regional leaders (mayors/governors) to select and train leaders in the communities to serve as an intermediary between the people and the local government.

● USAID’s support will decrease the incidence of human rights abuses, exploitation, and family separation, while expanding access to services to prevent and respond to these abuses


The USAID’s economic growth programs have the purpose of facilitating trade, pushing the private sector, controlling and reducing corruption and increasing the income of the households. Even though the Santo community may face some obstacles before becoming a prosperous community we see a lot of potential and believe that with the cooperation and involvement of the people living there, it will be possible to achieve economic security. Economic security is the pillar that works with all the other ones; it directly ties in with food security, infrastructure and governance, helping to ensure transparency. USAID has created many plans to help the economic situation in Haiti and the Santo Community can implement them in their project plan as well. We are not only seeking to develop the economic situation in the Santo Community but also in the surrounding areas. This will not only integrate Santo into the new surrounding area but also will be beneficial for everyone around Santo generating a general welfare.

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- Market Organization in Santo

There are three main markets that are around the community Santo: Carrefour Dufort, Darbonne, and Chatule in Leogane. However these markets are not within walking distances for the people living in Santo. In addition, each of them has their own issues. For example, Chalute in Leogane is not well structured and in normally takes place in the streets, and the Darbonne market was recently relocated causing traffic and litter problems. Therefore, it is very important to enhance the market center within the walls of the Santo Community. This will not only benefit the economy within the community but if it’s well organized it can become a commercial center for people outside Santo.

Knowing that the main economic activity of the people in Santo is agriculture, it is crucial to have a place where all the trade will take place. The market will also make trade easier for the women involved, since they won’t have to make long trips to the other market centers to sell their products.

- Banks and Microcredit

After the earthquake wreaked havoc, many banks and ATM’s were destroyed making the access to banking accounts and savings hard for the Haitian population. In response to this problem USAID in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Foundation came up with the Haiti Mobile Money Initiative (HMMI). Which makes all the transactions through cellphones and more accessible and easy for the people in Haiti. I think this could be integrated in the Santo Community as well.

Near the Santo Community microcredit is available in Darbonne and in Dufort however, people from Santo don’t really use it because the citizens don’t have a complete understanding of how it works. It is necessary to educate the Santo population so they can take advantage of this benefit and pursue a higher household income maybe through the creation of a small business or by buying new material to work in agriculture. This is such an important tool that would give many families in the different phases of the Santo Community a chance to increase their family income.

- Other ways of the Income Generation

There is some trade activity in Santo which involves masonry, carpentry and cabinet making. However, to acquire these skills most of the youth has to go to other places far from home, since there isn’t a vocational school for them in Santo. It would be great to add this to the education, as an after class program where, more experienced adults in these fields could teach the younger generations. Not only for these areas but many others like mechanics, tailors, cosmetology, etc. This could be a project similar to the Haiti Apparel Center which is giving many Haitians the skills they need to find jobs with different textile industries promoting the private sector. Through the creation of this educational program we will be promoting the private sector and giving the people in the Santo Community a chance to access the private sector either as workers or owners of new shops.

These strategies are looking forward to reduce the unemployment rates in the Santo Community and surrounding areas. We would love to see this community evolve into an important trade center in Haiti.

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USAID believes that investment in sustainable energy sources is necessary in increasing the productivity and livelihood of the people of Santo. Access to a reliable energy source enables accumulation of capital by raising the efficiency of activities such as cooking and attaining clean water. Once less time is spent on chores made more convenient by energy use, more time will be allotted for trade, cultural interaction, recreation, and other valuable engagements that will allow further integration with surrounding communities. Sustainable infrastructure mandates that the infrastructure is able to be fixed with a reasonable amount of effort, potentially increasing communication between Santo residents and members of other communities with similar projects. The installation of solar panels and windmills to provide energy to Santo adheres to USAID’s goals in Haiti by increasing productivity, standard of living, and interaction with neighboring villages.

Operation Windmill International is an aid organization attempting to replace a diesel powered power plant in Port-Au-Prince with wind and solar energy. Once the infrastructure is built, it is estimated that costs of maintaining the windmills, maintaining the solar panels, and generating the necessary power will cost about half as much as the $6000 being spent on diesel fuel each month for the existing power plant. Three wind turbines and 86 solar panels are required to meet Operation Windmill’s goals, coming at a cost of about $204,000. The project is both environmentally sustainable and economically sustainable; the windmills create no emissions and rising prices of fossil fuels will not impact those using electricity generated from wind energy.

A project similar to installation of windmills in Port-Au-Prince is relevant to USAID’s goals in providing sustainable solutions to problems of underdevelopment. USAID would like to propose a partnership with Operation Windmill International to make possible the installment of wind powered generators in or around Santo. Windmills do not take up unreasonable amounts of space, nor do they produce pollution that could potentially harm ongoing agricultural projects in close proximity to Santo. The windmills could also spark positive interactions between Santo and Port-Au-Prince as repairs to the infrastructure are needed, encouraging communication and cooperation between the two communities as well as creating the need for employment.

Despite the potential of wind power to have enormous positive impacts on Santo through increases in access to energy and communications with surrounding localities, an alternative system must be suggested in order to prevent power shortages. USAID would like to install solar panels in quantities just large enough to support Santo in case of emergency. Solar energy is also sustainable and has little to no harmful environmental effects, making it an ideal choice for an energy alternative for Santo.

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FiguresFigure 1: Figure 2:

Figure 3: Figure 4:

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Works Cited

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FutureMultiYearStrategy_Public_FINAL.pdf"US - Haiti Higher Education Partnership Program." USAID Haiti. USAID, June 2012. Web. 14 Oct. 2012. <>.