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    By Dr. Phil Walker, ICM President

    Africa: the Hopeless Continent

    In 1986 I traveled to Kampala for meetings withgovernment ofcials. At one point I walked intoa Firestone tire store to purchase two tires formy double cab Nissan pickup. I was told theydid not have the size I needed. I looked around

    and realized they did not have any size. The storehad tire racks with no tires. I walked outside andlooked up and down the main street where onlya few vehicles moved. That night we could heargun re in the distance. We were told to stay insideafter dark. Flash forward 25 years later to 2012.

    Kampala is a bustling city of a million and ahalf people. The roads are lled with cars andlined with shops full of merchandise as far asthe eye can see. Ten years ago The Economistmagazine labeled Africa the Hopeless Continent.In December this statement was reversed: Thecontinent of Africa is on the rise (Economist,December 3, 2011). Cell phones, cars, motorcycles,restaurants, hotels, tourists are all part of the newAfrica risingrising to take its place in the worldeconomy. The slumbering giant called Africa is


    There is a correlation between economyand missions. Evangelical churches have anunderstanding that part of their call is to sharethe love of Jesus with the world. Africa is rapidlydeveloping the capacity to put this belief intoaction. This growth is leading to a new surgein mission activity. Nigerian denominations areleading the way, sending hundreds of missionaries

    ewsleerInternational ChristianMinistries

    W I N T E R 2 0 1 2

    Training Thousands to Reach Millions

    Recent photo of Kampalas skyline showing urbanization and mod-ern architechture. Kampala is the capital of Uganda.


    to other parts of Africa and the rest of the world.ICM leadership has accepted the mantle forleading the world to fulll the Great Commission.Deo Mwamba, ICM Director, DRC, recently returnedfrom Senegal, West Africa where he desires tostart a mission to train workers to reach into NorthAfrica. Rev. Francis Olubambi, ICM Nigeria Director,(continued on page 3)


    AFRICA RISING FACTSAn economy taking its place in the world

    TWO DANGEROUS PATHSA journey to salvation

    UP CLOSE AND PERSONALA new series profiling ICM African leaders

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    Two Dangerous Paths,One Sure SalvationReprinted with permission: Walk Thru the Bible

    More than 30 years ago, two young men from theDemocratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) becamegood friends as they studied together at IslamicUniversity in Saudi Arabia. Dedicated Muslims, theywere committed to making all Africa Muslim. Deobecame an Islamic leader responsible for usingmillions of dollars given by oil-rich countries toconvert Christians in Africa to the Muslim beliefs.The other man, Jamal, became a sheikh and imamin his home country.

    Years later, Deo became troubled by the factthat even the prophet Mohammed did not haveassurance of salvation. He knew Christians claimedto have this assurance and began to study Isa(Jesus) in the Koran. He eventually sought help from

    ChristianstounderstandJesus andcame toChrist. Deonow servesas theNationalDirector ofICM in theDRC.

    Deo had the opportunity to rekindle his friendshipwith Jamal, but upon learning of Deos faith, Jamalwas outraged and criticized his old friend publicly.

    Even so, Deo persisted in showing love for Jamaland his family. His kindness won Jamal over, andJamal eventually accepted Christ.

    Deo has a passion for sharing Isa (Jesus), theOne sure salvation, with the Muslims of Africa. Herecently returned from Guinea Bissau, Cameroonand Senegal where he trained leaders. His passionis fueled as he travels and sees the hopelessness

    Rev. Deo Mwamba, a former Muslim cleric, leads a disciple-ship training program for Muslims in Senegal.

