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J. Brau US ILC Detector R&D P5, April 20, 2006 1

US ILC Detector R&D• Community of US physicists planning for ILC

experiments for several years

• Detector development in US limited by weak funding – difficult requirements need R&D

• Falling further behind partners in Europe

• US focus on accelerator effort for many years

• Must now strengthen the US detector effort with increased support – must be ready with machine

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Global Organization• World wide Study (of the Phy. & Det. for Future Lin. e+e Colliders)– Co-chairs: H.Yamamoto, F. Richard, J. Brau– Workshops 2004 Paris

2005 Stanford 397 participants 2006 Bangalore 326 participants

• ALCPG (American Linear Collider Physics Group)

– Regional workshops (2005 Snowmass (650), 2006 Vancouver)– Co-chairs: M. Oreglia, J. Brau

• GDE– WWS co-chairs are members– R&D Board – C. Damerell member

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ILC Plan for Two Detectors

• ILCSC Scope Document

• GDE IR Design

• WWS Favorable Arguments– Snowmass Proceedings

Active full detectors being developed:  GLD LDC SiD 4th

Referred to as “concepts”

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• Performance requirements for ILC Detector exceed state-of-the-art– Calorimeters with ~100 million cells

• Jet resolution goal ~ 30%/ – Pixel Vertex Detector with ~109 20 m pixels

• Impact parameter resolution 5µm 10µm/(p sin3/2)– Tracking resolution – High Field Solenoid ~ 5 Tesla– High quality forward tracking systems

• R&D Essential

/GeV105)/1( 5p

Detector R&D Required

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ILC Experimental Advantages

Detector performance translates directly into effective luminosity

Elementary interactions at known Ecm*

eg. e+e- Z H * beamstrahlung manageable

Democratic Cross sectionseg. (e+e - ZH) ~ 1/2 (e+e - d d)

Inclusive Triggertotal cross-section

Highly Polarized Electron Beam ~ 80% (+ positron polarization – R&D)

Exquisite vertex detectioneg. Rbeampipe ~ 1 cm and hit ~ 3 m

Calorimetry with Particle Flow Precision E/E ~ 30-40%/E

Advantage over hadron collider on precision H c c

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Physics studies and detector concept

groups are working on simulations to

demonstrate what resolution is adequate

• Jet energy resolution goal ~ 30% / – Difference between 30% and 60% nearly equivalent to 2 L

• Particle Flow Calorimeter• Requires high granularity calorimeter

90 million, 12 mm2 cells in EM 40 million, 1 cm2 cells in Hadron

• Prototype must be tested in beam– including test PF concept

Calorimeter R&D

, ZZeeWWee


Mj3-j4 vs. Mj1-j2-> +o

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Vertex Detector R&D• Sensor matched to ILC does not exist

ILC Detector Requirements• Superb flavor tagging

impact parameter resolution ( 5µm 10µm/(p sin3/2) )• Excellent spacepoint precision ( < 4 microns )• Transparency ( ~0.1% X0 per layer )• Track reconstruction ( find tracks in VXD alone )

Sensor Requirements 20 micron pixel 1 billion pixels• <0.2% X0 ladder• Readout time constraints

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Tracker R&D/GeV105)/1( 5p


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WWS R&D Panel• Created by WWS, Spring 2005

• J-C.Brient C.Damerell (chair) R. Frey H.J.Kim W. Lohmann D.Peterson Y. Sugimoto T.Takeshita H.Weerts

• Input from all R&D groups and “Concepts”

• Compiled global data, analyzed for gaps

• ILC Detector Research and Development Status Report and Urgent Requirements for Funding

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4 year program 1/1/06 – 12/31/09

Builds on many years of well funded R&D

NOTE – this is infrastructure THERE IS MORE

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LCDRD Organization• 3 year program funded by UO umbrella grant

• FY05 – 34 proposals ($2.2M) reviewed by USLCSG panel – followed by internal DOE/NSF review– 25 projects funded 3 year grant (26 institutions)– $700k from DOE, $117k from NSF

• FY06 – 36 status reports and proposals ($2.8M) reviewed by LCSGA process plan sent to agencies– Anticipate $1.0M - $1.5M for yr 2 (waiting for agency decision)

• Labs have different organization – there is coordination and collaboration with LCDRD

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LCDRD Program FY05 Topic Projects FY05 FY06-high FY06-low $0.82M $1.44M $1.14M

LEP 5 15.7% 12.7% 14.8%VXD 1 9.0% 13.8% 13.7%TRK 8 32.6% 24.7% 21.7%CAL 9 39.0% 42.3% 41.7%PID(mu) 2 3.8% 7.3% 8.1%

no. of projects 25 34 29

WWS R&D Panel reviewed the scope of the global program, and noted there was effort on most topics, particle ID other than muon, and forward tracking being noteable weaknesses

(we are planning to support some particle ID, and forward tracking) In general, all areas active.


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LAB Detector R&D (FY06)Estimates of funding prepared at DOE, but not official

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Global Perspective (WWS R&D Panel)

US Detector R&D effort lags behind Europe

Fig 1. Urgent R&D support levels over the next 3-5 years, by funding country or region. 'Established' levels are what people think they will be able to get under current conditions, and 'total required' are what they would need to establish proof-of-principle for their project.

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Subdetector Distribution (WWS R&D Panel)

Note Calorimetry and Vertexing

Fig 2. Urgent R&D support levels over the next 3-5 years, by subdetector type. 'Established' levels are what people think they will be able to get under current conditions, and 'total required' are what they would need to establish proof-of-principle for their project.

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FY06: $7M = $5.5M (labs) + $1.5M (high LCDRD) FY07: $10M FY08: $12M FY09: $14M

TOTAL FY06-FY09 ~ $43M

Highest priorities: FY07 - calorimeter prototypes

FY08 - calorimeter prototype beam tests solenoid tracker prototypes FY09 - intensify vertex detector effort advance established R&D program



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Urgency of US ILC Detector Funding• ILC Detector R&D is moving ahead, particularly in


• For US physicists to play credible role, increased support is needed now – must be ready with machine– DOE plans to include ILC-specific R&D in ILC budget line

• How will accelerator/detector split be decided?

• Situation is in contrast to preparedness of community for the LHC, built on good detector R&D support for the SSC

• Several examples of impact of US weakness on relative advances (eg. calorimetry and vxd sensor)

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ILC Detector Funding