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Kaitlyn  Shire                                      Professor  Klinkowstein  

Selected Business Article: ��What the sleep doctors won’t tell you ����

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Kaitlyn  Shire                                                            Professor  Klinkowstein  

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Kaitlyn  Shire              Professor  Klinkowstein  

• Pulling an all nighter is risky �

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Kaitlyn  Shire          Professor  Klinkowstein  

• Keep warm, drink coffee, prepare �

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Kaitlyn  Shire          Professor  Klinkowstein  

• Nourish yourself, eat protein �

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Kaitlyn  Shire          Professor  Klinkowstein  

Setting / Activity for Ethnographic Observation: ��Students preparing for exams �

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research,  9red  students  at  the  gym  in  the  morning.  

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Ethnographic  Research  Observa9ons  

•  Most people at the gym in the morning are tired even before their workout. �

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Ethnographic  Research  Observa9ons  

•  I witnessed people walking into the gym yawning and looking as if they just woke up. �

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Ethnographic  Research  Observa9ons  

•  After people at the gym finished running, many grabbed their water bottle to rehydrate before moving on. �

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Ethnographic  Research  Observa9ons  

•  Many people chose to sit on the chairs outside of the work out area before walking home. �

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Ethnographic  Research  Observa9ons  

•  Almost everyone walking out was sweaty and partially out of breath. �

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Ethnographic  Research  Findings  

•  Before and after working out, people appear to be tired. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

IDEO TSA Project ��•  IDEO had to make airport check

points a calmer environment for passengers to make potential threats stand out. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

IDEO TSA Project ��•  A training system was designed

for TSO’s to emphasize the study of human behaviors �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

IDEO TSA Project ��•  TSA was designed to help us

never forget 9/11. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Ethnographic Research- Who are the users? ��•  Ethnographic research is

essential to the design research process. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Ethnographic Research- Who are the users? ��•  IDEO observed and interviewed

passengers at TSA to have a better understanding of the culture. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Ethnographic Research- Who are the users? ��•  The findings led IDEO to

change the physical layout of the airport and lobby. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Going Deeper, Seeing Further��•  Ethnographic researchers need

to look for less obvious ways to inform our thinking. �

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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Going Deeper, Seeing Further��•  By listening to people interact,

watch their behavior, and study their culture we see the world the way they do. �


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Ethnographic  Reading  Summary  

Going Deeper, Seeing Further��•  Ethnographic research must

keep evolving as we do, because as people change, so do their needs. �

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Tagline  Research  

•  “Coca-Cola refreshes you best.” – Coca-Cola�•  “Share moments. Share life”-

Kodak �•  “Eat fresh”- Subway�

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New  Tagline  

•  “Sleep well.”�

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Raw  Background  Images  

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Blurred  Background  Images  

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Image  and  Tagline  Study  

Sleep Well.

Kaitlyn Shire Professor Klinkowstein FA 014, Tagline Studies