    Africa Rising FactsEconomic Growth - 6% per year

    Home to 6 of the 10 of the worlds fastestgrowing countries

    Growing faster economically than East Asia

    Half of the worlds population increase overthe next 40 years will be in Africa

    More cell phones than America or Europe

    Productivity growing 3% per year, compared

    with 2.3% per year in AmericaWealthiest Black person in the world isNigerian

    Trade has increased by 200% since 2000

    Ination dropped from 22% in the 1990s to 8%in the past decade

    Foreign debts declined by 25%

    The World Bank said Africa could be on the

    brink of an economic take-off, much likeChina was 30 years ago and India 20 yearsago

    Africas population is set to double to 2 billionover the next 40 years

    2010 total foreign direct investments weremore than $55 billion, ve times what it wasa decade earlier and much more than Africareceives in aid

    Home to 60% of the worlds uncultivatedusable land.

    and lost state of Muslims. He wants to share withthem that they can have assurance of salvation inJesus. He has a vision bigger than the Congo, biggerthan Africa; the vision of seeing the Good Newsspread throughout the Muslim world. 4

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    Up Close and PersonalBy Sandy Sanford

    ICM transforms leaders who, in turn, transformtheir communities. How do I know this? Ive seen it

    with my own eyes over the past 13 years while onICM ministry trips in Africa. These leaders love andfollow Jesus and express this love in a myriad ofministries all across Africa. Heres the story of oneof those leaders.

    Judith Mutange,a BAstudent in my Englishcomposition classin 2000, had a lovefor kids. Rejected,

    abandoned, difcult,throw-away childrenwere her specialty.Judith said, The kids around my neighborhoodneed an education, a place to worship and a familyto love, feed, train and enjoy them. I am only asimple woman but maybe God can use me.

    Since graduating fromATS in Kitale, God usedJudith build a ministryplace called Great Mercy

    Center where she has started a school, grown achurch and built an orphanage. Ive watched atwo-classroom school for neighborhood kids growinto a multifaceted ministry thats recognized by

    the government, helpingover 100 children. From AIDsorphans and victims of tribalclashes, to local studentsand her own children, Great

    Mercy Center provides ahome of love, learning andlaughter.

    ICM fanned into amesJudiths dream to love kids

    Jesus style, to step out of her secure life, into oneof non-stop God adventures.When one meets Judith, witha twinkle in her eye anda dimple to her grin, one

    immediately knows she lovesJesus, children and is livingher missional life. 4

    If you would like to donateto Great Mercy Center, pleasenote your request and mail to:ICM, PO Box 9071, Bakerseld,CA 93389-9071 or donate onlineat

    held a training conference in Burkina Faso, anAfrican county thats 61 percent Muslim.

    ICM was birthed in a small town in the North Westpart of Kenya. Today, because men and womenembraced the vision to take the Good News to thewhole world, ICMs visionary leaders are taking the

    charge to make disciples.

    Africa is rising! You have an opportunity to join withwhat God is doing to help raise up the next greatmissionary wave. Out of Africa will go forth the wordof God into the whole world.

    Join us as we partner together with the African

    Church to reach the world for Jesus! 4

    Africa Rising (continued from cover)

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    ICM is extremely proud to

    announce the addition ofSheryl Giesbrecht to its full-time staff. Sheryl has beeninvolved with ICM for manyyears.

    Sheryl has been atremendous blessing to thisministry already and Imsure will be instrumental toour growth in the future,said Phil Walker, ICMPresident. 4







    [email protected]
















    he Back P ageInternational Christian Ministries

    ICM Appoints New Directorof Advancement

    Sheryl D.Giesbrecht accepted theposition of Director of Advance-ment for ICM USA beginningJanuary 1, 2012.

    Did you know there are ways to supportthe ICM Hope of Africa Fundwithoutwriting a check? One of the most

    popular ways is to include ICM Hope of

    Africa Fundin your will. Its very simple to do.You can specify an amount to be given toICM Hope of Africa Fundor you candesignate a percentage of your estate to bedonated. Check with your nancial advisorfor the exact language. And be sure to adviseICM of your bequest so we can properlythank you for your support. Many Blessings!

    4 4 4

    All of your works will thank you, Lord, and yourfaithful followers will bless you. They will talktogether about the glory of your kingdom; they

    will celebrate examples of your power.Psalm 145:10-11